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Neighbours - Chapter 36

"Crissy's Master teases him to understand and admit new truths"

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The weather was perfect, so I got everything ready and set up so that I could start grilling as soon as Cheryl got home. She welcomed the idea when she arrived and went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes while I got things started. 

Watching her climb the stairs, I wondered how successful her outfit had been in attracting attention and how much she had enjoyed seeing all those eyes turn and jaws fall open. I was quite sure her firm’s productivity would have been noticeably reduced. 

I hadn’t been all that productive myself, I supposed at first, but given how large the numbers were looking on that account, I had to wonder if it was going to end up being a significant source of income. I realised at the same time that a whole new income wouldn’t exactly be easy to explain.

I made tin-foil packets of cut vegetables and par-boiled chunked potatoes and got those on the grille first, then brought out a chilled bottle of white wine. I smiled as Cheryl joined me out in the back, relaxing in a flowing skirt and body-hugging tank top. She looked sexy in anything, especially clothes that hugged her figure, but she felt sexy in what she wore, nothing could match it. The chicken wouldn’t take long to grill so I threw it on the heat as soon as she came out to the patio and made herself comfortable. 

I’d set the table outside already so we were ready to eat as soon as the food was done. Despite everything that had happened over the past day or two, it felt so good to sit and talk and laugh with her. The simple joy made every care drift away, at least temporarily.

Some thoughts were impossible to banish forever. I was curious while at the same time, I wanted to continue to let her know that I was alright with her explorations — even encouraging of them. 

“So, how did your outfit go over at work today?” I asked.

Her answer started with a smile that slowly widened across her face.

“Well… I think it was pretty fun. I don’t think I’d ever really felt like that before. I felt sexy, but in a way that I was in control of. I’ve certainly noticed men checking me out at work before, but because I’d chosen my clothes today for my own reasons, it felt like I had the power, you know?”

“Yes, I can certainly imagine. You liked that feeling?”

“I did. Is that bad? It made every look I got feel like it was something I was doing to them, rather than having their looks be something they were doing to me.”

“Who is doing what to whom?” came a giggly voice over the fence. 

Both Cheryl and I turned our heads to see Lydia’s smiling face over the fence. 

Cheryl laughed and invited her to join us, only looking over at me after the words were out. I smiled and nodded. 

I rose as she made her way out to the front and then back beside our house. 

“What can I get you to drink? I asked.

“Oh, a beer would be lovely. Thank you so much,” she smiled.

I ducked into the house and fetched a cold beer from the fridge. When I returned, Lydia had taken a seat beside Cheryl, who was in the middle of recapping the outfit she’d worn to work.

“Oh, I wish I could have seen you in that,” Lydia teased. 

Given what I knew Lydia had seen her in, and out of, it might have seemed a strange thing to say, but I understood.

I placed Lydia’s beer down on the table in front of her and took a seat across from them. They conversed easily and it was a kind of tormenting tease to watch them together. They weren’t rude at all and made an effort to keep me engaged in the conversation, even if there was an unspoken subtext to everything.  

On my second trip back into the house to refresh their drinks and put together some snacks, I realised that I was almost unconsciously sinking into a service role with them both. What kind of man reacts that way, I asked myself. In the face of the woman his wife has slept with, I offer her a drink and hors d'oeuvres? I knew I wasn’t just the average cuckold in this situation, of course. I suppose that Cheryl had been cuckolded first, if that was a thing. The husband of the woman sleeping with my wife had taken me first, as his submissive fucktoy. My life seemed unreal.

I returned with the drinks and bowls full of chips and pretzels on a large tray, finding them laughing. I smiled along with them, setting down the tray and taking my seat again. I didn’t ask what they had been laughing about and just tried to pick up the threads of their conversation when I could. 

It was a good time, even with all my conflicted emotions. Most of the time we just seemed to be talking and laughing like good friends or close neighbours. All three of us were laughing when Liam walked back to join us.

“This sounds like where the fun is,” he said. He walked over to Lydia and leaned down to kiss her. I looked over to Cheryl at that moment, seeing her gaze locked on the kiss. 

He took a seat and smiled as he looked across at us. 

“It looks like I’ve missed dinner,” he said.

“Not at all,” I interjected, reminding myself not to refer to him as Master. “I’ve got burgers that I can throw on the grill and have ready for you in no time.”  

I was already rising out of my chair. 

