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"Bonding" - Chapter 1:- “Recap and Monday Night”

"Bonding" is book 2 in the series and continues the story from book 1 - "The Alpha Man in Me"

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Author's Notes

"Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2022 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author. Most of the chapters in Book 2 – “Bonding”… are written in the first person perspective from David’s point of view. <p> [ADVERT] </p>However, not all, as a few chapters are written from Clare’s perspective. Chapter 1 after the recap is from David’s perspective."

I would also like to point out that this is an adaption of a book which I wrote called “Bonding.”

The actual book is split into two parts…

Part 1 - “A Date with Brenda” consists of the first six chapters posted on Lush Stories.

Part 2 – “Moving Together” consists of chapters seven onwards.




Book 1 - 1987 – “The Alpha Man in Me” introduced us to David, a twenty-two-year-old, young engineer who is the chief designer and manager in a small, but growing start-up engineering company. He is good-looking, athletic, and was playing a lot of sports but had no experience with relationships with women. That was until he got together with Sarah just over six months ago and Sarah became David’s first true girlfriend.

Sarah is a beautiful, photogenic blue-eyed blonde, the prettiest girl in her village. She could be a model but she was shy and demure with hidden secrets. They were secrets which were holding her back from being her true self. David was just too inexperienced with girls and particularly relationships to see through the protective shield that Sarah had wrapped around herself.

It took time and maybe the chance arrival of Clare for Sarah to open up, and brick by brick her protective shield started to crumble as she started to tell David about her past and we begin to get a peek of the real Sarah, a Sarah that was just about to start to bloom again and hopefully flower.

Clare is equally as beautiful as Sarah, though she doesn’t see it. With her brown eyes and unique natural multi-coloured hair, her long sexy legs and a charm that can bring light to the darkest room. She has that aura that surrounds her and woos all those close to her. But she is also sensual. That is how David would put it. Others would say she is a slut because she has a history of regularly cheating with men behind her boyfriend's back.

Clare and David met fleetingly on the local beach four years ago, and even then they both knew there was something there, an attraction. Then by chance, they met again in Majorca and that attraction for each other was still there, but even stronger.

Clare was now the hot woman that David always knew she would be. He just fell in love with her. It was almost instant, but so much had changed in their lives during those four years. Clare now had a boyfriend, Alan, and later we find out she is bisexual and also had a girlfriend called Jaz. David was with Sarah but was still unsure about her.

However, things were changing back home with Sarah.

She had chosen that very weekend, while David was in Majorca, to take her first large step from being reserved and demure to becoming more outgoing and sexy. She was becoming more like her true old self and importantly, what David had always wanted.

On his return from Majorca, it did not take long for David to realise that he was in love with Sarah and this new emerging Sarah was more like Clare, the girl David had already fallen in love with.

It was with the realisation, that he had fallen in love with two girls at the same time that David confesses to Sarah about Clare, his cheating with her. It was during that conversation that Sarah finally opens up and David hears about Sarah’s past, and her secrets. David melts as he now sees Sarah for who she truly is, a beautiful sensual woman and he promises never to leave her. Though at the same time, he doesn’t regret Clare, he wants to have two girlfriends!

Sarah eventually accepts Clare’s presence as this new emerging Sarah liked the thought of having the same sexual freedom that David had already promised Clare. That came about as David wanted, and needed, to treat both girls the same. Clare had made it very clear to him that her full sexual freedom, to be allowed to sleep with others, was very much a condition for her to become his second girlfriend, girlfriend number two.

Clare also told David, there must be no secrets between us, as secrets eat the soul, and David readily agrees. They agree to be open and honest with each other.

As Clare gave him no choice, David tells Sarah that she now has full sexual freedom, although at this moment Sarah is somewhat undecided about what she sexually wants, if anything. She is worried, as she knows she has an addictive personality and that when she sexually experimented with Jerry, things got out of hand. She warns David, but he doesn’t understand. The one thing Sarah does know is that anything she does sexually will be done well away from her village and family.

David was beginning to realise that having two girlfriends came with conditions. 

Sarah agrees to give the three-way relationship a go and to be more open and honest with David. As well as trying to be friends with Clare and not her rival. It is important to note, that both girls have yet to meet and Sarah certainly doesn’t know Clare is bisexual.

However, Sarah has one important condition of her own to this new three-way relationship and this she has made very clear to David and therefore Clare. That condition is, Clare remains their secret. A secret to the world and especially to Sarah’s family... so to all, Sarah remains David’s one and only girlfriend.

Currently unknown to Sarah, Clare is also happy with Sarah’s one condition as it suits her. She still has a long-term boyfriend, Alan who is completely unaware of David’s recent presence. Alan is Clare’s safety net, her safe place to go.

