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"Crete" - Chapter 8:- “You Cannot Judge People On First Appearances”

"David and Sarah learn more about their neighbours"

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Author's Notes

"It is 1987 and David and Sarah are relaxing on their Crete holiday. Last night they had swapped partners with their neighbours, Don and Ashley. It was the first time the young couple had stepped into the world of swinging, but it was something they both wanted to explore. <p> [ADVERT] </p>After a morning of discussion between themselves, where they learned more about each other, their neighbours reappear..."

“Do you mind if we join you?” It was Ashley, leaning over the wall. “We have been at the nude pool most of the day,” she explained.

I glanced at Sarah. It was her call. Though I thought it would be impolite to say no.

“Come on over,” Sarah replied with a smile. “We had wondered where you both were.” As my girlfriend spoke, my eyes went to my girlfriend’s two breasts, which were floating in the water; their nipples clear for all to see through the wet bikini top’s transparent material.

Sarah’s invitation had my mind in a whirl as the two girls continued to chat. I just sat there, slightly tipsy, angst building, but my cock was oh so hard. I had no idea how this was going to play out. It felt like Sarah had jumped into the driving seat. I was now just a passenger, being taken wherever she wanted to go.

But I had my get-out clause, my ejection seat, and that was… no anklet.

My mind tuned in again to the two girls talking. “That would be nice,” I heard Sarah say. It was the answer to Ashley’s question. Do you want another drink?     

“It is only three pm. We will be with you in ten,” Ashley stated as she walked away and into their apartment. They seemed pleased to see us, I thought. That was a good sign. They had forgiven me for leaving the used condom by the side of the bed.

Don appeared and then swiftly left us after just saying, “He will get some more drinks.” 

I wasn’t sure I needed any more alcohol. Our last two cocktails had been non-alcoholic ones, but my mind still felt a little fuzzy. Maybe that was more about the thought that what might happen later, than what was in my body’s system.

I turned to Sarah. “Are we doing this?

She giggled. “David, we don’t have to do anything. Let’s just enjoy their company for a couple of hours, and see what happens, and how we feel. But you already know what I want to do?”

I did. Sarah wanted to go on a date tonight with Don, while I would do similarly with Ashley. It was something that we had briefly discussed earlier. But did they want to hook up with us again? I asked myself… I thought I already knew the answer.

Sarah giggled again and removed her top. I looked at her, well, mainly at her breasts. They were magnificent, already going a little brown.

“You wanted me topless,” she remarked.

I grinned. Though, I knew this time she was doing it more for Don than for me. She then threw the discarded wet top onto the low chill-out area table. It was an action that made my cock twitch, though the rest of me was relaxed, and I pulled Sarah close to me as we took in the mid-afternoon sun.

Ashley came around to our pool. She was wearing a small dark mauve bikini, but as soon as she saw Sarah was now topless, she removed the top. Her two nicely proportioned and well-tanned B-cup breasts came into view. She sat on the opposite side of the pool from us.

“How is the nude pool?” I inquired. “We are thinking about going there tomorrow.”

Sarah glanced at me as we had not yet discussed what we planned to do. I caught her looking and smiled back at her.

“Well, you chose today,” I said to Sarah. “So it is my turn to choose for tomorrow.” 

Sarah laughed and then gently nudged me. What I had just said was technically true. I had said today was Sarah’s choice. She had wanted to look around the hotel complex and go to the beach, though maybe not the nude one. The truth was, up to now, I had been doing all the choosing.

“So I get to select what we do tonight, then?” Sarah then asked while grinning at me. She had me, but this was all part of our new and developing private game.

I pulled a playful face at Sarah as Ashley continued…

“The nude pool was wonderful. It was the first time for us, you could say, a spur-of-the-moment decision as we walked past. Up to today we only have been on the nude beach or in our villa pool, but it was so good, we are planning to go again tomorrow. It is certainly worth the thousand drachmae entrance fee.”

