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********  JOEL  ********

I was naked in bed next to Nicole holding her tits, I had sent Brian, her husband, to their guest bedroom alone. I love this perk, lying in bed with the cuckold’s wife and he knows I’m fucking her. He knows what I’ve been doing, and what she’s been doing. He knows she wants to be here, We’ve been fucking for hours and I know he’s been imagining my cock in her cunt. The first instant it entered her, her spasming on my cock, my cum spurting in her, and oozing out on the sheets. 

And this is how it started.

My name is Joel and I’m a cuckolder. There is a group of us in central California that find wives, seduce them, fuck them and then make the husbands know about it. We all make it clear we’re not Bulls. Bulls don’t take any risks, they fuck the wives of existing cuckolds. We don’t. We don’t consider it completely successful unless we fuck the faithful wife and fuck them in front of their husbands. We’re looking for Affair Virgins. I don’t try to take their V card. But rather their A-V card. 

I’m the only married Cuckolder in our group and my wife, Marilyn knows what I do, and she enjoys watching me seducing my targets. She loves watching me fuck someone else's wife at our home. We often share our memories of me screwing other men’s wives before, during, and after our lovemaking.

A few years ago, Marilyn and I were at a fundraiser for a library book fund and I had arranged to be at the same table with Nicole and Brian. We had met them before at various events and I had already picked Nicole to seduce and Brian to cuckold. 

I had made a few soft overtures to her and once, a little stronger in front of Brian.  I intended to start making it more overt to Nicole tonight. Marilyn was on my left Nicole on my right and Brian on her right.

I knew that one of Nicole's causes was abandoned pets and I started asking her about what was happening. “You’re involved with the no-kill animal shelter aren’t you? I just heard the animal shelter made some big improvements. What’s been happening?”

“It's been a big deal. We’ve made improvements to the office, large dog holding areas, and cat areas.” 

“How has it been working out.” She expounded on the most notable changes and I listened intently.  I actually am interested in the pet shelter, I did donate to the project. and so I was able to make intelligent comments.

I was lightly touching her, holding her hand, all inconspicuously. I saw her glance at Brian and he was paying attention to the woman on his right. Then Nicole turned her attention back to me and Marilyn. Seeing Marilyn talking to the couple on her left, Nicole rubbed the palm of my hand. When she did that I took her hand, placed it on my leg, moved my hand to her thigh caressed it then moved it back to cover her hand. This was when the speeches started and luckily Nicole and I were facing the podium. With both Marilyn and Brian facing the front I took advantage of the opportunity and moved Nicole’s hand over my leg to my cock. 

I whispered in her ear, “That’s better isn’t it?” She glanced at Brian and then smiled at me. I continued playing with her hand until she moved my hand to her thigh moved it higher then moved back to my cock. When the speeches ended, I whispered to her that I wanted her cell number. Nicole thought for a minute and gave it to me. Not obviously but not secretly.

When I called, she answered with a ‘hello.’ Like, who is this? 

“Joel Powell. We sat together at the library fundraiser yesterday.”

********  NICOLE  ********

When my cell rang at noon the day after the library fundraiser I was expecting Joel. One more for a woman’s intuition. I answered with a question, “Hello? “And yep, Joel Powell. 

We made pleasantries until he got to the point of the call. An invitation to get together, for lunch or something. Right, something. He was nothing but obvious. We’ve gotten along before and friends are always nice, even ones that hit on me. So, I made a lunch date. On Friday,1:00 just past the heaviest lunch crowd.

Joel? Would I be willing to risk Brian for a date, or something more, with Joel? He didn’t quite rate the risk. Although maybe. I had been getting some interesting vibes from Brian. If I didn’t risk Brian? Hmm.

At lunch, Joel was just a little more touchy-feely. A couple of innuendos from him, that I ignored. I was interested in some of the new interesting Brian vibes and I didn’t want to close Joel completely off. We made a second lunch date next week. 

In the meantime, I was going to explore Brians's new role-play vibe. It started a couple of months ago when he wanted me to call him Blue during sex. Blue, hmm. I kind of remember a big black guy called Blue in college. 

Last week he used a guy's name, Scott. When Brian and I first dated, there was a guy named Scott in the group. If I was remembering him right, he had a reputation for having a bedpost that was mostly sawdust it had so many notches.

My second lunch with Joel was much the same as our first, except I enjoyed our time more. We were exchanging work stories, college stories, and some innuendos. Which I mostly ignored again. Though Brian's role-playing was making Joel more interesting

As Brian and I role-played, I was noting that our sex changed with the different persona Brian played. Rougher, kinkier, seducing, it varied. Depending. 

When he was Scott he seemed more aggressive and rougher. Blue tried to seduce me as a married woman.  Kevin was gentler, loving. I was beginning to enjoy having different lovers.

With Joel, I was enjoying watching his seduction techniques. My response was to simply pretend I didn’t see it. No harm no foul, right? It was only much later I realized … well as I said, no harm no foul.

********  JOEL ******

While Marilyn was in San Francisco helping her college friend, Jane, recover from her sudden gall bladder surgery, I learned Brian was leaving for Chicago, I was able to get some tickets to the play, My Fair Lady, in town. I was seeing if I could get Nicole to spend some time with me, not at lunch.

I told her, Marilyn was in San Francisco nursing a friend, before I asked her if she could go. She hesitated and then asked if she could call me back. Presumably to ask Brian if he had any objection. 

When she called back to accept, I set up a time to pick her up for dinner and then the play. I could see I was making progress though I thought she didn’t realize it. My touches were more welcome and her reactions to sexual innuendos showed in stronger flushes. She thought she was ignoring them, but she wasn’t.

