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The Loft

"Does Anyone Smell Popcorn?"

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Competition Entry: Foolish

Our family had just moved into a new home. To put it mildly, this was a fixer-upper.

Lucky for us, our parents were pretty handy and had done a lot of the repairs and cosmetic fixes on our old place. Even still, this was not going to get fixed in a week or even a month.

We had contractors come in and essentially gut the space with the exception of the bathrooms, the kitchen, one bedroom and the loft space upstairs. Mom and Dad took the bedroom. That left me and my sister to share the loft space until some serious progress was made.

My sister Elyse is older than me by about two years. We’ve always gotten along great. She’s super smart and was a huge help when it came to designing the space. I was there more for the grunt work including painting and carrying shit.

The loft space is a weird shape. Elyse took the sofa that was wedged into a corner underneath the window. I inflated an air mattress which gave me more space to roll around. The problem is the air mattress was pretty much right in front of the sofa due to all the other stuff we had laying around in the loft. The other problem with the air mattress is that I couldn’t roll over without it making a fuckload of noise. Without closets and dressers, our stuff was in suitcases. Elyse was smart but she wasn’t winning any awards at neatness. Her suitcases lay open across the floor.

The loft, at best, was semi-enclosed. The door closed and three of the walls were there. One of the walls was gone and essentially opened and looking down on what was going to be a massive living space below. The opening didn’t face our parents’ room, so the lights and sound didn’t really interfere that much with them sleeping (or theirs with us). Our parents were early risers and liked to get to work on transforming the space at sunrise. Elyse and I had different ideas. We were down to help, but I was prepping for my freshman year at college. Elyse herself had just finished her sophomore year. She won a scholarship for swimming and eventually we would have a pool in the back yard, but it wasn’t going to be this summer unfortunately.

The first couple of weeks seemed to be moving quickly. We were making a lot of progress and each had our own work zones. After dinner we’d divide the shower responsibilities and relax for the night. The only working bathrooms were in the downstairs area. We were adding one upstairs but that was weeks away.

Ever the gentleman, I always gave Elyse the first shift on the shower. Our bathroom was directly below the loft we slept in. The only part of the upstairs that had an enclosed ceiling was the very loft we were sleeping in. The bathroom below had no ceiling whatsoever. Sometimes we’d tarp it over but that wasn’t a regular thing. I noticed this pretty early on and our parents either didn’t notice or they didn’t think it was an issue. Who could blame them? We had a lot to do.

On this particular night I listened as Elyse walked downstairs. The only working light in the bathroom was one of those hook lights that usually hang in a garage. It burned so bright that you had to shower quickly to avoid a sunburn from it.

From above, I watched Elyse stripping off her t-shirt and shorts. I could faintly see the roundness of her tits and her firm ass. She had a swimmers’ body through and through. Her body fat was zero and her ass was as tight as a drum. For a swimmer, Elyse had great tits. When she wore a bathing suit at school you could see everyone in the stands with their mouths hanging open – men and women. Her nipples were like bullets and maybe she was used to the stares but no one could be blamed for being distracted by them.

“Good night guys! Great work today!” shouted Dad as he closed the door of the bedroom he and Mom shared.

Elyse and I had hung a couple of bed sheets across the open wall of the loft to shield our space from the light downstairs. Tonight though, I moved the sheets aside and I watched Elyse as she showered. She seemed blissfully unaware of the lack of privacy. Once she switched off the water, she stepped out all shiny and wet and toweled off from her hair down to her feet. I watched as she wrapped herself in a towel and combed her wet hair out.

As she faced the mirror, I pulled back from my perch and listened to hear Elyse’s footsteps as she returned to our space.

“Your turn in the shower Freddie,” she said as she entered the loft.

From the bathroom below I looked up at the bedsheets shielding our sleeping space. Now the light behind Elyse worked in my favor. She moved around the loft space and seemed to be digging through her bags. Her curvy silhouette was the ultimate tease. She stood up and removed her towel. As she pulled her nightshirt over her head, I watched the curve of her ass and tits moving side to side. It was the best shadow puppet show I'd ever witnessed.

This was pretty much our nightly ritual and I admit that it felt like a prize at the end of some very long days of hard labor.

As were we walling off spaces in the downstairs my body was one big ache. I was in great shape by now but that didn’t mean my ass wasn’t kicked at the end of every day. Carrying lumber and drywall and huge cans of paint or other compounds was hurting muscles I didn’t even know I had. Some nights I actually fell asleep during Elyse’s shower show rather than watching it. Elyse had pity on me and sometimes sent me to the shower first since I was covered with dust and clearly needed it. Luckily, we were still a ways off from closing the ceiling upstairs. I still had those showers to look forward to – hers and mine.

