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"Crete" - Chapter 7:- “Jerry”

"Sarah opens up about her past and then her future..."

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Author's Notes

"Sarah and David are enjoying their first holiday together. Now relaxing in the idyllic private apartment, and with a cocktail in their hands; the young couple start talking and Sarah opens up about her first lover. <p> [ADVERT] </p>An older married man called Jerry..."

We did not see Don or Ashley on the naturist beach and after spending two and a half very enjoyable hours on it; our bodies started telling us that our skin had enough direct sun. So, we decided to head back to our villa apartment and spend the rest of the day there.

As we walked up the slope, past the nude pool, it seemed so much further, the mid-day sun draining our energy, step by step; our little oasis waiting for us.

It was lunchtime, so we dropped into the pool bar and ordered French fries and a burger as well as our first round of alcoholic drinks, which we took with us. From there, a three-minute walk, back to the privacy and tranquillity of our villa apartment.

We were now in our own little, peaceful world, just the two of us, as we still had not seen our neighbours.   

We relaxed in our chill-out area, waiting for our food and the next round of drinks to arrive. We were told it would be around thirty minutes. The setting was tranquil; we could hear only the wind, insects, and the occasional chirp from a bird.

It was what life is all about.

We were sitting on a comfortable swing settee, the hot mid-day sun now shielded by a red and white striped canopy that stretched out over our heads. Our cool and inviting pool was just in front of us. The sun’s reflection glinted off its water, calling for us to step in.

I picked up my plastic cocktail glass. In it was a Prosecco-based, bright orange cocktail called a Mimosa. Sarah was drinking the same cocktail, and we held our glasses up and looked at each other, then grinned. At that moment, I think we both realised what love was all about.

A toast, Sarah suggested.

“To us,” we both said and then Sarah, surprisingly suggested another toast.

“To us and Clare,” she then said with a small grin.

Had she just said that? I thought as I joined her in both the toast and the grin.

“I take it you are enjoying the holiday,” I chuckled.

Sarah gently nudged me and then giggled.

“Are you going to take your beach dress off?” I hopefully asked. Sarah had put it back on for the walk back; she had to, as her white bikini didn’t cover very much.

Sarah looked at me, “The waiter will be here soon with the food, but maybe later, when we are in the pool.”

“I know the waiter will be here soon,” I chuckled. “But that is why I wanted you to take your dress off. We will get better service!

Sarah looked at me a little blankly. Perhaps she hadn’t fully understood.

So I added, “I want him to see what a hot girlfriend I have, just like when you flashed the waiter when we last went for a meal.” It was the same evening that Sarah modelled for me under an old-fashioned security light; it was the first night of Sarah’s second sexual awakening.

Sarah giggled, and then gently nudged me. She remembered, “I can’t believe I did all that!”

I grinned. Sarah nudged me once again, before joining me in a grin and finishing her cocktail, its orange colour still reminding me of the orange light that old-fashioned security light gave out.

I also emptied my glass, though there was still no sign of the waiter.

“Two more,” I suggested.


“Are you going?” I asked.

Sarah giggled.

Of course, I was going back to the bar. Sarah had already made it clear to me that she was not fetching drinks from the pool bar; that was my job, even though she would have got better service.

I got two more Mimosa cocktails and on my return; I noticed Sarah had taken the top half of her beach dress down. It was now around her waist and the white micro bikini top was almost containing her breasts. Her nipples were just visible through the white material. It looked more erotic than being topless, so as was my way, I chose to just admire and say nothing.

“About another five minutes until the food arrives,” I said as I sat down and passed Sarah her drink.

She smiled and said, “Thank you.”

My eyes were now betraying me, as they had dropped down to Sarah’s almost-covered breasts. I heard a giggle. I glanced up. Sarah had caught me looking, but just smiled and sipped her refreshed drink. As she did so, I noticed her right breast make a bid for freedom, but it lost as Sarah tucked it back into her top.

“Don’t you mind me showing my body off like this?” Sarah quietly asked, as my eyes returned to hers. I had the impression she was a little worried she was going too far; that I would become upset.

“I like showing you off, Sarah, because I love you.” I smiled. “I love the fact that you are my girlfriend and that you love me.” I grinned. “And I particularly enjoy the fact you like to show your hot, sexy body off not only to me, but also to entertain others.”

