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A word that describes my avocation seems to have missed any dictionary I’ve found, but there is a group of several men that enjoy my avocation here in California and we created a group called Cuckolders Inc.

We look for faithful married couples where we can seduce the wife, cuckold the husband and dominate him. We usually start with a previously faithful wife and fuck her. Then we make the husband watch. Sometimes we get the husband involved to help us seduce their wife. We don’t consider it a notch on our bedpost until the cuckold watches.

I had just been to a joint meeting of the Cuckolders inc. in San Francisco and was on my way back to Sacramento. We share interesting experiences at the meetings and the most interesting story this time was from Marcus.

He had been working on a couple for a couple of months and had gotten to the point of being invited to their cabin by the wife for a couple of days alone. It seemed to be going great until he had her naked and was ready to fuck her. Suddenly, her husband and several friends interrupted the proceedings. When they were through, Marcus could barely drive home. The husband wasn’t nearly as oblivious as Marcus and Jolene thought. He had her phone bugged, her car bugged, and the cabin too. 

Some husbands have no sense of humor. 

I was contemplating Marcus’s story and what it said about Marcus. I guess it made me realize, I needed to continue being careful. Marcus wasn’t as careful as I am, because I get a read on the potential cuckold before I target them, and apparently, he hadn’t. 

When I got back to Sac I stopped at a Moroccan place I hadn’t been to for a while and saw Gail just sitting down for dinner alone. I’ve known Gail and her husband, Frank, for a few years. We both belonged to a country club and we’d played golf together a few times.

My instinct had made a low buzz in the past but tonight it was stronger. So, I went up and talked to her and asked if she was expecting anyone. She invited me to sit down when I explained I was just getting back from a trip to SF. I asked about Frank, their daughter, and her work. Frank was in Santa Fe for an antique meeting and shopping trip for his store, her daughter was at UCSB as a freshman and her work was, ‘Let's not talk about it.‘

The whole time I was wondering why my instinct was on high alert. Acting on a couple that is part of my normal social life, can be, can create a problem. One of my fellow Cuckolders had to move because of a misstep. Mostly I just listened, talked about the country club, and gossiped about couples we both knew. One guy was caught with his pants down. Mr. Peterson was caught with a prostitute in diapers. Mrs. Wright was caught fucking Steve, the massage therapist, on his table. And then the most humiliating thing. Dr. Wells, the president of the club, was caught cheating in the last tournament by moving his ball.

All juicy gossip. 

My instinct wouldn’t shut up so, as we finished I invited her for lunch this coming Saturday. Oh, and Frank too.

When Saturday came it turned out to be just Gail. I got up and greeted her, helped her sit, and asked, “ Where’s Frank? “

When I didn’t get an answer, I asked if work was still off-limits. When she just shrugged I moved on to her daughter.” Your daughter, Molly isn’t it? Is she coming up for Christmas? How is she doing.”

“I’m sorry but work is still a bitch, Frank is … well, Molly is doing great if I can believe her. She got an A on her first English paper. So that’s good. How about you? Didn’t you change jobs a few months ago? How’s it going?”

We talked about my new job, gossiped a bit and then our food came. I took a minute to listen to my instincts and think about if there were marriage problems would it still count? My reaction was nope, not for me.

I moved on from Gail and Frank and had a successful couple of sessions, including one where I got the husband to allow me to fuck him in front of his wife. That’s always fun

About a year later I met Gail and Frank together at the club and we had lunch. Gail's work problems had worked out. A co-worker had been sabotaging Gail, but finally got caught, and that resulted in Gail getting promoted. 

Franks's antique store had made some dramatic changes in inventory that were doing great. They both seemed happier than I had seen them recently.  But my instinct still said they were a potential target, and now that the unhappy marriage problem was gone, I knew I would enjoy her and enjoy seeing Frank watch as we fucked. That would be delicious. 

