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Author's Notes

"This is a series about various men that enjoy cuckolding, previously faithful wives. Each story is about a different couple that is introduced to cuckold marriage by a member of Cuckolders Inc, a group of cuckolders."

One thing I want to make clear. I’m not a Bull. I suppose being a Bull is an honorable avocation and maybe lots of fun, but it’s not the same. Bulls fuck existing cuckold couples. Most of the time, the couples have been doing it for some time or are seriously looking to start doing it. Not very challenging in my opinion. Not very dangerous either. There's not much risk of having an irate husband after you.

I’m a member of Cuckolders Inc. We’re Cuckolders. We’re men that deliberately find susceptible faithful wives and fuck them to cuck their husbands. Then we make their wives to continue cucking them in front of their husbands.

We're a nonprofit corporation in California and we're actually incorporated under the name of Cuckolders Inc. To be a member, you have to prove to an existing member you can find couples, a previously faithful couple, and fuck the wife to cuckold the husband. The husband has to know and accept it and we require making the husband watch to count.

The most successful members seem to have a sense of potential cuckold couples. There have been a few that seem to just use trial and error. They are the ones that seem to just eventually disappear. Often the bodies are never found.

So, what motivates us? The sex is obvious. For most of us, though, it’s a lot more than that. Watching the faithful wife’s face as she realizes my cock is entering her for the first time, she realizes she’s not a faithful wife any longer. The emotions that cross her face are arousal, fear, anxiety, anticipation, and even self-hatred at what they are doing to their husband.

It’s also seeing the emotions on the husband's face later, when he has to see us fuck. As he sees us naked, me handling his wife's tits and pussy, my cock nearing her entrance, my cock entering her, her obvious ecstasy as she comes. I can see angst, fear, arousal, and self-hatred. The self-hatred at not being able to stop me and at the same time enjoying watching their wife being violated. Violated by my cock. Often they come while I'm fucking their wife. They can feel my power. I was responsible for the change in their marriage. I did it. I made him a cuckold. He’s a cuckold as long as they stay married even if she doesn’t continue doing it. I try to visit my cuckold couples at least once a year. Visit, hell not visit, I fuck the wife again, cuckold the husband again. The wives at least love it.

I love the sensation as I come in someone else's wife for the first time. Feeling my cum release in her cunt. Knowing it's her first. Not her first time being fucked. Her first time making her husband a cuckold. The rush as I release my cum inside her, the first new sperm inside her pussy.

I’m constantly looking for new possibilities and targets. I’d seen Katie and Sean at a few parties and the theatre. If I was Spider-Man I’d say my spidey sense went off. I’m not, so I don't. I do seem to sense when I meet couples that are vulnerable to me. 

Both Katie and Sean were.

I’d found out that Katie and Sean were active in a group trying to help the homeless. Now, I don’t have anything against the homeless, but I wasn’t really there to help them, I was prospecting for my hobby and I had decided on Katie and Sean. I'd joined because they were members. Katie was the secretary, taking minutes, and Sean was, well, there. This was a definite campaign, I was here to seduce Katie, fuck her, and then fuck her again in front of Sean.

When the group went to the city council meeting about an issue of police harassment. Katie and I and six others were there, without Sean, who had to work. After the meeting, I invited everyone to meet for coffee. It ended up being me, Katie, Bill, and Susan. Bill and Susan left first so I used the opportunity to start becoming friendly with Katie and get to know her. I learned where she grew up, where she went to college, and what her job was. I learned she was interested in various science subjects. Astronomy, cosmology, evolution, and anthropology were just a few we talked about.

I started inviting her to lunch. Usually about once a week. I was using our lunches to get more friendly with her. Some touching and then a few kisses. She slowly allowed more intimate touching and kissing. When I started driving her to lunch I began to caress her back then one time I unfastened her bra through her clothes and I told her to let me take it off. She hesitated. Then shook her head no. 

The hesitation told me I was close. Two weeks later, I did it again. This time after a longer hesitation, she just sat there. I took that as permission so I was able to get the straps around her hands and pulled her bra out, off. We had lunch with her braless and on the way back I pulled over and reached under her top and caressed her bare tits. Pinching her nipple. At her office, I tried to keep her bra but she insisted on keeping it. So, I gave her a demanding kiss that included my hands on them. 

