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"Two friends let the cat out of the bag"

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Competition Entry: Foolish

“You’re right, Guantanamo Bay is the much stronger film,” Beth said, leaning forward to take her glass from the coffee table.  She sat back into the couch, crossing her legs towards me, the hem of her blue wrap dress sliding above her knee.  “I love Neil Patrick Harris.”


“Oh, he should have got an Oscar for that,” I said, standing up and gesturing at her glass.


Her laugh bubbled out.  She narrowed her eyes, the lines at the corners softening the piercing blue.  “I hardly think so.”  Another giggle.  “He was way too much of a horn dog.  You can’t hand out Academy Awards for that sort of role.”


Our fingers touched as I took her proffered glass, the tick of a spark.  It broke the flow, both of us caught in a stare.  It was only a couple of seconds, but it definitely lingered.


Or did it?


I didn’t know.


“Ah, I’ll, um, take care of these,” I said, lifting the glasses.  “Same again?”


“Yeah,” she breathed, her fingers brushing her neatly-pinned blonde hair just above her ear.


“How about you pick the next one and I’ll sort out something to eat.”  I splashed two healthy gouts of shiraz into our glasses, emptying the bottle.  “You okay with an antipasto-type thing, or do you want something sweet?”


“No, antipasto sounds great,” she said, walking past the kitchen bench.  “I’m just going to use the bathroom.”


I fussed about putting a platter together, arranging little bowls of olives and marinated mushrooms in amongst the cheese, crackers and meats.  It wasn’t until I was fanning out the last of the julienned cucumber that I realised Beth had been gone a while.


“Beth?” I called through the bathroom door.  “Are you okay?”


“Um, yeah…”


“Okay, that doesn’t sound very convincing.  What’s going on?” I asked.  “Beth?”


“Promise you won’t laugh?”  Her voice was small.


I was already chuckling.  Probably not.”




“Okay, okay.”  I got myself under control.  “What is it?”


“I had a bit of an accident,” she whined.


“What do you mean, ‘you had a bit of an accident’?”  I put my hand on the doorknob.  “Did you get stuck in the bowl and I’ve got to call the Fire Department?  Or did you shit all over my bathroom and now I have to throw my house out?”


“Nooo!” she laughed.  “I just…  Oh, fuck it.”  She opened the door a crack and sighed.  It took her forever to look up at me, her cheeks pink.


“I thought I’d finished,” she started in a whisper.  “I was washing my hands and a little more pee came out.”  Her blush deepened.  “I, um…  I wet my panties a little bit.”


“Oh, okay,” I smiled, my shoulders bouncing a couple of times.  “It’s okay.  It happens.  It’s pretty normal, especially after you’ve had kids.  There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”


“I know.  Thank you.”  She looked down.  “I might just head home though.”


“Oh, no.  Don’t be silly,” I pleaded.  “Please stay.  I was really looking forward to hanging out with you this afternoon.”


Beth smiled up at me, her expression doe eyed.  She snorted a laugh, tilted her head, shrugged a shoulder.  “I don’t have any underwear.”


My brain snagged, all rational thought abandoning me.  Then it suddenly came to me.  “Hang on!”  I’ve got some spare panties.  What size are you?”


“Ummm…”  Her eyes were wide.


My cheeks burned.  “Oh, no, no.”  I held my hands up.  “They’re like leftovers from old three-packs and stuff from my ex-.  They’ve never been worn.  I think there’s a couple of different sizes.  She gained a bit of weight there at the end.”


Beth raised an eyebrow.


“No, wait.”  My face felt hotter, if that was possible.  “I don’t mean…”


“Relax, Liam,” Beth said, touching my forearm.  “It’s okay.”  She held my gaze with a smile.  “I’m a size twelve.”


“Okay, cool.  I’m pretty sure I can do that.  Just wait here, and I’ll, um…”  I thumbed down the hall towards my bedroom.


I was back a minute later, with a small handful of satin and lace.


“Well, these are sexy,” Beth said, holding up the black G-string.  They had scalloped frills on the hips and a bow on the waistband, but it was the scandalous lace insert plunging down the gusset that called for a clean shave.


“Sorry, they were the only twelves.  All the others are eight and ten.”


“It’s okay.  Thank you.”  She shooed me away and retreated back into the bathroom. 


