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"Clare" - Chapter 4:- “A Little More About Me”

"Clare starts opening up about her inner feelings..."

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Author's Notes

"First a big shout out to "techgoddess" (one of the best and certainly high on the list of most prolific authors here) for permitting me to use a photograph of her hair. It is similar to Clare's hair colour and style, an important aspect of what makes Clare unique in the eyes of David. The conversation between Clare and David in "The Anchorage Pub" is the same as what appears in Crete - Chapter 3. This time seen through Clare's eyes. Finally, thank you to KeithW66 for your continued support."

It was Monday morning, and the full-length bathroom mirror was capturing my aching, naked body, and my physique glared back at me. What was presented to me was a continued reminder that my figure was not as perfect as Sarah's.

But after yesterday’s marathon sex session, how could it be? 

I was trying to ascertain if my body was still in one piece; it ached everywhere. But it was my pussy, which was shouting at me the loudest. Its soreness was the result of having been repeatedly stuffed by Brenda's extremely large pink piece. At the time, I loved it. I had cum so many times, but today I knew I was paying the price for yesterday’s horniness. 

I thought of what happened after David and Sarah had left, and smiled.

With the grin came a sudden, pleasant shiver down my spine, and then a stab of pain. That smile quickly turned into a grimace. It was my pussy reminding me that I might have overindulged in yesterday’s sex marathon.

Brenda, with help from Paula, had fucked me for three hours straight. The only respite, short breaks for the bathroom, cigarettes, or when Brenda changed to a different piece. No man had ever fucked me that long, not even David, though sometimes his ego might run it close.

The shower that I just had and then the soothing nappy cream that I applied seemed to have only eased the soreness. I could only hope that Brenda might know a better solution for a sore pussy. Though, I could already hear her commanding voice and what she might say, “You need to use more lubrication, my dear.”

Though knowing her, she was more likely to say something a little more colourful, like, “You got a naturally big cunt. It will soon adapt to the size of my piece, my dear.”

Yesterday, I was not too sure how much I appreciated being told my eighteen-year-old pussy was naturally large. But as I looked down at my soreness, I could not help but think Brenda was right. My pussy was still hanging slightly open.

The sex with Brenda had been so good, and definitely different to anything I had experienced before with Jaz. Sex with my best friend had been what I had expected from being with another girl. We used to kiss, light touch, probe, and gently caress, using our fingers and tongues to get off. Brenda had been so different, apart from the kissing; the truth was, she had fucked me like a man.

Yet, at the same time, Brenda never made out to be anything other than she was a woman.

Brenda was also extremely wealthy and powerful. She even had a team of people working for her, and yet, Brenda seemed to hide behind her fake cock, as if it was a shield.

But I didn’t care about that. I liked the fact she dressed feminine and lived life to the full as a strong woman. Brenda already had me hooked. She could have me anytime she wanted, as far as I was concerned. A small pussy gape would be something I would have to tolerate. I just hoped David did not notice or didn’t mind if I was slightly looser.

With that thought, my eyes took in the rest of my body. I was just checking nothing else had changed. It hadn’t, apart from a small hickey on my left breast, a mark that must have been left by Brenda or Paula as it had not been there yesterday morning.  

I then scanned my nakedness. It was something that I did frequently. A private act of reassurance, partly done to make sure I looked good, but also a check to make sure I had not reverted to that geeky, gangly schoolgirl.

As I studied, Brenda’s words suddenly materialised in my head. “You are special, Clare. As I have already told you on our date, you are the most beautiful girl I ever had the pleasure of calling my girlfriend.”

Brenda had given me support and extra reassurance. With that came body confidence, and perhaps for the first time, I was happy with the image the mirror was reflecting back towards me.

Also, there was something else bouncing around in my head. My figure seemed different this morning. Those large black and white photos had made me look just like a glamorous model, and maybe Brenda was right after all. I am attractive, and perhaps even beautiful enough to have a naked picture on her bedroom wall.

I grinned, and then grimaced, the pain still there.

With a new vision, I looked at myself. My long legs now felt shapely, even sexy. I turned and took in my bottom. To me, it used to be flat, with no shape, but now it was perfect.

Well, maybe not perfect, but it was firm, symmetrical and had a nice perky shape. It struck me that my bum was now nudging my legs as my best girly asset.

I stood there, in a brief moment of peace and reflection; this was a sacred time as I now had privacy in this busy household. As I did so, my fingers caressed my fully shaved pussy mound. It was a Brenda rule to keep myself bare down there.