I knew I was being a little corny, but Sarah giggled. I had got the right result. So, I continued with my thrust to help get Sarah’s bikini top off. 

“Whatever you choose to do, I will support you, though; I may occasionally slip and mention your bikini top, after all, you don’t want white lines.” 

Sarah laughed and then said something I wasn’t quite expecting.

“You sound just like Jerry. He used to encourage me to flash my boobs, sometimes even my whole body.” Sarah paused and took a sip of her fresh drink. “As I mentioned last night, Don and sometimes even you, David, remind me of Jerry.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I went quiet, my grin gone, as I didn’t like being compared to Jerry or even Don. My ego was telling me I was special.

Jerry was Sarah’s first boyfriend and when I say boyfriend, he was around forty, a family friend and married. She had had an eighteen-month-long affair with him, which ended extremely badly, with a miscarriage and then depression. It was my arrival that had helped pull Sarah out of that, though at the time, I didn’t know it.  

I had never met Jerry, and I never wanted to. Sarah and her family had permanently expunged him from their lives. It had been only on Clare’s arrival that I got to learn about Sarah’s ex, even his name, as she started to open up about her past.

Sarah told me that she never considered that they had a relationship, that to both of them; it had been all about sex.

I saw Sarah’s new openness to discussing Jerry as a good thing, a purging of the soul. Though, currently, other than his name and a few of Sarah’s sexual experiences, I knew very little about the man. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to.

We just sat there in silence, in a reflective pause.

Sarah seemed very relaxed, and I thought this afternoon might be a good time for us to talk a little more about Jerry and let me understand the whole of my girlfriend’s past.

Sarah broke the silence. It wasn’t directly about Jerry, but it was about something close to him, as well as what was currently on my mind.

“David, on the beach, you were right. I admit I do have an exhibitionist streak in me. It is something I try to keep under control, as it became addictive when I was with Jerry.”    

Sarah’s statement was not a surprise to me. She had, in the past, hinted at some of the things she had done with him, like how she lost her virginity. That had come up on an emotional night just after I came back from Majorca and I told Sarah about my cheating with Clare. 

“Can we talk about Jerry?” I asked as Sarah took a large sip of her drink. Then she smiled.

I hadn’t expected the smile, though I knew it could mean anything.

It was not just the cocktails, but I had never seen Sarah so relaxed. I watched as she reached behind her and untied her bikini top. We both grinned as her two large breasts popped back into view, their long erect nipples pointing out towards the clear blue sky. Showing her boobs aroused her, as there was no way she could be cold.

“I will not need this,” Sarah remarked, as she dropped her bikini top onto the table in front of us. “But just to be clear, David, my bikini bottoms stay on, and my dress stays exactly where it is!”

Sarah was still sitting on her beach dress, the top half still hanging around her waist. It covered her white bikini bottoms. But above was a magnificent sight. Sarah’s two D-cup perfectly shaped breasts, their pink areolas and fairly long nipples, which were now hard and aroused. Because Sarah had a slim body, her breasts always looked slightly bigger than they actually were. Models boobs, I thought. I was comparing them to the one’s page three girls, which appeared in a popular British newspaper.

Another toast, I suggested, “No tops, only bottoms.”

We chuckled and clicked glasses, though my eyes slipped once again from Sarah’s beautiful face downwards to her large, firm breasts. It was an action that prompted my beautiful girlfriend to giggle and then wobble them.

Our food arrived, along with our third Mimosa cocktail. The young waiter took our glasses away. His eyes, like mine, were never far away from Sarah’s exposed breasts.

When he had gone, I looked at my girlfriend. She was grinning, and I joined her.

“You enjoyed that,” I remarked, my cock hard and now tenting in my trunks.

Sarah noticed and giggled, “Oh, shut up and eat your food.”

I had been told, even though I had not said or done anything wrong… yet!

Yes, Sarah did know me.

We sat there eating in silence, our stomachs reminding us that it had been a long time since breakfast. Sarah’s boobs were also helping to keep me entertained. It wasn’t until we had sat back into the swing settee with our latest cocktail in our hand that Sarah spoke.

