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It was a wonderful Saturday morning, and I was just starting to fuck Janice for the third time. Her tits, her pussy, and her mouth all exuded sex. Sex I’d been taking advantage of since early last night, when I sent David to my second bedroom while Janice and I enjoyed my bedroom after fucking. It was the first time he’d watched us.

She wasn’t the first white wife I’d fucked, and the contrast between my black cock and a white pussy was always striking. I’m an equal opportunity Cuckolder, white, black, brown, or blue—it doesn’t matter. I’ll fuck any of them. I own a medium-sized computer consulting company called Sheridan Computing, a very innovative name since I’m Jerome Sheridan. 

I can tell when someone’s wife will cuck their husband with me. Just as important, I can tell when her husband will let me. I’ve heard stories about what can happen if you make a mistake. I suspect my being black makes it harder for some men to submit. But then, I’ve cucked some very racist men. They really wanted the humiliation in their social group of a wife who fucks black. I guess it balances out.

When my instinct rings, I make sure the soon-to-be cuckold is going to be willing. I’d met Janice and David at a chamber meeting in town. David has an insurance agency. Janice had a great reputation in real estate sales. My cousin was moving here in a couple of months, and I used that to talk to her.

David, I approached differently; I made an appointment at his agency and met him at work. My instincts were telling me that a head-on, ‘This is what’s going to happen,’ would be the right way. It didn’t seem possible, but that's what my instincts said. Over the years as a cuckolder, my instincts have never led me wrong. Is it an instinct, mind reading, or just reading body language that’s guiding me? I’ve never been able to tell.

From what I just said, you’d think I just walked into his office and said, ‘Hi, my name is Jerome. I’m here to tell you that soon, in about three weeks, I’m going to be fucking Janice.’ That’s direct, right?

It wasn’t actually that easy. I started by inviting him for coffee. We were sitting outside, the third time we'd met, and I casually mentioned The Cuckolders Inc. as an interesting hobby group. He'd asked me some questions, and I kept changing the subject. When I explained what we did and how most of us could tell which women were susceptible to us, He became interested. He wanted to know if there were any women at the last chamber meeting that I was interested in.

I hesitated to answer until he insisted on me answering.

"Um, David, yes, there is, but I know you don't want to know," I said, "so forget it."

"Come on, Jerome, you can tell me," David said.

"If you insist, it's Janice, yes, your Janice. I haven't started on her yet because I'm finishing with Olive and Brad," I explained, "You don't know them." Right because that wasn't their names.

I acted uncomfortable as I continued, "There's no question she'll submit, David. I haven't been wrong in ten years. I am worried about how you'll react, though."

David had finally grasped what I was saying, and he incoherently started saying, “What the hell, cuckolder? You. Submit to you, let you cuckold me? Never… no!“

I interrupted him, saying, “I can tell which married women will submit to me, to my cock. That it’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter if you object; it makes us more irresistible.

"Just listen to me.” I paused to let him stop talking. I continued, “I’ll be at Land Park at ten tomorrow morning. You can tell me what I’m not going to do while I’m telling you what I am going to do.” I got to leave, then added, “If you tell Janice, it’s going to make me more irresistible to her. Think about it. I’ll see you tomorrow, over at the duck pond.” 

I was sure I saw signs of indecision and doubt cross his face, and I thought I saw his cock hard in his pants. Hmmm, maybe my instincts were right. Well, I’ll see what happens tomorrow.

I was on a bench near the duck pond when David drove up. He sat there, staring ahead, not moving, until he shook his head, then got out and started toward me. I took the bag with the two cinnamon rolls, tore it open, put the cinnamon rolls on it, and waited for him. 

He started even before he sat down, “It’s never going to happen. Janice wouldn’t..."

I interrupted him, saying, “I’ll start this. I saw your cock as you walked up. It’s as hard as mine is going to be when I have her under me, ready to be fucked. You want to see it. I want to do it, fuck her, and when I’m doing it to her, she’s going to want it too.”