Despite Paula only shaving me two days ago, it now felt natural. David and I both preferred this new look. But I also liked the feel of the bare naughtiness; though I wasn’t sure I would ever have my pubic hair permanently removed as Brenda had already hinted!

I studied my boobs before briefly holding them. They may not be as sensitive or as big as Sarah’s, but I came to realise that C-cups weren’t small. I was grateful that I had nicely shaped breasts. It had been one of my biggest body concerns when growing up, as I had been almost flat-chested until I turned sixteen.      

But there was something else about my body that I only just come to appreciate and that was my hair. I had always wanted to be a blonde, like my mother and sister. I had thought it wasn’t fair that my hair had been a mishmash of different colours; it made me feel like the odd one in my family.

It was only after I met David in Majorca that I started to reconsider. He often told me that having three prominent natural hair colours makes me unique. He also reminded me that it was the first thing that caught his attention, the distinctive brown, red and blonde combination.

It was a warm memory, though so much has happened in the four years since then. During David’s and my first meeting on that sandy south coast beach; I had told my boyfriend that my hair colour was down to my Celtic ancestry and maybe it was. But I didn’t know. I certainly wasn’t going to tell him that my hair colour made me feel like the mongrel of the family.

A rapid knock on the bathroom door caught my attention.

“I need to use the bathroom. I got to pee.”

It was my nine-year-old brother, Paul.

With a sigh, I flushed the chain and put my long, grey nighty back on. Especially in the mornings, you never get long in the bathroom. I opened the locked door and carefully walked past my rushing, inward-bound brother.

“Don’t wee on the floor,” I warned him as he urgently closed the door and then locked it.

I couldn’t help teasing him; it was the sister in me. But my comment came with a price, in the form of another stab of pain from my sore pussy and then the inevitable wince which followed.

On re-entering the bedroom, I gingerly eased my backside into my bed, knowing that later on, I needed a long soak in the bath and plenty more dollops of nappy cream.

It was only then I heard a familiar voice. “Been whoring again?

It was from my seventeen-year-old sister, Ella, whom I unfortunately shared a bedroom with.

“You need to get laid; then you won’t be so jealous.” I rebuffed. As normal, she seemed too uptight.

But my comment caused another twinge of discomfort from my sore pussy. It was a reminder that this morning was not the time for verbal fights with my sister.

Luckily, Ella didn’t feel like bitching with me, either. She just huffed and then rolled over on the top bunk to face the wall and then read.

We hadn’t got on since we had become older teenagers, Ella only being just over twelve months younger than me. Our parents seem to have chosen to have their children, two by two, with me the oldest, then Ella. There was a gap of almost ten years before Paul, and then fifteen months later, Colin. He was the youngest and the baby of the house, though you dare not mention baby and Colin in the same sentence if you want an easy life.

In my and my sister’s bedroom, our bunk beds were shaped like an L. I was on the bottom bunk, with my head in the room and my feet towards the wall. Yes, even at nearly nineteen, I slept in a bunk bed as there was simply no other way of getting the beds into the room. That is, if we both wanted our own wardrobes and a chest of draws. The other piece of furniture in the room was a large desk, which we both shared; it sat in the bay window.

It also didn’t help that we shared a bedroom. While I am neat and tidy, Ella was simply messy, with all her items scattered across the bedroom floor or, as she would put it, “They are all to hand.”

But there was one thing which my sister and I firmly agreed on. It united us. We needed a lock on the bedroom door to stop our two younger brothers from barging in on us when we changed.  

We simply had no privacy.

So Ella and I have this love-hate relationship. Maybe it is normal for older teenage sisters, who share the same space and are naturally competitive.

But despite sleeping in the same bedroom, I had never seen my sister naked, nor had she seen me. We use the bathroom to change if the other is in the bedroom. But I do occasionally wonder what she looks like naked. Perhaps weirdly, sometimes, when she glances over in my direction, I have the feeling she might think the same about me.

I do not know much about my sister's sex life other than she sometimes masturbates in the dark. It is something we both do but never talk about. She might not know about my interest in girls, but she certainly is well aware that I am very sexually active. My whole family knew that!

Whether she was still a virgin, I did not know, but Ella certainly would not turn to me for advice. To me, Ella was an enigma. She was nearly eighteen and had plenty of friends of both sexes, but hardly ever went out. She seemed to prefer to spend her time with a book or doing homework.

Yes, it was not just her hair colour that made her so different to me. It was annoying. She was Miss Goody Two Shoes, and because of that, she put Mum’s entire spotlight on me. To mum, Ella could do no wrong, or if I put it simply, my mum thinks the sun shines out of my sister’s ass!