“Well thank you. I’ll come with you, if you don’t mind. I just need to use your washroom and I’ll grab a beer.”

Our wives were already back in conversation as we stepped inside, and he spoke as soon as the patio door slid shut behind us.

“Go and get that ass plugged and lock your clit in its cage. Hurry.”

My face burned and I felt the rise of panic tightening my chest. He made his way to the bathroom, ignoring my reaction. I didn’t have time to think about the consequences or complications, not with him timing me and with the women out back expecting our return. 

I rushed downstairs and opened the room. I didn’t even bother to close the door behind me. I just pulled down my pants and quickly lubricated my ass and the plug, then twisted and pushed the thing inside me. Once it finally slipped fully inside, I got myself into the cage and closed the lock. I pulled my clothes back up and took a deep breath, then made my way back upstairs. 

I was alone in the kitchen for now, so I just pulled the burgers and buns out and set up a tray to carry back out the grill. I was just about to head back outside when I heard him approach me from behind.

“You will have a hard time hiding or explaining those toys in bed, wouldn't you, Crissy?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy would have a hard time explaining why she was caged and plugged, Master,” I replied in a hoarse whisper. 

“Then you had better encourage your wife to spend the night with someone else.”

As soon as we stepped out into the yard, everything in his tone was back to normal. I took a beat and remembered what I was doing, then stepped over to fire up the grill once more and let it heat up. I watched the three of them chat as I cooked, trying to think of how I was going to accomplish it while it sank in just what that task was. 

I prepped the condiments as the burgers sizzled away and the buns toasted, so that by the time that they were done, I had everything set up to bring over and set down on the table. 

“Wow, that looks incredible. Thank you,” said Liam. Turning to Cheryl he added, “You must be spoiled having your own house-husband ready to cook for you when you get home each day.”

She smiled. 

“Oh yes, it is a blessing. I sometimes forget how things were before, when we were both working in offices. Everything seemed so rushed. But you aren’t stuck at home all the time, are you?”

She had turned to face me and I saw real concern in her expression.

“Don’t worry about me. I get out now and again to meet with other consultants, and having my days free to run errands when needed is a blessing,” I replied, then paused, an idea suddenly coming to me. “Speaking of getting out though, I was thinking about a movie. I’ve been wanting to get to a theatre again, and I noticed that The Maltese Falcon is playing down at the Revue. Any takers?”

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I knew it would be a no from Cheryl as she had no patience for old movies.  

“Not for me,” she answered on cue. 

“How about you, Liam?,” I asked. “As long as you don’t think the women will miss us too much.”

He laughed. “I don’t think that will be an issue. Mostly I’m just barely tolerated.”

Lydia laughed and gave him a playful smack. 

“Then I’m in,” he laughed. “These poor girls will just have to fend for themselves.”

We laughed and joked and kept talking, but the movie now gave us a deadline. When it was nearly time to head out, Liam rose first. 

“I’m just going to change quickly. I’ve been wearing these things all day,” he announced. “I’ll meet you out front, and I can drive.”

“Okay, great,” I said. I rose and went over to kiss Cheryl good-bye. 

I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, then leaned in to whisper into her ear.

“I want you to have a good time tonight,” I said. 

She turned to me, eyes wide.

“Yes, I mean it. Don’t wait up.”

She silently mouthed me a thank you. I kissed her again, then went into the house. I decided to put on a warmer shirt as well, given how cool movie theatres tended to be. I was just upstairs when my phone chimed with a text from Liam.

“The plug stays in. The cage stays on. Change into panties and stockings. Meet you out front in five minutes.”

My heart sank again, but I immediately chastised myself for imagining, even for a moment, that Liam would just accompany me to a movie without some kind of personal wickedness. 

I rushed downstairs again and tugged off my jeans and my socks. I slid the panties over the plug and cage, and then stretched and rolled the sheer stockings up my legs. I looked at myself in the full length mirror, feeling both humiliated and excited.  I finished getting dressed and then closed the room door behind me. 

Liam was waiting in his truck out front. I lifted myself up into the cab.

“An excellent idea, slut. Now not only will your wife get fucked, but you might just get some action as well.”

He pulled out of the driveway and I had a feeling we weren’t going to see The Maltese Falcon.

We were barely a block away from home when he reached down to open his pants.

“Reach over and stroke me, slut. I want to feel your hands on me and I want you to make me hard.”

I slid closer and reached over the centre console and down into his lap. My left hand found his shaft and I began to slowly stroke him up and down, feeling him harden quickly. 