I continued, “This is going to happen. And you’re going to let me do it. You’re going to watch me fuck Janice. You’re going to see my cock disappearing inside her pussy; you’re going to see her coming with my cock in her; and you’re going to see my cum oozing out of her. Worse for you, you’re going to enjoy it when you watch it.

I handed him his coffee and roll and said, Here, you can have this. Since you’re going to give me her pussy,” I paused, “No, her cunt. You’re going to be giving me her cunt to use. That’s a fair trade.”

He protested, “No, I..."

“Just looking at you, I can tell you’re practically her cuckold right now. If she walked up right now, you’d undress her right now, right here, for me to fuck. Wouldn’t you? Your cock is leaking, isn’t it?

“Show me your cock. I’m going to be seeing it soon enough. You’ll be coming in front of me the first time you watch. 

“Show it to me.”

He was twitching, trembling, and almost paralyzed when he gave a look around and slowly reached for his belt. I waited until he unbuckled it, undid the top button, and unzipped his pants. He quit moving, so I said, Now, David, show me your penis. NOW David. You know you're going to, so do it. You’re not my first cuckold. You’re not the first husband I’ve shown what it’s like to see your wife cuckold you. You’re also not the first man to show me his penis. When you're a cuckold, you'll never have a cock. just a penis. Men have cocks; cuckolds have penises.

God, I love this part. I'm humiliating the husband by letting him know what I'm going to do to his wife, and he believes he can't stop me. it's wonderful.

He straightened his posture, pulled his shoulders back, and pulled it out. His cock was engorged, throbbing, and oozing cum; suddenly it erupted, missing his pants legs and getting it all on the lawn.

I leaned back with my coffee and grinned at him, saying, “That was a better demonstration than even I expected. So don’t pretend you’re not going to enjoy it. Now that you know what’s happening, you can savor the anticipation of seeing Janice and me together. When you do, I expect to see a repeat performance from your penis. 

“I’m going to be delighted to see her white cunt eagerly waiting to feel my black cock for the first time. The contrast between my cock and her pussy as it’s entering her for the first time is going to drive you wild.”

I left him there, stupefied by his reaction in front of me. His face was red, and he was still trembling from the adrenaline overdose. I’d pushed a button he didn’t know existed. 

That afternoon, I called Janice at her office and got an appointment to talk to her. She asked all the right questions, including price range, bedrooms needed, pool, and how many kids. 

I got her in touch with Simon, my brother. After a few days, I suggested to Janice that I might look at a couple of places and check if she had what he wanted correctly. 

Janice called, and we set up a time to go over her best ideas. The first house she showed me was just too dark, with not enough light. The second place was a lot better, with lots of windows, an open floor plan, and, by today’s standards, a big backyard. The third house was newer, better landscaped, and had a better patio with a nice fire pit, and I could see the potential as the trees developed.

I invited Janice for coffee so we could discuss the houses. Yeah, right, discuss the houses. I was trying to connect with her. Simon’s house hunting was in a distant third place for me, behind making a connection and making a sexual connection. 

When we sat down, we talked about the houses and how to get Simon and Meghan down to look at some houses. 

We continued talking about ourselves a bit, music, books, and movies. Then we moved on to where we grew up and went to college. I started holding her hand and rubbing her palm. When we finished, I kissed her just a bit beyond friendly. 

During our talk, I learned about the gym where she exercised, and I started going to see if we might meet. On the second visit, Janice was there. I waved at her, finished my sets, and then waited for her to finish. As she finished, I waved her over and asked if she’d made connections with Simon. They were going to meet on Saturday. I finagled an invitation from Simon to go looking with them. It wasn’t hard since Simon knew about my hobby.

Simon was driving his BMW sports car, just a two-seater, accidentally.

Anyway, I ended up going with Janice. She had four houses to look at—two of the three we’d seen plus two more. Simon and Meghan’s impressions matched mine: number one, maybe; number two, possible; and number three, which I hadn’t seen, possible. 

The fourth house was perfect except for the price. Janice, Simon, and Meghan talked about that. Could they afford it without becoming house poor? Could they offer under the offering price?

