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“The Alpha Man in Me” - Chapter 12 - Sarah’s Second Sexual Awakening – Part 1 - First Contact

"The first of the three concluding chapters of "The Alpha Man in Me""

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Author's Notes

"Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2022 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author. Like all chapters in Book 1 – “The Alpha Man in Me”… Chapter 12 is written in the first person perspective from David’s point of view. Additional Note:- Adult-only hotel is the British meaning, it is not a swingers hotel."

Sarah was waiting for me when I picked her up at 1 pm on Friday afternoon, and she looked lovely, even wearing nothing but her work clothes. We kissed, and I told her how beautiful she looked before driving to my local town. It was close to where my parents lived and also the largest town in the area.

Sarah seemed in a joyful and playful mood. It felt different from the last two weeks when at times things had sometimes gotten both emotional and serious. I hoped Sarah had further softened and was now looking to accept Clare, though her name was not mentioned once as I drove.

On the way into town, I asked if she picked any holidays out of the brochures. Sarah said that she had, and we decided that it would be a good idea to have a quick bite of lunch in town so that we could go over Sarah’s picks before visiting the travel agents.

As we sat in a town pub called, “The George,” with some sandwiches and a soft drink. Sarah brought out the two brochures each of which had some pages folded over. I then let Sarah do all the talking as I was interested in what she had to say about each holiday.

“This was the first holiday that caught my eye.” It was a hotel in Turkey.

As Sarah continued talking about this holiday I listened and accessed. The hotel was right on the beach with a nice swimming pool but I felt maybe it was a little too family-orientated, though I did note that the price was very inexpensive, so I did seriously consider it.

“That was a good start,” I said as I gently squeezed Sarah’s leg in reassurance and we moved on to the next one.

“This one was also good,” Sarah said, then added, “I like the location, and the beach looks interesting. It’s long, though the pools do not look as good as the first hotels.”

This hotel was in Crete but what caught my eye were three things. One was the long lovely long sandy beach that seemed completely free of buildings and other hotels. The second was you could rent private apartments with their own, small swimming pool and the third one was that it was an adult-only hotel.

This meant eighteen and over. There would be no children or families and perhaps that was a good thing for us as we wanted a romantic getaway with a little adult fun. Families and children were something for the future.

The only downside was that the local large town was a ten-minute taxi ride away and I had hoped that there would be more nightlife within walking distance. So we pressed on to look at the others Sarah had selected.

Sarah went through another two holidays that were in Spain both were promising though not perfect and part of me wanted to go somewhere different. I had just come back from Majorca.

It also became obvious to me that Sarah had put a lot of work into this holiday search. The final holiday she showed me was in Grand Canaria in the Canary Islands but again it was for families so I looked back at the Crete one.

For some reason, I kept being pulled to that particular holiday.

“I think I like this one the best,” I said pointing at the Crete holiday. “But let’s go for a private apartment with its own, private pool and as it is away from the town we should look at the all-inclusive package. What do you think, Sarah?”

Her eyes lit up.

“We cannot afford that!”

It was true this was quite a lot more expensive and would take a sizable chunk out of my house-purchasing fund, but my gut was telling me this was the right holiday for us. Assuming there were any vacancies.

“Let’s see what the price is and if I feel it's okay then please let’s just go with it. I want this to be special for us. I can just imagine us sitting in our own little pool with a long drink, your boobs gently floating on the water.”

“Owe!” I didn’t get any further as a giggling Sarah gently nudged me in the same manner as Clare often did.

Maybe wrongly, I didn’t even think about taking Clare on this holiday as this was for Sarah and me. We needed it as a couple, and I saw it as a way of helping repair the damage I had done to our relationship. I just hoped Sarah didn’t see it as an inducement to help her accept Clare.

Sarah looked back at me and grinned before agreeing with me. We finished our lunch and walked down the precinct to where the travel agents were located.

A large and very friendly, middle-aged lady called Tracy greeted us and we explained that this was our first holiday together and we wanted something special. Sarah then showed the Crete hotel and the private apartments saying this was our first choice but only if we could get a private apartment with a pool. We also said we were very flexible with our holiday dates, so we could fit in if there were any vacancies in September.

Tracy got on the phone and started talking, and five minutes later, she was smiling.

“There has been a cancellation and one apartment is vacant for ten nights between the fourth and fourteenth of September.” That was only three weeks away. 

“Can you make those dates?”

