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Neighbours - Chapter 59

"The session continues"

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In the aftermath of orgasm, with that bliss fading quickly, it felt especially humiliating to have to get down on my knees and search out the puddles of cum with my tongue. The spreader bar was keeping my ankles spread wide, making me feel continually exposed. She towered over me, pointing out spots with the toe of her boot, so I simply obeyed, moving myself along, tasting my spent seed on my tongue as I found each one. I searched about, looking for more, but when I was unable to locate any, I looked up at her for her approval. 

“Good slut,” she said. “How are your balls feeling?”

“They are aching, Mistress. The weights feel very heavy.”

“Would you like me to take the ball stretcher off, Christopher?”

“Yes please, Mistress,” I replied, with hope creeping into my thoughts. 

“What will you offer in return?” she asked.

“In return?”

“Yes, if I am to give up the joy I get from seeing your body ache for me with the weight of that little toy, what am I offered in return?”

My mind raced. I didn’t want to talk myself into something worse than this, but my balls were truly starting to ache and throb. 

“Would another toy please you, Mistress? Like a plug or a chastity cage… or a gag or blindfold or something like that, Mistress?”

“Interesting,” she said, smiling. “Not terrible ideas, but not quite the same. So, I’ll take two of those. Get down on all fours, face down to the floor.”

I had been kneeling upright to talk with her, so I lowered myself back down again. With my face down to the floor, my head turned so that my cheek pressed against the carpet, I could imagine how exposed my ass was, especially with my ankles trapped so wide. On display like this, I felt confident I knew what one of her two choices was going to be. 

My assumption proved correct as, after hearing her moving about the room for a bit, I felt the hold, hard, wet touch of a well lubricated steel plug being pressed against the trembling rosebud of my ass. 

“Since you’ve just been so wonderfully stretched by my strap-on, I thought we’d better choose something larger,” she laughed. 

I moaned and gasped and tried to relax as she pressed and twisted and prodded and pushed until the massive-feeling thing finally crested and slid inside me. I moaned as I felt my own body pull it in that last inch, grabbing the narrowing neck. She tapped at the base once it had nestled between my cheeks. 

The prodding elicited more moans, which only made her provide more prodding and teasing. Finally she knelt down and freed my ankles from the spreader bar. 

“You may stand,” she said. 

I rose up slowly until I stood before her, feeling very naked. The plug felt so large inside me, and being able to have my feet closer together only made it more prominent in my thoughts. I shifted on my feet, trying to come to terms with the full, aching sensation inside me, and the memory of all that I’d said and confessed while she was pegging me. I felt so exposed and raw. 

“So, it seems like lately your fantasies and thoughts and more have been focussed on a man, your Master, rather than your wife. Would you say that is true?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I admitted. 

“Is that his choice, or yours?”

Her question gave me pause. I thought for a moment, searching my emotions and memory. 

“I suppose it is both, Mistress. He made it clear from the start that he was in control… of me, and of when I was allowed to cum. He quickly took charge of our sex life in that way. But if I am honest, I have been having fantasies focussed on things like this for quite some time. I’m sure those pulled my focus from her often and for a long time.”

“I appreciate you answering honestly, Christopher. Look at me. Look at my body.”

I obeyed, if somewhat nervously. It felt wrong somehow, even with her express command, to look at her with the desire I was feeling. Her legs looked so sexy in her stockings, and the flash of bare flesh between the tops of them and the hemline of her skirt made me feel like I was seeing something I shouldn’t be allowed to. Even more, it was intoxicating to see how each breath she took made the tight flesh of her breasts swell, pushed high and tight by the laced vest. When my eyes finally made it up to meet hers, she was smiling widely. I blushed, knowing how obvious my appreciation of her body was. 

“So you do still find women attractive then, don’t you, Christopher?”

“Yes, Mistress, I do.”

“Your wife too?”

“Yes, Mistress. She is very beautiful and very sexy.”

“It is challenging for you then, to know that this Master of yours has you taking pills that make it impossible for you to get hard for her? To know that this person, a man, outside your marriage, has taken control of when you can fuck her or even go down on her?”

I took a deep breath. This kind of openness was hard enough at any time, but felt increasingly so standing here plugged, wearing nothing but a collar and leash. 

“Yes, Mistress. It can be challenging and difficult… but I think maybe that is what makes it so powerful. If it wasn’t hard, it wouldn't matter. It wouldn’t affect my mind so much if my body didn’t feel it.”

“I’m quite sure that is true. Now, I’d like to make more things hard, but first, we weren’t quite done getting you ready.”

