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Author's Notes

"New Reader? You might want to go back and read a few parts before this (or all of them). Returning Reader? Welcome back! This chapter has a little less action, but sets up the next chapter nicely. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy!"

“Excuse me, lover boy,” Jennifer cut in. Everyone turned to look at her. She held up a plate with a large sandwich, a huge pile of sliced turkey and ham crammed into the middle of it. “If you are quite through, I would suggest you eat this before you have to rush off to school.” 

Ragden blushed and stepped away from Aria. Aria blushed and took a step back to her stool and sat down. Ragden slipped his boxers and shorts back on and sat where Emily had been sitting. Jennifer slid the plate over in front of him, and Ragden quickly devoured it. Emily walked over to stand behind him. She grabbed her panties off the counter and slipped them back on, then rested one hand on Ragden’s shoulder while he ate.  

Jennifer started washing plates. Sarah stepped around the island to help, taking plates from Jennifer, and putting them away. Then the two of them put the sandwich fixings away as well. When Ragden finished, Emily picked up his plate and walked it over to the sink. Jennifer took it from her, washed it, and handed it to Sarah to put away.  

After everything was done, Jennifer walked around the island and gave Ragden a hug. She pulled herself tightly against him, making sure he could feel every gentle curve of her body. Then she released him and stepped back, noticing the growing bulge in his shorts. 

“Well now,” she said sultrily, “If that is an example of what you can do, I cannot wait for my opportunity to sample your wares...” 

Aria blushed. Emily smiled happily. Sarah clapped her hands and giggled. Jennifer looked at the other women and smiled. Ragden blushed and looked at the floor. Jennifer reached out and cupped his chin, bringing his gaze level with hers. 

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, nor anything to be nervous about. This is who you are. Embrace it. Revel in it. These fine women certainly do.” 

Aria smiled weakly while Emily and Sarah giggled. Ragden smiled.  

“Now, off to school with all y'all.” Jennifer laughed. Ragden took a step back, started to turn, then paused. 

“Mom, I need to go to Roy McCormick’s house after school. Not sure how long we will be, but can we have a slightly late supper?” 

“Roy McCormick? Captain of the football team?” 

Ragden nodded. Jennifer raised an eyebrow questioningly. Then she smiled and nodded. 

“Of course. Just let me know when you folks are headed this way,” Jennifer turned to Emily, Sarah, and Aria, “Will you ladies be joining us?” 

All three nodded. 

“Alright. I’ll see you then.” 

Ragden, Aria, Emily and Sarah walked into the foyer and put their shoes back on. Then they filed out the front door and headed back to school. Aria and Emily walked a little ahead while Sarah wrapped her left arm around Ragden’s waist and hugged herself to him. 

Aria and Emily walked side by side, their arms around each other’s waist. They leaned their heads together and spoke softly. 

“Thank you for that,” Aria said softly. 

“For what?” Emily replied. 

“For... For pulling me over that stool and letting him fuck me like that,” Aria said softly, blushing. Emily laughed. 

“I didn’t LET him do anything. He did that because he wanted to, and because you wanted him, too.” 

“But... I’ve seen the way he looks at you. The way he loves you. I’ve felt your connection.” Aria sniffed, that bit of jealousy starting to rise like bile in the back of her throat. She swallowed and tried to keep the tears from forming in her eyes. 

Emily stopped, turned to Aria, and saw the anguished look in her eyes. Emily pulled Aria against her, hugging her fiercely. 

“He loves you too, Aria. I love you. We are in this together.” 

Aria tried to blink the tears from her eyes. She hugged Emily fiercely, feeling the warmth of her body and the beat of her heart against her chest. She sniffed, her breath hitching. 

“He will never love me like he loves you. I will always be second in his heart. I know it.” Aria fought to keep the tears from her eyes but failed. A single tear streamed from each eye. Emily patted Aria on the back soothingly, then pulled back so she could look Aria in the eyes. 

“Does that really matter? He still loves you. He will always love you. As long as you love him, you will always have a place in his heart, and in his bed. Will that be enough for you?” 

Aria considered for a moment, biting her lip. She looked up at Emily and saw the love in her friend’s eyes. She felt it beating in her heart. She looked back up the sidewalk at Sarah and Ragden, watching them from a small distance. Then Aria looked back at Emily, smiled softly, and nodded. 

“I will try.” 