David is currently sharing Clare with him as she decides about leaving him and in that process, David has promised Clare to become her new safety net. He is currently looking to rent a flat and that will give Clare a key and a safe place to stay if she ever needs it.

So both girls want their sexual freedom from David. Sarah is undecided about exactly what that means. She is hoping her previous experience and her love of David will keep her in check, and not how it went with her previous boyfriend, Jerry. Then things got out of control… really out of control.

Clare wants her sexual freedom, and importantly, is currently more interested in seeing other girls and exploring the bi-side of her sexuality.

So here we are. David is happy, even smug, with two beautiful girlfriends that have both said they love him. That appeals to the alpha male in him, but oh boy, does he still have a lot to learn! 




Book 2 – “Bonding” - Part 1


“A Date with Brenda”


Monday Night

Author’s Note:- It is Monday Night or putting it another way the next night after the closure of Book 1 - “The Alpha Man in Me.”


We were parked up in my car, and Clare lay next to me, both a little hot and sweaty having just made love with one another. It had been more of a hard passionate fuck, the type that I now realise Clare often demands when she is horny. But I had fucked her that way for a reason.

I smiled to myself. I had achieved my aim as Clare had cum and once again had soaked my car seats.

As I lay there recovering, I was still waiting to hear how Clare’s first lesbian date with Brenda had gone. Despite being together for the last three hours, Clare had so far, refused to tell me a single thing.

Every time I asked the question, “How did your date go with Brenda?” I was met by Clare’s cheeky grin.

I could sense that she had fun but how much fun, I wanted to know. I wanted to know the details. I had been getting desperate. Clare knew that, and I guess it was my own fault that I had been waiting for so long. As earlier I had made a mistake with Clare.

I had thought Clare’s challenge was a playful one that appealed to the alpha man inside me.

I shouldn’t have accepted it, but I did, I was too eager, too dumb.

Clare had played to my ego, made me accept the challenge and now I realised it was once again…

Another lesson learned.




Earlier on the same day…

All day at work I had thinking about tonight and seeing Clare. There was so much to go over, questions to ask and things to explain but for me the big one was…

How did her first lesbian date go with Brenda?

Tonight was the night I would know the answer to that very question.

Despite spending the whole weekend with Sarah, before I left work, I phoned her. She knew I was going over to see Clare and I was thankful we had now moved past Sarah’s acceptance point. She now recognised that I had two girlfriends, though, to the outside world, I was only with Sarah.

Clare had agreed to stay invisible or when we were with others, our good lesbian friend.

However, I wasn’t quite the complete ape, I now knew that I had to walk the tightrope, treat both my girls the same and reassure them and once again promised Sarah that she would always be my girlfriend. We signed off with our love for one another knowing that we would be seeing each other tomorrow evening.   

I felt that we were treading very carefully with this new, unique, three-way relationship, but there was one thing I did know and that was, I still had a lot to learn.

The two girls knew about each other but had yet to meet, though they had briefly chatted on the phone. However, that situation was going to change and very soon as we had all agreed to a three-way date on Saturday, the location of the date was still unknown to the two girls.

This was something that neither of them was that happy about but despite intensive questioning from both of them. I had simply refused to divulge where we were going.

Tonight Clare and I both knew that the evening would end up with us parked up somewhere private or maybe not as private, as sometimes Clare liked to be watched. A feeling I was still coming to terms with but did not entirely dislike.

On my way from work, I popped into the processing shop to collect Sarah’s naughty photos. It was something that I had been on my mind all day. I was not looking forward to that conversation at the collection counter as there were quite a few full nudes of Sarah including three that were borderline filth!

However, I had been lucky. A young disinterested girl had served me and I had received the photos with no questions asked. But of course, there may have been a few extra copies done along the way and perhaps some could now even be pinned to a bedroom wall. But I did not care, and I wasn’t going to mention that to Sarah especially now that I had them, all of them, in my hand.

I picked Clare up from her home, at the normal time, six-fifteen pm. She looked hot dressed in tight skinny jeans, her breast wobbling in a thin patterned blouse and over her shoulders, her white jacket. It was for later, to keep her warm. I also noticed something new on Clare’s feet, high white stiletto heels.

I took it all in as she glided across the road and jumped into my car. She kissed me, in broad daylight, which was new, as officially she was still with Alan and she normally would only kiss me at night, with no one around.

We headed off to the “Woodsman” pub. It was where we had our first date. As I drove Clare explained to me about her day at work, that she had been at Alan’s yesterday and then out. Though there were no details of what happened, other than that was why she had not been in to answer my telephone call yesterday.

