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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 7 - The Sins Of The Mother

"Lexi and Will's parents have a few secrets of their own"

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Author's Notes

"This chapter deviates from the storyline somewhat but will help with future chapters in the series. IF you're just coming into the story here, I invite you to go back and read the previous chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like them, say so and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

Ellie’s story

My husband, Carl, and I first met Alex and Kate shortly after our children Alexa (Lexi) and Will started dating. By the time they got engaged, we were fast friends. We shared more than a few experiences and had numerous interests in common. One interest in particular we didn’t know we shared until many years later.

For our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, Lexi hosted a party at a small community hall not far from our home. We married fairly young, so at the time, I was forty-five and Carl was forty-seven. Most of our friends were there, including Alex and Kate, plus some old neighbors from the town where Lexi grew up.

It was a fun night, a few of our friends played instruments and, after making a considerable dent in the liquor supply, a kitchen party broke out. Around 11 pm, people started trickling away, and by midnight, there were only about ten people left, our children included.

I cornered them, or should I say Kate and I, just as they were starting to tidy up. We had been commiserating that they had not yet given us any grandchildren, so when I saw the two of them in a quiet corner cuddling and kissing I grabbed Kate and we went over.

“When are you kids going to give us some grandchildren?” I asked.

“Mom, we are trying, we really are!” protested Lexi. “It just hasn’t worked yet!”

“Maybe they’re not doing it right!” teased Kate, much to Will’s embarrassment.

Lexi gave as good as she got. “He’s doing it just fine, thank you very much!”

“Maybe they need someone to show them how it’s done!” I continued digging.

“God, Mom! Really? You kiss your husband with that mouth?” Lexi was not impressed with the turn of the conversation, so she took my hand, and we moved away.

“My Alex could show them a thing or two!” Kate said quietly as they walked away.

“So could Carl! His hands are magical!” I said. The liquor had loosened my tongue and, to a lesser extent, my inhibitions.

“He’s good?” Kate asked.

“The best!” I said.

“Alex’s gift is his tongue,” Kate whispered. “Maybe we should trade and find out?” I knew she was just teasing.

“Maybe we should!” I said. I wasn’t teasing, not even a little bit.

Carl and I had dabbled in sex with other people when Lexi was little. A few times a year, we would take her to her grandparents' for a weekend and we would play away. In the days before the internet, connecting with like-minded people was a bit more difficult than it is today, thankfully, there were private clubs where, if you knew the right people and were a little adventurous, you could find a willing partner.

And find them we did. The first time we did it we added a man to our sex life, and it was amazing! The feeling of having one cock in my pussy and one in my mouth was incredible, I was instantly hooked and couldn’t wait to do it again. The next time, we hooked up with another couple, that was the weekend I discovered that girls could be just as much fun as men. A few more encounters with both men and women resulted in a health scare so we decided that from that point on we would just reminisce and fantasize. We’d scratched that itch but it was enough.

Back to my chat with Kate. She looked at me quizzically when I suggested we swap, unsure if I was serious or not. She must have thought I was kidding because she didn’t mention any more about it.

That night, when I got Carl home, I told him about my conversation with her, and we promised that if the opportunity ever came up with them, we’d take a chance. The pussy-licking he gave me that night was nothing short of epic, as I retold about how it felt to be with a woman!

When Lexi called me to ask that her dad and I go to their house unexpectedly, I was a mixed ball of fear and excitement. Hope and dread gripped us as we walked up to their front door.


“Mom and Dad, we have some news,” she said. “You know that Will and I have been trying to have a baby, but so far we’ve not had any luck. Well, we saw our doctor a few days ago, and it turns out that I probably will never have children.” I was heartbroken, and not just for me but for her as well. She would never know the joy of holding her own child and watching it grow. Neither would she have to suffer the discomfort of childbirth and the gamut of emotions that comes with it.

She continued, “So now that we know, we have decided to try something different.”