We both said, “Yes,” simultaneously but I then added, reluctantly, “It will depend on the price.”

Tracy looked at us and smiled, “I see what I can do.”

All I can say is that after a long ten minutes, with Tracy working her magic on the phone, we had a holiday. It was two-thirds the price it should be, plus we had the all-inclusive package included free of charge.

We paid, then thanked Tracy and left the travel agents. We had just got around the corner when we embraced each other and smiled, then grinned and together shouted, “Yes!” We were going on holiday just the two of us and then it hit me. I needed to explain this luxury holiday to Clare.

So in just three weeks, we were off to Crete for ten days in the sun and staying in our own, private apartment which was located on the grounds of a large hotel complex. The apartment came with a small private pool and we had all our meals and most of our drinks already paid for. We both knew we were extremely lucky to have such a holiday booked.

While in town I also picked up the photos which I had dropped in for development on Tuesday and I decided it would best not to open them until we were back in the car. I wanted a private place to show them to Sarah and also for the talk that would surely follow. I also hoped Sarah would let me take a few photos of her so I could show them to Clare next week. I was far from certain that she would agree to that, but I hoped.

My final stop was at a newsagent, where I picked up an orange, lined book that I would turn into my first journal. I wanted to start documenting our lives together. When I mentioned this to a somewhat sceptical Sarah, she thought I stop writing in it after a couple of months. She was wrong.

The idea of keeping a journal was that it might help stop me from making future mistakes and indeed remember things more clearly. I have always been more of a writer than a talker, as I find writing therapeutic.

My home town is not the best for clothes shopping but I did suggest to Sarah, “We need to think about getting you a few new clothes for our holiday.”

Sarah smiled at me but did not say anything. She knew what I was thinking and I smiled back. Sarah was right, I was thinking of some clothes that showed off more than normal her sexy body. I also wondered if that would be a good thing to get Clare involved in. I hadn’t yet mentioned meeting Clare next Saturday, but I knew I would have to very soon.

Could I take both girls shopping next Saturday?

As we wandered around my home town’s shops it became clear that the clothes I was looking for would only be found in the big city, but Sarah did purchase a very short skirt and a tight-fitting T-shirt. I was pleased that she had no hesitation in choosing these skimpy items, especially since I had not even made any suggestions. I thought that was a good start on her journey towards becoming more sexual and flirty.

I was hoping during our holiday that Sarah would relax, show her hot sexy body off during the evenings, and maybe even during the day on the beach. I thought it would be a perfect time and opportunity for her to take the next step into becoming more of a flirt or maybe, a shared girlfriend though we had not discussed anything in detail and I certainly was not going to push her.

Sarah now knew about my kink, the idea of sharing her. I had been surprised when I told her whilst sitting on that bench last Tuesday, that she had taken that on board, and not just called me a pervert.

A month ago I never thought this would happen, but because of Clare and my need to have her as my second girlfriend, it was out there. The idea was evolving in both Sarah’s and my minds and as yet, it had not been mentioned again. It remained just a hilltop discussion.

It felt strange. I didn’t want Sarah fucking other men as she was all mine, but seeing her buying those clothes told me that she was evolving, slowly evolving at her own pace.

I asked myself once again, did I really want to see her having sex with other men?

But the answer to that question was within another question.

Did I want to keep seeing Clare?

If so, I knew ultimately I needed to let Sarah also have her sexual freedom and whether she took it or not would be completely down to her.

Sarah was in a very good mood when we got back to the car. We had a nice afternoon in town which consisted of lunch, booking a holiday and some casual shopping. We had also held hands just like any normal couple, but we both knew there was now a third person in the relationship and when we got into the car, it was the first time I mentioned Clare.

“When I talked to Clare yesterday,” Sarah just stopped and listened, she was all ears.

“We both thought it would be nice if the three of us could spend the day together next Saturday. She is keen to meet you but only when you are ready, Sarah. As I have said before, she wants to be your friend and not your rival.”

With that, I gave time for Sarah to answer but as waited I also got out the photos I had just picked up from the twenty-four hours processing shop, as I wanted to show the photos I took of Clare in the pub garden to Sarah.

“Is the photo of her in there?” Sarah cautiously asked before I handed any over to her.

“Yes, there are several, and she wants you to see them,” I gently answered. 

I was hoping this would go as well as my Tuesday conversation with Sarah had gone. I handed over six photos making sure the two topless ones were at the bottom. I knew this moment was the next step on our road to a possible three-way relationship.