“David, what do you want to know about Jerry, but before I say anything, you needed to realise he is very much now in my past. I have moved on, and I am very much now with you.”

I suddenly found myself not knowing what to say. I felt like a voyeur looking back into Sarah’s sexual history, wanting to know what type of sex she had with her only other ‘boyfriend’.

The waiter reappeared with two Mimosa cocktails and then, with a grin, took our used glasses and plates away; Sarah having stuck her bare chest out as she passed the discarded items.

“I guess I want to know what Jerry was like,” I mumbled, as the waiter disappeared and we finished our old drinks.

Sarah smiled, “You want to know what I got up to with Jerry?” Sarah giggled. Yes, she definitely knew me.

“That too,” I quickly injected, then gave my best boyish smile. “But,” I added, this time in a more concerning voice, “Am I really like a younger Jerry?”

That worried me, and I was hoping Sarah was going to say no, but she didn’t.

“Jerry, you David and now Don are the only three men I had sex with, and you all have some similar traits.”

My face dropped. I didn’t want to hear that. I was not Jerry!

Sarah saw my reaction. “David, only in part, you like me nude, showing my body off. Don likes to be nude with Ashley. She never wears panties and Jerry also liked that. He also liked to expose me. All are slightly different, and you have to remember what I have just admitted to you.”

“I told you I like being exposed, like the photoshoot I did with Brenda or posing in front of my bedroom mirror. It was when I was with Jerry that I realised how turned on I got being nude, exposing myself to him; it was the adrenalin rush of being publicly naked, with the slight chance of being caught. It was his thing, too. He encouraged me to do things that I had only fantasised about before.”

Sarah continued, “I know you wanted me to say you are nothing like Jerry and, in many ways, you are completely different. But you need to think of it this way. Maybe if you had no Jerry in you, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.”

Sarah looked at me and snuggled closer. Her words and action made me feel a little better, though I certainly didn’t think I was anything like Jerry. All I did know was I now needed to know more about him.

“Sarah, I don’t want to be like him. You have already told me what he did to your family. I don’t want to be someone like that.”

Sarah gave me a reassuring kiss.

“You are not him, David. We might be doing some sexual experimentation, pushing each other, but we have a limit. It is just for this holiday. We are also in a full, ongoing relationship. I wasn’t with Jerry. As I have told you, it never went very much past sex. Just a few presents and most of them were sexual.”

I didn’t know what to say. So I chose to keep quiet and just cuddle Sarah as we listened to the quietness of the day. It gave my brain a chance to process what my girlfriend had just said.

“You have to remember, I was a different woman back then. Nothing more than a girl really, looking to become more grown up, discovering things about myself, things which I didn’t know existed.”

Sarah rolled more to face me. We kissed, and as we did, my mind switched to the feeling of her naked breasts pressing into my chest. It was a sensation that helped to lift my funk, and of course, help make my cock stir.

“David, you are the only man I have ever loved. I told you that before, and I telling you it once again, as you need to remember that, especially if on this holiday we do anything again like we did last night.”

Sarah paused as we both sipped our drinks.

“Before I tell you a little more about Jerry, I let you into a little secret, David.”

My ears picked up. I was guilty of still sulking about Sarah, thinking I was like Jerry.

“Last year, in the ‘Bat and Ball’ I noticed you looking at me. Then, David, I was already interested in you, but I was confused. It was a time when Jerry and were in full lust for each other.”

Full lust?” I chuckled. I hadn’t expected her to say that, and what had been left of my sulking was suddenly gone.

“You know what I mean,” Sarah replied with a playful nudge.

I did know, but I wanted to hear more.

“David, what I am saying is; if there hadn’t been Jerry, I might have gone out with you sooner. I knew you wanted to go out with me, and the feeling was mutual. It was the thought of losing that sexual excitement and the risks of telling you about him, which had me brushing you off.”

Sarah stopped and kissed me, “Always remember that I love you, David…”

There was a moment of silence, just the two of us as we looked at each other. I was taking in the realisation that we could have been together last summer.

Sarah held me and whispered. “Only Lisa knew I liked you. It did come up. She told me if I didn’t hurry up, you would be taken. It was those words that haunted me and helped me rise from my sickbed and go on that first date with you.”

