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April's Fool

"My foolish foray into femdom"

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Competition Entry: Foolish

Somebody trod on my foot.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said. I looked round into two beautiful, dark eyes and then down into a deep cleavage. A big, curvy girl, just my type. Long black hair. Black leather skirt. 

The hot girl was trying to push her way through to the crowded bar. She glared at me. "You could buy me a drink," she suggested, as my pint arrived. "I'll have the same." 

I nodded at the barman and he poured a second pint. 

We moved away to a quieter corner of the pub. There weren't any spare seats, but she slouched against the wall.

"Cheers. I'm Nic," I said.

"April." I noticed that she didn't say thanks for the drink. It was as if I owed it to her.

"But don't think that buying me a drink will get you access to these."

"Oh, sorry, was I staring?"

"Can't take your eyes off them, can you?" she said.

I couldn't deny it. I felt my cheeks going red. "Oh, I'm sorry, I...  well, they... you... are very beautiful," I stammered.

"That's okay, you can look. But don't think you're going to get your hands on them."

I was tongue-tied, amazed that I was standing there with such a sexy girl, gazing at her half-exposed breasts. Despite her remarks about not getting my hands on her tits, I got the impression that she liked me, or at least liked the way I was drooling over her. She even asked for my phone number, which of course I gave her. 

A waitress went past, carrying a tray of food.

"You could get me something to eat if you like. I could murder a steak pie," April said.

"Oh, yes, me too, good idea." I placed an order and paid, and we seized a small table when it became available. She sat down and crossed her legs slowly, causing her skirt to ride up her bare thighs.

"But don't think that buying me dinner will get you into my knickers."

Well, that was clear. At least I knew where I stood with her. The food arrived and we ate and drank, with little conversation beyond a few remarks on the quality of the steak pie and the beer. Her glass was empty, so I got a second round of drinks just before last orders.

"Let's go back to my place and have sex," she said.

I choked on my beer. What was she saying? Surely she was just teasing me.


She shrugged. "If you aren't interested, I could find someone else." Her eyes scanned around the room. 

"No, of course I'm interested. It's just that you said I wouldn't get to touch you, so, I thought..."

She gulped down the dregs of her beer. "My flat. Ten minutes walk. I'll explain the rules as we go."

She got up and walked out of the pub, not looking behind her to see if I was following her. I hurried after her as she strode along the street.

"First rule. You don't touch me, anywhere, unless I tell you to. Agreed?"


"Second rule. You do what I tell you to do. No hesitating. No questions. Got it?"

I gazed at the tight leather skirt swinging around her curvy hips. If I was really going to get to fuck this girl, of course I would agree to anything. "Got it."

"You better. Break the rules and you're out and you'll never see me again. Obey the rules and you'll get in my pussy tonight. And it's a one-night thing, okay?"


"Condoms. Do you have any condoms?" she asked.

"Um, no, I don't," I said.

"Well, you'd better get some."

What? Where was I going to get condoms at this time of night? I was about to ask her this, but then I remembered rule two.

I looked around and saw that there was another pub on the corner that was still open. "I'll be two minutes," I said, and dashed inside, looking for the Gents and rummaging in my pocket for some coins. Shit. I only had notes, so I had to ask at the bar for some change. The guy didn't bat an eyelid at my request and I got a packet of three from the machine. I emerged from the pub, half expecting that April would have disappeared, but there she was, waiting under a streetlight in her short black skirt.

I followed her up the steep stairs to her flat, my face just inches away from the back of her tight skirt, my cock trying to tear a hole in my trousers. How I wanted to slip my hand under that black leather and feel those smooth thighs and her round arse. But I remembered rule one.

"Take your shoes off and leave them by the door."

I did as she said. Rule two.

As I bent down, she squeezed my bum. Unable to resist the urge, I turned round, grabbed her curvy hips and pulled her towards me. 

She pulled back sharply. "What was the first rule?" she said firmly.

"Sorry. Um, the first rule of femdom club is, you do not talk about..." I realised that this wasn't the time to fool around with silly jokes. My chance of fucking this gorgeous girl was hanging by a delicate thread. "No touching."

"Right. Final warning. Now go into my bedroom, get undressed and get into bed." She pointed the way. 

Fuck. I had never been with a woman like this before. It was thrilling and scary at the same time. 

I hesitated for a moment, then remembered rule two and hurriedly went into the bedroom, took my shirt, trousers and boxer shorts off, put the packet of condoms beside the bed, and got under the covers.

She came in with something clinking in her hands. "Now, put your hands up above your head." 

