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Author's Notes

"Brad meets Beth and Todd at church, Brad and Beth get to Know each other."

I’m a card-carrying member of Cuckolders Inc. If you’ve read any of the other stories from us posted at KeylimePi, you know that we turn monogamous marriages into cuckold marriages. While we don’t particularly respect bulls, our activities do let them reap the benefits. More cuckold couples equal more opportunities for bulls.

A recent successful conquest was Beth and Todd. I saw them when I was visiting a local church. I recognize susceptible couples and they were primo candidates. She was good-looking and seemed the dominant half. Most people wouldn’t expect to find potential cuckold couples at church, but for me, it’s been a wonderful hunting ground. 

I decided then and there, to make them my next conquest. I could see myself fucking her. A naked Beth lying next to me, her tits flushed red where I'd been mauling them, her eyes dilated by lust, and her pussy leaking onto the sheets. Todd, next to the bed, his erection standing rigid, waiting for me. He's, waiting, wanting to see my cock impale her. I was making him watch and help me make him a cuckold.

I soon found out that she worked as a supervisor at a local hardware wholesaler. That didn’t allow any openings, but then I found out she swam laps at a semi-private pool. I joined and over a few weeks was able to synchronize our times swimming. I’m not asshole dominant, but I tend that way. A little at least, and I can step it up if I have a reason. 

I classified fucking her as reason enough. She was swimming without Todd, so I inserted myself as her swimming partner, counting laps together. It wasn’t long before we started going for coffee afterward. A few weeks later, I convinced her to meet me for lunch a couple of times. I’m not known for subtlety in my Cuckolder pursuits, and I quickly started touching and kissing her. I was able to override her objections, one by one. When I talked her into meeting at a park for lunch, I started seducing her, blatantly. My kissing and breast touching made it clear that I was intending to fuck her.

Again, I was able to get around her objections one by one, and I invited her to River Park for an extended lunch. She’d had an appointment and taken the rest of the day off at my urging. Walking to my picnic spot, my private picnic spot, I had my hand inside her blouse rubbing her back when I released her bra. She stopped, saying she wasn’t comfortable doing that. 

I was able to convince her I was doing it so her breasts could relax too. Right. She believed me, uh, not at. all. At my picnic spot, I was able to get rid of her blouse and then her bra. With more kissing and caressing I was also able to get her out of her pants. By then I was using the ‘You know you want this.’ argument. Lots of caressing her tits, kissing her all over, and my hands on her pussy got rid of her panties. I was kissing her pussy when someone walking up the river spoiled everything.

She got dressed without looking at me. 

Okay, regroup and try a different direction. She’s willing, that’s obvious. She let me get her naked and play with her. All I need is to give her another opportunity to submit her pussy to my cock. I can’t wait.

I had learned Todd was out of town the next week and decided that was the time for my big push. I was going to fuck her with him gone, period.

We met for lunch on Monday, the first day he was gone, and as we were finishing, ”I’m going to come by tonight. I’m going to … ah, finish what we started on our picnic.” Then I kissed her and started to leave.

“Wait, Brad. Finish what, … Brad?”

I wasn’t interested in her protests, so I smiled at her and said "I’ll see you at seven this evening. I can’t wait.” I kissed her again and left.

At seven I rang her bell and she opened the door holding it partially open, “Uh, Brad … uh …" Her voice trailed off.

I interrupted. “You know you want me to come in. I know you want me to come in. You want to finish what we started. Just let me in and it'll all be over and you can relax. You'll enjoy it."

She continued to hesitate, “I’m not …”

I kissed her open mouth with my tongue exploring her tongue. My hands took possession of her tits, no bra. I just pushed her inside, “Not in front of your neighbors. Here is better.” I was unbuttoning her blouse exposing her naked tits to me. My hands pushed her blouse off her shoulders and moved down inside her pants reaching for her clit. “You were waiting for me. You can’t tell me … you don’t want, want my cock.”

She shivered, “I don’t want, I don’t …”

My mouth shut her up. My hands moved to unfasten the button and zipper on her pants. As I pulled them down I exposed her pantiless pussy. I pushed her back against the shut door as I undid my pants toeing off my shoes and dropped and stepped out of my pants, and answered her, “You were waiting for me by the door. You were waiting without a bra. You were waiting without panties. Do you want my cock here? Or can you wait to get to your bed?”

I waited until Beth started again, “I don’t …” she hesitated and I could see her trying to decide.

Forget letting me fuck her or not, I'd changed the question to 'Shall I let him fuck me right here?’