Janice suggested offering ten thousand under the offering price. She thought it had a good chance of being accepted. Simon and Meghan decided to go home and talk about it. It was still over what they wanted to spend, but getting close.

Janice and I stopped for lunch before I went to my car. We got a booth, but instead of sitting across from Janice, I sat next to her. I held her hand at first, then moved one hand to her thigh. My instincts were telling me to be more assertive with her. She was curious about a black guy. That was something I could build on.

I moved from her thigh and brushed her tit. I saw her tense for a second. I kissed the palm of her hand next, and she tensed again. 

My instincts were telling me to be assertive. I turned in the booth, facing her, and casually let my hand drop into her lap. I moved my hand to her blouse and pulled it from her skirt, and then I caressed her skin. 

I looked at her, and I interrupted what she was saying, “Janice, I want to kiss you. My hand wants to caress you as I do it. I want to feel your skin.”

I put my whole hand under her blouse, caressing her. 

She stiffened and then slowly relaxed, enjoying my hand on her. She was practically purring as I moved my hand.

I interrupted, “What would you think If my hand touched you, touched your pussy?” I moved my hand and reached under her skirt, searching for her pussy. ”There, does that feel better?” 

Just then, our orders came, and I moved my hand away, and we stopped to eat. 

I was thinking. This is going to happen faster than I thought possible. She wants it. She wants me to fuck her, and I’m more than willing to accommodate her.

After eating, I asked Janice, “I’d love to continue what we’ve started. I’d like to see you naked; I want to feast on your breasts... uh, tits. I’d like to taste your uh, pussy ah, cunt.” 

She tried to interrupt, but I wouldn’t let her; I overrode her by adding, “I want to fuck you. When you're ready.” My instincts made me continue, “I’ll do anything you’re ready for. Just touching you to start? Kissing your tits, your pussy? You tell me, and I’ll do it. I’ll do it, and no more. Okay?”

I saw a hint of a nod, but no more.

I paid for our lunches, and we left In her car, my hands went back under her skirt and lifted her so I could get it from under her. I reached under her panties and caressed her pussy. 

“Janice, what do you want? What are you ready for? I know we’re going to fuck. I know you are going to let my cock take you. You’re going to want, uh, my cock taking your cunt, your mouth. My cock is going to be in your ass.”

Janice's eyes widened, then she forcefully said, “N-not my ass. No, not my ass!”

I looked at her until she looked away and said, “Ok, we’ll wait on your ass. When do you want me to fuck you?”

She looked startled as she realized that she’d practically told me she was willing to fuck me. “Oh, um, I...“

I interrupted her, “This afternoon? Your house or mine? My cock is going to love your pussy,” I laughed a bit and continued, “It’s very friendly, my cock. This afternoon or tomorrow, my cock is going to go visit. I can feel your cunt, your warm cunt, enveloping my cock. Imagine seeing my black cock enter your white cunt. You don’t mind me using that vulgar word, cunt?”

I waited for her to respond. She was hesitating—should she answer me or not? If she did, she was as good as saying she’d fuck me. She’d let me take her cunt?

I walked to her car and helped her in, my hands touching her tits. I repeated my question, “Do you mind me using the word cunt? It’s vulgar, but then... what we’ll be doing is vulgar—fucking.” 

She hesitated again, and I could see her curiosity about my black cock inside her white cunt overwhelming her resistance. She nodded just slightly, then nodded stronger.

I continued, “My cock wants to be buried in your white pussy, Janice. I don’t think it’ll wait beyond tomorrow. My tongue wants to taste your pussy my hands want to caress your white, naked body, and my cock wants to be introduced to your cunt. 

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“I want you to see my black cock coming in your mouth, in your white cunt. Picture it happening. Are you worried about David? David will let me. In fact, if you need his permission, I’ll ask him to give you an okay.”

She was stuttering, “Jerome, I’ve never f-fucked... God, a b-black man.”

