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For The Sake Of Charity

"Two sorority women invent an idea to raise some cash."

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Competition Entry: Foolish

Author's Notes

"This is my entry in the Foolish story competition. Iowa State University does have a Kappa Delta sorority that performs charitable work, and I’m assuming that they did so in the 1950s too. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The State Fair at Ames, IA is certainly fictional. The prices mentioned in here are purely guesses."

As recently as the 1950s, carnivals and state fairs had what were called “kissing booths.” They were occupied by young girls who would stand in an open window and lean on the sill. Passerby were charged a fee to kiss the young lady and this earned money for charity.

For a price of about thirty cents (close to $3.00 in today’s money), a man or boy could come up to her window and get a kiss from the girl in return. Usually, it was brief, but in those days it was often on the lips. Of course, it wasn’t exactly a physically healthy practice, but it was a different era, and few people worried about the implications that ended the practice in later decades.

In the summer of 1955, two sorority girls attending Iowa State University were planning to set up such a booth to raise money for their organization’s charities. Kappa Delta was quite active in various causes, and it had been sponsoring kissing booths at the local state fair every summer. It was always quite popular, and Kappa Delta had raised a fair amount of money every year using the method.

The two women were in their summer break just before the beginning of their sophomore years. They had decided to make their mark by volunteering to run the operation for that season. The two of them were also going to be the main attractions when the booth opened.

Francine, or Franny, Larkin was a slender girl with medium blonde hair down to her shoulders. Her friend Ellen Koerner was a completely different type of lady. She was big – well, heavy would be a more accurate way to describe her. Her hair was dark, almost black. Her body was noteworthy for her thick thighs and magnificently round and ample backside.

Ellen was not at all self-conscious about her appearance as she might have been in New York or San Francisco. She thought to herself, hey, this is Iowa, and we grow some nice, substantial girls in this place. She often wore tight trousers or shorts to flaunt her assets. Even her skirts and dresses were usually close-fitting. She would sometimes swing her hips back and forth to gain extra male attention.

Both Franny and Ellen had landed boyfriends right after starting in college. Although they were technically virgins and intended to remain stay that way until marriage, that didn’t mean they entirely avoided sexual activities. They would park with their boyfriends in the guy’s cars, and they both eagerly gave and received oral sex, along with an occasional hand stroking for variety. Ellen had “fluffed” her boyfriend more than once by gyrating her crotch against his crotch. Sometimes they did this with their clothes on. At other times, if they could get away with it, they would bare their crotches for this activitiy.

Sometimes the two girls were in a frisky mood, and they would double-date in only one car. Franny would be in the front with her boyfriend Hank and Ellen would in the back with her Jake. They would hold blowjob competitions to see which girl could get her guy to ejaculate first. Ellen usually won the majority of those contests.

During the winter of 1954-55, the two of them invented the idea of cutting slits in the crotches of their woolen tights. In that way, their boyfriends could lick their pussies while the girls kept their bottoms warm inside their tights.

Both Franny and Ellen considered themselves “good” girls who would never go all the way with the men in their lives. Early in their freshmen year, Franny expressed some doubts about the morality of what they were doing in the cars. Ellen scoffed at her, and she had some convincing arguments – or perhaps excuses – for their behavior. She said to her friend, “You do know what the clitoris is, right?”

“Of course, I’m well aware of what it is and, of course, what it feels like to be touched there.” It was Ellen, in fact, who had instructed her on the topic when she met the blonde girl at the beginning of the first year.

Ellen said, “It feels – well, it's delicious when a guy licks or touches it in just the right way. I mean gently, not too roughly. Right around the edges is often the best.”

Franny couldn’t help but blush at that point, “In fact, I often touch it myself if I get the chance – like in bed, at night, before I go to sleep.”

Ellen replied, “I’ve done that a few times in one of the stalls of a ladies' room at school. I put my feet up on the seat so no one will know what I’m doing in there.”