Not that I am bitter or anything.

But I wondered about Ella. She is a good-looking girl, with nice-sized breasts, a good figure and long blonde hair. She could be with anyone that she wanted, that is, if she just tried. I couldn’t understand why she was not more like me. Out there, meeting people, and sexually experimenting.

But that was her problem, not mine. I had enough of my own.

“Come on, who was he?” Ella muttered from the top bunk, her eyes now burrowing down on me.

“David?” she then questioned.

“I thought he had a girlfriend, though I guess that wouldn’t stop you.”

I sighed. It was going to be a long morning waiting for the bathroom to become free. I needed time to think, and above all, I needed time to soak in the bath and bathe my sore pussy.



Later, after I had relaxed in the bath, I reapplied the nappy cream and then threw on a loose, summery dress, leaving my knickers off to let my sore pussy breathe.

For once, Ella had decided to go out after telling me, “She had done her turn.” She was talking about looking after my brothers and the time I soaked in the bath, all of thirty minutes. But today, I didn’t care; I needed some time on my own, time to think.

I phoned Brenda. She laughed when I told her my problem, but also said to me she had some special numbing cream, which would greatly help. We made arrangements for me to go over tomorrow. Today, with my mum at work and my dad playing golf, his latest thing, I would end up being at home; babysitting.

Jaz phoned. With me now in limbo, not working and waiting to start college, we made arrangements to meet in the park tomorrow. I thought Ella could look after our brothers, as I needed time to catch up with my best friend.

Then, as I made myself a much-needed coffee, I got a surprise phone call from Sarah. It was only the second time she had ever phoned me.

She asked if I had an idea when the modelling photographs might be processed. She wondered if there was a chance that they would be before she left for Crete. I told her the truth. I didn’t know, but I thought it would be unlikely as there were so many.

I also mentioned that Brenda was busy with preparation work for a Spanish client, and it was quite likely she would be flying to Spain next week.

That brought us on to the weekend and what happened. Sarah seemed very interested in learning about Brenda, but we also talked about what occurred between us; with me going down on her. How she reacted.

I was surprised she was being so open with me.

When I asked her if she was okay with it, she laughed and said she was still thinking about it, but it had stirred her curiosity. Of course, our talk moved on to David, and I asked why she seemed not to have a problem with sharing him with me.

“Well, you are now also sharing him with me,” she had replied, which didn’t seem like a real answer to me.

After a few minutes, our conversation wound up with a few giggles about David and his ego. But as I sat back in the kitchen, my coffee now cold, it occurred to me that there was a lot more going on with Sarah than I, and maybe also David, originally realised.

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There was one thing for certain; she certainly was not some shy village girl.


I kept peeking through the net curtain as I waited for David to pull up in his car. Luckily Ella was still out, so no childish comments. This evening I wanted a quick getaway, just to get out of the house without too many questions.

To help me, I had dressed down in jeans, a simple blouse and a jacket. I hadn’t even bothered with lacy underwear, just plain cotton panties, as I was thinking my pussy was too sore for sex.

With David’s arrival, I grabbed my handbag, my purse within it, and said bye to my mum. I just told her I was going out with Sarah and her boyfriend. It was half true. I just hoped we would be long gone before my mum had a chance to peek out of the window.

Tonight, I needed air, time to breathe, and, importantly, time away from the family home. I certainly didn’t want to give Mum the chance to invite David in. That would have meant cups of tea, perhaps more photos, and lots of questions. While all the time, I would be trying to sit still on my sore pussy. Luckily, it felt a little better than this morning, but it was still far from being right.

Today’s national holiday had been one of mainly taking care of my two younger brothers, while I waited for my dad, my mum and my sister to get home. It gave me time to think, and especially after Sarah’s telephone call, ask myself a question…  

Where do we go from here?

I couldn’t deny it. There was a strong mutual attraction between David and me. But there was also Sarah. He seemed happy being with her, which made me sometimes wonder what he saw in me.

Could a three-way relationship work?

It was a question that I had kept asking myself. Maybe my parents would accept it, I thought. They had surprisingly taken well to the news that I was gay. Would it be so different?

All I did know was this was a very different relationship from any I had experienced before.

I gingerly got into the car and then said to David, without thinking, “I love you.”

It had just slipped out; I was nervous, needing to confess what I had done with Brenda… and Paula.

But was I ready?

I suddenly felt unsure, being a girl who is used to hiding her secrets. But, I needed David to tell me everything was alright; his reassurance.

