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Author's Notes

"I seduce Amanda and we all find out she loves pain. Amanda isn't the only one that learns about herself, Alex learns he can enjoy inflicting pain on his lover if she enjoys it too."

I'd just finished fucking Amanda, our first time. My cock was still inside gradually softening and she still had that dazed look I enjoy. She was just realizing what we’d done. Her good wife's self-image was being replaced by a new reality. She now knew she wasn’t. And she knew she’d fuck me again whenever I asked. She’d do anything I told her to. 

As far as sex was concerned, she now had a Master that controlled her. I was on top of her with her tits squeezed against my chest. I was still hearing her soft cries, “Alex, god Alex. I…I… God that was s … sensational. You just t … took me, I felt like I couldn’t … couldn’t do anything. Alex, I want it again, anything you want. Make me, make me do things.”

This is why I do what I do. The power I have over my conquests when they surrender. 

Amanda was about the most unlikely conquest I’d ever had. Prim? Yes. Proper? She never let anything even slightly vulgar pass her lips. Starched blouse, buttoned to the top, sensible skirts and dresses, always. Church twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays. She’d married the most severe banker-type husband I’ve seen, Cal. He’s not a banker but looks and acts like a small-town banker in my imagination.

That’s why, when I met her at Steve's party I couldn’t believe I was getting the sense she should be my next target. This was one of Steve’s more formal business parties which is why I wasn’t surprised to see them here. I needed to meet her husband Calvin. If I didn’t get the sense I could dominate him too I walked. I didn’t want to end up like Marcus did. Beat up. Or even worse, like Eddie. They never found his body.

When I did meet him, I had to sit down with my wine and think it over. As I was thinking, Susan sat next to me and asked me if I was all right. Doug and Susan had been mine, a couple of years ago in a very nice interlude for all of us. 

Since she knew my hobby and still enjoyed it during my yearly visits, I asked what she knew about Amanda and Cal. When I mentioned their names she instantly knew what I was really asking. She smiled and shook her head. “I kind of doubt … ” Her voice trailed off. When she continued, “Hmm, that’s an interesting question. I knew her in college. Not well but … I heard rumors. Interesting rumors. I’d doubted them then, but if … you’re asking? Maybe there might have been something. Interesting.” Shaking her head, she got up and joined Doug.

Now that was interesting. Maybe. I’d really enjoy seducing her. Dominating him. My cuckolder sense hadn’t ever led me astray but there had been some I didn’t pursue. Mostly, because I just didn’t believe what it was telling me. Was I afraid? Hmm.

I started casually asking around about Cal and then gleaning info about Amanda. She went to a woman's gym so that wasn’t helpful. She volunteered at a woman’s crisis center so that didn’t help. Maybe Cal could be my entree. 

This was taking weeks and it was interrupted by Suzanne and Martin. When I’d finished with them, successfully by the way, fantastically successful, she was a wonderful fuck. I then started back with Cal and Amanda. 

When I found out that she was a regular at The Coffee Being, I started going there until I started running into her there. She often sat outside with Linda. Linda is another one of my women as it happened, three years ago. I was due to, well, let’s just say she was due. 

When I called to set up a date to renew our relationship, I asked for a coffee date first. I wanted her to introduce me to Amanda. The question I had to answer was should she introduce me as her cuckolder? Yes or no.

My instinct said yes, I'd warn her. I was going to fuck her and she would love it when I did. Warn her I would do it, fuck her, in front of Cal. If I had Linda tell her what I do, it’ll be a fair fight.

It would either make it easier or harder. Maybe a lot harder. In the end, my instincts suggested I make Linda tell Amanda. Exactly what we’d been to each other and what I was going to do with her, Amanda, in a few weeks. I wanted Amanda to know I was going to seduce her. As I told Linda what I wanted, I could see her expression turn feral. She loved the idea of watching and knowing what was in store for Amanda and Cal.

When I made a date with Linda and Clayton to renew our relationship I was looking forward to the experience. Clayton and Linda were the first Black couple I cuckolded. Linda was wild and Clayton was very accommodating for everything I could think of. They were still an active cuckold couple and we talked about some of their exploits that I was eventually able to emulate. Did I say that Linda was wild? 

Linda and I decided we’d do the introduction at The Coffee Being. Two days later when I came in, Amanda and Linda were there. sitting together. When Linda greeted me, I went over and she introduced us. I gave her a lover’s kiss and we talked for a minute. When I got my coffee and left, they were still there talking.