Emily smiled happily and pulled Aria closer and kissed her softly on the lips. Aria melted into Emily’s arms. Their kiss deepened. It became passionate. Their tongues twisted around each other. Then they broke, their breath in soft gasps. Emily giggled and Aria blushed, giggling as well. 


Sarah pulled Ragden against her side and sighed. She could feel his heat coming off him in waves. She felt the thump of his heart against her body. She felt herself growing aroused just by the proximity of their bodies. She had wanted to taste his cock again, to feel it filling her throat, to feel his cum exploding in her mouth. She licked her lips and turned to look at him. He turned his head slightly as they walked and looked down at her. His eyes were soft and full of compassion and love. Sarah felt her heart melting in her chest. She could not believe how deep her feelings for him ran.  

“That was the best lunch ever,” she said softly, huskily. Ragden chuckled, his body shaking slightly with his humor. He looked down at her, saw the twinkle in her eyes and the way her tongue caressed her lips. He laughed again. 

Ragden could feel her insatiable desire burning in her. He could sense her dampness, the arousal wafting off her in waves. He felt himself stirring, rising to meet her. He watched Aria and Emily talking for a minute, then leaned down and kissed Sarah on the forehead. Sarah sighed with pleasure.  

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, darling,” he said softly to Sarah. Noticing that Aria and Emily had stopped, Ragden stopped too, waiting a safe distance behind them. He could feel Aria’s anguish and knew Emily would take care of her. He turned to Sarah and smiled down at her. 

“I always love it when you fuck me like a whore,” Sarah purred. 

“I told you before I do not like that word. Nor do I like the idea of you feeling like a whore.” Ragden said gruffly. 

“But... It makes me needed. It makes me feel wanted. It makes me feel loved and cherished. You can make love to Emily all day long, but when you are ready for a good hard fuck, I will always be there for you,” Sarah purred, batting her eyelashes. Ragden sighed. 

“I get it,” Ragden said softly, “I just struggle with that.” 

Sarah smiled and leaned into Ragden, her voice a low purr as she pressed herself against him, “I know you do, lover, but it is what I want, and I absolutely love it.” 

Ragden sighed and leaned down to kiss Sarah softly on the lips, “As you wish.” 

“Thank you,” Sarah purred, “I love you.” 

Ragden smiled and kissed Sarah again as he whispered, “I love you too.” 

They turned back and saw Aria and Emily smiling at them. Ragden could see the tears in Aria’s eyes but could sense her contentment. He smiled at them, and they both smiled back. Ragden and Sarah walked up to Aria and Emily. 

“Everything alright?” he asked softly. Emily smiled and nodded. 

“Yes,” Aria said softly, “Thank you for... being understanding. I love you all so much. Thank you for letting me join you.” 

“Actually,” Ragden said quietly, “You wanted more than that. You wanted to share in the energy that ties us all together. I told you I would discuss it. Emily and Sarah, how do you feel about that?” 

Sarah grinned wickedly. Emily pondered for a minute, looking from Ragden to Aria and Sarah. Then she grabbed Aria and hugged her tightly. She nodded. 

“Do you have the energy for that, Ragden?” Emily asked. Ragden closed his eyes and looked inward. He tried to sense his energy reserves. His mind drifted, and he felt his exhaustion. He sighed and shook his head. 

“I am afraid not. Not today. Let’s see how we are doing tomorrow.” Aria smiled sadly and nodded. Emily and Sarah smiled. Aria dropped back and circled her right arm around Ragden’s waist. She leaned against him, feeling the heat of his body as they started walking back towards campus. Emily stood for a moment, watching the three of them. She smiled, feeling the warmth of their love flowing through her.  

They walked that way in silence as they went onto the campus. As they approached the halls, Sarah stepped away from Ragden and took Aria’s hand. They both looked back at Ragden, smiled, and waved before they turned and walked off to their class. As Aria and Sarah walked away, Emily walked up to Ragden. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her ear against his chest. Ragden gently wrapped his arms around her back and hugged her softly to him.  

Emily stood there, feeling his warmth, enjoying his hands on her back, listening to his heart thump solidly against her ear. She felt at peace. Content. Loved. Cherished. She pulled back and looked up at him, saw the love in his eyes, felt it swell in her chest. Ragden leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Their tongues touched and twisted gently around each other. Then they broke and beamed into each other’s eyes.  

“I love you,” Emily said softly. 