I had sources for the theatre here and I started discussing some of the touring groups that were coming. There was a group bringing ‘Cats’ to town and even though I knew tickets were sold out officially, my source had some setback that I knew I could get. When they both expressed their regrets that they hadn’t bought tickets when they could, I offered to try and get three from my source for a Saturday evening during their time in Sacramento. They loved the possibility. 

Normally, my in with a couple is seducing the wife, then the husband. However, I had had some success convincing the husband to ask me to fuck their wives first. Giving me access to her. Me, turning him first, then letting him watch. One advantage is that the risk of it blowing up, and making the club uncomfortable for either of us is less. That was what my instinct was saying here, husband first.

Okay then. I got the tickets and stopped by Franks's store to give him their two tickets. When I got there I casually asked if he had time for lunch. He accepted and we went to a Chinese place just around the corner. There I started. I was telling him how lucky he was to have such a fine wife. I made a few comments that if she wasn’t married … How kissable she seemed and a comment about how delectable her tits were. 

This was stuff, if you’re telling most husbands, you’ll get shut down, hard. Instead, I was seeing the same emotions on his face I was used to seeing on my new cuckolds. Arousal, fear, anticipation, and disgust. My instincts were right again. Frank would hand Gail to me, for me to fuck, and then thank me too. 

I set up a golf date the next Sunday with him. I intended to move him step-by-step to let me, but I still had to get Gail ready. 

I called her office around ten to ask her to lunch. Turned out she had a lunch date with a co-worker that canceled, so she agreed. Great. We had a great lunch until I came out with a confession. How I really liked her, how I would like to get to know her better, and how attractive she was. Over the top in normal circumstances, here she accepted what I said, and then gave me a hint that she might, maybe, like that. 

All right, Sunday golf and see how far I get with Frank. We used a golf cart together and I spent some time talking about Gail. About a dream, I had that she starred in. Again, I was extremely explicit because I could tell he wanted me to be. 

My dream started with Gail and me at the beach alone, I was undressing her while kissing her. I was just unfastening her bra and I was about to see her tits when a huge dog ran up barking at me. I complained that I didn’t get the view I wanted. Joking that maybe he had been in my dream. Complaining that he had no business interfering in my dream life. 

I told him about another one where we were in a hotel room and I had her down to her bra and panties then we were in Capital Park with Frank, hundreds of Franks watching us.

“Jesus Frank, you get to see her naked every day. Can’t you stay out of my dreams?”

“Yeah. Right. I’m not trying to interfere…I know um, no, I wouldn’t interfere, object…in real anyway, I’m not interfering with you.”

“Frank, I’d love to…ah shit, I’d love to see her naked touch her, more than touch … yes, a lot more.”

At the nineteenth hole, we had a beer and I asked, “If I wanted, if she agreed to. Uh, where might you … draw the line? I have to say …” then I waited.

Frank hesitated, “Jesus Allen, I’m not, the line. Where? I’m not sure … if Gail wanted, I’m not sure I’d have a line if Gail wanted … you. Shit. If she wanted to sleep … you. Fuck you. Yes, if she wanted to.”

Are you sure? I’ve been … thinking. Just thinking, Um after the play. Cats. There’s a hotel. I could … would you be willing? After the play, leave just Gail…and me there? Alone? At the hotel? If I ask her at drinks after Cats in front of you … to go with me? So you know she’s willing?”

After a lot of equivocating, he finally admitted he’d do it. My read was he was a lot more enthusiastic than he let on. As we left the club I could see his hard cock in his pants. 

I decided I wanted to speed up my schedule with Gail. So, I called Gail and asked if she would be up to a ‘long lunch’ on the Wednesday before Cats. She stuttered then said she might. Maybe. Possibly. She’d call me back. 

When she called, “Hi Allen uh, what do you have in mind?”

“Maybe lunch? It could include lunch. Some exercise? I don’t know but I do know we could find fun things to do. Have I told you about some dreams I have had? I love to explore them with you. While we’re alone?”

