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"Clare" - Chapter 3:- “Realisation”

"Clare's afternoon of girl-on-girl sex turnings into marathon."

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Author's Notes

"Set in 1987, Clare's afternoon of sex with Brenda turns into a sex marathon. Then Paula joins in and it becomes a threesome. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This chapter directly follows the last..."

With my embarrassment still raw, I entered Brenda’s bedroom and dropped my mauve dress on the floor. As I did so, I looked around at the seventeen full-sized, nude black and white framed photos that lined most of the grey bedroom walls. It felt like they were all staring at me, judging me.

All the photos were of Brenda’s previous official girlfriends. Each girl was fully nude and gazing into the camera; their pussies were fully shaven, just like mine, and their first names were inscribed on a little plaque inlaid at the bottom of each gray frame.

I couldn’t help wondering if any of them orgasmed like me, violently, prematurely, and in a gush. I knew it did not happen every time I masturbated or had sex, just occasionally when I was too excited. It worried me.

I wondered if I was normal, that I seemed to sometimes squirt, that I needed sex all the time. After all, only last night I had a threesome with David and Sarah, yet here I am this afternoon, horny and wanting sex with my lesbian girlfriend.

I walked over to the blank wall beyond number seventeen, a girl named Mia. This was the place where my photo would be hanging in the coming days as I was now officially Brenda’s eighteenth girlfriend. The grey frame for my photo was already there. It leaned against the wall, it was just waiting for my picture to be developed and printed to be fully life-size.

Feeling a little unsure, I noticed Brenda standing there watching me. She was dressed the same as on the landing. Her fake plastic cock still projecting out of her jeans fly, her black and white flowery blouse as fresh as when she had put it on this morning.

She was smiling at me; I weakly smiled back.

“Your photo will be up tomorrow,” Brenda announced as she walked over to me.

Even though she was smiling, I had the feeling that she was accessing me, and I felt a little concerned. But I sensed she felt that in me, too, that she knew me even though our relationship was new.

Brenda wrapped her arm around me and pointed to the photo of Mia, her girlfriend number seventeen.

“Clare, see Mia here.”

I looked at the black and white photo. She looked beautiful; maybe her family had originated in India as she had a sub-Asian look about her.

“I tried to encourage her to do what we did on the landing. She refused, ran off… You see, in the first days, I like to break my girls in. See how adaptable they are, whether they are up for a little hardcore fun.”

Brenda’s words were both surprising and confusing.

“Break in, like horses? … Hardcore fun?” I mumbled.

Brenda chuckled. She seemed to find my question amusing, but then abruptly stopped and looked at me while thinking.

“Yes, I guess you could put it that way, like horses, but I don’t think of you as a horse, my dear. What I am saying is with a new girlfriend, I like to consummate the relationship with something a little more extreme, risky; something to remember the first time.”

“I like to push hard, maybe a little rough, and see how each girl reacts before backing off and finding a more acceptable balance. You know the type of relationship I looking for; we find what works for us as a couple, but whatever happens, I will show you off.”

I took in my girlfriend's words, whilst still looking at my predecessor’s photo. Like all the other girls, she was beautiful, and I wasn’t quite sure if my photo would fit in.

“Mia didn’t last long,” Brenda sighed. “She found someone else, younger than me. She also had a boyfriend like you, Clare. But after three months with me, she left him, and a month later, she moved in with another woman. Mia still lives in the city, so you may meet her.”

I nodded, still unsure but listening, taking in what Brenda was saying, her arm now pulling me close, and her left hand now resting on my left buttock.

“You are special, Clare. As I have already told you on our date, you are the most beautiful girl I ever had the pleasure to call my girlfriend.”

Now I knew she was lying. Some of the other girls were stunning; all were beautiful. I turned towards Brenda, but I was unsure. I only had to look at Mia to know what Brenda had said was not true.

Uncertainty ran through me, but I found strength.