“I don’t … No, I don't, Hell Brad, I don’t want ... " her voice trailed off as I kissed her. my fingers were playing with her pussy. I could see the change in her, as the question she had to answer changed. I also saw when she decided she wanted it now. "Brad, Brad, I don't want to wait. I want it now. I want your cock. I’m ready. shit, I’m ready, please, your cock now.”

I bent over and sucked on one tit after another with my hands all over her pussy. Then I lifted her against the wall, so I could get my cock in her, my hands on her ass, holding her up. My cock slipped inside her wet pussy and I felt her shudder as it happened. I just fucked her harder and harder until I felt her come, but I just fucked through it, and as I came I bit her lip.

When I could stand, I led her into the living room and then into her, their bedroom, Beth and Todd’s bedroom. Laying her back on their bed, I caressed her tits and then got in next to her. “It’s over now Beth. there are no more decisions to make. You cuckolded Todd when you fucked me. When you let my cock in your pussy, that’s when you decided. God Beth, cuckolding him was spectacular. Your tits. Your ass, your pussy…I’m going to want it … again and again. I'm going to screw you until you collapse. You, me, we've cuckolded Todd and I want it again."

That was as exhilarating as I imagined it would be. Her reaction, as she felt my cock slip inside her. The emotions I saw as she realized I was fucking her. The sensations I felt as I came inside her. Those are the reasons I do what I do.

"We've cuckolded Todd, you and I cuckolded him … now we need to make him know.”

Beth interrupted me, “Cuckold Todd again? Damn, god yes. B-But let him know?”

“More than know. We’re going to let him watch … watch us together, my cock, in your pussy. let him watch us.”

“I can’t do that to him, make him … let him watch. No. No. Not that."

“You'll love it. The sense of power you’ll feel. You'll watch his face, as you’re being fucked, right in front of him. You'll see his arousal as he slowly realizes what he’s seeing. You naked in front of me, me naked in front of Todd. The instant he sees my cock enter your cunt, it’ll prove that he’s our cuckold. Watching him, watching the emotions flit across his face as my cock takes your pussy, as you come for me, will be astonishing.

“He’ll see you come under me. He’ll see me cum in you, and see my cum ooze out. He’ll love it and hate it at the same time, you’ll be able to see all the emotions as he is feeling them.”

I let her talk, “Uh, in front of him? I’m not, I don’t think … can I? Do that? In front of him?”

I had decided to make it as personal as I could. I was sure he would submit to my dominance if I didn’t give him any warning. I'd hit him as hard as I could.

To make it difficult as possible for Beth to resist, I took her right tit in my mouth and sucked leaving a conspicuous hickey. Then bit both tits leaving marks behind. By the time Beth realized what I was doing, it was too late. No question he’d know.

“You’ll love watching him, as he realizes what’s happening” I suddenly remembered something Alex had mentioned he had done 

“Call Todd now, while I’m playing with you, while you’re enjoying my cock. Call him with my cock still in you, with my hands on your tits. Both of us naked. I want to listen as you tell him you love him.“ 

I got her phone and then entered her again. We were both naked and Beth had my cum oozing out of her cunt. She reluctantly took it and paused. “I can’t, don’t make m … me d-d do it.”

I looked at her saying, “Yes, do it, I want you to feel your power. If he’s in his room, make him come. Help him jack off and come for us, tell him you love him. I want us to hear him cum while you’re here with me. Hell, tell him what’s happened here. tonight. He won’t believe it. He’ll come, and you'll understand the power surge I’m talking about.”

I saw her hands tremble as she called. “Hi, darling how are your meetings going?” A pause, “um I’m in bed, wishing you were here. God Todd, I’m so ah, horny. Uh ah, I need to put you on speakerphone. You won’t believe what happened this evening. No, just a second here I’ll put you on the speaker. My hands are holding my breasts, my tits.”

I could hear Todd, ”What are you wearing Beth? In bed?”

“I’m naked, but let me talk. Todd, do you remember Brad, from church? He and I have been swimming laps together at the pool for a while. You’re in your room aren’t you?” She paused

Todd, “Yes, why.”

“Strip, I want you holding your cock, while I tell you.”

I could hear the sounds of him undressing. 

“Hold your cock. Uh, Brad’s been making some moves … moves on me. He’s been touching me, kissing me. He exposed my breasts to him, so, … god Todd, he kissed me, m-my tits, picture my breas … my tits being kissed. I couldn’t stop him. Tonight he came to our door. He'd warned me he would, um, I couldn’t stop him from coming in. He undressed me while I could hardly move. He uh, took my blouse off. He was able to force all my clothes … He forced me to let him take them completely off. I was naked in front of him. My tits, my ... God, my pussy was exposed, everything, he could see everything."