She stopped to think for a moment. “I truly believe that God gave women those lovely little things for a reason. It’s so that females can experience pleasure without going through the risks of being penetrated by men, especially before marriage. I mean, the organ has no other reason to exist except to give us females pleasure – which it does so perfectly.”

Franny had trouble with this idea on one level, but Ellen’s argument was so appealing that she bought the premise anyway. “You really think God had something to do with it?”

“Absolutely. He made everything, didn’t he? He gave the clitoris to us so that we women could be happy and contented. And it strengthens the bonds we have with our menfolk.”

Ellen was very convincing in the way she debated the point she was making. The theological basis for this reasoning may have been beyond Franny’s ability to grasp it, but she liked the idea anyway. “All right, I can accept all that, I think. I just hope that I’m not being, you know, a slutty girl by having Hank lick me so thoroughly.”

Ellen said, “You worry too much. Having your boyfriend pleasure you, or giving the satisfaction to yourself, a completely normal and natural.”

“My mom never told me about any of this stuff.”

“Well, you can trust me then. I’m your best friend, right? I wouldn’t steer you in the wrong direction.”

“I guess the war changed everything,” Franny said. She meant the Second World War, not the recently ended U.N. action in Korea.

“I’m certain that it did – I’m sure of it. Something similar happened after the first war. The whole Roaring Twenties, flappers, and all that stuff.”

Both had only childhood memories of the second war, and they only knew about the first one through history books or stories from their older relatives. Nevertheless, Ellen was confident that she understood the sexual and social past she was describing to her friend.


As the week of the Fair approached, the two of them realized that there was going to a shortage of volunteers for the kissing booth. In fact, Ellen and Franny were the only two members who had signed up for it. The two of them were sitting around one day in the sorority house discussing the situation.

Franny said, “How long do you realistically think we could keep going on this kissing idea when we get started on it?”

Ellen replied, “I’m not really sure. I’ve heard that two hours is about the limit for a single session. Trudy Johnson did it last year, and she told me that was all she could stand.”

“Yeah, but last year we had four girls sign up for the kissing, which covers a good chunk of an afternoon. We could do it by having two separate shifts for each of us. However, I’ve had an idea that we could consider. It’s a little embarrassing to talk about however.”

Ellen replied, “You can trust me, I’ll listen to it.”

“Okay, this is only a proposal; you’re not obligated to do it of course. Hear me out first before you decide. For one thing, I believe we can charge fifty cents per pop for this, which is a much more – ah, efficient use of our time.”

“What would people pay fifty cents to do with us?”

Franny took a moment to get her courage together, “All right, the idea is that we’d people – guys mostly, I suppose – that amount for swatting us on our behinds. We'd put up a sign saying that we had been naughty. It would be fifty cents for each swipe they did on us. I think you’d be particularly popular because – well, you know why.”

Ellen immediately starting protesting, “You are going to allow them to spank me? I can’t believe that I’m hearing this from you.”

“Let me finish.  We’d set up a table in the booth, and you’d bend over it. Keep in mind that you’d be fully clothed; you’d be wearing trousers.” She couldn’t help but giggle. “Tight trousers would be best for this.”

“It would be humiliating, presenting my backside to these guys lined up behind me like that.”

“I should say another thing – they wouldn’t actually be touching you," Franny said. “I think we’d give them a bedroom slipper to use as an implement. It will sting a bit, but I don’t think it’s all that bad.”

“If this is such a great idea, then won’t don’t you do it too?”

“Well, I think I will, but you realize that my rear-end is so skinny that it’s hardly there at all. You, on the other hand, are blessed with a truly impressive set of cheeks back there.”

While Ellen tried to process this idea, Franny said, “What is the motto of our sorority? ‘Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest.’ ” 

“Smacking girls on the butt is honorable?”

Franny said, “It’s for a philanthropic cause; we’re raising money for charities.”

“The guys lined up for this won’t think of it that way.”

“They don’t go for the kissing for that motive either. Please think about it at least.” She tried for a convincing argument. “People would actually be proud of you for – I wouldn’t call it sacrificing yourself exactly, but, it will be a lot of fun I think.”