Sarah looked at the first photo. It was just a shoulders and head image but it did show Clare’s inherent beauty and her unusual hair colouring.

“She is beautiful,” Sarah whispered. It was said without any emotion, and more like a statement of fact.

“Yes,” I replied.

Then keeping my words soft and even, I said. “But you are just as beautiful as her. You are both beautiful vibrant women and I am very lucky to have both of you in my life.”

It might have sounded a little cheesy but I meant every word and Sarah didn’t react at all as she flicked to the next photo. It was a full-body photo of Clare in her green and yellow horizontal-striped cropped top and tight-fitting shorts. I noticed she had also slightly, maybe intentionally, adopted a model's pose as she looked at the camera.

It was a very sexy pose.

Sarah stopped and looked at me then said, “I see why you like this girl.” I noted that Sarah had not used the L-word, but she then flipped to the next photo and gasped. Clare’s boobs were almost hanging out her top and for the first time, I noticed Clare’s legs had been somewhat provocatively slightly spread.

“She is very sexy, is this how you want me to dress, slightly slutty?” 

I knew Sarah was not meant to sound mean, she was never like that. Sarah was just trying to ask me a genuine question.

I smiled at her; it was more of a grin.

“Yes, you know I like you to show your body off more when I am with you. Maybe it is a little slutty. I just do not know but for me, I just think it is sexy and with time, it will give you more and more body confidence. Remember, Sarah, you are just as beautiful and sexy as Clare.”

Sarah looked at the photo again more closely, she was scrutinising it and then she looked at me closely, maybe questionably. She then looked through the last few photos including the two topless ones where Clare had lifted her crop top right up to cover her face. Her two breasts were completely on display. They looked magnificent and I could not help smiling as I remembered back to when I took those photos and the hard nudge that came shortly afterwards.

As Sarah looked at the topless photos I truthfully said...

“She thought she was being clever when she did that. I had asked for a photo that I could show you, they were the early shots. Then right at the end, she suddenly did that and told me to take a photo of her. Just for you Sarah. She was just being playful but she has asked for similar in return.”

“Really,” was all that Sarah said as she handed the photos back. We sat there for a few seconds, I was not sure what Sarah was thinking but she then said…

“Let’s go back to my house and I try on the new clothes for you.”

As I was driving out of the car park, she then added…

“It would be good to meet up next Saturday as we do need to get to know each other, as it is now obvious to me that you are not going to give Clare up, and we are not going to give each other up either. So maybe let’s try this three-way relationship thing and let's see how next Saturday goes.”

BUT, my parents must never know.” 

I nodded in agreement as I was slightly shocked that Sarah had so easily agreed to the polyamorous arrangement.

Then Sarah stated slightly ominously, “I am not promising anything long-term, David. Let’s see how we all feel after we had a whole day together.”

I could not help smiling when Sarah said this. I knew she was watching me but I just could not disguise my smile. I grinned, the whole journey to Sarah’s home.

The drive was made mainly in silence as I knew Sarah was reflecting on our relationship and where it was going. But I also got the impression that Sarah was not too unhappy either. I had the feeling that she was more positive now, and more importantly, that our love was still strong for each other.

As we pulled up outside Sarah’s I give her a kiss and a quick cuddle. It was something I wanted to do since we left the car park at the shops. I also told Sarah as we cuddled, that I needed to ring Clare at six-thirty and perhaps we could just all say hi to one another.

Sarah just smiled then kissed me and said, “That be nice.”

It was not the answer I was expecting but it was the one I hoped for.

Sarah then grinned and wiggled her finger at me drawing me close then whispered in my ear, “Have you got your camera here?”

I answered with a very happy, “Yes.”

Sarah kissed me and then seductively said, “You better bring it inside then, if you want a photo for Clare!”

With a sudden flurry of movement, she was gone. She had disappeared into her parent’s bungalow leaving me with my mouth grinning and open. I picked up her shopping bags and slipped my camera case inside one of them.

I had no idea what Sarah had in mind but I knew one thing for sure, I was looking forward to it! 




I went inside and said, “Hi,” to Sarah’s mum, Barbara, and her younger brother, Gary.

Sarah, Clare, and I had all one thing in common. We were all the oldest children in our respective families. I had two slightly younger brothers and Clare had a slightly younger sister and two much younger brothers. While Sarah’s had one much younger brother called Gary who coincidently was the same age as Clare’s youngest brother Colin.