I could hear sounds, heavy breathing, a bed noise 

“God Todd, I was naked in front of Brad. I didn’t want him to, but he kissed my tits and my nipples. While he was doing this, I felt my panties being pushed down. We were just inside the front door and I was forced f-forced against the wall. Held there. While he undressed. Todd, he took his cock, I couldn’t stop him, as he just took me. His cock was in my pussy. pounding me against the wall.”

That’s when I heard him yell, “I’m coming Beth I’m coming.“

“I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow, Todd.” Then she hung up. 

“God Brad, you were right, that was … God. Powerful. I made him come while your cock was in my puss uh, cunt, in my cunt. Brad. fuck me again. I want your cock. Horny isn’t a strong enough word. We heard him come. I’ll do it, I’ll fuck you in front of him.”

I grinned at her, saying “When is he due back? Let's call him each evening and tell him what we’re doing then greet him when he gets home. I’ll come by about eight tomorrow and each night he’s away. When he gets back we’ll greet him. Maybe on the living room floor? What’s your preference” 

I hesitated then added, “Beth, you and I, we fuck, Todd and you, have sex. You’ll see the difference."

“Tomorrow night, we’ll let him hear you being fucked. The next night we’ll share some pictures with him. He’ll enjoy it.”

The next night we called him as we were fucking, Beth was getting out of breath but she said, “Todd, Brad is here, he forced his way inside again, and uh, uh,“ She was breathing hard, “ah, he’s uh, undressed uh, uh, me, ah, again. Ah, ah, he’s fucking me ah uh, again. I can barely talk. Uh uh, oh god, I’m coming, I’m coming god yes, it’s so strong.” The sound of the bed banging against the wall was continuous during the call. I hung up her phone.

I wasn’t surprised when the landline rang. Beth had gotten her breath back when she answered. “Hello? Oh Todd uh, I guess we got cut off. I’m sorry … what did I say? Ah, I said that Brad is here, and um … he just … no, he just finished. Yes, I came. I didn’t want to but … no, I can’t stop him. No, I can’t. Stop interrupting Todd. Todd, let me say something. So, Brad is here and he's fucking me, his cock is still in my pussy right now, he’s still fucking me, sucking on my tits. He fucked me yesterday, for a couple of hours. We’re going to fuck every day you’re gone, and I can’t and don’t want to stop him. I couldn’t stop him if I wanted to, but I don’t. 

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“Tomorrow we’re going to send photographic proof that I’m being fucked, and you’re my cuckold. When Friday? We’ll explain when you get here. Call me when you board the plane, so I can be sure to be here when you arrive. Yes, I love you, my cuckold.” And she hung up.

God that was so powerful, talking to Todd while I was making her come. I wonder, does he believe we’ve cuckolded him? Well, the pictures we send him tomorrow will prove it. Humm, should we send him a couple of photos tonight?

I interrupted fucking Beth to say, “Let’s send some pictures tonight. I want him to know he’s a cuckold tonight. Two or three pictures with my cock in you.”

I got up and set my phone on the timer and put it on the dresser pointing to the doorway. I made Beth stand where I wanted the picture taken, and checked that it was aimed right. I started the timer, went to Beth, and lifted her holding her ass, with my cock in her, standing so he could see it was real. 

It wasn’t the most artistic picture, but it said what I wanted. Beth was obviously naked, she had a cock in her, and it was in their bedroom. The next two pictures were taken by Beth, one showing us in bed with my cock in her, and the last showing me, my face in her pussy. I texted them to Beth and she sent them from her phone with a note, 

‘Dear Cuckold Todd, these pictures are for you to keep. Brad is keeping me busy in a lot of ways, and I’m looking forward to showing you how. Brad and I are looking forward to explaining how things will be changing from now on. Cuckoldress Beth and Cuckolder Brad.’

We finished our night with a couple more fucks and we slept until morning. That’s when I fucked her mouth until I came. I love that.

That night, I took some videos of Beth sucking my cock and me coming on her, and some pictures of us naked in bed with me sucking her tits, and me fucking her. We sent them one by one with text, explaining what they showed.

When we had all the pictures sent, Beth sent a message to Todd, ‘Dear Cuckold Todd, Did you get the pictures? How many did you get? We sent nine pictures and four videos. So, did you get them all?’

‘We want some nude pictures from you since we’ve sent you so many of us. I’d like some pictures of you masturbating, with one of you coming.