Sarah’s words were not what I was expecting; they actually made me feel worse. I could have been with her earlier, with no pregnancy or depression to deal with, though also probably also no Clare.

“It is in the past David, we have each other now,” Sarah remarked as she probably realised that I was overthinking once again. That was me. I couldn’t help it.

I chose to finish my cocktail; it was our fourth one, and I knew another would be here soon.

I whispered, as I felt I couldn’t speak any louder. “Sarah, please tell me about Jerry, as I don’t want to make the same mistakes.” I pulled her close to me once again. My fingers gently brushed Sarah’s right breast, her nipple already hard and alert. It was nothing more than a distraction from the words I was about to hear.

“You need to understand what I was like when first met him, David. Yes, I met him before, but that first time, when he took my virginity, he seduced me. It was the right time, the right place. I had never thought of Jerry as a potential sexual partner until that evening. Why would I?” (Author’s Note:- Covered in Book One, Chapter Six).

“Before Jerry, I had been a girl that thought more about other girls, trying to get to grips with my sexuality. Perhaps the truth was, I wasn’t that interested in sex or growing up.”

Sarah paused and took a large sip of her cocktail before nuzzling into me.

“David, in case you are wondering, I did get asked out many times by quite a number of boys and even a few men. But it wasn’t the fact that I was unsure about my sexuality that I turned them all down. It was quite simply I wasn’t ready to start dating.” 

Sarah’s candid admission didn’t surprise me, as unlike Clare, she had been always beautiful. The truth was, Sarah, was stunning, and I knew I was lucky to have her as my girlfriend.

“You told me you are bi-curious,” I carefully mentioned. “Or maybe, after Clare, I should now say bi-sexual,” I then added more forcefully and with a grin.

“Are you saying you’ve always been that way?”

I wasn’t sure, but it did surprise me when Sarah chose not to nudge me.

“David, I never told anyone this. I have always been curious about other girls. In my bedroom, when my friends had Popstar posters, I had ones of Farrah Fawcett. I told my mum it was because I wanted to be like her, but I guess it was more of a childhood crush.”

“I had posters of footballers,” I injected, “But I never had a crush on any of them!”

This time, Sarah did gently nudge me, but we both chuckled, even if I was being an ass.

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“To answer your question, David, yes, they have attracted me, other girls. But it is only as I have got older that attraction has turned more sexual. I told you about Lisa and us kissing each other when I was sixteen. I guess that was the spark that made me think more sexually about other girls.”

Sarah paused and sipped her cocktail. 

“But let’s be clear. Don’t think I want to start jumping into bed with lots of other women. It is something I may think about, as you well know. But even if I might have some desires for lesbian sex but, at home, that will never happen.”

“And when we are here?” With a smile, I questioned.

“I don’t know, David. I may have enjoyed what Clare did with me, but currently, I think it was a one-off. I just need time to understand that experience. We both know that in my village, the people cannot see me to be anything but a good girl. In a way, I got lucky with Jerry, as only our families know the truth. Most people think I just had the flu.”

Sarah then giggled; it was obvious that she had just thought of something…

“David, I need to ask, are you trying to turn both your girlfriends gay?”

We smiled. I knew it was only a half-serious question, but it was a new one. It needed some thought. Perhaps it was a warning or perhaps just a statement.

It was at that moment we noticed our next drinks appearing around the bush at the end of the path. Still thirty seconds away. They were being carried on a tray by the same waiter that served us before. Sarah sat up next to me and smiled. She pushed her naked breasts out. Her nipples were erect, as she picked up our empties and made a small show of giving them back to our waiter, who, to his credit, said nothing. Though he did warmly smile back at my hot girlfriend, he now understood this was a little game we were all playing.

After he had gone, I said to Sarah, “Are you going to do that all afternoon?”

She giggled, “Probably, but my bottoms remain on. I know what you thinking.”

Sarah was right!

We snuggled back up again and my hand found Sarah’s right breast. She didn’t push me away as she started to tell me about Jerry.

“He was a builder, David. A typical one, really, as he had a white transit van and a small builder’s yard, though he normally worked on his own. He was, probably still is, similar build as Don and, as you know, he is around my dad’s age, maybe a little older but not by much.”

