We stepped through Brenda’s apartment front door; we were hungry for each other after our little talk. But as we moved to her bedroom, Brenda noticed that the telephone answering machine light was flashing.
It was a message from my sister. Could I phone you ASAP? It's an emergency, I checked, and the message had only been left fifteen minutes ago, so I quickly phoned my home number.
On the third ring, Ella answered. She explained the emergency was Mum and Dad had unexpectedly gone out. She had a date, and therefore I needed to get home to look after our two younger brothers. In the interests of continuing our recent better relationship, I promised to be home in forty-five minutes.
“I have got to go home. There is a bit of a family emergency,” I said to Brenda as I put the phone back on the receiver.
She looked a little worried.
I smiled. “Ella needs me home to look after our two younger brothers. It seems that our mum and dad have chosen to go out without warning.”
“She is going on her first date,” I then added, with a smile. “Ella is nearly eighteen, and I think a boyfriend will be good for her. It will do her good to get laid.”
“I had hoped you might stay the night,” my girlfriend somewhat wistfully said.
I smiled again. It was time to remind Brenda.
“You had your chance last night, but you are welcome to cuddle me.” She got the hint and wrapped her arms around my waist. It felt nice to be wanted. However, I needed to softly remind Brenda of the current reality.
“Unfortunately, I cannot stay as often as I might want,” I stated. “As you know, I do have other responsibilities. However, as you were nice to me, wasn’t there something I promised?”
I then added with a smile, “Go and get your camera.”
Brenda grinned and disappeared. She knew exactly what I had been talking about; though we were also aware, we didn’t have long. This was going to be a quick photoshoot.
Surprisingly, we ended up in my girlfriend’s studio, a large black rubber mat below me. As I stood there, the only thing I wore felt huge. They were light blue cotton panties with a thin yellow ribbon edging and a little yellow bow at the front. They were similar in style to the type of knickers I used to wear to school.
It didn’t take long for my girlfriend to start barking out her instructions as I went through one topless pose after another. There had been no time to do my hair or reapply my make-up. These photos were going to show the raw me; I just hoped they didn’t show all my body flaws.
“Put your head back, my dear. That’s it.”
Flash, Flash…
“Hold it.”
“Push those tits out.”
It had only been a week since my first modelling session, but I had already gotten used to Brenda’s direction, having now completed several studio shoots. Every time I went under the lights, it became easier. Those original nerves were now gone.
“Open those long legs a little, Clare.”
I did as instructed.
“Right, my dear, this is the big moment. I want you to stand upright and put both your hands behind your head.”
“That’s it, Clare. Now look at the camera and smile.”
Flash, Flash, Flash…
“Now let it go. Try to piss evenly.”
I did as instructed, even if it did feel slightly weird.
Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash…
I felt the warm liquid between my legs, and then it slowly turned a little colder as it saturated my panties and then trickled down my thighs.
“That’s it, my dear, keep it flowing.”
Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash…
As I stood there, I thought back to those dark days, just six months ago. Then, I had been with a man who had this fetish, which he called watersports. It wasn’t my thing, though it did not disgust me. I couldn’t distinguish any big difference between doing something like this and my secret obsession, anal play.
Since today’s earlier confession, both Brenda and I knew this was not the first time that I had wet my knickers since I was small. It was that fact that made it easier for me to give my girlfriend the thrill of this sexual pleasure, and I also knew I would do it again if she requested it.
Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash…
The flow finished, I felt done, and time was pressing.
“Clare, pull your knickers halfway down your thighs. I want to see your wet cunt.”
I did as requested. The panties were cold and wet. It was obvious Brenda was excited.
Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash…
“I got to go,” I said, as I stepped out of my panties. The accidental double entendre had not been lost on us, as we both started to giggle, the camera still clicking away.
Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash…
“Don’t leave your wet knickers behind,” Brenda yelled as I ran towards the shower, with most of my naked streak being caught on my girlfriend’s camera.
“Sell them,” I shouted.
“That’s what my old boyfriend did!”
“Where are Mum and Dad?” I asked upon entering our bedroom and seeing my sister standing there. Her hair was recently dried, but she still had a bath towel around her.
“I don’t know. They just said they were going out for the evening, and would I look after Paul and Colin. It did feel a bit last minute their decision to go out. All they did say to me was that they were not going to be home until quite late.”
