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"Clare" - Chapter:- 19 - “My Local"

"With Brenda's approval, Clare is starting to seriously date Karen..."

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Author's Notes

"With Brenda in Spain, Clare takes Karen on a date to her local bar and then runs into someone she didn't expect to see there. On the story timeline, this chapter co-insides with Book 3 – Crete - Chapter 15:- Pushing the Boundaries to the close of Book 3."

Tuesday morning brought the normal bustle around the breakfast table. Dad had already gone to work, and Mum was trying to hurry my two younger brothers to school, but everything was running late.

It was with a knowing smile to my mother that I offered to run my brothers to school and then Ella into the city as she needed to buy some clothes.

None of my siblings could believe that a friend had lent me an almost new mini to drive. Of course, my offering had ulterior motives, I was reminding Mum how helpful I could be if I had use of a car.

Once our two younger brothers had been safely delivered to the school, Ella started quizzing me once again about last night’s meal with Mum and then the car. In the end, I relented a little. I told her that I only had use of the car until Brenda returned from Spain, and Mum had taken me to the Rainbow Bar to question me about college.

It was partly true, I was not going to divulge any of the things that had been said, and I didn’t. But there was one thing I did wonder; would Mum in a year be having the same conversation with Ella?

“What’s the Rainbow bar like?” Ella surprisingly questioned.

“Like most other bars, though mainly full of ladies. I was very surprised when Mum took me there, and I got the feeling she thought I went there all the time.”

“Don’t you?”

I laughed. “No, I have only been there twice, as well as a quick walk-through to see what it was like. If you are interested, you could do the same; I am sure it wouldn’t be long before you get approached by one of the lesbians there.”

It was Ella’s turn to laugh, “I was just curious, though if I went down that way, I might walk past.”

“Are you buying clothes for Jon?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Sort of, but more for me. I expect he will phone tonight or tomorrow night.”

“Well, if he does, remember to keep him interested and buy some blouses other than black.”

I dropped Ella off. She had agreed to purchase some interesting clothes. I then took the opportunity to drive around to Marie’s. I wanted to catch up with her, as seeing Jaz yesterday reminded me that I needed to spend more time keeping in contact with my friends.


I was watching television later when my sister came home. She was dragging three large bags with her. It was obvious she had at last been spending some money.

“Put the kettle on,” she said and then remarked. “It will be good when I get a car; lugging bags on those buses was no fun.”

I agreed with her.

Later, with the cups of tea on the bedroom dressing table, Ella showed me what she had bought, and I was impressed. Only one item was black, and that was a short skirt. The rest of the items were all colourful. There was a low-cut red dress with a split, three blouses, some lacy underwear as well as a patterned green skirt. That item seemed so unlike what my sister would normally wear.

“Well done, Sis,” I said. “Jon will not know what has hit him when you start wearing this lot.”

Ella seemed to be pleased that she had her sister’s seal of approval. She offered to try every item on and give me a fashion show.

“Even the underwear?” I was teasing her, and it brought an expectant blush.

The clothes show didn’t take long. Each item was carefully changed and adjusted in the bathroom before my sister came back into the bedroom and showed me. I then gave an approval rating, and then a comment, which Ella usually disagreed with.

All the items looked good on her; my sister was pretty and had a good figure. Until recently, and the realisation that my hair was indeed unique, I had always been jealous of her long blonde hair.

The only problem she had was the low-cut red dress, or as Ella called it, her Christmas party dress. Somehow, she managed to get the rear clasp tangled in her blonde hair. I had to step in and rescue her, knowing she was topless, though facing away.

After a struggle, I released her, the dress slipping to her waist. My sister gasped as she caught it and pulled it up before turning back to me. I hadn’t seen her breasts, but Ella’s face now matched the dress.

“I didn’t see anything,” I said to reassure my sister. “But don’t worry, as I intend to walk around topless as soon as we have the lock on our bedroom door.”

It had been another tease, but Ella didn’t know that!


It had been Marie who had reminded me of “The Flamingo Bar.” We had gone there once, two summers ago, Marie, Jaz, Jo, Mandy, Sharon and a few others.

There had been a whole group of us attracted by the bar’s pink glow that emanated from the four neon pink flamingos, which adorned its façade. They were named after four famous singers, George, Andrew, Elton, and Michael.

The Flamingo Bar, or Flamingo’s, as we called it, was a strange place. Always busy in the week, dead at the weekends and tucked down a shopping arcade. You wouldn’t know it was there if it were not for the pink glow and the thumping eighties music.