When I called Linda, she had told Amanda that I’d been able to entice her to fuck me and we’d fucked for some months. Amanda asked for details that Linda only shared in generalities. 

Linda did share that she’d loved cucking Clayton. That being fucked by me without Clayton knowing, making him her cuckold, was fabulous and when I’d forced her to cuckold Clayton in front of him … it was even better. As they left she admitted that she was going to submit to me again this weekend, then she warned Amanda that if I started trying to get to know her, she was going to be fucked, for sure. Linda told her I did it regularly. Not a lie anywhere. 

When I next saw Amanda at The Coffee Being I greeted her and she invited me to sit down. I had the feeling Amanda wanted a little thrill of interacting with a ‘Bad Boy’ I thought that we’ll see what this ‘Bad Boy’ could do. 

We started our conversation by talking about Linda. Where we’d met, how we knew her. Amanda knew her from college. They lived in the same dorm all four years. I stuck to the truth, mostly. We’d been active together in the effort to build a new library. I did say that I ‘Knew’ her, with just a little emphasis on the word ‘knew’. Like it was capitalized.

We did a little flirting, I admired her blouse and how the green color complemented her warm copper complexion. color that went well with her greenish eyes. She’d look wonderful naked against my white sheets.

I didn’t mention how I was picturing her in my bed. 

Over the next several days I sat with her and we got to know each other better. My instincts were saying to go slowly, slowly for now. 

As I was approaching Amanda, I was also getting to know Cal. I had learned he was involved in the local group that was trying to get the River-Parkland developed. They wanted bike paths, some gazebos built for gatherings, and more parking. When I started going to some of the meetings I got to talk with him. 

I decided just getting to know him was enough. With some couples, a few at least, I worked through the husband first, not the wife. This time I was sure Amanda was the one I wanted to work on. 

I wanted Amanda first. I wanted Amanda hard. Her pussy, her ass, her mouth, and my cock fucking them. One by one, fucked.

We ran across each other at The Coffee Being several times and we usually sat together. My instincts usually guide me and often they are way ahead of my brain. 

A few Thursdays later at the Coffee Being was one of those times when my instincts were in charge. When I sat down with Amanda I heard my voice say, “Good to see you today, Amanda, I’ve been thinking I’d like to get to know you better. Uh, do you ever go somewhere for lunch?” I had the same capital letter emphasis on the word know I’d used before.

She looked at me for a second. It was obvious that she was remembering what Linda had told her about me. She slowly answered, “Yes, sometimes I do. Uh, why?”

As if she didn’t know, I was going to try to seduce her. I replied, “Well, I’d like to take you to lunch to get to know you. Where do you go?”

If she gives me a couple of names it means she wants to learn more about a ‘Bad Boy’. If she says a lot of places I need more time.

She looked at me, thinking, and then said, “Tony’s around the corner and Royal China if I’m interested in Chinese.” She paused. 

“I’ve never been to Royal China.” I replied saying, “Would you be willing to introduce me to it, uh, sometime? 

She looked at me again, deciding, “Sure, I’m planning to go there today for lunch. I usually get there at about half past noon. If you’re available today?

This may be easier than I thought. She’s walking into a Big Bad Wolf’s lair. And she’s ignoring the warnings. 

I said, “Twelve-thirty, I can make that.” I finished my coffee and left. 

I was at Royal China ten minutes early and I saw her hurrying down the sidewalk. 

She doesn’t want to be late. I like them eager to be seduced. They don’t realize it yet, but they want it. They want to be fucked. 

I greeted her with a mild kiss and then escorted her inside. Inside it was cafeteria style where they had lunch combinations on a board behind the servers. When it was our turn, we gave our orders and the wait was just a few minutes. When we sat down I could see her mulling over my greeting kiss. 

“How’s your day going so far?” I started.

She started like she didn’t realize I’d asked her a question. Then she said, “Fine. Uh, no actually not fine. Our only copier printer is on the fritz. I had to go to Fed Ex and get a bunch copied. That’s put us behind. No copies, and no printer so we’re behind.  It’s been a bitch. A repair person  is supposed to be here to look at it by 2:30. We hope.”

