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"The Three Of Us" - Chapter 2:- “A New Routine”

"David gets used to living on his own and the rewards it brings..."

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Author's Notes

"David starts to adjust to a new routine as he gets used to living in his flat and the sexual rewards it brings with his two girlfriends. This chapter is told from David's POV and can be read as a standalone story..."

With my move into my flat came a new routine...

From my new home, it was only a ten-minute walk to the small engineering company where I worked, not a thirty-minute drive. I was the only manager there and the seventh employee. I always enjoyed that fact, as I had 007 written on my payslip, and it made me feel like James Bond.

However, when I reminded my two girlfriends of that fact, they soon brought me down to earth, occasionally with a sharp nudge. But I loved all the banter, and now that we had our own space, it gave me the chance to ramp it up and bring teasing to a new level.

My return to work brought a pleasant surprise—something even more exciting than being double-O-seven. Nigel, the business owner and managing director, told me that the company would need to expand. It had already doubled in size in the one and a half years I had been there, but what Nigel was suggesting went way beyond that. It was a plan for the future, and a lot of it would revolve around me. My first task was to recruit some new staff, including another manager, who would have to report to me.

It turned out that the large American company, whom I had found by chance last month, had placed a small order for our product. They wanted to test it to see if it solved the problems they were having; the potential was huge.

However, like most things in life, there was a caveat. The Americans had requested an engineer from our company to support the project, and the only one we had at the moment was me. It was also put to me that from next year I would be fairly regularly flying to Boston, Massachusetts, where the company was located.

Without asking, I also got a small pay raise and a promise of company shares earlier than the five years written in my contract. Nigel was trying to tie me in. He also told me that when this all happened, I would sometimes be working from home, away from the bustle of the factory, engineering, and supporting customers. From now on, all my phone calls will be paid for by the company. Fridays would remain an option day; it would remain up to me if I went in or not.

When I told this all to Sarah and Clare, they seemed more interested in whether I could take them to Boston. They both thought that it would be a good place to visit for a city holiday. Maybe, I just said. I got the distinct feeling that they thought I would be in America seeing the city’s tourist sites rather than working. 


My new weekly schedule meant Wednesdays were my own. This was because Clare was with Karen, and Sarah attended evening college, where she studied intermediate conversational French. If she passed her exams in the spring, it would lead to a qualification. 

Of course, I never missed the opportunity to tease Sarah. So I often jokingly reminded her that her French oral was already superb and that she should be in the advanced class, as she was already fantastic at giving head. This remark usually brought a giggle and then a nudge, as Sarah told me to be quiet. She didn’t want people to hear.

Another bonus from my home move was that Sarah only lived a ten-minute drive away, and we were together every night apart from Wednesdays. However, she still insisted that if I wanted to carry on sleeping with her, then it would be on her terms. So, staying the night was only weekends, and we alternated Friday nights between my flat and her bedroom at her parent’s house. 

I didn’t understand the rotation, but I went along with it, hoping that it would eventually lead to something better—Sarah sleeping with me every night.

Clare was very different. If she didn’t have college and other romantic interests, I sensed she might be up for sleeping with me most of the time, maybe even moving in. However, she had made it quite clear that, after failing last year, college was her number one priority. I understood, and I wanted Clare to do well. She was bright, and I whisper this: maybe sometimes she was a little too bright for her own good.

Unfortunately, her college was too far away to commute to from my apartment, as were her other romantic interests. They were all in the large city, some twenty-five miles away; it was where Clare currently lived.

She was dating Karen, a younger girl who was waiting to turn eighteen before coming out as gay. Despite Clare telling me that she wouldn’t fall in love with another girl, after her college work, she was making Karen her number-one priority. She even went as far as saying that she didn’t need a boyfriend at the moment. However, everyone who knew her thought that was not exactly true.

And then there was Brenda, Clare’s bull lesbian girlfriend, or, as we were now calling her, Clare's top. Much to my frustration, my number two girlfriend had given her the whole of Fridays, despite me being usually free!

I didn't understand it, as with Brenda only living a fifteen-minute walk up the hill from Clare’s house, I suspected they would be seeing one another a lot more than just Fridays.