“I’m not sure I understand. Am I special because I am already a slut? That sometimes when I orgasm, I ejaculate like a man,” I remarked and then added without taking a breath. “Mia is beautiful, more attractive than me.”

I didn’t say it, but to me, all the girls hanging on the bedroom walls were striking. I found it hard to compare them to my looks.

“Clare, both David and I think you are special, and I know that I need to treat you right if I am going to keep you as my girlfriend.” Brenda paused; she was making sure she had my full attention.

She had it.

“And there is nothing to be embarrassed cumming like that, it is not uncommon. I wished all my girls had that ability. You see, I think of it as a compliment, as I know you must be sexually excited about what I am doing to you.”

I looked at Mia once again, her eyes still watching me. It was as if she was telling me something… It was something that I still had to grasp.

“Come here, my dear,” Brenda announced as she took my hand and took me through to the dressing room. On the way, she turned on the spotlights, illuminating me as I stood there naked in front of a mirror.

“Look at yourself, Clare, and tell me what you see.”

I suddenly felt very unsure, almost embarrassed. There I was in the spotlight, and a naked girl stood there in the mirror. I knew it was me, but sometimes I still saw those small boobs and gangly features. I glanced at Brenda, her figure somewhat silhouetted as all the light seemed to be shining on me.

“Go on, my dear.”

My eyes returned to the mirror, and I studied my body. It was something that I regularly did, but I was never happy with what I saw; I always found faults and things that could be better.

I remained mute.

“What I see is a beautiful, sexy, bisexual woman,” Brenda stated. “When you walk into any room, people will notice you, your looks, your elegance, your charm. Clare, you are intelligent and gifted; why don’t you see it?”

“I don’t know, Brenda,” I whispered as I turned to look at my bottom. It seemed different, fuller, since I last looked at it. My chest seemed fuller too, though I realised it couldn’t be as I had been a C-cup bra size ever since I turned eighteen.

In life, I always tried to project a confident image, but I had insecurities about my body, my family, and even my sex life and sexuality.  

“Clare, my dear, I want to show you this.”

Brenda went over to a drawer and pulled out a very large brown envelope; inside were three eighteen by twenty-four inch black and white, fully nude prints of me. They were each slightly different and had been taken when I modelled for her only yesterday.

“Clare, these I produced last night for your approval. With your agreement, I planning to get one printed life-size to add to my collection on my bedroom wall.”

I looked at them and then stared as I didn’t recognise myself; it was unexpected. I looked just like a model, dare I say stunning. I didn’t understand; the camera never loved me.

Brenda was grinning, “Which one do you want me to use, my dear?”

She knew, and I could only answer with a shrug as I went back to the mirror, and I gazed at myself with a more open mind. Those historic images of me suddenly flashed into my head and then popped a new realisation. My tits were firm and large. My stomach was trim, and my bottom was shapely, not flat like a washboard. I knew my legs were long, they always had been but now they were sexy and then I looked at my face.

“You are beautiful, Clare, how come you don’t see it?”

Perhaps, I could, though not as beautiful as Sarah, though I certainly wasn’t ugly. I was seeing myself for the first time differently, and I realised that Brenda, David and even Sarah were right… I had changed, and with the right make-up, I did have model looks.

Picking up one of the black and white photos, I grinned. I got it.

“Brenda, I knew my body had changed but I didn’t realise it could be made to look so good. Paula did a wonderful job on my make-up and you know how to make a girl look good through the camera lens.”

Brenda looked at me, she was in disbelief.

My grin got wider. “Okay, I admit it; I may have somehow got beautiful.”

“Fucking hot,” Brenda remarked as she took the photo from me and then pulled me close. Her hard fake cock prodded my sex; its unexpected touch made me jump and my girlfriend chuckle.    

“Bed, my dear,” she whispered as her left hand squeezed my bottom; and then guided me to it.  

Brenda’s bed was huge, built to sleep six or maybe eight. It was our bed now. Like in all of the nine bedrooms, it had that huge mirror above which was secured to the ceiling.