It survived because it was in our town in the suburbs of the city, and therefore, it had little competition. Its location also helped, being near the college and the railway station. It also happened to be the closest bar to where I lived.

It was true to say that Flamingos attracted a certain type of clientele. Mainly, the borderline legal-age drinker who would spend an hour in front of the mirror just to get ready, and then would nurse one rum and coke all night.

Inspired by Marie mentioning it, I phoned Karen and pre-warned her that I was taking her somewhere different… it was my local. But you had to dress a little differently, and not to worry, as I had the perfect thing for her to wear.

I didn’t tell her any more than that, other than she would need a long, warm coat.

After helping Mum with tea and then once again reminding Ella that she needed to tidy her part of the bedroom, I got ready. However, I was irritated that the clothes that she had just bought were still scattered across my bed.

Still annoyed, I left in Brenda’s car and drove to her unoccupied apartment. I had a key and Brenda had shown me the two codes I needed to get in. One was for the lobby, and the other for her front door. With some trepidation, I pushed the buttons, and I was relieved when Brenda’s front door opened, and the alarm didn’t go off. I then used the key she had given me for her second front door.

It felt spooky being the only one in this massive apartment, so it was with some speed that I grabbed what I needed. With the alarms reset, I was back in Brenda’s car and on my way to Karen’s within twenty minutes.

When I pulled up in Brenda’s car, my younger girlfriend was a little shocked. I had deliberately not told her about the car.

“Disappointed I am not Brenda,” I remarked with a grin as Karen opened the car door, her eyes quickly focussing on me and what I was wearing.

Tonight, I told Karen that I wasn’t wearing jeans or trousers. I was bored with them and I wanted to dress more like the real me, with a short skirt and a colourful blouse. However, it was the rest of me that my girlfriend was staring at. I had back-combed my hair, and put on heavier makeup, and around my calves were white leg warmers.

“Were we going? Back to the early eighties,” Karen questioned, still unsure.

I smiled; she wasn’t far wrong. However, I reminded her it was just my local. There was no way I was going to tell my girlfriend any more than that!

I then passed her another pair of white leg warmers, then a short skirt similar to mine, and finally a packet of five new, white, G-string knickers. They were the same as I was wearing.

She looked at them.

“Why do I have to wear these? I will be too embarrassed to put them in the wash.”

“You get over it!”

“At home, I put mine in, and my Mum has never commented on it.” I didn’t have the heart to tell Karen that I did most of my washing.

“From now on, I would prefer it if you wore this type of panties when we are out on a date like tonight.” I then handed her a packet of five multicoloured ones. They had all been taken from Brenda’s never-ending supply of clothes which she had acquired for me.

I also made a mental note to tell Brenda that I had borrowed some of her supplies for my other girlfriend. Though I already knew she would be excited about that news. After all, my relationship with Karen was just an extension of her lesbian entertainment.

With dusk falling, Karen looked around. We were parked in the large Social Club car park, the place seemed deserted. With that reassurance, she quickly whipped off her knickers and put the new pair on. As she did so, I saw her ginger curls, and I thought they would be one of the next things coming off my girlfriend.

“You just wanted to see my pussy!” Karen exclaimed. She saw me looking.

“True, but isn’t that what you wanted?”

Karen blushed; it was. I leaned across and kissed her, my hand unseen, sliding up between her legs. She gasped as I unexpectedly touched her, and my fingers answered my question.

She was aroused.

Perhaps Mum was right; I was corrupting her. But I had the feeling Karen was ready to take the next step in our relationship. She might be a virgin, but one thing I had learnt about her, and that was that she was not innocent. I remembered her naked lap dance.

My girlfriend was no wallflower, though she was a little submissive, and that interested me. It made me wonder how our budding relationship would develop.

Karen’s makeup was adjusted, and her hair back-combed to be as large as mine. She was nearly ready, but there was one last thing I needed to do, it was something I had already done.

“Karen, as you're wearing a thick dark blouse, I want you to remove your bra.”

“Just like I did earlier,” I added with a grin. To emphasise my point, I undid all my blouse buttons and flashed both my breasts.

It was an action that had the desired effect. Karen’s eyes opened wide and then darted to them. The rush of her blush which followed was so cute and adorable.

I just sat there with my boobs still out as I waited for my date to remove her bra. She seemed uncertain, so I ran my hand along her bare thigh, and then upwards, under her short skirt.

It was only then Karen’s arms moved with a jump and, with some dexterity, she removed her bra.

