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Wendy and Rick were an interesting couple. Strangely, I met them at a bar. Generally, you meet established cuckold couples in bars, or sometimes couples trying to pick up a man to start them as a cuckold couple. That isn’t what I look for. That’s for bull wannabes.

I knew that they weren’t yet a cuckold couple. And they were the ripest couple I have ever run into. I could smell the succulence from the two of them. They were sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. I was sitting at the other end, nursing a beer and watching them. I could hear my instinct clanging, this is a prime couple. I finished my beer and moved and asked Joel, the bartender, for a second beer. Joel was expounding on a friend that has a boat on the bay and how much fun it is. Wendy was saying she’d love to go out. Maybe under the Golden Gate.

I interjected an agreement with Joel and commented that I had a forty-foot boat at the Richmond Yacht Club. After getting to know each other, I commented that I had intended to go out with a couple this coming weekend, but Bill caught the flu. When I saw Wendy perk up I offered to take them. When I explained we had intended to go into the delta and stay overnight near Franks Tract, but we could still have time to go under the Golden Gate first. It took a little talking but Joel and I convinced them it would be fun, so we exchanged numbers and I left. 

To meet with Wendy and Rick, I had to postpone my next tryst with Brittany and Seth. I’d been cuckolding Seth for over a week and he’d watched us fuck three times. It was still new enough that I was introducing new things but Rick and Wendy were so ripe I couldn’t wait. 

We were having a good time, me especially. We’d gone out the Golden Gate and back and were crossing San Pablo bay headed up to the delta and I was using the time to get to know Wendy and check Rick out. My instincts were telling me to just go for it. I invited Wendy to sit by me as I steered and looked at Rick as I started unbuttoning her top. I could feel Wendy tense up as she looked at Rick. I was looking at Rick with an ‘I dare you to object’ look. And he looked away.

I leaned over to Wendy and whispered, “Enjoy what I’m doing, Rick will. He’s going to hate it but enjoy it even more. Watch his penis get hard as he watches me. If you show him that you want it, he’ll let me continue. He won’t stop me even when you’re completely naked.”

I continued unbuttoning her top until I could slip it off. I spoke to Rick, “I’m going to continue undressing Wendy, you can go below and get the sunscreen for her. Bring it up and I’ll let you put it on her.”

I unsnapped the top of her pants as Rick slowly stood, looking at Wendy. I could see he was getting hard as he went down below. 

“Watch his penis when he comes back up. I’m going to let him finish undressing you and then put the sunscreen on you. You’ll know he wants me to see you naked when he puts the lotion on you."

When he finally came up, he was trembling, unable to look at Wendy. 

“Okay, finish undressing her, then you can put on the sunscreen. We’re all going to love watching you get … uh, her ready for me.”

I saw Rick’s penis get even harder as he flinched.

Wendy didn’t object and neither did Rick. I was concluding I could take her today and Rick would let me. He’d probably hold her for me as I fucked her if I asked.  It was going exactly the way I’d imagined it. 

He slowly walked up to her, still trembling. I could barely understand as he was mumbling, “I can’t believe I’m doing this. How far … “

He helped her stand, unfastened her bra, and hesitantly removed it. Then he unzipped her pants and pulled them down and helped her step out. She was naked except for her panties. He closed his eyes and pulled them off too. 

Beautiful, Wendy naked, her husband touching her, knowing what was next. He knew I was going to fuck her and we all knew he wasn’t going to stop me.

Wendy looked at Rick, questioningly, until he started putting the sunscreen on her, starting on her tits and then on the rest of her body. She relaxed when he started with the sunscreen and she could see his erection. 

When he finally finished, she came to me and sat on my lap, and for the first time, she kissed me. I gradually became more assertive with Wendy. Longer ass touching, more obvious handling her tits holding her, kissing her. Daring him to object. 

When Rick went down to get us some drinks I pulled Wendy back on my lap and kissed her until he came up. My fingers were entering her pussy and I had my lips on her tits.

I looked at Rick with a smile. “Rick you don’t mind do you.”

Rick stuttered, “ah … m-mind?”

I interrupted, “Wendy’s enjoying it. So, do you? Object.”

Rick was still stuttering, “ um, ah if Wendy … d-doesn’t, object? I guess I uh don’t.”