I felt reassured, suddenly full of energy… Brenda was right, somewhere in the last few months I had gotten beautiful though I still didn’t dare say it.

My girlfriend gave me a little shove as she pushed me until I sat there naked on the bed. She wanted me to watch her undressing. I grinned; I desired that too.  

While Brenda may be older than me and perhaps not as good-looking as some women, there is something about her that made her so very attractive to me. As I sat there watching, my pussy once again aching, wanting attention. It needed to be fucked silly and make up for the earlier lack of action.

I wanted to experience what sex is like with a dominant lesbian like Brenda.  

Brenda removed her T-shirt. She then folded it and carefully put it on a nearby chair. I glanced at my crumpled mauve dress on the floor. I felt guilty. It was one that Brenda had bought me, and I had dropped it without thinking, as I got lost in my self-doubts. I quickly picked it up, then folded it and then placed it on a chair.

She didn’t say anything, but Brenda did smile at my action. It gave me a sudden burst of new confidence, and I retook my position on the bed.

Then, whilst watching my girlfriend, I laid back and spread my legs, my bald pussy facing her, urging her to quickly get naked and join me. I was not so subtly reminding her that I needed some attention.

“All in good time, my dear,” Brenda chuckled. She was still dressed in a heavy bra and baggy jeans.

For me, her words sounded as if we had all the time in the world, but once again, my pussy was ready to be filled. This time it was gently simmering, not overcooked. I dropped my hand between my legs and started to slowly masturbate as I watched Brenda undress.

My action brought another chuckle from Brenda as she carefully undid her bra, and then deliberately placed it next to her already discarded blouse on the chair.

I lay there, my fingers gently working between my legs. As I did so, I took in the vision of Brenda’s large breasts with their pierced nipples, their purple amethyst jewels dangling from them. My already wet pussy dampened. With this new confidence, I looked up at the ceiling mirror. My naked form smiling down at me; the only hair on my body was on my head.

I glance around the room at the photos of all of Brenda’s former girlfriends. They were my peers, all seventeen of them watching our official consummation. I touched myself and hoped on penetration that I would not instantly cum.

I so needed to be fucked by Brenda!

I looked back at Brenda as she removed her baggy jeans, and then folded them neatly, before placing them on the chair. For the first time, all of her black piece and its harness came into view. Behind it, just sticking out around the harness edges was a mass of black curly pubic hair. While all her girlfriends, girls like me had to be shaven, Brenda did not shave at all. She was a bull lesbian and according to her, that means you keep your pussy natural.

Apart from her piece, which was erect and glaring at me, Brenda was nude and ready for sex.

My dear, I just need to change.”

Brenda’s words were surprising, even exasperating; I was primed and ready to fuck. All I could do was watch as my girlfriend turned and disappeared into her dressing room, her bare bottom smiling at me as she disappeared.

A couple of minutes later, with me now off the boil, Brenda reappeared. She had changed to wear a larger black piece, which she was still clipping into place. Though it was the same colour, this one was thicker, its girth at least a couple of inches. It was longer, too, not as long as Alan, but a good eight inches. A brief pang of uncertainty hit me, I felt unsure, yet very willing, and my pussy started to come to a bubble again. I fidgeted, my legs opened and closed. The time had come when my girlfriend was going to fuck me, break me in.

Brenda stopped by the bed. She looked at me and took in my beauty. As she did so, I struggled to wait; I needed this new experience now. I needed us to truly consummate our relationship.

“Soon, my dear; I needed to change into something more suitable.”

I looked at Brenda’s fake cock, and I realised it was one of her expensive models, which also went into her. It was how she sexually got off.

With her black plastic strap-on flapping around in front of me, she reached into a side draw and brought out a large jar of clear and runny lube.

“We going to need this,” she grinned. “Lots of it, as I am planning to fuck you all afternoon,” Brenda grinned and then chuckled, “Remember, unlike David, I can keep going and going. Also, if I want to, I can change my piece and fuck you with a larger one.”

