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Author's Notes

"New Reader? I would encourage going back to pt.40 at the very least. Returning reader? Welcome back! This is a very full and long chapter. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading!!"

Roy led Aria down the hall to his room, his heart thundering in his chest. He had never taken a woman into his room before. He opened the door, and stepped back so she could enter. As he looked over her shoulder at the mess he had left, he cursed under his breath. Not having ever expected guests, he had not cleaned his room. Dirty clothes were strewn about, his bed was a mess, books were scattered around the room.  

Aria walked into the room and giggled. She did not mind the mess, she thought it was kind of cute. She stepped carefully around the clothes, finding bare spots on the floor to put her feet. Then she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. It was not as large as Ragden’s or nearly as comfortable, but it was still a good bed. She could definitely picture herself sleeping here. Aria looked back to Roy and held out her hand to him. She giggled as he blushed and walked into the room. He stopped every couple of steps to pick up some pieces of clothing and toss them into a basket in the corner of the room.  

Finally, he stood in front of her. Aria took his hand in hers and smiled up at him. His hands were clammy and sweaty in hers. She could feel his nervousness. She could see his blood vessels pounding with his pulse. Roy stood there awkwardly, looking down at the amazingly gorgeous blonde sitting on his bed.  

Aria stood, smoothing her skirt. She leaned against Roy and felt his manhood starting to harden against her belly. She giggled. Then she wrapped her arms around his waist and turned him so that his back was towards the bed. She smiled up at him as she undid his belt buckle. Roy stood there awkwardly watching, not sure what to do. Aria unzipped his pants and pulled them down around his knees. 

His cock surged into view. Aria ran her fingers down the length of his cock, watching as his eyes squeezed shut and a visible shiver ran down his back. She gently wrapped one hand around his cock and stroked it once, watching the pre-cum form on the tip. His cock was not as large as Ragden’s or as thick, but it was still a nice cock. She knelt in front of him and ran her tongue across the head of it.  

Roy gasped loudly. He clenched his fists, then clapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to cry out. Aria looked up at him and grinned. Then she slipped his cock into her mouth and gently ran her tongue along its length. She could feel his body spasming and clenching. She stopped and withdrew it from her mouth. She did not want him to climax just yet. She slowly stood, one hand still on his cock. She leaned into him, and put one hand behind his head, pulling his face down to hers. She kissed him softly on the lips. His body quivered as he barely kissed her back. His jaw was stiff and awkward, his tongue timid. She drew back from him, grasped the edges of her top and pulled it over her head. 

Roy’s eyes went wide as he saw her incredible chest in a small, pink bra. Her nipples strained against the fabric. He started to reach out but stopped. She put her hands on his and guided them to her chest. He gently cupped her breast, running his fingers over the soft pink fabric. Aria reached around behind her back and undid the clasp. Roy gasped as the bra fell loose in his hands. Aria slid the straps off her shoulders and slid them out. Roy pulled the bra forward, revealing her perfect breasts. Roy gasped slightly. Aria smiled. She guided his hands back to her chest and let him fondle her. His hands were rough, but tender as he ran a thumb across her nipples. Aria moaned softly in pleasure. Roy was timid and unsure of himself. He shivered and closed his eyes as he gently squeezed her breasts.  

Aria unzipped her skirt, and let it drop to the floor. Then she stepped back from Roy’s grasp and slid her panties off. She stood there for a moment, just out of his reach, letting him look at her. She watched his erection throb with need and desire. She could see his wide eyes and the sweat breaking out on his brow.  

“Do you like what you see?” she asked softly. She placed her hands on hips, then slid them up her flat stomach and cupped her breasts for him. She blew him a kiss and watched his body shudder. Roy nodded vigorously.  

“Do you have a condom?” 

Roy looked at her blankly. Aria giggled. She stepped closer to him and gently clasped his throbbing erection. 

“You do want to fuck me, don’t you?” 

Roy bit his lip and nodded once.  

“Then you’ll need a condom.” 

Roy blinked twice, then pointed at the nightstand next to his bed. Aria gently pushed Roy backwards. He yelped softly and fell onto his bed, his erection standing straight up off his groin. Aria giggled, then opened the top drawer of the nightstand. She spotted a condom and grabbed it. She tore one end off and slipped the latex out. She crawled over Roy, who stared at her with wide eyes. She placed the condom on the tip of his dick and left it there for a moment, admiring how his cock had a little hat. She smiled and licked her lips, suppressing the giggle that tried to well up. She wrapped her left hand around his cock and gently rolled the condom down the length of his cock.  

She watched Roy’s face as she finished rolling the condom down his cock. He was biting his lip and sweating by this point.  

“I’ve... I’ve never done this before,” he choked out. Aria crawled up over him, poising her groin over his. She grasped his cock and pushed the tip of it through her lips, stroking it back and forth against her. She licked her lips feeling the tip of his cock throb against her dampness. 

“It’s okay,” she whispered, “I’ll take good care of you.” 

Roy nodded, but his eyes got wider, “What about Ragden? Aren’t you, his lover?” 

Aria giggled, “He does not own me, or my body.” 

As the words left her mouth, she realized he had said the same thing to her just last week. She giggled again. The word rang in her head, and she finally understood. She felt that warmth in her heart spreading. God, she loved that man. She looked back down at Roy, seeing his look of confusion. Even though she loved Ragden with all of her being, she really wanted to fuck Roy right now. She could see his desire and need burning in his eyes. The hesitancy and timidness were adorable. She could see how badly he wanted this, but he was willing to stop because he did not want to affect her relationship with Ragden. In that moment, she loved Roy. She stopped for a moment. She reflected inward. Did she love Roy? To her surprise, she realized she did. She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, hard, pushing her tongue into his mouth. She could taste his desire, his need and his care and affection for her; a woman he had never really known. But he cared, she could feel it. She sat her groin back and felt his cock slide through her lips and into her pussy.  

Roy gasped in surprise. The passion and desire of the kiss overwhelmed him. The feel of her silken pussy enveloping his manhood was more than he had ever expected it would be. He felt tears of joy on his face. Roy wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her down against his chest. Aria giggled and kissed him again.  

