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"The Three Of Us" - Chapter 4:- “It's My Birthday”

"The first part of David's twenty-third birthday celebration..."

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Author's Notes

"This chapter, the fourth of my novel "The Three of Us," covers the first part of David's birthday celebration. While it has little sex in it, (that comes in the next) the chapter does cover a lot of character development and future book plot points. It is also one of my favourites. This chapter is told from David's POV."

I awoke with a pleasurable sensation emanating from my cock, but as I lay there, my thoughts continued to linger in my dream—a dream I wasn't quite ready to give up.

Clare and I were hand-in-hand running naked along the same Cretan beach that I went on holiday to. A naked Sarah was also there; she was splashing us, laughing, and we were having fun. We were a family of three.

That pleasurable feeling started gently moving, and my hand instinctively reached across the bed. Sarah wasn’t there, and I realised it must really be my birthday as her mouth was around my morning glory. It felt warm and welcoming. I lay there, dreaming, taking in the enjoyable feeling, and not daring to move. 

But there was something else, an unexpected sensation—a gentle kiss on my lips. It was a touch that instantly made me abandon my dream. It was soft and loving, just like the words that materialised in my head, “Happy Birthday, David.”

Clare was here!

Sarah came up and kissed me too, though her kiss involved tongues, as once again she was making sure I tasted my cock. After what happened in Crete, this action had become her thing. However, this time I noticed both my girlfriends giggling. It seemed Clare had realised, or more likely been told, about how I didn’t mind kissing Sarah after she had been sucking a cock.

“You need to get up, David,” Clare announced through a giggle.

“We have plans for you,” Sarah then added. 

“I am up!” I exclaimed, not wanting to move. I then pointed to my hard-on, hoping to have Sarah’s mouth around it once again.

But both girls just smiled and stood. 

“No lesbian sex show?” I playfully questioned... and hoped.

The girls walked towards my bedroom door, now laughing.

“We are going to change in the girl’s room.”

They were talking about the spare bedroom.

But me being me, I quipped, “What, the kitchen?

Yes, I seem to never learn. Let’s just say that little ‘joke’ didn’t go down so well, as I was reminded that my actual birthday was last week, and they had the power to take away today’s arranged birthday celebration.

I had been told.

With my girlfriends still there, I mentioned that turning the spare room into a girl’s bedroom was an excellent idea. Clare could use it with Karen, as it was safer than parking in the forest.

After I suggested it, both girls told me they had already started planning to change the decor to be more feminine. I instantly vetoed anything pink, which made both of them laugh. 




Clare had driven Brenda’s light blue mini over to my flat, and she promised to stay the rest of the weekend as it was my birthday. All I had to do was follow both her and Sarah’s simple instructions, and nothing more.

“Was I up to doing that?” Clare then asked, with a warm yet knowing smile.

I grinned. “Yes,” though; we both already knew the answer, our character make-up being so similar.

"And, David, your birthday doesn't begin until we tell you." Isn’t that right, Sarah?”

My first girlfriend instantly agreed with my second. Once again, I had been told.

As we were about to leave the flat, I noticed that Sarah and Clare were wearing the same outfits, apart from the colours of the jumpers. Sarah’s was light blue, and Clare’s was light red. On the bottom half, they both wore skinny jeans with ankle boots. I also realised that both girls had seemed to forgo a bra as their nipples were prominent. 

As we walked out of the flat, Clare told me we were going over to Brenda's, and I needed to sit in the back of the mini, all six-foot-one of me. Sarah joined Clare in the front. It was only when we were halfway to Brenda's that it occurred to me why I was sitting in the Mini’s rear seat. It was payback for all the times I made my two girlfriends sit in my car’s back seat.

I started laughing and sought confirmation.

“We wondered how long it would take for you to work that out,” Sarah giggled. 

I was surprised when we drove past Brenda’s and continued into the city’s dock area. Though I guessed where we were heading long before we pulled up outside a terrace house with a small front garden. We were in a part of the city that I didn’t know so well, and I was surprised at how well-maintained these houses were. You would only need to travel a little further east to see derelict buildings. It corresponded with the start of the city’s red-light district.

All seemed arranged as Sarah jumped into the rear seat and kissed me on the cheek, which was nice.

“Happy birthday,” she said with a warm smile.

Just then, a young, pretty, ginger-haired girl in a pink dress emerged from the house next to us and sprinted towards the car. After checking the car’s driver, she climbed in, and Clare reached across and kissed the girl, who blushed before ducking down.