‘If you have questions you’d like us to answer before you come home, you can call. Do it in the next half hour or we’ll be too busy to hear the phone. Cuckoldress Beth and Cuckolder Brad.’ 

Beth got a text from Todd in about fifteen minutes it included three pictures of him, naked, masturbating, and the third picture showed him coming on his chest. His text said 'Yes I've seen everything, the pictures, and the videos.’

A couple of minutes later her cell rang and she answered, “Hi Todd,” she paused and she motioned for me to take her again, when my cock was seated in her cunt, she smiled, then went back to the phone., “Sorry, um, Brad is here and I wanted his cock in me while I answer. I’m putting you on speaker-phone so he can hear, uh, too.”

Todd, “You’re in bed with uh Brad? Brad? Uh, his cock is in you? Right now?”

Beth, “Yes to both questions. 

Todd, “So you’re cuckolding me right now? Do you like it? Yes? 

Beth, “Yes and yes. I love it. I don’t know how long Brad and I are going to be together, but I expect to continue, cuckolding you. One lover at a time or short-time lovers, I don’t know. But expect this to be at least off and on permanent. 

“The sensations as my lover’s cock … Todd, as I feel his cock, feel as it is slipping inside me is delicious. When I come, it’s, … I can’t find the words. When I feel his cum explode in my cunt, it’s so different, more exciting than when we make love. 

“I adore making love to you, I need you making love to me, but I also need to have my lover fuck me. Brad is just different.”

Todd, “So you’re kicking me out of our bed, is that right?" 

Beth, “No, of course not. you're my husband. When Brad and I are not together we'll sleep in our bed. The guest room is where you'll sleep when Brad and I want some privacy."

Todd, “So this is permanent? I’m your permanent cuckold?"

He hung up. 

My instinct was telling me this would work. This was what I expected, Todd would resist but he would submit. Todd would eventually enjoy the submission, angst, arousal, and humiliation of being Beth’s cuckold. They all do, seeing us naked, my cock fucking their wife. I do need to teach Beth how much humiliation was too much and how much was just right. 

I left after about an hour. The next evening I came over at eight and I fucked her doggy style, then cleaned her, and made her climax with me eating her pussy. We made more videos but got no reply. 

It was clear she was worried about Todd, and what he would say when he got home. The question I was trying to decide was, how far to push his cuckolding in his face as soon as he got home. 

At noon I called Beth and told her what we were going to do. "We'll greet him with us fucking in bed, we'll let him watch you come under me, and when we finish, I’ll leave," I paused and added "Unless you want me to stay and answer questions. Think about it."

She got her call at work at four in the afternoon. Two-hour flight, half-hour plus to get to the car, and thirty minutes home, means Todd driving home at about seven. Yes. Our cuckold coming to watch us fuck, I can hardly wait.

When we talked I told her to meet me fully clothed and I’d undress her as we went to the bed. We’d leave a trail of clothes on the floor for him to follow. We’d greet him fucking and when we finished, I'd tell him my rules. I'd made a printed list for him."

1 Her cunt, mouth, and ass; belong to me.

2 He slept in the guest bedroom when I was there.\

3 Her cunt was mine, exclusively for one week.

4 I got her any time I wanted, even if it interrupted your sex.

5 We may let you watch. It’s our choice.

6 We won’t embarrass you here in town, out of town we might. 

7 Tonight you can watch and you will put my cock in her cunt, the first time you watch.

When he entered our bedroom, I was about to come in Beth and I was able to almost pull out so my cum was leaking out of her cunt as I pulled away. It was just the way I wanted him to see us. 

I looked at Todd and said, “Todd, get your wife a warm washcloth to clean her”

He looked at me, hesitated, and went and got a washcloth, wet with warm water, and handed it to Beth, his wife. 

I looked at Beth and said, “Thank your husband, why don’t you ask him to clean you uh, your cunt?”

Beth hesitated then said, “Todd, thank you. You’re my cuckold now, so, please clean me, Then kiss my cunt, softly.“ She hesitated, then continued, “You know what that means don’t you? What you are? Clean Brad’s cum off me, kiss my cunt then tell Brad and me what you are."

Todd tried to resist, but finally, he took the washcloth and gently wiped my cum off her cunt, kissed it then hesitantly said, “Beth, T-Todd, I’m, I’m “ He stopped for a minute, and then continued, “I’m your cuckold Beth. God, I’m your cuckold." When he was finished cleaning her, he leaned over and kissed her clitoris then used his tongue.

