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Neighbours - Chapter 53

"Crissy ventures out to meet a new friend"

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The cab dropped me off at the bar, and it looked just like its name and online description had suggested. It was the prototypical sports bar, kind of dim inside with a constant input of sound from the ubiquitous television screens. The wait staff were dressed in a uniform of tight black short shorts and even tighter black-and-white striped tops with deeply plunging necklines. It was nearly impossible not to be distracted by the constant display of their bodies.

I slipped in and started to make a slow circuit of the bar, trying to locate David. I didn’t seem at all at first, and I started to worry that he had already left. If Liam was being honest with me, he would have no reason to know I was coming or wait for me to arrive. 

I finally found him halfway through my second circuit around the bar. Unfortunately, he was not alone. He was seated with three other men, all sharing pints of beer being poured out of a shared pitcher. It seemed like they had been there for a little while and like they had no plans to leave soon. 

I found a seat at the bar where I could keep an eye on them, and the stool immediately reminded me of the plug inside my ass. I thought of it as a torment, but also a good reminder of why I was there. The bartender, similarly dressed and similarly buxom as the waitresses, was all smiles and flirting as she took my order and brought me a beer. It was impossible not to glance at her cleavage, but my mind truly was on different things now. 

David’s group were chatting and laughing and giving some attention to the baseball game displayed on every screen around the room. I nursed my beer, trying not to be too obvious, as I watched them and waited for any opportunity. At long last, after a couple innings played, David stood up, shared one more joke with his friends, and then strolled towards the back of the bar where I had seen the signs for the washrooms. 

I watched him go and then waited a minute or two before sliding down off my stool to follow him. I walked slowly, biding my time, and managed to time it so that I was just entering the back hall as he was pushing open the door at the end of it. We met about halfway and, while he looked up at me briefly, I could tell that he didn’t recognize me at all. In that instant, I had to summon the courage to take the initiative. 

“David?” I said, quizzically. 

“Yes?” he answered, surprised. He stopped walking for the moment so that we remained alone in the small stretch of hallway.

“Uhm, hello. You probably don’t remember, or really recognize me. I’m Chris, uhm, Crissy from yesterday. At, at the hotel?”

His face froze for a moment, but then his lips curled into a smile. 

“Well well well, Crissy. You really do look different when not… dressed up to meet people.”

“Yes, that’s true,” I agreed. 

“So, is that what happens when I idly mention to Liam that I can’t meet him for lunch? He lets you know where I am?”

I had to take a deep breath, forcing myself to say these things out loud. 

“Well… sort of. I was talking with—” I paused while my eyes darted around to confirm we were alone, “—Master, after yesterday. It came up that while I was so happy to… serve you as I did… there was more than I would have also liked.”

David smiled wide.

“Oh yes, what was that?” he asked. 

He was going to make me say it.

“I would have liked, uhm, I wished that I had been able to suck your cock. To have you cum in my mouth, Sir.”

“Well, aren’t you quite the slut, no matter how you’re dressed?”

“Yes, Sir. Yes, Crissy is a slut, Sir.”

“Well, I’m here with my friends now, and they do not really share these interests. I can’t leave right away, but given the kindness of your offer, I think we can arrange something. Why don’t you join us at our table in a few minutes? You can sit with us until I can make excuses for having to leave.”

“Yes, Sir,” I agreed, though I did not at all relish the idea of having to socialize with all of them while feeling this horny and humiliated.

Without another word, he kept on and returned to his friends. I continued to the washroom. I took advantage of the opportunity to relieve myself, but of course I had to use a stall and sit down to do so, caged as I was. 

I then made my way back into the bar. As I approached their table, David made a show of recognising me and inviting me to join them. His friends, a friendly seeming group, seemed more than welcome to shift their seats around to make room for me. I was barely seated before one of them was pouring me a drink. 

They were fun and welcoming, and they made the time I had to spend waiting as painless as possible. David, as much as he could without revealing anything publicly, did the opposite. He would give me knowing looks while licking his lips, or rub this thigh against mine under the table.

“Hey, have you guys ever met my friend Liam?” David asked the group after polishing off the last of his current pint of beer.

I felt my heart jump, and I just hoped that I wasn’t visibly bushing. 

“Wasn’t he the contractor, the one you said had a wild sex life?” one of them answered, and all of them were paying attention now. 

“Yes, that’s the one. I ran into him yesterday,” David continued. 

I could feel my heart pounding. I had no idea where he was going with this. 

“Oh yes? What happened?”

“Well, I just ran into him and he asked me if I was busy, or if I had time for him to show me something. Now, for him, I tend to make time. So, I just follow him in his truck and he takes me to this hotel. Not the classiest place, you can guess, but I’m curious now. So he goes right in, up to this room, and he pulls out a key and lets me in. Inside, there is this hot little slut, wearing next to nothing, quite literally tied to the bed.”

“No way!”

“It’s the truth, I’m telling you.”

“So what did you do then?”

“Well, I am a gentleman, you know. So the first thing I did was set her free… so she could get up and give me a hand job.”