I hadn't noticed that the bed had a headboard of ornate metal railings.

I felt conflicting emotions of terror and arousal. If I refused, or questioned the instruction, I'd have broken rule two, and since I had already been given a final warning, that would be it, I'd be thrown out. I would never see this sex goddess again. Alternatively, if I let her handcuff me to the rails, what then? I'd be defenceless and completely at the mercy of this very strange girl I had only just met. But on the plus side, I might get to fuck her.

"You can't keep your hands to yourself even after I told you the no touching rule, so you'll have to be cuffed."

My head said no. Too risky. She's mad. Walk away. Get out while you can. My cock, throbbing, bulging and tenting under the sheet, disagreed. I remembered that rule two also included a no-hesitation clause.

She pulled off her top, and I gawped at her full tits bursting out of her black bra. "I want you," she whispered, as she kneeled on the bed and her skirt rode up her spreading thighs. "I want you in my cunt. Tonight."

I knew I had a second or two to make my mind up.

I put my hands up against the rails. Cold steel clamped around my wrists and there was a firm click. They weren't toy handcuffs. "Good. That should help with rule one," she said.

I immediately regretted it. What a foolish decision. I was now completely under the control of this wild woman.

She pulled the sheet off and leaned over me, inspecting my half-erect cock. 

"Okay, let's have a look." She leaned over and examined me closely. "Is that as big as it gets? Maybe this will help."

She reached behind her back and unclipped her bra, slowly letting it fall forward, pausing and pouting like a stripper before dropping it on the floor. I gazed at the soft flesh of her breasts jiggling above my stiffening cock.

"Would you like a blow job?"

"Oh fuck, yes, yes please!"

"Well, maybe later, if you're a good boy."

She straddled one of my legs, and her skirt bunched up as she lowered herself over me and started to rub. I moaned as I felt her soft thighs squeezing my leg and her panties brushing over me. She put her hands on my shoulders and started rocking to and fro with a steady rhythm, grinding herself against my thigh.

"Keep those leg muscles taut, I need something firm to work against," she said.

I wanted to suggest something else that was firm that she could press against, but I knew that wouldn't be wise.

Abruptly, she stood up, reached up under her skirt and pulled down her knickers, then lowered herself over my thigh again. I could feel her heat and her slippery secretions matting the hairs on my leg as her splayed labia worked up and down.

"The condoms are on the bedside table,'' I said.

"Oh, we won't be needing those," she said. 

My cock leapt with excitement. We were going to fuck without a condom! That would be so much better, feeling her silky smooth pussy slipping down my shaft with no layer of rubber to inhibit the sensations. But I wondered why she had asked me to get them if she didn't want to use them. 

"Now, what are we going to do with that?" she said, looking at my erect cock and sliding her pussy even higher up my thigh. "Would you like to slip it into something firm and tight?"

"Oh yes, please, April!"

"Right, I have just the thing for you. Something I think you'll enjoy."

She lifted herself off me and reached into a cupboard drawer, returning to the bed with a big smile on her face and some clinking pieces of metal in her hand. I suddenly realised what it was. I felt faint. What a fool I'd been.

"Now, we have a small, medium or large ring, what do you think?"

"No, please, no!" I said. But 'no' was not an option. "Um, medium?" I suggested.

She wrapped her thumb and forefinger firmly around my cock and balls, as if measuring me. "Small, I think. It's no good if it slips off, is it? Now, have you worn one of these before?" 

"No," I said, weakly. I was worried, but also kind of turned on by the thought.

"Good, it will be a fun new experience for you, won't it! I'll explain the procedure as we go. First, we pull your balls through the ring." 

Sitting on my thighs, she grabbed my sack and pulled one of my balls through the steel ring, then tugged on the loose skin, gradually pulling it through, until the other one popped through as well. With my wrists padlocked to the bedstead and her substantial weight holding down my legs, I could do nothing to resist.

"Now we have to squeeze your cock through there as well." 

"That's not possible! it won't go!" I insisted. I was three-quarters erect, as a result of the beautiful young woman's fingers handling my cock and balls. The small ring was already a snug fit around my balls. There was no way my cock could get through the ring as well.

"Well, we're going to have to do something about that erection, aren't we," she said, gently fondling my cock with her fingers. She leaned forward over it, until her mouth was just inches away and I could feel her hot breath. "I could suck you off, make you cum, to get you soft before I lock you away. Would you like that? No, wait, I've got a better idea." 

She left the bedroom, leaving me helplessly cuffed to her bedstead, and a minute later returned with a packet of frozen peas.

