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Neighbours - Chapter 58

"Crissy submits to a Dominatrix"

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I felt my heartbeat punctuate the moment, and then stepped inside. 

She had opened the door and moved behind it, shielding herself from public view, so It wasn’t until the door closed once more that I was able to see her. When I did, I had to fight not to stare. 

She was a few inches shorter than me, or perhaps she would have been had she not been wearing leather platform boots. She wore a black stockings under a leather miniskirt, short enough so that the tops of the stockings, tugged upwards by garter belts, were visible. As my eyes moved upwards, I took in that all she wore as a top was a leather vest, laced tight, giving a teasing and tempting view of her cleavage. On her arms were fishnet lace gauntlets, from her hands to her elbows. 

“Follow me, Christopher,” she said, and she began to walk deeper into the house. 

I followed her, watching her walk, getting the idea that this view was an intended gift or tease for me. She led me through a pair of stained glass French doors and into an exquisitely decorated parlour. 

She perched herself on the edge of an ornate loveseat and pointed down at the carpet in the middle of the room. 

“Why don’t you kneel while we chat,” she said. 

I lowered myself down, thankful that the carpet was thick, and knelt facing her. The view of her legs was even more striking from this angle. 

“Are you comfortable, dear?” she asked.

“Yes, I am… uhmmm,” my response drifted off, not knowing how to address her. 

“I am called Mistress Charlotta. You may address me as Mistress while we are together today.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” I replied. 

“Since this appointment was made for you by your wife, which is wonderful by the way, I thought we should take a few moments to let me get to know you a bit. Take a deep breath, relax, and just try to answer my questions openly and honestly. Does that sound okay?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I said. 

“Now, have you ever seen a professional Dominant before?” 

“No, Mistress.”

“You can answer honestly, by the way. While your wife booked the appointment, that doesn’t mean that she will get a report of what you’ve told me. You can think of me as something like a priest or a doctor.”

“Thank you, Mistress, but it is true. I never have. I’ve thought about it, but never quite taken the leap.”

“I see. Can you tell me a little bit about the kinds of things that you were thinking of, when you imagined seeing someone like me?”

I tried to think back, before the dizzying haze of the past few weeks.

“I think I’d come to accept myself as a submissive, and as kinky. There were things that my wife just didn’t seem to want to try, or didn’t seem to get into the mood of. Once I started thinking that, there were just other things that I knew I didn’t feel comfortable talking to her about wanting to try. Things like being tied up, or being verbally dominated. Having toys used on me, or things like clamps and crops and paddles.”

She looked at me intently, listening actively, taking it all in without needing to take notes. 

“Do you like the idea of feeling pain, Christopher? Does it arouse you?”

“I think somewhat, but not really in an extreme way, or for its own sake. I mean, I like the idea of being or feeling helpless while teased or taunted by a spanking or by nipple clamps or something, but not at all by images I’ve seen of men being whipped or caned to the point of bleeding or breaking down.”

“How about things that often get called humiliation? Having to crawl on all fours, or having to kiss or lick my feet? Having to move or act however I might say?” she asked. 

I felt a warmth, noticing her referring to herself having a role in these thoughts for the first time. 

“Yes, Mistress, very much,” I answered. 

“How about clothing? Do you like the idea of someone like me deciding what you get to wear or not wear?”

“Yes, Mistress. I like that idea very much.”

“Have you ever worn or been made to wear women’s lingerie?”

That question hit me hard. 

“Yes, Mistress, I have.”

“Interesting. Was this just for yourself, or did someone ask you or tell you to do it?”

“It was for someone else, Mistress. They told me to.”

“Very nice. Was this someone you met online, or was it in person?”

“It started online, Mistress. But it has happened in person as well.”

She smiled and leaned in.

“Your wife didn’t mention this to me, Christopher. Does she know about this?”

“No, Mistress. She doesn’t know.”

“Very interesting indeed. Tell me, before someone told you to do these things, did you want to do them on your own? Did you like crossdressing for the way it feels, or is it more about being controlled and made into a sissy?”

“Oh, only as submission, Mistress. It never did anything for me on its own.”

“It feels embarrassing for you, doesn’t it? To be dressed up in feminine lingerie? Shown off as a sissy? Others getting to see how submissive you are, so much so that you dress up in those ways because you’re told to? Because they are in charge of you?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered, feeling my face getting warm. 