“I love you too,” Ragden replied. Then the bell rang. Emily sighed and stepped back from Ragden. She held his hand for a moment, then smiled and stepped away, walking to her class. Ragden watched her walk, feeling that swelling love in his chest for her. 

Then Ragden turned and walked to his class. He thought about what had happened during lunch. His initial hesitance at having sex in front of his mother. That still felt weird. He knew he agreed to do a lot more than that, and it sent a shiver down his spine. He still was not sure this was the greatest idea he had ever come up with, but he had said he would do it.  

Ragden walked into the classroom of his first class after lunch and sat in his seat. He pulled out the necessary books and started to follow the class. His mind, however, was on other topics. Aria, Sarah, and Emily were all excited to watch him have sex with Jennifer. That sent another shiver down his back. Performance anxiety? Was it a performance for them? Would they be disappointed if something ‘magical’ did not happen? The idea made him nervous. He tried to push the thoughts out of his head and focus on his class.  

The rest of the day went on much the same. Ragden did his best to pay attention to class but found his thoughts constantly drifting back to lunch. When the final bell of the day rang, Ragden was grateful to be heading away from school. His studies had his mind reeling. So many topics. So many things that were important, but hard to quantify against all the other things going on in his life. He headed back to his locker and dropped off his books. He grabbed his math book and made sure the practice test was still there. He took a deep breath, dropped that into his backpack, and headed to Emily’s locker.  

Ragden rounded the corner and saw that Aria, Emily, and Sarah were already waiting for him. They all smiled brilliantly as they noticed him, and he waved and smiled back as he approached. Sarah bounced up and down on her toes, then dashed towards him. Ragden stopped and held up a hand.  

“Let's not repeat our lunch meeting from earlier, please,” Ragden said as Sarah came to within arm’s length of him. Sarah pouted, then walked up and hugged him fiercely. Ragden chuckled and hugged her back. 

“But that was a great way to start lunch,” Sarah pouted. Then she grinned brilliantly and pulled his head down to kiss her. 

Ragden smiled as they broke their kiss, “It was really nice, but we need to get to Roy’s house, and Jennifer is expecting us for dinner.” 

“Okay. Fine.” Sarah said. She took a step back and shook a finger at him, “But after dinner... you are mine.” 

Ragden laughed and put his hand on his heart and bowed to her. Sarah laughed. Then Aria and Emily walked up and hugged Ragden.  

“Ladies,” Ragden said quietly, “Wonderful to see you again.” 

He kissed each other in turn. Together, they turned and headed through campus towards the other side of town where Roy lived. As they were leaving campus, Sarah turned to Aria and spoke in a mock-hushed whisper, her voice audible to all four of them. 

“Roy is a big guy. I wonder if he has a big dick?” Sarah asked. 

Aria blushed, “I don’t think it works that way.” 

Emily leaned forward and added, “I bet Ragden’s dick is bigger.” 

Sarah blinked and looked up at Ragden, then giggled. Ragden rolled his eyes. 

“This isn't a dick-measuring contest, ladies. We are going to help Roy with his math, so he doesn't get kicked off the football team.” 

“What about after we finish helping him with his math? Maybe then we can do a little physical addition?” Sarah asked innocently. Ragden laughed and shook his head. 

“Can we focus on the task at hand?” Ragden asked.  

Sarah turned and grabbed Ragden’s dick. It swelled in her hands, and she cooed, “Well, it's in my hands now. Does that count?” 

Emily and Aria laughed. Ragden blushed slightly and leaned down to kiss Sarah on the lips. 

“Our focus needs to be on helping Roy, okay? Not your personal satisfaction.” Ragden said directly to Sarah.  

Sarah giggled, then said, “Well, that's good, because I always want more of that big, fat dick.” 

Ragden sighed. Emily and Aria giggled. Emily leaned over to Sarah and spoke softly, “Just save some for me, love.” 

“Oh, me too!” Aria added. Then, all three women looked at Ragden and batted their eyelashes. Ragden laughed and pulled them all to him, wrapping his arms around them. 

“I love you, ladies,” he said huskily, his voice low and full of sex. All three of them shivered slightly, hearing that purr in his voice. “Thank you for that.” 

Sarah spun and flipped up her skirt, showing her bare ass, “You can thank me by fucking my sweet little ass, big boy!” 