“Thank you for letting Brenda become my girlfriend. I needed this experience. As you probably have guessed, I have been enjoying myself,” I blurted, as we drove away.

Despite having all day to think about what I wanted to say to my boyfriend, my words came out in a rush. I was concerned, anxious… worried.

“I also know it cannot be easy for you to accept me having a full-time girlfriend and sleeping around,” I whispered.

But my news didn’t seem to faze him. David chuckled. I had to give him a little nudge before he got too far ahead of himself.

We drove to a pub called, “The Anchorage,” and I knew that tonight was going to be the first step on that journey of adjustment, honesty, and mutual understanding.

The pub turned out to be not so far from my house, though strangely, I had never been there. Maybe because the view the pub gave was of the city's docks. It was so David that he would pick a place like this for a romantic date.

I couldn’t help but smile from within.

Later, when we were sitting down eating, enjoying the food, the atmosphere, the view and, above all, each other’s company, I started telling David about Sunday…

“When you left Sunday lunchtime with Sarah, a big part of me, my heart, wanted to go with you, but my body was lusting after Brenda and the type of sex she would give me.”

David looked at me, directly into my eyes. It made me feel uncertain; I didn’t want to lose him.

“I am sorry, but it is true,” I stated. As I stared back at David, those green eyes, their glint, sparkling back at me. “I can’t help it, but Brenda makes me all gooey.”

Gooey!” He laughed.

“I hope I make you gooey too,” he then chuckled.

He did, but I was never going to tell him that!

So I giggled. It was a laugh which I instantly regretted as my pussy chose that moment to remind me how much it was hurting. When we sat down, I subtly slid a soft cushion under my bottom.

I leaned across the table and whispered in David’s ear. “Actually, I am paying the price now for my energetic weekend. You could say I am a little sore, as I am currently sitting on a cushion.”

David looked down, then started to chuckle. “You must have had a good time, then!” Then playfully, he added, “It must have been a wonderful time, judging by the thickness of that cushion!”

I nudged him, then winced and grimaced as my pussy reminded me that David was right!

It was probably for the best that he excused himself to go to the bathroom.

On his return, David asked me about my plans for this week, and I explained.

“I have use of my mum’s car, so I am on a date with Karen tomorrow and Wednesday. Then on Friday, I will be going to the Rainbow Bar with Brenda as her official girlfriend. I will probably stay with her over the weekend. After that, I am not too sure.”

“What do you tell your parents?” David asked.

“Well, I tell them I am staying with my girlfriend. They have Brenda’s telephone number, but of course, they think my girlfriend is Karen. The main thing is they know I am safe.”

I briefly thought back to the recent difficult conversation with my mum when I told her that I preferred girls and that I was going out with a girl called Karen. My mum had taken the news surprisingly well and mentioned that she would like to meet her. She also told me that she would tell Dad but not to say anything to my siblings.

“So, what did Brenda say about you and Karen?” I knew this question was coming.

David, the smartass, had been right and even with my sore pussy, I couldn’t help smiling back.

“You were right!” I exclaimed, not wanting to add more. But when he looked at me, I relented.

“I am her project, though her words were. It is part of your lesbian education, my dear.

I couldn’t help impersonating Brenda, which made me laugh and then wince as the pain reminded me of the good time I had yesterday.

“What do you think? Now you have the facts?” David questioned, whilst trying to hide his smile.

“I am warming to it,” I quickly replied. “But it will not be a long-term project,” I strongly added. “I am not going to switch to being a full-time butch lesbian. It is just not me, but I play along for a while.” 

“Are you sure about that, my dear?” David questioned while badly trying to sound like Brenda.

Despite my ongoing pain, I nudged my boyfriend, for both being a smartass and asking a silly question.

He loved it!

“Yes, but I do want to date Karen as a top if that is what she wants.” I paused, and then carefully added. “David, I want that experience. To know what it is like to be a top.”

I sipped my cider before adding, “I do not want to just tell Brenda. That I am not doing it. I want to try it, being a top; I like Karen. She is sweet and innocent, well in body, as her mind seems to be full of dirty thoughts.”

David laughed as I glared at him. “Go on,” he then said.

“Brenda could not have picked a better person for me to date as a top. I want to experiment, and Karen is perfect for me.”

I was being honest with David. However, what he probably didn’t appreciate was that being honest in a relationship was something alien to me; I was used to lying and cheating.

“Brenda has even promised to dress me when I take Karen out tomorrow night. I am not sure what that exactly means, but I guess it is part of my education.”

We both smiled.