“Wonderful. Just a few more questions. What don’t you want to happen today? Do you have any hard limits I should know about?”

I paused, thinking about it.

“Well, no blood or more extreme things, like toilet stuff. Uhm, I guess Cheryl knows I’m here, so marks are okay.”

“Very good. We won’t get too carried away today, on our first day.”

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you.”

“Now, it is time for us to begin. I’m going to leave you for a moment. Once I’m gone, I’d like you to strip. Remove everything that you’re comfortable taking off. Once you are done, kneel in place again and say out loud ‘Mistress, I am ready to submit completely’ and when you do, I’ll return and we will begin. Understood?” 

“Yes, Mistress. I understand.”

“Very good, Christopher,” she said. 

She rose to her feet and walked past me, out of the room. She left the French doors open, but moved out of sight. 

I rose to my feet and began to remove my clothes. It felt strange to take in how comfortable I was getting with stripping in strange places. One piece of clothing at a time, I got undressed, taking a moment to fold each item and place it in a small pile near the foot of her loveseat. I had decided that with her instruction to undress as much as I felt comfortable with, that I would stop when I felt that limit arrive, but nothing stopped me before I was completely naked, placing my folded underwear on top of my socks and everything else.

I knelt down in the middle of the carpet once more, took a look around and drew in a deep breath.

“Mistress, I am ready to submit completely,” I said aloud. 

Her return was not immediate, but then there she was, walking in once more, looking so beautiful and powerful. She was slight, but she towered over me as I knelt there, naked. She held a leather collar in her hands.

“In this place, this collar is a symbol of what you’ve offered to me, and what I’ve accepted from you. It is a sign of the role I take here as well, holding you safe as you expose your wants, desires, hungers and needs to me. Do you accept this collar today, Christopher?”

My name, my old name, sounded so intimate crossing her lips. 

“I do, Mistress.”

She placed the collar around my neck and I felt the softness and strength of it encircling me. She adjusted it snugly as she closed the buckle, and then I was under her supervision. I thought of Cheryl and I thought of Liam, but it was as if I could imagine them watching me from a distance. Right here with me was Mistress Charlotta. 

“You may rise and follow me,” she said, and she clipped a chain leash to my collar, holding its leather lead in her hand. 

I scrambled to my feet, feeling almost silly, buck naked behind her. My humble and soft little cock bounced as I felt the carpet and then hardwood under my bare feet. We left the parlour and travelled down a central hallway, back deeper into the house. There was another set of double doors, this time in heavy wood, and she pushed them open to reveal a fully equipped dungeon space. I kept my eyes on Mistress Charlotta, but my peripheral vision was full of toys and equipment all around me, with shelves and racks and hooks lining every wall. 

She led me to the middle of the room where there was a small circular rug. I stopped and stood in the centre of it. 

“Step your legs apart. Hands behind your head. Elbows out. Let’s get a look at you.”

I complied, standing still and exposed, trying to control the pace of my breath as I watched her walk a circle around me. Her heels were heavy on the wooden floor. 

“You are smooth and shaved. That is a nice touch, Christopher.”

She reached out to let her fingertips graze my skin and she continued to move. They were cool and soft, but sharp where I felt the touch of her manicured nails. Without warning she stopped, standing close enough to me that our bodies were nearly touching. 

She reached down and cupped my cock and balls with one hand, making me gasp. Her other hand slid up and rested on my chest just over my left nipple. 

“You are handsome, Christopher, but you are also pretty. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Yes, Mistress, well, yes, sort of,” I stammered. 

“There’s something about the shape of your body, the softness of your skin, even the nature of your features…” she smiled. “‘Pretty’ is almost the only way to properly describe it.” 

“Thank you, Mistress,” was all I could think of to say.

She smiled even wider.

“Not every man would thank someone for calling them pretty,” she commented, “but you are welcome.”

She stepped away, and I watched her gather up some items and place them on a small rolling cart. She moved around the room, selecting things one or two at a time, and then she wheeled the cart back towards me, stopping just beside me where I couldn't quite see all that she’d chosen. I could only watch and feel as she started. 

First were leather cuffs around my ankles. The leather felt stiff and strong and yet soft and padded against my skin. She immediately affixed a spreader bar between them, forcing my legs to spread wider. 