At least I got Saturdays and Sunday mornings with Clare. That was if she was not babysitting or going to a social event with Brenda.

However, I was in for the longer game with Clare, and I sensed she needed me just as much as I needed her. That time would naturally pull us together.

With Clare in mind, I picked up the phone and called Brenda. I wanted to make sure that she was looking after my second girlfriend, and particularly that she was aware that she didn’t have very much money.

Clare had recently given up her summer job to go back to full-time college. I had offered to help her, but being fearlessly independent, she turned down my offer. She did have some savings, but that would soon dwindle. Clare needed an income to pay her parents ‘keep’ money so she could finish college.

However, as far as I was concerned, there was another reason she needed money. It was so she could purchase a car, as her mum's wasn't always available. Then she could drive over and see me!

After our initial pleasantries, we got around to Clare, and it turned out that Brenda was fully aware of our girlfriend’s situation, and between us, we agreed to find a way to help her financially.

Brenda explained to me that she didn’t like to just give money away and that she thought Clare probably wouldn’t take it because she was too proud. I agreed, though I used the word stubborn, which made Brenda laugh.

It was left with us agreeing to have a little chat the next time we saw each other.


That first week in my flat was a bit of a blur, as the three of us all seemed to be busy doing our own things.

Sarah had actively started looking for a new job, and she wanted one in the travel or entertainment industry. It seemed that no company was recruiting at that time of the year. The outlook wasn’t helped by the fact she didn’t have any work experience, other than working for six months in a removal company office. However, we remained hopeful, and we both knew it was more of a long game.

The next Sunday was my twenty-third birthday. However, I had already learnt from both Sarah and Clare that we would not be celebrating it on that day as it was inconvenient. Apparently, the right day was Saturday, the twenty-sixth, and there were plans for me.

“What are they?” I had innocently asked. 

Would they tell me? No chance. They reminded me of our safari park visit; it was when I refused to mention where we were going until we arrived almost at the park gate.

Saturday night was the first time we had all slept overnight together in my bed at my flat. The discussion was about what bed position we should sleep in. It ended up with me on the left, Clare on the right, and Sarah in the protective centre.

I had wanted the middle, with one girl on each arm, to look after me. But it soon became clear that was never going to happen!

My girlfriends reminded me that they were my guests, and I had to make breakfast for them while they stayed in bed.

“Guests!” I smirked. They had given me an idea.

“Well, I guess that means I can make the rules.”

They both glared at me. It was as if they were just waiting for me to say something wrong!

I smiled. “I only have one guest rule.” I grinned. “Any guest in my flat has to remain naked until they have eaten their breakfast.”

Sarah giggled. Clare rolled her eyes, but there were no nudges; I was in the clear. They looked at each other before Sarah turned back towards me and answered...

“David, it doesn’t bother me, as you well know. Nudity never has.”

It was true; being naked at Sarah’s parents’ house was generally accepted. It happened around their pool and in the hot tub. I had even seen Sarah’s mum walk naked into the family bathroom. At the time, that surprised me, but now it just felt normal.

However, Sarah's home was completely the opposite of Clare’s and mine. In both of ours, nudity was always kept behind locked doors.

With the girls knowing I didn’t have a problem with it, we looked at Clare. 

“As long as it’s warm, I don’t mind either,” she said and then grinned. “Though I hope your parents don’t want to stay.”

That comment caused Sarah to giggle and me to cringe; that image, my parents nude!

“They get an exception!” I quickly exclaimed.

Later that night, after we had christened the bed for a second time, that image returned. It seemed like it could not be expunged. A shiver even ran down my back, but then I reached across and found the sleeping Sarah, and then a little further, Clare. I relaxed.

Their presence was a perfect birthday present.

The next thing I noticed was the early morning light creeping around the curtain. With care, I rolled out of bed and stood up, completely naked. It might have been my birthday, but I knew there was not going to be much celebrating for another week. However, there was one secret pleasure I could indulge in.

