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“The Alpha Man in Me” - Chapter 11 - I Love You

"David gets to meet Clare's mum, an entwined tale of 3 young people set in 1987"

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Author's Notes

"Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2022 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author. Like all chapters in Book 1 – “The Alpha Man in Me”… Chapter 11 is written in the first person perspective from David’s point of view."

Though I have already briefly mentioned my two girlfriend’s jobs I do feel it is a good time to clarify a little about their different backgrounds and education as it does help explain a little about their characters and future careers.

At school, Sarah was always in the top class but never one that stood out as a potential future star. She was pretty and had a small, tight-knit group of friends, Lisa being her closest and her one true confidant. She was lucky as her parents were relatively well off and never had the need to move. Therefore Sarah’s friends are generally village girls whom she has known all her life.

In her final exams, she got eight ‘O’-levels which was good, actually very good, but she had enough of education. It was a time in her life when she was regularly fucked by Jerry, her old boyfriend, with the emphasis being on the old as he was the same age as her father. It was a time in her life when her head and for that matter; her legs were all in the wrong places.

Sarah was always a beautiful-looking girl but she just failed to see it. Apart from when she was with Jerry, Sarah tended to dress down; it was because she was not looking for other male attention. She only wanted Jerry. With the affair and her short pregnancy over, she just went into her protective shell and with it, came depression. To this day, Sarah blames herself for the baby’s loss, a miscarriage, and at the time she had wanted to keep the baby.

It was only now, nine months since her pregnancy and six months of putting up with yours truly, that she was re-emerging from that protective shell. With encouragement from me, she was slowly realising that she was beautiful, with the perfect figure, deep blue eyes and that photogenic quality that can only be relished by a few women.  

Sarah is one hot sexy woman and I am now beginning to see the true Sarah, the same sexy Sarah who would sneak out of her parent’s house for wild sex with Jerry; details of which were still mostly unknown to me even today.

Sarah could have easily gone to college and even university but no she had had enough of education and wanted to get out into the big bad world. If I had known her earlier, I would have encouraged her to stay in education and to go to college.

However, by the time Jerry had left the scene and I had emerged, that option had long gone, but I did encourage Sarah to enrol on a summer evening course to learn to speak French. That had become very important to her as she readjusted to the world. It turned out that she was very good at French. Sarah passed the course and gained a certificate that represents so much more to her than the final test she took.

It represented a huge step in getting back to normal.

Learning basic French was a good start and we were now talking about Sarah going to evening school to her French oral to another level, to become fluent in the language. It was something that I had agreed to help her with, and fund, but that final decision to sign onto the course had still yet to be made, though in my heart I already knew she would be going.

Sarah currently worked in an office for a large furniture removal company, where she was well-liked and popular amongst the staff. It was a good first job after her depression especially as she lived locally, actually within a short walking distance from her parent’s home. It had helped her get back on her feet. She was paid fairly well but it was a dead-end job, the only added advantage was she only worked a four-and-a-half-day week, not having to work Friday afternoons.

Clare was different as she was never beautiful as a child. She was gangly, a tomboy, and during the time she lived in Germany, she was the only girl in a gang of boys. Their parents were all in the army and the gang were often in minor trouble much to Clare’s parent’s despair.

As a child, Clare had frequently moved home both in the United Kingdom and occasionally abroad. Her family did not have that much money as her father was in the army. The regular changing of friends and schools did affect Clare. She went a little wild and got up to things she shouldn’t, most unbeknown to her family. It was a form of self-harm and more importantly to Clare, rebellion. She just wanted a settled life, the same school to go to and above all friends that would remain friends for more than a few months.

When she was fourteen, nearly fifteen, Clare’s father bought himself out of the army so that they could settle as a family in one place. It also represented a chance for Clare to change.

The first time I met Clare at my local beach was just before that final move to the local large city. Though at the time of our brief meeting, Clare did not know where she was moving to or even if this was her final house move.