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It was still relatively early at four forty-five pm so Sarah dropped her bags and my camera in her bedroom and we told Barbara about our booked holiday. It turned out that she and James had gone to Crete for their honeymoon nine months before Sarah was born.

Sarah went seven shades of red much to my amusement when Barbara suggested she was probably conceived on the island.

As it was Friday evening and I was not too sure if Barbara and James needed Sarah to look after Gary so I asked saying if they were not going out I like to take Sarah out for a meal. Though if they had plans, then we could stay and look after Gary.

Barbara replied with a smile, “James will not be home till late as he working in the Midlands today. You two have fun, are you planning to go anywhere nice tonight?”

“It probably will be a pub meal,” I instantly replied and I then thought of Sarah, and looked over towards her, knowing I was still learning that there was more than just me in this relationship.

“It is up to you, Sarah. Do you want to go for a pub meal or a restaurant?”

“I do have some smart clothes in the car and it is not too late to book up.” 

We never had dressed up before to go out and eat, it had always been pub meals or take-out. I left the decision to Sarah and she smiled. She suddenly seemed different, more grown-up, more playful, and definitely, more flirty.

“Can we go to a restaurant?”

“I will dress appropriately,” and then Sarah added whilst mainly talking to her mother. “We never have done that before and it will be fun. I sort of feel like celebrating that we are going on holiday.”

Then she somewhat wickedly added, “We are going on our first holiday together to the place where I was conceived. Maybe we ended up staying in the same room as my parents did, and I can practice my conceiving there.”

I think that thought made Barbara blush a little but all I could do was laugh. I thought Sarah was brave mentioning anything connected to pregnancies after what happened to her, but I had the feeling that Sarah was paying her mother back for making her blush earlier.

Barbara looked around to check where Gary was before she said something that I was totally not expecting…

“James and I have been talking and it is obvious you two are serious and good for one another, and… well… You are both adults, and now you both going on holiday together we feel it would be okay, that is if Sarah is okay with this...”

There was a large hesitation, and then Barbara looked at Sarah.

“Well, what I trying to say is it would be okay if David stays over at the weekends but do not let your brother know, so keep it down.”

The next thing I witness was Sarah running over to her mum and giving her a big hug. “Thank you,” was all Sarah said.

As I was now, sort of, part of the family I went over and hugged Barbara as well and said, “Thank you, I will be respectful.”

At that very moment, Gary came into the room and saw us all hugging so he ran over and joined in one big group hug and we all started laughing.

I now really did feel like part of the family.




I phoned my parents just to let them know that I was staying at Sarah’s tonight and not to expect me home. I might be nearly twenty-three but I did appreciate that my parents still worry about me.

After chatting with Sarah, I booked a reservation at a seafood restaurant for seven-thirty. It was in a fishing village on the coast. I had never eaten there but I had been told it was a good place to go on a date and it also had the bonus of excellent harbour views.

Sarah was excited about the holiday and tonight. When we were alone I asked Sarah about me staying the night, and she said with a smile, that she had mentioned it a few times to her mum but always got a firm no. Obviously, something has changed. I was as surprised as you were when my mum said that you can stay the night and sleep with me. I grinned.

I did not say anything to Sarah but I felt part of the reason was that they had seen how much Sarah had grown as a person in the last few months and especially the last few weeks.

She had now become a much more confident woman.

We had also grown as a couple and I felt we would grow further within this new concept of a three-way relationship, though I knew that was all in the future. As for tonight, apart from one phone call, it was going to be just Sarah and me. It was going to be our night, our time together.

Sarah went off and had her shower and while she was doing that I went and got my best clothes from my car. They were a white shirt, black trousers, black shoes, a smart jacket, and a tie. I keep these in the car for work, just in case I need to go anywhere smart at short notice.

Sarah came back in a dressing gown, she had dried her hair already but I could not help kissing her and then groping her bottom. She laughed and then pushed me away and I reminded her that I needed to see the new clothes on. 

“All in good time,” she said, and then grinned. “Smelly, go and have your shower.”

Well, that took me all of five minutes, as I wanted to get back and watch Sarah get ready for our night out and our restaurant date.

On my return, I noticed Sarah had put some makeup on, somewhat more than she normally did, blue eye shadow, dark mascara, and some bright pink lipstick. Sarah not only looked stunning, but she also looked very sexy too, something which my cock kept reminding me of. 

