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"Clare" - Chapter 5:- “Driving The Conversation”

"Clare and Brenda start to open up to each other as their relationship develops..."

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Author's Notes

"Remember this is set in 1987 so things are a little different, less PC, certainly less high-tech. Brenda and Clare's relationship takes another turn, it developing and there is subtle mental jousting. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy and please leave feedback. Like every author here, we love to know what we doing right/wrong, Thank you."

On Tuesday morning, with the air still fresh, I escaped from my house. I wanted to make sure that there was no last-minute change of plans by my mother, as I didn’t want another day staying at home, babysitting. If things changed, Ella would be there, and she could look after our two younger brothers, as, after all, I had done it all day yesterday.

I also needed to keep my two appointments. The first one was with Jaz in the local park. With so much going on in our lives, it felt so long since we had seen each other. We needed to catch up, but the truth was, it had only been three days. 

The park wasn’t far. You could see its nearest edge from my bedroom bay window. So with that in mind, I took the extra precaution of suggesting to Jaz that we meet at the seats on the other side of the duck pond. It was covered, away from the beaten track and a place we used to sometimes hide and make out in the evenings.

If they looked for me, there, I knew I would not be seen by any of my family. I didn’t want any risk of being told I had to babysit, though, at least tomorrow, my two young brothers will be back at school. 

The second appointment was with Brenda. Today my pussy felt a little better, but I still wanted to try her numbing cream. I knew she had been busy prepping for a Spanish client, but a big part of me hoped she had developed a few of our modelling photos. So far, she had only developed some black and white ones of me in the nude, one of which was going to be full size and hung on Brenda’s bedroom wall. 

Despite my still slightly sore pussy, I had a spring in my step as last night with David had put me in a good mood. I might be going to miss him, but it now dawned on me that he might truly love me and better still; there was a good chance he would still want me when he and Sarah returned from Crete.

I first met Jaz when we were both fourteen. It was when I moved to this area from Yorkshire and not long after I first met David on that south coast beach. On my arrival at my new school, I was placed in the same class as Jaz and told to sit next to her. It was the start of a friendship that is still going strong today.

In a way, Jaz and I were kindred souls, and I simply could not imagine living my life without her being part of it. She is flirty, and we have shared many experiences. Though unlike me, until recently, she had only had two sexual partners, her long-term boyfriend Rob and, of course, me

Jaz was waiting for me, and we both giggled as we realised we had managed to dress almost identically, a light blue blouse, denim jeans, trainers and a leather jacket. In my case, the last item had been given to me as a gift when I left the clothes shop where I used to work earlier this year.  

We hugged and then caught up as Jaz, and I filled in each other as to what we had been up to over the last few days. We were both now out as being bisexual with our parents and friends, though in my case, at least with my mum, I told her I was a lesbian and in a relationship with Karen. 

Jaz had been staying with Tina, her new butch lesbian girlfriend. Her divorced mother seemed not at all worried. She worked as a nurse and often stayed at her boyfriend’s place.

As we chatted and caught up, it surprised me some of the kinky things she and Tina had been sexually experimenting with. Though, I guess Jaz might have thought the same about me, especially as it was me with the sore pussy.

I need to reiterate that Tina is the polar opposite of Brenda when it comes to their girlfriends. She does not share them with other lesbians. Tina prefers them to be committed to her, though she had made an exception with Jaz, she could keep her boyfriend, Rob.

Tina may have reluctantly accepted Rob, especially as he was away in Germany. But there was no way she would accept me, despite Jaz and I being nearly as long together as Jaz and Rob.

As we talked, it felt strange we were now just good friends and no longer in an intense sexual relationship. However, I hadn’t yet missed Jaz’s loving touch, and the sex between us. It was mainly because there was so much going on in my life at the moment.  

The main thing I gleaned from our chat was that Jaz was happy, despite her boyfriend being currently stationed in Germany. She told me Tina, and her were now an item, and she was enjoying experimenting with her.

Our conversation moved on to Jaz’s boyfriend and as it did so, I had a foreboding feeling.