Four years later she is still living in the same house on the edge of that city, the first time she lived anywhere for more than eighteen months. She had a large group of friends and was also something of a social butterfly, and always popular with the crowd.

Clare only really got her beauty, figure and confidence once she turned eighteen. Yes, there were hints of her future beauty in those early years but she was a good example of a true late bloomer, the ugly duckling becoming the beautiful swan.

She has become a truly sexy and stunning woman though perhaps she still had not grasped just how beautiful she truly is. At eighteen, with her long legs, pert bottom, sexy womanly figure, pretty face, and above all, her unique multi-coloured hair she had become the sort of woman that grasped men’s (and sometimes woman’s) attention where ever she went. She simply had a grace, an aura about her that brought everyone’s attention when she walked into a room.

At school Clare was always near the top of the class, she was bright and left school with nine ‘O’- levels which, coincidently, was the same as me. She then went on to take three ‘A’-levels but though she passed all in the first year she only passed two in the final year having failed chemistry.

By this time she was with her boyfriend Alan, but after nearly a year together she was regularly meeting and fucking other guy’s behind his back. She knew she was bisexual and had a secret and casual, long-time girlfriend, Jaz. She was her first lesbian sex partner. They are still best friends and their relationship is still there and going strong today but both have just reached a point in their relationship where they need to explore their sexuality further.

By the summer of 1987, Clare had in all honestly become bored with college and education. Just like Sarah, she wanted to get out into the world and get a job. But things changed, a chance piece of career advice from one of her teachers, and maybe, the fact that I had also appeared on the scene and had advised her to go back to college, led her to reconsider what she was going to do and where she was going in life.

Clare currently had a well-paid and local summer job working in a factory. There was also the offer of a permanent position should she choose not to go back to college. Though with a little advice from me and a lot of thought, she decided to go back to college and study A-level maths, a subject she was very good at. To get her college hours up which was a condition of her having further free college education she would also take a basic management accounting course.

As I drove to Clare’s and unbeknown to me, she was telling Ruth, her mum, that she was going to do one more year at college. A Maths A-level and she had an exemption from the first year due to her existing qualifications. She also told her mum that she would then look to go on to an accountancy course hopefully with sponsorship from a local company.

This is exactly what her mum wanted to hear and somewhere in their discussion, and again unbeknown to me; I was getting some credit for talking Clare into coming to this right decision.

This last part only happened as I pulled up outside Clare’s, the time being six-fifteen pm on Thursday evening.

I found myself being a little anxious as I pushed the doorbell button. After all, I was going to meet Clare’s mum for the first time and I may only be a friend...

But I was also very guilty of fucking her daughter behind her boyfriend's back! 




Clare opened the door with a smile but no kiss. I realised that Clare and therefore me needed to be on our best behaviour!

“It's good to see you, David, come in and meet my mum. My dad is out the back and may pop in a little later.”

Clare’s words felt a little staged but in some ways, this first parent meeting was always going to be like the first act of a play.

Clare showed me down the hall, past the stairs to our left and into the kitchen at the back of the house. It overlooked a fairly long back garden and I could see Clare’s father who I knew was called John at the bottom of it guarding a small bonfire. With that I heard some noise behind me of someone coming down the stairs, it was Clare’s mum.

As she entered the kitchen I was somewhat taken aback by the beautiful young woman that stood before me. I knew she must be Clare’s mum as I had seen her once before but then it was from distance. However, she was so much younger than I remembered. She didn’t even look to be in her mid-thirties. All I could think of was that she must have had Clare at a very early age.

I also now understood where Clare got her beauty from though the hair colour and eyes were completely different. Clare’s mum was a blonde, with blue eyes. Clare's hair was brown, stroke red, with a few natural blonde streaks and her eyes, a chocolate brown.

“Hi, I am Clare’s friend David,” I quickly said, before sticking out my hand for a handshake.

She shook my hand and said in quick succession, “I am Ruth, Clare’s mum. Thank you for dropping in. I wanted to meet you.”