“That is better,” I remarked, as I slid my hand into her blouse and cupped her breast, her nipple hard and erect.

Karen seemed to relax, and it was with a giggle, she touched my breasts. I let her briefly explore them.

As she did so, I said, “Tonight, remember we are a couple. Though it is unlikely that you will meet anyone you know, you must introduce me as your girlfriend. I am going to be doing the same with you.”

Karen looked a little unsure, and I tried my best not to show that I was uncertain, too. This was my local, and even though I had only been there once, there would almost certainly be people whom I knew and hadn’t come out to as being bisexual. For me, this was the next step in our relationship. It is about us coming out as a couple to people outside my family, close friends and the lesbian community.

Twenty minutes later, we pulled up at the shopping arcade, and Karen gave me a funny look.

“All the shops are shut,” she said. She was right. But I could already see the pink glow of Flamingo’s.

With our long coats around us, we walked towards the faint music and the ever-increasing pink glow.

“This is your local?”

I smiled and said, “Yes, it is the nearest bar.”

“Are you sure, you're not taking me to see Barbie’s house?” Karen questioned as the pink glow got brighter, and the noise got louder.

It is Barbie’s house!” Karen exclaimed.

We were standing in front of the bar looking at the four huge, luminous pink flamingos. Their glow illuminated the whole deserted shopping arcade. Yet, none of their pink light went inside the bar.

Flamingos had been built like it was a dark room. Behind the big pink birds, the windows had been boarded up and painted black, the two doors the same colour and the way you went in was like you were walking through an airlock. It had been done to keep the light out.

I giggled and took Karen’s hand. Wrapped in our coats, we walked under one of the giant pink birds; its nameplate said, George.

The bar's front door swung open, and we stepped into a different world.

Inside, it felt dark, as there was no natural light. Your eyes needed a few seconds to adjust and allow the palette of different coloured neon lights to take over. Their unseen light beams turned anything white into a multitude of colours: red, green, blue, and pink. There was every available colour but white.

The “Flamingo Bar” was not big. It was compact but well-thought-out, making it feel larger than it actually was.

The entrance door was front right, the bar back left, and the two bathrooms right at the rear. It was a black rectangular building, which attracted a certain type of clientele. They were people who were borderline legal-age drinkers, girls like us with big coloured hair. There were the guys with leather jackets, wearing their piercings and tattoos. Then there were the pretty boys who spent an hour in front of the mirror to look like the guys from Wham.

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Simply put, Flamingo’s was a poser’s bar.

Inside, there were round chromed tables with what looked like a silver polished fireman’s pole that plunged through the middle of them. The poles were fastened to the ceiling and the floor. Each one supported a table, which made them appear to look like silver flying saucers as they hung there, hovering. Clustered around each table were high-backed chrome bar stalls.

From the ceiling hung an assortment of inflatable objects, including parrots, pineapples, flamingos, and even plastic foliage. Choking them was a thin layer of smoke which seemingly clung to the ceiling; the air filtration system constantly battling to clear it.

Karen sat at one of the tables. As she did so, her white knickers flashed purple as the material was caught in the neon light. I grinned. I wanted to show her off, and more importantly, for her to get used to exposing her body.

With my coat still on and my head down, I worked my way to the bar, passing people whom I half recognised, and a few men who seemed to want to get to know me. That had become quite normal over the last year. When I’d been at my destructive worst, I might have stopped and let them buy me a drink, even make out with me!

But tonight it was different. This was the new me. I was with my new partner and in a new relationship, my fifth, but the first one where I was doing all the chasing.

There had been Bill, who rejected me; Alan, who was boring; and then there were my current relationships. Brenda, fun but too old to be serious, David, who I wanted, but had to share. Maybe Karen could be my perfect future partner… However, deep inside, I still wanted it to be a man.

With two soft drinks, I returned through the crowd and then deliberately flashed Karen my panties as I climbed onto the chair. My girlfriend grinned at me. She knew that it had been done intentionally.

We sat there people-watching, nursing our drinks and maybe even flashing our panties. The eighty's music was loud enough to keep the older people away but quiet enough to still shout your conversation around a table. This was a place for youngsters. For those who didn’t have much money yet wanted to mingle and be seen.

It was strange to be approached by men only to turn them down and then tell them we were a couple of lesbians in a relationship. Then, when they didn’t believe us, I placed my hand on Karen’s bare thigh. That normally was enough to get rid of the unwanted attention, though one persistent guy wanted to see us kiss.

We sent him on his way, and then we kissed each other with a giggle.

