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Beauty and The Sexy Beast

"An epic tale of adventure, fucking, and a naughty princess…"

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman named Bellezza, but everyone who knew her called her Elle. She was a princess who lived alone in a castle in an enchanted forest with only her horse. She was surrounded by a colorful garden and large trees. Elle was far from town and felt lonely in seclusion. She tended to her garden, fed her horse, and read books, but nothing seemed to truly satisfy her.

Elle would often stare out the window and daydream about riding her horse onto the forbidden path, crossing over into her neighbor’s property several acres away. Elle was told tall tales about what happened to people who ventured out onto the path down the way. No one who had visited her neighbor’s territory had returned. It all sounded very mysterious and Elle was not the cautious type. She yearned for excitement and one day she finally felt ready to make the journey. She packed a bag and readied her horse for an adventure of a lifetime. She’d leave at dawn.

As soon as the sun started to rise, Elle was already on her horse and trotting down the forbidden path. She couldn’t wait to embark on something new and spontaneous. She was feeling confident and not at all concerned until…

“Shit! Why is it so bumpy?!” Elle looked down at the path.

Her pretty white horse was having trouble clip clopping along this path. The horse neighed and looked back at her, surprised by her sudden shrieking. Her ass hurt from the ride and it had only been twenty minutes!

“How the fuck am I supposed to continue with a path like this?” she pondered out loud.

Elle got off the horse and decided to walk for a bit. Holding her horse’s leather reins, she saw a river nearby. Elle guided her horse to the water and let him drink. She also needed a break. Elle sat down in the grass and peered into the water. She studied her reflection.

“Wow, I look disheveled as hell! Some princess I am,” she scoffed.

Now, even though she rarely ventured into town, her reputation preceded her. She was known as the reclusive slut who would fuck anyone and anything that dared to go on her property. There was even a rumor that she murdered a guy she fucked just because he came before she did! Those, of course, were exaggerated lies and myths told about her. But the truth was that she swore like a sailor and was not at all “princess like”. Which was fine by her, she’d rather fuck everyone and not give a shit.

Elle used the water as a mirror and untied her long braid, freeing her jet-black hair that was down to her waist. Her green eyes were complimented by long pretty lashes and rosy cheeks. Her bright red juicy lips turned into a sly smile as she smirked at herself.

“I guess I look like a hot mess, but whatever, it’s not like I plan to meet anyone on this lonely path anyways, right? We haven’t even seen or heard anyone yet,” she patted her horse’s mane.

Elle splashed some water on her face, and dried her hands on her light blue dress that fell just passed her knees. She wore a corset that cinched her waist tight and pushed up her little breasts. She brushed her bangs out of her face and gathered her flowing hair into a neat braid. Elle jumped on the back of her horse and together they returned on the path towards adventure.

A few hours later, they reached a bridge. Elle’s horse looked terrified as the bridge looked unstable. She wondered if they should continue on. Elle thought for a moment, then was determined to continue on what she set out to do. She needed some energy to feel brave. She pinched her nipples, spanked her ass, and yelled gibberish out loud.  Things princesses typically do to hype themselves up for potential danger.

“Let’s go!” she flicked the reins and charged across the bridge without fear. The horse was scared, but trusted her completely.

Although the bridge was shaky, they made it to the other side safely. Breathing a sigh of relief, Elle exclaimed, 
“That was fucked, but glad we’re not dead!” Then laughed. She had a good sense of humor and had a flair for the dramatic. Her horse whinnied and they continued on for a few more hours.

Darkness encroached upon them as Elle saw a flickering light off in the distance. She squinted her green eyes and saw what looked like a dimly lit castle. She wondered if anyone lived there.

As they approached the castle, there was a high fence surrounding it and a locked front gate. She looked up and saw creepy gargoyle statues staring down at her. They weren’t alive, but she was convinced their eyes were following her as she crept up closer to the gate.

She jumped down from her horse and tried to find an entrance.

“This is it! It’s the end of the path, we’re here. This castle must be what everyone was talking about!” Elle had a feeling this was the forbidden place where one goes but never returns. She wasn’t scared, she knew something special was awaiting her.