Then she quickly added, as if by instinct, “I put the kettle on.”

I looked over towards Clare. She was smiling at me. It was probably obvious to her that I had been a little caught out by her mum’s age and beauty, but I also felt more confident as I also sensed that Ruth was actually a little more nervous than me.

As the kettle and cups were prepared I looked over at Ruth. I noticed she was about Clare’s height and had a slender figure. She was also wearing jeans and a smart red blouse but as much as I wanted to, I did not want to get caught ogling her. So my eyes went back to Clare. For me, this meeting was all about giving Ruth confidence in me.  

“I guess you do not know anything about me,” I said thinking it is better to get the conversation moving. I always preferred to lead any discussions that were important to me.

I noticed Ruth had looked round at me, so I continued…

“I live in (my home town) with my parents though I will have my own place soon.”

That was news to Clare but she stayed silent, though smiled.

“I am twenty-two and work in engineering though we have sort of met once before. It was four years ago on (my local beach). That is where Clare and I first met perhaps you remember me from then?”

Ruth looked back at me blankly. I knew it was unlikely she would remember that fleeting meeting especially as we only looked at one another from some distance and didn’t speak.

“Sorry I do not remember,” Ruth genuinely replied as she busied herself making the tea.

“To be honest, Clare’s not said much about you at all other than you met in Majorca and that you lived in (my home town), but I wanted to meet you as you seemed to be seeing a lot of my daughter lately.”

I kept a neutral face and if Clare blushed at that comment, she hid it well, as I was seeing a lot of her daughter.

Ruth poured the tea and John popped in to say “Hello” and perhaps more importantly, grab a cup of tea. We shook hands before he disappeared back to his bonfire. He was taller than Ruth, had broad shoulders and seemed very pleasant and relaxed and perhaps most importantly; he did not seem to mind my presence at all.

As we drank our tea, Ruth and I chatted while Clare just looked on and I got the distinct impression that she just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible and if I was honest, so did I.

I knew that there was one thing Ruth wanted to ask me but was way too polite to do so. That was, what are my future intentions with Clare?

Even if Ruth had directly asked me that question I was not too sure what I could say. After all, Clare had a boyfriend. As far as I was concerned it was easier if I just said we were friends, but I did suspect that if Ruth dug deep she would know that we were more than just friends.

I knew that we were giving out plenty of clues to Ruth just sitting there, clues that were shouting out that we were way more than just friends.

The last part of our chat was a little bit comical, and maybe our play had just become a farce. Ruth grabbed an obviously preplaced photo album to show me its contents; it was very much to Clare’s embarrassment.

She thumbed through the photos showing Clare at lots of different ages. This I did find very amusing especially the not-so-flattering photos of her when she looked and dressed more like a boy than a girl. You certainly had a hard job seeing how she came to be the beautiful sexy woman that she was today.

When I looked up I could not help but smile at Clare. She was cringing with every turn of the page and from then on, mainly for my self-preservation, I tried my best not to comment or even smile at her photos. Though I need to say, there were plenty of gems that deserved my humour.

Eventually, we came to a page that I am sure was the real reason this family album came out. Two photos of Clare with a man who I guess was Alan. One was of them arm in arm and the other was of them snuggled up together on a park bench. 

Ruth said, “And this is Clare with her boyfriend Alan.”

Ruth paused. I knew she was waiting for a reaction from me but the truth was. Seeing Clare with Alan had started giving me an erection and I thought, that certainly was not the sort of reaction Ruth was looking for!

For some reason in my makeup, I found seeing Clare with another man, somewhat sexually exciting.

It was my deepest sexual secret, the thought of seeing my girlfriend(s) flirting or being with another man, or woman, and it now seemed entirely possible that this might happen. Though as I sat there in Ruth’s kitchen, I was still not sure if I actually wanted that to happen.

Ruth turned to the next page and there were more pictures of Clare and Alan. My cock was now fully erect though hidden beneath the table. Then Ruth went on again about Alan being her boyfriend and I thought I better say something.