“I want to see them. Your bre… tits. Your tits. Soon.”

The next week, I discovered Sean was going to be in an out-of-town golf tournament, without Katie for a couple of days. I looked for a talk or something science-related that I thought she might be interested in. I found something at the local college planetarium on the evolution of the solar system.

I called Katie after I got the tickets saying a friend and I were planning to go except his job had a sudden problem. Then I said that I heard she was going to be a golfing widow this weekend and I had an extra ticket. So?

It worked. I picked her up at her house so parking would be easier and so I could invite her for dinner afterward. The talk was interesting and informative. As we left the talk I invited her to dinner while driving her home. We picked a place on the way to her house. Yes, I was making progress. 

Again, I enjoyed the conversation at dinner and made more progress. I was able to well, I kissed her as I helped her into the car. On the way, I pulled into an empty parking lot and was able to remove her bra and caress her tits. I unbuttoned her blouse so I could kiss them sucking her nipples into my mouth. I reluctantly finished driving her home.

When I let her out at her door. There were passionate kisses. Real kisses. One hand held her close and the other, held her head as we kissed. They weren’t one-sided either.

I could see her hesitating as she said good night. I took her hand and pulled her close again and kissed her neck and one hand brushed her breasts, tits lightly but several times, both breasts. She asked me, “Um unless… would you like to have some coffee? Ah, come in instead… of… leaving?”

I moved my kiss to her mouth and my hands brushing her naked breasts became caressing her tits.  And I whispered, “I’d love to… come… in…” my tongue went exploring in her mouth, “…you… but, no. Not now. ”.Still, I kept kissing her with my hand on her tits. 

“I am going to regret this and I want you… uh, to regret this too. I want you to remember my restraint and know I am not… not going… to stop. Next time, I m… may not stop.”

I was able to leave and get in the car and drive a block before I pulled over so I could recover. I still felt it was the right thing to do. Both for her and my eventual success. I continued after cleaning myself.

We continued meeting for lunch there was more touching, intimate touching. I was touching her pussy and she was touching my cock 

When I met them at another homeless meeting, I was able to get her alone. All I did was say, “I still regret leaving.” And kissed her, being sure Sean could see, leaving her standing there. 

Sean is an avid golfer and two weeks later, I found out he was going to another out-of-town tournament. I called Katie, “I understand Sean is going to another golf tournament in Fresno? A two-day tournament? “

Katie replied hesitating, ”Yeah, he is. He’s excited… because… ah, he thinks he has a chance to do well there.“ Pausing, waiting, knowing what I want. 

So I said, “I’d like to see you then. Do something… something together, maybe. Ah… if there’s any… anything we might do… together."

She was hesitating too, ”I was… I might um decide to… to go with Sean… to the… tournament. Maybe. I haven’t decided. May… maybe?" 

My answer was, “If you’d prefer. I think… I know I’d like to see you this weekend. When will he leave? For the tournament. Um… ok, here it is. What I want is to finish what we started. After the planetarium. I’d like to finish…”

She was incoherent replying, “Ah… finish um you want… I …don’t… know… Friday… um, think maybe I’ll go. Ah Alex, maybe… think." She paused. " Yes, I have to think… uh… Good Bye.”

She hung up on me. The next morning, I found a text waiting for me saying, Alex I decided to stay in town. Yes, I’m looking forward to that. Sean is leaving directly from work so. So any time after 6 or so. Maybe dinner first, a slow beginning leading to what you want. What I have wanted since. God, an appointment for an assignation. I can’t believe myself. Let me know where and when and I’ll take a Lyft so we’ll only have one car. He'll be back Sunday. Please, please let me know soon. 

I decided on Toscana’s, made a reservation at seven, and replied in ten minutes. I almost stopped for a quick release but restrained myself.

I was at Toscana’s waiting for her. I had a secluded table and a bottle of wine I knew she liked, waiting. When she came I could tell she was nervous. I got up and kissed her, one of our patented kisses. A little tongue and breast touching.