I looked at Sarah. My face now told her where I was going tomorrow.

“It would be nice to get an all-over tan,” I said to her, “Especially now that we have started to get one.”

Sarah giggled, “We will see.” Then she added, “Ashley, could you tell us more about this nude pool?”

It seemed Sarah was just as interested as me in going to the nude pool. I smiled, and then received a little nudge, this time probably for being a smartass. 

Ashley looked at us. I thought she was trying to understand our dynamic, which would have been difficult as that was something which was still developing. She then remarked, “It is the newest and best of the three hotel pools; they landscaped it just like a Caribbean desert island. You really need to see it to believe it, as it is quite different to the hotel’s other two swimming pools.”

“Go on,” I blurted. I was now even more interested. It was not just the fact of being nude; it was also because I had never seen a themed swimming pool before.

“The pool, though large, is more for splashing around in. It also has a small island in it complete with several palm trees and a themed treasure chest with fake treasure in it. There is also a waterfall that you can swim under or walk around, as there is a pool bar behind it. The place was all very tranquil and relaxed. There seems only to be one rule. You have to be fully nude.” 

Sarah admitted that the place sounded very nice just as Don returned with four large cocktail drinks, which he said were called a Tequila Sunrise. They looked just like a real sunrise, I thought as I sipped mine. I soon realised that they were delicious, though equally strong.

“So, what do you think of the cocktail?” Don asked.

I gave him my answer before both our eyes turned to Sarah and her large floating tits.

“What do you think, Sarah?” Don asked.

“I could get used to them,” she giggled. Despite her nudity, she seemed totally relaxed. “Though maybe I need to slow down, as I had a few since lunch,” Sarah then added, as she downed what was left of her cocktail.

We all chuckled. Sarah was not the only one rapidly getting used to drinking cocktails, this being our sixth alcoholic one, and I knew she was right. We did need to slow down if we were going to make it out tonight.

“Are you going to the BaBa’s tonight for the end-of-week ball?” I asked.

The ball, as I called it, was a disco where the dress code was for the men to dress smartly and the women to dress sexily. We have not been before, but Don and Ashley, who went last week, had recommended it. They told us that most guests went.

“We were going to ask you the same thing,” Don quickly replied. “Weren’t we, Ashley?”

Ashley then looked at us both and said, “Actually, we were wondering if we could go as a four and perhaps have a repeat of last night.” She looked at me and smiled. I wondered if she had plans for me, but I knew her ‘thing’ was watching Don or being with another lady.

I looked over to Sarah. “It’s your call, my dear. You wanted to choose what we did tonight.”

I had spoken to my girlfriend, deliberately trying to cover my uncertainty by impersonating Brenda. It was our little private joke, part of this new game. Sarah smiled back at me. She got it, though, of course, she was the only one who did.

“Yes, we are going tonight,” Sarah then announced. “But I like to suggest something slightly different, something which works for me. I'd like to go with Don as a couple. Like we are on a date and I would like Ashley to go with David and remain that way until the morning.”

Don briefly grinned, though it was only a warm smile when he turned and looked at Ashley. Her face remained neutral. We all knew Sarah’s suggestion was not her thing, and I wasn’t sure it was mine, either. But just for tonight, I had decided with the help of my cock to go along with Sarah’s proposal.

Sarah continued, “As you both know, last night was a first for us and afterwards, when we discussed it, I suggested to David this new arrangement. That’s if you two want to do it again.”

We all looked at each other.

Sarah then added, “Last night, I found it hard to watch David and Ashley. That is why I am suggesting this new arrangement… but only for tonight.”

I noticed Sarah look at Don and smile at him. My cock had already stirred in my trunks. Though as it did so, I silently told myself this would be the last time without a full and frank discussion with Sarah. I wanted to give her this one experience; it was only fair, after what I had done with Clare.