I started to put my smart clothes on, leaving Sarah alone as I knew that she wanted to get ready, though we still had half an hour until we needed to phone Clare.

As I watched Sarah, she slipped on under her dressing gown, a pair of very small light lilac panties. They were certainly not ones I had seen before. She looked around and smiled at me.

“Are you watching me?” she asked.

“Absolutely!” It was the only answer I could give. 

“Where is your camera?”

I went and got it out of one of the bags and then prepared to use it not knowing exactly what Sarah had in mind. 

“Wait a second.”

With that Sarah took off the dressing gown and slipped on the tee shirt and the short skirt she had just bought in town. Sarah had no bra on and her long sensitive nipples could be seen through the material of the tee shirt.

Sarah checked in her full-length bedroom mirror and then adopted a nice sexy pose while sitting on the bed.

“Take my picture then,” she said to me and that is exactly what I did. She then moved sideways and stuck her bottom out a little showing a glimpse of the lilac panty.

“Click,” I took a photo.

Sarah then took off the top and skirt leaving herself just in her lilac panties. You could see some of her wispy, sparse, blonde pubic hair sticking out of the top and sides of her small panties. She covered her boobs with her arm, and as she knelt facing me, with her legs slightly apart. She adopted a very sexy model pose and then took the appropriate facial look.


The next pose she adopted was laying on her side with her legs slightly open and her breasts completely on display. Her pubes could easily be seen poking out the top of her panties. She looked at me and the camera.


This was a different side of Sarah, a side I had never seen before. She was playful and flirty and I found it a complete turn-on. She was competitive and responding to Clare’s photo challenge and this was the type of Sarah that I wanted!

She then faced away from me on hands and knees and she then pulled her down panties to the lower part of her bottom so her gorgeous bum was almost completely on display. We even got a good hint of her pussy, just starting to be exposed above her lilac panties.


Sarah then stuck her bottom out towards me and the camera then turned her face and opened her mouth like she was just going to say, “Fuck me.”

“Click,” I took another photo. It was by far the hottest, sexiest, and naughtiest photo yet.

For the last photo, she dispensed off her panties completely. She then put on two white, high-heeled, stiletto shoes. She then lay on her front completely nude facing the camera and carefully hung her previously discarded lilac panties from one of her stilettos. It looked like she had just taken them off and was teasing her lover. It was extremely sexy.

I framed her in my camera viewfinder. She then pushed her front up till you could see her face and most of her cleavage. In the rear of the photo, you could see the form of her naked bottom, her upturned legs with the lilac panties hanging from the stiletto. It was a silhouette of her naked form reflected in the mirror.

It was such a sexy and naughty pose. Sarah then looked right into the camera, her deep blue eyes piercing the camera lens, and then she ran her tongue around her partially open mouth.

I took the photo.

It would be another extremely erotic picture that I thought could have graced any top-shelf men’s magazine.

Sarah laughed and sat up before saying, “I hope Clare likes those photos.”

I knew Sarah was competitive. I was not only surprised, but I was also extremely impressed that Sarah had posed in such a way for Clare.

I had to ask...

“Have you ever done anything like that before, you did it so naturally.”

Sarah laughed but did not answer my question, instead she changed the subject.

“Isn’t it time to phone Clare?”

I smiled, I was starting to appreciate that there was a lot more to Sarah than I realised and I made the point in my head that I needed to ask the same question again later tonight, after a few glasses of wine.

Sarah slipped on her dressing gown and went and got the main house phone. It was a new cordless model where you had to press in the numbers and there was also no lead. They had not been on the market long and this was the first one I had seen.

I punched in Clare’s number... brb...brb...brb, and then someone picked up the receiver at the other end of the line. It was Clare, she had remembered.

“Hi,” we both said before I told her. “I was at Sarah’s and she was sitting next to me and I would put the phone onto speaker mode. We both can talk and listen to you then.” 

To be honest, I was a little nervous about how this would go and I knew we had to keep the call short as technically the call was long distance, and I was not paying the phone bill.

It was a good time for the girls to break the ice, as Sarah was in a playful mood and though I was not sure if she needed it, to reassure Sarah, I held her hand.

“Hi again,” I said now on speakerphone. I looked at Sarah and she said, “Hi Clare, this is Sarah,” and Clare came back with a, “Hi, Sarah.”