I slowed the boat and gestured for him to take the wheel. When he had it I looked at Wendy, “Let’s take this below. Where we can finish. Ok?”

I led her to the ladder. “Tell him it's ok.”

Wendy looked at Rick and whispered, “It’s ok,Rick, um, I … want to go below with Allen. Please? Please, Rick.”

Rick sat there with a stricken look on his face as he kind of nodded. He looked at Wendy and forced out, “Go, go with him” it ended with a sob.

I helped her down. She was trembling. while I was saying, “He wants this too. You can see that. You want this. Relax. You’ll enjoy it.“

When we were below, I continued, “This is what you’ve wanted. This is what you do want. You want to be naked in front of me. Rick’s top side, visualizing us like this, me naked, you looking at my cock. He’s visualizing us together. You and me joined.” I grinned at her while I hurriedly stripped so she could see me “My cock, me sucking your tits, he’s picturing us joined, my cock joined with your pussy.” I was demonstrating as I said it. “Kissing your clit, your pussy. I’m marking your tit. Sucking hard. Leaving my ownership hickey.”

When I paused, Wendy hesitantly, “God, God, Allen yes, I feel ah.” 

I interrupted, “When you come, make it loud, so Rick knows. Loud." I pushed her onto the starboard bunk and started licking and sucking her pussy with my hands on her tits. When I felt her stiffen I said, “Loud. let him know. Loud.”

She screamed, “Oh fuck, Allen, I’m, I’m coming. Rick, it feels, feels so exciting, naked in front of him, knowing what he’s going to be doing to me, it’s breathtaking Rick I can’t believe I’m letting him do this to me. He’s sucking my pussy, my clitoris.”

I got on the bunk and got my cock ready to enter her. “Tell him, tell Rick loud. Let him know what’s happening here.”

“Oh, Rick his cock, it’s about, it’s touching my pussy, his cock … it’s entering my pus … cunt my cunt. He’s fuck, Allen is fucking me. I’m fucking, god fucking, fucking … yes, we’re fucking.” She continued, whispering so Rick couldn’t hear, “Allen, it’s wonderful, the best sex, the best fucking I’ve ever had.”

I continued fucking her until I could feel I was approaching the cliff, going over. 

“I’m coming. Rick, I’m coming inside Wendy’s cunt. God, it’s so good. It hurts so good.” I collapsed on her as she came too. “He’s our cuckold. No, our cuck. He’s not just a cuckold, he’s our cuck. He’s a do-anything cuck.”

When we could stand I led her up to the top so Rick could see us. Wendy with my cum leaking out of her cunt my cock still wet with my cum and her juices. We all knew that Rick came in his shorts. 

“Hi, Rick. I see you enjoyed it too.” I took over handling the boat. “If you want, you and Wendy can go below. Just remember Wendy and I are sleeping together tonight.” Rick tentatively gestured to the hatch. When Wendy went down he followed. It was almost an hour when they came back up and Rick was wearing just shorts. I gestured to Wendy to come to me and I put her on my lap. I was openly moving my hands all over kissing her until I made her rise so I could put my cock in her as she lowered herself. 

My kisses moved down to her neck and down to where her neck met her shoulder and I bit and sucked hard. There was a huge mark when I was finished. I was enjoying our conversation, talking to Rick with Wendy whimpering, as I moved inside her. I was marking her as mine with Rick watching. He hated seeing me take possession of her tits, her pussy, her whole body. He hated letting me do it. Yet his body was stiff with arousal. He loved watching me take his wife. A couple of times I felt her stiffen, ”Oh god, I’m coming again.”

It was delicious watching him respond to what we were doing. It was fabulous feeling her response to my hands, lips, and cock. In the open, feeling the breeze on her bare skin. Squirming, moving against my caresses, whimpering moans, and half words.

I found an anchorage place and set us up for the night. I started a conversation with Rick and moved it toward verbally humiliating and demeaning him. 

“Thank you for letting me fuck Wendy it felt soooo good as my cock slowly entered her. She enjoyed my cock … my hands, and she told me it was her best fuck ever. I told her you’re now a cuck. You let me mark her as mine, so, I own her now. By the time we’re through you’ll be sucking my cock, cleaning her cunt, and letting, asking, me to fuck your ass. 