“I never met Alan but I know he is Clare’s boyfriend,” I muttered.

That as far as I was concerned was all I needed to say. I appreciate that as Clare’s mother, all Ruth was trying to do was her best to protect her daughter, and I also knew that Clare was not the easiest daughter to bring up!

However, the way I looked at it was. If she was that worried why not just talk to Clare? I did hope that they had that sort of relationship and I made a point to ask Clare later.

Thankfully the photograph album was put away and my cock went back to its normal flaccid self. Clare dashed off to get ready for us to go out leaving me with Ruth. There was a small pregnant pause in the conversation but then we began to chat about small things. It was nice and not awkward at all.

It was just before Clare came back down that Ruth turned towards me and then thanked me for helping persuade Clare to go back to college.

I just smiled and I am ashamed to say, I took all of Ruth’s thanks and credit that I could get, as I felt anything that keeps me on the right side of Clare’s mum could only be a good thing!

I need to also add that when I told Clare later that evening she was not impressed at all, her reaction which I found funny but left me supporting a sore arm after another Clare nudge.

We said our goodbyes and left for the evening, Clare promising she would not be home too late.

While I was pleased that I had met Clare’s family I also thought the time was near when Clare needed to sit down and chat with her mum. It was something she could not put off forever. She needed to tell her about Alan, about her sexuality and above all, about us!




Later that evening, Clare and I sat outside a seaside pub called, “The Captain’s Retreat.” Our seats came with a nice view of the sandy beach and the little huts that lined it.

I asked, “What was the meeting with your mum all really about?” Though, I thought I knew why.

Clare thought for a short while and said, “My mum was just trying to protect me, maybe protect Alan’s interest in me. As you may have guessed my mum and I do not have the sort of relationship where I can discuss personal things with her.”

“She will always say no, object, or find fault. She has never encouraged me to do things I want to do. Part of it is I think is because I am the oldest and she not adapting as fast as I am, to me growing up.”

I smiled but spoke before Clare had time to react.

“That will change Clare. Maybe starting and having a private chat with mum will help see that you have become an adult. It is part of that growing-up lifecycle. You got things you need to discuss with her and not just about Alan and us, whether you are really bisexual or even gay. It is far better, that your mum should hear about it from you than she finds out later from a stranger.”

I knew as I said these things, I was trying to be wise, but the truth was I was being hypercritical, as I had no intention of telling my parents about Clare.

“Yes, I know you are right. It’s just finding the right moment but I will tell her very soon as I do want to phone Brenda later or tomorrow and arrange a meeting at a neutral place. As per your suggestion, David, I was thinking of a coffee shop at the big shopping centre near where I live.”

Clare, then quickly changed the conversation subject by asking…

“What was that about you getting a place?” I smiled, as she wanted not to discuss herself.

“I answer that in a minute, but I need to ask you something. Your dad seemed very chilled about me being there this evening. He did not ask me a single question. Does he not like Alan?”

It was Clare’s turn to smile.

“It is not that. He likes Alan but he leaves everything to my mum when it comes to me and my sister. He accepts Alan but has only met him a couple of times and if pressed I suggest he thinks I am old enough to make my own choices in life. I know he is there if I need him and actually, I think he will be okay when I tell him that I am gay. It will be my mum that takes it badly.”

“So you going to tell your parents you are gay, not bisexual,” I asked surprisingly and thinking Clare is certainly complicated.

“I think so as it will make our meeting up easier. Knowing my mum, I think you will be encouraged to visit and take me out. She will try to adopt you and support you in your new job role, to turn me straight again.”

I laughed but didn’t really see her point. However, Clare knew her mum much better than I did.

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Clare then added, somewhat poignantly. “If I tell people that I am gay, it will also help Sarah as her presence will not be questioned when we all go out together and I do hope that is soon.”