Sarah picked up her cocktail, our fifth one, before she carried on. “After I lost my virginity to him, it was several months before we saw each other again. We had both kept quiet about what happened and in the end; it was me who went to his yard. I just wanted to talk and get things straight for the future, but of course, it didn’t quite go like that.”

I kissed the top of Sarah’s head as she snuggled into me. It was an act of reassurance; I was always going to be there for my Sarah.

“We ended up having sex, this time with a condom. That day was the start of me learning so much about my body and the pleasure I could give a man. It was with those new desires and feelings; I drifted away from thoughts of having sex with other women; that was until recently.”  

Recently, I thought, maybe it had been Clare’s arrival, I asked myself.

“I guess one thing led to another, and I started too regularly to fellate Jerry. He was teaching me to give pleasure, and I was his very willing pupil. As you well know, David, I got good at it, and the truth is I always liked giving oral sex. So does Lisa, so I knew I wasn’t alone, but it did surprise me when I learnt sometime later that not all girls perform fellatio on their partners.”  

I chuckled, “I not complaining.” I then shut up, as I realised Sarah wasn’t laughing with me and it occurred to me that I was once again being an oaf!

“It was a strange time for me, David. I just started college. I was used to the small village school and my local friends, though I still had Lisa. She was at college with me. Though by then she was working her way through the local village men, we both know how popular she is.”

I smiled, I did know. She was the village tart, but I liked her. She had been a wonderful friend to me, and a best friend to Sarah.

“I was always a little envious of Lisa, but I had Jerry. I wanted to learn all about sex from him.”

Sarah stopped talking and looked at me. “I would say it was then things started to get a little crazy. Six months from our first time, it was the start of a slow, downhill spiral. A spiral I didn’t pull out of until, with the help of Lisa, I met you.”      

The topless Sarah slid onto my lap and faced me. Her knees straddled my thighs, and her blue and white beach dress bunched around her waist. I looked, passed her two bare boobs and towards her beautiful angelic face.  

“I never want to lose you, Sarah,” I whispered, my emotions now bubbling under.

We kissed. It was more with love than with passion, but when we broke apart, our bodies were panting for one another’s. My cock was now hard, probing for Sarah’s bikini-clad pussy; wanting to reconnect.

“David, I need to tell you more about Jerry, and why I am happy to experiment during this holiday.”

I looked at Sarah. I wanted to know more, even with my cock hard and sticking up between us as it tried to get out of my trunks.

“It was about this time last year that we started to see each other more than the twice-a-week that we had originally set ourselves. With the autumn came the darker nights. Jerry put a mattress in the rear of his van. We wanted to have sex away from the yard as there it was always risky. Someone we may know could always drop by.”

I listened intently, my cock aching for release. I always liked hot stories.

“With the show on the road, I started not wearing bras and knickers. It became our thing. Eventually, I would sit completely naked on the mattress in the back of the van with just a warm duvet around me. We both realised that I got turned on being naked, that there was an exhibitionist streak within me. But things also got out of control, David. It was when we started to get reckless.”

“No condoms?” I both questioned and suggested.

“Fewer condoms, David, but it wasn’t just that. I had started to ride in the van passenger seat naked. Jerry would pick me up at night after I had crawled out of my bedroom window. Sometimes we met two times a day. I even walked naked through the woods. Things were out of control. I was happy to do lewd acts, in risky places, just to satisfy Jerry.”

“And then you got pregnant?” I whispered. I didn’t need to know more.

“Yes, David… well, you know the rest.”

I kissed Sarah again. I was turned on, though I also knew that I shouldn’t be. My hands found her breasts, and I started to gently fondle them. Sarah looked around, reassured. She kissed me again. I felt her body start to respond to my gentle touch, my fingers now just inches from her nipples.

“Why are you happy to experiment during this holiday?” I asked, while still gently caressing her breasts.

“It is because there is a strict time limit, David, and we are away from home… and there is one other thing,” Sarah stopped and giggled. I thought I was going to have to prise out the last point from Sarah, but in the end, I didn’t have to. She wanted to tell me.

“The safari tour taught me one thing; Clare has had so many more sexual experiences than me. It was almost embarrassing that until this holiday, I had only seen two erect willies. Now I have seen three.” Sarah smiled. “And hundreds of limp ones on the naturist beach.”