“You’re going to adopt?” asked her father. She shook her head no.

“We’re going to use a surrogate.” We all sat in silence for a moment while the questions formed in our minds.

“What so you’re going to convince some other woman to just carry your child for you? That’s a bit out there,” Carl said.

“We probably can’t use my eggs,” she said. “We’ll probably have to get her to use her egg and Will’s sperm.”

"So, like in a test tube?” I asked.

“Most likely yes, or we could collect a sample of his sperm and inject it into her womb when the time is right,” she said.

“Inject it, how? Like using a turkey baster?” her father asked a smile forming on his face.

“No, it would be done by a doctor in a fertility clinic,” Will said.

“Well, not the collection, I would do that!” added Lexi. One thing our daughter was not was shy when it came to sex. Much like myself, it turns out.

“Oh,” I said. I thought for another moment, “Have you found anyone?”

“Not yet,” she said. “We’ll start searching next week.”

"Well, if that’s what it takes to give me grandchildren, I suppose that’s how it will be,” I said. We talked for another hour or so about the legalities of it all and they assured us that the legal work was well underway.

“Have you told Alex and Kate yet?” I asked.

“That’s tomorrow night,” said Will. “We tried to get you all here together, but the timing just didn’t work, so we’re going to visit them tomorrow.”

“Good,” said Carl. “Well, good luck, I suppose.” We got up to leave, as they promised to keep us in the loop during the process.

Two days later, I got a message from Kate. “You’ve heard about Lexi and Will, then?”

I replied that we had, and she asked that we get together and talk about it some more. We made arrangements for them to visit us the following weekend. That’s when our lives all changed.

A few months later, Lexi and Will got in touch with us and asked us to come to their house so they could update us on their progress. When we arrived, I was surprised to see two very, very pretty young women, a brunette, and a redhead, waiting in their living room. They introduced us and we all sat down to hear what they had to say.

“We told you that we were going to use a surrogate to have our baby, and we are thrilled that Sarah is a little more than three months pregnant. You are finally going to be grandparents!” Lexi said. I think my heart stopped for a moment as I heard the words I had long wanted to hear.

“Oh, how wonderful!” I cried as I stood up and hugged my daughter, then Will. “I suppose you get a hug too!” I said to Sarah. As we embraced, Kate got up and did the same. Then the men did the same, hugging both of us and then Sarah.

“Ginger is my girlfriend,” said Sarah. “She is supporting me through all of this and I could not do this without her.” Kate went over and hugged Ginger but I held back.

“You mean, you two are,…” I let the words hang there.

“Yes, we are,” said Sarah. “Look, we understand that not everyone will accept or understand our relationship but it is as real as yours is. We love each other and are planning on spending our lives together.” She hugged Ginger and kissed her softly.

“Oh, I didn’t mean any offense!” I said. “This just caught me by surprise!”

“It’s okay,” said Sarah. “The important thing is that in a little under six months, Will and Lexi will have the baby they’ve wanted for so long, and you will have your first grandchild!” Sarah knew that was all we really cared about.

“How long have you known?” asked Kate.

“We first found out a couple of months ago, but we wanted to wait until after the first trimester,” said Lexi.

“I wish you’d told us!” Kate said. “There is so much to do, so much to plan!”

“Relax, Mom, it’s all well in hand,” Will said. “We’ve started buying the things we’ll need, and the nursery is already painted. We just have to make sure everything goes smoothly for another six months!”

“Do you know what you’re having?” asked Alex.

"No, and we don’t want to know,” said Lexi.

“I wish we had been able to find out when I was pregnant,” I said. “It would have made things easier.”

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“Well, we’re going with a surprise,” said Lexi. I started to object, but Carl cut me off.

“Ellie, it’s their decision. We talked about this, you have to leave them to it,” he said.

“Yes, I know but…, of course, dear, you’re right. I’m sorry, Alexa.”