“Just relax, we’ll have a good time. We both… want to be here. Don’t we? Remember no, still means no. Any time. Relax, nothing will happen… nothing, until, unless… you want… it to. “

We moved to mostly general conversation, except I sometimes introduced the words breasts, caress, naked, and sex into the conversation. I was very subtle. I remember one sentence during a discussion about the weather. “ It’s warm tonight but the breeze would feel wonderful on your naked breasts. If we were outside naked that is. With me caressing you ti… breasts.” By dessert, Katie was doing it too. As we walked to my car my hand was on her ass. Just cupping it, not fondling. As I helped her into my car, I leaned in and gave her a hard kiss. When she returned it grabbing my head and pulling me close, I relaxed. She did want to be here. 

I got in and again leaned in kissing her. Then, ”I think what I’m supposed to say is your place or mine. But I think mine might be better, so…?”

She kissed me harder saying, “Yes, yours. Yours.  Uh, I have a question… a question. Uh, we’ve had our slow beginning so maybe… maybe… I’ve thought about… ah, you could start here…–I can’t believe… saying this. Could you… start here, start undressing me here. I w… want. I want you to partially undress me here uh, partially, leave my bra and panties on… then I can finish… in the car? On the way to your house.?

"I've decided um deci… decided I want… want to be naked when we go in. I’ve been dreaming… thinking, seeing myself… please, Alex. I’m seeing myself having to walk… you making me, uh, walk to the front door, naked. I see you make me to walk to the front… front door and wait for you to unlock… make me stand naked while you fumble for the key. God, even kiss me there, naked up against you, still clothed. I can’t stop seeing in… feeling exposed. Damn it. What I see is you forcing me to the front door naked, unlocking it then kissing me outside the door, then just taking me there. Fucking me outside the door. Christ, Alex, just let it out. Fuck me like I wanted you to do after… last time. I wanted you to fuck me… naked… your cock… then, there in front of the door. Before I went in.”

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The parking lot was deserted and as you might guess because the parking lot was deserted, I didn’t wait to drive off to start unbuttoning her blouse. When I had it off, I carefully and slowly placed it on the back seat. I didn’t want to hurry. Then I unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt and with her help, I pulled it off and again, carefully slowly placed it on the back seat. I left her with her panties on, wonderful lacy semi-transparent black panties. Oh, and her matching black bra that barely hid her tits from me too

While driving, all I could think was Shit, I hope I can last until we get home. Don’t come, Alex, don’t come. Then when I looked at her in her panties and bra I want to fuck that. I hope I can make it good for her.

She waited until I was close and in the residential area when she took off her bra, panties, and nylons silently waiting next to me. Naked. Looking innocent. As innocent as a well-developed naked woman can.

I pulled up on the drive but not too close to my house. I helped her out and held her hand to slow her down. We slowly walked to the door where I turned and kissed her while my hands explored her. My kiss moved from her mouth to her naked tits. my hands from her tits to her ass then to her pussy. After unlocking the door, I pushed her against the door, dropped my trousers, and started fucking her. 

I was saying, ”Feel me fucking you. We’re in public. My neighbors could see you while I’m going to cum in you. Feel, feel my cock. “ I didn’t last long and good for my sanity she didn’t either. I felt her spasm just as I started to come. We stood there with me holding her up. With my cock in her. Just luxuriating in the sensations, as we relaxed. 

When I could, I opened the door and we went in. Katie just sighed, ”That was as good as my dre… my fantasy. I loved that, Alex. Oh, shit. Oh shit… I knew… but didn’t realize. Cuckold. Cuckold. Sean was cuckolded just now, here. God, your cock, Alex”

I finished getting undressed and then helped Katie to my bed where we collapsed, holding each other. 

Later Katie called Sean to be sure he'd arrived in Fresno okay, still naked and with my mouth kissing her tits and my hands in her touching her pussy. After she hung up she laid back with her legs spread to give me access and sighed, “God Alex, I felt so, I don’t know lewd, evil… depraved, yes, depraved. Talking to Sean with your hands… yes, hands on my bare vag… pussy… cunt. Cunt. Naked in front of you. Both… you and… and I, both of us. Naked. I loved the sensation… I still feel depraved, but it also makes me want you again.” And she reached for my cock again. 