Elle tied her horse to the fence and left him some snacks and water. She made her way to the side of the castle searching for a way in. She was intensely drawn in by the mystery and magic of this place.

Hmm how can I get in? I need to see inside. I’ll try over here, maybe I can pick the lock or hop the fence…

Elle tried to jump, but the fence was too high and had barbed wire on it. The sharp wires caught her dress and tore the front, exposing part of her breast.

“Fuck! My tits! Ugh, oh well, guess that’s what happens when you’re trying to break into a creepy castle,” she rolled her eyes, “Karma.”

She tried to climb over some nearby rocks to get a better view of the castle. While climbing, her dress tore at the bottom.

“Seriously?” Annoyed, Elle decided that her flowy blue dress only kept getting stuck so she ripped the bottom half off, making it so short you could see her white panties underneath when she bent over. She didn’t care; she wasn’t going to let anything get in her way of this new adventure.

Elle was just about to see if there was an entrance in the back when she heard:

“Who goes there?!” A man’s voice roared.

Startled, Elle fell back into the brush. She hid and peeked through the bushes, trying to locate the voice.

“Show yourself!” The mystery man shouted.

It was too dark for Elle to make out exactly what this person looked like. All she could see was his shadow. He looked extremely tall and muscular, standing at almost 6”5’ and almost 300 pounds. He went back inside for a moment and came back holding a lantern. With the added light she could see he was hairy with a thick brown beard and wore pants and no shirt. His muscles glistened and he had dark eyes with bushy eyebrows. He was a beast. A pretty sexy beast.

Hmm he’s not half bad looking. I would fuck that. Elle thought to herself.

She loved sex and parts of the rumors in town were true, she was a slut. She estimated that she fucked half the guys in town and even some in the next town over. As long as they had a dick, she was ready to play. Even if they didn’t have a dick, she didn’t mind, she fucked women too. She was open to anyone and didn’t pay attention to gender. She was a pretty naughty princess after all, and most of the townsfolk begged for her pussy. Elle was delighted that she found yet another person she could seduce.

The Beast looked around and then stared at the bushes. Elle froze, wondering if he could see her. He sniffed the air and began to walk towards her, licking his lips. He shone the lantern in her direction and called,

“I can hear you breathing. Who the fuck are you? Get off my land!”

Shit shit shit shit shit. Elle held her breath. She didn’t want to move, but knew she would have to carefully maneuver her way out of this situation to avoid trouble. She didn’t want to get kicked out of this castle and cut her journey short. She was desperate for a good story. She felt her panties getting wet. Adventures made her horny.

“Alright, alright,” Elle stepped out of the bushes and held up her hands.

“Look, I’m sorry, I was just lost on my journey here and followed the path to your castle. I’m Princess Elle,” she offered bluntly. She batted her beautiful eyes seductively. She needed to charm her way out of this mess.

“Princess huh? Really? What the fuck are you doing in my bushes? You know you’re trespassing!” The Beast growled.

Elle moved in a bit closer to the light, hoping to show off her partially exposed sexy body in an attempt to distract the Beast. He looked her up and down.

“Yes I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to I—” she was cut off.

The Beast moved quickly and grabbed her, picking her up in his big arms and whisking her away into his castle.

Before she knew it, Elle was inside the mystery castle and could see why people told stories about it. It definitely lived up to the hype. It looked spooky and full of cobwebs. There were bugs crawling everywhere and flies were stuck in the spiderwebs. For most people, a creepy place like this would be a turn off. For Elle, it was the opposite. Her pussy tingled and her nipples got hard.

“Don’t you ever sweep?” She said brashly, not realizing that she should be worried for her own safety.

“What?!” He bellowed. His voice echoing throughout the castle walls.

“Whoa, that’s very loud. Hellooo,” Elle tested out the echo and heard her voice reverberating through the chambers. The echo of “Hellooo” boomed back at her.

“Stop that,” the Beast said in a normal decibel this time.

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“That’s better,” Elle stated, “Now are you going to give me a tour or what?”

He looked flabbergasted. No one has ever been this confident and brazen to him before. After all, he was a Beast. Powerful, strong, and dangerous.