One night after I took the first shower, I went face down on my air mattress. Elyse went off for her turn in the shower. When she returned she was in her customary long t-shirt. While she was digging in her suitcases, I realized that I could see straight up her shirt to her naked ass. Forgetting that her legs were amazing, her ass was perfectly round and muscular. She was nude under that towel and I stared as she wrestled with the contents of her suitcases. I didn’t know what she was looking for but I prayed that she didn’t find it.

Elyse looked over and saw my face. Maybe she didn’t notice that I was staring at her ass and body?

“Shit, I would have sworn you were already knocked out Fred. You worked your ass off today.”

“Yeah,” I said. “My whole body feels like one giant bruise.”

“Know what though?” she asked. “You’re totally ripped now! Your body is all muscle. You’ve lost a ton of weight but your abs, your shoulders… they look sick!”

“You think so?” I asked.

“Hell yeah,” she said.

“Maybe if they stop hurting, I will flex for you,” I joked.

Elyse went back to digging in her suitcases. I went right back to enjoying the view of her doing so.

“I have something for you,” she exclaimed.

Elyse climbed onto the air mattress and instructed me to lay flat on my stomach. I was still wrapped in the towel I had used to dry off after my shower. My hair was still wet since I hadn’t even bothered to towel it dry.

Elyse kneeled beside me and squeezed some liquid into her palms and started rubbing my shoulders. Whatever the fluid was, it smelled amazing. This was something for chicks but right now the smell and the sensation of her hands on my back were a combination of total intoxication.

I asked her to press down harder in certain areas where I felt knots or aches. Soon Elyse had climbed onto my ass and was using both hands. I could feel the resistance of her t-shirt as she somewhat straddled my hips. Suddenly I remembered that when I’d watched her after her showers, she never wore panties under her night shirt. That thought sent a lightning bolt directly to one of the few muscles I had that wasn’t sore. I felt my cock get hard almost instantly.

“This stuff has saved me after all of the shit I do for conditioning and swimming throughout the year,” she said.

Soon, Elyse’s hands were along the sides of my back. She’d done my neck up to my hairline. I felt her getting up and figured that the massage was over. She then got in front of me and kneeled down at the top of my head and began pushing her hands down the center of my spine from my neck down to my waistline. As she progressed lower, she would move forward until the tops of her thighs would rub the top of my head. When she pulled back up, I could see the wet hair marks on her t-shirt. The light in the loft was behind her and I strained to see the silhouette of her amazing body through the thin material of her t-shirt. At times, I let out a moan and I couldn’t even be sure if that was due to how I was feeling or what I was thinking.

As my sister continued massaging my back from this position, I realized that if I lifted my head as she reached my waistline that her t-shirt would lift up a bit. I wanted to see how long I could keep that going.

“Keep doing that El please,” I said.


I could see that the back of Elyse’s t-shirt was riding up higher than the front was. Even still, based on how her knees were positioned I assumed her pussy was opening up.

“Can you go down a bit more?” I requested.
“Sure,” she said.

As my sister went further down my back, I could feel her tits hitting my back also. She’d moved her knees onto the top of the air mattress now. Her legs were against my head as she moved up and down my back. Her hands would stop right before the tops of my butt cheeks. That would place her pussy directly over the back of my head. As I’d lift my head, I could feel her mound dragging over my skull.

Elyse switched positions and walked to the foot of the mattress. Her hands began massaging the back of my calves. I spread my legs wider to allow her between them. I could feel the air against my ass and balls.

Elyse continued to work her way up my legs. In my head, I was trying to figure out how to escalate each move to another level of intimacy. I asked her to use both hands on each leg.

“OK,” she said.

As Elyse straddled my ankle, I could feel her nightshirt stretched across her lower body. It prevented her from rubbing her ass and pussy directly onto my legs. With only t-shirt material separating us, I could still get the drift of what was where.

Elyse shifted from my left leg to my right. Now the t-shirt rode up a bit.

“Do my hips again please,” I begged.

Now Elyse had to stretch up and was somewhat in full doggie-style position to rub my hips. I slowly lifted my right leg and raised it up towards her ass that was sticking up and out above me. Once I felt the back of my calf make contact with her ass, I did the same with my other leg and gently started rocking us together with the backs of my calves against her ass.

“Stay like that Elyse,” I asked.

