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13 hours ago
Bisexual Female
United States
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Texas Tornado

How swift a tornado can take your heart.

The sky grew black; the winds swirled around me. Alone in this life. Was I to die this way? Amidst the darkness, a sudden glimmer, your eyes appeared. Your lips are shown through the clouds, moist and wet. Your gentle grasp showed me the way to safety. Yo...

Score 20 20
174 Views 174
134 words 134 words

I said Yes

What just happened to me

We met just a few years ago. It was just by chance. On a warm summer night overlooking the ocean. Our eyes met and magically connected. You have been my lover and I yours. Our love grew stronger over the last two years. You planned a vacation for us. Camp...


My name is Anna 34 years old bi from the USA. I have recently got married. The Avatar is not me but it looks very much like me.

If you are a NRA lover then shove a gun up your ass and pull the trigger! Like to cook. I work long hours.. I love to chat and make new friends

Favorite Books
This used to say no time for reading. I have found there are some great writers here and I am enjoying reading the stories.

Favorite Authors
Warner Brothers I had to put something here

Favorite Movies
Too many to mention

Favorite TV Shows
The cooking channels, Big bang Theory

Favorite Music
I like almost all types of music mostly rock and country.


Erotic Pictures
Erotic Reading
Erotic writing