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Neighbours - Chapter 45

"Chris's Master takes even more from him"

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Part of me wanted to scream. I wanted to call out to Cheryl to tell her she didn’t have to do this, but of course she wasn’t doing any of this for me. I saw the look on her face as she squirmed, teased by the vibrator resting against her. She wanted Liam inside her more than perhaps she had ever wanted anything. 

While we both waited for what was to be next, the time moved so slowly. It was so surreal. My wife was bound on a bed before me, naked and on display. I was bound just as completely, balanced on high heels and completely sissified, caged and plugged. This thin door stood between us, guarding my secret from her while letting me witness everything. 

The bedroom door opened again and Lydia returned. Cheryl looked up at her desperately. 

“Liam says you may ask him, baby. He just wanted me to change one thing about your current predicament,” Lydia said so softly that I could barely hear her over the buzzing vibrator. 

I couldn't imagine what more Liam might want. Cheryl was stunning, naked, and aroused to the point of delirium. I tried to guess if it might be the blindfold again, or if he wanted her teased even more, perhaps with a plug. Of course, my guesses were wrong. 

Without saying another word, Lydia began freeing Cheryl from her restraints. She left the cuffs secured around her wrists and ankles, but freed them from the bed frame and tucked the chains away. Cheryl rose up on her elbows, looking at Lydia with wide eyes. 

“You call me ‘Mistress,’ and you should call my husband ‘Master’ but you are not his to take until you give yourself to him, and he accepts. If you are going to ask for his cock, and ask for him to fuck you, you need to do it freely and willingly.”

“Yes, Mistress. I understand, Mistress.”

Lydia picked up the vibrator, still humming, and turned it off. She set it on the bedside table. She then stepped away from the bed, as though leaving her there alone as an offering. She stood against the wall beside the closet, just out of my view.

After just a bet, Liam entered. He was dressed again, in black jeans and a tight t-shirt. Cheryl sat up, lifting her knees to her chest, and looking right at him. 

“I take it that you have something to ask me, dear?”

“Yes. Yes, Master. I would like to ask you to please fuck me, Master.” Her voice was breaking. 

“Are you not getting the sex you need at home, Cheryl?” he asked, still standing near the doorway. 

“No, Master. I am not. Chris hasn’t fucked me in weeks, and his cock is not as large as yours, Master,” she answered. 

“So, you’re saying that not only has it been weeks since you’ve had a man fuck you, but it has been years since you’ve had a man fuck you well?” A smile was building on his face.

“Yes, Master,” she said, hesitating. “He tries, and it has been good with him in the past… but he has never been as big as you, Master.”

“I’m sure he has done the best he can with what he has available. But not lately?”

“No, Master. We’ve tried a couple times lately, but he hasn’t been able to get hard. He’s made up for it, going down on me, or using toys… but it isn’t the same, Master.”

It was humiliating torment to hear her confess all this to Liam, even though I knew he was aware of every detail already. It just crushed me to hear her express it all out loud and to hear the disappointment in her voice. Every word she said about me over our recent history was true, so I had to wonder how long she’d been feeling this way about my size. I could only imagine what she would think about the way I was now, just a few feet away from her, a merciless cage trapping my cock smaller and more useless than ever.

“No, it isn’t the same at all. I agree. I take it then that it was just today that you saw me, dear? And that you liked what you saw?”

Cheryl blushed, as though she’d been caught staring at his crotch. 

“Yes, Master. I did, Master,” she replied.

“Then why don’t you stand up and show yourself to me, dear,” Liam said.

Without another word, Cheryl started to move and shift herself to the edge of the bed. She slid her legs off and down and then stood, facing him. She was wearing nothing but the cuffs around her ankles and wrists, and she looked stunning. 

Liam just stood there, letting his gaze move up and down her body slowly, making her feel the power of his inspection. I could see small, nervous movements of her hands and how she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. 

“You are very pretty, dear. I’m quite pleased to see your pussy is shaved,” he commented. 