I just shivered at that thought, my pussy leaking its juice, my fingers so close, yet not daring to touch it in case I came. I was now a girl on heat, and I needed Brenda to fuck me and relieve the sexual tension.

Brenda lubed herself before turning her attention to my pussy.

“Your soaking, I am not sure I need any of this. But we use some now as want to fuck you later with my bigger piece!”

I was not sure if she was teasing but I could not help it. I felt my pussy quiver, it was a small pulse of pleasure driven by the mere thought of what was about to happen. I was laying there, my legs spread wide and my pussy open. We both knew I was desperate to feel Brenda’s cock, and have this new sexual experience.

“You are full of surprises my dear, I see I am going to have some fun with you,” Brenda chuckled and then almost cruelly added. “Maybe I will need to fuck you a little longer and harder than I planned.”

Brenda applied lube to my pussy, its coldness doing little to take off the edge of my sexual hunger. She paused, her hand positioning her long thick plastic cock at my entrance. I lay there, waiting to take my pleasure and experience the joys of having sex with a dominant female.

“Oh… maybe I forgot to mention, Paula will be joining us later.

I knew Brenda was playing with my thoughts in my head; she hadn’t mentioned Paula. She was fucking my mind; it worked. I gurgled a moan, my pussy still waiting for the plastic invasion.   

I felt Brenda once again positioning her large silicon strap-on at my pussy entrance, my legs spread as wide as they could go. I felt wanton and filled with sexual anticipation… that I was just about to have the best sex of my life.

Then Brenda started talking dirty to me, a new experience and in my aroused state, it had a real effect, though I knew she was still fucking my mind.

“You are one horny bitch, aren't you? Do you want my cock in your cunt...” The crude, dirty talk went on, though it was not needed. My pussy was already hers. I was submissive, her sex toy.

“Please fuck me, just fuck me,” was all I could say as Brenda’s dirty words carried on. My head was now full of crude possibilities, most messages of the sex we were just about to engage in.

I felt two fingers into me and pull me further apart; then unexpectedly, she added extra cool lube. She then used all her fingers and worked my pussy to stretch it open, even more than she did on the landing.

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“Please fuck me,” I begged, my pussy now awash with both my juice and lube.

“Oh, I plan to fuck your cunt, do not worry, my dear. When I finish with you, your cunt will be sore and gaping open.”

My body convulsed at the thought, and I had another small cum. Twice I thought, I already cum twice today, the second time when she was only fucking with my mind. I felt desperate; I needed some plastic cock in me now; we both knew it. I tried to pull her black rod into me, but Brenda was too strong. She just teased me with it and then reminded me of what she was going to do to me once again.

It wasn’t needed.

With my sexual juice running out of me at last, I felt her hard, black piece touch my pussy lips. She pushed down gently, and her piece slid in an inch or so as I felt myself being stretched and filled, and I came again. I just could not stop myself from cumming; I was in some sort of sexual zone.

All I could do was moan, before I came again, all over Brenda’s fake, silicon cock. It was my third small cum in as many minutes, but Brenda didn’t seem to care. She was in her zone, giving both of us sexual pleasure.

Brenda slowly worked her black piece into my pussy. It stretched to accommodate, and within a few minutes, I was taking it all and meeting her with every stroke. We found our position, our rhythm.

She was calling me all these names, “Her bitch, her whore, her fuck toy and the one she used most, her slut.”

At that moment, I did not care. I was receiving the best fucking of my life, and I just loved it as I came and came, returning Brenda’s thrust with equal vigour.

We carried on fucking, me on the bottom with her on top and sometimes but not often pausing for a little rest. I watched us in the mirror above, Brenda pounding me, her bottom still smiling as she gave me pleasure. I wrapped my legs around her and pulled her tight into me. I needed every inch of her fake cock, my sexual buttons urging me to take it all. At that moment, all I desired was for Brenda to fuck me raw.