This got me thinking. It was obvious that Clare had put a lot of thought into this. Yes, she does want to be with me but maybe she is more of a lesbian than she told me so far and then I had a completely different and slightly random thought. That Clare could be a little devious, and in the future, maybe I did not want to ever argue with her!

“I am not sure I like what you’re thinking Clare, though it might work, I need to ask you something again just to clarify your sexuality. Are you straight, bisexual or gay or is it something else? I know you told me Monday but you know got me questioning what you said.”

Clare looked into her pint of cider as she thought about what to say to me.

“I am not sure there is an easy answer to that David, as I do not know myself and I do not like labels. But for now, I say I am bisexual and in the immediate future, I want to explore the gay side of my sexuality as I never had the chance to do that before. But I cannot totally discount sleeping with an occasional man as I do like cock, and plenty of it!”

We both chuckled before Clare asked, “Have you mentioned any of this to Sarah?”

“No” I replied, “I am leaving all personal discussions to both of you to tell each other. I have said the same thing also to Sarah.”

I then changed the conversation to answer Clare’s earlier question about looking to rent a place of my own. I told Clare that even though I had not yet mentioned it to Sarah, I was thinking of renting a place for a year before buying something in a year or so time.

All I have done at the moment is register with a letting agent but I am hoping to find something near where I worked in the next month. My last words about the flat were…

“When I rent it, I give you a key and you can use it as part of your safety net.” I had meant it but though Clare grinned it also brought the first nudge of the night from Clare.

I also mentioned that I had decided to stop playing football at weekends just so the three of us would have more time together, for us to bond and to get to know one another. I then went on to talk about Sarah as Clare normally did not ask about her but tonight it was important that I let her know about Tuesday’s conversation.

“So she is accepting me,” Clare said once I had finished. 

“I think so,” I cautiously replied. “Though she has not seen your photo yet, I hope to show her it tomorrow. That is if the film has been developed and I get one of her for you.”

“Topless, I hope,” Clare then said in jest.

I just laughed and then used one of Sarah’s stock replies, “We see.”

“So you want to share both your girlfriends with others?” Clare asked.

That was a loaded question and one I couldn’t yet answer.

“I don’t know, possibly,” I honestly replied.

“I did mention to Sarah on Tuesday, that if we stayed together as a three, I would treat you both the same. That means I had to admit to her that she would be free to have sex with others.”

Clare looked at me, “You did that for me?”

“Yes,” I whispered in return, though I knew some of it was for me.

I did find the thought hot, and exciting but in practice? I wasn’t so sure. Though I already knew that with Clare I had no choice and that made it hard for me not to share Sarah. My thinking had always been that she would probably want to be treated exactly the same as Clare.

Clare smiled. She could see me thinking… 

“You know you are already sharing me with Alan.”

I shrugged. I had temporarily forgotten about that but I then reminded her that was something which I had inherited when she became my girlfriend and I hoped that his time was coming to its natural closure. 

Clare then asked a leading question and one that had been on my mind.

“Does Sarah want to be shared like I want to be and will you be okay if she is shared?”

“As for Sarah,” I replied.

I wasn’t sure what to say, I didn’t want to say too much as I felt I had done enough damage to our relationship and Sarah had asked for more time.

“I do not know if she wants to be shared. Remember a month ago it was just the two of us and now, well, I believe she is beginning to accept you Clare, but at the moment, no more than that.”

“As for being shared. She did not say no when I mentioned it. All she said is give me time to think about it. So I guess it's another, we see.”

Clare smiled and then nudged me, she knew I had deliberately used the “We see” term. Clare’s second question was more difficult for me to answer but I tried...

“I think I will be okay with sharing Sarah providing the circumstances were right,” though as I said this I was not too sure what circumstances would be right, nor how I would feel with Sarah if it ever came to reality. 

I knew if I shared Sarah it would almost certainly be with another man, not like Clare, who almost certainly would be shared mainly with women. That difference was something I was still trying to get my head around. I seemed not to have a problem sharing Clare or maybe Sarah, with another woman but with a man, I was not so sure.