“What about Ragden?” Roy asked as their kiss broke. 

“What about him?” Aria cooed back. 

“Don’t you love him?” 

Aria giggled, “Of course.” 

“Then... how can you be in here with me?” 

Aria sat up and ground her hips against Roy’s. She moaned in pleasure as the full length of his cock slid up into her. She looked down and saw his eyes closed in ecstasy. She placed her hands on his chest and rocked her hips back and forth, sliding along his cock. She moaned in pleasure again and watched as Roy gasped at the sensation. 

Aria smiled down at Roy. She leaned down, laid her chest against his, and whispered in his ear, “I am here because I want to be here with you. Ragden loves me and will respect my decision. He will not love me less because of this. My question is, will you sleep okay, knowing I will go home with him and make love to him tonight?” 

Roy’s eyes flashed open, and he blushed. He bit his lip then his eyes rolled closed as Aria ground her hips against his again. 

“I... I don’t know,” Roy answered sheepishly. 

“Well,” Aria said, sitting up, placing her hands on his chest, lifting her groin off his, then sitting down heavily upon him, “Think about it. If you can live with that, then maybe we can do this again sometime.” 

Roy looked up at her and bit his lip. He reached up and gently grasped her chest while she lifted herself off his groin and sat down on him again. She moaned softly in pleasure. Then she laughed at the look on his face. 

“Shall we call him in here to ask him,” Aria asked softly. Roy’s eyes flashed open, and he blushed. Aria grinned wickedly as a thought crossed her mind. She lay down against Roy again and lifted and lowered her hips against his. Then she closed her eyes and thought about Ragden. She looked inward toward that core of hers where she could feel his love inside her. She stroked it and called to him. She felt that part of her awakening, and pulsing with life. The heat of his love started to fill her chest. She turned her head and kissed Roy softly on the lips. Roy moaned in pleasure. 


Ragden sat at the table with Emily and Sarah, watching them study. He smiled as they giggled and read the material together. Emily turned, looked at Ragden, and smiled. 

“What do you think they are doing in there?” Emily asked softly. 

Ragden laughed, “I suspect Aria is popping Roy’s cherry.” 

Emily giggled. “You think so?” 

“Pretty sure.” 

Sarah lifted her head from the book and looked at Ragden. She licked her lips and spoke huskily, “Aria can have him, I just want you.” 

Ragden shivered slightly under that hungry gaze. Then he blew a kiss to Sarah. She giggled in response and bent back over her book. Just then, Ragden felt a pulse in his chest. He felt Aria’s call to him. The warmth in his chest spread, his arousal growing. He could feel her desire, her need, her pleasure spreading. Ragden pushed his chair back and stood. Emily and Sarah looked at him with curiosity in their eyes. 

“Nothing to worry about. I am just going to check on Aria.” 

Sarah giggled and started to put her things away. “I’m coming too,” she said as she slid her book back into her back. Emily stood and hugged Ragden. He nodded down at her and then kissed her softly on the lips. Sarah stepped around the table and took Ragden’s hand in hers. Then she lifted her skirt and slid his hand between her legs. Ragden laughed as he felt how damp her lips were. Emily giggled. Ragden leaned in and kissed Sarah on the cheek, then pulled his hand back and licked his fingers. Sarah shivered as she watched. 

Ragden turned and walked down the hall. He could hear the soft sounds of moans coming from the room. He stopped at the door and gently pushed it open. Emily and Sarah crowded around him, trying to see what was going on. They spied Aria riding Roy. They could clearly see her lips spread around his erection as she rocked her hips back and forth along it. Roy’s hands were on her chest as he moaned in pleasure. 

Aria looked over her shoulder and noticed the three of them in the doorway. She sat up and waved them in. Ragden walked in, closely followed by Emily and Sarah. Sarah paused to quietly close the door. Roy looked over, then up at Aria, a shocked expression on his face. He blushed and tried to move, but Aria pushed him back down against the bed.  

Aria reached out for Ragden’s hand. She took his hand and pulled him to the bed. She turned to him and looked up at him. Roy stared at them; his eyes wide. Aria put a finger to Roy’s lips before he could say anything. Ragden smiled at them, feeling nothing but warmth and love for both. 

“You look like you are having fun,” Ragden said quietly. Roy blinked once and nodded. Aria giggled. 

“Yes, we are,” Aria answered. Then she pulled him closer and whispered huskily, “Could you please slide that big dick of yours up my ass while Roy is inside me?” 

Roy opened his mouth to say something, but Aria snapped his jaw shut with her hand. She stared into Ragden’s eyes; a pleading look on her face. Ragden leaned in and kissed Aria on the cheek. Then he looked down at Roy’s shocked face. 

“Are you okay with this, Roy?” Ragden asked. Roy blinked, not sure how to proceed. He shrugged. 

“Yes or no, Roy?”  


Ragden smiled and put a hand on Roy’s shoulder. Roy grinned stupidly for a moment, feeling the care and affection in Ragden’s touch. He could not believe what was happening, but he did not want it to stop.  

“Thank you,” Aria whispered softly. Ragden kissed her again, then stepped away from the bed. Emily and Sarah giggled. Ragden undid his shorts and dropped them to the floor. Then he pulled his boxers down. He picked up both, folded them neatly, and placed them on a chair. Sarah sauntered over and cupped Ragden’s balls as she kissed him softly on the lips. Then Sarah turned and bent over, rubbing her ass against Ragden’s cock. She flipped up her skirt, grabbed Ragden’s cock and slid into her waiting pussy. Sarah moaned loudly, as Ragden grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him. His big cock thumped heavily against her cervix and Sarah moaned again louder. Then Sarah grabbed Aria’s hips and lowered her face to her ass. Aria moaned as Sarah ran her tongue over her tight asshole. Then Sarah bent over a little lower and ran her tongue over Roy’s balls.  