Ellen said, “Fun; is that what you call this?”

Franny went in another direction, “Did your parents ever spank you when you were younger? They would wear out my backside with a hairbrush.”

“Never, they didn’t believe in it.”

Franny laughed, “Take a few for the team!”

Ellen replied, “I’ll think about it for a day or so, see if I have any conditions about this. And please, don’t pester me until I’m ready to talk about it.”


The next day, Ellen said, “All right, there could be a good amount of money involved in this.” (Fifty cents was worth close to five dollars back then.) “I have two conditions. One is that I’m going to do only one session of this, first thing after lunch. The second is that I insist you go second, right after me. For the other three days, maybe it will just be a conventional kissing booth.”

“I don’t know if they’ll be interested in slapping my slender little behind.”

“Knowing how men think, I believe you’ll get a  lot of  takers,” Ellen said. “Wear the tightest pants you have. They will help motivate them.”

Franny put her arms around Ellen and hugged her. “I’m really pleased with you; I knew you’d come through for me.” She continued, “In my church, the pastor spanks naughty girls, including some who are in college like we are. He takes them in the back and lifts up their skirts, but of course, they keep their panties on. They get the discipline on the seat of their drawers.”

“That sounds like a rather strange church.”

“He often says, ‘One is never too old to get a good, sound spanking.’ ”

“Really, I wonder who spanks him?”

Franny laughed, “From what I’ve heard, it’s his wife who punishes him. Once she got caught using a hairbrush on him in the back seat of their car when it was parked in the church driveway. She had bared his bottom, too.”


On the first day of the fair, the girls had set up a sign that said, These naughty girls need some discipline. Fifty cents for each whack you give them with the slipper.

Around 1 P.M., just before the event was to start, about fifty guys were lined up waiting their turn. The minimum age to participate in the activity was eighteen. The girls recognized two classmates from Iowa State University.

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Ellen said, “I’m already having some doubts about this.”

Franny was ready for these objections, “Have you heard about the tradition in Czechoslovakia on Easter morning? The boys and men get together and beat the behinds of various females. They use an Easter Whip, which is made from bunches of pussy willow twigs. Supposedly it doesn’t hurt to get hit with one of those things.”

“Yeah, but has anybody ever interviewed any of those girls to confirm that it’s truly painless? And besides, just because they do it there doesn’t mean we have to do it here.”

Ellen took a few slips from a  whiskey flask to fortify her courage. She was wearing her tightest light-blue denim trousers, which showed off her the substantial roundness of her hindquarters. Franny had tan pants, but even with those on her backside appeared to be almost completely flat.

At 1:00 PM, Ellen had to get ready for her session. “Are we actually going to do this?”

Franny said, “You gave your word that you would. Now be that naughty girl and bend over the table.” Franny was in charge of collecting the money, handing out the slipper, and counting the swats.

Ellen sighed and said, “All right, how bad could it be?” She positioned herself over the table and raised her backside so that it was the highest part of her body. In that way, her generous buttocks made a very tempting target.

“Be brave Ellen, it’s all for a good cause.” She then said, “Give me your glasses for safe-keeping. I mean, that way they don’t go flying off your head.”

The first guy in line had paid for ten hits, and the sound of the slipper connecting with Ellen’s rear echoed inside the hut. The next one only paid for six, which still wasn’t a bad take. Franny said as she watched, “I think this is really going to be a lucrative venture.”

Ellen almost immediately noticed something different about the effect of the slapping actions on her posterior. Although the slipper did sting her as it cracked across her body, there was another impact on her too. She dutifully said “ouch” or “oh” each time, but she also noticed that she was getting a warm, vibrating feeling in her genitals. The flesh of her bottom was feeling the effect of the slipper, but there was also a delightful tingling happening in the area between her legs.  

She thought, oh my God, I’m getting aroused by this. It hurts but I sort of like it anyway. I hope I can hide that so that no one notices.