The whole group of them started laughing, and I did my best to laugh along. They joked and ribbed him and I felt sure that at least one or two of them thought he was making the whole thing up. Others just wanted to be introduced to Liam and the crown he seemed to run in. 

David smiles wide at me. He was enjoying my torment. I caught myself wondering if that would make him more likely to let me suck his cock. 

The game went on and the conversations spiralled around. Every now and then, someone would ask a bit more about David’s mysterious hotel slut, and he would tease them with tiny little details, but they caught on eventually that he was going to keep at least some of it to himself. 

Every once in a while, David would lean in close and whisper so that only I could hear. 

“Nod if you still want to suck my cock,” he’d say, and I would nod.

“Take a drink now, if you want to have your mouth full of my cum,” he’d whisper a bit later, and I would take a long slow sip of my beer, watching him smile.

Some time after the seventh inning stretch, David announced that he had to leave. He stood up and said his goodbyes around the table. When he returned back near me, he positioned himself so that his back was to the others and mouthed silently to me, “five minutes.” 

Those five minutes seemed to last forever. His friends were nice enough, continuing to try to keep me involved in the conversation, but all I could think of was the time. After about four minutes, I stood up and gave them my thanks, but said that I too had to be getting back home. 

Outside, I didn’t see him at first, and I started to walk through the parking lot. I jumped as a car horn sounded just as I was walking in front of it. Inside, there was David, laughing again. 

“Get in,” he said. 

I moved the passenger seat and stepped inside. He started driving immediately. 

“So, you came all this way because you wanted to suck my cock?” he asked. 

“Yes, Sir,” I answered meekly. 

“Tell me more,” he said. 

I looked at him, seeing his smile in profile as he drove. 

“I… well… After I stroked you… while I was stroking you, I found myself really wanting to have your cock in my mouth. I wanted to taste it, and you. When you came, I felt so frustrated that you didn’t cum in my mouth.”

“Wow, that’s pretty slutty,” he teased.

“Yes, Sir.”

“But you’re not even dressed up at all,” he said. 

“That’s true, Sir. Master has me wear some toys and things under my clothes, but I can’t really go out in public dressed how I was when you last saw me.”

“Does it feel different, doing things like this, depending on if  you’re dressed?”

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“Yes, it does a bit, Sir. The clothes, the outfits, sometimes they can feel like a disguise, like they make me less recognisable. Or that can feel like a trigger to being in that mind space.”

“But not today,” he said.

“No Sir, today this was how I was sent out.”

“Just a guy out in the middle of the afternoon, telling another guy that you want to blow him.”

“Yes, Sir.” I blushed. 

“But what if I told you that I liked you in panties like that, or in a bra, or with your lips painted a nice, slutty colour?”

I paused, trying to think. 

“Well, I am wearing panties and stockings under these pants, Sir. And I suppose I could find some lipstick if you wanted.”

“I’m sure you could,” he said, and then jerked the wheel of his car, pulling into a parking lot. We were at a shopping mall, and a rather large one. 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded $100 bill. He offered it to me.

“Sir?” I asked, confused.

“There is a Victoria’s Secret inside. Go buy yourself a pretty bra to wear. Find a beauty store and buy the sluttiest red lipstick you can find. If you really want to suck my cock, you’ll be back here, with the bra on under your shirt and your lips painted for me, as quick as you can.”

He pulled up against the curb near an entrance. 

“Really, Sir?”

“I’m not kidding. Don’t take too long. I’m going to wait right here and if security comes by, I just might leave you here.”

“Yes, Sir, I understand.”

“Good. Off you go.”

I left the car with the cash tight in my fist. I reached the door, looked back to see him watching me, then rushed inside. 

The lingerie store was easy enough to find, though finding a bra that was pretty in my size took some digging. Finally I found a plus-sized collection, selected one that looked pretty enough and sort of matched my panties. I rushed to the desk with it in hand. I laid it on the desk in front of the pretty young salesgirl and tried to look casual.

She rang it up and let me know the price, and I pushed the cash towards her. She looked at the bra closely while tucking it into a bag, and then she smiled at me knowingly. 

“You don’t need a gift receipt, do you?”

“No, thank you,” I answered, my cheeks warming.

“I’m sure it will look very good on you. Have fun!” she said, her smile only widening. 

“Yes, uhm, thank you,” I stammered, and rushed out of the store. 

Buying the lipstick was easier, as the clerk in the tiny little beauty shop seemed entirely disinterested in everything. She rang up the deep red lipstick and glossy topcoat without ever once lifting her eyes to meet mine. 

Now I just need to get dressed. I found the washrooms and went into a stall. As quickly as I could, I got my shirt off and pulled the bra out of its packaging. The fit was quite good, even though I had nothing to fill the cups with. I put my shirt back on over it, pulling at it so that the bra wasn’t too visible or obvious beneath it. 