Roy gasped at the sudden soft touch. He involuntarily thrust up into Aria, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Aria looked down at him and grinned. She leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips, as Sarah ran her tongue along his cock and into Aria’s soft folds. Then Sarah cupped Roy’s balls as she ran her tongue along Aria’s asshole. Both Roy and Aria moaned in pleasure.  

Ragden watched, amused, as he gently stroked in and out of Sarah’s tight, wet pussy. Sarah tried to focus on the incredible pussy in front of her but found herself getting pulled back to the sensation of Ragden’s big dick pushing against her cervix over and over. Sarah felt the pressure increasing within her. This moment was not about her but about Aria and Roy. Sarah licked one finger and slid it into Aria’s ass while Ragden continued to gently pump in and out of her pussy. Sarah pulled her finger out of Aria’s ass, causing her to yelp softly in surprise. Then Sarah leaned over her and ran her tongue around her ass, then pushed it into her. Aria moaned in pleasure. 

Sarah stood, patted Aria’s ass softly, then stepped away from Ragden. Sarah moaned loudly as Ragden’s cock slipped from her folds. Sarah turned and looked at Ragden’s dick hungrily. She was about to step forward, but stopped and grinned. Then she looked up at Ragden and whispered huskily, “She is all prepared for you, love.” 

Aria looked over her shoulder and watched as Ragden kissed Sarah softly on the lips. Aria bit her lip as Ragden stepped away from Sarah and up to her. Ragden placed a knee between Roy’s legs and nudged him. 

"Can you make a little room, please?” Ragden asked. Roy blushed and spread his legs. Ragden stepped between Roy’s knees and placed the head of his cock against Aria’s ass. Aria felt the heat and pressure against her tight hole, and she moaned in anticipation. Ragden placed his hands on Aria’s hips to hold her steady as he gently pushed against her. Aria moaned loudly as she felt the pressure increase. Roy looked up at her, watching the look on her face as Ragden’s cock pressed into her. Ragden wiggled his hips from side to side, gently stretching her ass to fit his size. 

Aria gasped as the head of his cock slipped into her. She felt that large tip inside her, and she took several deep breaths. It felt so amazing to have Roy’s dick in her pussy, pressing against her walls while Ragden slowly entered her ass. She never thought it would feel quite like this.  

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” Ragden asked softly, his hands resting on her waist, gently massaging her. Aria nodded her head vigorously as she bit her lip. Roy craned his head up to see over Aria. Ragden noted that his eyes were wide. Ragden reached out and grabbed Roy’s hand and held it for a moment. Then he slid Roy’s hands to Aria’s waist. Aria moaned as the two men held her waist.  

Ragden gently leaned against Aria, sliding more of his cock into her. Aria gasped loudly as his massive dick slid deeper into her. She could feel the two dicks in her squeezing her insides, creating pressure in places she had never felt before. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to get her body to relax. There was pain. Her body being stretched in ways she had not foreseen. She felt tears in her eyes. She blinked and gasped. Then she took several deep breaths and looked over her shoulder and nodded to Ragden. 

He held her gently as he slid a little deeper into her. He paused when she gasped again. Aria’s body shuddered, her muscles spasming. Her inside clenching against the invasion inside her. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Aria grabbed Roy’s shoulders, holding them tightly in her hands, her nails digging into his flesh as she tried to force herself to relax. Ragden waited patiently for her to ask him for more. He watched her gasp and spasm. Her body shuddering and twitching.  

Ragden closed his eyes and felt Aria’s energy. He could feel the maelstrom of desire in her. The need for what she had asked for. He reached out with his love and gently caressed it. Calmed it. He shared his love with that burning fire within her. He felt the intensity of it start to relax. He opened his eyes and looked down at Aria. Her breath was mellowing out. Her body was no longer spasming as hard. She looked up at him with gratitude in her eyes. Tears slipped down her cheeks. She bit her lip and nodded. 

Ragden squeezed her waist gently as he slowly slid deeper into her. This time, she did not gasp but sighed in pleasure. Ragden leaned into her and slid the last of his dick inside her. His groin bumped against her ass. His balls resting just above Roy’s. Aria released Roy’s shoulders and reached back to grab Ragden’s ass. She felt the space between; his flesh pushed to hers. She grinned wickedly. She had never felt so full in her life. It was the most marvelous feeling. She looked down at Roy, who lay there in shock.  

Roy felt his body throbbing with need. He had never felt anything like it. His dick was pressed deep into Aria’s tight pussy, now compressed by the awesome size of Ragden’s dick in her ass. Roy closed his eyes, unable to believe what was happening. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought he would get to put his dick in Aria, let alone have another man in there with him. His mind was officially blown. He looked up at Aria’s face and saw the absolute ecstasy written across her features. She smiled down at him, giddy with joy. She kissed him, and he could not help but smile back at her. His heart swelled with joy. Then he felt a shift and a lessening of pressure on his dick. He looked over Aria’s shoulder and saw that Ragden was pulling back. Then he grunted as the pressure increased. Aria’s eyes widened, and she moaned in pleasure. He felt the same pressure release and increase on him as well. He watched in awe as Ragden slid his dick in and out of Aria’s tight ass. Aria’s eyes slipped closed, and she bit her lip, her breath rushing in and out through her nose as she did. He could not help but wonder what that was like as she moaned in ecstasy on top of him. He felt his climax approaching fast as he felt that same pressure along the length of his dick inside her. Roy’s curiosity suddenly got the better of him. 

Ragden slid his dick in and out of Aria’s tight ass, in a slow rhythm, savoring how incredibly tight she felt. He had not thought this would be on the menu today, but sliding in and out of Aria, while Roy had his dick in her felt amazing. He could feel Aria’s orgasm swiftly building. He stopped when he saw Roy’s hand off Aria’s back waving at him. He cocked an eyebrow and leaned against Aria, sliding his dick home against her ass. Aria moaned in pleasure. He leaned into her, looking over her shoulder at Roy. 

“Did you need something, Roy?” Ragden asked, his eyebrow raised in question. Aria moaned softly, feeling their dicks throbbing inside her. She could feel Roy pressed against her chest and Ragden against her back. She was sandwiched between them, and it felt amazing. 