It was probably the babysitting, but Ella seemed genuinely pleased to see me, which I would have said was unusual before this week. Things seemed to be changing for the better between us. Though looking at the renewed mess on her side of the bedroom floor, I knew it was unlikely to last.
Ella was trying to decide what to wear. I took off my coat and, along with my bag, put them into my wardrobe.
“You have a date?” I asked, knowing Ella did.
“Yes, Jon. He phoned me just after our parents left.”
I didn’t know Jon, even though he was the same age as me. Ella had told me about him earlier this week when she mentioned that she had met him through a friend of a friend. I knew he was an apprentice carpenter and lived in the north of the city.
“Looking for something to wear?” I asked. Ella’s clothes were scattered all over my bed.
“Yes, I feel as if I have nothing here to wear. Any suggestions?”
I looked down at her clothes. They were mostly dull colours. My sister had never been one for dressing up when, or should I say if, she went out.
“What bra size are you?” I asked. If she wanted my help, I needed to know.
We were very similar builds, with Ella being a fraction shorter than me. But, I could tell with my own eyes that my sister had larger breasts. These days, they were not massively bigger than mine, but irritatingly, they were still a little larger. It used to annoy me that, though thirteen months younger, Ella had got her womanly figure earlier than me.
“Look,” I said when I didn’t get an immediate answer. “I am a 36-C, though these days it is quite a tight C- cup, as I believe my boobs are still slowly growing.”
It was true. At the start of the year, I was relieved to buy bras with a C-cup and then in the summer; I noticed my bras had become a little snug. But it had been going on the pill only last month that had the biggest effect. My bra cups had become noticeably tight.
I opened my wardrobe and started to look through, thinking that some of my newer blouses should fit my sister.
“Mainly 36-D, sometimes DD,” she replied as I pulled out a couple of my bigger tops.
“Well, Ella, it depends on what sort of message you want to give Jon, and where you are meeting him,” I said in answering my sister's original question.
Ella told me the name of one of the local bars. I was a little surprised by the choice, as “The Flamingo Bar” attracted a certain type of customer.
“If you want to be just friends, then I suggest you wear what you have laid out on my bed. But if you want him to be interested in you, then wear this top.” I held up a loose red blouse with a slightly plunging neckline that ended in a series of small buttons.
“But if you want to get laid, then I suggest you wear this.” This time I held up a slightly tighter white top, but it had a deeper plunging neckline. There were no buttons. It had been deliberately designed and made to show off your breasts.
I could see my sister was blushing.
“I would try them both on with and without a bra, and be warned they might be a little tighter on you, as I'm not quite a D-cup.”
I smiled, as I could see Ella’s blush had gotten a little deeper. It was fun teasing her.
“I would just wear jeans or a dark skirt and black tights with one of these blouses to keep it informal.”
I turned to leave, but my sister stopped me.
“Dad said he will put a lock on our bedroom door next weekend, and Karen phoned, which was a surprise as I thought you were with her. Anyway, you need to give her a call later tonight.”
I was surprised about the lock, so I thanked Ella and then told her, “Actually, I was at Brenda’s. You know, the lady on the hill. We went for a walk this afternoon.”
It was strange. I felt I needed to tell my sister something about what I had been up to, but I didn’t dare add any of the other details.
“You are going to have to tell Mum about her or mention to Karen not to call here. It was just pure luck that I answered the phone this afternoon.”
I knew my sister was right, but I thought it might not be an issue after tomorrow. And if it still was, I had already pledged to Brenda and myself that I was going to tell my mum all about the lady on the hill.
Leaving Ella so she could get changed, I joined our brothers in a game of mousetrap, which they were having in the living room. I had decided to phone Karen after Ella had left for her date.
My sister appeared in the lounge wearing a long, dark coat. It was just as my mouse got trapped, which left Paul winning our game. This gave me a chance to see Ella out, and, importantly, check on what she was wearing. I was intrigued.
It was the red blouse, with a white lacy bra underneath. The top fitted Ella perfectly, though she had done up all the buttons at the bottom of the plunging Vee. It wasn’t how it was meant to be worn, and I carefully undid the top one.
“It looks good on you, sis,” I said, though those words felt a little alien to me.

“I tried the white one, but it was a little too tight, and without a bra, too revealing.”