During dinner, I was holding her hand with no objection, and during the play intermission, I kissed her on her cheek as we got up. I wasn’t even sure she noticed it. 

Taking her home I held her hand kissing it occasionally. When I walked her to her door I held her, pressing my cock against her, pressing her tits against me, while I gave her a full mouth exploring tongue touching kiss. 

When she kissed me back, I knew I was almost there. When I let her go inside, my hand moved across her tits caressing them just a bit. 

“I enjoyed tonight, dinner, the play and especially bringing you home.” As I gave her a last kiss, I thought about inviting myself in and finishing her seduction tonight. Instead, I took her hand and brushed it across my cock before going to my car. 

I was sure I could have pushed her to submit, but I wanted more than just one time. I wanted her to submit to cuckolding Brian and then to cuckolding him while he watched.

When Marilyn got back, one of our topics was how the play went. I thought I was ninety percent there. Jane was well on the way to recovery and Nicole was getting closer to complete submission. I didn’t think she realized how close she was. I didn’t think she realized I could have taken her, fucked her after the play. 

We were still having lunch, weekly mostly, when I invited her to a picnic lunch. I knew a couple of private spots in the regional park nearby. She had mentioned that she had arranged for a personal day for a doctor's visit. So the invitation was for that afternoon. 

When she accepted, I got some stuff together with wine and met her at the main parking lot. I told her about ‘my quiet spot’ and I drove her there, to ‘my private quiet spot.’ We settled on my blanket and shared the wine and food. My intentions, yes my intentions, were to kiss her, caress her tits and her tits would be the high lite. 

As we kissed after eating and I was caressing her tits my hand ‘accidentally' unfastened her bra and I got it off without taking her top off. That allowed me to kiss her with my hand caressing her tits, pinching her nipples when I closed it down, apologizing, while still kissing her.

********  NICOLE  ********

A couple of weeks after we went see to ‘My Fair Lady’ we went on a picnic in the park where I let Joel get a lot further with seducing me than I’d intended. He was caressing my tits, my bare tits under my blouse. I’d let him remove it, my bra. I was starting to realize that resisting him was only temporary. Actually, it was during the theater I started realizing he was getting close to seducing me. 

My body's reaction to him at the picnic made it clear. If he had tried to fuck me then, I might have, ok I would have stripped naked, put his cock in me, and fucked him. I would have gone back to my car leaving my clothes there if he had asked. I would have called Brian to let me, permit me, to fuck him. I was insane, almost. 

The day Brian was due back, I waited in the kitchen naked for Brian. When he came home, on time thank God, I gave him no time to even say Hi. 

I started stripping his, shirt shoes, and pants until he was naked.  I dragged him into our bedroom and forced his cock into me. As I came I sighed, “Thank you, Joel, thank you.” I felt him suddenly stiffen and then relax. I continued fucking him until he came with his mouth biting my tit. 

From then on Joel became one of our role-play names. Joel was cuckolding Brian. He, Joel-Brian, talked about keeping it a secret from Brian-Brian. Showering before Brian-Brian came home. Leaving before Brian-Brian came home.

********  JOEL  ********

Again, I probably could have fucked her there but only probably. In the open like that only maybe. It would depend on her public shyness.

From then on I kept an ear open for another Brian trip to Chicago. Sometimes they were Tuesday to Thursday night but sometimes he left Friday and didn’t come back till Monday evening.

A couple of months later, she let slip that Brian was set for a Friday through Monday trip. At lunch the week before Brians's next trip I dropped the innuendoes. I talked about how at the picnic I loved feeling her tits, kissing her. I wished I had taken the top off so I could see them. The Wednesday before he left,  I called and asked her if we could get together soon, maybe longer than just lunch.

She hesitated, “Um, I’m not sure. Ah, meet just for lunch? Or what?  Um, when would you like … ”

This was one of my favorite stages of my hobby. The wife knows what’s happening but doesn't want to know. She knows I'm going to fuck her. She knows she wants me to fuck her. but she doesn’t want to know. She can feel my cock sliding in but is trying to deny it.

So I softly answered, “ Lunch would work but more time would be better.

Nicole took some time to answer. “Um B B Brian is going to Chicago Fri … Friday through ah Mon-Monday. I work Friday till um, half past five. Saturday  and Sunday um …”

I replied, ”Let me think.” 

I wonder how close Nicole is to submitting? If I bring her home and she realizes Marilyn knows, and might even watch me fuck her, arouse her or turn her off? 

“Ah, what I would like, what I want … is for you to come to my house, Friday for dinner at about seven with Marilyn and me.”

Nicole interrupted, ”With Marilyn? With …” Her voice stopped. 

I repeated, “With Marilyn and me. She’s aware ah, she knows. We can have a nice dinner and then … whatever. Whatever you want to happen, happens. Sometimes she likes to help … she would be willing to help us. S-Sometimes she watches—or not. Depending,”

Nicole tried to talk again, “Marilyn helps? Sometimes she helps?“

“Yes, often at our home. You would be in charge, in charge of what help Marilyn … might do.”

That makes it clear what’s going to happen. On our dinner date. I think she’ll submit, no, I’m sure she’ll submit to me. It’s Marilyn I’m not sure about.

“Or I  could meet at your house go out for dinner and return to your house, just the two of us, and see what you want to happen. It’s up to you.”

I waited on the phone until Nicole said, ”I have to think. Think. I need to think. Yes, I need to think. Marilyn? Marilyn there? Help? I have to … think. Please let me think. I’ll call, at about 5: uh, 5:30 Yes, about 5:30. Ok?”

She hung up on me. No goodbye.