This summer, when Rob was deployed to Germany, he told Jaz that he would be there for the next three years, training for a specialist position. Neither Jaz nor I knew what that meant as Rob was elusive, and then he told us both that it was a national secret.

With them now being apart for most of the year, Rob and Jaz had agreed that they could see other people. Like me, they now had an open relationship. But with one proviso, Jaz could only see and be with other girls. Rob had laid down the one rule, men were simply not allowed if Jaz wanted them to stay as a couple.

It was something which I had been surprised Jaz had agreed to. When David and I got together, my one condition was I could see others, as after Alan, I wasn’t ready for another serious relationship. I may have been more interested in expanding my relationship with girls, particularly with Brenda. But I insisted that men were not completely off the table.

I currently had no plans or desire to be with other men; I only wanted David. However, part of me knew it would only be a matter of time before I slipped and had sex with another man. So, reluctantly and only at my insistence, David had agreed, and then jokingly told me that girls didn’t count, anyway.

There is something else, and this one bothered me. Rob was one of my mistakes and maybe the biggest one, as I will have to tell David.

A few weeks before Majorca, with Rob going to Germany, Jaz and I put on a lesbian sex show for him. It was our going away present, a voyeur’s view of his girlfriend and her best friend having sex together on her double bed. 

Rob had known about us for some while and, to his credit, he was okay with it. But with time, he had started to pressure Jaz to watch us girls together.

With me in my full slut mode, we were happy to oblige. But maybe it went further than I had intended, as Rob fucked me several times. He seemed to be only interested in me, and he didn’t use a condom. I had made sure beforehand that it was my safe period, just in case, but I knew I had been foolish, and I have vowed never to do it again.

Then I heard the exact words I didn’t want to hear from Jaz. “Rob is coming home in November, and he has asked me if we could put on another show for him.”

Jaz was smiling, looking at me, hoping.

I didn’t understand what she saw in Rob. Yes, he was amusing and could charm us with his funny stories, but beyond that? I suspected that beneath his skin; he was quite shallow. He certainly wasn’t as intelligent or as good-looking as Jaz.

However, she was my best friend. We knew everything about each other, and I didn’t want to flatly turn her down. I needed to be there for her, with her boyfriend being away. I just couldn’t seem to be cold, or even lukewarm. So, I said…

“Jaz, you know Tina will not share you with me, and I am not going to go behind her or even Brenda’s back. Besides, I have a boyfriend now.”

Jaz laughed, and then pointed out, “You had a boyfriend back then.”

“Alan, well, he doesn’t count.” It was a sheepish reply as I felt a twinge of guilt. Alan had looked after me for a long time, and what happened with him was part of the reason that made me determined not to cheat again. 

Turning towards Jaz, I said. “I have not told David about Rob yet; I am not sure entirely why. We both know I will have to, but strangely, I sort of embarrassed that we put on a sex show for your boyfriend.”

Embarrassed?” Jaz questioned. “I think David will love it; he is just as kinky as us.”

I weakly smiled. Jaz was right about David, but I still felt embarrassed to tell him. It was a strange feeling having a boyfriend who would probably fully accept my torrid past, yet not being confident enough to fully open up to him. I knew it was because I didn’t want to risk losing him, but I didn’t want to admit that to Jaz, either.

“You know, if we did it again, Rob would want to have sex with me!” I remarked, hoping it would put Jaz off the idea.

Jaz briefly turned away and drew her breath. From her reaction, I realised I had been hurtful, so I quickly said, “Sorry.”

Jaz’s eyes returned to mine.

“I know, but does that matter? For all I know, he is banging girls in Germany. He tells me he is not, but I am not sure I believe him, and one thing is for sure, it is unlikely to last forever.”

“Okay,” I guiltily sighed.

“When I tell David about your boyfriend and our sex show, I will also mention to him about Rob wanting to have a repeat. But you have to understand that David is likely to say no, and I won’t cheat on him. Another thing, if he says yes, then he is going to want a sex show, too, and he probably will want to fuck you, Jaz. Would you be happy with that?”