Roy looked up at Ragden with a pleading look on his face, “I... I need to know what... What it's like.” 

Ragden continued to stare, his expression not changing.  

“Your dick, my ass.” 

Ragden blinked once. He was not quite sure he understood the question right. He raised an eyebrow, and spoke softly, “You want my dick in your ass?” 

Roy nodded. Aria giggled and kissed Roy. When her lips parted from his, he nodded. “Please. I have to know.” 

Aria turned to Ragden and kissed his cheek, then nodded. Ragden shrugged and raised himself up off Aria. She groaned softly, no longer feeling his pulse at her back, his flesh on hers, but she smiled at Roy and kissed him again. 

“As you wish, Roy.” Ragden said softly. He leaned back, sliding his cock slowly from Aria’s ass. Both Roy and Aria groaned in pleasure as they felt the pressure shifting and lessening. Aria’s insides quivered in anticipation. She had felt both inside her, and now that Ragden was no longer there, she craved that fullness again. She had never imagined how stretched and full it would make her feel. She bit her lip and looked down at Roy. He smiled softly at her.  

She kissed him again, then whispered against his cheek, “Are you sure you are ready for this?” 

Roy blinked, then shook his head, “No, I’m sure I'm not ready, but I want to know what you feel.” 

Aria felt tears on her cheeks again as she kissed him again. She cupped the sides of his face and kissed him passionately, slipping her tongue into his mouth to taste his nervousness, his desire, and his curiosity.  

Ragden watched, then gently nudged Roy’s thighs to widen them. Then he placed the head of his cock against Roy’s ass. Emily and Sarah watched in fascination. Sarah lifted her skirt and rubbed her clitoris as she watched. Ragden gently pushed his cock against Roy’s ass, using his hand to slide it around the small opening in gentle circles, slowly increasing the pressure. 

Roy gasped at the pressure against his ass. He had never felt anything like it before and was unsure what to expect. He felt some slight pain as the pressure increased, his ass starting to stretch over the tip of Ragden’s big dick. Roy reached around Aria, and squeezed her against his chest, feeling her pussy clench on his cock. The pressure in his ass increased, and he groaned. Then he remembered how Aria had taken quick, deep breaths, trying to relax herself as Ragden slid into her. He did the same, taking deep breaths and trying to relax his muscles. The pressure on his ass increased, but there was less pain. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine his ass opening and allowing that heavy meat to slide in. The pressure increased, and he gasped as he felt something large slide into him. His cock throbbed hard inside Aria.  

Aria gasped in pleasure against him, feeling his cock suddenly get extremely hard inside her. That was unexpected. She rocked her groin against his, sliding herself up and down on his cock. She kissed his lips and moaned in pleasure. She watched the concentration on his face. She could see the tightness around his eyes, the pain he was experiencing. She kissed his lips, but he did not respond to her.  

Ragden gently pressed against Roy’s ass, the tip of his cock now inside. He pushed a little harder, sliding deeper into him. Roy gasped loudly, then took several deep breaths. Ragden drew back the small amount he had entered. Then he pushed forward again once Roy had caught his breath. Roy exhaled sharply again, and Ragden stopped.  

“No. Don’t. Please. Don’t stop.” Roy coughed, his voice tight with pain and something more. Ragden drew back slightly and slid again into Roy. Ragden watched Aria sliding herself up and down on Roy’s cock. He slapped her ass lightly, and she gasped in pleasure. Then Ragden set his hands on Roy’s thighs and gently pressed deeper into him. Roy gasped again, then took several deep breaths to calm himself. Ragden drew back and slid deeper.  

“Holy fuck,” Roy gasped, “How much...”  

Roy felt his heart beating furiously in his chest. He had never felt anything like this. His dick felt like it was going to burst inside Aria. His erection felt swollen. Every time Ragden slid in and out of him, his dick throbbed. He could feel Ragden’s big dick pushing against his bowels, hitting some spot in him he never knew existed. His dick throbbed harder. He felt his balls swelling with need and knew he could not hold back much longer. He looked up at Aria with tears in his eyes, seeing the ecstatic joy on her face as she continued to ride him. He wanted nothing more than to make her happy, to give her anything she could ever ask for. 

Ragden drew back and slid his dick the final length up Roy’s ass. Roy felt Ragden’s hips gently press into him. It was the last straw, he bucked wildly, his hips bouncing of their own accord. 

“Holy fuck! Oh Fuck,” Roy cried out, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” 

Roy felt his orgasm explode into Aria, but he could not stop moving. Every time he thrust up into Aria, he felt Ragden’s dick slid back out of his ass. As he drew back from Aria, Ragden’s dick went deeper into him, and his dick throbbed and exploded again. He felt cum blasting into the condom. A stray thought passed through him, wondering if that condom would hold. But he ceased to care as he thrust again, felt Ragden slide back, and he dropped back, and Ragden’s cock went up his ass, and their hips bumped together. He immediately thrust again, blindly, unable to stop himself.  

Roy continued to bounce wildly for several minutes, his cock continued to explode with every thrust and counter thrust. Ragden stood still, letting Roy ride out his orgasm. Aria moaned in pleasure as her own orgasm exploded within her. She held Roy’s face gently in her hands as her body spasmed and convulsed against his cock.  

Ragden waited, standing perfectly still. Roy eventually settled; his hips pressed firmly against Ragden. Ragden chuckled, his cock deep in Roy’s bowels, twitching inside him. Ragden felt his orgasm as a slightly distance thing, waiting for its chance. This had not been about him, but about Roy. He smiled as he watched Roy’s body twitch and spasm.  

“Roy,” Ragden said softly, “I am going to withdraw now. Are you okay?” 