The pub was packed as there was a local eighties band playing, so we chose to take two seats in the beer garden where we ordered some food and two pints.

I asked about Brenda and all I got was a one-word answer, “later.”

Clare asked about Sarah’s photos, and I replied whilst smiling, “later.”

We both giggled. It was a bit of a stand-off. So I added a little tease…

“Sarah posed just how you wanted, Clare, but… it for your eyes only.”

Clare nudged me as her eyes lit up, “I like to see them.”

“All in good time but we need to go somewhere a little more private before I get the pictures out.”

Clare looked at me. She hadn’t understood what I meant.

“Let’s say they are a little bit more on the explicit side than the ones I took of you.”  

That brought a wide smile to Clare’s face, so I added through my grin, “Yes she posed for you, just as you wanted and she has made it perfectly clear to me that I can show all of them to you but no one else.”

Clare's smile got even wider.

“But before I show you the photos you need to tell me the latest about Alan.”

“Clare, I want to know if you had any more thoughts about leaving him,” I carefully asked.

Clare’s smile disappeared. I knew she still had feelings for him, despite the lack of honesty and sexual compatibility in their relationship.

“We had sex twice yesterday, if that what you after,” Clare rather tartly said. We both knew that was not what I was after though it was a good reminder that I was still sharing Clare with him.

Clare looked at me and lit a cigarette; she knew I didn’t like her smoking.

“Look David, I do consider you my boyfriend, I have already told you that.” Clare took a large drag of her cigarette. As she did so, I thought I was going to be told off by Clare. But I wasn’t, instead, she softened her tone and almost apolitically said…

“It’s just hard to let Alan go, give me a little more time. You know my sex life is complicated, I just need more time to rationalise it.”

We both took large sips of our drinks and I swallowed hard as I wasn’t looking forward to mentioning the next subject, the fact that Sarah and I were going on holiday to Crete… alone.

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Our relationship was so new, I wasn’t sure how Clare would take the news as I slowly mentioned to her about our holiday booking but nothing more.

There was a pause, I held my breath, but Clare just said without emotion, “Have fun.”

I felt guilty. I wanted to make it up to Clare and again I realised, I just how much I had to learn about loving relationships as our conversation moved on.

It was later, over a second pint and the bar meal that the subject came up again and I had to explain that Sarah and I had booked the holiday as we needed time together. That Clare’s arrival had been difficult for Sarah and we just needed some private time together, away from everyday life to bond as a couple again. It was the truth.

“Maybe it is for the better,” Clare impassively stated.

It was a sentence that could be read in two ways and I hoped it was more towards her giving her blessing than thinking that a three-way relationship couldn’t work. I left it there, as I felt I was a man with a shovel and whatever I said about the Crete holiday, I would only be digging an ever-deepening hole for myself.  

I then asked about Brenda again and that brought a wicked smile to Clare’s face. She had an idea.

“I am not going to tell you anything about my date with Brenda until you made me cum.”

“That is if you up to it?”

That second sentence had been accompanied by a giggle. She knew me and my ego. I wasn’t going to back down from that challenge.   

It was still light when we left the pub to find a quiet car park in the forest. Both of us were eager to leave but for different reasons. Clare because she wanted to see Sarah’s photos and me, well I needed to make Clare cum so that I could hear how her date with Brenda went.

I was also hoping for another one of Clare’s hot stories.




We were parked in a remote forest car park. It was still light but Clare wanted to see Sarah’s photos. She just could not wait any longer, and the truth was I wanted to see Clare’s reaction to Sarah’s photos. But there were still a few people around, the last of the day’s countryside walkers, so we needed to be careful.

It was sexually frustrating and once again I silently cursed that I still did not have my own place, somewhere private where I could take Clare and Sarah, my girls.

I brought out the first photo of Sarah, it was the one taken in her bedroom fully dressed in her lilac and purple wrap-around dress. She looked extremely beautiful, her deep blue eyes captured by the camera and when Clare saw her, she stopped and looked back at me, then looked back at the photo.

She just sat there looking in a daze. I smiled, I was proud to be Sarah’s boyfriend.

It was the first time that Care had seen Sarah and as I looked on, I noticed a small tear running down her cheek. I was surprised and my smile disappeared. I hadn’t expected that reaction.

I leant across and kissed Clare’s cheek, in doing so I kissed the tear away.

“She not that ugly,” I whispered not knowing what to say, and probably sounding like a jerk.

“David, she is beautiful…” Clare breathed.

It was as if she hadn’t heard me.

“I don’t understand why you want me when you have already one the prettiest girls I have ever seen as your girlfriend.”