Elle could tell her charm was working as he studied her closely. His eyes traced her black hair, down her face, neck, and stopping at her tits where her dress was torn. Elle lifted an eyebrow and was impressed he had the balls to be checking her out so obviously and not hiding his roaming eye.

The Beast inched closer to her subtly, staring at her collarbone and then waist and pausing at her hips.

“What happened to your dress? I thought princesses had nice royal clothing,” He seemed to mock her.

“Well, it got caught. You know, your land is very rock and extremely hard to navigate,” Elle sneered back.

“Extremely hard huh?” The Beast smiled, the first sign of friendliness all night. He slid closer to her. So close now that Elle could feel his breath tickle her nose.

“Mhmm…so hard, but I don’t mind, I like hard things,” Elle teased, turning up the charm.

The Beast looked rougher than she thought. He wasn’t ugly, but definitely wasn’t the hottest guy she’s ever seen. She would still fuck him if it meant a chance to continue the adventure.

The Beast settled down a bit and didn’t seem so aggressive. Elle relaxed as well and followed him as he turned and walked towards the staircase. He went quiet and looked like he was deep in thought. They walked up the stairs together in complete silence until they reached the top.

“I haven’t had many visitors in the past decade,” the Beast shared.

“Oh, so that’s why I had such a warm welcome?” Elle said sarcastically and winked.

The Beast looked down, bashful almost, “Sorry I yelled before. I’m not used to people.”

“It’s fine, I’m just playing around. I live alone too; I’m not used to people either actually. I’m glad you let me in your castle, thanks,” Elle confessed gently.

He smiled and nodded, warming up to Elle. The Beast took her hand and led her to his bedroom.

“Oh wow, you don’t waste any time, do you?” Elle laughed. She was getting horny and knew she needed to fuck him. Something took over her body and she wanted this beast inside her.

The Beast’s bedroom was just as filthy as the entrance, filled with cobwebs and bugs crawling everywhere. Flies were caught in a Venus fly trap plant in the corner. It initially grossed Elle out, but she was too horny to care. She had this chance to fuck a Beast and was determined to live to tell the tale.

“Get on the bed, now,” he ordered sternly.

“Do you do this with all your visitors?” Elle joked.

The Beast wasn’t amused, “I’m not playing around. I’m going to fuck you now. I can tell you’re very special and you’re going to be mine.”

Elle was flattered. She was in the mood for a good fucking and didn’t mind it rough. She also loved to be told what to do. She was excited and willing. They didn’t waste any time.

The Beast grabbed her waist and pushed her onto the bed ripping off her dress in one fell swoop. Elle untied her corset and the Beast tore off her panties with his teeth, showing off the monster he was. He took off his pants and revealed his hard ten-inch dick in his hands.

“Fuck. Me.” Elle’s eyes opened wide. She wondered how she’d fit that thing in her tight little pussy. She licked her fingers and started rubbing her clit. She was horny as fuck and this beast turned her on like no other.

There was no foreplay, he just went at it right away. He got on top of her and shoved his big thick cock into her hungry wet cunt. The pink folds of her pussy enveloped him and her juices coated his dick each time he entered her and pulled out and thrusted back inside again. Her tits bounced and he grabbed the left one with his hand and fingered her clit with his other hand. He reached down and sucked her breast and licked her nipple. He had a long, wet tongue.

Elle moaned and writhed in pleasure, feeling her body tingle. He slammed his dick inside her once more with such force that she almost fell off the bed.

“Holy fuck, that feels so good!” Elle screamed.

“Come here,” the Beast flipped her around so he could fuck her from behind.

“Fuck me in the ass,” Elle barely managed to say, before he slipped his hard dick inside her asshole.

Shivers were sent down Elle’s spine as the Beast entered her tight hole. She moaned louder and the Beast spanked her ass calling out,

“You’re such a bad girl, naughty princess slut! You’re all mine,” the Beast was really getting into it now, slamming harder into her and pulling out of her ass then moving back into her pussy.

He reached around and played with her tits, cupping them, and then fingered her asshole as he fucked her royal pussy. Elle was getting close to climaxing. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. With each thrust of the Beast’s cock inside her, she started to spasm uncontrollably, moaning out loud and began to orgasm.