So far so good I thought even if it was a little stilted.

“Hi, Clare, sorry but I need to keep this call short as I am not paying the bill, but we wanted to let you know we are all good for next Saturday. Are you still okay with that?”

Clare confirmed she was and we set some times, with me picking up Sarah (I thought I just sleepover) and then to Clare’s at nine am. I knew it was early and they both pressed me to find out where we were going, but I refused to divulge. However, I did suggest, dressing casually and having something warm to wear, as part of the day will be outside.

I also added, with an accompanying smile. “In the afternoon we need some help from you Clare on a short city shopping trip. We are looking to buy Sarah some new sexy clothes.”

Clare laughed at that, she knew exactly where my mind was going, and to be fair, so did Sarah though she just blankly looked at me.

We had some small talk before Sarah spoke up and somewhat surprisingly said…

“Clare, thank you for the photos, I liked them.”

At that point, I chirped in, perhaps foolishly.

“Especially the two topless ones!”

Sarah squeezed my hand... HARD... then called me an oaf.

We could hear Clare giggling down the phone before she agreed with Sarah. “Yes, he can certainly be an oaf... or worse!”

At least, that made Sarah smile, and more importantly, stop squeezing my hand!

“I hope you like the ones, David took of me today,” Sarah remarked, she was still smiling.

I chuckled. “I am sure Clare will.”

Sarah looked at me, she had no idea that Clare was bisexual, she would have to learn that from Clare. I made a mental note to drop the film in for development on the way back from the restaurant tonight. Though I also knew I would need to finish the film off first as I was only around halfway through the roll.

“Clare, are you still going for your coffee tomorrow?”  

As I asked the question, I gently squeezed Sarah’s hand. It was an act to reassure her, to say I love you, as Sarah had no idea why I asked that question. I had not mentioned anything about Clare’s date to Sarah.

“Yes, but I'm not sure what to wear,” Clare replied.

“I'm sure you will sort something out...” I quickly said. My alpha brain thought that women never seem to have anything to wear, but always have a wardrobe full of clothes, though I was not brave enough or this time dumb enough to say it!

Clare then continued, “In case you wondering, Sarah, I have a first date tomorrow.”

Sarah glanced at me. I smiled and gently squeezed her hand again. At that moment I knew a lot was going on in Sarah’s mind.

“Sarah, I do have a long-term boyfriend, his name is Alan but I do not consider him my real boyfriend anymore. He has been replaced by David and I guess you could say I am going through a transition.”

Transition, I thought, that is one way of putting it!

I looked at Sarah trying to read her face but it was expressionless. I could only hope that she was okay and I squeezed her hand yet again and warmly smiled at her. I just hoped that was enough.

Clare then added, “Sarah, it's all a little complicated at the moment but when we meet next Saturday, I promise that I will explain everything to you and hopefully we will get to know each other better.”

I notice that Sarah smiled on hearing those words, but she only said, “I look forward to it.” 

That smile made me wonder though, Sarah gave no hint as to what she was really thinking and feeling inside.

Clare then finished by saying, “I am really looking forward to next Saturday, though I better go as you are running up a big phone bill. It was nice to talk with you, Sarah and I see you Monday David, and with that, she hung up.”

We had not even mentioned the holiday, though it occurred to me that maybe that was best mentioned in person.

I looked at Sarah and smiled, before pecking her on the cheek. It was a thank you, for being with me and perhaps also for talking and being nice to Clare.

“I love you,” I whispered as my lips passed by Sarah’s ear, which seemed to cause a warm shudder to go through her.

Sarah seemed quite calm after talking with Clare and now having her in our lives. After all our talks, I did wonder if being so relaxed was because she now realised that she will still be me whatever happens. But then I had another thought.

For the first time, it occurred to me that perhaps the thought of some sexual freedom might be more appealing to Sarah than I first realised. After all, she had only been with one other man besides me.

Was that enough for her?

I just did not know. All I did know, was Sarah had changed because of Clare’s arrival and she was still changing. Something inside her had been ignited and now whatever it was, it was beginning to burn evermore brightly.

Before Clare, there was no way Sarah would have posed for me almost fully nude, but I was slowly realising there was sexually a lot more to Sarah than I knew or allowed for.

Perhaps it was time for me to make a few adjustments, and now assume that Sarah was already on the path to her second sexual awakening.


(To be continued in chapter 13).

Written by wxt55uk
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