I thought for a minute and decided to get my home printer for her. ”I’ve got a combo printer at home that might help. Let me eat this and get it for you and see.“

I finished lunch, got the address, and ran home. I brought it over and we had it running in just a few minutes They were getting some stuff printed by the time the repair person was there. 

I looked at Amanda and told her I can come by at five and see if it helped.  Well, that put my seduction behind schedule.

When I got there, everyone was leaving except for Amanda. She introduced me as the printer fairy. 

After everyone else had left and she locked the doors, she hugged me saying, “Thanks, Alex. They finished just a few minutes ago. Your printer helped a lot. We’re behind, but not much.”

I was still hugging her as she finished so I kissed her, holding her close to me. She hesitated, then kissed me back. I started caressing her, touching her breasts, and her ass. I said, 

“That was a great thank you.” I kissed her again, but this time my hands were more assertive on her breasts. I was holding and caressing them harder, while still holding her close. I heard her sigh softly and she started to say, “That was wonder … ” and she stopped, pulling away.

“Your printer Alex. Let’s get it to your car.” She hurried to my printer, unplugged it, and disconnected their network.

I carried it to the car, after I got it in my car I turned to her and as I did, my instincts took over. I led her back into the office and I locked the door. 

I started kissing her like I’d been doing before except I was being even more assertive. This time I unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open. As I was doing it she just stood there letting me, almost paralyzed by what I was doing. 

I slipped it off her shoulders and reached behind her and unfastened her bra. I reached and slipped my hands under her loose bra and touched her tits. She let her blouse slip off then her bra. She was still just standing there waiting as I kissed her tits. Naked from the waist up.

I was murmuring, “Your tits are beautiful. Umm, this is nice,” I started sucking on her nipples, “God, Amanda this is wonderful.”

“Do you have anywhere … um anywhere? Or is right here good?” I continued kissing her tits then kissing her all over her: mouth, shoulders, tits, and gradually down to where her pants were still fastened. 

“I want … I want to unbutton your pants and slip them off.”. As I said that, I was kissing her tits and my hands were unbuttoning her pants, unzipping them and I let them slide to the floor. I held her, helping her step out of them. I could her sigh and then almost silently murmur, “Yes, God yes, Alex … “ then the rest of it was inaudible except 'desk,' 'take,' and the word 'now.'

One hand moved down to her pussy, the other to her tits and I murmured to her, “I’m going to take you right here. Right now.” I lifted her onto the desk, still kissing her but now my hand was caressing her clit. As I did that I pulled her forward so I could fuck her. I then undressed, getting ready to impale her pussy.

My cock approached her entrance and I told her, “I’m entering your pussy, I’m fucking you. We’re cucking, cuckolding Cal.” My cock slid inside her as I said that. I started fucking her harder, rougher. I was pounding her pussy, mauling her tits and I was totally possessing her mouth. I felt her come, once, twice, and then three times before I came in her.

When I came I heard her say, “Alex, god Alex. I … I … God that was s … sensational. You just t … took me, I felt like I couldn’t … couldn’t do anything to stop you. Alex, I want it again, anything you want. Make me, make me do things.”

We both gradually relaxed and I bent down so I could lick her pussy then said, “You’ll do whatever I want. Just like Linda does, and Clayton does. Do you know Clayton, Linda’s husband? 

“When you go home to Cal, you’re going to tell him that this Friday evening you’ve invited me over. Tell him you and I are going to dinner, but you’re going to be late coming home. Maybe very late. You’ll call about midnight to let him know when you’ll be home”

I’ve never done it this way before, usually, I’ve done it in front of the husband and made him watch. I’m going to make him aware I fucking Amanda but make him imagine what we’re doing. My instincts are saying he’ll let me and he’ll enjoy the agony of wondering Well, he’ll kind of enjoy it. 

I got a call from Linda that evening, “God Alex, you’ve already fucked her, and she loved it. I didn’t think there was a chance in hell you would be able to take her this soon, this quickly. She thinks she has a choice about what happens next, but I told her she doesn’t.”

When Friday evening came by and I rang the bell, Cal answered. He was nervous when I shook his hand. Amanda came down in an innocent-looking dress. It was very prim and proper. Just like I’d seen her before.; not at all like someone leaving to cuckold their husband.

As we left I said to Cal, “Don’t worry Cal, I’ll take good care of her tonight.” Then I kissed her, and as I finished kissing her, my hands went to her breasts and just lightly caressed them so Cal could see. 

