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"Crete" - Chapter 1:- “Recap”

"It is 1987, David and Sarah are going on holiday but first, a story recap..."

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Author's Notes

"This chapter gives the reader a chance to catch up on what has happened so far with David, Clare and Sarah in the Friends, Lovers or Rivals series of books. Crete is the third book and like the previous two is set in 1987, so, no cell phones or personal computers, it is a time when the world still offers a little mystery..."

I know recaps can be boring, but they do let new readers into our story as well as refresh our memories on what has gone on so far. That means my orange journal is out again, to reinvigorate my memory as to what has happened since Clare came into my and Sarah’s lives.

First a brief introduction, I am David, nearly twenty-three, and so I am told, good-looking. Though, perhaps I am a little more arrogant than what is good for me. At six feet one inch, I am tall with short dark brown hair that has a parting on the left-hand side. My eyes are green and to complete my face, I have a small dimple on each cheek; it is a feature which girls often remark about.

I am also lucky to have a well-toned athletic body which came from all the sports I used to play, though these had now largely been given up, just like my friends. That was done so I could find more time to be with both of my girlfriends.

Yes, I have two beautiful girlfriends, Sarah and Clare. You would think I would be happy, and I am, but it is also sometimes hard. It is not just the fact that I have given up my friends and sport to be with my two girls, it is more than that. I am actually struggling to adjust as my new life comes with secrets and new emotions. It is a new way of life with the hard reality that I am now having to share the one thing l love the most; my two girlfriends.

The reason I do this? I want to reach out and possibly touch a distant future utopia, one which we as a three are currently in a process of finding. It is a life where we all live together, with no secrets, as a three.  

But… having two gorgeous girlfriends comes with conditions, rules and one big secret. It is these things that make it hard for me… I need to adjust, be more caring and perhaps not be the alpha male I once thought I was.

Before I make a brief recap of our somewhat complicated story; I have to state this is the foreword chapter to Book 3 – 1987 – “Crete.” It is a book that takes a detour from home life and covers the holiday which Sarah and I had on the island.

In Book 1 – 1987 – “The Alpha Man in Me,” we describe how we all met and then got together as a three. Yes, it is all about me wanting to have two beautiful girlfriends.

In Book 2 – 1987 – “Bonding,” we established how our budding three-way relationship can work and we all started to adapt and find the way forward.  




So to the story recap…

Almost seven months ago, I got together with Sarah, a very beautiful, blue-eyed blonde. At the time, she had just turned eighteen and I have to say, Sarah was my first true girlfriend. I can also honestly state we were good for one another, meeting at exactly the right time in both our lives.

Our love grew without me realising it, mainly due to my lack of relationship experience or, as Sarah would say, all-around maturity!

Though I had previous sexual experiences with girls, I had never had a serious adult relationship with one until Sarah. It was my own fault, as I just never felt confident with, or even understood, women. I always wondered if that was because I never had any sisters.

When it came to the opposite sex, I am normally attracted towards slutty women, yes easy lays and then, normally only when fuelled by alcohol. I just needed something to make me take that step, to show I was interested. The strange thing was, in all other areas of life, I was confident, sometimes even brash.

There was one exception to my slutty rule. She was a ginger-haired Scottish girl called Kirsty. We had a week-long holiday fling at the age of eighteen. I had never quite forgotten her as maybe she was my first love, but that was now over four years ago… and a distant, but happy, memory.

Before Sarah, my emotional and physical release came on the sports field or working as the engineering manager for a small start-up manufacturing company. It was a great job, with lots of potential and perhaps you could call it my third love… after my two girlfriends.

However, the Sarah I met last February was not the normal type of girl I was attracted to. She was shy, quiet, and dressed very conservatively and demurely. But she was also beautiful, actually exceedingly beautiful, both inside and out.

Her childhood best friend, Lisa, had introduced Sarah to me, but the introduction came with a warning. Sarah was delicate, and I had no idea what that meant until Lisa told me a little more.

She warned me that Sarah was recovering from a nasty breakup with her previous and only boyfriend after a pregnancy scare. But somewhat cryptically, Lisa also told me that the true Sarah was not the girl I saw then. That she was more like her, the sluttiest girl in their village, but I just didn’t understand…

How could I?