We just fucked and fucked in the missionary position. Time seemed to have no meaning; our mutual sexual bliss was the only thing that mattered. Brenda nipped my neck, earlobes and tits. She kept calling me a fucking slut, but at a point in time, it was exactly how I felt.

I was her fucking slut.

I just came and came, squirting my girly cum. I knew the bed was soaked with my juice, but I wanted more; I needed more.

I was hooked.

Both Brenda and I were moaning as she pounded me.

I noticed that she was cumming as well, with her piece working her clitoris and also her pussy hole. We were both in what seemed an everlasting orgasmic whirl. It was the first time I ever had that feeling, and it was one of continued lust and sexual pleasure. 

Eventually, we stopped and took a break. Brenda had fucked me for forty-five minutes straight, and I put my hand down to feel myself, and I was a little shocked. As Brenda had promised, my pussy was now loose, even gaping open. If I had wanted to, with a little effort, I could have put my whole hand in.

“Do not worry, your cunt will close back up in a day or two,” Brenda chuckled. “I have seen many in my time, and I can tell you have a naturally big one… It is built for large cocks like mine.”

I was not sure I wanted to know that!

But I shuddered at the thought. Despite cumming multiple times, I knew we would soon fuck again, and that was exactly what I wanted; it felt like I was now addicted to Brenda’s silicone cock.

My girlfriend went and got me two large glasses of water. It was to help stop me from getting dehydrated. We then cuddled up for a while, we kissed a few times, and Brenda told me how lovely I was. All the time that we were doing this, I could feel her hard plastic erection pressing against my thigh.

We talked like lovers do. I once again explained that I had never experienced sex quite like this and that perhaps Brenda was unique. I asked her if she wanted me to go down on her like I had so many times done with Jaz. It surprised me to learn from Brenda that she had rarely ever gone down on a girl or a girl to go down on her. She explained to me that her sexual pleasure came from doing what we had just done, showing off her girlfriends and occasionally sharing them with other lesbians.    

“So you going to share me we others?” I casually asked, knowing it was one of Brenda’s rules and that Paula was most likely going to be joining a little later, though I wasn’t too sure if she had been only teasing me on that last point.

“Most certainly, my dear, all will become clear on Friday when we go to Rainbows as a couple.”

Nothing more was said, though I wanted to ask questions; lots of questions.

Instead, Brenda got up, and with her big black piece still erect, she walked to the bedroom landing to smoke a cigarette. I joined her; I stood there naked… hidden from view by the opaque glass that surrounded us.

As we quietly smoked, Brenda kept smiling as she looked at me. It made me feel warm and wanted. I moved a little closer to her. We took in the view; you could see miles from our high vantage point. The houses that were below us stretched to the big forest, our view taking way beyond. I pointed out the park near where I lived, and the road where my parent's house was located that ran off it; it was only a mile away.     

Brenda seemed to take in my every word; she seemed genuinely interested in me.

As our cigarettes reduced, my new bull girlfriend reached out and started to run her fingers around my areoles. Then down over my shaven mound to my pussy to get them wet before coming back up again. I kept my legs open, and I made sure Brenda knew I wanted her again. It wasn’t long before we were kissing,

We finished our cigarettes and returned to the bedroom, the smell of our earlier sex still lingering there. I climbed back on the bed.

“Wait a minute, my dear. I just need to change,” Brenda instructed. She disappeared into her dressing room. I guessed what she was doing and wondered how big it would be.

A few minutes later, she reappeared with a new erect fake cock. This one shocked me; it looked menacing. Though it was slightly shorter, its girth was wider, at least by another half inch. But it wasn’t either of those things that caught my awareness.

It was the colour and its shape.

Brenda’s new piece looked nothing like a penis, it tapered, and its widest point, at least three inches, started a third of the way down and ran to its furthest end. But it was the colour that had most of my attention, it was pink. Not a skin-coloured pink… a shocking pink that seemed to glow; it definitely had my attention.

I noticed Brenda was grinning at me, probably taking my shocked expression.

“I think you're ready for this one now. Lots of my girls like it as it will squirt inside you as we cum.”