“Oh fuck,” Roy said softly, his voice hoarse. He raised one hand up and gave Ragden a thumbs up. Ragden laughed and grabbed Roy’s hand. Then he slid his hand up and grasped the man’s forearm. Roy grabbed Ragden’s in response. Slowly, Ragden leaned back, sliding his cock from Roy’s ass. Roy moaned loudly, as the pressure inside him started to lessen. He groaned and thrashed as he felt that massive meat slipping out of him. They squeezed each other’s arms tightly until finally Ragden slipped his cock free from Roy. Roy lay on the bed, gasping for breath. He had not realized he had held his breath until Ragden had fully left him. Aria kissed him hard on the lips and Roy returned it with every bit of passion he could muster. 

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When their lips broke, Roy was laughing, as was Aria. Roy nuzzled Aria’s face with his. Then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Aria giggled in his firm embrace. Ragden stood at the edge of the bed watching, smiling.  

Sarah walked over to Ragden, cupped his balls, and kissed him on the lips. Emily knelt in front of Ragden. Sarah stepped to the side as Emily gently licked the head of Ragden’s dick. Ragden closed his eyes, feeling her soft tongue and lips on his swollen manhood. Sarah leaned against Ragden and whispered against his cheek. 

“You didn’t cum?” 

Ragden shook his head. Sarah laughed 

“Why not?” 

Ragden shrugged. Emily sucked on his cock, savoring the taste of his pre-cum and sweat. She gently cupped his balls and squeezed them as she deep throated his cock. Ragden inhaled sharply as his cock slipped down her throat. Emily tried to swallow, causing her throat to collapse on his cock, and slid herself back and forth. Ragden moaned in pleasure. Then Emily backed off. She took a deep breath then stood.  

“This was not about my release. This was for Roy,” Ragden said quietly. All three of them turned and looked at Roy who lay in bliss, his body still shuddering with the aftershocks of his incredible climax. Aria was still straddled over his groin, laying against his chest, enjoying how it felt to be on top of him.  

Roy groaned as his dick softened and slipped out of Aria. Aria looked at him in surprise, then climbed up off him. She saw his limp dick laying against his leg, still in the condom. It had held, but now it was dumping the collection of his juices all over his lap. Aria climbed off the bed and knelt between Roy’s legs. She lifted the condom off his limp dick and proceeded to lick the moisture from his groin. Roy moaned in pleasure while she did this. She then picked up his limp dick and licked it clean. Roy tried to sit up but lacked the strength to do so. He simply slumped back against the bed and let Aria do as she wanted.  

When she was finished, Aria stood. She walked over to the garbage can and dropped the used condom inside it. Then she walked back over to the bed and curled up against Roy’s side. She kissed his cheek softly, then rested her head on his chest. Roy draped a weak arm around her side and pulled her against him. His eyes half opened, and he looked at Ragden. 

“Thanks,” he mustered, sleepily.  

Ragden patted his hand affectionately, “Any time, my friend.” 

Emily stood, one hand still on Ragden’s throbbing erection. She leaned into him and kissed him softly on the lips. 

“I think you need some release before we head home,” she whispered lustily, “Can’t have you getting blue balls on the way home now, can we?” 

“No,” Ragden responded, slipping his hands under her skirt, and grabbing her ass. He pulled her against him, his cock pressed against her bare stomach, “I suppose not.” 

Emily pushed against Ragden and took a step back. She reached under her skirt and slipped her panties off. She held up the black lace and handed them to Ragden. He took them, deeply inhaled their scent, then handed them to Sarah. Sarah laughed, then put them on. Emily glared at Sarah, and Sarah stuck her tongue out at her. Ragden grabbed Emily by the hips and pulled her against him. Emily gasped softly but spun as Ragden pulled her to him. The result was her ass thumping against his cock. She grabbed the edge of her skirt and flipped it up on top of her back, then bent over.  

Ragden bent his knees slightly and ran his cock up through Emily’s wet folds. Emily moaned softly in delight as she slipped one hand between her legs and pushed the tip of Ragden’s cock into her hot, wet pussy. Ragden grabbed Emily’s hips to hold her steady and then gently slid up into her. His cock thumped softly against her cervix. 

“Fuck!” Emily exclaimed in delight. That impact inside her sent a shockwave of ecstasy through her entire body. Sarah chortled with glee watching them. Emily bent over farther, putting her ass in the air while Ragden pulled back and thrust into her again. She yelped as she almost lost her balance. Ragden’s hands on her hips held her steady. She giggled madly as she tried to stand up. Sarah walked over to her and took her hands, helping her stand straight. Then Ragden drew back and gently thrust into her again.  

Sarah held Emily steady as she stood bent over, with her ass against Ragden’s groin. Ragden gripped her hips firmly, then slid back and slid into her gently. His cock thumped into her cervix. Emily moaned in delight. Sarah put her hands on Emily’s chest, squeezing her breasts gently as Emily stood up straight. Ragden pulled her hips against his groin and leaned against her, kissing the back of her neck, then her ear.  

Emily moaned in pleasure, feeling his throbbing cock deep in her pussy, pushing against her cervix. She flexed her muscles, squeezing her pussy around his massive length. Ragden gasped sharply, as he felt her squeezing him.  

“Damn,” he hissed in her ear, “Can you keep doing that?” 

Emily nodded, focusing on clenching those muscles. Ragden drew back and pushed up into her again. The tightness around his length heightened the sensation, and he felt the pressure inside him increasing. His balls clenched, feeling heavy as he drew back and slid up into her again. Emily gasped, feeling his size push against her clenched muscles. Sarah squeezed her breasts at the same time as Ragden drew back and slid up into her again. Emily gasped, feeling the pressure inside her increase. 

Aria smiled as she laid her head on Roy’s chest, watching. Roy’s breath was even and deep. She suspected he had nodded off, but when she lifted her head, she saw his eyes were half-open, though partially glazed over. She watched as Ragden continued to slide his massive length in and out of Emily’s tight pussy. She giggled, watching the look of sublime pleasure on Emily’s face. She looked at Ragden’s face and saw him sweating, the intensity of his expression deepening as he started to pick up his pace.  

Ragden felt the energy within him start to awaken and swell. He continued to thrust into Emily, picking up speed as the tightness in his balls increased. The pressure on his dick inside Emily was somehow increasing as well. He could feel Emily’s muscles trembling as she continued to clench against his thrusts into her. 