Gail hesitated a bit then said, “Ah, I was just wondering, um I m … might like exploring … things with you alone. Where? At my house, we’d have to finish … exploring before six. At yours? A hotel? “

At mine then, 12:30 at my house. “Just remember that commandos explore the best. Even better would be … just a long coat. That would be fun. But you decide on how you want to explore.”

My next step was to see Frank at the store and let him know I had changed its program. 

“How’s it going?” As I walked into his office. We shook hands and I started, “There has been a change. Would you want to watch us at the hotel? What would you think if Gail let you watch? Really?” I paused.

Frank thought then replied, “I hadn’t thought about me watching. Uh yes, I would … like to see it. Yes. But Gail?”

“What’s happening is that Gail and I are meeting at my house on Wednesday. It’s for lunch, ostensibly a long lunch. I can make it possible for you to listen at least if you want to.

“At the play, I think I could get her to let you watch our second time. What Gail and I are doing is a secret, what you and I are doing would have to be a secret too.”

“I’d have to keep it a secret? From Gail?“

“Yes and probably permanently. But still. Oh yes, I think it would help if she knows you’re going to be late Wednesday till nine maybe.”

I love doing this, especially with the Cuckold, the cuck. Pulling their strings, making them jump through hoops. It's great fun when I can. 

I got a call from her before I got back to work that Frank was going to be late so she could stay until seven.

I was able to get microphones set up Tuesday, covering all the important areas.  I had the receiver set up in my office for Frank. When he got there I set him up with earbuds. I made sure Frank had cleanup supplies available, just in case.

I had asked Gail to come wearing a long coat. Just a long coat. When she arrived, she was overdressed. Not just a long coat, she was wearing shoes! Way overdressed. Ok, though I got her dressed more appropriately as soon as she came into the entry. The next thing I did was open her coat so I could kiss her, her tits pressed against my chest, one hand on her ass, and the other controlling her head. My lips were hard against hers, my tongue exploring her mouth, and my hand on her ass pinching.

“Gail, you do realize you were overdressed when you arrived?” With a serious look. “Though now you aren’t. You are as beautiful as I thought. 

Gail answered me, ”I guess, but…ah, don’t you have way too much on? If you don’t fix that…um, I might, might need to go home. Decide to leave. So …”

“Ah, you’ve got a point, shall I?“ and I led her to the living room where I undressed for her. When  I was stripped I took her coat off. And admired her again.  

Gail was watching me undress and said, “You look so lusc…luscious, Allen. Your c cock. God, I can, can’t wait, I can barely wait. I’m so looking um, forward to our exploring.” She reached for and held my cock. “Ah, Allen. Exploring you and … your cock. God, yes. You can do any uh, everything. To me. Ah, no marks? That Frank can see.? … Please?”

I sat her down on the sofa, touching her tits as I did it. I sat beside her with my hands roaming over her. Kissing her, moving to her neck, then down to her tits. 

I was sucking them, pulling on her nipples. She was making noises that only occasionally made words I understood. “Yes, … cock … f eel … wet …puss…”

I felt her tense, then attempt to take over. Her mouth attacked mine. Her hand caressed my cock, her other hand moved my hand to her pussy. Moved it against her clit. She was able to say, “There, that’s better. Your fingers…in m, my puss…pussy.  Yes, harder, harder deeper…Christ Allen, I’m coming.” Both of her hands pulled my mouth hard against hers. I let her rest with my hands holding her close. 

Ten minutes later, I started over, using lotion. Kissing her, feeling her using the lotion all over. When she was aroused enough I pulled her head down to my cock so I was under her pussy 69 style and started licking her. She was releasing fluid that I loved tasting. Between her sucking my cock and her response to my sucking her it didn’t take long. I warned her I was coming but I wanted to come in her mouth. I came releasing gallons of cum that no one woman could swallow. Yeah right. Just like that cum shot I saw last week on Pornhub. A teaspoonful, maybe two. Let's be realistic. 