I had no relationship experience. I saw it as it was. Sarah was shy, quiet, and safe. Not slutty, exciting and risky… like I silently wished for.

But there were signs and hints behind Sarah’s outward safe fascia.

She liked sex and often instigated it. She knew how to give head and was good at it. Then there were the other hints that simply washed over me, like she liked the idea of skinny dipping, and preferred the doggy position even though we had never had sex in that way. She even once dropped a subtle hint, therefore lost on me, that she would like me to cum all over her.

We were together most days, but I just didn’t realise that Sarah had fallen in love with me and had picked up on the fact that I was becoming restless. She knew she had to change and come out of her shell and be more like her old self… It was someone I didn’t know existed!

It was what she wanted to do, but she needed time… time to heal and repair mentally, time to get over her old boyfriend, the pregnancy scare and the unseen to me emotional scar that it had left deep within Sarah. Unknown to me, it had torn her family and their friends apart.

I didn’t know anything about this until later… after I had met and slept with Clare.

With Sarah’s blessing, I went on a stag do to Majorca and things changed. Everything seemed to change as I met Clare. Though equally beautiful, in many other ways, she seemed the polar opposite of Sarah. Clare was new and exciting… and, above all, slutty!  

Clare was a girl I had briefly met on a beach four years before. Then she was only fourteen, but we had talked and remembered one another. It was by complete chance; we met again in Majorca, where we found out there was a connection and an instant attraction between us.

Now eighteen, Clare was a stunning woman, with unique, long natural multi-colour hair, brown, red and blonde. It was a colour mixture that went back to her Celtic ancestry. Her beautiful looks were complimented with brown eyes, long legs and a shapely, sexy figure, but it was more than just that!

Clare was the sort of girl that naturally attracted me. She showed plenty of her hot, sexy body and acted slutty. I just knew, from the moment we met and reconnected, there was only one place we were heading and that was Clare’s bed. What followed was two nights of hot and slightly kinky sex. It was the sort of intercourse with a new partner that you will never forget. I soon realised that I wanted Clare and not only when we were in Majorca.

On that short holiday, Sarah had been all but forgotten as I cheated on her with Clare. It was something I thought I never would do, as I hated cheating, but now I was very guilty of it. The best I could do to justify my actions was an irrational thought, that I had met Clare before I met Sarah, and perhaps that meant… the cheating didn’t count!

I just didn’t understand it. Clare was special, and there was something different about her from all the other women that I had met before, including I thought Sarah.

Was it love?  

At the time, I was not sure. Clare thought it was lust, but I wasn’t sure about that either. It was more than that. All I knew, it was something new.

In Majorca, it wasn’t just me doing the cheating, Clare was too. She had a long-term boyfriend, Alan, but for Clare, cheating was nothing new. That is what she did. It was her norm, and I found out later that I was her second new sexual partner in the few days she had been on holiday.

I might not like cheating, but I liked the fact that Clare was slutty, free-willed, showed skin, and above all, was now fucking me. With the new knowledge that Clare now lived locally to me, I just knew I wanted to see her again.

We made arrangements to meet again as soon as we were both back in England. That was my second night back. In Majorca, we had not talked about ourselves. I needed to know more about Clare. I even wondered if she was the one for me.

But things changed or perhaps they were already there and I was too dense, too immature, to see them!

On my return, as soon as I saw Sarah, it hit me. I had feelings for her and it was not just the guilt I was carrying. Yes, I had cheated on her, but those new feelings I had were something more, a lot more… I grasped for the first time that I was in love with Sarah.

In a flood of emotions, I realised Sarah was also in love with me and she could sense that something had happened in Majorca. I didn’t deny it, but I juggled the truth and was far from being completely open with her.

I had to, as I didn’t want to lose Sarah!

It was not just the mixture of emotions raging inside me that made me economical with the truth. It was something else. That was a little voice, from the alpha man within me, and it kept telling me I could have them both… two girlfriends!