He started to cry, and he was trembling

Beth got out of bed, still naked, smelling like sex. She hugged him and then said, “God, I still love you, you’re still my husband. I not going to leave you. But, you need to … need to understand. Let’s go downstairs and we’ll talk, the three of us about what that means.”

Todd left and I started to dress when Beth said, “No, we’ll go down naked. Todd needs to know he’s our cuckold. We have sex when we want to. Todd gets sex when I want him to.”

Ok then, we went down the stairs to tell Todd what his life was going to be like. He was pacing downstairs and I looked over at Bethany and mouthed “You or me first?”

Beth started, "Todd, you’ve seen the pictures, of Brad and me fucking, and just now saw Brad come, in front of you. After cuckolding you with Brad, fucking Brad it’s clear to me I’m not going to quit. That means I’m going to fuck, screw, or bang anyone I want to. I need it, and you’re going to let me. So, do you understand so far?

Todd hesitated before saying, “Yes B-Beth, I think so."

“Do you know what being my cuckold means, for you, for me, and my lovers?”

Todd was a little clearer talking, “Yes, kind of, after you sent the first pictures I looked cuckold up online… there seem to be different kinds of … c-cuckolds. You get sex with lovers, I don’t. Sometimes there’s lots of personal humiliation, chastity and in other cases the wife lets everyone know. Some of them I can accept, I think, others I’m not sure.”

Beth interrupted and said, “I love you Todd, and I don’t want us to break up. Chastity? Maybe for a week, but not more. I don’t want our sex life to be common knowledge."

I interrupted, “I’m not going to kid you. Being my cuckold, Beth’s and mine, is not going to be easy but I told Beth my rules. she'll show them to her. I don’t want you two to break up. But I think you will end up enjoying being her cuckold.” 

I looked at him tearing up. Beth looked at me then looked at the door so, I left.

At noon the next day, I rang the bell and Todd invited me in. I saw Beth sitting on the sofa and I sat next to her. And looked at her questionably she started, “Yes, I’ll start. Todd knows it’s going to be fast and furious. I told Todd to undress me for you. He realizes by doing that, undressing me for you, knowing you're going to fuck me, means he’s giving me to you. 

"By putting your cock in my cunt, he realizes I have a cunt with you, with him I have a pussy. That we aren’t just doing it to him but with him. the three of us. Todd wants your cock in my cunt. I also told him that when you take my ass, I want him to give my ass to you too." 

My cock was as hard as it’s ever been right then. I helped Beth to stand and stepped aside, then he stepped up and unbuttoned her blouse and unfastened her bra, and let them fall to the floor. He kissed them and said ritually, “By kissing your tits I am telling you that I’m giving Brad control over your tits.”

Then he unbuttoned her pants, unzipped them, and helped her step out of them, pulled her panties down, and again helped her step out of them. He knelt and kissed her pussy, turned her, and kissed her ass. He stood and looked at Beth “Beth, by kissing your pussy, and ass, you will be obeying me by sharing your pussy and ass with those you feel deserve it."

“By kissing you while you’re naked I am releasing you from your vow to be faithful.”

He finished by saying, “I’m your cuckold. I’m depending on you to protect me from your lovers."

“Brad, take Beth, and I’ll put your cock in her … h-her cunt.”

I started, I hadn’t expected this almost religious ceremony. I kissed her, kissed her tits, and played with her on the sofa, and then started kissing her clit licking, sucking biting.

I splayed her legs wide for me, as I pulled myself over her. Todd kneeled and kissed Beth as he placed my cock in her. He said to Beth, “This seals our new vows. Be happy dear.”

I heard Beth say, “Be happy Todd, I’ll live up to our new vows.”

I felt him place my cock at her entrance and I started fucking her. I think we were both about to cum, I gave three strokes and she came, and as I felt her come, I followed. We were doing a lot of caressing, kissing, and just playing with each other. When Beth was kissing my cock, I needed another release and I started fucking her mouth until I came.

Beth moaned, “Brad that was so nice feeling your cock as it spasmed and then released your cum. You taste wonderful. I’m going to want that again." 

I was with them for about two months, when I found a new couple and I moved on as I told Beth would happen. They were an exceptional couple, Beth was always excited to do whatever I needed and I always enjoyed her emotions when he watched. 

I never found out what their new vows were. Beth just said they were between the two of them and it wasn’t my business. Todd just said to ask Beth. 

I checked on them over the years and they still seemed happily married and Beth was still cuckolding Todd. I asked a few of their partners how they were doing and without exception, they told me it was their business, not mine.

Written by keylime314159
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