Clare smiled before looking back towards Sarah and me. “If you have not guessed, this is my girlfriend, Karen. She wanted to meet you both.”

We said, “Hi,” before Sarah somewhat formally introduced herself and then me.

Karen glanced back towards her house. “Can we get going? I think my mum might be out in a moment. I don’t want any questions.”

I grinned. Then I said the first thing that came into my head. “Clare, those are the exact words you used to say to me a couple of months ago when we parked outside your parent’s house.”

I received a nudge from Sarah for being an ass, and I guess I would have gotten a harder one from Clare if she could have reached me. But Karen and I found my little observation funny.

During the fifteen-minute drive to Brenda’s, we all got chatting, like old friends. We treated Karen as part of our three-way group, and she seemed to relax. Both Sarah and I wanted to know everything about Clare’s girlfriend. Despite being unknown to Sarah or Karen, I already knew quite a lot.

As we sat there talking, my eyes took in Karen’s ginger hair, and my mind drifted back to a lad’s Mediterranean holiday four years ago. Then I met and maybe fell in love with an eighteen-year-old ginger-haired Scottish girl called Kirsty. I had taken her virginity; we had fucked the whole week we were there.

I had no idea where Kirsty was now. We had parted ways, saying we would keep in contact with each other. We never did. She lived too far away. However, as I looked at Karen, all I saw was Kirsty. She reminded me so much of her.

Both my girls knew about Kirsty, but I wasn’t quite daft enough to admit that she was the first girl that I had fallen in love with. I always said it was Sarah, though maybe it was Clare. I didn’t know. In July, my feelings for my two girlfriends had simultaneously bubbled up, and there was no doubt now that I was truly in love with both of them.

As for Clare’s relationship with Karen, I never thought they were a match for one another. Maybe it was my ego; the girls would say that. But Clare had me, and she seemed to like cock too much to give it completely up and become a full-time lesbian, which was something I knew Karen wanted. 

The image that always lingered in the back of my mind was one where Sarah and Clare could become real, not just an occasional sexual experiment. If that happened, we could live together in a perfect triangular relationship, have children, and have a big family house. 

Yes, a dream, but I lived in hope.

So, when Karen asked Sarah what her relationship with Clare was, my ears picked up, as I was very interested in what she would say.

“We are friends who share a boyfriend, and when he is in it, the same bed,” she somewhat coyly replied without any hesitation.

It made me wonder whether she had been briefed by Clare just to make sure they said the same thing. Whatever my thoughts, I was sure there was a glimmer of something beyond friendship between my two girlfriends.

When we arrived at Brenda’s, there was a small chorus of “Happy Birthday” from Brenda, Paula, Jaz, and Tina. I was a little taken aback that so many new friends wanted to give me a birthday greeting, and I gave each of them my normal air kiss welcome and then a big hug to say, “Thank you.”

The kitchen area had been decorated with birthday balloons, some streamers, and a big birthday cake, which I later found out was made by Brenda. A large banner with “Happy Birthday, David” was hanging from the wall.

Once again, I thanked everyone, as it was a lovely surprise for me. After opening the birthday cards, Sarah and Clare brought out a large box wrapped in birthday wrapping paper. It was my birthday present.

I eagerly opened it, ripping off the wrappers, only to find another slightly smaller box inside. As the girls and other ladies chuckled as they looked on, I repeated the exercise. It was like a Russian “Matryoshka” doll, with one box inside another.

All the girls seemed to be laughing at me, and while I enjoyed the attention, it felt a bit strange to be the only man. With each box came the realisation that my present was going to be much smaller than the huge one I had originally thought it would be. It wasn’t until I opened the sixth box that I came across a small label saying, this is it.

The last box had neatly tied blue ribbons that held it closed. I pulled these, and it fell open. Inside was my birthday present, a lava lamp, and with it a card that said, “Lots of love from Clare and Sarah xx.”

Sarah giggled. "We both thought you liked it, as you love tacky presents so much."

“Sorry, this one does not fart,” Clare added with a smile.

I thought, will they ever forget those flashing, farting backscratchers? However, the girls may have believed the lava lamp was tacky, but I considered it to be a fantastic present, and I had the perfect spot to put it!

“Thank you,” I said as I kissed and then hugged both my girlfriends. This fits perfectly on my desk at the end of the bedroom. I will put it on every evening.” 

All I heard from my two girls was a groan as I looked at them, grinning.