God, I loved her ambivalence. Would she? Would she do it at all? Would she do it knowing Marilyn knows? Would she let Marilyn help? I could picture her nipples hard poking out, her pussy wet, Nicole at work, picturing my cock penetrating her pussy for the first time. Was she getting anything done? 

Well, I had a couple of things I had to get done. The first was to share the call with Marilyn at work. Then off to do CFO stuff.

At exactly 5:30 Nicole called. She was still having trouble talking “Hi Joel, I’d like t to co … come to your and Marilyn’s house. I think uh, I think I  would, might like that. I might enjoy Marilyn’s help. Um maybe? Or maybe not? Can I decide then? Please? Yes. I want you to, I want um, to think about ah, let me call you at noon Friday. Please. Uh bye.” She didn’t even let me talk. 

On Friday before noon, I got a text message from Nicole, 

‘Hi, Joel. I’m texting you so I don't chicken out. So I can look at what I’m sending you, and be sure it’s what I want to say. I spent hours writing and rewriting this so, it’s not spontaneous, I’ve decided I want to fuck you. I want you to fuck me. I want Marilyn to help by undressing me before dinner. I want, I need Marilyn to shave my pussy before dinner. I want to be at dinner naked with my newly shaved pussy in front of you and Marilyn.

‘I need her to help get me ready for you. I want her to place your cock, my first new cock, in my pussy. I want her to put your cock in my pussy. I can’t stop saying it, I want Marilyn to put your cock in my pussy, God, the cock that will make Brian my cuckold, put it in my pussy. Later tonight or tomorrow I want to put your cock in her pussy. If you will let me? Please. Waiting anxiously Nicole  P.S. this isn’t as coherent as I hoped. P.P.S. God, I can’t believe I’ve written this. This is explicit, but I’ve spent a lot of thought and I want it. What I wrote. Please. PPPS, once more I want your wife to put your cock in my pussy.

My text back. Hi, Nicole Yes, Marilyn and I will love to help you. Anxiously waiting for tonight. Joel

********  NICOLE  ********

Week after week, Joel ignored the picnic and I was getting anxious waiting, waiting for something to happen. It was just a few days before Brian left for one of his weekend trips to Chicago when Joel called. He wanted to get together, again. We had just had lunch the day before, so this was the call, the call I was waiting for. I was nervous and stuttered and Joel made it clear he was inviting me to be fucked.

He invited me to dinner at seven, while Brian was gone. To dinner at his house, with Marilyn, so Marilyn could help get me ready to be fucked. Marilyn knew he was going to fuck me, might see me being fucked might see me come with his cock in me. I had to think.

I had to think. Right. I knew whatever he wanted, I would do. As I realized that I would submit, I thought about what it would be like if instead of dinner, he wanted us to go to Chicago and fuck in front of Brian. At that thought, I came, because I realized I’d even do that if he insisted.

I had said I would call at 5:30. I called him, stuttering and I was trying to make it clear I was accepting his offer to be fucked. I was willing to let Marilyn help get me ready. By extension, I was willing to let her watch. Hell, he had to understand that I would agree to anything if he fucked me.

God, I wanted to feel his cock in my pussy, his hands on my tits but instead of telling him that, I told him I would call him Friday at noon. 

Instead of calling though, I spent a few hours writing a text. No stuttering on a text. I could correct and add as needed to make it coherent. Kind of coherent, in the end.

The next day, After Brian left for the airport, I got ready. I showered, shaved my legs but not my pussy, and dressed. I had told Joel I was going to let Marilyn shave my pussy. I started and timed it almost perfectly. 

I was nervous as hell when I rang the doorbell. Marilyn greeted me at the door with a friendly kiss, on the mouth. Well, a more than friendly kiss. Open mouth, tongue touching mine, and a lot longer than a friendly kiss.

We sat down, Joel and I, sitting together on their sofa. All of us with a glass of wine. Did I say I was nervous? I was trembling. Joel was holding my hand and kissing it while we talked. We talked about everything except the obvious reason I was there.

I remember at some time Joel raised me to my feet and told both Marilyn and me it was time to start. I don’t remember much detail but Marilyn slowly undressed me making it last as long as she could until I was standing in front of them wearing only my bra and panties. he asked me if I wanted Marylyn to finish stripping me or shave me first. I hadn’t expected the option but I eventually said I wanted to go into the bath and have her shave me first, before finishing taking my clothes off. Why, I still haven’t any idea.

In the bath, Marilyn kissed me and as she pulled my bra and panties off she was talking to me, ”Nicole you’re so beautiful and your tits, they’re luscious.” She leaned so she could suckle on them. She had an electric razor and shortened my pussy hair. I don’t have a lot of hair there but enough to need it shortened. 

After shaving me, she got a warm washcloth and washed my pussy then kneeled and kissed me there licking and sucking my clit, while saying, “I love to suck the pussies I love sucking their pussies… all of you… all of the pussies Joel is fucking.  I’ll adore watching you as he cuckolds your husband.”

She put shaving cream all over my pussy and shaved off the rest of my hair. When she finished she cleaned my pussy with her washcloth and then licked it everywhere, saying as she did. “No stubble. I have to be sure so when he eats you it’s smooth. Now let's get your panties and bra on so we can go back out there.”

When we rejoined Joel, he was still sitting on the sofa. I could see his cock showing through his pants making me nervous. I knew they both knew I wanted Joel. When I approached him, he stood and kissed me so my knees almost buckled. 

He told Marilyn to unfasten my bra. Then the bastard looked at me, smiled, and made me expose my tits. He made me expose my tits to them. The next thing I knew I was standing naked in front of them. All I could think was, 

I’m naked. In front of Joel. I’m going… he is going to fuck me. Soon. Now? I want his cock, please. His cock. God, I hope he likes what he is seeing.

