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Neighbours - Chapter 40

"In the morning light things can get even more complicated"

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I woke slowly and with a growing confusion about how everything felt a bit strange and off. The bed felt different and I didn’t quite recognise the feel of what I was wearing. These feelings grew until I opened my eyes and felt the memories return. 

It was only as I blinked myself fully awake that I realised that I was still holding Liam’s cock in my hand. He was mostly soft but still large, and he felt warm with my fingers wrapped around him.  I laid there, still, not wanting to risk waking him and unsure of what I was supposed to do. 

With Cheryl no doubt sharing our bed with Lydia, it wasn’t as if I needed to rush home but I still wondered what time it was. Cheryl had been told I was going to crash next door but I still didn’t want to be found by either of them here in Liam’s bed dressed in lingerie and sex toys, with dried cum on my face. 

I lay there, breathing slowly and thinking. It wasn’t just my fear of waking him that was keeping my fingers wrapped around his cock. He felt so warm and manly and powerful. I squeezed the plug in my ass, feeling it fill and stretch me as I started to slowly stroke. 

I watched his face, searching to see any evidence of him stirring or waking, but there was nothing visible. He slowly hardened as my hand attended to him. I could feel the heat of him and it was making my heart pound. I felt my own little cock attempt to stiffen inside its cage. I felt so aware of how I was dressed. The stockings made my legs feel so warm and smooth. The panties held me snugly and softly, even as my caged clit leaked into them. I felt the tightness of the bra around my chest as I breathed deeply.

The harder he got, the more slowly I stroked. I felt my fingers sliding over his veiny cock with the warmth inside me growing more intense by the moment. I pushed away any thoughts of confusion or self-questioning and just gave myself over to the way it felt. His cock looked and felt so thick. I watched the head become a more deep purple and glisten with precum. It was hypnotic, watching his body react to my service and attention. 

“Aren’t you a hungry little slut,” he said in a deep soft version of his voice.

I looked up to see his eyes barely open and a crooked smile across his face. 

“Yes, Master,” I replied just as softly. “Crissy is a hungry little slut, Master.”

There was no shame or embarrassment in my voice.

He rolled onto his back and spread his thighs. My hands never left him as I rose up and positioned myself between his legs. I knelt over him and began stroking him faster and harder. His body responded as his erection only grew harder and thicker. 

“Suck it, slut,” Liam moaned up at me, his eyes closed.

I slid my hands down, stroking the base of his throbbing cock, and I lowered myself to him. My lips parted and I sucked him into the warm embrace of my mouth. The room filled with the sounds of my wet slurping and sucking and his soft moans of appreciation. I squeezed the base of him, feeling my fingers wrapped around him so tightly. I sucked until my cheeks hollowed, as though I could draw the cum right out of his balls. 

Without warning he exploded and began to spurt his warm thick cum into my mouth. I stroked and swallowed, sucking and milking every drop from him. My lips were still wrapped around him when he reached down and with his fingers under my chin, he guided my gaze up to him.

“Feel how good this feels. Enjoy how much you are addicted to my cock, Crissy.”

I blushed and nodded slightly as I sucked down the last drops and then cleaned his softening shaft with my kisses and licks. 

He moved and his cock slipped from my mouth. 

“Thank you, Master,” I said softly.

“You are welcome, sissy. Now, I’m going to take a shower. Why don’t you go downstairs and see if you can’t figure out the coffee maker.”

I rose and began to search around for my pants and shirt. 

“No. Like that,” he said and slipped into the washroom with a smile.

My heart was pounding. I slipped out of the bedroom while trying to move as quietly as I could on the carpeted floor. I listened intently for any sign that Lydia might have returned home but didn’t hear a sound.

I was very aware of every window as I made my way downstairs and to their kitchen. It seemed like every curtain and blind was wide open as I moved around in panties, stockings and a bra, with a collar closed around my neck. I felt so exposed. Their coffee maker was similar enough to ours that I managed to get a pot started with minimal fumbling about. As it brewed, I remembered that my outer clothes had been removed as soon as I’d stepped inside last night and were in a pile on the bench in their foyer. I fetched them, folding them, and placing them on the end of the kitchen counter. Liam didn’t want me dressed but it at least felt better to feel like they were close at hand.

“That smells delicious,” announced Liam as he entered the kitchen. He was dressed in a faded pair of jeans and a black T-shirt.

I poured him a mug full and he took a seat on a stool tucked against the kitchen island. I didn’t know quite what to do with myself so I simply stood across the island from him, shifting my weight from one nylon-clad foot to the other. 

“Any regrets in the light of day, Crissy?” he asked, sipping his coffee.

