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Neighbours - Chapter 65

"Master finds new ways to demonstrate the depths of the changes in Crissy's life"

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It was late and the city had taken on a different feel. As we drove in silence, I looked out the windows of the truck, seeing the dark empty streets occasionally punctuated with twinkling lights. Whenever we passed another car or saw people on the sidewalk, I felt incredibly aware of how I was dressed, and of how the plug was filling me. Liam was smiling, seeming to enjoy every moment of the late-night drive and now it was making me squirm. I wondered just how late it was, and where Lydia and Cheryl might be. I realised that I didn’t even have my phone, having left it with my clothes back at home.

Liam drove us downtown, touring around, taking his time. I felt half in a daze but I felt like he was making circles, delaying arrival, so that he could maximise my time spent feeling that unsure. Finally, he pulled off into a back street and parked. Of course, then I became even more on display and more nervous about being seen, walking with him down the streets. He held my hand as I tried to balance on my heels, dealing with the feeling of the plug inside and the heavy breasts jiggling with each step. My skirt was so short and everything about how I was dressed seemed designed to show me off. 

I recognised the blank door only when Liam stopped in front of it and rang the doorbell. The imposing doorman who opened the door was the same as before, and let us in after running his gaze up and down over us. I thought that I saw a small nod shared between him and Liam, but soon enough we were walking down the inner hallway and through the black velvet curtain, into his secret club. 

The place was bustling, seemingly indifferent to the late hour or the quiet of the world outside. A few heads turned as we entered but for the most part, the guests continued their evenings. There were a few larger tables, with groups of four or six, but mostly the crowd was couples, and there were more than a few guests like me — clearly submissive or subservient, dressed up in sexually revealing outfits. The decoration of the room was striking, with lovely atmospheric lighting that seemed to come from nowhere. Each table glowed with an individual lantern flickering, and the effect was amplified by the mirrors on the walls, framed by curtains as though they were windows. 

Liam let us through the sea of tables and found an open one near the opposite side of the room from where we’d entered. There was a bit of space there, and even what looked like a small stage that I hadn’t noticed before. I didn’t know if it was a tease or a sincere display, but Liam pulled out my chair for me and then tucked it in as I sat, of course feeling the pressure from the plug fresh and new and direct. My skirt was so short that I felt my panty-clad ass land directly on the chair. 

He took his seat opposite me, still smiling, then lifted a small menu card from in front of him. A very pretty young waitress approached almost immediately. 

“I’d like a double of Lagavulin, neat, and Crissy will have a glass of the Dom Ruinart rosé,” he ordered, and the girl left with thanks. Liam’s eyes followed her as she left, then turned back to me. 

“What did you think of Jess?” he asked. 

“She seemed very eager, very devoted, Master,” I said.

“Oh yes, I think she did very well for her first time, as you did during your first time, and tonight. Did you think she was pretty?”

I blushed, not knowing quite why.

“Yes, Master. Crissy thought she was very pretty,” I said, pausing for a moment. “Her enthusiasm only made her feel even more so.”

“You’ve gotten to suck a lot of cocks, Crissy, but you haven’t perhaps gotten to kiss a lot of girls like Jess.”

“No, Master, that is true,” I said, thinking that by “girls like Jess” he meant men transformed, as I was. 

“Did you like it?” Liam asked, looking me directly in the eyes.

I thought back, trying to do justice to the question. I knew Liam wanted my honesty. The sensations and emotions came back to me as I remembered the moments.

“Yes, Master. Crissy enjoyed kissing Jess. Her lips were soft and she was a good, eager kisser.”

“Did it arouse you?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy was aroused by kissing her. She was enthusiastic, she used her whole body and, well, it was a charged situation, with you all there.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I like you aroused,” he said, the smile there on his lips again.

“You keep me aroused a lot, Master,” I confessed.

“As a girl like you should be,” he said. 

The drinks arrived and our lovely server placed them in front of us. Liam thanked her and then lifted his glass in a silent toast. I picked up mine as well, and we took our first sips. I knew the taste of a good scotch and was almost jealous, then took a sip of the pink fizzy rose he had ordered for me. It was sweet and bubbly, but very good. 

Liam shifted in his seat, getting comfortable, his eyes never leaving me. In my corset and all the rest, the only comfortable posture seemed to be upright and stiff. 

“You can feel that your life is changing, can’t you, Crissy?”

“Yes, Master, I do.”

“I hope that you are starting to understand the size and scope of some of these changes, and that you understand that they are being made consciously.”

“Yes, Master, the scope is starting to sink in but, may Crissy ask, what do you mean by consciously?”