I interrupted her and put her hands on the slats in the headboard and reached into the bedside table for some ties. When I had her hands secure, I went back to the table and got enough for her feet. I got her feet secure too and got my cherry-flavored massage oil, rubbing it in everywhere, especially her tits and pussy. Rubbing kissing, sucking, over and over.  First, my hands were putting the oil on, then my mouth and tongue kissing and licking it off. It wasn’t long before she was writhing, putting parts of her body toward my hands and mouth then away. I was sucking her tits, then her clit, and then back.

She was making noises, mostly wordless. I could catch words like, “harder”, “tit”, “pussy”, “fuck”, and “yes”, but not much else. I loved seeing and hearing her like that.

When the only words I heard were: ”fuck”, “now”, “me”. I did, I fucked her. My cock slowly entered her pussy as my mouth took hers. The sensation of her warm wetness on my cock. As I was fucking her I pinched her nipples, twisting them until she came. I let her come down, then I rolled her on top. And kept fucking. She gradually sat up until she was riding me, lifting then back down onto my cock. I could reach her tits and clit and I took advantage of it. I told her, “I'm going to fuck you in front of Sean. I'm going to take you while he watches us. My cock taking your cunt. I want you to make him place my cock in your cunt. So I can take you again and again.“

“Alex… Alex… God, shit. Alex fuck me now. If you make me come now, I’ll do it. I'll do it. Fuck you in front of Sean. I’ll make him help you fuck me, take me, CUCK HIM.”

I moved back on top of her with my cock rubbing her slit and her clit. she was back on the road up the mountain as I slowly continued fucking her, “Feel my cock. Feel me cuck Sean again.”

She came again screaming, as I fucked her harder, harder, faster until I felt the spasms in my balls, my grimace from the wonderful pain as I came inside her for the second time.

I was reveling in the sensations. Coming, cuckolding Sean the second time, seducing Katie. The power. Just one more step. Making Sean watch, making Sean help. I could see the emotions roll through her as she felt me come in her. 

I wanted more, I wanted Sean’s knowledge that he was now a cuckold, his knowledge that I had fucked Katie, his knowledge that I could fuck her anyway or time I wanted and that I was going to fuck her in front of him. 

I drove her home Saturday noon, telling her that we’d let him know soon. On the way back home, I was asking my instinct about the right way to introduce him to his new world. Cuckold. 

It took a few days until I decided the rip the bandage method would work best on him. Don’t give him time to think about it. Don’t try to make him think it's his idea. Don’t tippy-toe. I’d come by after dinner Friday next. Tell him. Fuck her. Make him watch. 

I called Katie and told her to continue calling him, welcome him home, fuck him normally. I’d come by Friday after dinner. Tell him. Then. Oh, yes. We made time to get together twice, for fuck sessions before Friday. 

Very very nice fuck sessions they were too.

When I rang the bell, Katie came to the door. Nervous, trembling, and could barely talk. I asked her at the door, “I hope you’ve been calmer this week.”

“Ah, I started getting nervous after dinner, tonight uh, Sean hasn’t… noticed… said anything.”

I went into the living room where Sean was sitting when I came. I've never learned the proper protocol when you’re telling a man he’s a cuckold and intend to prove it. So, no handshaking. I sat down and started in, “ Sean. I, well both Katie and I, have something we need to tell you. Ah… Friday when you went to Fresno… we’ve been seeing… no, that's not right… I've… we've been having sex. Fucking five… no six times. The reason I’m here…”

Sean interrupted, “You’ve… fucking? Ah, Katie… what the hell?”

I overrode him, “The reason I’m here is that Katie doesn’t want to continue… to… do it without you knowing. Seeing it… yes, watching us... fuck. Katie… wants you to… watch us.”

“Katie? Tell me he’s lying. You haven’t… fu… fucked him." 

Ok, I had to congratulate my instinct again. I was watching Sean’s emotions cross his face. I was seeing arousal first, as he started picturing my cock in her. Denial and dismay second as he felt his cock harden. Self-hatred third, as he realized he couldn’t, wouldn’t stop it. 

