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"Crete" - Chapter 2:- “Anklet”

"It is 1987 and David and Sarah's holiday sexual adventure begins"

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Author's Notes

"This chapter represents the start of Book 3 - "Crete." Please read chapter one, "Recap," if you want to know the background story, that chapter covers my first two Books. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This story is set in 1987 and just like the whole book, is told from David's POV."

Our flight to Crete was on time. Sarah and I were at Gatwick airport, waiting to board our flight. Even with the early morning time, we couldn’t stop grinning at each other as we were in love, this being our first holiday together.

I looked at Sarah. She had still not told me what she had brought with her to wear and I couldn’t help being intrigued, and hoping that the clothes would show plenty of Sarah’s beautiful body.

A week ago, Sarah had gone on a shopping trip to the city with her best friend, Lisa. It was to buy some sexy clothes just for this holiday, but when she returned, Sarah simply refused to tell or show me any of them. They were her secret, and it was going to stay that way until we were in Crete and, according to her, officially on holiday.

As we sat there waiting for our call, I warmly hinted, “We are on holiday now.”

Sarah smiled at me. She knew what I was on about… yet again!

“As I have told you many times, David, it is going to be a surprise,” Sarah calmly replied, with more than a hint of a wicked grin. It was all she would tell me about her new clothes.

Sarah knew how my brain worked, and the intoxicating thoughts my mind was having; how it had gone into overdrive. I was overthinking and imagining an almost-dressed Sarah parading around the hotel on my arm, with well-hung men drooling over her, my hot girl. They were desires I tried to keep in check, but I still could not help but smile as I looked at Sarah, my cock hardening yet again in my shorts.

The tannoy speakers came to life. Our gate was open. We were going on holiday together, one we were both very much looking forward to. As we took our place in the gate line, I could not but help look down at the shiny gold chain that now adorned Sarah’s right ankle.




With permission from Sarah’s parents, Barbara and James, I stayed Thursday night at Sarah’s home where I had given her some new jewellery. It was a thin gold chain with a clasp.

To start with, Sarah tried to put it on her wrist so I quietly explained…

“It is not a bracelet, it’s an anklet, and it is a symbol of our new alternative lifestyle.”

I was still unsure if I really wanted this. All I did know was I wanted Clare, and I wanted Sarah to be happy, and just maybe, more like Clare.

But could I handle it, sharing Sarah?  

My cock frequently told me that I could, but I needed to add a little more, to protect my sanity, a get-out clause, something to stop Sarah from going too far; and keeping her love all mine.

So I said, “Well, maybe it’s just an alternative lifestyle for this holiday.” I smiled; those words made me feel better.

Sarah questioned, “An alternative lifestyle for this holiday?” Unsurprisingly, she did not understand what I had meant, and in some ways, I was not sure that I entirely did either!

“Yes, you put it around your right ankle, and it is a symbol that you are available to sleep with other people. Some call it being a hotwife but in your case, a hot girlfriend.” I weakly smiled, and then added, “I have been reading about it in a men’s magazine, though I do not know more than that.”  

I had deliberately used the word people, as I wanted to make it clear that I was not just talking about men. I wanted Sarah to carry on exploring the curiosity she had about being bisexual, as I knew I could handle that! After all, Clare, my other girlfriend, was already sleeping with Brenda.

Sarah looked at me, before saying, “I know you want me to have sex with other men, but are you sure?”

I wasn’t, so I corrected Sarah.

“I don’t want you to have sex with other men. I am just saying as Clare is exploring her sexuality, it seems only fair to offer you the same; just for this holiday.”

Sarah glanced at the thin gold chain and then added, this time with a worried tone, “Are you saying people who see this on my right ankle will know I may be available for sex?”

“I don’t know,” I quickly answered. I didn’t… “But it is a well-known symbol and people already in the lifestyle will probably know it. Well, that’s what it said in the magazine.”