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Ragden slapped her bare ass, and Sarah yelped and jumped forward out of reach, dropping her skirt. Aria and Emily laughed. Ragden stepped forward and grabbed Sarah around the waist, pulling her to him. He pulled her ass against his groin. Sarah moaned softly, feeling the bulge of his cock pressed against her ass. She looked over her shoulder and moaned softly, “Take me now, please.” 

Ragden reached around her waist and slipped one hand between her legs. His fingers grazed her bare mound, slipping through her lips. Sarah moaned loudly as he slid two fingers into her pussy, stroking the insides of her vagina. Then Ragden pulled his hand out and slapped her ass again. Sarah hopped forward, moaning softly. She spun and shot daggers with her eyes at Ragden. He slipped his fingers into his mouth and sucked on them as he stared at her.  

Sarah clutched at herself, holding her skirt down, feeling her arousal dripping down her legs. She shivered, watching that hungry look in Ragden’s eyes as he sucked her fluids from his fingers. Then, she stepped up to him, grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him down to kiss her. Her other hand snaked around his waist, so she could pull herself against him. She felt the beat of his heart between his legs as his massive erection pushed against her. 

“God damn,” she whispered huskily, “Can you just fuck me right now?” 


“Fuck,” she moaned, “why do you have to tease me?” 

“Because I love you.”  

Ragden grabbed her by the back of the neck and held her immobile as he kissed her roughly. Sarah moaned, feeling herself growing more damp by the moment as Ragden grazed her jaw with his teeth, then moved down and sank his teeth into her neck. She moaned loudly, as he worked his jaw against her skin. She felt the roughness, and it drove her nuts. Her heart thundered in her chest. God, she wanted him to fuck her right there in the street. To take her hard and rough, and fuck her until she could not walk. 

Then Ragden released her, and she staggered backwards, almost losing her balance. Ragden watched the wild look in Sarah’s eyes. He wondered for a moment if he had pushed her too hard. Then she giggled. Her breath was a little too fast, her heart beating a little too hard. Sarah staggered for a moment. Emily reached out and caught her. 

“Fuck,” Sarah said, “That’s fucking hot... Can you do that later when you can actually fuck me to death?” 

Aria looked at Sarah a little wide-eyed, then back at Ragden. Emily giggled, holding Sarah steady, who seemed almost ready to collapse. Ragden walked over to Sarah, put a hand on her hip to brace her, and tenderly kissed her. 

“If that is what you want,” he said quietly and nodded. Sarah giggled. She stood up straight, her legs no longer wobbling. She wrapped her arms around Ragden and nodded against his chest.  

“Yes,” she said softly, “Please. It would be the greatest moment of my life.” 

Ragden laughed softly. Sarah giggled and danced away, whipping her skirt about her as she did, flashing them with her perfect ass. Emily shook her head and hugged Ragden. Aria giggled and chased after Sarah, grabbing her by the hand. The two of them skipped together, their skirts dancing around their waists as they did. Emily took Ragden’s hand, and they followed.  

Five minutes later, they found themselves in front of Roy’s house. It was a small, two-bedroom house on the outskirts of town. The yard was overgrown with weeds and tall grass. A rusted-out car sat next to the tree in the yard. The tires had long ago rotted, and weeds grew up through floorboards.  

Ragden stood on the sidewalk, the three ladies crowded around him. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air. He could feel the sadness of this place. The despair that hung over it like a cold, grey fog. He shivered slightly, then took Aria’s hand in one hand and Emily’s in the other as he walked up the driveway. They turned onto the path to the front door. As they approached, Ragden released his grip on their hands, and he took another deep breath.  

Aria turned to Emily and said softly, “Is it just me, or is it cold here?” 

Emily hugged Aria, and she nodded, “I feel it, too. But there is something more. There is... hope.” 

Ragden turned and looked at Emily. He felt it too. Somewhere in this sad house, a spark of hope lived. Ragden could feel it. He smiled. That was something he could work with. He knocked once on the door. A single rap of his knuckles. He felt the sound of it echo through the house and knew that Roy was on his way. The door opened, and a hulking figure stepped out of the shadows.  

“Ra-Ragden?” a timid voice asked. Two arms reached out and grabbed Ragden by the shoulders, pulling him into the house. Roy hugged Ragden fiercely, a soft hitch in his voice. Ragden hugged Roy back, holding the other man gently. 

“What are you doing here?” 

“I wanted to check on you. How are you doing?” 

“I’m... fine. I talked to my dad. I... We are going to work on things." 