I looked at Katie, “Can you tell him? Both how many times we’ve fucked and what you want to happen here. Now.” I sat there waiting.

Katie looked at me, Sean, and back at me, finishing looking at Sean, hesitating, ”Um… Alex and I, we’ve fucked six… um… seven if you count the time… uh, the time he came in my mouth. I‘ve come maybe twelve times. Thirteen?

“I… I want you to wa… watch… see us fuck. Yes, I want to fuck Alex with you watching us. God, Sean, his cock… buried in my cunt. Yes, my cunt, his hands on my… on our tits. I want you to witness his semen, Alex's cum flooding my pussy, my cunt. Cuckolding you. Again."

I could see Sean’s struggle. His need to protect Katie from further violations by my cock, fighting against the picture in his mind, my cock entering her pussy. His hands were fisting and then relaxing. I wanted to reinforce his picture of me fucking her, so I went to Katie and started unbuttoning her blouse. I removed the blouse, exposing her tits just covered by her bra. Next, I unfastened her bra and removed it, exposing her tits to both Sean and me. He was closing his eyes as if he didn't see Katie. if he didn't see me touch her tits, submitting to me, it wasn't happening.

My hands were all over her tits, ”Look at her react to my hands on her tits.” Her eyes were closed and making incoherent noises. “She’s loving my hands, rough on them. Watch her as I kiss and suck on them. You need to see her come for me. Watch me mark her tits as mine." I sucked hard and left my mark just beneath her right areola.

“Katie. Katie… you want to fuck him?”

She answered, “I need him, his cock, in… my vag… pus… hell, cunt. Yes, my, no, it's his now his cunt. I’ll show you, Sean.” She started to strip me. My shoes, shirt, tee-shirt, pants and shorts. “I'm going to fuck him right now. On the couch. Watch his cock.” She pulled her pants and panties off. Got on the couch with her legs spread inviting my cock.” Alex, now. Fuck me now. Do it again, cuckold him again.”

I got ready to fuck her with my cock not quite in her. I looked at Alex, “Tell me. Tell me, you know you want to, you have to.”

“No. don’t, Katie. Katie… you want… hell, please… don…” 

Katie interrupted him, “Yes, tell him yes. I want you to… tell Alex to fuck me. Tell him. I want you… see… his cock in… my cunt. Watch me come. Say yes. Show me what you want… I can tell, Sean, you want to… your cock tells me. Admit you're a cuck, our cuckold. To prove it, to both of us, I want you to put Alex's cock… Alex's cock in my cunt. ” She smirked at him. "Then tell me you're my cuck. out loud," humiliating him.

I could see his agony, his cock was as hard as mine. He wanted to say no, but he couldn’t. He wanted to stop me, but he didn’t want to at the same time.

“No. No. God… I don’t, maybe god yes shit. Yes, put it in. I… I… want to see… Put your cock in her cunt. Shit. Yes, fuck her. Make her come. I.   want to see her come. Katie… I'm your…” He stood and hesitantly walked toward us. his hand was trembling. "Katie, I… I… god, Katie. Yes, I'm, I want to be… your cuck. Your cuckold." He reached toward my cock and he started to cry. He touched and then held my cock guiding it to her pussy

I slowly entered her. Making him agonize as I did it. He was seeing me cuckold him. He was helping me cuckold him. His hands were guiding my cock. My hands were on her tits, my mouth plundering her mouth, and I was fucking her. The thing that pushed her over the edge was knowing that Sean was watching, and enjoying it. 

She wrenched her mouth from mine and screamed. “Oh, God. Sean, I’m… I’m  coming, coming, so good, coming so good…”

When she finally relaxed, I led them to their bedroom and put her on the bed, as I was kissing and caressing her everywhere. I looked at Sean. “You told me to fuck her. Now I want you to put my cock in her pussy again. Tell me again to fuck her. “

He was stuttering, “t-ta… take… her… take Katie, Alex… take her. Yes, fuck her. Your cock...” And he put my cock in her pussy holding it until I was completely inside.

Well, he asked me nicely, so I did.

Written by keylime314159
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