That thought I was still wrestling with. An exciting thought, yes, but far harder to accept.

I then said, “I feel it would be good if all three of us got together next weekend and discuss if this can work. What do you think Clare?”

“I have always been happy to meet Sarah, but really it is me who is the third wheel here. It is me who is asking Sarah to share you with me, and it is me, who asking to be allowed to experiment with women and have a lesbian relationship with one. So I am already getting a lot.”

“You said Sarah does not know that I am bisexual?”

“She does not know that. She only knows the basic things about you. I wanted everything else to come from both of you to each other as I do not want to share something you are uncomfortable with, and that works both ways.”

“But I do hope though that once we are more formally a threesome that there will be absolutely no secrets between us.”

“Are you free Saturday week?” I asked.

“I thought I could arrange for the three of us to have a day together and get to know one another a little more. If this is going to work, we need to start somewhere.”

“I make sure I am free, but does Sarah want to meet me?”

“I think so,” I replied.

Clare smiled and then asked me, “What will we be doing?”

“I have no idea but I give you more details nearer the time.”

 We fell into a more general conversation, and it had just gone nine when I said to Clare…

“Do you want to phone Brenda tonight or wait a little longer?”




To make the phone call I drove Clare to a telephone box in a nice quiet area. Well away from the holiday hustle and bustle of the English Channel coast.

“Do you know where you what to have this meeting and what you going to say?” I asked Clare.

“Yes, I just want to have a coffee with her on Saturday morning. I was thinking of the big shopping centre near where I live.”

I nodded. It was a good choice, as it was public. So I said, “Sounds like a good neutral place.”

“Do you know what you want from the meeting?” I then asked. Clare smiled, I got the impression she had given this meeting plenty of thought.

“Yes, I want to come away from the meeting with a clear head, knowing whether I am going to explore my bisexuality more. I do feel Brenda is exactly the type of woman I am attracted to. She is older, more dominant and as she says, a bull dyke; but she still has plenty of feminine qualities. She is not all muscle, tattoos and manly.”

“That I can get from men!”

I could not but laugh when Clare said the last part and I then found myself explaining to Clare why I was laughing.

“Sorry,” I said. “I just now see myself needing to bulk up and get a few tattoos to satisfy your manly requirements.” Clare smiled too, then leaned in and kissed me before declaring.

“You never know you might just have to do exactly that as I will still need my manly requirements.”

I smiled but I could never see myself with tattoos.

As Clare started to exit the car to go to the phone box, Benda’s telephone number now in her hand, I asked, “Do you want me to come in with you?”

That made Clare laugh!

“And do what exactly?”

“I think I can handle this myself,” Clare added with a smile.

I shut up and then watched Clare’s tight bottom contained in her snug denim jeans as she confidently strolled across the street towards the phone box. I could only think once again, how hot and sexy she looked. I just hoped she didn’t turn out to be a lesbian.

As I looked at her and watched her make the phone call, I started to reflect a little as to what type of relationship I wanted with Clare and with Sarah. I knew it would be an exciting one, but really how much did I want to share them with other men?

It was a question I could not as yet answer.

The one thing I did know is that to keep Clare I would need to let her have some freedom. With Sarah, maybe in the short term, she would be okay with being in a monogamous relationship with me but I felt she would soon grow jealous of Clare and possibly me. It was much better to offer her freedom now when perhaps she did not need it or want it. Then later find out that she was cheating on me. That was something I knew I probably could never handle.

I felt we could have a close relationship with each other in a pairing of three. I also felt that an open sexual relationship was possible but only with some, still-to-be-written rules. Above all, excellent communication between the three of us would be needed and I just hoped that both girls felt the same way.

Clare returned ten minutes later from the phone box, she was smiling and I knew the call had gone well. When she got in I asked her but all she would say was they had a date set for Saturday morning, ten o’clock at the coffee shop.