"No!" I squealed when I realised what she was going to use it for. 

But she wrapped the ice-cold packet around my erect cock and held it there. The effect was instant. As the sharp cold seared through my cock, my erection wilted rapidly.

"Hey, look at that!" she laughed. "It's not just going soft, it's getting really tiny!"

"But it still won't go through that ring, there's no room!" I said.

She grinned. "You reckon I can't get that shrivelled little dick through the ring? Watch and learn."

She tugged the top of the ring upward with one finger, pulling my balls up uncomfortably. With the other hand, she took the tip of my foreskin and tucked it into the ring. Then she got hold of the little flap of skin from the other side and pulled. To my horror, the remnants of my shrunken manhood seemed to disappear almost completely and then slowly reappear through the ring. She pushed the ring back until it fitted snugly behind my cock and balls.  

"Now for the really fun part!" she said. "We have three cages, large, medium and small." 

She wrapped one hand around my cold, limp cock and held the cages alongside it. I felt that I knew which one she was going to choose. The small one was less than two inches long. I started to swell up and harden again under her touch as the effects of the ice-pack wore off.

"Now, don't start getting hard again, you silly boy, that would be very foolish," she said, as she caressed my cock in her hand and held the cage over the head. "It's important that your tiny dick stays small and soft while I put the cage on. So don't look at my tits." She leaned forward, dangling them over my head. "And don't think about what it would feel like to slide your cock into my pussy. Now I just need to wet it a little so it will go in easily, but remember, no getting hard!"

She bent down over me and I felt her tongue run gently up the underside of my cock. Her lips encircled the head, sucking me into her mouth and coating me with her saliva. I cried out with the pleasure of the intense stimulation, but after a fleeting moment of ecstasy my cry turned to one of frustration as she pulled her mouth away and slipped the little cage over my knob.

I was fully erect again. The steel ring behind my balls felt really tight as I thickened up in response to her teasing words, her soft fingers around my shaft and the briefest oral sex session I had ever experienced.

"Oh, stupid boy! Shall I use the frozen peas again?" she teased, picking up the packet from the floor.

"No, please, no!" 

She slowly pushed and wiggled the cage down over the head of my cock while pushing my skin up into the device. "Okay then, we'll do it this way. I'll just apply steady pressure, and gradually crush your erection." The husky tone of her voice told me she was going to enjoy doing that. She pressed down on the cage, with its four steel loops coiled around the head of my cock. I tried to maintain my hard-on, confident that the four inches of stiff, bulging cock between the end of the cage and the ring would prevent her from locking me up in the device. But I watched with horror as my penis started to yield and the cage slowly edged its way downwards. 

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I tried to resist and stay hard so the cage wouldn't enclose my cock. But her fingers pushed relentlessly, slowly destroying my erection. The cage gradually descended, leaving an inch, then half an inch of exposed penis between it and the ring. She giggled.

"Don't try to fight it, silly boy, you'll only prolong the agony. Just relax and submit."

The loop of steel and two little pins at the end of the cage edged closer to her target, the slot and the holes at the top of the ring around the back of my balls.

I gave one last heave, but in vain. My shrinking penis was forced into submission. I heard the metal parts clink against each other and then slot together. She slipped the barrel lock in, turned the key and the chastity device was securely locked. I groaned with tormented frustration. 

"There we go, perfect! Your little cock is defeated. Locked away safely in its cage. Trapped and under my control. You can't get hard. You can't fuck. You can't play with yourself.  You can't cum. Unless I choose to unlock you." She rolled my caged cock around with her hand and scraped her fingernails over my exposed, bulging testicles.  "How does that feel? Is that humiliating?" She showed me the key, and ran it up and down over the cage, so it clicked on the metal bars and teased my trapped flesh.

"Yes," I said, weakly, "humiliating and frustrating. You've done this before, haven't you?"

"I've done this lots of times. Would you like to see some of my previous victims?"

She reached into a drawer and pulled out a tablet. She opened up a file and started to flick through the pages. On each page there was a picture of a man, naked except for a steel cage on his cock, and another one showing a close-up of his trapped genitalia. Below each picture there was a name and a date. She showed me the last entry, dated last week.

Dave. 25 March. 5 - 0

"What are the numbers?" I asked.

"That's the final score at the end of the night. In orgasms. Five - nil."

"I call it my Book of Fools," she said, proudly. "Now look up!"

Stupidly, I looked up, not realising that she had her camera phone ready. She clicked a few shots of me and then some close-ups of my trapped cock. With my wrists still cuffed to the bedstead, I couldn't escape.