“Janice, no, you haven’t. By tomorrow, though, you will have fucked a black man. You’ll have cuckolded David too. You’ll enjoy it when we let him know. He’ll enjoy it when he sees it happening in front of him.

“When should I come by your house? When does David leave for work? Or should I talk to him?”

Janice hesitated, then said, “No, no don’t ask David. I don’t want him to know. Please. Not before... not before. In front of David? I can’t do that. Let you fuck me so David can watch.”

I wasn’t sure that she realized again that by objecting to part of what I said, she’d tacitly agreed to the rest of it. 

“No, you’re right; we won’t show David tomorrow. We won’t ask for permission either. I’m going to screw you. Your pussy, your ass, and your mouth eventually So when does David leave? Nine A. M.?

“Reschedule your appointments. We’re going to want several hours.”

Janice was looking terrified but answered, “Nine; tomorrow he leaves before nine. I’ll call to reset my morning appointments. I’m going to do this. I want to do this, cuckold David, fuck my first black... Be fucked by my first black man.”

“You’ll enjoy my cock in your cunt.” I smiled at her after I kissed her.” You’ll like it when I do it; I’m also going to cum in your mouth. I’ll make sure you enjoy it all. Picture yourself naked in your bed, me over you with my cock, entering you for the first time.

“Feel the sensations as my cock invades your cunt for the first time. You’ll love the excitement as you realize you’re cuckolding David. Then later, when you feel my cock throbbing in your mouth just as I release my cum, it'll be even better.

When I left, I was thinking, This is one of the times when being black is an advantage. I caught David at a vulnerable time, and being black, I hit at a vulnerable spot. Janice, it was the same. She acquiesced so easily that she must have been thinking about it. It was clear that she'd been fantasizing about being fucked by a black cock.

The next morning, I texted Janice about fifteen minutes early to make sure David had left. I just sent a question mark. At nine, I got a thumbs-up emoji. 

When I got to their house, Janice was waiting for me. She kissed me as she shut the door and opened her robe. That was all she was wearing.

“Jerome, ah, Jerome, I’ve decided... I think, Hell, I want to get it over, all over. I’ve wanted some excitement, I’ve wanted to feel what a different man feels like. I want to cheat on David with your black cock. I want to come with your cock in me. I’ll let you have my pussy, God, my cunt. My mouth—I’ve never let anyone come in my mouth and swallow their cum.

“I said I wanted to get it over today, and I do. My pussy, and my mouth, to be used today. I want to cuckold David today. You said David would allow you to fuck me? He’ll enjoy watching? You’re sure?” 

I kissed her while I was caressing her tits. “Being a cuckold is complicated for any man. There’s a combination of arousal, excitement, and passion when they see their wife with her lover for the first time. 

“There’s also a fair amount of agony, disbelief, and self-hatred as they watch. They want it to happen, but they hate seeing it happen. At the same time.”

Janice kissed me harder, then in a rush said, Jerome, I’ve never cheated on David before, but recently I’ve been fantasizing about doing it. Now, I am. God, I’m actually going to do it. Jerome,” she paused before continuing, “I want it hard, just fucked hard. Please.”

“I’ll do that. For right now, shall I fuck you here in your entry? Up against the door? Or wait for your bedroom.”

Janice went for my belt and undid it while saying, “I’m naked, you will be in just a second. I want this here, against the door. NOW.” She emphasized the last word as my pants dropped to the floor.

She was lovely standing there, with her tanned skin, naked. Just the skin surrounding her areolas on each tit, and the triangle surrounding her pussy were pink. Her bush was trimmed nicely, and it framed the entrance to heaven. I bent over and kissed, sucked, and then bit her tits. Just a tender bite so she could feel it. 

Then I held her, with my cock, searching for the entrance to her pussy. When I found it, I told her, “Feel my cock taking you; you’re cheating on David, cuckolding him.” Then I was pounding her pussy, mauling her tits. She was trapped between her door and a frenzied lover who had lost all control. 