“As you might have guessed, with you and Sarah away for ten days and with college not yet started, I will have a lot of free time to spend with Brenda. After all, she is only a fifteen-minute walk away from my home, and we are now officially a couple.”

I notice David smile; I guessed he must be happy. So I went on to give him more details of the sex me and Brenda had. He was quite surprised that she had first fucked me on the stairs landing whilst I was pressed naked against a window. He said to me that had given him an idea!

He received another nudge.

Later, after he had gotten all the juicy details, he suddenly asked, “Has Brenda mentioned modelling for money yet?”

“Yes, she has mentioned it, and I have looked through the red albums if that is what you are hinting at.”

He was smiling; I guess he was having similar dirty thoughts as I did when I went through the albums with Brenda. So I added. “I looked at ones with nude models, and the models using dildos and various toys on one another. It was all porn.”

“Did she show you the photos of the girls peeing?” David carefully asked, then added. “Apparently, that type of photo is a top seller in the butch lesbian community. Brenda told me that you would earn a lot of money for those types of shots. She has a private lesbian club where she sells this type of photo.”

I was unfazed. Nothing surprised me with Brenda. She was more unique than my hair, and that is partly why I liked her so much.

“Yes, we went through hundreds of photos, including the watersports pictures, and I said I would think about it,” I replied in an even voice. The girls’ weeing was only part of it; there had been fisting, object insertion and girls tied up in various leather and rubber bondage gear too.

I looked at David closely. “I promise you I will not sign anything when you are away as I have got enough money at the moment. So, it is not an urgent issue. But sometime soon, I will need to get a job just to get through the college year, let alone pay my mother any bed tax.”

Keep money,” David quickly injected while smiling.

I chose to continue, despite my boyfriend’s irritating words.

“And by the way, the photos of girls pissing were fine. I have been with a guy who was into that, and maybe one day I will tell you all.”

I wanted to shock David, and I couldn’t help smiling at his stunned expression, though there was no way I planned to tell my boyfriend about that guy. He may have been a charmer, but he was definitely another mistake.

I carried on.

“The issue, or, putting it slightly differently, the question I ask myself is, do I want loads of naked photos of me out in the world? I guess it’s not so bad now, but when I have children, I might feel different.”

“Or maybe one day you could electronically send photos around the world as you can now with letters on fax machines. These are my concerns, more than standing naked in front of a camera.”

We sipped our drinks, and then David asked, “Have you seen the photos that were taken of us on Saturday?”

Sarah will ask!

“She has already phoned me about them!” I giggled.

David smiled. We both knew that Sarah had always wanted to model nude in a professional photo shoot. It was the one sexual fantasy she had mentioned to both of us.

“But to answer your question, no, not yet; we got a little distracted, and Brenda has not had a chance to process them. She is hoping to do that tomorrow, and I let you know Thursday if they have been developed or not. I will make sure you and Sarah do get to see all of them.”

David grinned, “That’s good. I am sure Sarah will want to see them, and I mean… all of them.”

“We are planning to phone you both this Thursday at six-thirty and the same time next week when we are in Crete. Could you be around to pick the phone up as it may be only a quick phone call, especially next week?”

“I look forward to it,” I grinned, though I wished I was going to be there too, though I knew I couldn’t afford it.

That thought was especially true when my boyfriend gave me a ripped-out page from a holiday brochure. The place looked amazing, and I couldn’t help wondering if David would still want me when he and Sarah got back.

“I promise the next holiday will be for the three of us.”

As he warmly said those words, I studied both sides of the single page. I could not help feeling slightly down and a little unwanted. But I did my best not to show it.

“David, it is okay. Sarah needs some time with you,” I remarked, though inside, I didn’t feel it.

But in a way, I knew my words were right. Sarah had given up a lot in accepting me; I knew if it had been the other way around, there was no way I would have accepted it, especially as Sarah was so beautiful.

For me, the meal ended on a slightly sombre note. I wouldn’t say I was jealous of Sarah, but it did hurt that she was going to spend ten days in the sun with David. It was a strange feeling. I was in love, yet had trouble showing it, and I certainly didn’t want to show my boyfriend that I was jealous.

That night, I hadn’t planned to have sex. My pussy was still shouting at me, saying it was too sore.

But I needed it… I needed to be kissed, cuddled and loved. So, when we parked up, I took all David could offer. He topped me up with his affection as we tenderly made love together. Then later that night, when he dropped me off at my home with a kiss, he softly said to me once again that he loved me.

They were the exact words I needed to hear, and despite my very sore pussy…

I was happy again.

Written by wxt55uk
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