"What did you say your name was again?"


She typed it into the tablet, and I realised I was going to be the next entry in the Book of Fools.

"Nic. And today is the first of April. How appropriate!"

She smiled at me and waved the key to the lock in front of my face.

She put the tablet away in her bedside drawer, which I couldn't help noticing was full of dildos, vibrators, butt plugs and more cuffs. Then she went out to the kitchen to put the bag of peas away. When she returned, the key wasn't in her hand.

"Where's the key?" I asked, worried that she might have lost it. She must have hidden it somewhere.

"The key? What key? Oh, the key to unlock this!" She grabbed the lock holding the two parts of the chastity device together and shook it from side to side. "Well, I thought I had it. I don't know where I put it. But don't worry about it, we won't be needing the key for a while, will we! But I do have the key for the handcuffs."

She unlocked the cuffs. "Now that I've got your dick secured, we can safely take the cuffs off. You'd better behave yourself. If you're a good boy and do as you're told, I might let you out later. If I ever find that key. And if you're a very good boy, and give me a really great time tonight, I might even fuck you!"

As soon as she released my hands, I reached for the cock cage to see if I could get it off.

"Oh, I love this part," she said, and she laughed as she watched me tugging on the locked cage. "Yes, see if you can pull it off! Oh dear, no, you can't, 'cos it's attached to the ring behind your balls."

I then tried to remove the ring. If I could just ease my balls back through the ring, I could free myself. I pushed one testicle up with my thumb. "Ouch!" I gasped.

"No, you foolish boy," she giggled, "you can't get the ring off your balls, it's too tight. Well, not unless you want to crack your own nuts!" I realised my balls were trapped. I couldn't even get them up to the right place to try to push them through the ring, as the gap between the cage and the ring was too narrow.

"Now, I promised that you would get inside my pussy. Are you any good at eating a girl out?" she asked. "Get that tongue out and we'll find out. Remember, your release time is performance-related!"

She took off her leather skirt, her last remaining item of clothing, and knelt over me, pinning my upper arms to the bed with her knees. I gazed up at her unpruned bush, her big, fleshy lips and her pink slit, already wet. I felt her thighs, thick and soft, closing around my head and I could smell the pungent aroma of her arousal. 

"The great thing about your little cock being locked away in its cage is that you can focus your attention on giving me pleasure," she said. "You may lick my thighs. But don't touch my pussy until I give you permission."

I put my tongue to the smooth skin of her legs, stroking upwards, licking her, going close to her labia but not quite touching.

"Okay, now lick up and down my slit." I did as I was told, licking her with the tip of my tongue. She tasted sweet, but oily and salty.

"Good boy!" She patted me on the head as if I were her pet Labrador.

She lowered herself over my face until I was completely smothered in her knickerless beaver. "Now stick your tongue in, as deep as you can!"

I pushed my tongue forward, entering her, feeling her hot pussy quivering against my touch. 

"In and out. Up and down. Deeper. Keep going. Don't stop."

There was a constant stream of instructions. I tried to obey.

She slid herself down slightly. "Clit. Right beside it. Lick. Harder. Faster!"

I felt the firm little button on the tip of my tongue and licked up and down just next to it. Her thighs clenched tighter around my head and she got wetter and wetter, leaking all over my face. I could hardly breathe.

"Don't stop," she said. The muscles in my tongue were going numb.

"I'm getting close!" she cried. 

My tongue muscles were screaming and the wet seal around my face was suffocating me. I twisted my head away so I could breathe and took some gulps of air, giving my exhausted tongue a moment of respite.

"No!" She screamed. "I said don't stop!"

Lifting herself off me, she turned around and sat on my face again, facing away from me, spreading her bum cheeks wide open. "Stick your tongue in there. Lick it," she ordered, angrily.

She slapped my exposed, vulnerable balls with her hand, punishing me for disobeying her instructions.  

She leaned forward over my enslaved manhood. "How's that little cock doing in there? Shall I get it out and suck it? No, I don't think so. You don't deserve it."

It was a rhetorical question, but I couldn't have answered anyway, as my mouth was completely smothered in cunt.

I felt her tongue just touching the tip, between the bars at the end of the cage, and I groaned with frustration as my cock twitched and tried to swell and harden, only to be stopped in its tracks by the unyielding steel bars.