I was thinking right then that I’d never had a woman capitulate the way Janice did, so exuberantly. She’s been repressing fantasies for a long time. I must have come by at the exact right time. Is it the fact that I’m black or that I’m letting her express her bad girl fantasy? I’ll take it either way.

She tensed and started spasming on my cock. I felt the wonderful pain as my cock erupted into her. I pushed against her as hard as I could. When I finished coming, I said, “There, you’ve cheated on David, you’ve cuckolded him. And we both enjoyed it.” Then we both collapsed on the floor, panting. After we recovered, we collected our clothes and retired to their bed. We cuddled until I recovered my erection. 

“Now, I going to take your mouth, fuck it, and cum in it. You’re going to feel my cum leaking out.’’

Janice whispered to me, Jerome, yes, just take me again, I want you to just take me. I’ve never, uh, allowed a man to come in my mouth. I want you to. I want to taste your cum.”

I moved up, put my cock in front of her mouth, and forced it inside. I was saying, “There, Janice, my cock is taking your mouth. Your lips, put them harder against my cock that’s defiling your mouth.” I continued like that until I felt my balls tighten and let loose.

It ended just like I told her it would, my cum ended up leaking from her mouth. I love it when they can’t hold all my cum and I get to see this. Abso-cum-lutly.

When I was able to get her off, Janice was saying, “Jerome, God Jerome, that was wonderful.” She grinned at me and continued, “Can you go again? The reason I invited you, ah, wasn’t just so you could get me off, but I’ve wanted to feel a cock, your cock, in my ass. Since you talked about that, I’ve wanted to feel my ass being taken.

“Where are you going to do it? Jerome, I’m ready. I know it’s probably going to hurt, but I still want to know what it feels like. It’s so depraved, and I want... Jerome I want to be depraved for you. I can’t believe it, but I want to be yours. I want to feel depraved and wanton. Just for you, just for you.” 

I kissed her, licking my cum off her face as I did it. I responded, “I’m going to enjoy introducing you to ass fucking. Do you want to feel degraded, or perverted? I have other things I can do too, but they can wait. But not today; I need things you don’t have here. If you want to be completely mine before we tell David, let's wait to tell him and let him watch it."

We went back to bed and caressed each other, had lots of oral sex, and just spent time talking. We talked about how she wanted to show us fucking to David when we came to that. She kept wanting it stronger and stronger. More depraved, her being degraded in ways she’d never allowed him. 

Her fantasies included a lot of ‘bad girl’ scenes. She felt she’d always been a good girl, and this was her opportunity to give her bad girl a chance. I wanted to enjoy it with her.

When I’d recovered enough to fuck her again, I shut down the discussion of David seeing us, by telling her, “Let's leave me some time to think about it. I’m going to take your cunt one more time and then leave you to clean up. You’re going to want it to be a surprise. I’ll come up with something you’ll both be impressed with.”I gave her a grin.

I led her to their dining room table, where I had her lie face down on it. 

She was a beautiful sight, her hands spread across the table, forcing her ass into the air. She couldn’t resist whatever I wanted to do to her. I started by putting my fingers in her cunt to warm her up. Then I stood behind her and put my cock in her, replacing my fingers, and just fucked her as hard as I could. She was screaming—such a wonderful sound. A naked woman screaming with my cock in her. I reached under her and squeezed her tits, which reenergized her screams until I felt her tense under me. She then started sobbing as she was spasming. I could make out my name, “Jerome, yes, Jerome, that’s amazing...“ Her voice slowly stopped. Her cunt spasming on my cock made me come too. I pulled my cock out, and some of my cum ended up on the table.

When I finally left, I’d cum in her mouth once more. I hoped it was leaving a good taste in her mouth, so she’d welcome me back. Well, we decided she’d come by my house that Saturday, so I could ass fuck her. She wanted me to have every part of her before we let him know he was my cuckold. 

She had a morning appointment that lasted till noon, and I was ready for her when she showed up. I tied her to my bed, face down, with a couple of pillows. She couldn’t resist, and I had a ball gag on her so she couldn’t scream.