“Rob wouldn’t, but maybe he doesn’t have to know,” she questionably remarked. Her eyes were once again hopeful. 

I was surprised by Jaz’s answer.

“What about you, Clare? Would you mind if I had sex with David? After all, you have been with Rob.”

I bit my tongue. Rob was a mistake; David wasn’t. Though I knew I was already sharing him with Sarah and maybe others. But I felt sorry for Jaz, so perhaps my answer was a little more open than I wanted it to be.

“I guess I be okay,” I shrugged, knowing I wanted to say something quite different. 

“Look… If David says it is okay, and Tina agrees, which I feel is highly unlikely, especially as I am your ex. I will do it… Okay!”

I was deeply unsure about it, but I wanted to be loyal to my best friend, and I thought the odds of it happening were extremely low.  




I let myself into Brenda’s apartment with my newly won key, and as I did so, I noticed talking coming from the kitchen. As far as I knew, my girlfriend was busy prepping for a Spanish client, so I was surprised to see a whole group of people hunched around the kitchen’s central table.

Brenda was speaking but stopped as soon as she noticed me. She smiled and then beckoned me over. The others, all six of them, looked up and glared at me as if I were an alien.

“Clare, it's good to see you,” Brenda loudly announced as five of the six other people wondered who I was. Only Paula, Brenda's Personal Assistant and former girlfriend, knew. 

I gingerly walked towards Brenda and the group. I stepped across the dance floor, mainly used for Brenda’s large and extravagant themed parties, which she held two or three times a year.

With each step, l became more and more aware that I was on show. Five sets of eyes burrowed into me, trying to work out who I was. However, there was one set smiling and knowing, especially after what happened Sunday. 

Yet, as I carefully moved, I was just grateful that Brenda hadn’t loudly shouted to me across the room, “How’s your cunt; still sore?”

“My dear, let me introduce you to my inner circle and my board of directors,” Brenda happily chuckled.

It was a comment that made me pause as I suddenly felt that perhaps this was the wrong time to visit, that I shouldn’t be there. 

Brenda chuckled again. She saw my hesitation. “I bet you didn’t know that I am not just your girlfriend, but also a limited company.” I didn’t know, and I wasn’t sure what she exactly meant.

With a wide smile, she introduced me as her girlfriend to her colleagues. 

First to Paula, Brenda’s Personal Assistant and the only person in the room whom I had met before, other than Brenda.  

“I am not sure I could manage without her,” my girlfriend stated, Paula giving me a wry smile. 

“She organises me, runs the show.”

I knew the first part was true, but the second part? Only one person was running this show. Brenda not only wanted me to feel welcome, but she also wanted to show me off to her colleagues.

“You know about Hugo, and his partner, Desmond.” I shook hands with both of them. 

Brenda and Hugo used to be married, and technically, they still were, as they had never divorced, though very few people outside this room knew that. They had just separated when Hugo told Brenda that he was a homosexual. That was when my girlfriend was twenty-one, and it took a few more years for Brenda to realise her sexuality. Then not until her late twenties that she came out as a lesbian.

It was also no surprise to find Hugo there. Brenda had told me that he was still her closest friend and confidant even though they had long since separated, and he had been living with Desmond for many years. 

Hugo wasn’t quite what I expected as he was somewhat shorter than Brenda, five foot eight tops. He wore a light green jacket complete with patches on the elbows. With his round professor glasses that rested on his nose, you could easily mistake him for a schoolteacher. He looked slightly older than my girlfriend, with his light brown hair now tinged with a little grey, so maybe touching fifty.   

“My dear, Desmond is so handy to have around. He often sees things differently to me, and may give me an alternative opinion.” They both softly laughed as I shook Desmond’s hand.

“What Brenda is trying to say is sometimes I may not just nod when she suggests what we are going to do.” I instantly liked him.

A bit like me then!” I exclaimed, not thinking; though my comment did cause both Desmond and Brenda to chuckle.