Sarah had changed in those few days away. She had taken time to go shopping and buy some more revealing clothes. Then, on my return, we had our first sex outside my car, which turned into a new and exciting type of sex. She wanted to sexually experiment with me. I had no idea before, and there was more, and this was even more important…

Sarah opened up to me and told me her biggest secret, about Jerry. He was her old boyfriend who I knew nothing about; not even his name. It turned out he was actually an older married man and a friend of the family. She explained how she lost her virginity to him and then had eighteen months of often risky sex that culminated in her getting pregnant, depressed and ultimately losing the baby.

As Sarah told me her backstory and my heart just melted into hers and with it, my emotional jigsaw pieces fell into place. I realised how much I loved Sarah. That I didn’t want to lose her and, above all, that she loved me, though at the time she had never used those words. As that realisation hit me, it made me aware that if I had known before Majorca or even if Sarah had used the L-word; Clare may never have happened, but now it was too late…

Clare was here, and I knew I was already in love with her and I wasn’t going to give her up.

Losing the baby still haunts Sarah. It was not her choice and her family will not tell her exactly what happened. All she knows is that when she woke up in a hospital, the baby was gone. Like Jerry. His wife had now separated from him and it was for these reasons Sarah was delicate, but having me, even the cheating me, had helped her recover.

Sarah and I went through a couple of weeks where, for the first time, we started to open our hearts to each other. It was a time full of emotion.

I didn’t want to stop seeing Clare, and I wasn’t going to give Sarah up. I tried to stay focused on keeping my sights on having two girlfriends.

It was during a fantastic evening out together at a local fish restaurant that I first noticed a change in Sarah. She first dressed in a revealing purple dress, then teased and flashed our waiter. Then later, she posed naked for me in a nude photo shoot, where I took an iconic photograph of her standing fully naked under an orange security light. It was the best photo I had ever taken.

Then afterwards, things got a little wild as Sarah let me take erotic photos of her in explicit positions, followed by outdoor sex over my car bonnet. This was a new Sarah, and it was someone who was better suited to me.  

She told me it was time to come out and be more herself and to put the past behind her. To me, that night represented Sarah’s second sexual awakening and the first night of my new, improved girlfriend.

I had already told Sarah about Clare and the fact I wanted to see both girls and Sarah reluctantly agreed. But on one important condition, that she was girlfriend number one and most importantly, to her family, Clare did not exist outside of being a friend.

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But this is getting a little ahead of ourselves.

With Clare, on our return from Majorca, we got together again, and the spark was still there. If anything, it was stronger. To me, Clare was easy, and not just easy to have sex with. She was easy to talk to and to have a relationship with, and there was more. With Clare, I felt like we just knew one another. I could say what I wanted to her. She was not delicate, and despite the odd nudge and surprise, Clare would laugh or let things go.

We just understood each other; it was as if our thoughts, our minds, were one.

It was only a few weeks, unlike the six months it took with Sarah, before I was openly telling Clare that I loved her, though it took another week or so before Clare did the same with me.

However, there was one large bombshell Clare dropped on me that I was not expecting, and it was her biggest secret. Clare was bisexual and had been in a casual sexual relationship with her best friend Jaz since she was sixteen.

I had met Jaz in Majorca, a leggy blonde like Sarah. I had even flirted with her, though it was always Clare that I was interested in. To find the two girls were both bisexual had been both exciting and worrying in equal measures.

Exciting as having a girlfriend who was also into girls was a hot sexual thought. Worrying because I didn’t know anything about bisexual girls or lesbians, I struggled enough with straight girls and relationships in general.

With limited knowledge, I took the maybe arrogant stance that I did not care how many women my girlfriends saw and then slept with. They couldn’t give them babies, so they didn’t count!

Clare left Alan, her long-term boyfriend, and agreed to go out with me. In fact, she had fallen in love with me, but those words came with a major condition…

Clare was not ready for another serious monogamous (ish) relationship.

Clare would only become my girlfriend if she could carry on seeing others, but she promised me there would be no secrets. She wanted to explore her bisexual side. Clare had no problems at all in sharing me with Sarah. She told me that she wanted me to carry on seeing her and that I needed to treat her right, and that she wanted to become Sarah’s friend.