I had a dildo that was bigger than my cock, just a little bigger, so my cock wouldn’t hurt too much. When I was through screwing her with the dildo, her asshole was gaping, ready for my cock. When I put my cock in her, I released the gag and started fucking her, I wanted to listen to her as I took her ass for the first time. 

She was talking to herself, saying, “Yes, Janice, this is what you wanted; now you’ve got it. Oh, that hurts a bit. Don’t be an idiot; you knew it would.” Later, while I was smoothly fucking her, she said, “Oh, yes. That’s more like it. I’m enjoying it a little.” Suddenly she clenched her anal muscles, and that pushed me over the edge, and I climaxed inside her. 

I heard her whisper to herself, “Jerome, yes, just like that. I could feel it—feel him come. It’s so degrading... She just relaxed, and I collapsed on her and then lay beside her. 

We continued meeting at my house, where we fucked, and I continued to take her every way I wanted. She seemed to especially enjoy the bad girl aspects, and I decided to provide her with her ultimate fantasy, showing her ‘bad girl’ side to David.

I told her what I intended; I was going to get David to come over and watch and not let her know beforehand, and it was exactly what she wanted.

Friday I was ready; I had her bound to my bed naked, face down so she couldn’t move, with a blindfold on her, and I had just finished fucking her ass. I continued by teasing her with a feather.

I secretly sent the text I had prepared for David: David, come by 1530, Not Main Street, IMMEDIATELY. Janice has something to tell you.  Jerome.

I knew that David’s work was ten minutes away, so I stopped about ten minutes later, saying, “Just rest for a minute; I’ll be back and we can finish.”

About five minutes later, I heard a car in front, and David got out. He hesitated at the car and then walked to the front door. I opened it after he rang the bell. And I knew Janice could hear it. 

I was standing there in a robe and led him to my bedroom, where he saw Janice bound on the bed. Her ass hole was gaping, and it was obvious what we’d been doing. I heard him gasp and say, “Janice, God, Janice? What... “ he was making inarticulate noises.

Janice tried to move and cover herself ineffectually, and yelled, David, what? God Jerome, you did it. I thought you were kidding God.”

'No, I wasn’t. What made you think I was kidding?” I looked at David and said, “You’re going to watch us, but first get naked; take your clothes off first. 

He was paralyzed as he saw the evidence that I’d been real and that she'd submitted to me. I took his hands to his shirt and told him again, “Get naked; I want to see your penis while you watch. Take it off—your shirt, all of your clothes. Then … “ I stopped talking and just stared at him. He looked at me, paused, then, with his hands trembling, started unbuttoning his shirt.

“David is taking his shirt off and his hands are trembling so hard he’s having a hard time,“ I was giving her a step-by-step explanation of what was happening, “He’s got his shirts off, now he’s removing his slacks, god, Janice, his cock is hard and it’s leaking. He’s naked." 

I held him back from touching her, saying, “No touching. She’s not your wife right now, she’s my lover, your cuckoldress. You’re her cuckold now and have been for several weeks.” I slipped my robe off. “Now that you know, what you can do, though, is take my cock and help me put it in Janice., I led him to the bed and got in position to fuck her. “Now put it in.”

She could hear him saying, “No, no, Janice,” even while he was reaching for my cock, and then she felt him guiding my cock to her cunt. He was whimpering, “He’s going to fuck you and... God, I can’t believe I’m doing it. I’m helping him.”

Just as I penetrated her cunt, he came on the bed, on Janice, and on himself. I started fucking, her. Janice orgasmed, knowing that we were being watched and that David had come on her. She exploded, writhing as best as she could, screaming, Jerome, god, Jerome, it’s so strong, I’m coming, Jerome, David, god, it’s so good." She ended incoherently, and then I came.

David stood there with his cock still leaking, Janice, still restrained, sweating profusely, with my cum leaking out of her cunt, and me with my cock softening and slipping out of her.

Another successful cuckolding, and it was wonderful. If anyone wonders why I do this, this is why!

And yes, Simon and Meghan bought the fourth house.

Written by keylime314159
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