Desmond was both slightly younger and taller than Hugo. It was obvious that he worked out at the gym, and then there was their skin colour. Hugo’s was a pale white, Desmond’s a dark olive. Though happy, in a way, they looked like a slightly odd couple.

Brenda pulled me on, her arm now locked around mine. She was making sure she was in control.

“This is William and his better half, Sandra.” Brenda went on to explain they were married; both accountants looking after both her personal and her company’s accounts. 

William was tall, over six feet, and imposing, though much to my surprise, he bowed when we shook hands. Brenda needn’t have told me his occupation, a suit and a tie, while everyone else, including his wife, was dressed casually.

Sandra was just shorter than me; if you like Sarah’s height. I inwardly smiled when we shook hands as she pulled her husband close. It was as if she was worried about me trying to take her husband away from her. Didn’t she know I was with Brenda? 

I made a note to talk to them both later, as accountancy was an occupation I was thinking seriously about as a future career.

Oh William, dear,” Brenda dramatically said, drawing in all of her audience. “Please, could you just confirm to Clare that I am a millionaire? She wanted to know, and I may have made an error in letting slip that I was.”

I knew Brenda’s words were all part of her performance, but I couldn’t help blushing as William laughed deeply. I guessed he had heard all this before. 

“I have to check, Brenda, but as long as you don’t spend too much on this young lady, I think you might just about keep your head above the million-pound line.”

I smiled back at William, though we all knew they were both having fun at my expense. Since the time I asked that question, it had become obvious that my girlfriend was worth tens, probably hundreds of millions of pounds. 

The last person around the table was a younger woman, maybe just over thirty. She was introduced as Kate, Brenda’s personal lawyer.

“Kate keeps me out of the papers when I don’t want to be in them. Then helps put me in them when I do.” Brenda smiled, pausing for effect. “She also tries her best to keep me on the straight and narrow, though sometimes she may fall occasionally a little short on that!”  

I almost expected a round of applause after that grand statement. There wasn’t one. They had all seen this before. However, what impressed me the most was that Brenda hadn’t muttered one swear word! 

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Kate shook my hand and as she did so explained to me that though she was Brenda’s personal lawyer; most of her time was spent liaising with different top law firms who would do all the grunt work. 

I sensed that Kate was efficient, probably single and almost certainly a lesbian, as I had that vibe. It was the way she had been eyeing me up as we worked our way down the line. 

Kate had the next-door girl look, with her dark hair cut similar in style to when I was fourteen. Her hazel eyes and her bright red lipstick told me all I needed to know. She just needed a couple of hours with a stylist or Jaz, Sarah, and me. She needed a makeover to let her natural beauty out.

“Right, my dear, that is my inner team,” Brenda announced and then slapped me once on the bottom as everyone else sat down. “And Clare, your cunt numbing cream is over there!” She pointed to a plastic container on the kitchen worktop. “And don’t get any on your clitoris.”

There it was, the swear word, it was obvious that my girlfriend just couldn’t help herself.

I moved as quickly as I could as embarrassment rolled across the room in the form of laughter.

“My dear, I don’t need it back; keep it,” Brenda chuckled as I raced out of the room, my face now the colour of a ripe tomato. 

Avoiding my clitoris, I applied the cold soothing cream; it brought instant relief. Then I giggled to myself as I saw the funny side of my embarrassment, but there was no way I was telling David or Sarah what just happened.

With Brenda’s special numbing cream now tucked into my handbag, I crept back into the kitchen, hoping that my presence would go unnoticed. Only for Brenda to say, “Clare darling, will you refresh everyone’s drinks?”

I felt myself blush a little, as it felt strange that Brenda had used the term darling rather than her normal, my dear. I also felt seven sets of eyes staring at me, each knowing that I had a sore pussy. 

The board meeting continued, and my role became that of a waitress, keeping the cups topped up and cutting slices from two homemade cakes, which I later learned Brenda had baked. It was her secret passion, and that is why she had such a fancy kitchen and four ovens. I had assumed having so many ovens was like almost everything else in her huge penthouse, over the top and there for show.

