We thought we would kick off our "Foolish" competition with comedic timing. On April Fools' Day.
We are looking for stories which contain some comic relief. Maybe someone is being fooled into something or has done something foolish.
Synonyms for foolish:
1. Stupid, witless, brainless, senseless, unintelligent; ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, preposterous.
2. Imprudent, thoughtless, impetuous, rash, reckless, foolhardy, half-baked, heedless, incautious.
3. Having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion.
Other synonyms: absurd, asinine, balmy, brainless, bubbleheaded, cockeyed, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dippy, dotty, fatuous, featherheaded, fool, half-baked, harebrained, half-witted, inept, insane, jerky, kooky (also kookie), loony (also looney), lunatic, lunkheaded, mad, nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, sappy, screwball, senseless, silly, simpleminded, stupid, tomfool, unwise, wacky, weak-minded, witless, zany.