I looked again, a little more closely and realised there was a hole in the end, just like a real penis. Maybe I had been blinded by the piece's colour, but I had overlooked it.

“Don’t worry, my dear, it is safe; it squirts water-based cum, which I especially have made for me.”

I weakly smiled back. I was more worried by the size of Brenda’s new cock. My pussy already felt loose; this one looked like it had been designed to stretch me further. I laid back on the bed, spread my legs, and Brenda then put a generous amount of lube on both her piece and me.

There was no teasing this time and no swear words as Brenda gently eased her new piece into me, inch by inch, slowly, sometimes stopping to let me get used to its girth.

“Fuck,” I moaned as I was stretched ever wider, my pussy slowly giving in to the massive new shocking pink invader. My pussy was being rewarded with both pleasure and pain as it was stretched ever wider. Then her piece bottomed out. I had taken it all.

Brenda grinned and lovingly kissed me, then stated. “Not many girls your age can take this one straight away, but with time, they soon get used to it.”

Her words made me think back to her earlier comment, that I had a naturally big cunt. Maybe Brenda was right; I was getting used to this large dildo. It wasn’t long before Brenda started to slowly move back and forth.

This time, it was different; there was no urgency. I wasn’t Brenda’s slut; I was her girlfriend, and we were making love. With every stroke, my pussy seemed to get a little more use to my girlfriend's fake cock size, and I once again wrapped my legs around her.

As we rocked together, we kissed, we touched and explored each other’s bodies with our hands.

During our lovemaking, we were also getting to know what worked, our erogenous zones. I moaned, maybe even screamed as I came. Brenda seemed to purr when she came; the only difference since we started was the sweat on her brow. We rocked together as time became our own.

Later, I asked if we could change positions; I wanted to ride Brenda’s shocking pink invader. My question seemed to catch her by surprise. We stopped, applied more lube, drank water and then I lowered myself back down onto Brenda's piece. As I did so, I could feel every little sensation, that pleasant feeling of being stretched. I just groan, but there was no pain as my pussy had adjusted to the pink piece's size.   

I leaned back, taking every inch, and then just started to bounce; simultaneously, my fingers began to work my clit. Below me, Brenda watched me, her eyes wide, unbelieving, taking in my view. She was making small gurgles below me. Her orgasm seemed as close as mine.

We went back to fucking, though this time, I was in control. Bring my oncoming climax to the fore, working my clitoris, moaning, groaning, making sounds that I didn’t know I could make. My pussy telling me it liked this sex, and then it happened.

I started to cum.

My head went back, Brenda’s shocking pink piece now deep in me. I groaned… Brenda grunted… She was cumming, too, and then it happened… I felt her shudder beneath me; then I squealed; we came.

Well, I gushed; my cunt was now the centre of my universe. I felt Brenda cumming, too, her fake cock squirting its man-made cum into me.

With our climax complete, I collapsed onto Brenda, kissed her and then carefully rolled away. My pussy was now a little sore, and I thought completely satisfied.

It was only then I noticed Paula in the room; she had been watching us and was grinning.

“Oh my,” she exhaled as she looked between my legs. Then her eyes flicked to Brenda; it occurred to me that Paula was surprised to see her underneath me. After all, Brenda had told me that she liked to be in control, do all the fucking.

Nothing was said, and I finished both my glasses of water and then used the bathroom. I noticed my pussy was now a little sore and hanging open.

When I returned, the first thing I saw was Paula naked on the bed, her legs open. Brenda was also there, she had refreshed my two glasses of water. She still had on the shocking pink invader piece.

Both the ladies looked at me as I re-entered Brenda’s bedroom. I suddenly realised that the sex was not over and that I was expected to perform once again, this time with Paula.

But I wasn’t sure I could.

Brenda and I had been fucking all afternoon, and my pussy was also a little sore. It definitely was looser. I hesitated, though I could feel their eyes on me. The bed was a mess, with wet patches in several places. Then I looked between Paula’s legs, her bald pussy and the four gold rings that decorated it, two on each side of her slit.