By the time I ferried the wine and nibbles to the coffee table, Beth was back on the couch, scrolling through the menu with my Apple remote.  “A Million Ways to Die in the West?”  Then reading from the screen, “’Strong sexual references’ and ‘crude humour’?”


“Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris again,” I added, breaking eye contact.  “Let’s do it.”


The jokes were bawdy and had us both laughing throughout, Beth honest-to-God snorting at most of Sarah Silverman’s lines.  She blushed every time she did, which I just found adorable.  That, and her legs I snuck a peek at as often as I dared.


Beth reached out and took my hand after the post-credits scene.  She smiled at me, her brilliant blue eyes dreamy.  “That was fun.  I had a great time.”  Then she sighed and perched forward on the couch.  “But I really do have to get going.  Steve’s dropping the kids off tomorrow morning and I just want to get everything ready before they come home.”


Smiling back and squeezing her hand, I pulled her up.  Beth helped me with the dishes, and we danced around each other as she collected her things and made her way to the front door.  We joked around as we went, talking about the movies and quoting lines like a couple of geeky teenagers.


A pause in our banter led to silence.  It wasn’t quite awkward, but definitely loaded.  Adding to the effect, the glow of the late-afternoon sun streaming in through the frosted glass.


Beth stepped into me, craning her face up to mine.  Our lips met, warm and soft.  The wetness of her tongue followed, searching out my own.  The press of her body; the weight of her arms around my neck:  it was all too much.


Then it was over.


She had an impish grin, and I had a massive erection.


“Sorry.  I don’t know what got into me,” she whispered, chewing at her bottom lip.  “I think it’s these panties.  They make me feel really sexy.”


I can’t quite describe the sound I made.  And I shudder to think what the expression on my face looked like.


Beth’s mouth opened, her breath echoing off the hard surfaces of my entryway.  “Do you want to see what they look like on me?”


My world started spinning.


She grabbed handfuls of blue fabric at her thighs and slowly drew the hemline up her legs, bunching her dress up in her fingers.  It rose and rose.  Inch after glorious inch of her thighs came into view, her curves flaring as she went. 


Then the tiniest wedge of black satin.


My nose throbbed with my pulse.  My fucking nose!  The heat in in my face was searing.  I couldn’t breathe.


Her dress settled at her waist, her panties exposed.  My panties.  On her.


“Oh, fuck,” I said.


“We can do that if you want,” she breathed.


“God, more than anything.”  I was trembling.


“Yeah?”  She grinned up at me.


“Yeah,” I said, stepping forward and taking her by the hips.  The texture of the lace was so wonderfully rough against the softness of her skin.


My mouth found hers again.


She broke the kiss.  “Where do you want to fuck me?”


“In the pussy,” I said.


Beth snorted so hard, snot came out.  She buried her face in my chest, honks of laughter shaking us both where we stood.


“No, you idiot,” she laughed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.  “I meant where in the house?”


“Oh, right.”  My entire face prickled with sweat.  “This way.”


I led her to my bedroom, lifting her dress up over her head as we went.  Dropping it on the floor, I traced my fingers down her upstretched arms, over the straps of her nude bra, the sweep of her waist, and then back to the lacey frills at her hips.  The bounce of her ass on those final steps into my bedroom was hypnotic.


Another kiss.  This time, her hands clawed through my hair.  Mine enjoyed the dips and curves of her back, her smooth skin cool to the touch.


Coming up for air, Beth helped me off with my shirt.  She ran her palms down my torso, her eyes locked on the progress of her hands.  As she hooked her fingers into my waistband, her brilliant blue eyes shot up to meet my gaze.


Another cheeky smile.


Beth dropped to her knees, taking my pants with her, boxers and all.  She was the only colour on a field of charcoal carpet.  Biting her lip again and looking up at me, she wrapped her fingers around my shaft.


“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she said.


Me neither.  I just stared down at her, watching her ever-so-slowly taking my cock into her mouth. 


She didn’t break eye contact for a second.  The warm suction of her mouth…  The soft, wet cradle of her tongue…  The blush of her cheeks when she took off her bra…


The way she moaned when she titty-fucked me…


Beth stood just in time, sliding her body up mine and knocking me back onto my bed.  I scooched back into the middle of the mattress, kicking away the covers to expose crisp white sheets as I went.  I was shivering with anticipation.  She crawled up over me, the shine of pre-cum and saliva glistening on her breasts.


“You’re a blood donor, right?” she asked, sitting up astride me.  “You’re clean?”