“That's great. Mr. Beauregard sent me with some study papers and a message. You missed the test today, and he will let you make it up on Friday.” 

“Oh shit. I totally forgot...” 

“I figured. I straightened it out. You just have to pass the test on Friday.” 

Roy shook his head, “I don’t know the material. It's hopeless. I’ll just fail it.” 

Ragden smiled and patted Roy on the back. “Nah. We are here to help you study. You’ll pass that test. Have a little faith.” 

“Why? Why would you do this for me? I was never nice to you. I never did anything for you.” 

Ragden smiled again, “Because it is the right thing to do. We are going to help you get through this.” 

“We?” For the first time Roy looked past Ragden and saw Aria, Sarah, and Emily standing on the doorstep. Aria smiled and waved. Emily smiled and nodded her head. Sarah bounced up and down on her toes, giggling as she waved.  

“You... You brought the prettiest women in the school to torment me?” Roy backed up, a look of shock on his face. Ragden grabbed Roy by the wrist, not letting him go any further into the house. Roy stood shocked as the three ladies walked in and stood around Ragden.  

“No,” Ragden said softly to Roy, “They came to help. Will you let them?” 

Roy stared at Ragden, having a hard time believing his ears. He knew these women. He had seen them in the halls, tormenting the other students. He had never been one of their targets, but he had seen their handiwork. His heart thundered in his chest. This was more than he could stand. Yet, they were smiling and giggling. No cruel jabs or jests. Sarah stood behind Ragden, leaning her head against his back, her arms around his waist. Emily stood against Ragden’s side, smiling at him, with a look of joy on her face. Aria stepped around Ragden and walked up to Roy. The big man stood there dumbfounded, not sure what to do. Then Aria wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.  

Roy stood there dumbfounded. These were surely not the same women he had seen just last week tormenting people. They were too tender and kind. There was something different about them that his mind could not grasp. They looked well and genuinely happy. He had never seen them that way before. They looked more beautiful than he had ever guessed possible. Sure, they had always been the pretty women in school, but now they were radiant.  

Aria released Roy and stepped back, smiling at him. She grasped his hand and squeezed it. Roy felt a stirring inside him. A stirring of something he had never felt before. He looked down at her and tentatively smiled. Ragden gestured to the table just past the living room. 

“Shall we?” he asked. 

Roy nodded. Aria held his hand as they walked to the table. Roy let himself be led there. Ragden sat himself at the head of the table, and pulled his math book out of his bag. Roy sat to his right and slid his chair closer so he could see over Ragden’s shoulder. Aria sat next to Roy, while Emily sat on the other side of Ragden. Sarah sat next to Emily and giggled. 

Ragden opened the book to the beginning of the chapter they were working on and started explaining the theory behind the mathematical equations. Roy looked around the room and shook his head. He had never had guests over before. Nor had he ever had a tutor. He needed it, though. Roy swallowed with a dry mouth, then leaned over to read the text as Ragden talked about it.  

As Ragden reworded the text and broke down the concepts behind it, Roy started to gain an understanding that he had never had before. Something in the way Ragden rephrased things and broke it down made it easier for Roy to get it. He chuckled. 

“Something funny?” Ragden asked, raising an eyebrow at Roy. 

“No,” Roy answered, then he snickered, “I mean... Okay, yes. Sorry. I don’t mean to laugh, but, for the first time ever, this actually makes sense.” 

Ragden patted Roy on the shoulder and smiled. Roy felt a warmth spreading in his chest that he had never really felt before. They bent back over the text and continued to read through the chapter, stopping every couple of pages to discuss how it all worked. When they were done, Ragden pulled out the practice test and handed it to Roy. 

“Give that a shot, then we can discuss it.” 

“Okay,” Roy said. He grabbed his pencil and then started working through the problems. Ragden stood up, stretched, and walked towards the kitchen. 

“Roy,” he asked, “mind if I grab something to drink?” 

“Of course. We have some iced tea and water in the fridge. Don’t touch the beer, though. My dad would be upset.” 

“Okay. Thanks.” 

Ragden walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. The top shelf was packed with beer cans. The second shelf had a pitcher of iced tea. Ragden pulled it out and set it on the counter. As he turned, he noticed Sarah had followed him, and was standing directly behind him. He smiled at her. She stepped up and leaned her body against his back. She reached around his waist and grabbed his crotch. Ragden sighed, then looked down at her hands. He felt his manhood responding to the sudden attention, hardening and lengthening under her hands. Sarah giggled against his back. Ragden turned to face her. Sarah’s eyes lit up, and she licked her lips. 