Instead of it being dull, I found the board meeting interesting; there was plenty of talk about acquiring several businesses, as well as something about when to open the Sea View Hotel. I had not heard of any of them, but I found myself wanting to ask questions and get involved.

However, I remained silent and just carried on serving the refreshments when required. 

One of the things that did come up was Brenda informing the board that she would be away for a month visiting the Santos family in Madeira the next spring. The trip was going to be both for business and a holiday; the exact dates were yet to be confirmed.    

After the meeting broke up, I had an interesting chat about accountancy with William and Sandra. I explained part of the reason I was going back to college was because I realised I needed to have a career that used my brain as it was my number one asset. 

When I mentioned that, Sandra remarked, somewhat cattily, “You must be extremely bright then.” 

I realised she was a protective wife and that her husband probably liked to flirt with other women, but perhaps wrongly, I took it as a nice comment and also one that sort of shocked me. 




As soon as everyone had left, Brenda took me through to her bedroom, and on the way, I reminded her that I was still too sore for sex.

“Clare, doesn’t want sex? Does that mean I have worn you out?” Brenda chuckled.

Her words sounded just the sort of thing David would say, and she was lucky I didn’t nudge her.

It was only as we walked into the bedroom that I realised that was not the reason we were there, as hanging on the wall was my full-size black-and-white photo.

I was number eighteen and last in the line of photos; Brenda’s eighteenth official girlfriend. I walked up to it and couldn’t help touching the grey frame. My girlfriend had been right. I did look beautiful, and the nude photo felt like part of me. 

I turned to Brenda, my eyes feeling damp, and I kissed her. My body wanted her. It was all I could give as she fell back onto her bed, my weight pressing her down. The next thing I knew, I was on top of her, kissing, lying between her legs, feeling her large breasts, and giving her all I had to give.

“I thought you were too sore,” Brenda gasped, obviously surprised by my onslaught.

I was, but not for what I had in mind. I wanted my girlfriend to fuck my ass. It was something I enjoyed, another secret. Nearly all the men I had been with had pleasured me back there, and I knew David was chomping at the bit to add to my tally. But on seeing that full-frontal photo, it suddenly felt right that Brenda should have that prize first.

That was if she wanted it.

“Brenda, I want you to fuck me in the ass. All I ask is for you to use plenty of lube.”

“Oh my,” Brenda gulped. She seemed to get more excited, and while still on top of her, I put my hand down between her legs and squeezed her piece. I was not sure if any of her other seventeen official girlfriends had ever done that, but at that moment, it felt right, squeezing her fake cock. 

“Oh my,” Brenda said again. “I normally have to persuade my girlfriends to let me do that.”

The excitement in her voice was now tangible. She seemed to not of noticed that I was between her legs, on top of her, and in the dominant position.

We excitedly stripped our clothes, with me throwing them onto the chair on my side of the bed. Brenda glanced at me, though this time not saying anything in disgust, before placing her clothes neatly on her chair. 

I followed her through into the dressing room. We were now both comfortable and familiar with each other’s bodies, and I watched Brenda unstrap the fake cock she wore in the day. It was black, and maybe six inches long. It was a simple strap-on, but after our landing fuck, I knew just how effective it could be.

We stood there, grinning, looking, my eyes drawn out to the mass of long black curly hairs between my girlfriend’s legs. It was so different to my completely hairless pussy, and I could not help myself from reaching out and running my fingers through Brenda’s dark pubes. It hadn’t been that long ago, just four days, that I had been the same, just as bushy, but mine were brown and not as wiry. 

As my fingers travelled, I was surprised Brenda didn’t push my hand away. So I ran my fingers a little lower. It was the first time I had touched her slit, and my action brought a large gasp from my girlfriend. She was extremely wet, and oh so turned on.

“Someone’s looking forward to taking my anal virginity,” I teased and then pushed my fingers into her inviting hole. It was only then she stepped back, a little flushed.

“You haven’t done this before?”