I laughed. I didn’t think the limp ones counted, but it was Sarah’s type of logic. We went back to our kissing and my hands found Sarah’s breasts again, but she pushed them away.

“Not here,” Sarah said as she stood up and removed her beach dress before carefully stepping into the cool water of our apartment pool. She was still topless. Sarah only had on the white micro-bikini briefs, with its white string, completely disappearing between the cheeks of Sarah’s tight, sexy bottom.

“You coming in,” she said and then beckoned with her index finger.

Who was I to resist her, even if my cock was still hard and erect. I pulled it out of my trunks and with my drink in hand; I walked over to Sarah with my cock swinging from side to side like an upright clock’s pendulum.

Sarah giggled and then laughed as I made my little show before sitting next to her. We were happy and in love, though Sarah’s words had given me, even more, to think about.

“Sarah,” I quietly asked as we snuggled on one of the three long-tiled seats. There was one on three sides of the small rectangular pool, the fourth side near the chill-out area having steps, instead.

Sarah turned and kissed me; she was grinning and obviously enjoying the cocktails.

“Are you saying you like to repeat what we did last night with Don and Ashley?”

“Do you think they will want to?” Sarah replied without too much thought before adding. “They do seem to of disappeared or perhaps they just are avoiding us.”

“You may be right, but this place is big. The beach is large and, of course, they could have gone out for the day.”

“But they said they see us at the beach,” Sarah reminded me.

“Plans change,” I remarked. Though I knew Sarah was right, it surprised me that we hadn’t seen them both at the beach. It made me briefly think of Don and his jealousy.

“I think if Don sees you in that bikini you nearly wearing, he will want you and to be honest, I understand, as it is not easy to share the one you love without getting jealous.”

“We don’t have to do it again,” Sarah whispered.

I knew we didn’t, but my instinct told me that both of us were game to do it once more. I certainly didn’t feel threatened by Don, and I knew something within me had changed. There was a large part of me that had enjoyed sharing my girlfriend with Don last night.

I felt Sarah’s hand around my hard cock; she started moving her hand slowly back and forth as she began to masturbate me beneath the pool water. I didn’t try to stop her.

She giggled. She knew my cock had been aching for her sweet touch.

I tried to replicate Sarah’s actions with her, but she told me, “Not here.”

“David, to answer your question… Even if Don did, sort of, leave me a little short last night, I did enjoy it.”

Sarah’s knowing hand carried on working my cock. The blood from my brain seemed to just flow to it, as my penis enjoyed its slow torture.

“Yes, I want to do it again with Don. I like to, so it would not just be a one-night stand. Actually, I would prefer if we could swap for the whole evening. It would be like being on a date. We could finish the evening in separate rooms.”

Sarah gently, and so slowly, moved her hand back and forth. My cock was now thinking for me as I listened to Sarah’s words.

“A date, separate rooms?” I questioned, though my mind was currently sticking seven and a half inches out of my trunks.

“Yes, David, I want to do it for real, like I was being picked up by an older, wealthy gentleman. I would like to experience that feeling, to be wined and dined.”

“But tonight is the big night here. BaBa’s is open; don’t you want to spend it with me?”

“We got next weekend, David. Don and Ashley go home, Thursday.” Sarah’s hand felt oh so good. My cock kept telling me to do this.

“Okay,” I said, without really thinking. “But we talk afterwards, and of course, it can only happen with Don and no one else.”

Sarah kissed me, and then suddenly stopped masturbating me. I thought she had been teasing me and would break out into a giggle, but instead, Sarah had a worried look on her face. It was the type of expression she had when she first told me about Jerry.

“David, do you think Don would still be interested in me now he has had sex with me?”

I was taken aback by Sarah’s sudden question. It told me that Sarah had still not fully got her self-confidence back from the days she had before her end with Jerry. This was something which we had left unsaid and we were both silently working on it.

“Sarah, do you know you are probably the hottest girl here at this resort? Of course, Don will want to fuck you again and after that, again and again. In fact, you probably wear him out; as I am completely sure, like most guys here, he will continue to want you.”