We then kissed and as we did so, I slipped my hand inside the front of her jeans. I wanted to know and Clare did not try to stop me as my fingers slipped through her thick pubic hair on the way to finding a very wet and hungry pussy. I liked to think that it was me who had that effect on her but I knew it was the call with Brenda. I wondered what was exactly said and I knew whatever that was, it had got Clare aroused.

“Obviously that call went better than you expected,” as gently fingered her pussy. Clare loosened her jeans and then spread her still-clothed legs. I quickened my finger's movement as worked Clare to a quick climax, her pussy juice soaking into her knickers and jeans.”

“I needed that,” is all Clare said as she zipped up her now quite damp denim jeans. I kissed her again and pulled her hand towards my jean-clad hard cock.

“I need something too,” I managed to say to her. My mind was now firmly fixed on having sex with Clare but we needed to find a place less exposed. Clare directed me to a spot not so far from where she lived.

“This is where I came with Brenda last Friday. It's quiet and we should not be disturbed but you need to be careful I getting close to my most fertile time. Do not cum in me.”

I confirmed that I would not and I would wear a condom though I did add, “This time.”

It was now almost dark though was some light from a nearby industrial estate. I said, “Let’s get out,” and I led Clare to the front of my car, the engine still warm under the bonnet. I then turned her around so she faced the car her hands warmed as she rested them on the car bonnet. I carefully undid her jeans and pulled them and her knickers down until they rested around her ankles.

Clare pushed her ass out. She was ready for sex and she was ready to cheat again on Alan. It felt as if he had been completely forgotten.

I could feel this was exactly what she wanted. To be fucked hard whilst bent over my car bonnet, with the extra risk of being caught.

I carefully unzipped myself and released my rapidly hardening cock. I did not bother in lowering my trousers. I only wanted Clare naked to the world. I slip my finger along Clare’s hairy and very wet pussy slit until I reached her brown hole. I wanted to fuck her there, not today, but Clare did not know that. I ran my now wet finger around her brown hole before going back to her pussy and gently fingering her.

Using my other hand I tugged a couple of times on my cock, getting it to full hardness then pulling the foreskin right back, I rolled a condom on. I again moved my fingers away from her waiting dripping pussy and back to her brown hole, carefully slipping the now wet index finger into her asshole but only to the first knuckle joint.

Clare moaned, this was not new to her, I thought.

I slowly worked the finger around just to get Clare used to it. Clare stayed silent and then she moaned as my finger slid a little deeper into her ass. She liked this I realised as she pushed back a little trying to work my finger in a little deeper.

I rested my condom-covered cock against Clare’s wet pussy entrance; she seemed to wiggle and try to draw my cock into her. I waited. I wanted to tease, to carry on fingering just her ass. Another moan escaped Clare’s lips. It sounded like she was in heat, waiting for her release, her cum but I teased and worked her puckered brown hole.

I was tempted to fuck her ass, to sink my cock into that tempting rear hole. It was the pleasure that I so deeply wanted to explore with Clare. It was now obvious to me that she was no stranger to anal sex.

A “Please...” burbled from Clare’s mouth.

She was not going to be denied and in one long, slow thrust, I sank my seven-and-a-half inches right into her cunt. She was so wet and open, there was no issue with me burying my cock to its hilt, and that one motion was enough to make her moan and cum again.

My finger still working her asshole I started to fuck Clare with long steady strokes, keeping my index finger deep in her ass, trying to work it in and out in time with my cock.

Clare moaned, “Ohh Yesss… Ohhh… Harder.”

She was getting close to that large orgasm her body now craved. I picked up the pace and carried on moving my index finger a little in and out of her ass hole. Clare was starting to cum and making noises that anyone close to us would have heard, but we were beyond caring.

We were in our own world of lust.

Ohhh my GAAAWWWDDD,” Clare screamed, though it came out in a muffled sound as she was biting her sleeve.

There was a real risk of being caught. It was risky, but also exciting for Clare. I could hear her pussy juices splashing onto my cock. There was little resistance. I liked that, as I moved at pace in and out of her. My finger was still buried in deep her ass.