“It’s okay, Mom, I would be surprised if you didn’t try to get your ten cents worth in!” We hugged and sat back down.

“So how does this deal work, asked Carl. “The whole surrogacy thing? What’s the deal?”

Anticipating this question at some point, we had talked about this as a group and decided that Sarah would handle it.

“Well, sir, it’s like this,” she began. “A friend of mine in college earned a lot of money as a surrogate, it almost paid her way through school, so I decided I would try it. I got connected with Lexi and Will, and we came to an arrangement.” She looked at Lexi and winked. “There is money involved, plus, they pay all my expenses.”

“And after the baby is born?” he asked.

“That’s in our agreement as well,” Sarah said. “I can stay involved in the baby’s life for as long as we choose, but the financial obligation ends on delivery. Beyond that, we have all decided that Ginger will be involved as well. Just as Lexi and Will are a package deal, so are we.”

“So you’re married then,” asked Kate. Ginger shook her head.

“No, not yet,” she said. Then she looked at Sarah and said, “Maybe someday.” The unasked question lay just underneath the suggestion.

“Yes, maybe someday,” Sarah replied as she squeezed Ginger’s hand.

Then Carl asked the question we’d hoped wouldn’t be asked. “So how did you end up doing it then? The whole getting pregnant thing? Did you use test tubes in a lab or like a turkey baster? I mean, what are the mechanics?”

Sarah took another deep breath, “There are many ways to inseminate a woman’s eggs.” She held Lexi's hand. “We will tell you if you insist but that’s something we’d rather keep private if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to tell us,” I said.

"Because, mother, it’s not any of your business. I’ve never asked you how I was conceived, have I? Never wanted to know the details?” Lexi took a deep breath. "Besides, it’s not important, all that matters is that Sarah is carrying our baby, and we’re so thankful to her for it.”

I started to object, but Carl squeezed her hand again. “Just leave it, Ellie, not today. Let’s just be happy.”

“Of course,” I said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

The rest of the afternoon was spent talking about baby names, who we parents thought they should name the baby after, which car seats were the best, and many other things. Lexi showed us two moms the new nursery, and Sarah and Ginger went with them leaving the three men alone in the living room.

When we returned to the living room, we heard the guys talking but not what they were talking about, so  I asked them.

“Whether or not the kids should get a minivan,” Carl lied.

“Oh, that seems like a good idea,” said Kate. “You know, in case you decide to have more than one?”

“Let’s get this little one into the world first,” said Sarah as she rubbed her tummy.

“Oh my God, are you showing?” asked Kate. She went over and placed her hand on Sarah’s. “May I?”

“I suppose I’d better get used to it,” Sarah sighed as she removed her hand. Ellie joined them, and together the two prospective grandmas laid their hands on Sarah’s growing belly.

“Have you felt any movement yet?” I asked.

“It’s a bit early for that,” said Sarah. “Once we do, you’ll be the first to know!”

“Actually, I’ll probably be first to know,” said Ginger.

“Yes, Sweetie, you probably will!” Sarah agreed as she leaned over to kiss her girlfriend. After their lips parted, Ginger looked at both sets of parents.

“Does that make you uncomfortable?” she asked.

Afraid of offending her, they all said it didn’t. “It’s just that we’ve never met any gay women,” I lied.

“I’ll bet you know someone who is gay, and you just don’t know it,” said Ginger. “Probably more than one.”

“So you aren’t attracted to men at all?” asked Kate.

“That’s a bit personal,” said Ginger. “Let’s just say I am much more attracted to women, or should I say one woman in particular, than I am to men.” She kissed Sarah again. It was almost like she was reclaiming her after being largely ignored for most of the afternoon.

“Don’t discount that we love each other, or that we are committed to our relationship,” said Sarah. “We are no less in love or committed than you are to your partners. We might not have formalized it the way you have but make no mistake, we are as in love as much as you or as Lexi and Will.”