I was still watching Clare, her reaction and I saw the large shadow of doubt creep across her face.

“Why risk her for me…” she whispered.

“Clare, you are just as beautiful as Sarah, I know you don’t see it but you really are.”

“You are both stunning women and I love you both.”

A small smile crept into the corner of Clare’s mouth and I leant across and kissed her. She needed to be reassured, she needed to be loved.  

“Clare, when you are home and have time, take a minute to look in the mirror. You are stunning and unique, your hair, legs, bottom… Your whole body, you are a head turned Clare and I think it is time that you should know it.”

“You not that same girl I saw in those photos your mum showed me the other week.”

I was referring back to the old photograph album her mum, Ruth had shown me. I had noticed how Clare had cringed at every turn of the page as there were many photographs there showing her as a gangly tomboy. It was well before she became the hot sexy woman she is today.

It was true that Sarah was a spectacularly good-looking woman. She was certainly the best-looking young woman in her village but she always played down her beauty in a similar way as Clare did.

Sarah was also very photogenic. Her bright, deep blue eyes, against her natural blonde hair, and her sexy, slightly pouting, pink lips often caught both the camera’s and men’s attention.

“Clare,” I whispered whilst looking at her. “Sarah is beautiful, very beautiful, you both are and to be honest, you are both very similar in many ways. The main one is you are both very beautiful and sexy young women and I love you both equally.”

I knew I was partially repeating what I had already said to Clare but I felt it was important that I took the time and stressed what I wonderful and good-looking woman Clare was.” I didn’t want her to not be the confident woman whom I had met in Majorca.

Clare smiled at me. Her early doubt seemed to of faded and then she asked the one question I would have asked if I had been Clare.

“Does Sarah like to go with women?”

I grinned, and then I said something to Clare as if she was a man…

“Does that mean you want to give her one?”

I can only say my boyish grin saved me from receiving a harder nudge than what I got.

As I rubbed my arm I then replied to Clare’s question, “You need to ask her as I honestly do not know for certain and if I did, you still would need to ask her. You know my rule.”

My rule was that I would not pass on any personal about either of them as that was something that they needed to do between themselves. They needed to bond and hopefully become good friends.

Clare looked at me and then, surprisingly, apologised for nudging me, as what I had said was actually quite funny.

I passed on the group of photos I took of Sarah in her bedroom. They were an excellent set and could be in any top-shelf men’s magazine.  Clare flicked through them, taking her time and admiring every photo.

“She is hot,” is all Clare could say before adding, “She posed like that just for me?”

“Absolutely,” I happily replied. “Sarah did all the poses herself and said these are for Clare. I just pointed the camera at Sarah and pushed the button, though she does not know you are bisexual.”

Clare stared at me so I added a little more. “I am not sure if she would have posed for you like that if she had known. You have to ask and find out on Saturday.”

“I wish I had the same sort of confidence in front of the camera as Sarah,” Clare surprisingly admitted.

“Clare, as I have already said, you are one of the most beautiful women I ever met,” and she was.

“Why would you think like that?”

Clare was looking at me, and she warmly smiled, perhaps I was getting through to her.

“The camera will love you, and you know I love to take photos of you, many photos of you.”

Clare pulled me close and kissed me.

“I bet you would!”

We grinned at each other and I had the feeling that there was a good chance that Clare would let me take photos of her similar to how Sarah had posed.

“Thank you,” Clare softly said. “But it is not that. It is just that I was never happy looking at photos of myself. I guess you are right and it goes back to the early photos I had taken of me.”

Clare then said something I was not expecting…

“Brenda wants to take some nude photos of me in her private studio. If I do model for her will you be there with me?”

“I would like the extra support.”

“You try keeping me away,” I replied, as my cock gave its nod of approval. It liked the idea of Clare modelling fully nude for Brenda. I wanted Clare to keep being… sensual.

Our conversation paused and we just sat there looking out as the darkness started to fall, it was twilight.

I tried again and asked about Brenda and the date.

Clare grinned, “Not until you made me cum.”

She knew she had me, playing her little game.

I chose to move on, “Here is the last set of photos which we took later that night in the factory rear yard where I work.”

I went to hand them over to Clare then stopped and pulled them back. Clare looked at me wondering what I was doing.

I grinned.

“Two can play little games.”

Clare grinned and waved her fingers as if they were saying, give them to me.

My grin got wider, “Maybe these are a little too rude for you to appreciate,” she gave me a playful nudge before laughing, as I handed them over.

It was a game I was never going to win as I knew Sarah wanted Clare to see her naked photos.