In the car, I looked at her and asked, “What did Cal say when you told him? How did he act?”

Amanda frowned and said, “He didn’t k-know what to say, though he didn’t tell me not, not to go. Uh, he just accepted it, even when I told him about the m-midnight call. It’s like he knows what it means, but doesn’t want to know. 

“You were right, it was like C- Cal realized what had happened when you picked up your printer. I was careful not to allude to anything that actually happened.”

I smiled at her and said, “I guess that you were too careful, and maybe too tense when you talked to him. If he doesn’t know, he will when you call him at midnight. When you call him, I'm going to be fucking you, naked on my bed with my cock in you.”

When dinner finished, I handed her a couple of fortune cookies that I'd made up for her. One said, ‘Your pussy is going to have fun tonight.’ the other, “Cal is going to be cuckolded again tonight’

When we got to the car, there was no one around, so I unbuttoned her dress and pulled it down exposing her bra. Then I unfastened her bra exposing her tits, and kissed and sucked them before seating her in the car.

Driving to my house I was caressing them, pinching her nipples, and sometimes gently slapping them. Gradually they were getting more color, rosier. Amanda was leaning back pushing her tits out so I had better access to them. She was enjoying me slapping her tits and I wondered how much more pain she would allow, how much pain she wanted. 

It was late when we got home and the street was quiet. When I got her out of the car, I finished undressing her. She protested but was unwilling to be loud. Finally, I told her, “You’re going to be naked going into my house, period. Accept it or I’ll rip it off you.” At that, she stopped and let me finish. I carried her clothes and shoes while she walked to the front, stripped naked. Inside I admired her tanned skin with burnished copper tits. There was another copper area around her pussy. 

My lips moved from her mouth to her neck while my hands were cupped holding her tits. As I moved from her shoulders, my hands offered her tits to me. I sucked them eliciting moans, squeals, and incoherent sounds.

Yes, I was enjoying this, but my instincts were telling me to be more aggressive. A lot more aggressive. It’d never led me to this before, but it was insisting. Bind her and introduce her to pain. Binding her was within my comfort zone, pain wasn’t. I rationalized that binding her didn’t commit me to pain. 

I moved Amanda to the kitchen where I had some thick twine, almost rope. I tied her hands, not together but more like rope handcuffs. While I was doing that I was distracting her by kissing her all over. 

I moved her into my second bedroom where I had recently placed hooks in the ceiling. How I realized I’d want them tonight, I don’t know. I’d been careful to put them in the wooden trusses, to support a person's weight. I took a rope and tied her so her arms were forced up. 

I started by slapping her tits gently and then her cunt. She was enjoying the sensations and as I increased the force I could see her cunt leaking juices. I kissed he cunt licking her juices then I went back to the kitchen and got a spatula and wooden spoon to use on her. 

When I got back to her, I stood there admiring her nude body, everything was there for my enjoyment. Her skin color seemed to glow in the lights. It was beautiful. I loved the way her tits were standing proud, and her pussy was visible, through her trimmed pubic hair just the way I prefer, unshaven like a real woman.

She was hanging there just like you see in those BDSM pictures. Inviting their master to do things to her. I was using the spoon on her ass while I told her to use the red, yellow, and green stoplight-safe words. I used the kitchen spatula on her tits a few times before I said, “Stoplight check?”

I could see her cunt leaking juices and she said, “Alex god Alex, I didn’t realize … I’ve never felt this way. It’s a green light, please Alex green light. The pain hurts but the sensation is exquisite. More Alex!”

She was marked on her ass and tits with red and some welts before she said, “yellow.” I had aloe lotion I put on her then led her, still tied, into my bedroom. I reapplied the lotion and then laid her on her back on my bed. Her hands were still tied above her head.

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She was murmuring, “My tits, my ass, they hurt. They hurt so good, I love it, Alex. I want your cock, your cock in my pussy, snatch, cunt. Your cum in me, please. Now. Put your dick in me.”

My cock entered her and I fucked her, my hands were slapping her tits. I thought it must be agonizing but she was squirming under me saying, “Yes Alex, make them hurt. I need it harder, so I can cum.”

I slapped harder, then pinched her nipples hard. I felt her squeeze my cock and we both came.  As we rested I said to Amanda, “You’re a pain slut aren’t you. My pain slut. Does Cal know?”