I smiled. I didn’t want to lie or tell my girlfriend I was a bit of an anal slut. So I chose to keep my silence.

Brenda turned to the drawers full of her sex toys and pulled out a small silver butt plug. I had seen them before but had never used one. My previous boyfriends had preferred to either stick a couple of lubed fingers up my ass or, more commonly, force their lubed cock straight into me.  

I glanced at the butt plug she had in her hand and took it from her, then put it back into the drawer. Then, to Brenda’s amazement, I took another one out twice the size and gave it to my girlfriend with a smile.

“Are you sure, my dear?”

I nodded and turned, then bent over, offering my back passage to Brenda.

Despite the numbing cream, my pussy was dripping. Anal sex had always been my secret pleasure. But I didn’t like to tell my girlfriend that I was an anal slut; that I often stuffed something into my bottom during those rare times I was alone at home and could freely masturbate. 

The anal plug was cold, but well lubricated, as it slid easily into my bottom. Brenda then twiddled with something, and it suddenly felt like the plug had doubled in size. I moaned as it pressed tightly into the walls of my asshole. My hand instantly went down there to check, only to find it was now such a tight fit I would have struggled to remove it. 

It was only then I noticed that my girlfriend was putting her piece on. This one was a lot more serious than the one she had taken off, as it also went into her pussy. I knew it was one of the expensive custom-made models.

It was black, like most of Brenda’s pieces, and a lot smaller than the ones she had fucked me with on Sunday. This one was maybe three-quarters of an inch in diameter at the tip, but it was different as it tapered, and was maybe twice that diameter at its base. Also, its eight-inch length was not smooth. Instead, it looked like it was made up of five balls, each one firmly attached to the next and a little larger as you worked towards the base. 

I had never seen anything like it before, but I felt my pussy pulse, and I suddenly had a craving to try it.

“You're no anal virgin, are you, my dear?” 

I grinned at Brenda; I didn’t want to let my secrets come out. 

We walked through to her bedroom; the lubed butt plug still deep within me. With each step, I felt its enticing presence, and then there was Brenda’s black, anal piece. Wobbling and erect, as it stuck out from the curtain of her black pubic hairs.

I lay on my back and watched Brenda. She was applying extra lubricant to her piece, then I rolled over and my girlfriend removed my butt plug before squirting even more lube into me. It was cold.    

With a gentle movement, Brenda pushed her anal piece into me. I grasped and then groaned as I felt its coldness be replaced by pleasure. Every piece ball popped through my anal ring, each one a little bigger than the last, stretching me a tiny bit further, giving a surge of anal pleasure.   

Then a pause, the lull before the storm, doggy position, Brenda poised, ready to give me full anal satisfaction. Probe my ass, fuck me, and give me sexual bliss.

For the next few minutes, my girlfriend was in full control. She slowly rocked back and forth, only occasionally stopping to oil me with lube. Its coldness did little to cool my back passage. It felt on fire, rubbing, stretching, and telling my sore pussy how to enjoy sexual pleasure.  

We stopped, disconnected, and I asked Brenda to lie on her back. I wanted to look at my girlfriend as she gave me anal bliss. I also wanted to be in control, ride her black anal probe to its full limit, and let her watch me cum. Cover her with my girly love juice, as Brenda was mine. She needed to be reminded of that fact.

Lubed, I eased my anus onto her slippery pole, one sphere at a time, each little pop accompanied by my enjoyment groan; a blissful moan. Brenda remained still, silent, watching me. Just like I asked her to do, this was my thing; my secret, fucking my own ass. 

I opened my legs wide. Brenda’s eyes flicked from my face to my open and very bald pussy. I hovered there, three balls deep; my dance routine exercises and maybe my horse riding skills, helping me to keep my balance. Then I started to slide up and down the black well-greased pole, rocking, moaning, fucking; each stroke a little deeper than the last.

My hand found my clit. I frigged it for extra pleasure, Brenda’s eyes suddenly glued to my wet and wanton redundant hole. 