She tried to hide her delight, but as each guy stepped forward to smack her, the pleasure grew more intense. Supposedly she would get a brief break every half-hour, but she quickly forgot about that. Within a few minutes, her groans were sounding more like moans. Without thinking about it, she started to sway her hips, gently at first, but then more vigorously.

For the men in line, and other people watching, it first appeared to be an act she was putting on to make the show more dramatic. But it was anything but faked. Ellen could feel her vagina and then her clitoris starting to twitch. Thank God I’m clothed so no one can see anything happening.

Franny was at first concerned about her friend, and she said, “Ellen, honey, how are you doing with this?”

She tried to control her voice, but she wound up saying, “Oh, it’s just fine. Believe me, I’m doing great.”

That seemed puzzling, “Did you say that you’re doing great?”

“Yes, and I really mean it!”

She tried not to think about her boyfriend’s tongue and lips licking and sucking on her vulva, but the more she tried to ignore her arousal, the more intense the sexual sensations became. Initially, she tried to keep her legs tightly together, but she couldn’t sustain that for long. Instead, she spread her limbs so that the slipper would catch her right at the lower part of her crotch.

After a few minutes, Ellen could feel the wetness start to seep out of her genitals. Oh please, don't let that show on the back of my pants. But like her other promises to herself she wasn’t able to keep it. Instead, she raised her behind higher and planted her legs further apart.

It was Franny who finally understood what was happening. She stepped in front of the table and grabbed Ellen’s hands. She hoped that this bit of theater would convince any spectators that her friend was in great pain and needed to be restrained. But then she looked back at the line of men waiting to take their turn with the slipper. There was no way to verify which of them, if any, understood Ellen’s reactions. However, there was no doubt that most of them were enjoying the rolling gyrations of Ellen’s hips.

Ellen herself considered calling off the whole event rather than continuing the slippering. But part of her mind grasped that her own arousal was making the money-making part of the spanking more successful.

With truly mixed emotions, she thought, I made a promise to take this through to the end, whatever the results. She was vaguely aware that more men were joining the end of the line, and they were putting down even more money to give her some shots with the slipper. And besides, it feels really great.

“Ellen, honey, you don’t have to take this through to the very end.”

“But Franny, I do want to take this up to the very end. I’m really serious.”

The end arrived quite abruptly. Ellen could tell it was coming by the way her clitoris and vulva were stiffening and quivering. I can’t believe it, I’m going to have an orgasm right now, right here at this table. It happened that an older gentleman had paid to give her twenty with the slipper. She was aware of the count, and then she cried out, “Please sir, don’t stop! Keep going! In fact, hit me between my legs.”

Perhaps it was out of some misplaced sense of chivalry, but the old man figured he’d follow any reasonable request from a lady. A few seconds later, she squirted more fluid out of herself and her sexual climax arrived. She grabbed the table, stood up straighter, and slammed her hips against the edge of it. Her feet scuffled against the ground. A sound like “a-h-h-h” came out of her throat.

When it was over, she fell to her knees with her hands on the tabletop. Franny rushed over and saw that her face was blushing red, and she was starting to cry. They both looked at the various spectators, both male and female, who were gazing back at them. There was no merriment in the onlookers, no catcalls. Rather they were all very quiet. Perhaps they were awe-struck by Ellen’s unmistakable climax.

Franny said, “Come on baby, let’s go.” They started to leave the hut.

“But I’m so humiliated. I came right in front of all of those people.”

“Don’t worry about it, it happens to a lot of girls.” Actually, she had never heard of a girl climaxing just from a spanking alone.

Ellen was still upset, “And look at the back of my trousers. They’re just soaked.” Franny was wearing a shirt over a pullover blouse, and she gave that to Ellen to tie around her waist.

In the car Franny had borrowed from Hank, Ellen went on. “I messed that up so totally. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t control my reactions. It just set me off. It was like my pussy – well, it just went in its own direction.”

“The funny thing is, we were really raking in the money with those spankings. Maybe you should come back for a second session later. Put on a fresh pair of trousers.” 