Amanda lay there resting until she finally said, “No … I didn’t even know. I didn’t even know what it does for me. Tying me up, punishing my tits, my ass like that it was the first time anyone’s done that to me uh, for me. It was intense, but exhilarating at the same time. I loved it and my orgasms were out of this world.” 

I set my phone to alert us at fifteen to midnight, and we rested till the alarm went off. I told Amanda to tell Cal she wouldn’t be back until dark on Sunday. 

We had her phone ready and she mounted my cock, riding me. She called Cal, and when he answered, she interrupted him. 

“We’re fucking, Cal. Alex and me, we’re fucking. I’m not sure who’s fucking who, I’m on top but he’s slapping my tits, he’s hurting me, but I love it. I can’t wait for Alex to cum in me again. Alex, slap them harder, fuck me.”

She’s not just a pain slut. She’s my pain slut. 

“Cal I can’t believe what I’m learning, about myself. What I enjoy, I love pain, he’s hurting me and I love it. 

“Uh yes Alex, slap them harder, yes harder, make them hurt more, 

“Uh, Cal. What?  Oh, I’m learning, Alex is teaching me. I love pain. I love the degradation …

“Alex,  please a few more, then cum in me, yes like that, god yes just like that. Uh, Cal, I’ll be home Sunday, Sunday … evening. It’ll be after dark Alex wants to return me to you naked. Um so you know I’ve been fucked. 

“His cock, it’s it’s ah, ah. His cock, Alex’s cock feels incredible as it moves in my puss … cunt.

“Cal, I can’t think with … ah Alex, what Alex is doing to me. It hurts so much but feels so good, I don’t believe how good. I’m going to need a lover like … uh, God, Alex. One uh rough, pain, Jesus Cal. I’m going to need a lover that can do this for me. Alex, yes, yes cum in me. Aaah, yes like that.” 

I hung up after we climaxed together.

She’s my pain slut as long as I want her. She learned something from me, but I learned I can inflict pain as long as my lover enjoys it. 

I got some soothing lotion and rubbed it on her skin where I’d punished her. When I finished I lay next to her. I was holding her tits, gently. She was holding my cock. And we drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, I looked at Amanda and saw the welts on her tits and ass. I could hardly believe I’d done it to her. She’d thoroughly enjoyed what I did to her and so did I. I wouldn’t have believed I’d enjoy hurting a lover, but I did. 

We ate breakfast and retired back to bed just holding each other, caressing each other, and lots of kissing too. It was a wonderful relaxing time. 

We also spent time talking about what being my slut, my pain slut could mean. I told her that we were going to get her some slut clothes and I was going to share her cunt with at least one other man tonight. I ended by saying, “I’m inviting Cal to watch too. I want him to know what it means, to be your cuck. 

Amanda tried to protest but I kissed her quiet. I called Cal and said, “Cal I’ve changed my mind, a little at least. I’m taking her to The Shady Lady Saloon to pick up a few guys to fuck her. 

If you want to watch it, be there by nine tonight. We’ll be taking them, to our room at the hotel where we’ll watch. I hung up before he could answer. 

We got dressed and went shopping. Fox Woman’s Wear is where we started. It’s in a shopping area with several ‘I’m not quite a slut stores’ and a few ‘Yes, I’m a slut and proud of it’ stores.

We went through three stores and we found Make a Statement. It had both ‘Not quite a slut’ clothes and ‘Yes I’m a slut styles.

It had an off-the-shoulder top with see-through lace slightly hiding one of her tits. A long skirt with a slit high on her thigh. It looked decorous when Amanda was standing, but when she walked, well no it didn’t anymore.  

She protested, but I said, “I believe in truth in advertising.” She was going out as my slut and I wanted her to look like my slut. 

Even while she was protesting I could see her glances into the mirrors as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, but she liked it.

They had a makeup department and they showed her how to do her face appropriately for her dress, some slut style lipstick, and a handmade pendant with matching earrings too. She was ready.

We went home showered and dressed. We had dinner downtown then moved to Shady Lady Saloon. I got us a room at The Downtown Hotel. When we went in, we separated, with Amanda at a table and me at the bar. 

Cal was waiting, trembling., he could barely not drop his beer.  By the time I got my drink, Amanda had an admirer sitting next to her. 