He was turning me so he could admire my tits, shaved pussy, my naked body. Then he asked Marilyn if he should fuck me now or have dinner first. When I heard him ask her, I knew what her answer would be. She saw how much I wanted him to fuck me. How much I wanted his cock in me. How much I was looking forward to feeling Joel’s cock in me making Brian my cuckold. I knew she would make me wait.

********  JOEL  ********

When Nicole came on Friday, we sat down and had a glass of wine. I had Nicole sit on the sofa, Marilyn on a wing chair that we had moved closer to the sofa, and I sat next to Nicole. When I sat down I took her hand and kissed it sucking on her fingers and murmuring in her ear. “You’re safe here, it’ll go as slowly as you need. My lips moved up her arm then I kissed her neck. Marilyn got up and said she needed to check on the kitchen. I  pulled Nicole's head so I could kiss her lips with my tongue licking her lips, nipping her lips. I felt her trembling as I did it. 

I wanted her to realize some things I hadn’t made clear. Although maybe she realized without my saying it aloud. “Nicole we both know you’re here so we can make Brian our cuckold. Right? Uh, this isn’t just a one-time cuckolding it’s going to last for months.  We’re going to be fucking a lot. I enjoy having a married lover, and I expect to use you a lot.

“We’re going to screw in front of Brian, a lot. He’s going to see me come in your mouth, in your ass, and your cunt, yes in your cunt. ``Nicole looked dazed but not resistant, she was licking her lips. She was looking forward to it. 

Marilyn came back and I lifted Nicole off the sofa and said, “ Now’s the time to start, Nicole. Marilyn, why don’t you start unbuttoning Nicole’s dress? Just unbutton it.“ 

When I kissed Nicole, my tongue was penetrating her mouth, touching her tongue, and  I felt her tremble again. I knew she felt Marilyn’s unbuttoning the first button and then another. When she got to the last button Marilyn stepped back as I held Nicole's head kissing her neck and nipping at her earlobes. I wanted to prolong Nicole's tension as long as possible. 

As I stepped back I said, “Relax Nicole, savor the sensations. Savor the feeling of being undressed by Marilyn, in front of your new lover and his wife. Enjoy what’s happening. Savor the entire experience. We need your ok. Tell Marilyn to, tell Marilyn you want her to continue.

I  stepped back with one hand touching her face.  I knew she was going to submit. She was going to tell Marilyn to finish. 

Nicole stepped toward me and kissed me then looked at Marilyn, “God, please…please…con… continue. Undress me. God, yes.”

Marilyn stepped back and caressed Nicole’s shoulders as she slowly pushed the dress off her shoulders until the dress dropped down at her feet. Standing in her bra, panties, and nylons, she was beautiful. 

I stepped back to Nicole murmuring, “Exquisite, Nicole. Exquisite. Don’t you think so, Marilyn?” Without waiting for an answer  I stepped back close, with one hand on her head, my other hand on her tits. I couldn’t keep my hands off her but I still told her to turn so I could see. As she turned I let my hands touch her trailing on her skin. 

Nicole, now you have a choice. I can have Marilyn take both your bra and panties off so I can see you now or she can take you to shave and then finish undressing you here. Can I see your bush? Or just your shaved pussy?

I waited, watching Nicole still trembling. My mouth was watering, my cock stiff, waiting.

Nicole hesitated, then straightening she turned to Marilyn, “Shave me first, Marilyn.”

I enjoyed the sensations and the anticipation. How long can I wait to cuckold Brian? How long until I have to take her? How long before I have to put my cock in her. 

It took forever to finish. An hour, two hours? About fifteen minutes. 

I got up and put my hands all over her, I held her head as I tried to ravage her mouth. My hands over her tits and bits

I  said to them. “Marilyn I want you to unfasten her bra. Nicole, I want you to drop it on the floor. I want you to show me your tits”

I watched Marilyn’s hands reach and fumble at the hooks, purposefully fumble, then she released Nicole's bra. Nicole slowly reached up and pulled the bra off and dropped it to the floor. I nodded at Marilyn and she reached over to Nicole so she could pull her panties down so Nicole could step out. That’s when I realized they had taken her nylons off while shaving. She was completely naked.

She was standing there, nervous and unsure of herself with both Marilyn and me seeing her naked exposed to us.

“Wonderfully lovely tits. And pussy. Turn around.” As Nicole obediently slowly turned in front of me, I was admiring the view. I was trying to decide if dinner came next. Instead, I asked, “Marilyn, what do you think? Dinner next? Or…shall I fuck her first.”

Marilyn hesitated thinking, “Um, I think the wait will make you want her more. Make her want you more too. So … dinner first. I’ll finish dinner. You have a glass of wine.”

That wasn’t the answer I wanted but she was right. The delay and anticipation would make my first penetration, my first penetration in her pussy  even more delicious. I filled two wine glasses, handed Nicole one, then sat on the sofa with her. 

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I was enjoying her nervousness. Her free hand didn't seem to know where to go. Cover her pussy, cover her tits, or play with her hair. I solved her problem by taking her hand so I could kiss it then moved it to her thigh. I set my glass down then my hands covered her pussy and tits gently fondling them. 

I started telling her how much I was enjoying tonight, “Nicole, I’m enjoying as you submit to Marilyn and me. It’s going to be delicious when I take you, my cock. We’re going to … you’re submission is going to make Brian … “ my voice trailed off. 

I didn’t say the word ‘cuckold.’ Her stiffness at that point showed she heard it though. Her reaction showed she was anticipating her final submission. She couldn’t look at me except for glances then to the floor. I took her head and forced her to look at me as I kissed her, my tongue exploring her, and finally nipping at her lips. I was making them look swollen, kissed, and looking like I had attacked her mouth.