Sarah looked at me. She seemed unsure, and then she smiled. Her deep blue eyes were warm and affectionate. She turned and sat on my lap, facing me. My desperate cock was underneath us. It still wanted Sarah’s pussy and its release.

“I need you, Sarah,” my cock still thinking for me.  

Sarah giggled, as her two breasts pushed into my chest, as her mouth found mine and we kissed and then snogged until we needed to break for air.

“Maybe you need to wait,” Sarah suggestively suggested. “Just in case Don later needs my body, after all, you made it sound like he will be desperate for me,” she giggled and then kissed me again. She was teasing me, yet again. It was only then, as we broke apart, that we noticed two more cocktails on the little table in our chill-out area. We both giggled as we looked at them.

“I guess your boobs got our refills a bit quicker,” I remarked, as it had not been more than twenty minutes since we received our last refill. It should have been half an hour. 

Sarah blushed and then looked concerned. I watch her near-naked body as she got out of our little pool. She then grabbed her white bikini top and, much to my dismay; put it back on!

“I don’t want to get thrown out,” she said as she brought the two drinks back. Her large breasts were already escaping her top as she walked and then I notice that the wet bottoms had gone completely transparent, Sarah’s bald slit now totally visible.

I adjusted my cock and once again; I didn’t say a word about Sarah’s transparent bikini, but it did remind me of another question.

“Did Ashley suggest you took your panties off last night? I know you had some on when we left our apartment.”

I took the drinks from my girlfriend, and she sat back down on the seat next to me.

“You do have a one-track mine, David.” I grinned. Perhaps I did, well, at least on this holiday.

“As for Ashley and my panties, yes, it was her suggestion, but she didn’t have any on in the first place. She said it was naughty and I should surprise you, David, but of course, Don was the first person to have that pleasure.”

Sarah smiled as if she was thinking of something, but I got in first.

“You know, Ashley normally only plays with girls these days. That is, if she plays at all?”

“I know, she told me.”

“And?” I questioned, hopefully.

“And that was it, David. She didn’t go down on me, if that’s what you implicating!”

We both laughed. I had been implying something like that. Yes, I was that obvious. We picked up our drinks, but I couldn’t resist saying what I was thinking.

“No, you got Clare for that!”

I thought I was going to a large nudge, so I quickly put my drink down, but nothing.

Sarah just looked at me, and grinned, then wickedly said, “Maybe I have!”

I warmly smiled back, and we just sat there, having our moment.

Eventually, Sarah said, “I like Clare, and it is nice now to have two close female friends.”  

She was talking about Clare and her old school friend Lisa.

Sarah smiled and looked at me. We were in a moment and Sarah then said something which I will remember forever.

Our future together could include Clare.”

I grinned, and then gently kissed Sarah; it was my turn to be all gooey inside.

Sarah asked me about Ashley and how had it been for me. I carefully explained I had enjoyed her company and the physical side, but she was not Sarah, and because of that, it could never be as good.

Sarah seemed happy with my explanation and as we sipped our cocktails, we started talking about our future together and it was not too dissimilar to what Clare had told me last week. I already knew that Sarah wanted children. So did I, and with her… as well as Clare.

I also knew that she wanted a house in the countryside, just like both Clare and me. But there were new things, things that Sarah had been thinking about but as yet had not told me.

She wanted to own her own business. When I pressed her for more details; she was not sure yet exactly what form of business that would be, maybe in the holiday and travel market.

“For now,” she said, “I need to learn and get some qualifications. I am thinking that maybe I can change my job to one that’s in the travel business. So I can learn and work at the same time.”

This was new to me, but I did think it was an excellent idea. Her current job was a good one, as it was local, but it was a dead-end job, working in a removal company office. She was far too clever for that; she needed more of a long-term challenge.

I said to Sarah, “Whatever you choose to do, I will be there to support you and help in any way I can. Sarah, I want you to fly.”

We kissed. Our talk once again reminded me of how much we loved one another, and it made me realise something.

Life was bliss… then I heard someone talking.

“Do you mind if we join you?” It was Ashley, leaning over the wall.

I looked at the smiling Sarah and my heart suddenly beat harder.

Are we going to do this again? I thought, though I already knew…

It was totally up to Sarah...

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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