I looked at Brenda; she was grinning at me. I knew what she wanted me to do; go down on Paula, bring her off with my tongue.

My body felt tired, but I did what came naturally; I crawled between Paula’s outstretched legs and looked at her pussy. Even if it didn’t have the adornment, it was so different to mine. Her labia were large, hanging and, of course, pierced. I guessed Jill’s work. Her hole seemed large, her clitoris longer, but as I pushed my tongue between her folds, one thing felt the same: her taste.

This was the type of lesbian sex which I was used to, and it wasn’t long before I was licking and probing away. I soon had Paula moaning, and Brenda started to give me instructions as she watched.

“Lick the bitch, use your finger as well, spread her bum cheeks, and tongue her asshole...”

There were many more. Brenda was in full flow; Paula was not the only woman who had their juices flowing. My well-used cunt was hungry. It may have been sore, but it needed to be filled. I wiggled my bum to give Brenda a hint.

She got it.

I felt something cold, the lube, and then Brenda pushed her piece into me. This time she was not so gentle, but my pussy seemed in tune with the shocking pink toy. There was no pain, only pleasure.

Paula’s legs were high, up behind her head, making both her pussy and ass available to me. I went for her ass, my tongue licking, probing her rear hole. She moaned and bucked as my face was plastered with her girly juice.    

Yes, Clare, tongue that tasty asshole,” Brenda roared as she started to bang me. Neither lady knew how much I loved ass play.

I pushed my tongue once again into Paula’s ass, my nose now in her pussy; her fingers frigging her engorged clitoris. Brenda pounded me from the rear; coarse language, groans, moans, and cries filled the room. I was exhausted yet in a land of sexual bliss.

Paula bucked and then came as her orgasm took over her body. She covered my face with her pussy juice. It was a trigger for me to cum. My engorged vagina once again chose to gush; it squirted my girly cum down my legs and onto the bed.

I collapsed.  Only aware that Brenda had stopped fucking me from behind, and that my pussy was once again full of fake sperm. After that, I entered into a world that was new to me, the world of complete sexual exhaustion.

I had cum so hard that I had literately passed out for a few seconds; all my energy had gone. Brenda carefully withdrew her pink piece, and Paula rolled me over as I slowly came back to the world of the living. I have to say I was “totally” sexually satisfied.

I looked up at both Brenda and Paula and smiled.

“That was nice… Have I been broken in yet?” I asked.

It was all the words I had the strength left to say, but it made the two older ladies laugh. I joined them as it was just about the only thing I had the energy left to do. I had just learnt what it was like to be fucked raw… and it was fantastic.

I just lay there smiling, as I recovered my energy.

“The bath is ready,” I heard Paula state.

After drinking more water, I sat up and looked at my bruised and battered pussy. It didn’t surprise me that it gaped open and was sore. I also noticed that the bedsheets now had a large area that was entirely saturated with both girl and fake cock cum, and I guessed most of it was mine.

Paula then said again. “The bath is ready,” and with that, the three of us went into Brenda’s ensuite bathroom. As I walked there, I must say I was still a little unsteady on my feet, with my pussy telling me that it was still there but now in a raw and tender state.

I noticed that Brenda had now removed her piece and harness. Her extremely hairy pussy was now in full view, it was so different to mine and Paula’s, yet only yesterday, mine had been not so different. So much had changed since I chose to have all my pubic hair removed.  

The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon in the sunken bath talking. While sitting there, I was carefully fully washed by both Brenda and Paula. It was lovely, relaxing and also exactly what I needed.

Brenda then looked at me closely and said something I did not expect her to say…

Thank you for becoming my girlfriend.

I returned a smile and then kissed her before saying, “It’s mostly all my pleasure.”

It had been; I just had the best sex of my young life. But there were two other things I had learnt today, and neither had to do with sex. These were…

I just might be beautiful after all, and the realisation I was certainly now Brenda’s girl.

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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