I was struggling to explain, and I told myself I only wanted Sarah to have sex with other people to keep her happy, but there was something else. The thought also excited me. I was still trying to understand why, but a new feeling had stirred deep within me and it was slowly growing. It was because of Clare, and it had grown in the last couple of days as the holiday approached.

My cock seemed to know what it wanted, but my brain was not so sure, and there was an internal struggle between the two. The feeling was one of both pain and pleasure, a cocktail of uncertainty.

Could I get pleasure from watching and sharing Sarah without the hurt and emotion that came with it? I simply didn’t know without trying.  

All I knew was Clare was already sleeping with others. She had given me no choice if she was going to be my girlfriend; I needed Sarah not to be jealous of Clare. I wanted her happy and above all; I needed to keep them both as my girlfriends.

After all, I was meant to be the alpha male, the only man I knew who had two hot girlfriends.

I softly said to Sarah, “What I am saying is when you wear it, you have permission from me to flirt with men or women.” I gently smiled; I liked the idea of her flirting with other women, though I was not sure that would ever happen.  

I continued, though I was still unsure, “And, well, maybe… have sex with them, but there are rules.”

“Rules… like Brenda’s?” Sarah questioned. She looked a little upset, and I wasn’t sure why, but I hoped it was not because she wanted complete sexual freedom, as Clare had from me. Brenda had set her sexual rules.  

“Are you worried about me?” Sarah then questioned before I had time to react. “I don’t want to be handed around like Clare’s is going to be by Brenda.”  

Sarah was talking about Brenda’s most extreme rule, that Brenda could instruct Clare to sleep with other lesbians, mainly butch lesbians like herself.  

“Yes, of course, I worry about you,” I sharply replied. I was concerned about everything when it came to Sarah and Clare; I couldn’t help it.

I was worried, so I quietly added, “That is why I have these David rules and they are nothing like Brenda’s, so don’t worry.”

I loved Sarah, and I wanted her safe, but I also wanted her to be a little more like Clare or even a lot more, yes slutty and, above all, happy and safe.

Sarah now seemed a little more relaxed. She looked at me, so I calmly continued…  

“Rule one is no secrets. Everything has to be open, honest and discussed between us. This rule is because I love you and I find it hard to let someone you love have sex with others.”

I paused and then added a little more, though I knew I was very guilty of this. “Sarah, I just cannot deal with lies and cheating.”

It was true that listening to Clare’s and Sarah’s past sexual escapades had been exciting and it had got me aroused, but this was different. Sarah was mine, all mine. It was difficult for me, but I also knew it could be extremely arousing. I had to let her sexually fly if I wanted to keep Sarah long-term, but I also wanted some control.

Sarah looked at me; her deep blue eyes were sharp, and not watery. Then she gazed at the gold anklet, which was still in her fingers. She was thinking; she didn’t seem that upset.

She then said, “But I do not want to have sex with others. You are the one I want and I still only want you, even after Clare’s arrival. Actually, I want you more than ever.”

I went warm inside. But I wasn’t sure. I tried to understand, and ask myself, was that true?

Did Sarah want me more than ever?

Was it because Clare had arrived on the scene?

They were now Rivals! … As well as newfound friends.

Despite the urges, I had no strong desire for Sarah to have sex with others. I was not going to demand it, but I believed I knew her. She may be saying this now, but in a few months, she would start resenting Clare and possibly even me. It would be too late then. I needed to keep the balance, the sexual equilibrium…

I had no choice but to offer this now.

I paused…

I thought about it again. My cock and the rational part of my brain were still talking, arguing about what I should do. I was still unsure, but my instincts were now starting to tell me to do this. That now I have given Clare her sexual freedom; I had to do the same with Sarah.

I had to treat both girls the same if I wanted to keep them both… forever!

Sarah was staring at me. She knew I was thinking about what she had just said.

I smiled, as realised it was also better to have this conversation now and leave the door open for Sarah to sexually explore and maybe even bloom, even if that opportunity did not arise on our first holiday together. I just needed to have it out there, just in case… yes… keep the equilibrium, and not have the chance to become resentful.