“I did that,” Lydia commented, breaking her silence and reminding me that she too was watching all this. 

“Ah, so we’ll never know if you did it for you or for me,” he laughed.

Liam took a step closer towards Cheryl. 

“Ask me again,” he said.

Cheryl took a deep breath, and we all saw her breasts rise and fall.

“Master, will you please fuck me?” she asked, gazing at him hungrily.

“I will, dear. I will.”

I could see her draw in another deep breath. She didn’t move, no doubt awaiting some kind of instruction.

“I can see that you’re wearing a matching set of cuffs, dear. Did they come as a set?”

“Yes, Master, they did.”

“And there is another piece to the set, isn’t there?”

“Yes, Master, there is,” she answered, her face reddening. 

“It is a collar, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Master.”

“As you know, Lydia freed your body from the bed, so you could give yourself to me freely. Your body will remain free, but I want you to put on the collar as a way of showing me that you are giving me your body, and your obedience as well. Do you understand and agree?”

“Yes, Master. I do,” she said. 

The set was still visible, so she moved quickly, lifted the collar in her trembling hands, and brought it up to her neck. With only a bit of fumbling, she managed to buckle it in place. My heart pounded and my trapped cock throbbed, witnessing this moment. 

“Undress me,” Liam said.

Cheryl stepped in close, reached for the base of his t-shirt, and lifted it up off of him. Liam helped by raising his arms and I saw him smile as her bare breasts grazed against his chest. She set the shirt aside and then reached down, unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them down his legs. She knelt down as she did so, and he stepped out of each leg in turn. He was wearing nothing beneath them so his cock had sprung free, and she was now kneeling before him, looking up at his face, her nervous smile just inches from his erection.

“You may,” Liam said, as though he had heard her thoughts. 

I stood and ached and drooled around my gag as I watched my wife reach up so reverently to hold and stroke his cock. It was so confusing how I was feeling. I knew by now exactly how that cock felt. I could almost feel the sensations in my fingers as I watched her stroke. My caged cock twitched and my muscles tightened, only increasing the torment of the plug inside my ass. 

She leaned in closer. Liam turned to the side, as though he was wanting to lean back against the side of the bed, but it seemed more like he wanted to make sure I kept seeing everything, as they were now in profile from my vantage point. She opened her lips and took him into her mouth. The room was so quiet that I could hear the wet sounds of her lips smacking. I saw the sway and bounce of her breasts as she moved onto him. 

I felt each breath. I felt the hold of my corset as I inhaled. I felt the plug and the cage, teasing in tandem. I felt the wetness of my lips stretched around the gag. I felt so aware of myself, watching this happen. My wife was sucking this man’s cock. I had sucked the same cock so many times that I had lost count of how often. 

I felt emasculated. I felt like another part of my life was crumbling away. She wanted him. She was so wet and hungry for him. God help me, I was too. Even now, witnessing this long-anticipated event happening, I was jealous too. My body stirred with arousal, knowing that taste, and knowing how it felt to have the strength of his erection sliding over my tongue and pushing my jaw open. 

Without a word, Liam reached down and placed his hands on Cheryl’s shoulders and slowly pushed her back. His cock popped wetly from her mouth and I saw her lick the excess saliva from her lips. She looked up at him expectantly. 

“You didn’t really want just this, did you, Cheryl?” he asked her. 

“No, Master,” she replied raggedly. 

He reached down and hooked his finger into the ring at the front of her collar. 

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me, Master,” she answered.

“Do you want it, or do you need it?”

“I need it, Master.”

“Tell me you want my cock more than your husband’s.”

There was just a moment of pause.

“I want your cock, Master, more than my husband’s.”

“Use his name.”

“I want your cock, Master, more than Chris’s cock.”

“He is too small to please you, isn’t he?”

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“Yes, Master. Chris is too small to please me.”

“Does he get hard for you?”

“No, Master. No, he doesn’t even get hard for me.”

He still held onto the collar, forcing her gaze up to him. 