Emily furrowed her brow, straining to clench the muscles that tightened her vagina along the length of Ragden’s dick. It felt amazing, having him thrust and withdraw against those tightened muscles. She felt the sweat beading on her brow and starting to slip down her nose. She tried to keep her breathing level, but found she was having a hard time getting enough air. She could feel Ragden’s energy starting to swell within him. Within her, she felt an answer to his energy swelling inside her. She gasped as the waves of pleasure stoked that inner furnace, and she felt the heat of it swelling in her chest. 

Sarah’s eyes widened as she felt the swelling of energy within Emily. Her hands started to tingle. She closed her eyes as she felt something starting to uncoil within her. Like some slumbering dragon waking from a deep sleep, she felt it swelling within her. She gasped as she found herself breathing in time to Emily’s gasps. Sarah felt a tightness welling up between her legs. She squeezed her legs together, which had the opposite effect of what she had hoped. She felt her pussy growing damp, soaking the panties she was wearing. The lace rubbed against her clit. 

“Fuck,” Sarah moaned softly, overwhelmed by her desire to have something, anything, inside her. She looked at Emily, not sure how to vocalize what she wanted. She saw a look of need on Emily’s face that echoed her own need. Sarah cursed again, knowing she would have to wait.  

Emily felt a surge of energy inside her and could no longer clench the muscles anymore. She released and gasped, her breath ragged as she tried to catch it. Ragden thrust up into her, his dick crashing into her cervix with enough force to stagger her forward. She leaned into Sarah, who squeezed her breasts. Emily gasped and thrust her ass against Ragden’s groin, feeling his cock push harder against her cervix. 

Ragden moved his hands from her waist to her hips. His fingers dug into her hips, locking her in place. She felt the pressure and moaned, feeling him holding her in place. Then he leaned forward, pressing his chest against her back. She craned her neck, pressing her head against his shoulder, feeling the solidness of him against her back. Aria nodded, silently begging him to continue. Ragden kissed her neck, grazing her soft skin with his teeth, then leaned back from her, standing up straight. 

Emily moaned in pleasure as she felt Ragden straighten. She could feel the power building up in him. She felt the energy pulsing inside her, coursing through her. She looked at Sarah and saw Sarah’s need painted on her face. Emily reached up, placed her hands on Sarah’s face, and pulled her to her. She kissed her passionately, her tongue slipping into Sarah’s mouth. She tasted the other woman’s desire for love and sex. She could feel Sarah’s burning need to be consumed by someone who loved her, who would dominate her and use her, washing away her own petty concerns and worries. Emily saw then how Sarah had never felt loved by her mother.  

Images flashed through Emily’s mind. Sarah as a child, her mother dominating the house. Every aspect of their life ruled over and controlled by her. Every moment she was there, something set and specific to be done. It had been a harsh life to live, the punishments for mistakes severe, but there had been comfort in being controlled. Not having to make decisions, knowing that everything was laid out and set, and all she had to do was follow the schedule. 

Then her mother had disappeared. Her father had never been the dominant one, but he had loved her and let her grow into the woman she had become. Strong and independent. It had taken years to get used to a life where her choices and decisions mattered, where she felt valued. Yet, there was always a nagging core of her being that thought that love, true love, meant being dominated and controlled. That had translated into the kind of sex she wanted, craved, and needed so she could feel loved. Emily understood. 

Emily looked at Sarah and felt the tears slipping down her cheeks. She kissed Sarah again, and saw the tears on Sarah’s cheeks. She wanted to hug her and love her, and show her how much she cared, but knew this was not the right time. 

“I love you,” Emily whispered to Sarah. Sarah leaned into Emily and sobbed against her. Then Ragden started to draw back from Emily. She felt his big dick sliding from her tight pussy, and she moaned loudly. The energy in her body suddenly expanded, filling her awareness. The world became crisp, the details sharp as diamonds. She saw every tiny hair on Sarah’s beautiful face. Time seemed to move in slow motion for Emily. She felt the power inside her blossoming, expanding, and reaching out to Sarah and Ragden. She connected them in some cosmic circle of love and power.  

Through her hands, she could feel Sarah’s sadness and need to be dominated. She could feel the beat of her heart, the rise of her chest with each breath. She could feel Sarah’s pussy clenching with the need to be filled. The fluids that dripped from her labia soaked the lace panties between her legs. Emily wanted to laugh, cry, and shout to the heavens all the love she felt for Sarah.  

Emily could also feel Ragden behind her. His massive dick started to slide into her. The hard ridges of his gland as it slipped deeper into her, pushing the walls of her vagina out as it slid up into her. She could feel his power and love as it filled her. Flowing through his arms and up his dick, into her. She could feel the ridges of the patterns in his fingers as they gripped her hips, holding her in place so that she did not fall over when his dick crashed into her cervix. She could smell the sweat on his skin. But more than anything else, she could feel his love. His all-encompassing and consuming love for her, Sarah, Aria, and... more. She could feel his concern and care for Roy. His love for Selina. His love for his mother and father. His concern for every person he met and interacted with. His simple, loving view of life around him. It struck her with awe, and made her heart want to burst. She loved him so much that her chest hurt with it. Emily gasped. 

Emily moaned as his dick slid deeper into her and crashed into her cervix. The shockwave rippled through her body. She felt her breasts rock against her lace bra as it strained to hold them in place. Then, her orgasm exploded within her. She heard Ragden cry out as his energy burst inside her, his cum exploding into her, filling her tight vagina. Her energy rode through her groin, filled her vagina, and flowed into Ragden. It flowed up his arms, into his groin, through his dick, and into him. There, she felt it mingle with the core of who he was.  

Ragden felt his orgasm explode into Emily. She orgasmed at the same moment, and he felt her energy ride up into him. His body jerked, and he slid his dick back from within her. He held her steady and thrust into her again, his dick crashing into her cervix with even more force. She cried out at the impact. Sarah shuddered and twitched as she held Emily. Then Ragden drew back and thrust into Emily again, feeling his orgasm explode again. The energy she had given him exploded back up into her. 