But I needed to make sure there were rules. I wanted some say and stability, and with it, hopefully, some peace of mind. So I said…

“Sarah, I am not saying you have to sleep with others. I am just saying the door is open for discussion… that is, should the situation ever arise. This is for the holiday only. When we get home, I fully intend for us to be back in a full-time monogamist relationship with you, me, and Clare!” Yes, I knew I was bending the definition of monogamy slightly in my favour and I stifled a smile, which luckily Sarah did not pick up on.

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Sarah stated, “Okay, just for the holiday,” and then she smiled.

It was a smile that triggered my stomach to roll and my cock to nod, both at the same time and I questioned…

What was the matter with me?

It was a question that once again had my brain engaged with my cock, and together, they both agreed that they had the feeling that Sarah was not one hundred per cent against this new open relationship situation!

That internal feeling was one I had before with her. It made me pleased to get back to the serenity of my rules.

“So rule one is, just being open and honest with one another, nothing more,” I said before carrying on with rule two.

“Rule two is… I must be there in the same room if I am not participating with you. I need to be at least watching.”

I waited for Sarah to say something, but surprisingly she stayed quiet. She was thinking, and I took that to mean that Sarah had agreed. So I went on…  

“Rule three is a simple one, condoms must be used.”

Sarah went to say something, but I cut her off. “No arguments, as this is for your and my, and for that matter Clare’s safety.” I smiled.

Sarah suddenly stated, “You have really thought about this.” She was right!

I had really thought about this as it was the only way I could see us moving forward as a three. I wanted to keep Sarah, and that was something I not only wanted, but it was also something I now needed… I had fallen deeply in love with her, but the same was also true with Clare!

The unspoken, real issue was with me, and whether I could cope with sharing Sarah. It was bad enough with Clare and I had been sharing her ever since we met in Majorca. I had noticed, equally unsaid, that Clare didn’t seem to have an issue with sharing me with Sarah, and it also occurred to me. Sarah now seemed happy to share me with Clare!

It made me realise that Sarah was already changing.

“Yes, I have thought about it,” I said in answering Sarah’s question. “But I may need to adjust the rules in the future and that is rule four. I have the right to change the rules if I want to,” I smiled, as I said this. It was another get-out clause.

Sarah asked, “And what about me… Can I change these rules?”

It was a fair question, so I gave her a very fair answer.

“These are my rules, and I am running a dictatorship, which, unfortunately for you, means I get the only vote that is going! Sorry.” I wanted to smile, but I chose wisely to move on… quickly.

“The last rule, rule five, is this hot girlfriend ONLY applies when you wearing the anklet. If I ask you to take it off or you take it off, then we are back to strict monogamy. That rule applies both ways.”  

I looked at Sarah and I could see she was a little confused.

“I will explain that last rule a little better. You do not have to wear a gold anklet all the time. You can take it off, but when you do, we are a normal, monogamous couple. If you choose to put it back on, then you are back to a hot girlfriend. It is like a signal that you sending to me, and perhaps others.”

When I said this, I was thinking that it was more of a signal for Sarah and her state of mind. It would be a message that I would find exciting and understand. It also made me wonder when Sarah wore the anklet whether she might also change her persona, maybe act a little differently, and be more like Clare.

“The last part, that rule applies both ways… If you are having sex with someone other than me, then I have the same right to have sex with their partner; that is, if I choose to… But, I promise you, Sarah, I will not be looking to sleep with other women other than you and Clare. This is about you and your sexual freedom, as I have already said, many times…”

I warmly smiled and added, “You and Clare are the only girls I want, and that is because I love you both.”

I then asked, “Have you any questions, Sarah?”

“So if I take this off, I effectively stopped being a hot girlfriend?”

“Yes, that is right, but only in terms of these rules. To me, you will always be my hot girlfriend.”