As I stood there, I took in the image of my two beautiful sleeping girlfriends. Sarah was facing me, her eyes closed, her blonde hair up across her pillow. She looked content and restful, and behind her was the sleeping Clare. She was the girl who meant so much to both of us. Clare was spooning with Sarah, her arm under the duvet holding my blonde girlfriend.

Last night, they kissed, even touched, and played with one another’s bodies. It hadn’t been a full-on lesbian show, but it was an act of acceptance for each other. For me, it was so erotic to watch.

With all the quietness I could muster, I slipped out of my bedroom, still naked, and put the kettle on for breakfast.

It was sometime later that I crept back into my bedroom with the girl’s three-course breakfast. On the tray were three glasses of orange, three mugs of tea, and a rack of toast. It was complemented with butter, a jar of marmalade, and a jar of jam.

I was pleased with myself, though the girls were still getting their beauty sleep.

I laid the tray down and pulled the curtains. After all, it was eight a.m.

“Good morning, girls; it's breakfast, and there are three courses.”

There were moans, though not ones of affection.

Sarah, never a morning person, asked, “What time is it?”

“Eight,” I cheerily said. My flaccid, hairless cock wafted around in front of them and hopefully charmed both girls.

There was a further grunt from Sarah as Clare sat up, her shapely breasts announcing their presence. She glanced at me and then at what I had prepared. “That’s not three courses; it’s hardly one. You are going to have to do better than that!”

I felt deflated, but counted by jiggling my cock about and saying, “How about this for breakfast?”

Clare rolled away from me and said, “He is all yours.”

Sarah opened one eye, looked at me, and then at my wafting cock. She rolled away and cuddled with Clare as she went back to sleep.

I later learnt from both girls that Sunday didn’t exist before nine a.m., and it made me realise that I still had some adjusting to do.

There was one other thing that happened on my birthday, which Sarah found hilarious.

After Clare left in her mother’s car, Sarah and I visited my parents. When we walked into my parent’s home, I looked into the first room on the left. It was my old bedroom, a room I had slept in all my life. Yet it wasn’t!

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It had not even been a week since I moved out. Yet, in that short time, they had managed to turn my old bedroom into a dining room. Sarah could not stop laughing as, for the first time, I realised my parents were making sure that there was no chance of me moving back in. 

That evening, the two of us assembled the large wardrobe that we had collected from Sarah’s parents. Then she proceeded to start filling it up with her Crete clothes that had been carefully stored in a cardboard box in the spare bedroom.

I watched her, taking in her beauty and her womanly figure.

There was no doubt that Sarah had changed for the better since the arrival of Clare. Things back then had been a little shaky between us. We both knew there had been something missing, despite her model looks and the occasional alluring glint of something exciting behind her defensive mask.

Sarah knew she needed to change, and I had to learn and realise you have to put work into any relationship.

With me watching, Sarah hung up her clothes in the wardrobe. As she did so, she kept glancing at me. First, it was out of the corner of her eye with a hint of a smile, and then, directly at me, her smile was now beaming.

“What?” she eventually said.

“Have I told you that you look gorgeous today?”

She grinned. “Only today?”

I grinned back. Sarah loved having compliments on her looks. She was almost the opposite of Clare, who, to me, looked just as beautiful but never believed any of the frequent flattery that came her way.

“I love you,” I said without thinking. It was true; I did.

I also knew they were three little words, which I didn’t say enough to Sarah, especially when Clare was around. It was something I needed to change. Yes, I was learning.

“David, I love you too,” Sarah said as she returned to hanging her clothes.

I walked over, grinning.

“What?” she questioned.

However, I was sure Sarah knew what was coming, even if she was only halfway through sorting out her clothes. She stopped, and I wrapped my arms around her, allowing her to melt into me as we cuddled.

“I love you,” I whispered once again, this time feeling like a soppy fool. 

There was no doubt that Clare had energised our relationship. She had put life back into both of us, but particularly Sarah. I could never forget the fact that, despite my cheating with Clare, Sarah had accepted her as my second girlfriend. She even liked having her around.

It was because Sarah accepted my second girlfriend that I promised her that I would never leave her for Clare. It was an effortless promise to make. There was me having two beautiful girlfriends who knew about each other and even accepted and liked one another. I felt special and unique—the alpha man.