After we rested a few minutes then I led her to my bed telling her what I intended. I wanted her pussy. I was very verbal about talking aloud about what I was doing. I didn’t want Frank to depend on noises alone. I also encouraged Gail to be noisy, and verbal. It took her a while before she got into it. She gradually started talking about what I was doing to her, and how much she was enjoying it.

My hands handled her tits. My mouth was on her clit licking and sucking. Then as my cock entered her cunt, she started talking about her cunt It was wonderful when I thought about Frank, hearing us fuck but having to try to visualize it. It was wonderful as I pictured Frank hearing his wife talk about her cunt and my cock. 

“I came three times before I was through. We rested a while until I said, “Now your ass. I’m going to fuck your ass now.” I got the lube and put a good coat on my cock, then I used a large amount on her ass.“ 

She was whimpering, “God, my ass? My ass? Can I take it? Allen, be slow please. I’ll … yes, my ass, I knew you might … want to fuck my ass. Yes I want to feel you cum in my ass. I knew you would.”

I used my fingers to push the lube inside, as much as I could. Then started telling her exactly what I was doing. “That’s right, raise it up for me. I’ve got it ready, lots of lube for you. Yes put the pillow under to raise it better for my cock. You’re going to feel my cock as it presses against … your ass. Tell me you want it. Tell me what your feeling as I take it”

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Gail was still whimpering, “Allen, I want to … uh f-feel your cock about to take it, my a-ass. It’s the first time. I want to feel it as it takes me, even if it hurts, I want your cock in my ass. “

I slowly pushed in against her resistance, “Relax, let it in, it’ll hurt less if you relax, just let my cock in."

She was still whimpering, “it hurts, it hurts. Don’t stop though. I want it to hurt.”

When I was able to get it all the way in and just moved it slightly her voice strengthened “That’s better, better, it feels degrading in an erotic way, just a little more, stronger, harder. It feels, god I’m going to cum. With your cock in my ass” and she screamed, “I’m coming."

That pushed me to the edge, then over as I felt my cum release in her.

That must have been painful for Frank. Or it was wonderful, or maybe both, wonderfully painful.

After resting, Gail could barely walk. She’d decided she needed enough time to clean up at home for Frank. I gave her back the coat and her shoes. A kiss and her tits a smack goodbye.

I went into my office and I could smell his cum and saw the three tissues he’d used

“That was powerful, Allen. I think it was … as good as watching. Uh, no I still want to watch it. But still, it was powerful. Especially … when Gail talked about how your cock felt in … her cunt, her cunt! Her ass. Jesus. She never says cock or pussy. I can’t wait till after Cats.”

We went into the living room where I told him about what I was going to make him do.

“Frank, there’s a price for being able to watch. You want to see me fucking Gail. I’m going to be cuckolding you. With you watching it happen. That means you’re my cuck, and you’ll act like it too. I intend to humiliate you any way I want and you’ll comply. Anything I decide.”

“Humiliate? What do you mean? What …”

“For starters, you’re going to undress Gail for me. When Gail and I get to consummate your cuckold status, it’ll be the second time, and this time you’ll get the privilege of putting my cock in her. Cuckolding yourself.

“I’m going to prove to Gail that I control you too. I control her and she’ll know it. I want her to know I can do anything I want with you too. And you will comply with anything. Up to and including letting me fuck your ass. 

“Bring lube so I can. I’m, I might fuck you too. That’s your price for being able to watch us cucking you. Part of it at least.”

“Fuck me? In front of Gail? No never, never.”

“Yes, Frank, fuck you and you’ll let me do it, in front of Gail. That’s part of the price of admission. If you want a seat watching, you’ll pay and thank me after. So, shall I plan on you being there? Or not, it’s your choice.”