“Um, yeah.”  I nodded, a flush of heat across my face.  This was really fucking happening!


Beth pulled the G-string to one side with one hand and guided my cock to her snatch with the other.  She sank down with a slurp, gasping as she did.


“Oh, fuck!”  I threw my head back and closed my eyes.  I was buried to the hilt in her sopping vagina.  The heat of her…  I couldn’t believe my luck.  I was actually having sex with Beth Rogers, bareback.  Oh, my fucking God!


She ground herself into me, rolling her hips back and forth.  The sup and slop of her pussy was intoxicating, together with her melodic vocalisation.  I loved her voice.  She had a beautifully clear Australian accent, flat and slightly nasal.  The sound of her mewling was such a deadly siren song.


Her breasts, too, were amazing.  Watching her squeeze the soft flesh and pinch her nipples, her head thrown back in ecstasy, was doing my head in. 


Then I remembered.


A group of us were out for drinks.  Two or three in, talk shifted to a guy a couple of us knew, his incredibly short stature and suspected small penis of note.  One of the girls stole the show, claiming that a small dick left more room for toys.  But it was Beth’s comment that he would be at the right height to suck her tits while they fucked that stuck with me.


I heaved myself up, nearly blowing out my abs in the process.  Taking Beth’s heavy breasts from her, I kissed her, sucking on her tongue.  Then I pulled her down over me.  She braced herself against the timber bedhead, trying to snuff out her clit on my pubic bone.  Her tits swung in my face and I gorged myself, licking, sucking and nipping at her.  Her chewy little nubs were an absolute delight.


“Oh, fuck yeah,” she whined, her gyrations picking up in tempo over the agonisingly short minutes that followed.  “Yeah, that’s it.  Uh-huh.  Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come! Oh, God …”

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Beth bore down on me hard.  Her body positively vibrated.  The groan out of her was something else.  Then the panting…


God, I was so into her.


Seemingly unable to go on, she dismounted.  I was up like a shot and swung in behind her.  I pulled the waistband of her panties down, peeling the G-string out of her ass.  Leaving her hobbled with the black satin high around her thighs, I grabbed my cock, still syrupy from Beth’s arousal, and plunged back inside her.


Beth held onto the headboard as I fucked her for all I was worth.  I gripped her hips, my knuckles white.  The slap and wobble of her ass, my grunts, her yelps.


She couldn’t hold on anymore and collapsed to the mattress.  I fell on top of her, humping her from behind.  Working my hands in under her, I grabbed her boobs and revelled at the hourglass contours of her body.  Beth burrowed her own hands in beneath her in search of her clit.


I was lost.


This woman I had longed for since the first day we met.  Finally fucking her like this.  Making love to her.  Holding her so close.


I don’t even know how.  The next thing I knew, I was kissing her over her shoulder.  It was sloppy and wet, and so beautifully desperate. 


I needed her more than life itself.


“Oh, yeah.  That’s it, Liam.  Just like that,” she drooled into my pillow when I broke the kiss to gulp down breaths of my own.  “You feel so good like that.  Oh, God, are you close?”


“Uh-huh.”  I was on the verge of tears.  “You?” I managed to add in amongst the incoherent free verse of adoration I panted.


Regardless, I was first to come, seizing in uncontrollable spasms.  I emptied myself into her.  Strong jet after jet of cum fizzed out of my cock in one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had.


“Oh, yeah,” she howled.  “I can feel you coming.  Oh, God, Liam, don’t stop.  “I’m gonna come again.”


I kept grinding into her as best I could.  I flopped like a landed fish.  The paralysis of hypersensitivity was claiming me.


Beth tensed.  Then she released the most guttural groan I’d ever heard, melodic voice or no.  She almost sounded like a sealion roaring on a beach.  I held on tight, washed away in her climax.


We lay like that forever, catching our breath.  I eventually rolled off her, pulling her with me and allowing her to roll onto her back in my arms.  Lifting her legs, she took her panties off the rest of the way and tossed them over onto the mattress beside me.  She snuggled into me, her head on my chest and her hand stroking my stomach.


“Are you okay?” I asked, fighting off the serotonin dump that was making me want to run a mile.


She hummed her assent, lazily asking me the same in return.