I also knew that what Sarah wanted was vastly different to what Ashley desired. She would want to watch, and perhaps even join in. It was what she did, but my ego suggested maybe she would make an exception to be with me.

Ashley whispered to Don, “We need to talk.

It was the same words that they used last night and I wondered just how experienced they were in this lifestyle. We were certainly newbies and perhaps a little more understanding was needed before we committed to tonight.

So I asked, “Before you let us know, how long have both of you been in the lifestyle?” 

They knew exactly what I was asking, and it slightly surprised me when it was Ashley who answered.

“Quite a long time in short, but I tell you our full story.”

Ashley took a large sip of her cocktail and then started their story…

“I met Don when I was eighteen and he was twenty-one. You might say it was love at first sight. Don was my first boyfriend, and he just swept me off my feet. We were married within a year and I fell pregnant soon after.

“Five years in and two children later, I started to get itchy feet. Putting it bluntly, I was thinking of what I missed out on, and about having an affair. I did and still do deeply love Don, but he was my only one, the only person who I had sex with, and I wondered what it might be like with others.

“Then I met Larry and did something that I still deeply regret, even today. I had an affair.”

Ashley looked at Don. His eyes seemed to be glazed. This was emotional for him, I thought, another alpha male with emotion… it wasn’t just me!

“You do not have to tell us if hurts too much, we do not want to open up old wounds,” Sarah said, as she looked at him. I, for once, was thinking the same thing.

“It’s okay,” Don said. “It should be all out in the open. We have been told it is actually good for us to talk about it, and let’s remember it is all in the past. To be honest, our love is stronger now than it ever has been.”

Ashley then leaned across and kissed Don. It was lovely to see, and like the soppy fool I can be, I copied the couple opposite us. I kissed Sarah. Despite being almost naked, it made her blush, and she playfully nudged me before I went too far!

Don and Ashley laughed at us, and with good timing, another order of cocktails appeared. Sarah got out of the pool, now not caring who saw her D-cup bazookas, her naked bum or, unknown to Sarah, her bikini-covered but still very visible shaven slit.

These cocktails were different, purple-coloured, not so strong, but sweet. They were called an Ultra Violet, and we all found them very moreish. I made a note to order them again, but on another day.

As we sipped our new cocktails, Ashley asked, “Now where were we?”

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You were just starting to have an affair with Larry,” I oafishly said, this time getting a larger nudge from Sarah, though Don actually laughed.

“Yes, well,” said Ashley. “It was a mistake, and we nearly broke up, but we had two children to consider. So we talked and perhaps had the most important talk of our lives.”

As Ashley spoke, we continued to sip our cocktails and take in the late afternoon sun.

“In short, at my request, we opened up our marriage by swinging as a couple. We found it fun at the start, but as the years went on Don started to find it harder to share me and at the same time, I found my fetish, voyeurism. To be more specific, I like watching Don with other women. I am what is called a cuckquean, though I do not like the term and never use it.

“So to answer your question, we have been swinging with other couples for nearly twenty years, though these days it is less often, and if I play, then it is normally with another woman.” Ashley glanced at Sarah, before returning to me. “You could say last night was an exception. So you were lucky, David.”

I smiled but kept quiet; as I knew whatever I said… would be wrong!

Ashley then added, “Did you know this hotel attracts swingers?”

I looked at Sarah and together we said, “NO, that wasn’t mentioned at the travel agents!”

That comment brought a chuckle from us all.

“Well, I'm not going to say all the couples here are swingers. They certainly are not, but the hotel does have a reputation within our swinger group, and I am certain that would be also true of other groups just like ours.”

Then Don looked at us and asked, “Why are you two interested in swinging? You are young and you both seem made for each other.”

I smiled and pulled Sarah close to show her that Don was right; we were made for each other.

“I tell you, but give me a minute, as it is not straightforward,” and with that, I disappeared. I think they assumed that I had gone to use the bathroom, which I did use. But that was not my main reason for going into the apartment. It was to retrieve a photo.