Clare also explained that she had recently just met an older, wealthy, lesbian lady called Brenda, and she wanted her first serious lesbian relationship with her.

I almost instantly agreed with Clare’s conditions, but in doing so, I knew I needed to let Sarah have her sexual freedom as well. There had to be a sexual equilibrium between the two girls if I was ever going to keep them both happy and content.

As the alpha man within me diminished, I increasingly realised how difficult the task would be to achieve.

What followed was perhaps the best day of my life, a trip with my two girlfriends to a Safari Park. Though they had talked on the phone, that day was the first day they had met and that made me nervous; it was out of my control.

But I underestimated Sarah. It was in her character makeup to be forgiving. Quite simply, the two girls bonded

It was the first day that we all bonded as a three with us all confessing our sexual history as I drove through the Safari Park. Despite using twelve of the fifteen animal enclosures, Clare still managed to skip four past sexual partners. So, her full sexual history remains incomplete. Though I am pleased to say she was honest with what she did say. It didn’t take long for Sarah and me to get the gist of Clare’s sexual, somewhat sordid past.

I was Clare’s sixteenth male sexual partner, though that number is now not that important to her, as her friends know she is a bit of a slut, or, as I call it, sensual.

After Clare had told us her sexual history, Sarah open up about hers, and surprisingly mentioned her pregnancy as well as the things she got up to with Jerry. Some were fairly shocking and many highly risky as, towards the end of their relationship, they often failed to take pregnancy precautions. We learned that they frequently fucked several times a day in open and risky places, and their relationship got built only around sex. There was never any romance.

Sarah admitted that she was silly and hurt the people who loved her when she became pregnant and that it was still something she was getting over, but there was something else new and this one really surprised me as there had never been even a hint before.

After hearing about Clare being bisexual, Sarah admitted for the first time that she was bi-curious and had experimented a little with her best friend, Lisa. But it had stopped abruptly when Lisa discovered boys. Sarah also admitted that when she borrowed her father’s adult magazines, it was the photos of the naked models that she was interested in, often taking up the same poses in her bedroom’s full-length mirror before masturbating whilst looking at the magazine models.

So the girls were bonding and becoming firm friends. That made me happy, and it was often me who was on the outside and the butt of their jokes. Yes, on that day I almost became the third wheel, but I could not have been happier.

I wanted my girls to bond.

However, there were things I had not taken into account; I was, after all, still learning. The first was that Sarah was very similar in makeup to Clare. Though shy and quiet in her village, she liked the idea of being more outgoing when away from home. She also liked the idea of having another close friend, especially one from outside the village where she lived.

But there was something else. Though Sarah was upset that I had cheated on her, the idea of total sexual freedom did not shock her, and I started to realise it excited her in the same way it excited Clare. I began to understand Sarah, the warning Lisa had given me, that she wasn’t some delicate wallflower. To Sarah, the idea of complete sexual freedom played directly into her hidden and, in my opinion, secret psyche. She wanted to explore the idea, but not near home, and certainly not near her family.

Since Clare arrived, I got to know so much more about my girlfriend, Sarah. She just opened up and spilled her secrets and now both Clare and I knew Sarah wanted to be with another girl, and there were other things.

Sarah wanted to flaunt her body, expose it to others, and it was true to say her body was perfect for that. Her large boobs, long sexy legs, blonde and long slightly wavy hair, but it was her angelic face, her voluptuous mouth and, above all, her deep blue eyes, which loved the camera. Sarah had it all, and it was easy for me to say she could have easily been a top model if she ever chose to go down that career path.

On the last weekend of August, the three of us met Brenda. She was Clare’s chosen girlfriend and a bull lesbian, though she preferred the word dyke. She was also slightly eccentric but in a kind sort of way. I instantly liked her, as she had this aura about her that commanded the room, but I also saw a soft underbelly. As the day went on, I realised that a lot of what we saw on the outside was a hard shell, but inside was a caring woman and by the day’s end, I wanted Brenda to be my first close lesbian friend. As I said, I liked her, but above all, she is both exciting to be with and someone who I know I can trust to be with Clare.