Emily thrashed and bucked against Ragden as the energy rode through her. It swirled within her. She bucked against him, pulling her groin off his, then thrust her ass against him again. As his cock crashed into her cervix again, she felt another orgasm rip through her. She felt the energy inside her release back into Ragden. 

This time, Ragden held her steady against him. He felt the energy ride up into him, but he relaxed as it rolled through him. He held Emily steady, feeling her body still trembling against his. Emily put her hands on Sarah’s shoulders to help herself stand up straight. She heaved a deep breath and leaned back against Ragden. Emily rested her head against his chest, feeling his steady pulse against her back, his warm breath against her ear. Emily smiled and giggled. She could feel his massive cock pressed against her cervix, filling her vagina, her labia stretched tight around his girth. 

Sarah pulled her hands back from Emily’s chest as Ragden moved his hands up to cup them through her shirt. Sarah bit her lip, still feeling that burning desire deep inside her. She took a deep breath, feeling horny and needing that big cock in ways she could only barely describe. Sarah leaned forward and kissed Emily softly on the lips. Emily moaned in response and kissed her back, her tongue slipping into Sarah’s mouth. Sarah moaned in pleasure. 

Ragden cupped Emily’s sizeable chest, pulling her body against his, feeling her pulse slowing and relaxing. He could feel his cock still throbbing gently inside her. Her body felt amazing on his. He looked over and saw Aria biting her lip as she rested her head on Roy’s chest. Roy only looked half awake, his eyes half closed, his breathing deep and even. Aria’s naked body curled against his. Ragden smiled and winked at Aria. Aria licked her lips, then mouthed the words ‘I love you’ and smiled again. 

Ragden kissed Emily on the back of the ear, hearing her moan softly in pleasure. Then he slid his hands to her hips to hold her steady as he started to withdraw from her. Emily moaned and bent over, thrusting her ass back into his groin, sliding his cock back into her cervix. She gave a small gasp of pleasure, looked over her shoulder, and winked at Ragden. He chuckled, then started to withdraw again. Emily sighed and stood upright, letting him pull out of her. She groaned as she felt his heat slide from within her. She felt her vagina collapsing back to its normal size inside her. She never did like this part. She wondered how long she would have to wait until she could feel him in her again. She turned and watched him start to gather his clothes, his massive cock starting to soften and shrink back to its more normal size.  

“Time to go,” Ragden said softly. Aria sighed and pouted. She looked at Roy, peacefully resting on top of his covers. She sat up, then bent over him, and softly kissed him on the lips. He started to stir, but Aria patted him on the chest and whispered something into his ear. He settled back, and his eyes closed as he drifted off to sleep. Aria carefully climbed over him, then started to gather her clothes.  

Emily settled her skirt back into place, then helped gather Aria’s clothes for her. Aria slipped her bra in place, and Emily fastened the clasp behind her back. Ragden had already slipped his boxers back on and was zipping up his shorts. 

Sarah silently opened the door to his room and crept into the hall, stepping slowly and softly. Emily followed, then Ragden; Aria lingered for a moment watching Roy sleep. She blew him a kiss, then slipped the door closed. As they turned to walk down the hall, Aria hugged Ragden fiercely, pulling her body tight against hers. Ragden smiled and wrapped his arms around her.  

“Thank you,” She whispered against his chest. She looked up at Ragden and saw the kind smile on his face. Ragden leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. Then he moved his head next to her ear and whispered softly to her. 

“I love you and accept you for who you are,” his soft deep voice sent a shiver of pleasure down Aria’s spine, “I love that you wanted to share that with Roy, and I was happy to assist you. You will always be welcome in my bed, as long as you want to be there.” 

Ragden stood and noticed tears in Aria’s eyes. She blinked hard, then hugged him again, drying her face on his shirt. He patted her back reassuringly and felt the soft hitch in her breath as she regained her composure. Aria wrapped her arm around Ragden’s waist and walked with him into the living room. 

Emily stood in the living room, her hands on her hips, glaring at Sarah. For her part, Sarah had a look of shocked innocence on her face. 

“Can I please have my panties back?” Emily said softly, insistently, “You may have walked here bare-assed, but I’d like to wear my panties. IF YOU DON'T MIND.” 

"But... What if I do mind? These feel so good pressed against my pussy,” Sarah pulled up her skirt and rubbed her hand against her pussy, feeling the lace scrape across her sensitive folds. Sarah moaned in pleasure, while Emily glared. 

Ragden stepped away from Aria and cocked an eyebrow at Sarah. Sarah stopped, put her skirt down, and pouted. She looked at Emily apologetically, then reached under her skirt and slid the panties down her legs. Then she handed the panties to Emily. Emily smiled, thanked her, and slid them on. Sarah pranced over to Ragden and wrapped her arms around him. She pressed her body against him and looked up into his face pleadingly. 

“I got to watch you fuck Aria, then Roy, then Emily. Can you please, please, fuck me before we go?” 

Ragden laughed, then grabbed Sarah by the shoulder and spun her round. She gasped softly as Ragden grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back. He held them in one hand, then pushed her into the back of the couch, bending her over it. With his other hand, he flipped her skirt up onto her back, exposing her bare ass. Ragden tightened his grip on Sarah’s hands, holding them against the small of her back and pressing her down against the couch while she squirmed. 

Emily watched with a shocked expression on her face. Then she closed her eyes and could sense the pure satisfaction Sarah was experiencing. Yes, she fought, but only half-heartedly. This was what she really wanted. Emily could tell that Sarah knew if she really wanted to be let go; all she had to do was ask.  

Sarah struggled, trying to twist her hands free, but Ragden’s grip was too tight, too strong. She felt herself growing damper, her fluids leaking down her legs at the thought of her helplessness. She could not wait until he slammed that monstrous cock into her. She wanted to feel it filling every hole, his cum dripping from within her. She wanted him to fuck her so hard she could no longer walk. 

Ragden squeezed Sarah’s wrists a little tighter and heard her gasp. With his other hand, he unzipped his shorts and let both his shorts and boxers drop to his ankles. Then he planted one foot between Sarah’s legs and kicked them open, spreading her legs. 