I came back and showed Don and Ashley the photograph. It was the one of Sarah and Clare standing by the side of my car at the Safari Park.

Don looked at Sarah and asked, “I’m not sure if I understand?”

Ashley then asked Sarah, “Who is the other girl, your girlfriend?

I started laughing, covering my arm as I did, though all I received this time from Sarah was a hard Paddington Bear stare.

“No, not quite… That is David’s other girlfriend, Clare. Though it is important to remember I am girlfriend number one.”

I stifled a second laugh. Sarah was right. She was technically girlfriend number one, and I understood why she said it, but in my eyes, they were both equal, and always would be.

Don and Ashley were still looking at each other, and then back at us. For me, it was obvious that they were still somewhat confused. Who wouldn’t be?

“The other girl, Clare, I explained…” and I went on to describe how we met, our relationship of three, and why I was now trying to give Sarah a little more sexual freedom. I tried to keep my explanation simple and more focused on the two girls than on me.

In my head, I knew there was still part of me still trying to justify what happened last night.

I said, “It was all part of trying to balance the sexual equilibrium between the two girls. As since Clare arrived on the scene, she has insisted on a non-exclusive sexual relationship with me. This holiday is just a case for both of us to dip our toes in the water into the world of sexually sharing, and exploring new things. We are definitely not looking for anything serious as we do love each other.”

Sarah squeezed my hand on hearing those last five words. It was both a sign of affection and support.

“Well, you have two beautiful girlfriends there, David,” Don said, with no hint of any jealousy, which I found a little disappointing. I had wanted him to tell me what a lucky bastard I was!

Ashley then asked Sarah a big question, one which we only discussed this morning…

“Sarah, are you bisexual and in a relationship with Clare?”

I tried to hide a smile.

After I had told our backstory, it was now no secret amongst the three of us that I liked the idea of Sarah and Clare having sex, and in doing so, making our three-way relationship more of an equilateral triangle. Though of course, in the longer term, I had to remain their main and hopefully only man.

Ashley continued, “The reason I ask is that I would be interested if you are, as it has been some time since I have been with another woman. To be with you would be quite, well… exquisite, and well, do I have to say more?”

Ashley’s eyes fell on Sarah’s boobs, where they joined both Don’s and mine.

“Would you be interested?” She then asked. Her eyes had not moved from my girlfriend’s body.

Sarah blushed and then looked at me. I was keeping a deadpan face though I had to keep it buried in my cocktail glass as there was a real danger that it could turn into a smirk.

“I do not know, Ashley. It is not that I am not interested because I am. My sexuality is a sort of work in progress. You could at a push say I am bi-curious.”

Sarah paused and Ashley cut in. “I didn’t realise I was bisexual until my mid-thirties. So it can take a while.”

Sarah smiled and then opened up a little. “I know. I have always had an interest in other girls. I did some experimenting, just a little, when I was younger. That desire to be with another woman has always been there. At home, I have always tried to keep it suppressed, but occasionally it bubbles up. So I not saying no, I am just saying maybe.”

I was smiling… and still drinking my cocktail.

“As for Clare, I don’t think she minds me telling you that she is bisexual. Probably more bisexual than I ever could be and yes, we played a little. Which I have enjoyed, but the question I ask myself is, do I want to take it further?”

I grinned when I heard this, and Sarah looked at me. She caught me grinning, and she knew exactly what I was thinking. She just nudged me to remove the smirk off my face and maybe for also having a dirty mind.

Her action did make Don and Ashley laugh at both of us.

“Well, the offer is there,” Ashley said with a smile as another drink arrived. This one was just a soft one, and once again Sarah did the honours. She knew what she was doing, all three of us staring and taking in her hot, sexy body as she made a small show of fetching the drinks.