I lifted my hips off the mattress and brought my ass against her crotch. I was still wrapped in my towel, but the friction has loosened it as had my erection.

“Can you pull my hips towards you?” I asked.

“OK,” said Elyse. I kept waiting for her to freak out of call an end to this.

She reached up to my shoulders and pulled downward bringing my ass against her. Eventually her hands slipped to my hips and we slowly began rocking.

“Is that stretching you out?” asked Elyse.

“Yeah, it feels great,” I said.

Elyse grabbed her own wet towel and began rubbing it against my back and shoulders. She said she was taking the excess lotion off. I didn’t care. She was touching everything all over again and it was glorious.

Elyse abruptly stood up and declared that we were done. I was afraid to move.

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She climbed onto the sofa (which she hadn’t folded out) and switched off the light and said, “good night.”

“Night,” I said without exhaling. “I owe you one massage,” I added.

The next day I made a point not to pass out while my sister was in the shower. Now I ramped it up a bit and had my digital camera ready and zoomed in to watch more closely as she showered. She’d again given me the first shower since I needed it big time. When Elyse entered the loft, I offered to return the favor of the massage from the previous day.

I suggested that she lay on the air mattress as that offered more space to lay and work in. She agreed. I also pointed out that it might be better for her to wrap herself in her towel again and remove her t-shirt. Elyse agreed again and motioned for me to turn around. I did and she made the wardrobe change right there and lay on the mattress.

I positioned myself at my sisters’ side but then nudged one knee between her legs. I directed her to lower her towel to her waist. Recall that Elyse is a swimmer. Before she left for college, she’d had a full body treatment of permanent hair removal which alleviated her from having to shave for every swim meet she had to do. Her body was without a blemish. Her back was muscular and as smooth as silk. At her sides, her tits pushed out from underneath her body weight. The sight of her laying before me was an instant hard-on.

Elyse had lowered her towel to just above her waist. Her torso is so long that there was still plenty of skin to focus on.

I applied the same lotion she’d used on me and rubbed my hands together. I started at the roundness of her shoulders and worked my way to her neck. There, I used the sides of my thumbs to trace a straight line down the back of Elyse’s neck and then flattened my palms on her shoulders and pulled them down towards the middle of her spine. Her skin was so white, it only took two or three moves before I could see my own handprints on her back. I went down her arms and greased each of her fingers individually. I then traced my path back up her arms and down her back to her hips. I added more lotion and moved my hands below the line of her towel until I had her hips in my hands. I pulled them up gently and greased them before laying them back down. Then I traced the sides of my hands up past her ribs until they came into contact with the sides of Elyse’s tits. I lifted her arms straight up and moved both of my knees between her legs. With her arms stretched straight up I reached around her wrists and pulled firmly. I left her arms up and moved my hands to the front of her shoulders arching her back slightly. That allowed more of the roundness of Elyse’s tits to emerge at the sides of her body.

“How does that feel?” I asked.

“It feels great,” she said.

“More?” I asked.

“Sure. Keep going,” she suggested.

I moved down to near her ankles and began rubbing her muscular legs. I would squeeze some of the lotion directly onto the backs of her legs, which made her jump a bit. As I rubbed the lotion into her skin, I moved my hands around to the sides of her calves and up towards her thighs. I moved my knees up which forced her legs to open wider. Her towel was still affixed at her waist and it hung down low enough that it somewhat restricted her legs from opening more. I made a decision here that could backfire.

“Lift up Elyse,” I directed.

Elyse lifted almost by her elbows. I undid the towel from her right hip and spread it across her ass. Her ass was covered but her thighs were no longer constricted by the material.

I continued massaging my sister’s thighs and I hesitated to go too high. If she freaked out, I’d feel like a total fuck up and a pervert.

I moved my hands to the outside of her thighs. As I moved up towards her hips, I moved the corners of the towel onto her ass cheeks. This exposed the sides of her hips and ass but left her butt crack covered.

I rubbed the flesh of Elyse’s hips and ass cheeks slowly and in circular motions. Each time I completed a circle, I enlarged it before I retraced the circle. Soon, the only place my fingertips weren’t was between my sister’s ass cheeks. As my thumbs reached the inside edges of her ass cheeks, I began firmly but gently stretching them up and apart. Elyse offered no resistance.

I withdrew my hands and squeezed more lotion onto them and returned them underneath the towel. I added the additional lotion to the area but as I moved my hands in, I could feel my fingers making contact with each other. If I pressed down hard enough, I’d either be touching Elyse’s asshole...

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Written by NYklubrat
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