When the commotion had died down, Brenda announced loudly, “My dear, we have a small present; it is from Paula and me. We thought you might like this.”

Brenda then carefully gave me a long, wide, and thin box, which was wrapped in the same blue wrapping paper as the lava lamp with the addition of a pink ribbon around it.

When I opened it, I found it was a black-and-white photograph, and it was fabulous. I couldn’t help grinning. 

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The picture was of me, completely naked, and doing my best James Bond impression. I was using my fingers to make my hand look like a gun. To make the photo even better, I had my Bond Girls, Clare and Sarah, or, as I called them then, Honey Ryder and Tiffany Case. On either side of me, they were naked. Beneath, secured to the photo's frame, was a brass plate engraved, “To David and his two Bond Girlfriends, Clare and Sarah (September 1987), Love Brenda and Paula xx.” 

I felt a little overwhelmed and thanked both Brenda and Paula. It was an amazing gift. Brenda had even signed the photo in the corner with a gold pen.

It seemed neither Clare nor Sarah knew about this extra present, as they kept glancing at each other, both unsure that their shaven pussies were fully on display. As for me, I was James Bond, and I didn’t care that my then-hairy cock was equally on view. With a grin, I even stood the photo up to make sure everyone could see the three of us. It was only then that I spotted Karen blushing as she looked at my prominent, flaccid cock.

Clare noticed, too. “Karen, don’t worry; David now has a little boy’s penis as he seems to have lost all his pubic hair!”

She had spoken those last words while looking at me, just to get a broad laugh from our audience.

I looked at Sarah for support, only to realise she was laughing too.

Girls, I thought...

We spent the next few hours catching up, singing Happy Birthday, blowing out the candles, and then eating my birthday cake, which also had 007 on it.

Later, I sat and people-watched as we kept together in a group in Brenda’s kitchen, the exception being Brenda giving Karen the obligatory tour of her home, which was nice to see as it was obvious she was supporting Clare’s and Karen’s relationship.

I looked over towards Sarah. She was talking to Jaz, getting to know her, as this was the first time that they had met. As I watched, she glanced up, looked at me, and smiled before going back to chatting. It was as though she sensed that I had been watching her.

It occurred to me that Sarah had now gained a second sense from us spending so much time together. It was the same sense that Clare and I already shared—a sense born out of the similar way we both thought.

Paula was talking to the returned Karen, and they seemed deep in conversation. I was not too sure how well they knew one another, but I believed that until today they had never met. It gave me time to once again study Karen. She was beautiful, and with this longer study it only confirmed what I had previously thought, she did look very much like Kirsty. The only difference was the lack of a Scottish accent.

Later, Sarah practised her French with Paula. It was to help my girlfriend improve her French language skills, but to me, she already seemed fairly good.

Clare was standing next to me. She was talking to Tina about cooking. It was not my favourite subject; they didn’t want to know how to make baked beans on toast.

Of the girls here, only Tina, Jaz, and particularly Karen knew anything about football. There were no lad’s conversations, and sometimes I missed them. The truth was, I had all but given up seeing my male friends so that I could be with my two girlfriends.

As I sat there observing, Brenda came up beside me and said, “Have you got a minute?”

I was not sure what Brenda wanted to talk to me in private about, but we slipped quietly away and walked to her studio.

There, with a smile, Brenda said. “I have some fucking fabulous news, which might surprise you, but I will need both your and Sarah’s agreement.”

I was intrigued, but still none the wiser.

Brenda opened a drawer and pulled out four photographs. They were the ones I took of Sarah and showed Brenda a few weeks ago. At the time, I had thought the photos were excellent, but now they looked truly amazing. It was clear Brenda had been in her darkroom, working her magic on them.

Both photos showed Sarah mainly in profile, her face difficult to recognise. Importantly, her private places were only in shadow. I had taken one photo under an old-fashioned security lamp, and the other of Sarah leaning into my car window. In each case, there was a cigarette hanging from her mouth, which made it appear like she was a streetwalker looking for her next customer.

My original photographs had been turned into two crisp black-and-white pictures. In addition, next to them were two copies of the same photos, though with an orange tint to make them stand out. Each photo had Brenda's signature in the corner.

I looked at Brenda; I was slightly confused.

“My dear, I thought your photos were worth a little of my time. You must have gotten lucky taking them, as they are excellent, and though I have not said anything until now, it was worth me working on them and turning them into these.”

“They are fucking amazing,” I replied, sounding a lot like Brenda, which made her laugh.