With that, our conversation moved on and at six-thirty and one non-alcoholic cocktail later, our neighbours called it a night for using the pool and returned to their apartment to get ready.

Don and Ashley did not have their talk. Instead, they just agreed for us to meet them at their door at eight pm, where we were going to have new dates until the morning, Don and Sarah, David and Ashley.

Sarah sat with me for a short while. I was contemplating. “You know,” she quietly said. “We don’t have to do this. If you are not sure, we can just have a naughty evening together.”

I smiled. I liked the fact that Sarah had used the word naughty, not romantic, or quiet. I turned my head and kissed her, and said, “We will do this once, but tomorrow it's got to be all about us, our future, and that means we need to have an open and honest talk.”    

Sarah smiled. I knew she wanted tonight. She kissed me again. This time, it was harder and less platonic. My right hand naturally came up and caressed her naked left breast, which made Sarah giggle.

She brushed my hand away. “These are Don’s tonight,” she whispered and then wickedly smiled.

Sarah stepped out of the pool and stood on the top step, facing me. My eyes once again took in her near-naked body before focusing on her very visible bikini-covered slit.

Sarah chuckled. “I know you can see everything. I have known that since I first got them wet,” and then she untied the bikini bottoms’ string. They dropped to the floor, leaving her completely nude. She giggled again, turned, and then strutted completely naked into our apartment. She had left me in her wake, and to pick up her discarded bikini. With my cock leading the way, I followed her in… grinning.

Then it hit me.

For this holiday, Sarah was not only in the driving seat; she was also leading the way, step-by-step, in our new sexual adventure power game.




Later, as I sat there, changed and ready, I started to feel something new. It was anguish. Sarah was in the bathroom. She was getting ready for another man. Her date.

I thought back to last night. That had been different. Nothing planned, it sort of just happened. Yes, we both wanted it. But I was there, right at the heart of the action. Tonight, things had changed, as Sarah had totally planned it, with different rooms, and no chance for me to see her with Don.

But there was something else within me: it was excitement.

The anguish came from my stomach, my brain. The excitement came from my ego, my cock.

My penis had risen and was currently stirring the anguish and the excitement into a concoction that was now mixed within me. It was a new exciting sensation, and I wondered what the night held out for us, though I already knew.

Tonight I would be sleeping in a different bed, with a lovely older lady who I hardly knew, and she was not the type of woman I would normally be sexually interested in. I felt like a gigolo. I vowed that whatever happened with Sarah and Don, I would make sure that Ashley had a good night. I owed her that much.

I sat there, my mind drifting back home to my other girlfriend, Clare. It would soon be Saturday night and she would be out on the town with Karen, or maybe Brenda. I hoped she was safe and having fun.  

I then thought of Sarah’s parents, and what they would say if they knew about tonight. That she would be going out on a date and then sleeping with an older man, who was not me and, worse, was older than either of them?

I felt a shiver run down my back.

Then I thought of my parents. They loved Sarah. I knew they would not approve of what we were doing. They would tell us that we were foolish and stupid. That it would probably all end up in tears, my tears, when it all went wrong.

Then my mind turned to what Sarah had said earlier, “David, I need to ask, are you trying to turn both your girlfriends gay?”

I asked myself, was I?

I knew the answer was no, you cannot turn someone gay. But I did want them to further bond and with that, the three of us in a genuine three-way relationship, which hopefully would include full lesbian sex between the two girls. As Sarah had just said, it was a work in progress, just like tonight was going to be. 

With Sarah still getting ready for her date with Don, I made a new entry in my orange journal.

I titled it, “You cannot judge people on first appearances.”

The reason I wrote this was that Don and Ashley were quite different to what I had first thought of them yesterday. It was Ashley, and not Don, who was the driving force behind their swinging. Well, at least initially.

I smiled. They may have summed me up incorrectly last night, but they were not the only ones who had got it wrong…

I amended my journal entry, and this time, I got it right!

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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