“Oh fuck,” Sarah gasped softly, feeling even more fluid leaking down her legs. Ragden stepped up between her legs and pressed the head of his cock against her soft folds. He pushed it around, teasing her lips open with it. Then he slid it up against her clitoris. Sarah felt it slide along her groin, between her body and couch. She cried out softly in protest. Then Ragden slid it back and slid the head of his cock through her lips. He teased the entrance of her vagina, then pulled back. Sarah cried out again at the tease, at how he denied her.  

Satisfied that his dick was now sufficiently soaked in her fluids, Ragden placed the head of his cock against Sarah’s asshole. He leaned into her, pushing it into her. Not giving her a moment to wonder what he was going to do next.  

“FUCK!” Sarah barked as his cock slid up her ass. He kept the pressure steady and leaned his weight into her until his groin pressed against her ass. Sarah moaned, her breath coming in short gasps as she felt her bowels filled by his cock. Sarah stopped struggling and lay there, twitching with his big dick filling her bowels. Then he started to pull back, and she gasped again. Then he slid back into her. She smiled as his groin pressed against hers. She could not believe how full her bowels felt. How amazing it felt to feel his pulse in her ass. She could feel the slight pain of her rectum stretched around his girth, but it was a pain that she loved. A pain that made her feel alive. That reminded her that this was not heaven, but as close as she was going to get. 

Ragden drew his hips back until only the tip of his cock remained inside Sarah. Then he leaned into her, driving into her bowels. He could hear her breath gasping as he slid into her. Then he slid back and into her again, starting to pick up speed. He could feel her desire rolling off her in waves. Her body clenched against his as he pushed into her, then relaxed as he slid back. He started slow with long, deep strokes. Nearly drawing out of her, then sliding all the way into her again. Her small protests as he withdrew, and her gasps of pleasure as he drove into her drove him to move faster. He could feel her starting to buck against him, driving back into him as he pushed into her. Their groins thumped together harder, driving him deeper into her.  

Moving together, their pace started to pick up. Aria stood just behind Ragden, watching how Sarah bucked against Ragden’s thrusts. She watched the couch shake each time his groin thumped into her ass. She could see the vibrations in Sarah’s plump ass as he pushed into her. Aria was slightly awestruck by the intensity of how he fucked her ass. She felt herself growing damp again, wishing she could be the one bent over the couch with that big dick in her ass. Her mind went back to Roy, and his smaller, but no less pleasurable dick. She had really enjoyed feeling him inside her, but it did not compare to how Ragden filled her. Still, there had been something incredibly erotic about having Ragden slide his dick up Roy’s ass, while Roy fucked her. She would never forget how that felt, and wondered if she could do that again sometime. Another cry from Sarah snapped her back to reality as she saw the couch starting to rock with each massive thrust. Aria felt her bowels clenching as she watched. It was incredibly hot how Ragden held Sarah down and fucked her. Aria found herself drooling and had to snap her mouth shut and lick her lips.  

Emily watched, amused. She knew in her heart that this was what Sarah wanted. To be dominated and fucked like a whore. Emily could see the appeal. To be held down and fucked savagely, it looked like fun. Still, what Emily really loved was how Ragden made love to her. How he filled her pussy with that incredible dick and loved her. How he slipped that cock up her ass and came in her bowels, filled her with how much he loved being inside her. She hugged herself, squeezing her breasts as she watched him fuck Sarah. Emily smiled as she felt Sarah’s climax starting to rise. Through her bond, Emily could feel their joint climaxes rising. She closed her eyes and felt her bond with Ragden and Sarah. She could feel Ragden’s dick in her ass. She could feel how it felt to have Sarah’s ass wrapped around Ragden’s dick. The duality of the sensations was overwhelming. Emily snapped back to herself and found that she had her arousal dripping down her legs. 

Ragden pushed Sarah down even harder against the couch as he thrust harder and faster into her. He could feel his climax rising and welcomed it. He could feel the energy in Sarah swirling, tightening, starting to expand through her consciousness. He smiled as he felt it start to bleed through the fiber of her being. Sarah’s breath came in short bursts, punctuated with each brutal thrust Ragden gave her. His massive dick slammed in and out of her bowels.  

Then the dams burst, and Sarah cried out as her orgasm blotted out her existence. Her body shook and bucked, driving her ass hard against Ragden’s groin. He drew back and thrust into her again. As his groin crashed into her ass, he felt his orgasm explode. Cum erupted from his dick, blasting into her bowels. Sarah cried out again, and she bucked even harder, driving Ragden back, so he thrust into her again, slamming his dick into her bowels again. Another burst of cum exploded into her. He felt the energy ride into her, filling her with his essence. He felt her energy crashing into him, riding back up his cock into him. Somehow, that mutual exchange both nourished and filled him. Unlike the tradeoff he had had with Emily, this did not cause him to suddenly fuck her like a wild man.  

Ragden released his grip on Sarah’s hands. Her arms dropped to the sofa by her sides. She pushed herself up and looked over her shoulder at him, and grinned. Her hair was damp with sweat, stray strands stuck to her forehead and across her face. She giggled like a fiend and started to stand, then stopped and groaned. Then she slumped back over, plopping her face into the cushions and laughed.  

Ragden leaned over her and grasped her shoulders. He pulled her upright. She was still giggling as he pulled her back against his chest. His dick spasmed softly inside her, another bit of cum bursting forth. Sarah moaned softly in pleasure; then, she giggled again. Ragden kissed the back of her neck, then her cheek. She turned her head and kissed him on the lips, softly. 

“Hehe,” she giggled, “oh fuck... Yes. That was great. You fucking monster. You fucked me so hard I cannot even stand up straight... Haha.” 

As Ragden started to step back from her and withdraw his throbbing meat, she stumbled back and fell against him, still laughing. Her legs wobbled like Jello. Sarah continued to laugh as Ragden held her against him, his dick still deeply planted in her ass.

Written by Ragdenwrites
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