She stood once more, in front of me and close. With my legs spread so wide, I was as if she'd grown a couple of inches of height against me. Her hands slid down over my chest once more before she moved around behind me. She lifted up another spreader bar, but this one was different in that it had a ring at the centre of it. She secured that ring to the back of my collar. 

One side at a time, she extended my arm out to the end of the bar and buckled my wrist into a waiting cuff. When she was finished, I was left standing there, bound and secured, with my arms stretched out fully. I couldn't move more than a few inches and my body was very exposed. She took a few steps back, circling me again, taking her time to appreciate what she had done. 

“I’m going to take some photos, Christopher. We can discuss later what will become of them, but for now, this is too precious not to record for posterity.”

She wasn’t asking, I noticed. She lifted a full-sized digital SLR camera from the cart and quickly took a few shots of my predicament. I felt my skin warm up as the lens moved over me.  

When she set it down, she lifted something else up from the cart. It seemed at first like a curved strip of leather, an arcing C shape, with dangling bits of chain. I looked down, not understanding what it was, until she leaned down and guided it around my balls. There were snaps that closed the arc of leather into a funnel shape, trapping my balls within it. The chains dangled down between my spread legs. 

“This is called a parachute, or a ball stretcher, Christopher. It isn’t going to hurt, exactly. Rather you might find that it helps to build up an ache. Especially as I add weights to these chains.”

To demonstrate her point, she did just that: she hooked a pair of round steel balls with hooks onto the loops of chain, like they were perverted Christmas tree ornaments. I bit my lower lip to stop the soft moan that had escaped. 

“Don’t try to hide your reactions, dear. It pleases me and informs me to know what is affecting you.” 

“Yes, Mistress,” I moaned softly. 

She lifted up the camera again, taking a close-up shot of my tormented genitals. 

“You have done a nice job of grooming down there, Christopher. Was this something that you did to please Cheryl?” she asked.

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“N.. No, Mistress,” I answered.

“Interesting,” she said, smiling at me. “Let’s add some more.”

I thought that she meant more weights, which made me wince in anticipation, but she meant something else. She reached down to the cart and picked up a pair of clover-style nipple clamps. She stepped in close, pinching my nipples to harden them, then pinched and closed the cold smooth metal of them onto me. Once they were in place, she played with the chain between them, letting it slide over her fingers and then letting it drop. She did that a few times, and then went even farther by adding two of her weights to that chain as well. The tug on the clamps tightened them, and I moaned softly once more.

“Feel the ache build up. This isn’t pain for pain’s sake, Christopher. I want you to feel how you are sinking into your dependency on my kindness and wishes for you. Feel yourself sinking into my control. Are you under my control, Christopher?”

“Yes, Mistress. I am under your control, Mistress.”

“What a well-spoken answer. It is almost as if you have had some training in protocol,” she said, smiling. 

Her hands kept moving over me with an almost feather-like touch. Sometimes I felt her soft fingertips and other times, just the cool hardness of her nails. The ache built steadily, both between my legs and at my nipples. 

“I hope you can feel the weight as a manifestation of my control. Remember, we are just getting started. I want you to be completely open and honest with me, Christopher, as I said. Feel yourself open up to me.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I breathed. 

“Your wife tells me that she has taken a lover. Is that correct?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“It is a woman that she’s speaking of, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She kept moving around me, kept touching me, kept teasing me. This beautiful, stunning woman was caressing my naked, helpless body, all while discussing my cuckolding. 

“Is it embarrassing for you to know that your wife is going to someone else for passion and satisfaction?”

“Yes, somewhat, but I… I understand it, I think.”

“You understand it. Do you think she is justified in seeking an outside lover?”

“Yes… I mean… well, yes I think I do. I don’t know if I’ve been the best lover or partner for her.”

“You think she deserves more passion or lust or satisfaction than you’ve been giving her?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

It was true. It was becoming clear to me, over these weeks, that in my years of placing my fantasies and dreams somewhere outside of us, I’d been letting her down in a way. 

“Are you attracted to your wife, Christopher? Do you think she is beautiful? Is she sexy?”

“Yes, Mistress. She is so beautiful, so sexy, all of those things.”