“No masturbating,” I chuckled which earned me a second playful nudge. 

“Wow, that photo could be on a poster,” Clare exclaimed.

She was right. It was the one of Sarah posing nude under the old fashion security lamp. It was the most artistic photo I had ever taken. The orange light bathed Sarah’s body in a honey-coloured glow, with the black shadow giving contrast, and also covering most of Sarah’s modesty. The shading was just perfect.

“David, these are excellent,” and then Clare came to the last few very explicit photos. “Wow,” Clare said again, “Sarah posed for you like this.”

I corrected Clare, “Actually she posed for us like this.”

Clare glanced at me. I knew she was horny when we were at the pub. Now I was sure she was getting desperate and probably soaking.

“David, are you sure she doesn’t go with other girls?”

“You have to ask her.” I managed to stifle a chuckle.

Clare came to the last two photos. The first was of her with Sarah’s legs spread wide open, I could see Clare was not sitting as comfortably. She was fidgeting, she needed to masturbate and cum.

I smiled. I was not going to make it easy for her and I leaned close to her and whispered…

“What do you think?”

Then I ran my hand up her denim-covered leg until my fingers found her fly. Clare didn’t stop me as I carefully unzipped it and then flipped the button holding her jeans together. Clare’s jeans top fell open and my fingers touched her panties. Clare flinched and then flinched again as my hand went lower. As I suspected, her panties were soaked.

I smiled and brought my hand back to my side. Clare just looked at me, wantonly. She had expected me to carry on, so I quietly said…

“Obviously you like Sarah’s photos; perhaps you should look at the last picture.”

Clare flipped to the next photo. It showed Sarah in the same spread position but now with her holding her pussy completely open. You could see all her pink parts, her wetness.

I leaned in again and said to Clare, “You can masturbate if you want to. I might even join you, but I am certainly going to watch.”

Clare didn’t know but she was sitting in the same seat that Sarah had masturbated on Friday night, the night when we had finally started to open up and then commit to each other. It had been all part of Sarah’s second sexual awakening. 

Masturbating together is something Clare and I had done once before but that was in complete darkness. Tonight, it was only just twilight; I and anyone looking into the car would be able to see exactly what Clare and I were doing.

Clare looked around, we were on our own. She then thrust her right hand down and straight into her panties. She spread her legs and began rubbing straight away. I just watched, taking in her lustful beauty and of course, keeping half an eye out for people.

She worked her fingers fast and then I heard the slurping sound of her pussy juice. Clare always produced a lot and quite often, when she was really aroused… she squirted.

Her face contorted and she mumbled, “Ohhh GAAAWWWDDD,” as her legs closed together around her fingers. Clare had just cum straight into her now very wet panties and all I could think of was how much I loved this very horny and somewhat slutty woman.

“I need that,” is all Clare could say as I handed her the tissues which I now had sensibly started to keep in my car.

“I take it you liked Sarah’s photos,” I said with a grin.

Clare looked at me.

“Sarah will be very pleased to know just how much you liked them!”

“Don’t you dare!” Clare exclaimed.

I started laughing. It had been a playful remark.

Clare joined me in laughing when she realised I had only been joking and I wasn’t going to tell Sarah. That would have been against my rules. As I have already mentioned anything personal would have to come directly from Clare to Sarah.

I did mention to Clare, that I think Sarah has upped the ante for the next photo shoot and I hoped Brenda had some good ideas.

Clare just stared back at me but I was already smiling at the thought, of the possibilities and then my smile broke into a grin as I felt Clare’s hand on my cock. She couldn’t wait any longer. She wanted sex and I guess it was going to be a twilight fuck rather one in complete darkness.

Clare kicked her jeans off and I rolled between her parted legs. At my insistence, Clare rolled a condom onto my cock and I then slowly pushed into Clare.

After that, it was a blur of activity, slap, slap, slap, as I fucked Clare’s hairy pussy hard and fast. The way she wanted me to as she needed to cum again. 

Later, with dark having just fallen and one condom now full of my sperm. Clare was left panting having just cum not only from masturbating to Sarah’s photos but also because I had just given Clare the hard passionate fuck I knew she needed to cum and tell her story.

It was her challenge, and now with a very wet seat, there was no denying that she had cum.

Clare was ready to tell her story about Brenda, who was an older lesbian lady whom I had not yet met but Clare had told me about her, and how she described her sexuality as being a bull dyke but I wanted to know more.

I wanted to know it all, with every little detail about her date with Brenda and what happened over the weekend.

Things like, what did a bull dyke really mean?

Clare could not delay any longer and I was ready to hear her, hopefully, hot story.

Written by wxt55uk
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