There was no hiding the lipstick. I had to just accept that. I left the stall and stood in front of the mirror. As fast as I could, while the washroom was empty, I painted my lips, pursing them together to blot them. I added the gloss coat and took a look at myself. My lips were bright, full and wet looking. 

I left the washroom, head down, and just rushed back to the entrance. I knew my lips would be noticed, so I just had to hurry and ignore everyone around me. My heart was pounding as I reached the doors, pushed them open, and found David still waiting. I pulled on the door handle, but it was locked. 

He lowered the window.

“Show me the bra,” he said.

I stood there for a beat, and then unbuttoned my shirt until the top of the bra was visible. He smiled, looking at me standing there on display for him.

“Tell me what you want,” he said. 

I leaned forward, towards the open car window, and I pleaded.

“I want to suck your cock. I want to swallow your cum. Please, Sir.”

He laughed, but out of joy, not cruelty. He finally unlocked the door. I got in hurriedly and he pulled away. 

The relative privacy of the car let me breathe a bit more slowly again. He drove in silence and my curiosity started to grow about what was next. I felt the plug in my ass. I felt the cage tight around me. I felt the hug of the bra around my chest. When I licked my lips, I felt and tasted the lipstick marking them, and I found my hunger to taste him only growing more urgent. 

He drove, the smile plastered across his face. He made sure that my shirt was pulled open, so that he could see the bra. 

“Stoke me, Crissy, get me hard,” he instructed.

He kept his eyes on the road as I reached over and unzipped his pants. I reached inside, finding his erection, and I began to stroke. He was growing stiff quickly, and I had to guide his cock out of his pants, into the air, for his comfort and for my access. 

His cock was raging, and I felt the veins all around him pulsing. I was growing so warm inside, my ass squeezing the plug inside me, and I felt my own arousal frustrated and intensified by the cage. We were still driving, but all my attention was on him. I had no idea where we were, or where we were headed. 

“Fuck, baby, you’re so good at that,” he moaned. 

“Thank you, Sir,” I panted in reply. 

But once again, I wanted more than stroking. 

“May I, Sir?” I asked.

“May you what?”

“May I please suck your cock, Sir? Please?”

“You may,” he said with a smile.

I leaned down, getting my head into his lap, fighting to find a good position where I could move and still avoid the steering wheel. Finally, I felt my lips close around him. He was warm and firm and strong. I moaned around his shaft as my head lowered onto it. I still held the base of him tight, squeezing and caressing, as my head bobbed up and down. 

I felt his hand on the back of my head, guiding me and encouraging me to take more and more. He was moaning and I was gasping. The taste of him filled my mouth, and it was intoxicating. I was drooling madly around him, my lips nearly reaching the base of his cock. 

“Oh fucking yes,” he moaned. 

I felt something changing. He was pulling over. It wasn’t until he helped me up, off of his cock for the moment, that I got a look at where we were. He had just pulled over on the side of the road, but we’d driven long enough that we were outside of town, on some farm road. There was no one in sight, nor any sign of another car. 

He got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. I followed him out. 

He leaned back against the car and offered me his cock once more, still hard and gleaming and wet with my saliva in the sunlight. I sank down to my knees in the grass and devoured him again.

I moaned and slurped, my head bobbing, getting my throat used to the fullness again. My eyes watered and my saliva flowed, and soon I was taking the fullness of his stiff, hard cock. His balls slapped against my chin. My ass squeezed tight around the plug inside me and my cock throbbed, but the ache was somehow good and positive, only making me more aroused. 

At last he came. I felt his cock pulsing and spasming. I felt his balls tighten and then felt the pulse of his first spurt of cum. He was so deep inside that I barely tasted him at first, but I felt the warm, gooey cum slide down the back of my throat. God help me, it was bliss. 

He slid back, just enough so that I could work his cock with my tongue and lips as he kept spurting and thrusting. His load filled up my cheeks and my eyes were up to him, watching him fuck my mouth. I was overwhelmed with satisfaction and excitement. It was bittersweet to feel his last spurt, then feel him stagger back against the car, taking his cock from my mouth. I smiled at him in a daze as I swallowed it all down. 

“Oh, Crissy, that was perhaps the best blow job I’ve ever gotten,” he said. 

He started to tuck himself away, looking around, as if he was only now aware that we were outside.

“Oh thank you, Sir,” I blushed. 

“Wow… just wow. Seriously, you can come find me any time!”

“Thank you, Sir. Whenever Master allows me to,” I said. 

He moved back around the driver’s side of the car, and I rose to my knees. He leaned over and pushed the door open, and I got inside. 

I started to button up my shirt, but he stopped me. 

“Oh, please don’t. I want to see you looking like this for me as long as I can.”

I smiled, somehow feeling pride in it.

“Yes, Sir. Is there anything else you’d like?”

“Yes, in fact. Why don’t you lean down in my lap again? I liked driving with my cock in your mouth.”

By the time he pulled away, I was nuzzled down once again, with his softened cock warm and wet in the embrace of my mouth. I couldn’t see, but it certainly felt like he was driving home a lot slower than he had on the way out.

Written by sissycrissy
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