Brenda is extremely wealthy. You need to think of hundreds of millions of pounds sterling, and a top photographer working mainly in the fashion industry. The three of us modelled naked for her and then spent the night at Brenda’s lair. It was where Clare, Sarah, and I were all in the same bed for the first time. Our first true and very enjoyable threesome and, importantly, it was the first time that another girl had ever gone down on Sarah, though Sarah never tried or wanted to replicate that pleasure on Clare.    

That night I felt as if we had all fully bonded as a three. For me, we were now committed to each other, but that night also represented the start of a new relationship, that of Clare and Brenda.

With Sarah in the scene, Clare had decided to come out as a lesbian, not bisexual. The idea was that it would help Sarah explain who Clare was, and deflect the fact away from her being a rival, a possible girlfriend. She wanted Sarah to feel like the number one girlfriend and not have those questions asked by our parents when we were out together as a three.

Our ongoing relationships may seem complicated, but there is one further complication, and that was down to Brenda. She had cleverly tricked Clare to date another young lesbian girl called Karen as a top, the butch half of a lesbian couple. I have not yet met Karen but I do know she is seventeen, good-looking and ginger-haired, but little more.

I suggested to Clare that Karen was part of a lesbian education project instigated by Brenda primarily for her entertainment, and for once, that turned out to be roughly correct, though Brenda insisted that it would be Clare who got the most out of the relationship with Karen.

So currently Clare is dating both Brenda and Karen, though the relationship with both women is very different. She is unsure how long she will continue seeing Karen, as Clare feels very feminine or, as Brenda calls her, “A lipstick lesbian.”

This is where we currently are, as August finishes…

Clare is out as a lesbian with her parents, Ruth and John and she is currently staying at Brenda’s; though her parents do not know anything about her, as Clare told them that her girlfriend was Karen. Clare later explained to me that if her parents discovered that Brenda was older than her mum, Ruth, they would not accept it and she thought she would be told to leave home.

Sarah and I are just about to go on our first holiday together to Crete, having just gained weekend overnight sleeping rights at Sarah’s parents, Barbara and James.

So on the surface, all looks so good, but inside I was not so sure that I wanted to share either Sarah or Clare, though I do have some secret urges, mainly ones that came from my seven-and-a-half-inch cock, which was telling me that sharing both of my girls could be fun, and would be sexually exciting. But the larger part of me, yes, my brain was saying…

They are both yours. Why would you want to share them?

But I have no choice, the die is cast. Sooner or later, I will be sharing them with women, and in Sarah’s case, with other men, and I do frequently ask myself, could I cope?

The truth was, we were only here as Clare would only agree to be my girlfriend if she could sleep with others, mainly but not exclusively, other women. This was something which I have already agreed to.

Sarah, I now realise, is more like Clare than I ever thought she would be. I can see that it is only a matter of time before she would be exploring her sexual freedom, but with the conditions that her family would never know and that she remained my girlfriend.

I also realised that I need both Clare and Sarah and that I loved them both equally. So I gave Sarah one extra condition after I told her once again how much I loved her. That condition came in the form of a promise, that she would always be my girlfriend and I would never leave her for Clare or anyone else.

Maybe to those on the outside that might sound strange, as Sarah never asked for that promise, but to me it was important. I felt Sarah needed my support; she was my number one girlfriend and unlike Clare; I sensed she needed it.

With Clare, I sensed that all the while she liked to be with women and perhaps sometimes men. I would be in her heart and she would always come back to me. We just had that unspoken, unseen bond between us. In a way, it felt like we had already locked our souls together, despite the short period we had been together… it felt like we were one.

With Sarah, it was harder for me to read. The thought that she was bi-curious was an exciting surprise. Beyond that, the sexual experimentation, I was not so sure about, but I did know that the Crete holiday was going to be the first time we approached that subject.

I had no idea how it might go, but Sarah had admitted that she became out of control when she was with Jerry, and it was that fact that concerned both me and also Sarah.  

My final thought on our story recap is…

Last weekend, I spent nearly entirely with Sarah and Clare. During that time, I kept my emotions and my private thoughts to myself. However, I realised something, and it was important.

It was… that, perhaps; I was not such an alpha man at all… and just maybe, that was a good thing!

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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