As Wham’s ‘Club Tropicana’ played out, Karen remarked, “You really have brought me back to nineteen-eighty-three.”

She was right; the Flamingo Bar was stuck in time.

It was at that moment I saw a short green skirt I recognised go past; it was wrapped around my sister. On her arm was a tall, skinny man who supported both a pierced eyebrow and nose. While Ella had dressed like Barbie, the man she was with was certainly not Ken.

I was shocked and had to do a double-take. I told Karen.

My sister looked beautiful with her blonde hair groomed, and her make-up was perfect. But it was her breasts that caught my eye. She seemed to have squeezed them into her bra and was now showing much more of them than normal, especially as her blouse's top three buttons were undone.

I grabbed Karen’s hand as I wanted to say hello and introduce her as my girlfriend.

“I thought Jon hadn’t phoned,” I shouted to my sister as I walked up behind her.

Or is this someone different?

I couldn’t resist the tease.

Ella turned; she recognised the shout, then hesitated as if unsure, her eyes briefly glancing down at my tits. But I wasn’t going to spoil her date. I didn’t care who she dated as long as she was out there seeing someone. Even with my recent relationship improvement with my Mum, I still needed some of her attention, off me, and on my sister.

“This is Karen,” I announced, my arm now around her as she shook hands with both Ella and her companion.

My sister smiled, “This is Jon, the guy I mentioned to you. As you might have guessed, he phoned, though I had hoped to keep that piece of knowledge to myself for a little longer.”

We all stood there and briefly chatted. Our conversation was just long enough to be polite, though I did notice Jon’s eyes hardly raised above my chest. While in return, my eyes struggled to see past the face piercings. However, he did seem pleasant enough.

Karen and I left my sister and her date in the Flamingo Bar. It wasn’t my sort of place, and I doubted I would be taking my girlfriend there again. However, tonight had been all about going out as a couple, and it had been a good place to get her to relax, and tell people about her sexuality.

“You do take me on some memorable dates,” Karen giggled as we got back to Brenda’s car.

“Well, I promise you the next one will be more boring,” I replied, knowing exactly where I was taking her. It was scheduled for tomorrow night while I still had the car.

As we pulled away, I told Karen that there was one place I wanted to show her, and I drove towards my home. I pointed to the park and across it to my parent’s house. With the car’s heater now taking effect and a montage of eighties music resonating in the car, I drove into the countryside.

“I thought you were going to drive past your house,” Karen stated.

I smiled. “No, but this place is equally special. But I need you to undo all your blouse buttons, as I want you to start being confident with your body, to sit there naked from the waist up.”

I continued…

“We are in the countryside. No one will see you apart from me, your girlfriend.” I paused and glanced at Karen. “You need to remember we are in a relationship now…”

I left my words hanging as I wanted my girlfriend to come back with a reply.

“Do you do this for Brenda?”

I grinned. “Yes, and a lot more. Think of this as a lesson.”

While I didn’t think Karen was entirely submissive, nor did I want her to be. She was undoubtedly more passive than me. When I did something kinky or naughty, it tended to be because I liked sex and was, therefore, curious.

With the briefest of pauses, Karen undid her blouse and then slipped it off. From then on, her perky breasts flashed white every time a car passed in the opposite direction.

A few minutes later, I pulled off the road and down a short track. It was a place I had been to many times before.

To our distant left, a public footpath exited the field and then ran down the track. On our right was a high thick hedge, then a field and, beyond it, an industrial estate, its distant light illuminating us.

This was a place where I had directed many men to, where David had fucked me over the bonnet, and Brenda and I had first made out. It was special to me, and so unlike my room at home, where I had never had sex or had even been touched by anything more than my own hands and my hairbrush handle.

I explained all this to Karen. It was knowledge both David and mainly Brenda had.

My girlfriend did not say anything as I pushed her seat right back and, between us, removed her skirt and G-string. She was naked, and I was fully dressed as I moved between her open legs. It felt dominant, yet unfair, so I removed my blouse and was topless too. We kissed one another, my breasts all too aware of Karen’s hard nipples as our boobs mashed together.

“How many girls have you brought here?” my girlfriend questioned. Her breathing now laboured as we started to make out.

“You’re the first,” I truthfully replied. “Though I did show Brenda this spot when she drove me here in this very car.”

With a wiggle, I slipped out of my skirt and G-string. I was as naked as the girl beneath me.

“I have my strap-on in the boot. Do you want me to fuck you here in Brenda’s car?” I whispered, and then quietly added. “Wouldn’t it be ironic, yet delicious, if I took your virginity here, in her car?”