“Oh no, you can do it as we have agreed. You’re the second naughty girl, remember? You can take that slipper on your skinny ass. Or better yet, let’s use a paddle. That will put some dents in your cute little backside.”

“But I don’t like getting spanked, you know that. I know I said otherwise, but I’d rather do a kissing session after this.”

“Well, I didn’t think I’d like it either until today. Franny, you’re a coward, do you know that?”

Franny ignored her and smiled at her, “I bet you can do something bad and then get Jake to take you over his knees.”

Ellen smiled back through her tears. “Yeah, there’s always that option. That’s if I can talk him into it.”

“If he’s like most guys, I bet you won’t have any problem with that. Hey, when we get back to the house, I want to see what your butt looks like.”

“That’s kind of private, wouldn’t you say?”

Franny could be quite persuasive too, “Oh come on, just one peek so I can see how it went.”

“All right, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad for you to see it. I admit it’s a bit sore back there.”

When Ellen lowered her clothes, her friend was impressed. “Wow, you are pretty red back there, even though it was over your trousers. If only those guys could have seen what they did to you – I bet we could charge even more.”

“Wait a minute, even I think there have to be some standards of decency, which we were really pushing today anyway. I’m definitely not doing it again today or on any other day. Find some other volunteer willing to present her bottom to a bunch of eager guys.”

Franny’s concept, as imaginative as it was, never got tried again. In the years that followed, even after their graduation, the kissing was the only activity that continued to take place in the booth. Within a few years, that faded away too as people became more aware of the possible health complication of pressing their lips against those of a stranger.


During the final four days of the fair, Ellen stayed away from the grounds. Franny found another woman from the sorority who was willing to take over a kissing session in the afternoon.

When the sophomore year began a couple of weeks later, Ellen was relieved that no one at the school or sorority made any mention of her memorable time bent over the table. It was as if the entire event had disappeared completely from everyone’s memory. Of course, no one who witnessed it truly forgot it. It just didn’t seem appropriate to dwell on such a sensitive issue.

Ellen did reveal her newfound sexual interest to her boyfriend Jake. She trusted him to keep the news to himself and not blab about it to his friends, although a couple of them had already heard about what had happened at the fairgrounds. Anyway, she was strongly hinting that she’d enjoy a butt-whacking from him too with the right provocation.

He took the hint. About a week later, in late September, they started an argument in his car. It was about nothing really important, but Ellen was nasty about it in a way he had never heard before. She was explicit at what she wanted. “Jake, you can’t let me get away with me insulting you like that. You have to get me back into line, and I’ve already told you exactly how to do it.”

She was soon stretched out across his lap in the back seat. He raised her skirt and was just about to start the spanking, when she protested, “No, not on the seat of my drawers. It has to be on my bare rear-end to really be effective.” When her panties were down around her knees, Jake took a moment to gaze at her broad, white derrière. He had never seen it up close like that before, and he was impressed by its size and almost perfect roundness.

Ellen looked back at him. “Well, you can examine it all you want, but eventually you have to get down to business.” Both of them were surprised perhaps that the event went almost exactly like the session in the booth. After a period of vigorous spanking, Ellen squirted and climaxed on his lap, and she made an ungodly amount of noise while her hips rolled around uncontrollably.

Afterwards, Jake stroked her hair as she went through her resolution phase. He said, “I never knew – well, to be blunt about it – I never knew a girl could, ah, come in that way.”

Ellen was starting to feel very relaxed at that point. She didn’t even bother to turn over to speak to him. “Well, I’m not like every other girl; I’m a rare case perhaps. And I’m your case and yours alone.”

“Now I’m worried that I had to maybe hurt you. I mean, I can see the way your behind looks now.”

“But it hurt so good. Jake, sweetie, I do appreciate how well you did what I wanted from you. Your dedication to my pleasure, I think, shows that you really love me and care about my well-being. To me, you are a very special guy.”


Written by LakeShoreLimited
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