“What are you...” Ragden started to say as Sarah dropped to her knees and pulled Ragden’s shorts down. “Really?” 

Ragden opened his mouth to say more, but Sarah had grabbed his dick and popped it into her mouth. She sucked hard on the head of his dick, and Ragden shuddered in pleasure. His cock throbbed to its full length. Sarah leaned into him, burying her face in his groin. Ragden sucked air through his teeth as his dick went down her throat. Sarah sucked fiercely, then pulled back and wrapped her hands around his cock. She stroked and sucked until a bead of pre-cum formed on her tongue. Then she sucked that off, pulled back from him, and swallowed.  

Sarah stood slowly, holding his throbbing dick in her hands. She leaned forward and kissed Ragden softly on the lips as she lifted her skirt and rubbed the head of his cock against her lips. 

“That is all I wanted to drink,” She purred into his lips, “Thank you.” 

Then she stepped back, giggled, spun, and pranced back into the dining room. Ragden was treated to a brief glimpse of her bare ass as she walked out of the kitchen. He reached down and pulled his shorts up, carefully trying to tuck his swollen manhood back into his boxers. Then he took a deep breath and opened a cabinet, looking for glasses. On the third try, he found some. 

“Would anyone else like some tea?” he asked softly. Aria and Emily both raised their hands. Roy was busy bent over the paper and did not respond. Sarah looked back, licked her lips, and shook her head. Ragden fished three glasses out of the cabinet, then poured tea into each. He put the pitcher back into the refrigerator and closed it.  

Ragden walked back into the dining room and placed a glass in front of Aria and Emily. Then, he sat down in his chair and had a drink. Both Aria and Emily nodded in thanks. The tea was a little bland for Ragden’s taste, but he had had worse. He nursed his glass as he looked over the problems Roy had finished. Ragden patted Roy on the shoulder and pointed at the second problem. 

“That’s not right.” 

“Oh?” Roy looked at the problem again, and then smiled as he realized which part he had missed. He worked through it again, and Ragden nodded. Then Roy went back to where he was. Sarah pulled up her backpack and slid a book from it. Ragden looked at her questioningly. She held up her history book, then set it down, and opened it up. She started reading a section. Then, she pulled out a notepad and started taking notes.  

Emily looked over at Sarah’s book and started reading with her. Aria glanced over, then went back to watching Roy work through his math. Once Roy had finished, he handed the paper to Ragden. Ragden read the problems. As he read through each problem, he stopped to discuss the equations with Roy, making sure he understood how and why each was done the way it was. Roy smiled as they got to the bottom. 

“Roy, I think you are making great progress. However, I think your brain needs a break. Can we come by tomorrow and do this again?” 

Roy nodded vigorously, “Yes. That would be amazing.” 

Ragden smiled happily, “We will do that then.” 

Aria put her hand on Ragden’s in front of Roy, “Ragden, can we stay for a bit longer? Please?” 

Ragden cocked his head sideways at Aria. Then he nodded. “Of course, love. It looks like Emily and Sarah are studying anyways. What did you have in mind?” 

Aria smiled shyly and took Roy’s hand in hers. She smiled at Roy, then looked up at Ragden. Ragden nodded, sensing the unspoken question on Aria’s mind. Ragden nodded to Aria. Roy looked at Ragden, confused. Ragden slid his chair closer to Emily’s and draped his arm around her shoulders. Emily looked up, slightly surprised, then leaned against Ragden and sighed contentedly. Aria stood and pulled on Roy’s hand. Roy shot a questioning glance at Ragden. Roy stood, and Aria leaned against him and hugged him. She batted her eyelashes up at him and smiled. 

“Would you like to show me your room?” she asked politely. Roy stood shocked for a moment. Then looked over at Ragden. Ragden smiled and nodded. Roy gulped, then looked back at Aria. 

“Uh. Sure. This way...” He stepped off down the hall, Aria still holding his hand, following close behind him. Ragden smiled as they left. Emily looked at Ragden and raised an eyebrow. Ragden turned to look at her, then kissed her on the lips softly. 

“It’s fine,” he said softly. Emily smiled and leaned against him, watching Sarah study.  

Written by Ragdenwrites
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