Marilyn was putting dinner on the table so I rose and guided her to the table. Nicole sat on my right and Marilyn on my left. I refilled the glasses and we started talking with Marilyn taking the lead.

After dessert, Marilyn and I took the dishes to the kitchen with our guest waiting in the living room. While we were in the kitchen, I kissed her and thanked her for helping me seduce her, and helping me cuckold Brian. 

Her response was touching my  cock and whispering,” I  love to see them submit. I adore seeing their faces as they feel your cock, your cock entering them y-your cock the very first time. 

“I’m watching them, seeing their faces as they realize that my husband, is about to fuck them, make their husbands a cuckold. Almost always there is a fleeting picture of shame followed by pride. Whatever I see, I enjoy knowing you are responsible. That we are responsible for cuckolding their husband.

“Now, go out there, fuck her, and make Brian a cuck. make Brian her cuckold. I just wish I could be there when he learns he is … he watches you cuckold him by fucking Nicole.”

I kissed her, a brief caress across her breasts, and said, “Maybe there is a way for you to see it. I’ll try but it’s not likely this time.”

I wiped my hands and we walked into the living room. Nicole was sitting there nervously waiting. I walked up to her, pulled her up to my arms, and kissed her. One hand in her hair bringing her mouth to mine. My other hand was at her back squeezing her bare tits to my chest. 

I pulled away so one hand fondled her tits, the other her mound. Then I pinched her nipples lightly and moved both hands to her pussy searching for her clit and her opening. She closed her eyes just enjoying the emotions as I touched her and my fingers entered her.

I took her hand and led her to our bedroom. When we got there, “Marilyn, don’t forget what  Nicole wants you to do for me. Nicole, I want you to undress me, undress me get me ready, get me ready to fuck you, get me ready to make Brian … to make Brian a cuckold. Make him your cuckold, make him our cuckold.”

Nicole stood there, hesitating. This was her final step, her final submission. I  could see she wanted it. She was afraid, she realized this was irrevocable when she submitted her cunt to my cock. When she welcomed my cock into her cunt.

I said it one more time as an order, telling her to submit, “ Undress Me. Get me ready. Ready to fuck you. Nicole, get me ready to Cuckold your husband,  ready to Cuckold Brian. You want to be fucked, don’t you? You want me to be the man that cuckolds Brian.“

Nicole slowly walked toward me reaching for the buttons on my shirt. She didn’t want to. she had to. Her face was a study of, arousal, fear, denial, and need. Her emotions were as clear to me as they were to her as they moved through her mind. She continued unbuttoning, then pulled the shirt off, and then my tee shirt. She looked at my face and saw no doubt that she would continue. So she did. Kneeling removed my shoes. Still kneeling she unbuckled my belt unzipped my pants and pulled my pants and boxers down together. She looked up, searching my face. Seeing my permission she took my cock in her mouth getting it about half in.

I caressed her head and then pulled her to her feet. I could see as she finally submitted, knowing this was her destiny from the moment she accepted my theatre ticket. Submission, together with fear and arousal emotions, were flitting across her face. I moved my hands across the peaks of her tits pulling gently the nipples. 

As  I kissed her I could see the arousal overwhelming the fear, the need replacing the acquiescence, and as my hands moved to her mound eagerness replaced them all. Eagerness to be fucked. Eagerness to feel, see, my cock penetrating, slipping inside her.

I placed her on the bed, and slowly spread her legs. I could see her eagerness replaced by the need to feel my cock. I asked “Now? Do you want it now?” She grabbed my head and kissed me. I felt Marilyn take my cock and I told Nicole, 

“Marilyn is going to put my cock in your pussy, I am about to feel me as I fuck you, Nicole, tell me to fuck you, tell me to cuck, cuckold Brian. Tell me you want my cock.” 

Her answer was more than I hoped for. “Oh aggh, fuck me, Joel. Fuck me so we can cuck, make Brian our cuck, our cuckold.  I want your cock in my pussy, my cunt, my cunt, cunt cunt…your  cock in my cunt. Uh, shit,  Joel. Now. God your cock. Your cock is turning Brian our cuckold. Cuckold… Now cum in me to truly make Brian our cuckold.” 

As she said that I was slowly penetrating her pussy. Marilyn, letting my cock go deeper. Nicole’s wishes were on the way to being completed. I focused on making Nicole come before I did. I was moving my hands frantically kissing frantically until I felt the tell-tale stiffening and her nails digging into my ass. Her pussy spasms on my cock sent me over too.

As I collapsed  I was thinking,

Now her commands were complete. Nicole was fucked and Brian was our cuckold. God yes, that was another wonderful experience. The first time I get a woman let me be the first cock to take her from her husband, control her cunt. 

This is why I do it. Nothing compares to the sensations as I change a wife into my slut with my cum in her. The only thing to compare it with is when I make my cuckold watch as I do it again. 

 I lay next to her I held her breasts, cupping them comfortably in my hands I was kissing the nape of her neck. I said, “ I just fucked you. We just made Brian, your husband, our cuckold. Tell me back what just happened, tell me how you feel about it. Nicole, how do you feel about it now it’s done.”

Nicole immediately, with no hesitation replied, “GOD. Feeling your cock, it was wonderful, feeling you cum in me, knowing I was being fucked by you, we were cucking Brian. It was wonderful. I  loved it, and I want it again and again.

“Feeling my pussy relax after you … finished by coming in me. Feeling the tenderness…my breasts … my tits feel so wonderfully tender. Your hands holding my tits. Your mouth exploring my face. It was, is, exquisite. I'm just really realizing that feeling that we just finished cuckolding Brian is true. He doesn’t know, yet. After you got me on the path to cuckolding him and kissed me, I had to do it. Um, Marilyn would…she … um too?.”