“I didn’t mean…,” Kate said. “Look, I’m sorry, and I don’t want to offend anyone, this is all new to me, and I’m genuinely curious. If you don’t want to answer my questions, you don’t have to.” She went to Sarah and hugged her. “You certainly don’t have to justify yourself or your life choices to me.”

“What she said,” I echoed. “We’re just so happy that you’ve agreed to give us all this opportunity. Thank you for that.”

“Thank you, I appreciate you saying so. I wouldn’t have said so at the beginning when I was wrapped around the toilet every morning, but now I can honestly say it has been my pleasure!” Sarah hugged both women.

Then Alex chimed in, “We’d love to stay and get to know you and Ginger better, but we have to run, we have dinner plans.”

“We should go too,” said Carl. “We’ll leave you kids to your evening.” He got up and shook Will’s hand and hugged Lexi tightly. “We are so thrilled for you!” Then he embraced Sarah warmly and said, "Thank you for this, young lady, you will never know how much it means to us!” Then he took Ginger’s hand, stood her up, and hugged her, “And you are a very kind and special young lady to allow the woman you love to do this for other people who you don’t even know. Thank you!” He hugged her again.

“Wow, you’re the first person to have said that,” Ginger said. “Thank you. I’d like to say it’s been easy being the, well the fourth wheel in this but sometimes it’s tough just watching from the sidelines.” She hugged him again, “But Lexi and Will have been very good at including me in everything along the way.”

Everyone made the rounds for hugs and kisses, the two would-be grandmothers hugging last. They looked into each other’s faces and said, “I’m going to be a grandma!” Kate said excitedly.

“Me too!” Ellie echoed. “I can’t wait!” We hugged again and wished the youngsters good night.

Before we drove off, Kate and I hugged again. “See you in a bit,” she said, and we got into our vehicles.

What we hadn’t told our children was that Alex and Kate’s dinner plans were with us and that the plans included much more than dinner.

About five years ago, after a Thanksgiving dinner at our house, Alex and Carl swapped wives for a night, and we have been having all sorts of wild, uninhibited sex between the four of us quite regularly ever since. The last time we did it, I went to their house for the weekend while Carl went on a fishing trip with three of his buddies. Sucking Alex’s cock while Kate ate my pussy was one of the most erotic things I had ever done.

We arrived at their house, one behind the other, and as soon as the front door closed, Kate and I were in each other’s arms. Our lips and tongues explored the other’s new familiar body, and soon we were naked on the living room floor in a lesbian sixty-nine. Our husbands watched and fondled their erections while they waited for us to invite them to join them.

After we got that out of the way, we put some clothes back on and started getting dinner ready. After dinner, the conversation turned back to our kids and the mechanics of how Sarah got pregnant.

“I think Will did it the old-fashioned way,” Carl said.

“Really?” I asked, and Alex nodded.

“I agree with Carl.” He reached over and held Kate’s hand, “Our son has a girlfriend, and his wife knows all about it.”

I guess what they say about apples falling close to the tree is true then,” Kate said. “Do you think he’s sleeping with all three of them?”

“If it were me, I would be,” said Carl. I poked him in the shoulder. “What? Did you see the bodies on those girls? You would too if you got the chance!”

“I definitely would!” I confirmed. “But Ginger said she’s gay, does she even like guys?” asked Alex.

“Actually, she said she’s more attracted to women than she is to men,” I reminded them.

“So he’s fucking all three of them,” Kate said.

“Lucky young buck!” muttered Alex.

"What about Lexi, do you think she’s bisexual?” I asked.

“Almost certainly,” Carl said. “And that isn’t a bad thing, is it?” He leaned over and kissed me and that started another round of physical intimacy between the four of us.

After kissing our husbands for a few minutes, I got up and took Kate’s hand to help her to her feet. I led her over to my husband, and then I went over and sat with hers. I blew them a kiss and then started kissing Alex.

Written by CaressofSteel
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