“I mean that the changes that are being made are being done on purpose, with a plan and a goal in mind. Since, in this case, the plan being completed is mine, it is important that you accept that, that you trust me to make this plan, and that you give your consent to it.”

I let those words sink in. 

“Crissy does trust you, Master. This is scary for me a lot of the time, but I never could have imagined this would all really happen for me. I was always so worried… about being found out and judged and hated… but it is easier to accept when I know that Master is in charge. Master decides. Master has a plan, and I think a plan for Crissy and for Cheryl too.”

He smiled.

“I told you right from the beginning that I was going to fuck your wife. My highest hopes are coming true for the both of you, I think. You are right. I do have a plan. I’m glad you can have faith in it. You do consent to all this now, don’t you? Despite the events that inspired your service?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy consents to serving Master. I know you are using the power of what I can see that I always wanted.”

“Wonderful. I had trust in that myself,” Liam said and then glanced at his watch. “But thinking of plans, I think we’d best be moving on.”

I took a long slow sip of my drink as Liam finished his. He stood and pulled out my chair for me and helped me to my feet. He took my hand and led me out of the dining room, but we left via a different door than we had entered. The corridor he led me down was similar, but this one was lined with doors all along one side. 

Liam chose one of those doors and opened it, leading me in. The room was small, but both side walls were lined with shelves and racks of toys. There were velvet curtains on the other walls, and Liam pulled one closed to hide the door that he had just closed and locked. 

Near the opposite wall, there was a platform, no higher than a single step. Liam guided me to it, and had me stand facing the wall. He pressed a button and up from the floor nearly right beneath me came a gleaming stainless steel rod. 

“Bend forwards, Crissy.”

I leaned forward as best I could on my heels, not wanting to fall forwards. It seemed enough for Liam and he reached to lift my skirt and tug down my panties and then tug the plug from my ass as well. He then found a dildo on one of the shelves, and mounted it to the top of the pole. 

“Stand over this, Crissy,” he instructed, and so I did.

Once I was in place, Liam used the button controls once more to set the pole rising again. It rose and rose, pushing the dildo up inside my recently emptied ass. He kept it going until I felt it start to force me up onto my toes. I realised that my position was inescapable. This one implement had me trapped there helpless, but still, Liam chose to gather my wrists together and cuff them behind my back. 

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I felt the dildo start to vibrate or hum inside me and jerked my head back, trying to catch sight of Liam. He was there, close and smiling, the controls in his hand. 

“It feels good, doesn’t it? Probably not quite enough yet to really get you going, but a good feeling already.”

“Yes, Master,” I moaned softly. 

Liam moved up near me but, rather than reaching for me, he lifted his hand to the curtain in front of me and drew it back. I found myself looking into the dining room we’d just left. I was panicked for a moment, thinking they could see me as I was, but then realised that this was one of those mirrors that lined the walls, and we were invisible to the guests. 

Once that sank in, I started to watch them. Trapped like this, it seemed like that must have been Liam’s intention. For the most part, it was these strange and unique couples sharing time together, with the occasional interlude of someone being introduced or shown off to another, as these club members noted each other’s presence and companions. 

Liam’s purpose, his plan, became evident when Lydia appeared from the curtained doorway, with Cheryl in tow right behind her. Even knowing she couldn’t see me, I still gasped and felt my body tighten. Liam’s answer to that was to turn up the power of the vibrating toy in my ass. 

Cheryl was dressed in one of her prettiest, sexiest and shortest skirts, paired with a simple but just-as-sexy white blouse that seemed to hug her body. I didn’t quite clue in at first to why her cleavage was standing out so much in it, but then I saw that her wrists were cuffed behind her, forcing her shoulders back. She wore a leather collar around her neck as well, and Lydia was guiding her through the maze of tables via a leash clipped to the front of it. I watched her, and I watched so many pairs of eyes turn to follow her as she walked in. I couldn't believe that she was submitting to this in public. 

They found a seat at a table almost directly in front of me. I knew Liam too well to imagine that this was by accident. I could hear only the music of the dining room, as it was being played over speakers in our room as well, but I remembered the sound of the din of conversation and could imagine how they sounded as I saw them before me. 

Cheryl was perched somewhat awkwardly on her chair, thanks to the position of her wrists which seemed to force a perfect posture upon her. Lydia was far more relaxed and obviously enjoying herself. A waitress came by and Lydia spoke to her, and it wasn’t long before she returned with two drinks. One was placed in front of Cheryl which could only have teased her, as she was unable to reach for it. 