"Well, you are not the only one who thinks so, as I have a contract in place with a well-known company to purchase the rights to use these photos. They want to turn them into posters and wall art.”

I looked at Brenda. I knew the photos were good, but it was difficult to believe what she was saying. This would be my best birthday ever.

“As you know, I have all the contacts to make this happen, though you need to remember that taking photos of nude women is not my normal public image.”

Brenda's words made us both chuckle because in private, that was just about all she photographed.

As Brenda suggested, we agreed on a deal in which we split the money sixty-forty in my favour. She wanted to help me support my girlfriends, and this was a good way of doing it. We also agreed that she would market them with her name as the producer. This would increase their value in the marketplace.

So the photos were produced by Brenda and taken by David, with Brenda taking care of all the legal and marketing sides. We shook hands and became, in a small way, business partners.

Soon after my private conversation with Brenda, both my girlfriends informed me that we needed to leave. When I reached the car, I happily discovered that I had been upgraded to the front seat. Though Clare informed me my birthday celebration was the only reason I was now seated there.

That comment was also the cue for fifteen minutes of giggles as both my girlfriends tried to embarrass me, thinking my birthday meant they could make fun of me. Yes, I loved it, especially later on when Karen joined in. There was nothing like being the centre of three beautiful girl’s attention, even if my ego was being both stroked and bruised. 

After dropping Karen off at her home, I learnt that there was another surprise for me.

I grinned. I was about to say something about a lesbian show when Sarah nudged me and smiled, saying, "It's not what you're thinking!"

Clare drove right into the heart of the city and parked in a multi-storey car park. I had no idea what was happening, as I thought we would be heading back to my flat.

It was only after we had parked that it was explained to me that I needed to get changed; two red dresses and my suit were produced from the car's boot. I changed quickly and then watched my two girlfriends struggle into their dresses. There was a flash of boob, a glimpse of ass, as it became clear that this part of the planned day hadn't been well thought out.

I offered to help, but apparently groping breasts isn’t helping. In the end, the girls got out of the car and used its door as a screen. While I reminded them to take their time as it was, “My Birthday.” 

With a little more acrobatics, it wasn’t long before Clare and Sarah became my “Ladies in Red.” Yes, I insisted on calling them that, much to their embarrassment.

It was a few moments later, thanks to Brenda’s contacts, that we entered one of the city’s finest restaurants. It was one that I had even heard of! 

We spent the next few hours enjoying a silver-service, five-course meal while taking in the city’s landscape. Maybe a man sitting with two beautiful ladies is not unusual, but I spent most of my time trying to confuse our waiter as to which lady in red I was with.

It was during our meal that I mentioned the photos and the contract, as well as the fact that Sarah would need to sign a model release form.

Sarah was excited and agreed right away. She would receive a third of my percentage. Her only two conditions were that she would be unrecognisable in the photos and that we did not tell our parents about the contract. I agreed. 

My attention turned to Clare, and I told her that I was giving her ten percent. Of course, her stubbornness kicked in, and she refused my offer, saying she wasn’t even there when I had taken the photos.

I countered, pointing out that it only happened because of her, and explaining that if she hadn't introduced us to her bull lesbian girlfriend, there would have been no contract. At that point, she seemed to give in and agreed with me to take the money.

With Clare’s agreement, it occurred to me that today really must be my birthday, as it was the first time I had managed to change Clare’s mind, and it was a relief. I now knew she didn’t have to work until she had finished college.

As we ate each meal course, I alternated my seating position, moving either close to Sarah or Clare, teasing the waiter. For once, the girls found what I was doing amusing and even went along with it. We could tell he was confused as to which girl I was with. 

It was only at the end of the meal, which the girls paid for, that I satisfied his curiosity when I clearly stated, “The girls are the couple, and I am their friend.”

The waiter's eyes opened a little wider; it seemed he hadn’t thought of that one, but then he smiled as I discretely passed him a five-pound tip. 

“David, you are an ass,” Sarah said from the back seat as Clare drove us back to my flat. When I made my waiter comment, Sarah's blush had turned as red as her dress.

“Well, you could be,” I said, risking a hefty nudge.

Sarah rebuffed, "David, if we are the couple, then tonight we will sleep together in the spare bedroom, and you will be on your own in yours!”

I joyfully exclaimed, “I am going to get a lesbian sex show!”

That started Clare chuckling as she drove.

It wasn’t long before Sarah and I joined her, because, after all… it was my birthday!

Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the author’s permission. 

Written by wxt55uk
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