"Oh look, your poor little cock is trying to get hard!" My torment seemed to increase her arousal. She ground herself against my face, rubbing her arse, pussy, clit and mound back and forward over my nose and mouth. I was coated in her girlie goo. Her breathing got faster, coming in little gasps and moans, getting steadily louder. Her thighs clenched tighter around my face, and I could feel her muscles stiffening and quivering. 

"Fuck yes, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" she cried, an announcement that seemed unnecessary, as she was panting fast and her thighs were starting to shake.

For a moment she froze completely. Then she gave a sharp cry and I felt her cunt and arse contract hard over my face. I had never before experienced a woman's orgasm so intensely, so intimately, so closely. As she clenched up, she squeezed a little rush of fluid out of her pussy into my mouth. I counted her muscular spasms ... eight, nine, ten, each accompanied by a little shout. I  tormented myself further by trying to imagine what those contractions would feel like, pulsing around my deeply embedded cock.  

"Fuck that was good, I came so hard!"

She rolled off me, collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

It was a long night. I couldn't sleep, with the feeling of the steel bars around my cock. Not to mention the agonising frustration of being in bed with a beautiful, naked girl but unable to fuck her. I tried to get some relief by wrapping my hand around the cock cage and tugging it up and down, but that brought me no pleasure, only discomfort and more exasperation.

A few times during the night she woke up and used me, increasing her score, while my nul points remained unchanged. 

By the end of the night my lips were bruised, my face coated with pussy cream and my mouth full of little hairs. Two of the vibrators from her bedside drawer now had flat batteries. My arse was sore as a result of foolishly giving an affirmative answer when she asked if I wanted a fuck. I had lost track of the score. Was it five - nil? Or six?

As the dawn light rose, she swung herself over my hips and took my captive cock and balls in her hand, lifting them up between her legs. Her other hand held my shoulder down and I gazed up at her huge tits dangling tantalisingly above me. 

"You can touch them now," she said. I reached up and held her breasts in the palms of my hands. My cock still hadn't learnt its lesson, still trying to get erect, thwarted by the steel bars of its prison.

She lowered herself over me, so I could see and feel her labia wrapping around the cage.

"You know what I love about this cock cage? The ribbed bars."

She slid up and down, rubbing herself over the steel rings. She started to moan as she worked herself off against my caged cock. "Fuck, that feels good. I'm getting so fucking wet." 

I could feel it, leaking out of her splayed pussy, dripping down through the steel rings and lubricating my tormented cock. 

"That must be so frustrating for you, feeling my pussy juice on your poor little cock. Maybe you deserve to be unlocked. You've been a good boy. Maybe you deserve a fuck." She wrapped her hand around my bulging balls, massaging them with her fingers. "These balls are so full of sperm, aren't they? It's been building up all through the night, desperate to get out. Do you want to get your cock inside my cunt, Nic? Tell me how much you want it. I want to hear you beg for it!" Somehow, the key had reappeared in her hand, and I could feel it stroking my balls.

"Oh yes, please, April, please, please, unlock my cock, I want to fuck you, so much, I really need to cum, please!" I begged and pleaded as she rode me, and my grovelling seemed to turn her on even more. She rubbed herself harder and faster over the wet and slippery steel cage, her mouth open, gasping and moaning, her head thrown back, her tits swinging to and fro. I felt her thick thighs tighten around my chest and her fingers clench around my balls.

She started to cum, this time emitting a long, slow "Aaahhh!" of contentment, her eyes closed and her face twisted as she climaxed, before slowly relaxing. 

"All right, time to let you out." She slid the key into the barrel lock. There was a click as she turned it. My cock flexed at the thought of imminent release. Release from the cage and the release of being allowed to cum at last. After my night of denial, the ecstasy of fucking her at last would be so much more intense. I knew that in just a few moments I would at last be thrusting into her wet cunt, and before long I would be spraying her cervix with my semen. 

"No, I don't think so," she said firmly, and the lock clicked shut again. "I have to go and shower." She left me, fooled again, more frustrated than ever, my cock and balls still trapped and covered in her sticky secretions. 

When she came back to the bedroom she was fully clothed, in jeans and a sweater.

"Quick, get dressed," she ordered. I pulled on my shirt, boxers and trousers. She grabbed my caged cock, flicked the key in the lock, slipped the wet cage off and pushed my cock and balls back through the ring. It all happened so quickly, compared with the slow, agonising process of putting it on. She zipped up my trousers and stood back. 

"We'll do this again. I'll call you."

"What? Why would I ever want to go through that torment again?" I asked, amazed.

"Oh, you will," she said with a grin, and bundled me out of the door.

Written by NicolasBelvoir
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