“Is it difficult, Crissy, to know that your wife is beginning to prefer sex with someone else than you?” he asked.

I took the time to think about my answer honestly.

“I guess it isn’t easy. There are so many changes happening to my life, and now to Cheryl’s. It is happening almost too fast to think about or to understand. I look at myself and what I’m doing and that makes me think that her looking for her own pleasures makes perfect sense. Plus, I know what the pills are doing to me, even in the short term, and I know that I won’t be able to satisfy her that way. She had been curious before, I mean about being with women, so it isn’t out of the blue, I guess. But, to answer your question, yes, I guess it is still hard.”

“Does it help, or is it different, that it is a woman she’s sleeping with?”

“She asked that too. I suppose it helps a bit, you know, because she’s getting an experience with a woman that I could never give her.”

“Crissy, look at yourself.”

I met his eyes, feeling the power of the moment. On the outside, I looked normal — the subtle changes to my body from the pills weren’t obvious. It was only underneath my clothes that I was plugged, caged and dressed in lingerie.

He continued to speak in a soft tone as he drove.

“You aren’t exactly in a position to give her what a man can give her either, are you?”

I felt my face warm and I squirmed in my seat.

“No, but that’s just now because—”

“That’s because of what your life is now. You could blame it on my control of you or you could blame it on the choices you made both before and after we met. It doesn’t really matter why. Only reality is relevant.”

He pulled into a parking garage and drove up to the third level where empty spaces were plentiful. He parked but made no move to exit the truck yet. Without a command to stop what I was doing, I just kept stroking his erect cock.

“Here is some reality. I know how that plug must be affecting you. I can just imagine how your sissy clit is straining inside that cage, aching to get hard or just to be touched. I’m sure you feel the sensation of those stockings against your legs and the feel of those panties stretched across your ass. You’ve got a man’s cock in your hand, hard and throbbing. Tell me honestly how you would best describe your emotions right now in a single word.”

I drew in a deep breath.

“Horny, Master,” I replied. 

“That’s right. Your wife is at home, getting tipsy with a woman you know she’s already slept with. You’ve all but told her that she should do so again. But unless I mention her, your thoughts and attention are right here.”

“Yes, Master,” I admit.

“Do you like my cock, Crissy?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy likes Master’s cock very much.”

“It’s nice and big, isn’t it, Crissy?”

“Yes, Master. It is so much larger than Crissy’s clit ever was.”

“You like the taste too, don’t you Crissy?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy likes the taste of your cock.”

“And my cum too?”

My face was warming up. 

“Yes, Master. Crissy loves the taste of your cum. Crissy loves the slippery feel of it on her tongue and in her mouth.”

He smiled.

“If I were to give you a choice, right now, where you could either have me drive you home and bring you back to spend the evening with your wife or let you stay right here and stroke and suck my cock until I came for you, which would you choose? Search your heart and tell me honestly, without trying to guess which answer I might want to hear.”

I closed my eyes and tried to silence my thoughts. Back home was Cheryl, laughing and drinking and having a wonderful time with her new friend and lover. I loved her and I could feel the memories of our times together. I remembered the feeling of her lips on mine. I also remembered the images of her lost in passion. Right here was Liam, with his throbbing cock in my hand. In my whole life, even as I explored my kinks and fetishes, I’d never quite thought of myself as gay. This was just sensation and physical response, mixed with my innate submissive desire to serve, I told myself. My arousal just grew with his.

“Do you know your answer?” he asked.

“Yes, Master. Crissy knows.”

“Tell me the truth, slut.”

“I… Crissy would choose right here, Master.”

He smiled.

“Tell me again. Tell me you’d rather suck my cock than be with your wife.”

The words felt like betrayal.

“Crissy would rather suck Master’s cock than go home and be with his wife, Master.”

“Say it again. Louder.”

“Crissy would rather suck Master’s cock than be with his wife, Master.”

It sounded so strange and powerful to admit, and to feel the curious truth of it as the words echoed in the cab of his truck.

“I knew that, Crissy. But it was important for you to know. Now, we need to get going. The movie will be starting soon.”

He pushed my hand away and tucked his cock into his pants as he exited the truck. My caged clit throbbed as I slid out as well and followed him to the parking garage’s elevator. I had no idea what movie he was talking about but all I could think about was his cock, so hard and so close, but denied to me.

Written by sissycrissy
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