She added more weights to both chains, moving so slowly and intentionally that I watched the torment happen like it was in slow motion. I moaned in response. 

“Sometimes it isn’t anyone’s fault when their desires and dreams and needs don’t align. She has needs that are pulling her towards this woman, and you have needs that are tugging you in other directions. It is quite a beautiful thing that you can help each other as you both search.”

“Th… thank you, Mistress.”

“I get to see women sometimes, and couples on occasion. I see a fair number of men who are married. But it isn’t often that I have a husband delivered to me by his wife. It is interesting. She is so generous. Your sexy woman is fucking her neighbour, and she still finds time to think of helping you get off. She must think that you are being denied, while she is filling her life with pleasure and arousal.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied, my breathing becoming more strained thanks to the increasing ache. 

“Do you think she feels guilty?”

“I… I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t want her to.”

“I’m sure you don’t. You care for her. That is obvious. You love her. You want her to have all the pleasure and love she deserves. Tell me, Christopher. If you didn’t shave your cock and balls for your wife’s appreciation, was it for someone else?”

She chose that moment to add two more weights to the ball stretcher. I moaned out loud. 

“Yessss, Mistress,” I gasped.

“Interesting indeed. Was it for another woman?”

“No, Mistress.”

“Very interesting indeed.”

She knelt down, lifting her camera again, and took some close up photos of my tormented balls.

“It was for a man then,” she continued. “Christopher, did you make your cock and balls all pretty and smooth for another man?”

“Yes… yes, Mistress.”

“And your appearance? This prettiness I’ve noticed. Is all that for this man as well?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She reached down, taking hold of my cock between two fingers, starting to stroke me gently. It felt good and intense, but at the same time her movements made the weighted ball stretcher wave and sway, adding to the ache. 

“From the way Cheryl spoke to me, I think it is safe to say that she doesn’t know anything about this man, or this inclination of yours. Does this desire or need to please this man have something to do with why you aren’t hard right now, Christopher? I’ve dressed up all sexy for you, showing off this rather remarkable body, if I do say so. I’ve got you naked, and I’m even stroking your humble cock, and yet you seem immune to arousal.”

“Yes, Mistress. It’s not… it’s not because of you. It’s the vitamins and pills,” I stammered 

“It is alright, I suspected as much from the moment I saw your body. The changes are beginning for you, and I don’t know that you’ll be able to hide them much longer, even from a wife who is getting her lusts satisfied elsewhere. We can talk about that later. For now, I want to talk about this little cock of yours some more.” 

She was still stroking me without much physical response on my part. 

“I think you know how it can still get hard, don’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Tell me, Christopher. Tell me what it takes to get you hard these days.”

“It’s my ass. There has to be something in my ass, Mistress.”

She smiled like she’d won something. 

“Something like this, perhaps?” she asked, and she lifted an immense dildo from the cart.

“Oh god, yes Mistress. Something like that.” 

She stopped stroking me and directed her attention towards securely fastening a leather strap harness around her hips. Once she had that in place and tightly buckled, she fit the monster dildo into it, so that it jutted out from her body like a massive cock. I swung as she moved. 

“Do you want me to fuck your ass, Christopher? Do you want me to use this big rubber cock to see if we can’t get you hard? After all, your wife, knowing you won’t be home for hours, has probably got her tongue buried in her lover’s pussy as we speak.”

“Yes, Mistress, please.”

“Please what?”

“Please Mistress, please fuck me in the ass, please,” I begged. 

“Soon, I think. I want to know a little more.”

I moaned, feeling increasingly desperate. 

“You are keeping some big secrets from your wife, aren’t you, Christopher?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You have been, for a long time, haven’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress. For years.”

“These secrets are getting bigger lately, aren’t they? I mean, things like shaving your balls and taking hormones and pills. These are newer, aren’t they?”

“Yes, Mistress. Yes they are.”

“Do you feel like you are losing control, Christopher? I mean, men like you, men who have been hiding kinks from their wives usually have their little secret online time. They look at sexy pictures and they read kinky stories and they stroke themselves, but they don’t normally go as far as you have, do they? Something is pushing you further than you’ve gone before.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You like it, don’t you? You like that you’re losing control. You like that something new is pushing you to do things and try things you’ve never dared to before, don’t you?”

“Yess, Mistress,” I was breathing faster, feeling the ache from the clamps and the weights and of her questions probing into my mind. 