More companionable silence, until the creeping scent of Beth’s pussy filled my consciousness.  The smell of sex was thick in the air.  The skimpy slash of black satin on the white sheets in my periphery caught my attention, and I picked up the panties.  They were still warm, and wet to the touch.  I held them to my nose and breathed her in.


“Ooh, Liam, that's so naughty.”  Beth grinned up at me, her eyes sparkling.


“I’ll say,” I growled, returning the tease.  The embarrassment of being caught sniffing her panties was heating my face, but I was all in.  “It smells like you’ve been quite the bad girl this afternoon?”


Beth giggled.  Then squirming in beside me, she stroked her thigh across my legs.  “Mmm, no.”


With her panties still bunched in my hand, I touched my index finger to the tip of her nose.  “Are you sure?”  Then I traced over her lips and her chin.


“I was a good girl,” she whispered. 


I ran my finger down her throat.  “I don’t believe you.”


Beth twisted onto her back, arching her breasts up to catch my wandering caress.  “I promise.”


“You promise, do you?”  I looped my finger around one stiff nipple then across to the other, where I pinched it in the damp satin.


Beth squealed.  “Okay, okay! “


“’Okay, okay’ what?” I whispered, resuming my digital trek over her tummy.


“Maybe I was a little bit naughty,” she giggled.


“’Little bit naughty’?”  I arrived at her light-brown curls, sticky and matted into a faux hawk.


“Uh-huh.”  Her breathing picked up and she parted her thighs.


The slippery mess between her legs took my breath away.  To say nothing of the heat.  It was radiating from her pussy.  The warmth flushed through my body as I let myself get carried away with a blossoming cuckold fantasy.  “Perhaps you better tell me what happened.”


Beth didn’t miss a beat, joining me in the game as my fingers strummed her sex.  “You know that guy I told you about?  The cute one from work?  Liam?”


Oh, God, yes.  “What about him?”  The thrill of talking about myself in the third person, like I was the other man, really got my heart pumping.


“He invited me over to watch a couple of movies.”  Her breathing grew heavy.  “We’re both into the same kind of thing.”


“’The same kind of thing’?”  I ran my finger down the crease at her thigh.  Please let that be true.


“Um, yeah.  You know, comedies?  Bawdy comedies.  Raunchy comedies,” she giggled.


“And?”  You little fucking tease.  I traced the slick groove between her labia, starting at the bottom and working my way very slowly to the top.


“I, um…  I went to the toilet while he was fixing us some snacks.”  She swallowed hard.  “Well, I, ah… I didn’t really go to the toilet.”


My finger stopped a millimetre from her clit. 


Beth lifted her hips, chasing my finger, but I pulled it just out of reach.  She bucked again, and I pulled back once more.  She groaned with frustration.


“What did you do?” I asked, the heartbeat hammering in my ears.


“I kind of, um…”  She nuzzled my chest and stroked my forearm.  “He has this two-way bathroom thing into his, um, bedroom.  I, ahh, kind of snooped a little bit.”


My pulse quickened.  My cheeks grew hotter as she took our hotwife roleplay off road.  “What did you…”  I swallowed.  “What did you find?”


Beth giggled.  Then grabbing my wrist, she led my fingers back to her sopping pussy.  “I found his stash,” she moaned.


Oh, Jesus!  “What do you mean?” 


“In his bedside table,” she said, flicking her tongue over my nipple.  “The top drawer’s full of women’s panties.  Sexy ones.”


I was fucking mortified, my hand stilling between her legs.


“I think he likes to jack off into them,” she went on, the delight in her voice evident through my clenched eyes.


“Maybe they were just leftovers from his ex-wife?” I ventured in an attempt to misdirect.


“No, I don’t think so.  There was half a tube of Astroglide in there with them,” she said.  “Besides, I found a few crusty pairs all balled up in his dirty-clothes basket.  He definitely likes coming in them.”


I was dying.


Beth laughed, “Oh, my God!  Your ears are all red!”


I cleared my throat, my voice somehow breaking high with the exertion.  “What did you do?”


“I thought it might be fun to fuck with him a little,” she said.  “See if I could trick him into letting me wear some of them.  You know, mess with his head?”


“I don’t und- “


“I pretended to wet myself a little,” she interrupted.  “See if he’d offer me a pair.  See if he was naughty enough to try and get me to wear a pair of panties he’d jacked off into.”


“You knew?”


“Uh-huh,” she breathed, licking my nipple again as she clenched her thighs around my hand.  “And I sat there all afternoon, wearing his dirty little cum-rag panties against my cooch.”