“How does it feel to watch me fucking her? How does it feel letting me fuck her? She is so beautiful when she’s coming on my cock. You’ve seen it, just now.”

Rick tried to answer, but all he could do is stutter with no coherent words I could make out.

I told Wendy I wanted her to get me off. Ride me. Fuck me. She started squeezing my cock with her vaginal muscles and up and down until I had to stop her so I could focus on her. As I came again I bit her lower lip and the pain made us come together. 

After dinner, I told Rick to sleep on deck, while we would use the double bunk. 

Lying naked together she whispered, “I feel … exhilarated, I can’t believe…what, um, you’ve, we’ve done. Uh, can we ah, do more? Can you, can you?”

“Suck my cock. We’ll see. I’m willing to try.”

As she slid down and took my cock in her mouth I felt it start hardening. I turned around in the bunk with her still on top. I was licking her pussy and my cock in her mouth. I slapped her ass with cupped hands to make a loud pop. I turned us around again with me on top and my cock in her pussy, until she came. Jesus, she’s responsive and vocal.

I was able to get her off. Me? No, I could tell that wasn’t going to happen. 

When I woke up I was behind her in the bunk cupping her tits. I moved my hands to her pussy, her clit, and two fingers inside. She pushed back toward me and I was able to enter her and between my hands and my cock she came again.

When we got back to Richmond we cleaned the boat and I sent them home, to think. While we were cleaning the boat, I told them if they want more, have Rick call me. I gave Wendy a lover’s kiss to remember, as we finished.

I think he’ll call. Rick didn’t fight back and Wendy certainly enjoyed the sex. So will he, or won’t he? Ha, The Shadow Knows.

It was two weeks until I got a call from Rick and I set up a time to meet over coffee, on Friday 

I got there early and waited for Rick to show up. He got there right on time and I let him get his coffee and we sat down. I started, “You and Wendy have had two weeks to talk and think, so what did you talk about?”

Rick stumbled a bit as he answered me, “Well, we talked about um, Wendy said that she’d, ah, I told Wendy that if she wanted um, more, wanted you to give her more I’d agree. Kind of that’s … ”

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I stared at Rick interrupting, “Are you trying to say that yes, you want me to continue to fuck Wendy? That you want to watch me fucking her? You want to be my cuckold?”

He stuttered, “Y-yes that’s w-what I meant. Allen, we want to continue.”

I said, “If we continue it’s under my terms. You both submit to me, right? Both of you.”

Rick hesitated then nodded and said, “Yes we’ll both submit … Wendy, Wendy wants your cock again.“

“Where’s Wendy now?” I asked Rick. “She knows you’re here telling me this? She wants you to tell me?”

He was squirming in his seat and I could see cold sweat starting on his forehead. He looked away before answering me, “Ah, yes, she told me what to say, most of it at least. She’s at home, um, waiting for me to call and tell her how our meeting turned out.”

“So, are you hard, aroused, wanting to see us together again? You’re squirming like you want to hold your cock, is that what’s going on?”

I laughed and continued, “Of course you are. I can tell. I tell you what, call Wendy and tell her we’re coming over and we’ll start your real cuckolding. It’s going to be different that what we did on my boat. A lot different. 

“Wendy and I will relish cuckolding you. My experience is the cuckolds have a more mixed reaction. Still and all, I think you’ll be glad you experienced being my cuck.

“Call her and tell her I’ll be there in, what fifteen minutes, is that about right?”

Rick nodded and called, “Hi Wen. It went great, I think just what you wanted.”

“No, he wants to start it today.”

“Yes, he insists on today, in fact, we’ll be there in about fifteen, I think.“

“Yes, with bells on. Um, yes I love you too. I can’t wait too.”

He hung up and said, “I told … “

I interrupted him. “You’re going to wait here. An hour, this is your first submission, waiting an hour before going home. Undress completely when you get there, we’ll be in your bedroom, doing whatever we’re doing. When you enter you’ll do anything either Wendy or I tell you to do. Anything means everything we say. 

“I’m in charge and I can tell either of you to do anything, Wendy is in charge of you, she can tell you to do anything she wants. Your job is to listen and obey, period. Understand! When you address me or answer me call me Sir.