“Pop,” the fourth ball slid into me. I was nearly there, riding all of Brenda’s eight inches. I balanced, rode, and slid, up and down. My body wriggled with pleasure. 

I pressed down slightly harder. My sphincter eased a little wider. The last ball was the biggest, and I pressed harder, each bounce sending a pulse of pleasure to my brain. With my fingers playing my oiled clit like it was strumming a guitar; my mind, my body, enjoying nothing but sexual pleasure. 

Then it all happened at once. 

“Pop,” the large inch-and-a-half ball slid home. With it, my head jerked backwards, and a wave of carnal pleasure surged in me. I screamed as an orgasm ripped through me. 

On my!” Brenda exclaimed. I had come all over her in a gush. It was what always happened when I had deep anal penetration for any length of time. I sometimes wondered if I had a second clitoris up in my bum. 

I looked down, still fully impaled. Brenda was expressionless and soaked. I couldn’t stop giggling as I carefully rolled off my girlfriend and lay next to her on my back, trying to regain my breath and my composure.

“Clare, I can see I’m going to have fun with you,” Brenda eventually said, as she glanced towards me, and then smiled.

“Haven’t any of your other girls cum on you like that?”  

Brenda didn’t answer as she wiped herself down, removed her harness and, with it, the anal piece.  She then disappeared into her shower. I felt she was still reflecting on my question, and I joined her in the shower. 

We kissed tenderly as we washed ourselves down.

“Are you sure you're not gay?” Brenda suddenly asked; my earlier question was left unanswered.

“No, Brenda, maybe a lean that way, but I will always need a man in my life. Someone who is like David, who lets me have my freedom.”

I hesitated, as I wasn’t sure if I should ask the next question. I knew it was personal.

“What I have with David; isn’t that similar to what you have with Hugo, at least spiritually?”

“Yes, maybe Clare,” Brenda murmured and then added more strongly. “I was right about one thing. You are special. As I mentioned, none of my previous girlfriends have asked for anal sex, none have cum over me just like you did, and only Paula has ever asked me about Hugo.”

“Sorry,” I whispered. Maybe I had gone too far with my questions, but I had always been inquisitive.

We grabbed our towels; then stepped out of the shower and dried ourselves in silence, though our eyes developed the habit of devouring each other’s naked bodies. 

Once dressed, Brenda seemed to rediscover her normal aplomb, especially when I kissed her as I was about to leave. 

“I got to get going. I have my second girlfriend to see,” I teased. “Do you know when our modelling photos will be developed? Sarah asked.”

That made Brenda smile. She knew just as much as me how much Sarah wanted to model.   

“Unfortunately, my dear, not until next week. There are quite a few to do, but I'll make a start tonight.” Brenda looked at me; it was clear she was thinking about something to do with me.

“Clare, I know have a date tonight with Karen, which I want to hear all about.”

“Yes, and another date tomorrow night,” I tentatively added. I was wondering where this conversation was all going.

“When you are with her tonight, ask her what she likes in a woman. Things she would like you to wear and do when on a date. Try to understand what Karen wants.”

“Clare, I know dating another girl is new to both of you. But you are now the top, and you need to drive the conversation with her. Karen should be submissive to you.”

I nodded, though I wasn’t sure I agreed. I didn’t feel like a top or a bottom; I just wanted to have fun and explore my sexuality.

“I know she prefers girls in trousers or uniform,” I cautiously replied.

There was no way I was going to wear my Girl Guide uniform, nor was I going to tell Brenda that I got thrown out after just six weeks for being too disruptive.

Brenda sensed my uncertainty, though she slightly misread me.

“Don’t worry, Clare; I am not going to interfere as I want you to date Karen, though I do want to meet her soon. It's just I want to make sure you dress right for her.”

My girlfriend somewhat grinned at me, and I tentatively smiled back. It was now clear to me, despite her denial; that Brenda was going to interfere with me dating Karen.

However, I also knew, as per Brenda’s rules, I had no choice. However, perhaps today had been the start of something a little different.

I sensed that occasionally it had been me driving the conversation with Brenda.  

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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