“Beg me.”

“Please, Master. Please fuck me. Oh please. Please fuck me. I need it, Master. It has been so long since I’ve been fucked at all. I’ve never been fucked by someone as big as you. Please Master, please fuck me.” She was rambling in an urgent daze.

“What if I fuck you, Cheryl, and my big cock ruins you, and you never want to fuck your husband ever again?”

“I don’t care, Master. If you will fuck me, please, I don’t care if I ever have sex with Chris again.” 

“Good girl. Get on the bed on all fours.”

He released his grip on her collar and she jumped, scrambling up to climb back onto the bed. Liam grabbed her hips and turned and positioned her, getting her right at the edge and turned about three-quarters away from my point of view.

He took his cock, still glistening from her saliva, and positioned the head right against her pussy lips, sliding it up and down until she moaned with lust. Lydia stepped forward, moving to the other side of the closet door. At first, I thought she just wanted a better view for herself, but then I saw the phone in her hand, raised to take photos. 

As Liam moved, he drew my attention back to him. He looked over his shoulder, right at me, and then plunged forward into her. Cheryl moaned and gasped. Liam thrust forward, eased back, and then thrust with his hips again. Each time he drove a little deeper and each time Cheryl moaned a little louder. 

I could see out of the corner of my eye that Lydia had switched to recording video, but my gaze was trapped on the scene in front of me. Cheryl’s pussy was soaked and she was still feeling the consequences of someone much larger than she was used to inside her. Her pussy was being stretched wider than perhaps ever before and with every thrust, Liam pushed deeper as well. 

Liam moved his hand to her hips, getting a good grip, and he started pulling her back towards him as he rammed forwards. Cheryl just kept getting louder and louder. I thought of how far her moans were carrying and if they cared at all. Did Cheryl wonder where I was? Did she think I might hear her if I was next door? I doubted that she was thinking any of those things at all. 

Liam was building up quite a rhythm. He was now driving fully into her, balls deep, again and again and again. Cheryl seemed beyond the ability to speak coherently and was babbling and gasping and moaning constantly. I could see how wet she was, and how well she was lubricating Liam’s raging cock. 

His movement was hypnotic. I stood there, trapped and helpless and gagged, just watching him pummelling her. His words echoed in my thoughts, about how his use would ruin her for me. It seemed so obviously true and inevitable. 

Her breast swayed as she took his fucking until her arms gave out and she lowered her face to the bed. This posture only made her ass seem more round and her body more welcoming of his use. Lydia was now actively rooting them on. 

“Oh, that’s it, lover, fuck her. Fuck her so deep. Fuck her like she’s never felt before!”

I noticed Liam’s pace changing. He slowed, almost pausing between each thrust, but then driving forward almost angrily. 

Cheryl managed to find some words again. 

“I’m… I’m… I’m going to cum, Master,” she cried out. 

“Good,” was all that he said without varying his motion or pace at all. 

He was still thrusting with that fierce drive when her orgasm hit her. I could see it and hear it. She shook and gasped and screamed out loud. Her toes curled and she was soaking his cock even more than before. Her pleasure seemed to roll over her, again and again. 

Liam lasted longer, thrusting all through her multiple orgasms it seemed until he really started to grunt. His thrusts seemed even more forceful and spaced out until at last he just drove forwards and held himself there, buried completely inside her. I could almost see his balls tightening and I imagined his shaft just pumping his warm seed deep inside her.

“Don’t move,” Liam commanded. 

“Yes, Master,” came Cheryl’s weak response. 

Liam slid back, pulling out of her. Her pussy seemed to gape open for a few moments once he was fully free, and I heard her moan softly once more. 

He reached into the bedside table and pulled out something metal. The objects turned out to be metal clips. He took hold of Cheryl’s right wrist and pulled it back slowly, until it was positioned close enough to her ankle that he could clip her wrist cuff to her ankle cuff. Once that was done, he moved to the other side and repeated it, linking her lift wrist to her left ankle, trapping her in this exposed position. 