I interrupted, “ You need to ask her. You need to ask her. If you want her, be clear, and blunt.” She sighed and wriggled her shoulders against the bed “Ok today. God, I  feel great, knowing I cuckolded Brian. Knowing he doesn't know. Um, do you think … Marilyn will, might let us fuck? Fuck me. I’ve thought about it I’ve kind of wanted to … never had the right time and the right person … um, at the same time. Ok, I’ll ask her.

“It makes me feel … powerful knowing and knowing Bran doesn’t.  I know that I’ve been fucked and I’m going to ask a woman to do me too.”

She turned, faced me, and started kissing. Open mouth, tongue licking my face, biting my lips, and then asked, ”Will you fuck me again, soon? Real soon? Can I ask Marilyn now? I want … no, I need to fuck you next. I want to ask Marilyn … if she will fuck, let us fuck, Me and Marilyn? How soon after you fuck me? Hell, I just need to talk to her. Can I?”

Reluctantly, I got up and told her I would send Marilyn to her. I went looking for her and I found her in the kitchen, cleaning up the dinner mess. I kissed her and told her Nicole wanted to ask her something. I shooed her out and finished cleaning.

When Marilyn came back she was flushed, her lips puffy, and her blouse pulled out. I gave her a short kiss, rubbed her ass, and a quick fondle of her tits. 

She looked at me, “She said … um, she would adore … fucking. Adore us fucking each other. Ah, she … also said she would like me to start … um, start before you finished coming in her. Jesus, Joel, she would enjoy me sucking your c-cum…ah, um, cum out of her pussy.”

I went back to Nicole. All I could say was, “Let’s take a nap.“ When we woke up I asked, ”Do you want Marilyn to put my cock in you … um, or do it yourself? Ah, no, I want Marilyn here, watching you be fucked, watching me fuck you. I want her to put my cock in you again. She deserves a treat. Uh, is that ok, Marilyn watching and enjoying it too?”

She laid back nodding saying, “Yes, let her watch.”

I called for Marilyn and when she came in I told her, “I want you to put my cock in Nicole again. We want you watching me fuck her. In the end, we want you to help and then the two of you fuck.

“Give us an hour or so. Then wake us.

She woke us with one of my hands playing with Nicole’s tits, the other rubbing her clit.  We started playing with my cock, her tits, and her pussy. As we got more and more aroused, I dragged Nicole so her feet were on the floor, and her ass on the edge of the bed. As I spread her legs and got set to fuck her, I nodded at Marilyn. She reached for my cock and I told Nicole, “I’m going to fuck you now. You are cuckolding Brian the second time, feel my cock. Can you feel it as Marilyn is putting it in again, Nicole, feel it“ I asked her, “Do you want to be fucked again or made love to?”

I slid all the way in and she yelled, “Fuck me again, I want … I need it hard, I want it rough. Slap me, bit me, suck my tits, mark me so I have to tell Brian…I have to tell Brian … tell Brian I’ve cuckolded him. He’s … a cuc … cuckold. I’ve been fucked. Joel, force me to tell Brian. God help me, I want to tell him, then show him he’s my cuckold. Don't mark me outside my clothes, anywhere else. Marilyn, you can mark me too. My ass, my tits, my pussy. Slap my ass, pussy, and tits, please. Fuck me. ”

I leaned up and slapped her tits.” Marilyn help me mark her. Bite her tits, she wants it rough, help me.“ I pulled out, turned her over, and slapped her ass. I grabbed a back scratcher and paddled her. We bit her ass, slapped her mound, and by raising her chest off the bed Marilyn was able to put marks all over her tits. I put my cock back in her pussy and pounded her as hard as possible. I no longer cared if Nicole came. I had decided that Marilyn would be in charge of her coming.  I felt my balls tighten. I was able to say, “Now, Marilyn, now.”

As I came I was able to force myself to pull out so I came both inside and outside her pussy. I congratulated myself that I was able to pull out. I started watching Marilyn licking and sucking at Nicole getting out my cum. I was out of it and all I  could do is leave them to it. 

I sat on the sofa and rested, listening as they make love. It was a half-hour and I heard them getting up. Nicole came out and asked me for permission to get dressed. All I could do is nod.

As Nicole was dressing, I went to Marilyn, still naked, and asked if she enjoyed it. When she nodded, I laughed and said, “It’s nice you enjoyed it too. That makes all three of us.“ I kissed her tits and bent over so I could kiss her pussy.

We spent most of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning fucking. All of us had to get to work Monday, and luckily Brian’s flight got in around seven on Monday. Nicole had picked up work clothes on Saturday so she could leave directly from our house. As she dressed for work we checked if any marks were uncovered. She was safe for work. Undressing in front of Brian, no. 

********  NICOLE  ********

From the time I woke up Monday there was one thing simmering in my mind, how to tell Brian. In my sexual frenzy, I made Joel and Marilyn mark me so I had to tell Brian. Now I was wondering if I had lost my mind. I guess frenzy defines losing one’s mind. I needed to tell Brian in a way so he’ll want me to continue. I wasn’t regretting anything I, we, the three of us did this weekend. Not really. Even the sensations of being marked as their property. Now, I had to make Brian agree. 

When Brian got home I greeted him at the door with sloppy kisses and hugs. I don’t remember deciding to attack it full-on, but I guess I did. I heard myself saying, “Brian let's get everything into the bedroom. My hands were under his shirt rubbing him as I led him there. I love you and I want you.”

I was undressing him until I had him in just his boxers, laying on the bed. I was thinking.