I never thought Karen would say yes. She didn’t. But this was more about me asserting the thought that I want her to be as kinky as me, that there should be few limits when it comes to sex.

We touched, rubbed, kissed, and cuddled. I even pretended to fuck Karen, my hips pistoning back and forth as Karen giggled beneath me. Maybe it wasn’t the most rewarding sex, but it was fun. I even managed to leave my mark on my girlfriend when she got coated in my pussy juice when I slivered all over her.

It was giggling sex, and the best part was that we naturally ended it with a cuddle.

“I just realised you're quite a naughty girl,” Karen whispered with a chuckle as we snuggled up in Brenda’s passenger's car seat.

“Only quite,” I whispered and then added with a grin. “Do I need to remind you that I can be kinky, too?”

Karen giggled again and then went quiet, before saying. “I have been thinking about telling Mum about us, but do you mind if I waited until after my party?”

She then explained, “I just don’t want my sexuality to be an issue.”

“Karen, I am happy either way, just as long as you don’t tell your parents at the actual party!”

That had been my girlfriend’s original idea.

“How do you think your parents will take the news?”

“Clare, I'm not sure that I want to think about it.”

“I better get you home,” I said, realising for the first time it was getting a little late.

“But at least we christened Brenda's car,” I chuckled. “Though we both know you are not the first girl to be naked in that seat, and I am not talking just about me.”

We got dressed, Karen in her original clothes, and I dropped her off at home. Her last words to me were, “You do take me on interesting dates.”

We giggled, and then I said with a smile, “Tonight has been fun.”

It was a smile that remained on my face all the way home.


Ella and I talked as we lay in our beds. She somewhat excitedly asked me what I thought of Jon.

“Well, he is tall,” I said. “We didn’t talk long, but he seemed nice.” I paused. I had to say the obvious. “But I was surprised by the piercings. Mum might be a little shocked.”

“I know, and that's not the only place he has them. Though, before you ask, I have not yet seen the rest of his body, as tonight was only our second date. Oh, and before you notice, I borrowed one of your bras… sorry.”

“Just wash it,” I said, though the sister in me wanted to tell her… not to touch my stuff.

“I did notice you were showing a little more cleavage than normal.”

“Was it too much?”

I chuckled. “No… I liked it!


I chuckled again.

“I am sure Jon did too. Think of your tits as a weapon of war. Use them to keep your man and fend off the competition.”

I was only being half serious.

“Yeah, right,” Ella expressed, before returning to the previous topic.

“I always liked piercings. How about you?”

“Well, Brenda has had her nipples done. I was actually there in the piercing parlour when she had the piercings replaced. The new jewellery is quite ornate and feminine. I really like it.”


“Yes, really. She wants me to get mine pierced, and I am thinking about it, though I know David will hate it if I go ahead.”

“Well, if you do, I like to see them,” my sister giggled. “Don’t tell Mum, but when I turn eighteen, I am planning to get mine pierced.”

That was a surprising disclosure from my sister. Normally she kept anything personal to herself, but I realised she was getting older, and perhaps we had, in the last few weeks, moved a little closer.

“Any more secrets you want to tell me?” I both questioned and slightly teased.

I didn’t expect an answer, but I got one.

“There was something. You know I mentioned Stacy. The girl I kissed once, and we were also naked in front of each other when we changed into our swimming costumes.”

“Yes,” I replied, suddenly very interested in what my sister was saying.

“Well, it went a little further than I mentioned. We used to skinny-dip in her pool.”

I smiled.

“You sure you didn’t go to bed and make out with each other?” I questioned, slightly disappointed.

“No!” Ella exclaimed and then giggled, “I am not you!

“What I am trying to say is… I guess I am okay with a little nudity if it is just girls together.”

“Anyway, I thought Karen was cute. Are you serious with her?”

“That is an interesting question,” I said, and it was one I didn’t have an answer for. I told Ella just that.

Later, I asked myself… How would I know?

I was seeing two very different ladies; one was my top and the other my bottom.

My top was Brenda, older, rich, a seasoned lesbian who based all her relationships around sex. It had taken me to remind her that sometimes she also needs to cuddle, despite how good the sex is.

My bottom was, Karen. She was cute, young, inexperienced, yet definitely not naïve. She might be still technically a virgin, but like me, she knew what her pussy was meant to be used for.

That night, when sleep took me, it was Karen who I dreamt of.

However, Ella’s question… “Are you serious with her?”

Went unanswered…

Written by wxt55uk
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