I have written erotica for my own enjoyment for a long time (remember paper?). When I discovered LushStories, I thought I would share some new and refurbished ideas, which motivated me to improve the quality and completeness.
Working out motivations and choreography is rewarding to me. I try to avoid tropes, always looking for situations, activities, and paraphernalia I haven't explored before. One goal is to intertwine plot and sex so neither is gratuitous.
Some popular swaths of porn are like abstract impressionism--I can see some interesting elements, but overall it's not for me. I know my stories are not everyone's cup of tea, but they are my cafe mocha.
I'm not big on the social features of LushStories but have had fun with the random inspirations of the competitions. Although the tradition is to make only positive comments, I do welcome suggestions and feedback (by mail if you don't want it in permanent public view).