I giggled, “Pity,” which made my sister blush, then smile.
“Don’t wait up for me,” Ella remarked as she walked towards the door.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” I replied. It was a remark which left us both giggling as the front door closed behind my sister.
My phone call to Karen confirmed what we had already arranged. Brenda would be picking us both up from the Social Club. It was the same car park Donna had stopped at in the Limo last Wednesday, the night we had ended up at Club o-X-o.
Karen asked if I could come over a little earlier and meet her mum, Trish. I agreed, and I saw that as a good sign. We didn’t speak about anything else.
It was later, with my brothers safely tucked up in bed, and my sister and parents still out, that I went over to my wardrobe and unlocked it. Though I was ready for bed, there was one last thing I wanted to do for my reassurance, and I could only do this while I had a little privacy.
Dressed only in my long nightie and bedtime knickers, I took out the bag which I had earlier placed there and went to the bathroom. I didn’t know when my parents or my sister would get home, so I had to be careful.
After locking the bathroom door, I took off my nightie and stood there in front of the mirror, looking at myself. My plain panties reminded me of the ones that I had earlier wetted for Brenda. I smiled as I thought of my bull lesbian girlfriend and how excited she got when I did it.
She was so easy to please, I thought.
I took my bedtime knickers off. Once again, I was standing naked in front of the bathroom's full-length mirror, observing myself. It was for reassurance.
As I studied my reflection, apart from not now having a sore pussy, I didn’t notice any body differences since I last stood here a week ago. So much had happened, and yet, my body looked exactly the same. However, I knew there had been changes, and they were the thoughts which currently nestled in my head.
Brenda had told me I was beautiful, and she should know; she photographed so many professional models. With that thought, I moved around and pretended that I was posing for Brenda’s camera. It was something I knew Sarah used to do in the secrecy of her bedroom.
I grinned, reassured.
Looking down at the bag on the floor beside me, it was time. I had to do this just for myself. It was an act to confirm what I had already been thinking.
Reaching into the bag, I pull out the black strap-on that Brenda had given me, and I put it on. As I did so, I felt my pussy moisten. There was an element of me that wanted to impale myself onto the very dong I was now wearing.
It was with some uncertainty I glanced back into the mirror and asked myself, was this the new me?
Would other women think I still looked beautiful?
Most importantly, would David accept me if I dressed like this?
I put my hair up as I posed. Then, still not satisfied, I pulled a shower cap on. I was thinking about what I would look like with short hair, processing the possibilities, my pussy suddenly wet in anticipation.
There was only one real question to answer… Was this me?
Standing there, I continued to pose, hoping no one would return home. I needed this private time just to digest how I felt. So much had occurred in the last week, but one thought just kept bubbling up. It helped me make my final decision. I knew I wasn’t gay. I wasn’t like Brenda. However, I was certainly very bisexual.
Despite my pussy reminding me that it was there, I could confirm one other thing. I had been correct early in the week when I said wearing one in public just wasn’t me. They should be mainly reserved for the bedroom. I could never be like Brenda and wear one all the time.
My thoughts turned to Karen and our relationship. After tomorrow, would that be carrying on now I had chosen Brenda? I was hopeful. But did I want a long-term, committed relationship with another girl?
For me, my relationship with Karen was more of an experimental one. Deep down inside me, I already knew that if I was going to bring up a family, I wanted to do it with a man. It was a thought which made me think of David. There was no doubt that I wanted a long-term relationship with him and maybe even, one day, children.
Thoughts whirled around in my head. I may want to sleep with Brenda, Karen and other women, but beyond sex and friendship? I wasn’t so sure. Karen wanted a full-on relationship, and I knew I was not ready for that.
That was my final thought on it. I had peeked under my sexuality veil, and for the first time, I had hints of answers. There was nothing definite, just a feeling about where my future lay.
I put everything away, redressed and got into bed; my mind once again wondering what David and Sarah were up to now. I guessed that I might find out some of it on this Thursday’s phone call.
With the bedroom light still on and me reading, Ella returned home, and I asked her how her date went. She told me it had gone well; I did notice that the buttons on the red blouse vee were now all undone. It was now just like the way I always wore it.
“Come on, Ella,” I said. “Spill the beans on Jon. What is he like?”