Liam turned to Lydia. 

“Did she have panties at all?”

“Did she have panties at all?”

“She did, but they seem to have gotten all cut up into tiny little pieces,” Lydia laughed. 

“Give me yours then,” Liam said. 

Lydia ducked back into the washroom to find hers and returned quickly, handing them to her smiling husband. He balled them up and stuffed them into her pussy, leaving just a few inches of the fabric exposed. Lydia moved without a sound, capturing photos of her in this predicament from all angles.

“Has your husband ever fucked you like that, dear?” Liam asked. 

“No, Master,” Cheryl gasped. “Chris has never been able to fuck me like that.”

He stayed close to her, letting his hand grope her ass and roam over her glistening flesh. 

“Since you’ve given yourself to be willingly now, I think you won’t mind me using the cuffs to hold you like this a bit longer, will you, dear?” Liam asked her.

“No Master, I don’t mind at all,” she replied. 

“Good girl,” he said, as his hands kept moving over her ass and thighs. 

“Thank you, Master,” she answered. 

“You are a nice tight fuck, dear,” Liam continued. 

“Thank you, Master,” she repeated, her voice softer. This was not the kind of compliment she was used to getting. 

“Tell me, dear. Have you ever given your ass to your husband?” he asked, his fingertips tracing closer to her tight, puckered rosebud.

“No, Master,” she said. 

“I rather like the idea of you not only having begged me to fuck you, but also that you might give me something that you’ve never given him,” Liam said.

“You want… you want to fuck my ass, Master?” she asked, with some nervousness in her voice. 

“More than that, dear. I want you to give it to me. I want you to ask me to fuck your ass. I want you to make it so very clear that you are offering me something that you’ve never given your own husband. Maybe something you’ve never given any man.”

“I understand, Master,” she said. 

“I want to make something clear, though. I know that your body is restrained right now. I know that you may feel vulnerable, held like this with another man’s cum still warm inside you. I know that Lydia has seen all of this, and has recorded some lovely memories for our scrapbook. All that is true, but still you must know and believe that I will not take anything from you that you do not give to me, willingly and eagerly. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master. I understand, Master.”

“Good girl,” he said. His hands moved over her ass and her back and her sides. She was squirming, as was I. 

There were a few minutes of silence where I just saw her body taking it all in, her back rising and falling as she breathed. I fought once again to not move or make a sound and expose myself. 


Cheryl’s soft voice broke the silence.

“Yes, dear?” Liam answered.

“Master, I want you to please fuck my ass. Chris has never fucked me there. No man has ever fucked me there. I want you to please be the first ever to fuck my ass, please Master.” 

“Will you make me a promise, Cheryl? A vow?”

“What is it, Master?”

“If I accept your offer, and become the first man ever to fuck your tight little ass, will you vow to me that I will also be the last, and only man to do so? That even after this, you will never let another man have anal sex with you? Not your husband, nor anyone else?”

“Yes, Master. I give you my ass, and you alone. Today and always. I will not let Chris, nor any other man, fuck my ass. Ever. Just you, Master.”

Liam moved behind her once more. I could see that he was already starting to grow stiff once more.

“My dear girl, I accept. I want you to beg me for it. Lydia, come over here please, and help get me ready.”

Lydia set her phone down and stepped close quickly. She gripped his cock and began to stroke him.

Cheryl, playing her part, began to plead for his use.

“Please, Master. Please fuck my ass. Please take me like this for the first time. Please, own my ass, Master. Please ruin me for anyone else, oh god please.”

Between my wife’s plaintive pleading and Lydia’s manual stimulation, it didn’t take long before Liam’s cock was rock hard once again. Lydia herself guided his cock to press it against Cheryl’s quivering rosebud. As soon as her hand slipped away, he thrust forward immediately. I moaned out loud around my gag, but any sound I made was drowned out by my wife’s near scream as my Master took her remaining virginity.

Written by sissycrissy
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