However, the fact was, outside our close friends, no one knew about our open, three-way, conditional relationships.

Yes, there were conditions. Sarah had to remain my number one girlfriend, and importantly, her family didn’t know about my relationship with Clare. There were others, of course, but at that moment, my thoughts wandered...

I felt Sarah moving down my body and then my jeans zip being lowered. I grinned and then gasped as I felt my girlfriend’s mouth envelop my rapidly hardening penis. Her voluptuous lips were designed to suck cock, and, thanks to her previous lover, Jerry, she was extremely good at it.

Thankfully, he was long gone and completely out of Sarah’s life. However, the long list of sexual things she had done with him was more than just a remnant of the past. When Clare arrived, they started to come out into the open. Sarah didn't want to keep her secrets, so she changed, and now she was keen to tell me all about her sexual history.

Her head bobbed back and forth, every one of my nerve endings responding to her delicate touch. I looked down as she looked up, our knowing eyes meeting. It was a silent signal telling me that my girlfriend wasn’t going to stop until I had cum.

My mind flicked to Jerry. This was what she used to do with him. My cock twitched at that thought—Sarah giving a blowjob to her ex. It excited me, but why? I asked myself.

Was it wrong to think of the one you loved with someone else?

“Ahh!” I gasped as Sarah lightly ran her fingernails across my scrotum, my testicles rising to her soft touch. The sting of her nails reminded me that she was in control.

I thought of Clare and the type of fellatio she gave. Then I briefly questioned: Was it wrong to think of my other girlfriend as Sarah’s tongue swirled around my cock?

I gasped again, thinking that their blowjobs were so different. Clare’s more urgent, though still very good, but sometimes they felt a little rushed.

I gulped. Sarah took my cock to the back of her throat before almost releasing me; her mouth then sucked my dicks head just like it was a lollipop. 

My mind flicked back to Clare and how she compared. She had this trick that she had picked up in the past. She won’t tell who it is from. It was where she would stick a finger up my bum. I had no idea what it did, but with a little pressure, she always had me going off like a geyser. 

However, Sarah was a true oral sex artist. She was the Monet, while Clare was more the Picasso. Both are very good, but if I had to pick one...

Sarah took pride in what her mouth and tongue were doing. She knew just how to tease and edge me. She would not let me cum in her mouth or even her face until she wanted to. Me, cumming, would have to be on her terms, her mouth charming my cock like a flute with a snake.

I groaned; I was ready to cum.

Sarah sensed it.

She pulled the foreskin back and squeezed just behind my cock’s head. She was edging me, or maybe torturing me. All I knew was that she took oral sex art to a whole new level.

Sarah’s tongue flicked my cocks opening before rolling around its head yet again and then plunging down my shaft towards my aching family jewels. They were ready to unload, but only at her command.

I needed to cum, and I started to gently thrust, urging on my desperately needed release.

Sarah’s deep blue eyes looked up at me; they were smiling and maintaining eye contact. From that look, I knew she wasn’t ready yet. She wanted to have fun, play my tune, and tease me. I was only cumming when she was ready.

I groaned, almost gurgling in ecstasy. I was going to have more of this oral pleasure. Yet my balls ached, my engineer's mind telling me their pressure was beyond their safety limit. 

My face must have looked concerted as Sarah’s mouth once again enveloped my cock, and she slid her mouth down it ever so slowly. My dick touched the back of her throat. She reciprocated the movement several times.

"I'm going to cum,” I expelled. I could not hold back for another second.

Sarah’s mouth slid off my cock and opened wide. She was ready.

I erupted, my sperm ejaculating into my girlfriend’s mouth and then over her face in three long, powerful spurts before pooling on the floor. She swallowed as I pumped my cock and then gently slapped it across her face.

She giggled.

This was something Jerry used to do. It had been his thing, and Sarah had mentioned she got to enjoy the feeling of being covered in men’s semen. It may not have been in her top five sexual fantasies, but it was up there. She had told me that she liked to be appreciated.