It was so intense, Elle squirted all over the Beast’s dick and when he saw her juices, he began to cum too, unloading his warm cum into her princess pussy.

“Whoa, fuck, I’ve never had a dick like that before,” Elle quipped breathless.

“I’ve never met such a naughty princess before, let alone fuck one,” the Beast pulled his cock out of her and watched the cum dribble down her ass and pussy lips.

He looked into her eyes and moved toward her lips, wanting to kiss her.

“Stop! I don’t kiss guys I don’t know,” Elle shrieked and pulled away, sitting up in the bed.

“What the fuck? You just had sex with a stranger, but you won’t kiss?” The Beast didn’t understand.

“Yeah well, kissing is so…intimate. I’ll fuck random people but I don’t want the intimacy of a kiss. That’s too much for me,” Elle explained, “I know it may not make sense, but, I gotta go,” she hopped off the bed and stood up.

“Wait, you need to kiss me!” The Beast growled and turned serious, jumping up after her.

“What? I don’t need to do anything I don’t want to do. I don’t owe you anything,” she began to walk towards the door.

The Beast jumped up and moved past her, closing the door and locking it.

“No, I need you to just give me one kiss. I need a kiss from a princess,” he explained quickly, not making any sense to Elle.

“What the hell? Why?” Elle was confused.

“I didn’t want to scare you off before, but there was a witch who put a curse put on me…” he started.

“Oh shit! I didn’t want to fuck a guy with baggage, I’m out of here!” Elle tried to get by the Beast and open the door.

“No listen. I need to kiss a princess and then I’ll be myself again! I need you. Please,” he looked at her, starting to beg.

Elle thought about this. He did look tired and worn out and rough around the edges. She thought he was just a hairy beast who was lacking in the “looks department” and didn’t realize it was a curse. She actually thought he was pretty sexy in his own way. She suddenly felt bad for him.

“Well…I guess I could just do one quick kiss, no tongue!” She offered reluctantly. His face was quite hairy and his beard covered most of his mouth.

They both leaned in and puckered their lips. When they touched, a sharp jolt was sent through Elle’s body. She jumped back from the shock and said, “What was that?!”

Out of nowhere, a magical golden light and grey smoke appeared and surrounded the Beast. Elle couldn’t see anything. After a few moments, the fog dissipated and the light lifted. She looked around and wondered where the Beast went. She thought she was alone in the bedroom until she heard:

“Ribbit, ribbit!”

“What the fuck was that?” Elle jumped and turned around searching for the sudden sound.

“Ribbit, down here, ribbit!” something called out.

Elle looked down and saw a little green frog perched where the Beast was standing before the magic dust encompassed him.

“Thank you, Princess! I’m free!” said the frog.

“What the hell? Who are you?” Elle was thoroughly confused.

The frog said, “I’m back to myself, you lifted my curse!”

“You were originally a frog?! I thought you were going to turn into, umm,” Elle searched for the right words.

“What? A sexy prince charming or something? Nah. That’s not me. I’m a frog and wanted to return to my old body! Now I can eat these flies I’ve been saving up!” The frog said gleefully and stuck his long tongue into the Venus fly trap to grab his meal.

“Oh my god, this is insane! Well, that explains all the bugs in here. I’m happy for you, truly, but I’ve got to go now,” Elle started for the door once more.

She honestly was happy for him, but she just wanted to hit it and quit it, not stick around. She couldn’t wait to return home to tell the townspeople what had happened. She just lifted a curse, she was a fucking hero.

The frog jumped around happily and slurped up all the flies, “Thanks again, you saved my life! You can see yourself out,” he piped.

Elle headed towards the castle entrance. By now it was dawn. She hopped down the steps and opened the gate. Her horse was waiting patiently for her. She gathered up her belongings and began her journey back home, trying to process all that had just occurred.

Elle was still confused about what happened, but ecstatic about fucking the Beast (or magical frog) and living to tell the tale! She didn’t mind all the rumors about her reputation, she wanted to be a legend and now she had the story to back it up. Elle was able to ride back to town to brag about her conquest, boast about being a frog’s hero, and live happily ever after.

Written by gracefulxgem
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