I knew he’d cave. After hearing me cuck him, he’d have to see it too. I could see the emotions on his face. Arousal, excitement, and elation, together with confusion, trepidation, and self-hatred. 

Frank looked away from me. “My choice … I have to. I have to. Damn it, Allen, yes. I’ll do it. Yes, I’ll let you fuck me. Yes, I’ll do whatever you ask, tell me to do. God, help me.”

When he left, I reminded him to wait at least until eight and drink soft drinks or coffee so there isn’t any alcohol on his breath if he stops at a bar. 

The next day I saw Gail and warned her that I wanted to stop at the Union Hotel after Cats for drinks. That’s when I told her I wanted to make Frank watch us fuck. Make him agree to be cuckolded in front of you. 

I told Gail I would force him to watch while we cuckolded him. I talked about what we could do to humiliate him. Humiliate him more than just cucking him.  Make him undress her in front of me. Make him put my cock in her cunt. Yes, since she talked about her cunt on Wednesday that’s what she had now. A cunt. 

I convinced her I could force him to do whatever we wanted. I could make him put my cock in her ass too. Not just her cunt. The thought of us cuckolding Frank at the hotel was turning her on, seriously turning her on. She couldn’t wait. She gave me carte blanche to do anything to her I wanted.

“What are your limits, Gail? What can I do with you in front of Frank? Your ass, bondage, disciplines like spanking or whipping. How about uh Golden Showers?”

“Limits? In front of Frank?” She paused for a bit then continued slowly, “I’m not sure. My ass? I’ve never … uh, if you’re careful, yes. I’d like to experience that once at least. Bondage, I’d love, yes I’d love that. Discipline, I don’t … uh not too much pain. A little maybe. Yes, some pain. 

“Golden Showers, is that what it sounds like? Kinky, Allen. Kinky.” She paused again, “If you want it, maybe. Not on my face though. Not on my face. On my tits, my pussy? That sounds … nasty uh, wonderfully nasty.  

“What about Frank? What limits on me controlling him? ”

She paused to think, “If” then she paused, “If you can make him do it then … yes anything you can make him do. Anything you talked about doing to me, he can take too. Golden showers? Yes, even golden showers, pissing on Frank, I’ve been mad enough to think about that a few times.“

I had noticed my taste for humiliating my cuck was growing. And Gail and Frank were the strongest examples of this. My taste in degrading the wife too. I was going to degrade Gail, in front of him, to rub his nose in my power over his wife. Then make him do things for me to enjoy. 

We met for dinner at the Union Hotel restaurant but earlier I’d reserved a suite for the night. At dinner, both Frank and Gail seemed nervous and that continued through the performance. When I suggested an after-play drink I could see their nerves increase. 

I’d stashed some things earlier. Lube even though Frank was supposed to bring it. Some soft bondage rope if I decided I wanted it. Handcuffs too. At the last minute, I’d gotten a strap-on harness, together with a dildo. Just in case my wishes changed about who was going to fuck Frank.

As we finished the drinks, “Gail, I have the room. Frank, Gail, and I are going upstairs to my room. For sex. Fucking. If you ask nicely you can come too. To watch us fuck. If you come, you’ll behave, won’t you? I’ll make you do things there. You’ll do them. All of them. No questions. But you’ll be able to see us fuck.”

Frank didn’t have any problem acting upset or surprised in front of Gail. he was stuttering, “G Gail, what’s g … going on? Did you, are you really going … going to fuck, screw Allen? Tonight? Here?”

Gail interrupted him, “Yes Frank. I am. I want … his cock. I’m going to fuck him. Screw him. Anything he wants. Yes, anything. I want you to let him too. Give him anything he wants from me. Anything means everything. I want you to do it too. I want both of us … to do what Allen wants. If you come to watch, I expect you to let him do everything he wants with me. And with you too. Not just tonight though. He owns me as long as he wants me. Yes, you too. If you come up with me, he’ll own your body too. God, he’ll do nasty things with both of us. Allen will do nasty things to me and he'll do nasty things to you. I want you to come up and play with us. Please.”