Watching her like this, seeing her look so sexy and on display was teasing me too, and the vibrating dildo inside me was making me ache right along with it. I felt like it was conditioning me to enjoy seeing my wife submit and be shown off. I ached in my cage, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

Unsurprisingly, the two of them were starting to draw some attention. Even in a room like that one, Cheryl stood out, and not just because it seemed that cis female submissives seemed to be a rarity there. Dominant men and women who appeared to be friends of Lydia’s came over to greet them and have a look. Even when their eyes were directed at Cheryl, their conversation was given to Lydia. I wished that I could hear what they were saying. 

After a while, either Lyida or one of her friends must have wanted more of Cheryl to be seen. With some help from the Dominant man standing near them at the time, Cheryl moved her chair back from the table and turned her chair sideways to face him. Lydia nodded in response to whatever he said, and then he reached forward. He began to unbutton her blouse, one button at a time, slowly and methodically. With each button, more of her was revealed, until he had completely opened her top, and her beautiful breasts were openly displayed in her bra. As I had suspected, she was wearing her Valentine’s Day gift set.

Cheryl was blushing but her nipples were hard too. She was excited by having to be exposed like this. The man nodded and smiled, once again speaking only to Lydia. When he left, no one made any move to rebutton Cheryl’s blouse or cover her up in any way. 

Liam moved around me, standing close, and he pushed my vibrator’s controls up higher. I moaned out loud and tried to squirm, but I couldn’t move an inch. Lydia moved closer to Cheryl for a moment, lifting her drink to her lips and tilting the glass back so Cheryl could get a taste. Once she set the glass back down, she kissed Cheryl deeply and fully, her hands sliding all over her. 

Cheryl drew in deep breaths as the kiss broke, which only made her breasts look better as they strained in the lace bra cups. Lydia rose and gave a tug on Cheryl’s leash, until she was standing as well. There were eyes watching them, but they were looking only at each other. Lydia looked her up and down and then reached for the waistband of Cheryl’s skirt. She opened the button then drew down the zipper at the side and began to slide it down Cheryl’s legs. In moments, Cheryl stood in nothing but the bra, those pretty panties, thigh-high stockings and heels. Her face was red and her eyes were locked on Lydia’s face. 

I moaned out loud again as the vibrator inside me was pushed higher and as Lydia led Cheryl right towards me. I knew in my head that Cheryl was seeing only her own reflection but it was still nerve-wracking. Lydia led her right up against the glass, freeing her wrists at last from the cuffs only to have her place them up on either side, leaning forward, with her legs spread, like she was about to be frisked by a police officer. 

Cheryl was seeing what I was, but as a reflection. Behind her, Lydia was strapping a harness around her hips, and fitting a dildo into place in it. She was going to fuck her, right there. It was so obvious that a crowd was already gathering around them to watch. Once the dildo was in place, she came up right behind Cheryl and whispered something in her ear. Cheryl blushed an even deeper shade of red. 

Lydia then moved back and tore Cheryl’s panties off her roughly, tearing them and tossing the ruined fabric aside. She lubricated the rubber phallus and then guided it into place, and pushed forward. Chery’s mouth opened in an unheard gasp. She started slowly but built up her pace quickly, driving forward and upwards into Cheryl’s pussy. 

Liam pushed my vibe up to full and I moaned along with Cheryl. I was only perhaps two feet from her, face-to-face, as Lydia fucked her. I was being forced to watch my wife being taken in front of me, while she had to confront the view of herself used in public. She moaned and gasped, and her head rolled. Her breasts jiggled and bounced with Lyida’s thrusts. My own vibration-induced arousal was tormenting me, breaking my mind as I watched this happen up close. 

Cheryl’s orgasm looked so powerful as to be almost violent. When her release came, she released a scream that I actually heard through the glass. Her whole body tensed and then vibrated. The waves crashed over her visibly. Once they finally passed, Cheryl just melted, sliding down the mirror until her knees reached the floor. 

Liam shut off my vibrator, and I felt the steel rod sliding down, pulling the dildo out of me and freeing me. I was in a daze as he re-plugged me and slid my panties back up my legs. On the other side of the glass, Lydia was helping Cheryl up. Since her panties were ruined, Lydia returned her skirt to her, though I did not see her blouse offered to her. 

“Time for us to go, Crissy,” Liam said. “Who knows what else Lydia has planned for your wife, but she deserves some secrets. Besides, you’ll probably want time to get out of your pretty outfit before Cheryl comes home, even though you’ll be sleeping in the guest room again.”

My mind was a blur. I was barely aware enough to remember to be embarrassed or nervous as Liam walked me down the corridor and out into the cool night air.

Written by sissycrissy
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