It was a corny line… I knew it; Sarah knew it… but it worked!

Sarah warmly smiled at me, but she had not finished what she wanted to say. There was something else on her mind. It was something important…

“This could be like home-cooked apple pie,” Sarah said with genuine concern.

I didn’t understand her analogy.

“You have it offered to you. It looks good, smells good and you take a bite… It also tastes good… So you have another bite and before you know it, all you are doing is eating apple pie.”

Sarah then questioned, “Doesn’t that worry you?”

It did. It was a gentle warning; a reminder to both my cock and me that this could go too far as it had with Jerry. Then, it got out of control, as Sarah had explained to me in the past.

I had not even addressed that question.

How far did I want this to go?  

Once it had started, maybe it would be too late. Sarah was a beautiful woman, and I knew there would be endless suitors for her to fuck if she really wanted to. That is why I had reserved the right to start or stop this dangerous game. I knew it could become addictive and that addiction might not only be Sarah’s problem.

While I probably could accept sharing her body, one thing was for certain: I did not want to lose Sarah in a world of lust and sex, as I knew I could never share her love with another man.

I looked at the anklet in Sarah’s hand. “I think you should start the holiday wearing it and go from there.”

I then softly added, “You need to think about what sort of future you want with me and Clare, the three of us. But whatever you decide, I promise I will never leave you all the while you love me.”

I said that with real meaning and then I gently said what I truly was feeling.

“Sarah, I love you very much and I would be very happy for us and Clare to be exclusive to one another. But Clare has made it very clear to me that she wants to sleep around with other women. Well, at least for the next few months…” My voice trailed off as I briefly thought of Clare, hoping that desire would not last too long.

“I feel it is only fair to offer you the same sexual freedom as Clare, though I find it very hard to offer it, hence the anklet. Please, think of it as a starting point and from now on, it is up to you.”

Sarah looked at me; I felt her mind ticking. She was calculating behind those deep blue eyes.

I carried on. “Once you are in that lifestyle the numbers can quickly add up, let’s face it at the start of last month Clare had only been with Jaz but now she has also been with Brenda, Martina, Marion, yourself, Paula and she also dating Karen.”

“Clare has told me she is only going to be with other women, but I can see that once Clare’s really living in the promiscuous lifestyle which Brenda is introducing her to. Things can change. Whatever we say now, I am aware Clare could sleep with another man and therefore add to her ever-growing list of sexual partners.”

I paused, as I wanted what I just said to sink in with Sarah.

“I do trust her though, and if such an event happened,” I then added. “That she would use condoms and tell us about it, but above all, I am pretty sure she will not fall in love with another man.

Sarah smiled. I was also sure she stifled a giggle, and perhaps she wasn’t as assured as me.

It was with that observation; another thought went through my overactive mind. It was that it might not be quite so true with Sarah. She hated using condoms, as she loved the feeling of being covered in a man’s cum. That was part of the reason she fell pregnant with Jerry. Now she was on the contraceptive pill, but there was still a slight risk of pregnancy. We both knew that using condoms had the bonus of making this risk even lower, as well as helping to stop the risk of sexually transmitted deceases.

Armed with that observation and thought, I finished with, “I am certain Clare will settle down eventually, but that could be several years away. I just do not want you to resent her sexual freedom and this is the only reason I am suggesting to play the hot girlfriend game, but whatever you choose to do, I promise I will always be here for you.” 

Sarah looked at me, her deep blue eyes staring into my green ones. We both knew this was a big moment in our relationship, the first paving stone on the road to an open relationship.

I expected her to smile, but she didn’t. She was still thinking. I could see some concerns in those eyes; they were similar to the concerns that were in mine.

Sarah had one last look at the anklet and then fastened it around her right ankle.

She was now my official hot girlfriend, maybe a reluctant one, but I was not so sure.

I didn’t show it, but inwardly I felt sick, as I had that feeling…

That I might just have released a sexual tiger out of the door.

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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