“God Gail, you don’t. You can’t. You want both of us to submit to him? Anything? Everything? Your ass, my ass?”

“More than that. Everything means anything. Anything he wants. If he wants it, we comply. More than our ass. I’ve agreed to a lot more than just my ass. Say yes, you want to come up with us.”

I interrupted, “Frank, you know what you’re agreeing to if you come up. Gail is agreeing too when she comes up. So are you going home to wait or coming up with Gail and me?”

Frank was overwhelmed, this was more than he expected but I could see as he realized he should have expected it. I saw the same emotions on his face as when I’d warned him about his price to pay. Arousal, excitement, and elation together with confusion, trepidation, and self-hatred. The self-hatred was stronger, as he realized the extent he was willing to go to experience his cuckolding in person, repeatedly 

“Gail, I’ll come. God, I’ll come with you. I’ll do … I’ll submit too. I’ll submit to both of you, that’s what you want, and expect, isn’t it?“

I stood and took Gail’s hand as a symbol of his releasing her to me. I’d signed the bill to my room already so we went to the elevators with Frank trailing behind looking discomforted. When we were in the elevator I gave Gail a passionate kiss. Our first in front of Frank. It felt wonderful. I’d accomplished more than I’d hoped for when I started, a lot more. 

As we pulled apart, I let my hands linger on her tits, for Frank to enjoy. 

This is better than I’d thought. What should I do here? Should I force us to continue Saturday? At my house, or their house? Maybe go to the city with Gail as mine, not his. That would be fun. 

At the suite, I opened the door and carried Gail into the room. Like a newly married couple. The point wasn’t missed by Frank. 

When we got inside I repeated the passionate kiss with more caressing her tits and lingering kisses all over her face. That was when I looked at Frank, ”It’s time, Frank, undress her for me”

I could tell he didn’t want to, but he also knew he had to. He started unbuttoning her dress and helped her out of it. Then her slip came off exposing her lacy bra and panties. As he unfastened her bra, letting me see her tits I could see his cock get harder and tent his pants. He hated doing it but was enjoying it at the same time. 

When he pulled her panties off I started caressing her. My hands were sliding over her shoulders to her tits where I handled her nipples pinching them a bit. I could barely hear Gail say, “Yes, like that.” Then louder, “Yes Allen, my tits kiss my tits.” She paused until she said louder, “Yes kiss them. Suck them please, harder, harder, they’re yours now.”

I undressed while handling her tits when I could. When I was naked too, I forced her onto the bed with her pussy, her cunt at the edge. When I kneeled in front of her, I bent over so I could reach it and lick it. My hands were back on her tits mauling them. 

God, humiliating Frank, in front of his wife. It must be excruciating pain for Frank. Wonderful and exciting for me and Gail. How long can I prolong his agony before I fuck her?

I moved up so she could lick my cock. When I forced it into her mouth Gail moaned and then pulled away enough so she could talk. “God Allen, your cock feels wonderful in my mouth. I can’t wait for you to take my pus … no, my cunt. I want to feel you as your cock penetrates my cunt again. Tell Frank … make him lick my cunt, no, make him lick your cunt. Make him tell us that it’s your cunt now.”

I leaned back and said, “Frank, you heard Gail. Ask me for permission to lick my cunt.”

Frank was trembling but finally said, “Allen, can I lick your c-cunt, Gail’s cunt.”

I replied, “Yes, you have my permission. If you can make her come, I’ll give you a present. Just don’t forget to put my cock in her cunt.”

I love this. I know what I’m going to give him. His first fresh cream pie. This is so much more powerful and more satisfying than any of my earlier cuckolding. 