Damn it, Nicole, you're going to blow up everything. 

I heard myself telling Brian, “I have something I need to show you.” Then I saw myself unbuttoning my blouse, removing it, removing my bra, and showing him all the marks I had asked Joel and Marilyn to make on my tits and stomach. I pulled my pants and panties down to expose the marks around my pussy. “While you were gone, you remember Joel and Marilyn? You um, must have noticed, uh, noticed he, they … they were working on seducing me.” I lay on top of him kissing him. I continued, “They invited me to dinner, Friday after you left. When they invited me, it was Joel that invited me, I knew what he intended, and I agreed to go. I let him know, uh, I sent him a text … agreeing to let him fuck me. And I did, I fucked him, or maybe he fucked me. Shit Brian, I agreed to fuck him. I agreed to let Marilyn put his cock in my pussy. ah, it was glorious. A glorious feeling, as his cock slid … inside my pussy.”

I was pinching his nipples pulling his boxers down holding Brian's cock and feeling it harden in my hand.

“Now, I want your cock fucking me, your … your cum in me.”

Brian exploded, he pushed me off and mounted me, “You slut, I am going to fuck you. His hands slapped my tits, his cock was pounding me, and he was slapping my face. He turned me over him and started slapping my ass, hard. Nicole, When you introduced Joel’s name I lost it. I am fucking you. You are being fucked by your husband” as he said the word ‘husband’ I exploded,  screaming “Brian you’re fucking me.” I felt him strain, pushing his cock in me as hard as he could, and I felt his cum spurt in me. We both collapsed, muttering incoherently.

As I lay there relaxing in my husband's arms my mind was going.

Well, I’ve let him know. He didn’t just leave. He was willing to fuck me. Was this our last fuck? Would he let me continue? Now I need to tell him that Joel is going to fuck me in front of him. How am I going to do that?

I woke up about three hours later with Brian’s hands holding my tits and I was pressed against his cock. I was still enjoying the afterglow of his intense fucking. As I lay there I could feel Brian was awake too. I turned and kissed him, and took his cock in my hands gently stroking it.

I took Brian’s cock in my hand moved down in bed and put it in my mouth, gently sucking it. I felt my pussy tingle a bit as I did that. I started to say, “Brian … “ when Brian interrupted, “It was Joel and Marilyn that fucked you, both of them?”

“God yes, both of them, all weekend long. Joel and I, then Marilyn and I, and sometimes the three of us fucked. It was all weekend. Uh, … “

Brian interrupted again, “Joel, you introduced his name, didn’t you? He was cuckolding me then, right? So, how long has he been doing it?”

“No! Damn it. We did it … the first time was Friday!” I paused then continued less emphatically, “I guess I knew I was going to succumb when I used the name, but we hadn’t done it and I was resisting. God, wasn’t I resisting? I tried and tried and failed too. 

“Brian, I’m sorry but I want … no, I am going to continue. You can’t believe the sensations, the passions I feel as his cock enters my pus …  my cunt. Yes, my cunt Brian. As his cock enters my cunt. It feels wonderful. 

“Joel calls himself a cuckolder, he seduces wives into cuckolding their husbands, and he was successful with me. God was he ever. 

“He won’t be around for long, because he’s made it clear he likes the seduction. He’s going to be looking for new couples. but I want as much as he’ll give me while he’s around., and I want you … need you to watch, at least once.”

I stopped talking and waited. 

How is Brian going to react? I know that Joel is a serial cuckolder. He doesn’t stay around. He enjoys the chase like a dog chasing cars. Except, he did know what to do when he caught the car; He just didn’t want to keep it in his garage. Maybe a catch-and-release fisherman was a better metaphor.

It took a bit before Brian said anything, “You want me to actually be willing to watch Joel, see you with him?“

My reply to him was, “Yes, I do. I know you’ll enjoy it. I want you to see it happen. I want to see you as I’m being … as I’m coming. Coming with … with Joel’s cock.”

Brian lay there holding me, silently. He had one hand on my tits and the other, cupping my mound. I squirmed back against his cock and I felt it hardening. I turned over so I could hold him, he pulled me over him and he fucked me again. As we were fucking, I couldn’t help from thinking, this is his agreement, without having to say it.

How many men has Joel cuckolded? When he moved on, did I want to continue cuckolding Brian? Yes? Maybe just occasionally? One stupendous weekend a year? Ah, yes, continue I think. Next, I think I want Darrell. I’ll enjoy fucking Darrell. 

My mind shuts off and we both drifted to sleep.

******** JOEL. ********

Tuesday I texted Nichole, just a question mark. 

I got back several exclamation points. And then later, a text from Brian, ‘Joel, Nicole wants you to come on Wednesday to our house. Come around seven in the evening, with Marilyn. She wants me to watch you undress her, penetrate her to demonstrate I’m a cuckold. She wants me to see her come on your cock and then see you come in her pussy, no, her cunt. She insists that you fuck her cunt. She’s asking Marilyn to be there too.

‘Nicole is telling most of what I’m texting you, but this is me, I want to see Nicole as you take her. I want to see her facial expression during the entire time. Brian’

Yes, I’m getting the full monte. The cuckold looking forward to seeing his wife being fucked, while I’m looking forward to watching my cuckold, while I’m fucking her, his wife. Their expressions, as they see their wives enjoy fucking me, are awesome. This will be the first time Marilyn gets to watch it happen, the first time in front of the cuckold. She’s going to love it. God, thanks, Nicole.

When we got there on Wednesday, Nicole has the table set and Brian helps bring the food, steak, potatoes, and asparagus.  Brian pours the wine and before I can sit down Nicole tells me to undress her. 

