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Bisexual Female
United States



Mysterious Ways

Can gay men be tempted to go straight?

*** Friday afternoon. I sit here waiting for the five o’clock hour to arrive. After work, I will hang out with a few coworkers and my love interest Alex at a local bar.  *** Alex and I became gay lovers after his ugly divorce. I sat comforting him at a pub one night after the demise of his marriage. We talked about women and how it always seemed to end badly. He knew I had my share of women over the years. My romances wit...

Street Walker

Life on the edge.

I was in my first years of nursing school and hoped to become a nurse someday. Money was always a problem living away from home and paying for school. Growing up in Sin City, the nightlife was everywhere you looked. Free drinks, free food, bright lights, dancing, and clubbing, it was all here. I avoided it most of the time, knowing these places were for the suckers from out of town. My friends and I would sit outside the...

The Girls Of Summer

How the Woman's baseball league started.

Two outs in the bottom of the ninth It was the seventh game of the We are not too Serious championship. My turn at-bat. I led the league in getting hit... on. The Astros steal signs. I steal boyfriends and girlfriends and am known as the league's biggest homewrecking switchhitter. I'm surely headed to the Hall of Shame. I've had more men and women get to third base with me than the Mets' bullpen.I play for the Brooklyn Ba...

Gillian's Isle

A ship of fools. You must decide who was the biggest fool. Hopefully not the Author.

My name is Gillian. I am the captain of a yacht called the Squirter. I am not your typical crusty ole ship captain. Most men and some women find me attractive if I may be so bold. I am blonde, brown eyes, and thirty-four b breasts. I have had my share of semen or is it seamen?Please sit back and let me tell you about a four-hour cruise that went amuck. I have a first mate named Bob. Let us say Bob is not the sharpest tool...

I knew you as a puppy. We grew together and were best friends. Friends forever and our love was to last forever. The smiles you put on my face will never be the same. My soul grew with yours. My heart was yours. The joy you brought me was a joy that cannot be put into words. My days were filled with my love for you. Every thought was of you. My soulmate, my best friend. Why are you gone? A senseless loss. Why were you tak...

Sorority Of Witches Part 3

Katerina learns more about being a witch.

I waited a few days before I was ready to begin the next part of my training. I spent a lot of time with William. I even trained him on the art of cunnilingus. He got exceptionally good at it, almost as good as Clara. I was excited to finish my training while I was fearful of where I might be going. I only had a couple of weeks left to go before my new school year would begin. I went to my great-grandmother and told her I...

Sorority Of Witches Part 2

Part 2. Katerina begins her training as a witch.

Katerina had learned in the first chapter that she was a witch. Her great-grandmother had begun training her. She was now ready to find out what being a witch really meant. Katerina went to bed with the amulet around her neck. She did as her great-grandmother had told her to do.  I was right back at the witch trials that she had seen before. This time she was seen by the others there. She remembered what she had been told...

Sorority Of Witches

Everyone knows that there are no such things as witches. Right?

A bright sunny day I had awoken to. I could hardly sleep a wink. Only one more day until my eighteenth birthday. My mom and my friends have planned a big celebration for me. They invited all my friends from school and my boyfriend. My great grandmother was even coming, and I have not seen her since I was around ten years old. In a few months, I will be off to college, so this may be the last time I see all my friends toge...

Magic Of a Kiss

A kiss can mean everything.

There are so many magical thingsin this blue marble we live uponbut nothing more magical than a kiss.A kiss brings so many emotionslike a simple caress goodnightat the end of a happy date.A kiss can turn foes into friends,celebrate the entrance of new lifeor a gesture of comfort at the end.Show the gentle touch of a parent,or the welcoming joy of a child,such kisses mean so much.But much more magicalthen any of theseis th...


Cheaters do not always prosper.

I am a tattoo artist and live in Los Angeles. To say my business sucks would be a colossal understatement. With Covid spreading like crazy, not many want a tattoo. I spend most of my days sitting in my shop playing games on my phone or texting friends. I am at the point that I may just need to close my business if things do not pick up. I even went and bought a giant neon sign out front with my business name on it, Tats b...

Emerald Eyes

For the green eye lovers

There you were my emerald eyes lying in field of Bells of Ireland flowers. Amid the flowers you glow. Your eyes looking right through me. Green as emeralds. Your beauty incomparable. My love for you ran through my blood. My passion was hot as the sun. Your kiss was all I ever needed. Your embrace sent me quivering. Our lovemaking in the flowers was heaven on earth. I want you forever. I want your emerald eyes looking at m...

The Grunge

Kurt loses his virginity in a night of debauchery

Christmas season was nearing, and young Kurt, just turning eighteen, was tired of the holiday's commercialization. Kurt was tasked with putting up all the Christmas lights and displays at his parents' house. This was not an easy job. His father was just like Chevy Chase in the movie Christmas Vacation.This Christmas season, Kurt had taken a part-time job in a retail store and only amplified his distaste of the holiday. He...

In Your Head

What happens sometimes when couples first meet.

I met you on a cold winter night. Winds howling. Snow blowing through moonlit skies. You said I was in your head instantly. Never to forget me. Never to stop loving me. Never to forget my beauty. Never to forget our very first kiss. I was in your head for a lifetime. Was I? How does one know if you are in their head? Or their love is real? I saw your tears as I walked away. You cried out to me. Never leave. Without you, t...

Legend of the Lady in the Lake

How the Legend of The Lady in the Lake came to be.

  It all began one Halloween night. We were best friends in high school. We played on the volleyball team together. Madison was shorter than me, but she could dig out the spikes from other teams. I was good at the net and a good server. We ate lunch together almost every day. Did our homework at night together. We were inseparable. Some of the kids at school thought we were sisters and some thought we were lesbians. It wa...


The night and day of a new beginning

I wake from my dreams. I feel you next to me, your heart beating in rhythm with mine. We met just a week ago, and all I know is I want to be yours forever. I want you to be mine forever. ……………………………………….. Let me start from the beginning. I was alone in a new town, with no friends and a new job. My world was upside down. I had just left a bad relationship and wanted to start anew. I focused on my work. I knew I must have s...