I paused, trying to take stock of how I felt.

“No, Master. Crissy doesn’t have any regrets about last night… or this morning. It all felt so intense and powerful.”

“I’m glad, sissy. Things are only getting more complicated for you, so it is important to have a foundation of knowing that you want this.”

“Yes, Master.”

He smiled at me and looked me up and down. 

“I like seeing you here like this,” he said, never letting his gaze leave me. It didn’t even seem like he was blinking. 

It seemed so bright outside. The sun was beaming in through the windows. I looked around for a clock but didn’t see one. Exposed as I was, it all just seemed so much more risky as the world around us seemed like it was waking up. Liam ignored my nerves. 

He fished his phone out of his pocket and began taking photos of me. He rose up to move around, capturing my humiliation from every angle. 

“Now the dining room,” he said. 

They had a formal dining room and he guided me to pose at the table, first facing him and then with my hands on it, bending over and showing off my ass. It felt like he wanted the images to place me in the rooms of his house as much as to capture my outfit.

The living room was next. I was sent to pose by their fireplace, kneeling on their large padded ottoman, and up against the big picture window. I felt my heart pound and my face burn red, just imaging now I must look and what purposes Liam would put the pictures to. 

I was so lost in my own mental torment that I somehow didn’t hear their front door opening. I saw Lydia standing in the living room doorway only a split second before I heard her speak.

“Nadu,” she commanded. 

I froze for a split second before dropping down to my knees. I spread them wide and I could feel and see my hands shaking as I laid them palms up on the tops of my thighs. It was a kind of gift to have to stare down at the floor as I wasn’t sure how I could face her seeing me like this. 

My mind was racing, jumping between various scenarios of the ruined end of my life and marriage. 

It sank in, as the moments passed, that she was not at all surprised. She’d known the position command, after all. 

She walked over to Liam and kissed him. 

“Looks like you had a good night too,” she laughed. 

“Yes, I think we both enjoyed our night out at the movies,” he replied. 

“Did you, Crissy? Did you enjoy your night,” she asked me — using my sissy name. 

“Y… yess, Crissy enjoyed her night very much,” I stammered. 

“You are to refer to my wife as Mistress, Crissy, whenever you have the privacy to do so,” Liam instructed me. “She has been kept up to date on your progress. You’ll find that unlike you and Cheryl, she and I do not keep important secrets from each other.”

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“His pills and diet are really working on his body,” Lydia commented. “Though, I think he’ll need his own bras soon.”

“You’re not wrong,” Liam laughed.

“Are you almost done with him? Cheryl might come looking for him soon.”

“Yes, I suppose I am for now,” he answered her. 

He paused and stood above me.

 “Inspection,” he commanded.

I rose up, interlaced my fingers behind my head, and stepped my legs apart. He came and stood close, but then turned to Lydia.

“Would you like to do the honours?” he asked her.

“I’d love that,” she laughed.

She came up close, looking me up and down, and then tugged my panties down in front. I was mortified.

She took the key from Liam’s hand and expertly removed my chastity cage. 

“Well, you remove the bra and the stockings and leave them here. You may dress in your outer clothes and return home. You may remove the plug in the shower, and you’ll have to find your own private time to get out of the panties. Have a good day, my sissy slut, and I’ll talk to you soon.”

I was in a daze as I followed my instructions but in just a few minutes I at least looked like myself on the outside. With my cock freed from its cage after so long, I was perhaps even more aware of the feeling of the soft fabric against me. The plug teased me and, standing in Lydia’s presence, I felt very aware that it sealed a load of her husband’s cum inside me. 

Together, hand in hand, they led me to the foyer. The smiles on their faces were matching. 

“Treat your wife like a queen this weekend, sissy,” Lydia instructed. “She has expended a lot of energy already, and I want you to make sure she feels loved and cared for and cherished.”

“Yes, Mistress. Crissy will treat her well,” I replied. 

“Don’t even think about attempting to fuck your wife this weekend, sissy,” Liam commanded. “But, if the opportunity comes up, you have my permission to go down on her.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you, Master,” I said.

“Off you go then. Why don’t you make your wife some breakfast,” Lydia said. “When she comes down from bed, she will probably need to get her strength back.”

I heard the two of them laughing to each other as the door closed behind me.

The walk from their front door to mine never seemed longer. My mind was still racing, trying to catch up. It was a lot to take in. 

To start, Lydia knew everything. I realised that I had been a fool if I had imagined that she wouldn’t have known it all from the start. It was my cheating and keeping secrets that had first given Liam leverage over me so I should have somehow known that he would never make the same kind of mistake. 