“He's just different, Clare, and before you ask, we are not a couple. If he phones, I will probably see him again. But only if he calls me. I am not doing the chasing, and that is all you are going to get, sister.”
I smiled. Until this week, I had never said that much about my relationships, though Ella had never asked, as she hadn’t wanted to know.
“Mum and Dad are not back yet,” I stated.
“Do you know where they went?” I then asked.
“They never said,” my sister replied as she went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Ten minutes later, the light was out.
It was very late, and my mouth felt dry. As I lay there, it was telling me I needed to go down to the kitchen and get a glass of water. With my sister sleeping on the top bunk, I looked for my dressing gown. It wasn’t on the hook on the back of the bedroom door where it should be.
Sleepily, I sneaked downstairs in just my nightie, not knowing if Mum and Dad were back yet. I didn’t want the brightness of the kitchen’s main light, so I flicked on the dull side light and I filled a cup and sipped it, only to refill it again.
It was only then that I heard the key in the front door, which made me jump as it broke the silence of the night, and then there was giggling. Quietly, I stepped back into the shadows. I didn’t want my dad to see me in just my nightie. As I did so, I accidentally knocked two tea towels onto the kitchen floor.
I just stood there, waiting for my parents to go up to their room. It felt like that dull kitchen side light now had enough illumination to flood a football ground in brightness. I didn’t want to be seen.
I heard more giggling and then whispers from the hallway. The kitchen clock said two-forty in the morning, and I hoped they keep the noise down, not wake the rest of the household.
There was part of me wanting to say, “Why are you home so late?” I know they would have asked me if it had come in this late without first letting them know.
“They left the kitchen light on,” I heard my mum whisper. It was obvious she had been drinking.
“I get it,” I heard my dad say before there was more giggling.
I felt embarrassed. They were kissing.
“John, don’t.”
I cringed.
“I see you upstairs in a minute, I need a drink of water,” my mum not so quietly whispered.
I crouched in the dark corner with my cup of water in hand, listening. I heard the thud of my dad’s footsteps going ‘quietly’ up the stairs, and then the creak of the floorboards as he walked into their bedroom. He was directly overhead.
It was only then I saw my mum come into the kitchen. I nearly gasped aloud at what she was wearing. Her clothes were so different to what I had expected. A schoolgirl’s uniform, or maybe something a stripper would wear.
This was my conservative thirty-five-year-old mum who struggled with the thought of wearing a bikini when on holiday, despite having the perfect figure for it. There was no doubt my mum was extremely attractive, with blonde hair and a beauty that could turn every man’s head. She could easily pass for being ten years younger than she was.
On her top, she had a white blouse that had been loosely knotted at the front and no bra. Her small, perky breasts almost fell out. I could easily see her pink nipples. On her lower half was a short black skirt. It was one I would have been proud to have worn. Then on her legs, black hold-up stockings, one in the correct position and the other laddered and just above her knee.
On mum's feet were high white platform shoes that laced right up past her ankles. If I had worn them, I know my mum would have called them stripper shoes.
She was trying to take them off, and as she did so, she saw the two tea towels. Mum reached for them, but toppled onto her backside, and then giggled. She didn’t move and started to unstrap her shoes. It was only then I noticed she wasn’t wearing knickers. I was genuinely shocked!
However, it did answer one question that I never thought I would know the answer to. Mum was a true blonde.
I was also certain she had never left the house dressed like that. Did I want to know where they had been and what my parents had been up to?
It was only at that moment mum saw me and gasped. Though it was too late, she then clamped her legs together and didn’t move. She was like a deer caught in car headlights.
My reaction to my mother’s gasp was completely different. I came out of the shadows and stood there in front of her. My finger to my lips… Stay quiet. I then undid her shoes for her, knowing she could make out the outline of my breasts, and then helped mum to her feet.
“I can explain,” she whispered. This time, quietly.
“I don’t need to know,” I whispered back as I gave her a quick hug and then my cup of water.
“Good night,” I murmured, and then I added, “Let’s keep this our secret.”
Mum looked at me, nodded, and then scuttled out the door, taking her shoes and the cup of water with her. I picked up the two tea towels, and a few minutes later, I followed.
I figured that there were some things in life that you didn’t need to know, and it made me wonder if that should apply to me mentioning Brenda to my mum.
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.