“Do you understand? Tell me what I told you to do.”

Rick grimaced at me, saying, “Um, Sir, I’m to wait an hour before coming home. I’m um, to undress when I get there. I’m supposed to obey both you and Wendy.”

I grinned at him “Announce yourself as our cuckold when you see us. Wendy’ll enjoy that.”

I drove to their house and walked in. No knocking. Wendy was standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen. “Undress for me. Completely.”

Wendy asked, “Where’s Rick?”

“Do what I tell you. I want you naked for me. Remember, you do what I tell you. Rick will too. Just do it.”

“Um undress?” She hesitated and then started unbuttoning her blouse, “Naked?  Completely naked?” She slowly continued taking her blouse off. When she had it off she unfastened her bra and dropped it to the floor. Her nipples were tightening as I looked at her. I reached and tweaked one and caressed the other.

I waited with my hands on her tits, looking at her.

She flinched, then hurriedly unfastened her pants and dropped them to the floor. She looked at me, as I was waiting. I tweaked her other tit and moved my hand to her neck caressing her there.

She finally pushed her panties to the floor and stood up straight staring at me, daring me to say something. Instead of saying anything, I took her by her shoulders and sucked and bit on her other shoulder, marking her again.

“I still own you don’t I? You sent Rick to me to renew my ownership of you. You wanted him to know you would submit to me. I own you and I own Rick. I’m going to make it clear to both of you today.”

I led her into their bedroom and asked for some scarves. When she got them for me I pushed her back on the bed and moved her hands to the headboard, tying them to the railings. 

After tying both arms to the headboard, “Wendy, tell me what I can do to you. You’re naked. So tell me.”

Her eyes were wide and I started undressing.

“God, Allen, you can fuck me, I’d like you to fuck me again.”

I replied, “You’re naked, tied to your bed, to Rick’s and your bed. So what can I do to you?” One hand started pulling on her nipples, and the other moved to her pussy rubbed her there then moved to her ass and pushed in just a bit, so she knew that’s what I was doing. 

I moved my hand from her tits to her mouth caressing her lips then forced two fingers in. “Tell me what I can do to my submissive.”

She stared at me, “Christ Allen, you can do anything you want to me. God, I want you to.”

I opened the bedside table and found what I needed, a back scratcher. I took it, holding it from the curved end, and slapped her mound, once, twice then three times. She screamed, then said, “Yes even that, I want you to do what you want. Allen, please.”

I continued by moving from her mound to her tits until they were turning red. She was moaning and writhing on the bed while whispering, “Yes, yes. Oh God, I had no idea. It’s turning me on. I had no idea that pain can translate into ecstasy.”

My hands caressed her tits while I moved so I could lick her pussy. When I got to her clit  she spasmed, “Allen, I need it I need it, your cock. Take … fuck me I need, I need to be fucked. Your cock in me.”

I moved so I could, so my cock could fuck her. It slipped inside with no resistance at all, my balls were against her pussy lips. “There Wendy, there. My cock is taking you again.”

I heard Rick come into the room as Wendy screamed, “God, Allen Allen, it feels … I’m … ” And my balls released my cum inside her and I collapsed on her. I was able to pull out the last few seconds so the last spurts were leaking from her pussy.

He’d come in at the exact best time. I pulled out completely and rolled next to her showing him my cum leaking out of her. Wonderful. 

“Rick, I want you to lick her clean and then lick my cock clean.”

I rolled on my back and stared at him as he was hesitating. He flinched, then laid down between her legs and licked and sucked my cum from her pubic hair then licked inside her pussy lips until she was clean. Wendy watched him as he was doing it and then said, “Thank you, Rick. Your tongue felt soothing on my pussy. God yes, after that pounding. Now do Allen. Clean Allen too”

He hesitated some more then moved so he could put my cock in his mouth and sucked the entire thing, removing her juices and any remaining cum from me. 

I untied Wendy, then we laid back down with my hands massaging her tits. I liked at Rick, “When I’ve recovered a bit you’re going to suck me off so I come in your mouth. I want Wendy to know you’re my cuckold and obey me. Wait in that chair until I wake up. You can anticipate feeling my cock in your mouth, my cock throbbing, and my sperm, my cum, the taste too.”