“Oh, fuck.”  I shuddered all over.  The way she described it was just as good as the experience itself.


“Well, hello there,” she cooed, wrapping her fingers around my thickening shaft.


“So, did it?” I asked, sinking two fingers into her greasy hole and pressing my thumb to her clit, the pendulum of confidence swinging back my way.


“Did what?” she moaned, tightening her grip.


“Did it do his head in?”  I kissed the top of her head, then her cheekbone, then her mouth.


“Yeah,” she breathed, swooping her tongue between my lips.  “He was awkward as fuck, and he kept sneaking peeks at my legs when he thought I wasn’t looking.  It was driving him crazy.”


My chest bounced with amusement.  There was no getting anything past her.  I loved that. 


I rolled back onto her, Beth spreading her legs to receive me.  Nuzzling her neck and working my way between her collar bones, I went on, “And just how exactly did you get from there to here?”  I stirred my fingers in her sodden snatch.


“I let him see them on me,” she moaned, combing her fingers through my hair as I suckled at her breasts.  “And touch them on me.”


“What else did you let him do?”  I kissed down to her deliciously soft tummy.


“I let him fuck me.”


I dipped my tongue into her belly button, spiralling my way back out.  “You let him come inside you?”  My fingers inside her matched the motion of my tongue.


“Uh-huh,” she panted.  “He organised the blood drive at work.  I, ahh…  I figured it was…”


“You wanted him to come in your dirty little pussy?”  My lips tugged at the coarse hair on her mound.


“I swear to God, Liam,” she said, gripping my head and breaking character, “if you eat me out right now, I’m going to fucking marry you.”


We stared at each other across acres of rolling breasts and gently undulating stomach, my view of her glazed crotch framed by the valley of her thighs.


Then I buried my tongue inside her creamy twat.


I gorged on her, licking and sucking, devouring our sex in a frenzy.  Beth’s freshly-fucked pussy was scrumptious.  Soft and juicy, the taste of her was so fucking incredible.


Catching her under the thighs, I bent her in half, pressing her knees into her chest and lifting her pelvis for better access.  Half pulled, half driven, I scrambled up onto her and dove inside her again.  I was deep, deeper than before.  Hotter too, if that was possible.


We were going at it hammer and tongs.  We kissed feverishly, cum from my lips smearing across her face.  Her honey-blonde mane pulled free from her hair clip, sticking in sweat-darkened strands to her skin.


“Fuck me, Panty Boy!” she grunted, clawing at my back.  “Fuck all his cum out of my dirty little cunt!”


I stopped mid-stroke and looked down at her.  “Did you just call me Panty Boy?”


Beth laughed, the contraction of her muscles baring down on my cock.  Then she snorted, causing more laughter.  “I did,” she said, reaching up to touch my face.  Stretching to kiss me, she teased, “You don’t want to be my naughty little Panty Boy?  You don’t want to peel cum-soaked panties off my slutty little cunt?”


I resumed fucking her long and hard as she continued to taunt me.  Hooking her knees over my elbows, I drove deep.


“You don’t want to smell them?  Taste them?  Taste me?  Fuck me.”  The upward inflection slipped away as she braced herself against each thrust.  “Claim me.  Own me.  Make me yours.”


“God, I love what a slut you are!” I groaned, nailing her to the sheets.


“Oh, God, yes!” Beth moaned.  “I’m going to be such a slut for you, Liam.  I’ll be your slut.  I’ll be your dirty fucking whore!”


I completely fucking lost it, roaring my orgasm like an animal.  A kaleidoscope of stars ushered me into a state of semi-delirium.


Beth wasn’t far behind, howling her release into my ear and biting down hard on the lobe.  The pain was sharp, but oddly comforting.  In that moment, it pulled me towards her in the tangle of limbs and the frictionless spill of body fluids.


She was a tingling shape beneath me.  Holding me.  Gripping me.  Enveloping me.


I really don’t know how long it took to come down.  But the kissing was nice, soft and wet and unselfconscious.


“Okay, so that happened,” Beth chuckled, her cheeks colouring.


“Yeah, that was a, ahh, whole thing there,” I said.


“Probably a few things to talk about?”


“Definitely,” I said




Thank you for reading my story.  I really hope you enjoyed it.  Please vote and leave a comment.  I’d love to hear what you thought.




Written by Wilful
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