Ok, Amanda is set, now will she do as she’s told? She’s getting up to dance, great. She seems nervous a bit. He’s holding her close and kissing her. His hand is moving to her thigh, under her dress. Cal had to put his beer on the table. 

She’s kissing him now, god, that’s arousing seeing her kiss him. They’re holding each other, closer. They are finishing their third dance and Amanda is holding his head and kissing him with her tongue clearly invading his mouth. 

Amanda is leading him to us and I can hear her saying, “No, he’s not. That's my husband, Cal. This is Alex, my lover. He wants to give me to you, for an hour or so. And he wants … “

The guy whispered in her ear and she answered so I could hear. “Yes, Alex wants to give me to you, to use. He’s the one in charge here. We have a room at the hotel. He wants to watch as you fuck me, Cal too. That’ll be the first time for Cal, he’s never watched me be fucked by anyone else.”

He whispered again. Amanda looked at me and said, “Ben, this is Alex, Alex, Ben. Tell him, what you want.”

I answered, “We came here so I can give her to some men to fuck. So I can watch as she’s being fucked, so Cal can watch too. I want two more men for her to enjoy.”

Ben reached for my hand to shake. He looked at Cal and he decided cucks didn’t deserve a handshake. He looked at us one by one then he said, “Anything I want, her pussy? Her mouth, I can fuck her mouth, not have her give me a blow job? I can fuck her mouth, and come on her?”

“Absocumlutly Ben.” I replied, “Amanda will love it. I’ll love it. Cal, well, maybe.”

I sent Amanda back to the bar twice more and she first brought back a blond guy and then a bearded swarthy guy. Beautiful, just beautiful. Cal was going to be mesmerized watching them fuck her, and I could hardly wait to see him as he watched. This was going to be a fun night for everyone, even Cal, he’s going to get a big bang from it. 

We finished our drinks and as we left I noticed Amanda was a lot more confident. She had a slut strut as we walked. The six of us got in the elevator and went to the third floor, where I let us in our room. There were two queen sized beds and some room around them. 

“Cal, undress Amanda for Ben. Then you’re going to undress them, first Ben, then Tony and then we’ll finish with Brett. We’ll end with you licking her count clean for me.” I waited and eventually, he realized what I'd said. He hesitantly went to her and unzipped the dress and helped her out of it exposing her bra and panties.that she didn’t have either a bra or panties on.

He hung it in the closet and paused before unfastening her bra and removing it. I could see he didn’t want to, but he finally pulled her panties off, and exposed her naked tits and mound to the five of us. 

Her nipples were taut and hard her mound was lightly covered with a natural cover of pubic hair. Her eyes were closed, savoring the sensations of being exposed to five men, four who were going to be putting their cocks in her.

“I’m going to enjoy this.“ She opened her eyes and looked at Cal. “You’re going to see being fucked, screwed right in front of you, Cal. You can’t stop it as their cocks are penetrating my p … no, my cunt, yes fucking my cunt. You can’t stop it and you don’t want to, do you, Cal.

I looked at Ben, “Okay, it's up to you, but don’t be in a hurry. And you don’t need to be gentle either, she enjoys making love but, she also loves being fucked, hard.”

Ben hesitated then asked, “Exactly what does that mean? The part about not worrying about being careful?”

“She’s just discovered she likes pain,” I told him. “You don’t have to be rough but if you want it that way … Uh, it's new to her, pain, so use a stoplight style of safe words. 

“You don’t need to be rough though, she just likes to be screwed, she’s wild about strange cock. You can still see the welts and marks I left on her to remember. Just take her.”

Ben thought for a minute then moved close to Amanda behind her and reached to hold her tits, caressing them. Then he looked at Cal, “You’re her cuckold, right?” When Cal nodded, Ben continued, “You’ve never seen her fucked before either? Ever?” 

Cal looked at the floor and whispered, “No, you’ll be the first, “ he looked at Tony and then Brett, “the three of you will be the ones I see. I’ll be watching her fuck all three of you … I hate it.” Then he looked at Amanda, “Amanda … I’m going to hate it. God, the pain as I watch you … see you being fucked. Please, but I want you to do it, in spite of my pain, I want to watch as their c-cocks … in your p-pussy. Cum in your pussy, cunt. I want to watch you as you come … climax as they fuck you. Forgive me Amanda but I want to watch.” 