I looked down towards my number one girlfriend, my green eyes warm and affectionate. I was still coming down after my recent release. Sarah swallowed the last of my jism and then smiled as she wiped her face on a nearby towel.

With a wide grin and another giggle, she stood and rejoined me.

“Did you enjoy that?” I whispered, with my cock still out but now hanging. It felt completely drained.

“Not as much as you,” Sarah replied with a knowing grin.

She was right.

Then she did something that she had done before in Crete, once after Don and again after Kurt. She kissed me with an open mouth. She was making sure I could savour the flavour of my cock and my sperm.

I quickly pulled back.

Sarah giggled. “Can you taste yourself?”

She knew I could.

“Yes, but the taste is not that bad.”

It wasn’t; it was more the idea of me tasting my sperm. I wasn’t gay.

“David, imagine that I had just been with another man.”

Sarah leaned forward and once again opened her mouth as she tried to kiss me.

I stepped back, unsure.

“I am not gay, Sarah,” I mumbled. It worried me.

“Who is saying that you are, David? This is more of an experiment.” 

I didn’t understand.

“Just imagine that I have just sucked Kurt’s cock and earned fifty pounds. You are now kissing me to say that you still love me, even though I am technically a whore.”

I glared at my girlfriend. I knew she got off on the idea of being paid for sex. Was she suggesting that she wanted to do it again?

“Sarah, I don’t know.”

“Remember, I have just been with Kurt, David.”

She leaned forward; I was now against the wall. Sarah’s mouth opened once again, and this time I didn’t resist her. We kissed. Our tongues swirled in each other’s mouths. The faint, salty taste was still lingering. It wasn’t unpleasant, and it certainly wasn’t bitter.

I kissed Sarah back even harder. Was this our new thing? 

I thought back to Kurt and what happened that night. Yes, it had been exciting to see Sarah offer her body for money. As we continued to kiss, I felt my cock once again stirring. Images of Kurt flashed through my mind—him between Sarah’s legs, pumping her full of his cum, the money exchanging hands.

Our tongues continued to rotate in each other’s mouths. I got used to the taste, and then I felt Sarah’s hand on my semi-hard cock. I realised she was checking to see if this turned me on.

Then a new image sparked in my mind: that puddle of my semen that I left on the yard floor after watching Sarah. In a moment of rationality, my mouth broke away from Sarah’s.

I looked at the carpet—the blobs of my earlier cum. Then I glanced at my girlfriend’s right ankle. I was checking to see if the gold anklet was there. It represented the key to our fledgling, open relationship.

Her ankle was bare. 

I looked at her, and my green eyes locked with her blue ones.

“No, Sarah, this is not what I want.”

“But it does turn you on, me being with another man.”

“Sarah,” I quickly said, then paused before giving my considered answer. “I don’t want to share you with other men. But I do admit what happened in Crete was fun, and yes, as we have already discussed, there might be a time when I want to do it again, but not now!

“Good answer, mister,” Sarah giggled. “As I have already told you, I am only interested in doing it with another woman, not a man.”

I felt relieved and a little disappointed!

“Now, when are you going to buy that adult contact magazine? Then we can look for another lady that lives well away from here, so I can experiment with her.”

I rolled my eyes and then chuckled. The adult contact magazine had been a low priority. We had talked about buying one in the car as we travelled back from Gatwick Airport after our Crete holiday. Sarah wanted to find another Ashley, the older lady she had sexually experimented with on holiday.

With Clare’s arrival, Sarah’s bisexual side had bubbled up, and that made me happy, as I hoped that my two girlfriends would enter into a genuine three-way relationship. And with that, I would not have to share them with others.

However, Sarah was not ready for that, and surprisingly, neither was Clare.

Astonishingly, when I mentioned to both girls that I was completely ready, they ganged up on me. What I gained from their comments was something about me being silly and a general opinion that I was not mature enough! 

I looked at Sarah and said, “It looks like I am going to be buying an adult contact magazine this week!”

She grinned, and I thought...

Hopefully, it will be one step further on the path for us all to live as three. Yet, with that notion, I had another feeling—I wondered if I had just made that path a little longer.

Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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