She moved away from me, looking into my eyes, while she started to coat the massive dildo with a thick, glistening coat of lubricant. Once she was satisfied, she moved behind me. 

“Bend forward, Christopher, and ask me to fuck you,”

I leaned forward as much as I dared. With my wrists locked in the cuffs, held out to my sides, I felt like I had so little balance. 

“Please, Mistress. Please will you fuck me?”

“Do you really want me to, Christopher?”

“Yes, Mistress. Yes I do, I want you to fuck me so hard and deep, please.”

“As you wish,” she said. 

I felt the tip of the dildo press up against the rosebud of my ass and then push inside me. I gasped and moaned out loud. She started to push her hips back and forth, fucking the toy into me, deeper and deeper. She reached out and held my hips, so that she could push as much as she wanted without fear of me toppling over.  

I felt the monstrous thing pushing so deep inside me, over and over. It was stretching me and making me tingle inside. I looked down and saw the weights at my nipple clamp chain swaying now too. Since I was leaning forward, they were free to swing and pull at my nipples mercilessly. I felt the swaying tug at my balls as well. And, to my own humiliation, I could feel that I was hard. It took this to get my cock to stiffen. 

“You like to be fucked, don’t you?” she asked, never breaking her rhythm.

“Yes, Mistress,” I panted.

“Your wife has never fucked you this way, has she?”

“No, Mistress.”

“But this man of yours does, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, yes he does, Mistress,” I confessed. 

“So, while your wife’s lover is giving her pleasure that you don’t or can’t, there is also another man, giving you the satisfaction you need. You are both very lucky.”

“Yes, yes we are, Mistress.”

“Would you give up fucking your wife, or trying to, if it meant this man of yours, your Master, would keep fucking you like this?”

“Yes, Mistress. Yes, I would. Yes, I have,”

“You have!?!? Oh how wonderful. This man has already laid claim to your sex life. I love it. Your poor wife thinks that you are so desperate for pleasure that she had sent you to me, but you’re already getting fucked.”

“Yes, yes, Mistress.” I was panting. 

“Do you suck his cock too, Christopher? This man, this Master of yours?”

“Yes, Mistress, yes. Yes, I suck his cock, Mistress.”

“You like it, don’t you? That feel of his manhood in your mouth? The taste of him?”

“Yes, yes. Yes, Mistress, I like to suck his cock, Mistress.”

“Do you like it, or do you love it, Christopher?”

“I love it, Mistress. I love it. I love to suck Master’s cock. I love it when Master fucks me. I love it when Master cums inside me.”

She was driving hard, fucking me deep. She was burying the full length of her strap-on inside me now, as I felt her body slamming against my ass with each full motion.

“You love your Master?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress. Yes, I love my Master.”

“You love him and you would give him anything, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress. I love my Master. I would give Master anything.”

The dildo drove into me. Into the very core of me.

“Would you give him your wife?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” I gasped, knowing that he had already claimed her. 

“I don’t mean just to fuck, Christopher. I’m quite sure that a man like your Master has a cock much better suited to pleasing your wife than you, especially now. Would you give her to him? Would you give him your wife, and your marriage? Would you offer it all to him?”

My mind raced as she kept thrusting. She had pounded into me three or four times more before I was able to say the words.

“Yes, Mistress. Yes, I would give my marriage to my Master.”

My legs weakened, my body shuddered, and I felt myself cum. She reached around and, with the chain in her fist, pulled the clamps from my nipples as my cock started to spasm and I screamed out with the throbbing pain of it, but it only seemed to make me cum harder. 

She kept up her pounding until I was spent and ready to collapse. Once my cock spasmed one last time, she pulled me back, her arms around me, so that I felt the pressure of her breasts against my bare back. 

“Good job, Christopher. I knew we’d get to the truth with the right pressure. I wonder what else the two of us will find out together today.”

I was panting, feeling my body come off the high of orgasm and feeling the remaining ache present in my body. With her pulled right up against me, her strap-on was buried deep. I felt every inch of it slide out as she stepped back slowly. 

She freed my wrist cuffs from the spreader bar and removed it from my collar. 

“But, first things first. Get on  your knees and lick and clean up the mess you’ve made on my floor.”

Written by sissycrissy
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