Okay, I can do that. As I do it, I kiss her a few times on her lips and when I got her tits exposed I suck her tits. When she’s completely naked, she sits across from Brian which leaves me the head of the table. She looks down and starts saying grace. “Thank you, Lord, for the food which nourishes us and the cock that’s here to fuck me. Amen.”

That was an unusual grace, but appropriate. I leaned over so I could kiss her with one hand on her right tit and added, “Amen.”

I looked around the table: Nicole, Brian, Marilyn, and me. Nicole was naked and relishing her star role as the woman to be fucked. The expressions and emotions I could see: Nicole was anticipating cucking Brian, but Brian was much more ambivalent. Marilyn was clearly enjoying the tension around the table. Me, I was looking forward to the culmination of tonight, me fucking Nicole.

Nicole was enjoying herself, especially when I touched or caressed her tits. Brian was stiff but trying not to be. My conversation focused primarily on what I was going to do to Nicole and what Brian was going to see: lots of kissing, caressing her tits, feeling her cunt and clit, he was going to see her sucking my cock and balls. 

I spent a long time commenting on what he might see. When we finally finished dinner and took our plates to the dishwasher. Nicole kissed Brian and smiled, she held him close and whispered, "This is why you're here, you know what I've done, I've told you why, and now I want you to watch as I cuckold you again. I love you but I want you, I need you to really understand.

"I want you to see me as you put his cock in me. I want you to participate, I need you to help me cuck you."

We went to their bedroom where the bed was lit by flickering candles, freshly made with the covers laid back.

Nicole continued telling Brian, "Brian, the emotions, the sensations I feel as Joel's cock as it's penetrating my pus ... no not my pussy, it's my cunt. When I feel Joel's cock penetrating my cunt they're unbelievably intense.

"My climax as I cum on his cock, what I feel as he releases his cum, his sperm into my vagina, looking to make me pregnant they're wonderful, and I want you to share them. I want you to experience it as I'm feeling ... so exquisite, fulfilled, and complete.

"I want to share with you the consummation of your cuckolding, the completion as you see his cock entering me, my climax as I cum on his cock, and the completion, the completion as he releases his sperm inside my vagina, looking to make me pregnant. I need you to experience the entire thing.

"You know what I want you to do."

Brian slowly kneeled and removed my shoes. He then stood up and unbuttoned my shirt and removed it and my tee shirt. He paused for a moment and then finished undressing me. That’s when I moved behind her and cupped her tits pulling her against my cock. 

I was enjoying watching Brian as I was controlling Nicole. I could see that Marilyn was captivated by seeing Brian as he reacted. Lovely. 

I continued caressing Nicole’s tits and then laid her down on the bed. I stood there enjoying the scene, Nicole's tits with her nipples hard, her lightly tanned skin contrasting against the dark sheets, and her pussy glistening with the moisture leaking out.

I kneeled next to Nicole and kissed her mouth teasing her tongue with mine I slowly moved to her neck and shoulder. my hands started with her tits squeezing them and twisting her nipples just enough to create a little pain.

My kisses moved to her tits and my hands moved to caress her mound and searched for her clitoris just touching it. I was sucking her tits when I had an irresistible impulse. I bit the side of her right tit then sucked hard leaving an intensifying mark there. The pain, I was beyond worrying about the pain, the pain made her convulse and spasm with a climax.

I glanced at Brian and his face. His was the perfect cuckold face: showing arousal, anticipation, and need, combined with fear, agony, and self-hatred. Just the expressions I enjoy seeing on my cuckold’s face. 

Marilyn was fixated on Brian's reactions and she loved seeing them. it was the first time she'd seen a cuckold as I'd fucked his wife. She'd enjoyed watching as I fucked a wife for the first time but never saw the cuckold, ever.

She moved on the bed sinuously like a cat, waiting to be petted. Maybe like a woman waiting for her lover. Yes, exactly like a woman waiting for her lover’s cock. 

I wanted to extend Brian’s agony, so I caressed her mound and then leaned so I could kiss it. My tongue licked her clitoris and then moved to her pussy. She tasted delicious. My fingers played with her pussy as I sucked on her clitoris until she climaxed

“God, Joel, that … your tongue, more God, more.”

I moved my hands to her tits and caressed them as I continued playing with her clit with my tongue.

Nicole was babbling, then clearly said, “Brian he’s making me come. Brian, it feels so good what he’s doing to me. Tell him, tell him, God, tell him to fuck me. Tell him you want to see him fuck me. I need his cock, make Joel fuck me. 

“Brian put his cock … God, put his cock in my pussy, his cock in my pussy, my cunt. Yes, my cunt. 

“Marilyn, please make Joel fuck me. I want his cock.”

I was now over Nicole with my mouth on her tits and I felt Brian touch my cock I heard him say, “Joel, fuck her, I want to see you take her. I’ll put your cock in her. She’s yours now.”

I moved and Brian guided my cock to her cunt and I slowly entered her. Brian was crying as he said, “Nicole, I’m giving you to him. Fuck him, make him cum in you, your pus … your c-cunt. I want to see him cum in your cunt. Nicole … “

I started to feel my balls tighten, I felt Nicole climax and I relaxed waiting for her to recover, I started fucking he again and this time, when she came, I joined her. I felt my cum spurting into her cunt.

As I lay there coming down I motioned to Marilyn and said, “Fuck Brian, he needs it." Marilyn looked at me questioningly, because this was the first time I'd asked her to fuck my cuckold. When I nodded, she led Brian out of the room, and I lay there just holding Nicole’s tits as we rested.

God, I’m going to love fucking Nicole. I wonder if I’ve created a monster, telling Marilyn to fuck my cuckold. Well, I can live with that. 

Written by keylime314159
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