I continued holding Wendy, complimenting her on how wonderful her submission was.

We fell asleep and it was a couple of hours before she moved and woke me. Her hand was holding my cock and I could feel it hardening.

Rick was waiting in his chair still naked as I was waking, I rolled over on my back with my cock standing up, ready for Rick. He stood up and moved to my side of their bed.

“You were right, I’m ready, I can’t believe I feel like this but I want to do this. I want your cock and I'm looking forward to feeling and tasting your cum.”

He got on the bed and took my cock, licked it from my balls to the tip, and then placed it in his mouth. His lips caressed it as he moved it in and out. I could see Wendy was mesmerized as she watched him. When he was sucking on the tip his hands were stroking it, and when he had as much in his mouth as the could, he caressed my balls. He was desperately trying to make me cum. 

Finally, his right hand moved down to my ass and put one finger in it, then two. That what was drove me over the edge, I suddenly felt my balls convulse and my cum spurted out in his mouth. One, two three, and then a couple of small ones.

I held his head, so he couldn’t release my cock for a minute, then he sighed and laid back down. Wendy kissed him then, with her tongue in his mouth, trying to get a taste. 

Rick was whispering, “That was better than I could imagine.” Louder, he said, “I’m glad you made me do it, feeling your cock, anticipating your cum, then feeling and tasting it in my mouth was exquisite. I loved it. 

”Submitting to you in such a degrading, humiliating way, I can’t explain why it feels fulfilling to me. The submission.”

I dozed for a bit and when I woke, Rick had moved to the other side of the bed and was holding Wendy’s tits. They were both asleep. I carefully got up and dressed. As I was finishing, Wendy woke and I kissed her and told her I’d be back by ten in the morning, and that I’d have another submission for them.

On my way back home I went shopping for a few things at Sexy Susie’s, then went home, ate a bite, and went to sleep. 

I was at their house fifteen minutes early. When I knocked, Wendy let me in. They were sitting at the table with coffee and invited me to join them. The package I had, I set by my feet and we avoided the main topic I knew was on their minds. The new submission I had planned. 

I walked to the front door and locked it then went to the patio door and confirmed it was locked. “Undress, both of you.” I watched as they did then asked, “Pegging? Do you know what it is?” Rick slightly nodded and said, “Uh, kind of, I think.” Wendy’s reaction was, “I have no idea.”

I opened the package and showed them the dildo and the harness it was attached to. “Wendy, you’re going to peg Rick. You’re going to fuck his ass with this until he comes or I give up. I’ve heard that a lot of men come, um, ejaculate, when their prostrate gets stimulated. You can reach around and play with his uh, penis while you're doing it. That helps too.”

I lubed the dildo and got her to lube his ass. He leaned his chest on the table with his legs spread. I guess Rick had some idea what was happening, but this was coming in from the left field for Wendy. She had no idea what was happening. I guess she didn’t read enough porn.

As Wendy stood behind Rick I moved behind her and guided the dildo into his ass. He gasped as it went in, then relaxed. I stayed behind her as she tentatively moved it. I reached around Wendy and manipulated her tits and encouraged her to move more vigorously. Then I moved her hands to his penis to stimulate him some more. 

After a while, I could see he was breathing more quickly and more shallowly. He was moving against Wendy, encouraging her to fuck him harder. Then I could hear him telling Wendy, “Harder, harder, Wendy, fuck me, fuck me harder.” Then he spoke louder, “God yes like that, I’m …” I could tell when he spewed his cum on the floor.

Wendy slowly stopped and just held him on the table.

Wendy and I then stepped back and Rick couldn’t move for a minute until his penis leaked the final drops of his cum.

This was fun. When I decided to go into the Good Luck bar, I had no idea I would enjoy it as much as I did. I figure I have a couple of months fucking Wendy, controlling Rick, and showing them the wonders of being in a cuckold marriage. Controlling a married couple, being able to screw the wife, and setting up the husband to a lifetime of being cuckolded makes the effort all worthwhile. I wonder if there’d be some synergy if I introduced Wendy and Rick to Brittany and Seth and played with them together. I’ve never mixed two couples together before.

Written by keylime314159
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