It seemed that, for now, Lydia was going to keep my secrets just as Liam had been doing, and using that power over me for their own amusement. What was out in the open, however, was the fact of Lydia’s relationship with Cheryl. I had been sent to spend the night next door, so their affair – if that was the term for it – was clearly known between the four of us. I shuddered thinking what it might mean if Cheryl knew what had gone on.

Inside, the house was quiet. The thought crossed my mind of trying to take the opportunity to shower right away and free myself of the plug but with the requirement to have breakfast ready for Cheryl, I decided I only had time to rush downstairs and exchange my panties and stockings for a pair of my own underwear. 

With only the plug remaining as evidence of my use, I set about getting things ready and cooking for a hearty breakfast. The smell of the fresh pot of coffee was filling the kitchen when Cheryl made her way downstairs, appearing and leaning against the side of the fridge with a soft smile.

No matter what had happened or how things had changed, it still filled me with joy to see her. 

“Hungry, honey?” I asked.

“Starving,” she answered, then looked a bit sheepish at the enthusiasm of her response. 

“Wonderful. Have a seat. There are hash browns just about ready in the oven, I’ve cut some fresh fruit, there is yogurt, and I’ll cook some eggs fresh.”

Her smile in response only widened when I poured her a full mug of coffee and carried it to her. We settled into our routine after a while, chatting and enjoying each other’s company. I set her a plate at the kitchen table and I joined her there once I’d finished cooking. 

I ate a light breakfast but Cheryl was clearly hungry, just as Lyida had suggested. I was happy to see her enjoying the food I’d made for her but of course, it meant I couldn’t escape knowing how she’d built up her appetite. 

We ran out of small talk during breakfast, but finally, she asked me, “How was the movie last night?”

I had to quickly remember Liam’s cover story, but then I smiled. 

“It was great,” I answered. “I love those old film noir pictures, and the theatre was nice — an old-style movie house.”

“They don’t make men like Bogart anymore do they?” she asked.

I thought of myself the night before, dressed in panties and sucking cock. 

“No, they really don’t,” I answered. 

“I know this is strange, but I wanted to thank you for last night. I know it must have been a bit awkward,” she said softly. Her eyes were cast down at the table and she was fidgeting with her cutlery. 

“You’re welcome,” I said. 

“Lydia told me that she and Liam have an understanding, and that he encourages her to enjoy herself… but it was still a kind of surprise to get your text,” she said.

“Yes, well, I’ll admit that Liam suggested it,” I replied. “He… he made it clear that he knew what was happening.”

My eyes were also darting around the room. It was hard to talk about these things and still meet her gaze. 

“Did he, well, did he say anything about it? Was it embarrassing for you?”

I was reminded that I was supposed to feel that way. In the classic sense, I’d just been cuckolded — my wife had sought out the attention of another lover, even if in this case it was a woman instead of a man. 

“It was strange, I guess, to have these kinds of things made open between us… but he was good about it. He made it seem like it was just part of their life, I guess.”

“And you are still good with this?” she asked. 

“Yes, I am. I mean, as long as you’re finding what you want and, you know, enjoying yourself.”

Her face reddened. 

“I am,” she said, but didn’t elaborate at all. 

“How about you?” she asked. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I guess, I want this to be fair. If things are going to be open for me, I guess they should be for you too. I said before that I don’t want to leave you behind, or be the only one getting to explore.”

“I know, and I have been thinking about it. I guess it isn’t quite the same.”

“I guess it isn’t,” she conceded. “I mean, we just happened to move next door to someone who could help me with this.”

“Yes, that was lucky,” I said. My heart was pounding as I fought to keep my facial expressions from giving up too much.

“Well, maybe you could ask Liam?” she suggested.

“Ask Liam? Ask Liam what?” I felt like I was going to panic.

“I just mean that it seems like they have had a relationship like this for a while. Could you ask him what he does? Or is that too weird?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’ll think about it.” 

“Okay. What do you say we put all this aside for now. Thank you for this amazing breakfast. I’m going to shower and get cleaned up, and then what do you say we go out exploring the city like we talked about when we moved in?”

“That sounds great. You do that and I’ll clean up down here, and then I’ll shower after you.”

“It’s a deal, and it’s a date,” she said. 

We stood and both of us took a handful of plates to carry back to the kitchen sink. It was only when we were setting the things down on the counter that I noticed the marks on her wrists that I recognised all too well. 

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then bounded upstairs, leaving me with yet another realisation about Cheryl’s night with Lydia. I didn’t know everything that they had done together, but I knew the signs of someone being tied up for sex.

Written by sissycrissy
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