This was dirty, risky, sex and I noted Clare was no stranger to this. I just knew she had done this type of thing before, maybe even in this very place. I also realised that I was now fucking her to establish my manhood over her. It was hot, raw and dangerous sex. Clare tried to be quiet but it was not possible, slap, slap, slap as pounded her pussy from the rear and finger fucked her ass.

“Does Alan fuck you like this?” I suddenly gasped. The question had come from my mouth but also from nowhere as I had said what I was thinking. I then more consciously added.

“Does he fuck you hard, from the rear where people may be watching?”

I then lied and said, “You have an audience, wanking over your hot, sexy, body.”

Ohhhh fuccckkkkkkkkkkkkk,” Clare moaned none too quietly. That comment had pushed her right over the edge.

Clare’s body had gone into spasms. Her pussy now clamping hard down on my cock and simultaneously, I pushed my finger right up her bum as Clare’s orgasm overtook her body and caused my cock to erupt into the condom.

Our spasms continued as we both came down together from one joyous fuck which ended up with us collapsing together onto the car bonnet.

“Wow,” is all Clare said, as we cuddled up together having carefully removed my cock with its intact condom from her. Our bodies were both somewhat sweaty but now fully satisfied.

We cleaned up and put our clothes back on and then Clare looked at me. She was smiling and then she said those magic words, the ones I had not yet heard.

I love you, David.”

I cuddled her and grinned back, “I love you too Clare.”

It was our moment and we both knew that was something between us. That unseen force of love and attraction. It was a force that had us locked in each other’s arms.

Later as we cuddle up in the car, I reminded Clare once again that Alan needs to wear a condom from now on as if she got pregnant I wanted to know it was mine and remember.

“I am now your boyfriend, not Alan. I am just sharing you with him.”

I had said this before to Clare, but this time I was being serious. I also knew it was a little cruel on Alan. One day I might want a baby with Clare but I wasn’t ready yet, and until she went on the pill. I wanted to make sure she used condoms as I needed to know if she got pregnant the baby was most likely mine. The truth was...

I just was not sure I could bring up another man’s baby, even with Clare.

In my mind, I was now her man and it was time to let Alan go and I told Clare so.

“Yes I know,” is all Clare said to my reminder, but I had a feeling that Clare had already made her mind up over Alan. She was going to leave him, but perhaps she was waiting to meet Sarah first, after all, Clare had been very clear, she needed a safety net.

I had also been clear. I was not going to leave Sarah. I loved her, and as far as I was concerned, it would have to be her leaving me for us to break up as a couple.

It was all a little bit heavy, we were here to have fun so I said something else that I had learned that evening and it was not that Clare loved me.

“At least we have established one thing tonight,” I said with a grin.

Clare looked at me.

“You definitely like it up the bum,” and with that comment, I started chuckling despite a large nudge from Clare.

But in the end, Clare joined in and she did not even try to deny the fact. That night it had been established that we both liked and perhaps craved anal sex.

We made love once more that evening. It was slow but passionate sex in the car’s passenger seat and once again I ended up cumming in a condom, deep in Clare’s now well-used pussy. We had needed that second bout of mating. It was to reaffirm our love for each other and it was a love that if there were just the two of us, it would have been forever

We already knew that, but there were three of us in this new, just-seeded, understanding.

Where it would take us?

We didn’t yet know, but we were young, learning and most importantly…

I now knew both my girls loved me!

I dropped Clare off at eleven-thirty, much later than I expected but still before her midnight “no questions asked” curfew.

After one long kiss, I said, “I call you tomorrow evening at six-thirty pm and perhaps we could see each other Sunday. If not it be Monday.”

“I like that,” Clare said with a smile and with that she walked to her house. Once again with a wet mark between her legs and halfway up her backside and I guessed this was becoming the norm, returning her home well fucked and still damp between the legs.

With a final wave, Clare disappeared behind her front door.

She was home safely.

Written by wxt55uk
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