Ben looked at Cal then said, “Amanda wants me to fuck her and you just undressed her for me to fuck, it seems appropriate for you to undress me for her. Since this is your first time watching as she cucks you, I want you to put my cock in her. You’ll be giving her to her lovers, all of them by giving her to me. In one way you’ll be cuckolding yourself. It won’t be Amanda, Alex, Tony, Brett, or me cuckolding you, it’ll be Cal cucking himself.” He ended with a grin. 

Cal seemed to be shrinking into himself, getting smaller as Ben talked to him. 

Ben kissed her neck and his hands moved from her tits to her cunt then waited, looking at Cal. Finally, Cal realized that he had a chore he’d been assigned. He hesitantly stepped up to Ben and unbuttoned his shirt, and removed it. 

He paused then removed his tee shirt then slowly unbuckled his pants then unzipped them and helped him out of them he draped them over a chair and finally pulled his boxers off, exposing his cock. 

Cal looked at Amanda and asked, “This is what you want? For me to give you to him?” He was trembling but was able to continue, “You want him to use you? That’s what he wants to do.”

Cal looked away and then said, “It is what you want, isn’t it?” He shifted his gaze to Ben, “Ben, give her what she wants, Jesus, I thought I knew her but I don’t. I’ll put your cock anyplace you want.”

Ben took charge and he forced her onto the bed, started rubbing her tits then moved his kisses to them. His hands were searching for her clit and the entrance to her cunt. 

I sat back to enjoy the view, watching Cal see his wife being fucked. It’s not a view I can focus on usually since normally I’m focused on doing the fucking. It’s wonderful in a different way, being able to focus on the cuckold and his wife at the same time. Seeing their faces as it’s happening.

It wasn’t long before Ben moved to kissing her pussy and tonguing her clit I was enjoying watching Amanda reacting to Ben’s tongue. It was almost like I was being cuckolded, seeing her react to another man. 

Cal was in a terrible conflict, aroused by seeing her react to Ben's ministrations and the agony as he realizes she was not his, not just his anymore, and never would be again. 

When Ben finally told Cal, “Put my cock in her pussy Cal, watch me as you make yourself my cuck.” His agony increased tenfold, he was trembling and almost collapsed as he helped Ben’s cock slowly move into her pussy, her cunt. 

Ben continued, “Amanda’s enjoying my cock, look at her Cal, she’s about to come.” He continued fucking harder and his hands were rougher on her tits until she screamed, “Cal, his cock in me, his hands on my tits … it’s God, I’m coming. Ben, harder, harder.“ her voice became incoherent.

That’s when Cal came in his pants, his pants became wet at his crotch. 

Ben gradually became rougher and rougher until he exploded in her and as he pulled back his cum started leaking.

It was beautiful, exquisite excitement. 

Ben and Amanda lasted a half hour when Cal was forced to undress Tony and help guide his cock into her pussy. Amanda was almost incoherent as She moved beneath Tony, “Tony, I want it harder, harder.”

I moved to tie her to the bed, her hands tied together to the headboard, her feet to the foot of the bed, and her thighs tied open exposing her cum covered pussy to everyone. Then I told Brett to take her mouth, fuck her mouth,

“Not a blow job, Brett fuck her mouth. Just take it. Tony, slap her tits and her pussy, when she cums, just put your cock in her and fuck for all you’re worth. She’ll love it.”

Cal was able to get Brett’s cock in her mouth and he started fucking. Tony was slapping and pinching her tits then he moved one hand to abuse her cunt.

Amanda was in ecstasy and Cal couldn’t believe what he was seeing, his cock was hard again, straining against the fabric of his pants. When Brett came in her mouth he spilled some outside. He pulled out with the last few spurts on her tits. 

Amanda tried not to scream but let some sound loose. That was the sign for all of us to come. Amanda, Tony, Brett, Cal, and I, almost simultaneously. It was epic.  

Gradually we recovered and I sent Ben, Tony, and Brett back to the bar to relive what just happened.

I got in the bed with Amanda and started kissing her, and caressing her tits, pulling on her nipples. That’s when I told Cal, “now its time for you to clean her pussy, lick the cum, get her ready for me to fuck her.”

Cal, didn’t move until Amanda said, “Now Calvin! This is what cuckolds do. Lick me clean. Eat all that cum Ben and Tony left for you. You know you’re going to submit, just do it.