I watched Frank lick her cunt and then moved to her clit. He licked around it and then sucked it. I could see Gail moving, tense, and then spasmed. This was the first time I’d ever watched a women squirt. It was wonderful. 

I moved and pushed Frank out of my way and placed my cock just outside her entrance and looked at Frank. He hesitated, so I said, “Tell Gail what you're going to do, and what it means.”

He hesitated some more, then started, “uh Gail, your cunt … Allen’s cunt I mean, I’m putting his cock in it, to f-fuck you. I’m giving him, all my marital rights, God, I can’t believe I’m doing this. You’re h-his now, to do whatever he wants to do.”

He reached and held my cock moving it to Gail's cunt. I could feel his hand tremble. I said, “You are giving Gail to me. I own her more than you ever did. I control whom she fucks, when she fucks, and how she fucks.”

As I slid my cock inside her I felt her tremble and then she said, “Yes, Frank, his c-cock is wonderful as he's taking me, it’s not his first time fucking me, and it feels just as amazing as the first time.”

The radio had just played Paul Simon’s ‘slip sliding away’ and the lyrics seemed so appropriate. So I said to Frank, “My cock is slip sliding oh yeah, slip-sliding in her.” I laughed and continued, “Slip sliding in your wife. And it feels so hot, slip-sliding in her. Yes. ”

Gail laughed then said to Frank, “Hot? It’s an inferno when I feel Allen's cock slip-sliding into my cunt. God, Frank, it feels wonderful.”

The rest of our fuck continued with Frank watching, mesmerized by the sight of me, my cock repeatedly violating Gail’s cunt. His eyes were wide with arousal as he saw her in ecstasy as she came. 

For a lot of cuckolds, the thing that hurts them the most is that they see their wives responding to my kisses, caresses, and control. Watching as their wives climax with my ministrations. They could see that I controlled her more than they ever had. Frank wasn't any different, in addition to the arousal he felt, I could see his pain as he saw her enjoying my cock so much.

I finally finished coming in her cunt, pulling back at the end, so some cum escaped. “Okay Frank, it's time for your gift from me. This is your first cream pie.“

Gail heard me and as she recovered, she told Frank, “God, a cream pie, Frank. Yes, that’s what I want … I want you to have my cream pie. Eat it.”

Frank seemed startled as he resisted, “You w-want me to … “

Gail interrupted saying, “Frank eat it. If fact, you’re going to thank Allen for making this fresh cream pie for you. Thank him then lick it all up. This is your desert, so thank him.”

Frank slowly walked to where I’d left her, stuttering, “C-Cream pie. Eat it? Allen’s cum, Gail … uh, you don’t real … “

Gail interrupted him as I watched, “You’re my cuckold, Frank that’s what cuckolds do. You eat any cream pies I offer you. Eat it.

Frank was just starting to realize what being her cuckold means. He replied, “You want me … ah to lick your pussy, pussy clean.” He hesitated then moved to the bed. Then he continued, “Allen, thank you for this, my cream p-pie. I am your cuckold, I’m your c-cuck.” Then he started licking and sucking my cum from her bush and tried to suck it from her cunt. 

Gail was purring as he cleaned her, “umm, ah, hmm, yes good yes, Frank um, um.” I saw her sinuously move, enjoying the sensations.

When he finished, I banished him from the bedroom, and I returned to Gail in bed, naked. and lay next to her, spooning behind her with my hands on her tits. Gail said, "That was fabulous, Allen, feeling Franks's tongue in my … ah, pussy licking your cum, after we cuckolded him. It feels so dominant, so powerful with us making him ... submit by eating and swallowing your cum out of me." She ended with a sigh and held my hands against her tits.

Yes, I am enjoying cuckolding Frank. This is just the beginning of a wonderful relationship. What to do tomorrow? What do I want from Gail and Frank now? I'll decide that tomorrow, for now, I'll just enjoy Gail naked against me.

Written by keylime314159
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