Cal got on the bed with his head just below her pussy and then he started licking the cum that was on her thighs, then he moved up so he could lick it off the outside of her pussy and he ended sucking it out of her cunt.

She was writhing on the bed, “This is overwhelming Alex, I’m about to explode. Harder Alex, harder. I need it harder, pain please  I need …”

I could see Cal bite her just next to her clit then he moved to her labia and bite there. I was slapping and pinching her tits. The combination of Cal’s biting and my manhandling of her tits made her shriek and then spasm as she climaxed.

Cal finished cleaning her as she recovered. I undressed and moved Amanda to the unused bed where I held her with one hand holding her tits and the other on her mound. 

I let Cal have the messy bed with the cum and fluids all over. 

As I slowly went to sleep I relived this evening and thought about the morning and what we were going to do. I had a smile on my face as I drifted off.

The next morning when I woke up, I had both hands on her tits and one of hers was holding my cock. I whispered, “yes, yes.” As my cock took her again. 

We were going to San Francisco from Alameda front street to the ferry building. I knew where there was a group of lingerie and sex wear stores. We got to the Ferry Building and took a drive to Me and Mine Lingerie. Near Van Ness.

We walked to Slinky Shadows a couple of blocks away. When Amanda and I talked we mentioned her husband and that her lover was picking some clothes for her. We picked out a graceful robe, dress (?) for her and some contrasting Bras and panties and Cal paid for them. The clerk almost burst out laughing as he was told to pay for them. 

Next was an Indian Sari clothing store. They had very traditional styles to westernized adaptations, all very sexy. We played the same game cuckold, lover, and wife. Her lover, picking out clothes for her, and her cuckold paying for them.

Amanda picked out a lovely Sari in blues, lavender, and white. Striking. The sales lady helped with accessories, make-up how to wear it. The sales lady, Ahana, kept looking at Cal and snickering. We, that is Amanda and I, decided for her to wear it to dinner and stay overnight. 

I got some reservations near be and took a taxi. It was a wonderful Indian restaurant. Afterward, we went to the hotel and stopped at the bar for a drink, before going to our room, a suite with two bedrooms 

I could tell that Cal was getting to the edge but I wanted one more time with Amanda before I let him have some recovery time. 

When we got to the suite I told him he was going to sleep in the second bedroom after he undressed us, and gave her to me again. Then he was going into his bedroom, but he could leave the door open.

Yes, reinforcement. Make him aware that he’s our cuckold and then make him aware again. Make him give her to me then he can listen to us fucking, again and again. He’s going to love it.

He slowly unwrapped Amanda and gently put it on a chair. He then took off her bracelets and then waited a minute before he undressed me.

I kissed her, held her tits, and then laid her back on the bed. As I got ready to fuck her he held my cock and guided it to her pussy. “Ok Cal, go into the other bedroom, you can listen to us but don’t try to watch. 

As he left, I started abusing her tits loudly slapping them pinching them, while my cock was slowly moving in her cunt. I turned her over and started spanking her ass. I got my belt and started using it on her ass. The belt was making loud whap sounds that were accompanied by her moans and then, “Yes, Alex, yes that hurts.” Moans sighs and indiscernible sounds, followed by, “Alex more, use your belt on my tits too. Alex yes.”

I made her stand so I could reach both her ass and her tits. When I was getting tired, I pushed her against the wall between the bedrooms and whispered to her “Beg me to hurt you, beg for more pain, beg me to fuck you. I want Cal to hear you. Now!”

She started, “God Alex, I need more, more hurt me please Alex, I need more pain to come.” I  hit her tits then her thighs with my belt. Harder, then even harder.

She started crying, then said loudly, “Now I need your cock, your cock hard in my cunt.” She continued incoherently, just making sounds.

When I re-entered her against the wall, I was forcibly fucking her until she screamed, “Yes, Alex. Yes, that’s exactly right, I’m, I’m c-coming, coming.” Her voice ended then asked, “My tits, hurt them one more time. Alex. “

I took her tits in my hands, pinching them, twisting them, hurting them once more, and then laid her on the bed with me next to her, as she finished her orgasm. I heard Cal coming, from the other room, saying "God, God, it feels so good." 

All three of us. Coming together, perfect. Amanda and me together, with Cal coming alone. I never thought I could hurt one of my lovers. God was I wrong.

Written by keylime314159
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