She stepped away for a moment, reaching to her cart again to find a padded leather blindfold. She moved to me and lifted it over my eyes. I felt her body close as she moved behind me to buckle it tight, securing it snugly, and dropping me into total darkness. I stood there, just breathing and listening and waiting. 

I felt her take my hands in hers and lift them, guiding them out in front of my body. I knew that I was close to her, as there was a kind of electricity in the air under my fingertips. She led my fingers until I felt them land upon leather laces. 

“Tug on the laces and release the bow,” she said.

I closed my fingers on the lace and pulled. There was a bit of resistance at first, but then I felt it release. 

“Oh, that’s much better. This vest does wonderful things for my cleavage, but it feels so good to take it off. Hold out your hands.”

The laces slipped from my fingers and, as she had instructed, I held my hands out, palms up, in front of her. I listened to her motions and then I felt the weight of her discarded vest placed on my hands. The leather was soft and still held some warmth from her body. I drew in a short breath, just knowing she was now topless in front of me. 

She was still moving about and shuffling from what I could hear. I tried to keep my thoughts calm and steady. She laid something else on my hands, as the weight increased. 

“The skirt is pretty too, but it was also a bit tight. Oh, the things we do for fashion. I know you saw my garter belts, but I’ll bet you’re wondering now if I’m the kind of Dominatrix to wear panties, aren’t you?” She laughed.

“The thought crossed my mind, yes Mistress.”

“Well, be good, and you may just find out,” she teased.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Don’t let my clothes drop, Christopher.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered, focused on holding my hands out level and still. 

I gasped out loud when I felt her hands on me. With one hand she cupped my still-sensitive balls and with the other, she lifted and wrapped her fingers around my cock. As she massaged me, she started to stroke me. I felt light-headed and I felt my body starting to react. 

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“Well look at that, it’s true. You can still get hard, as long as you’ve got your sissy ass properly filled up.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered in a weak, wavering voice. 

She just kept stroking me with a slow and steady pace. I felt myself hardening in her grip. I was a bit surprised, given that she’d just fucked me to a sissygasm, but her touch was skilled and expert, and I couldn’t stop imagining her standing there, perhaps nearly as naked as I was. 

“So you’re not quite totally turned, not quite yet. Tell me, Christopher, before you met your Master, did you imagine or think of yourself as a gay man?”

“N… No, Mistress. I.. I didn’t Mistress.”

“And how about now?”

“I don’t… I don’t know, Mistress. I mean, I know how I feel about my Master, and it turns me on to serve him and to obey him and pleasure the men he wants me to… but it is so linked to him… to serving him.”

“So you want your Master’s cock in your mouth, you want him to fuck your ass, and you get off on being a cocksucking plaything for him and his friends… but you’re not gay. Is that right?”

“I… I… I don’t know. Maybe I am.”

“Do you find men attractive, Christopher? When you see some handsome man on the street, or when you watch a movie, are you attracted to them?”

“No… not really, Mistress.”

“But you love to kiss and suck and be held by your Master?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied, feeling myself start to have trouble speaking thanks to her continual stroking and caressing.

“I have a secret to tell you, Christopher.”

“Yes, Mistress?”

“You are not alone. You are not the first man like this, not the only one, and not the last one. People who don’t know better think that people are attracted to just men or to women, sometimes both, as if it was just the body that affected us. You are very lucky, Christopher, as you are sexually attracted to dominance. You are a true submissive, and the dynamic of your submission paired with the knowing dominance of another, regardless of their gender, will always have perhaps the most powerful hold on you.”

“Yes… yes, Mistress,” I answered, hearing the strain in my voice.

“That doesn’t really mean a lot to those that see you though. For them, all they see is a man, or a former man, who leaves behind his beautiful wife to get on his knees and suck cock. They see a man in panties and lingerie, bent over and begging to be fucked by another man. That’s what you are too, aren’t you?”

“Mmmmmm. Yes, Mistress, that is what I am.”

She was stroking so firmly and quickly now… I was aware of how I must have looked, grimacing, trying to hold off release. 

“It makes you want to cum, doesn’t it? To know this truth about yourself?”

“Yess, yes, Mistress, please please may I cum?”

“No,” she said simply, and her hands dropped from me. 

For a moment I was fucking the air, so close, but denied. My cock was hard, but just flopped in the air, and I felt the high receding. I moaned in pathetic desperation. As some sense of calm returned to me, I was only more aware of the tired ache entering my arms, as I held my hands level, holding her removed clothing. Of course, that only reminded me that she was not wearing the items she’d placed there. 

“So here you are, a man with hungers and urges, with a very sexy wife who is starting to explore her own, but she doesn’t know that there is a man controlling you, and making so many of your important choices for you. She even sends you here, out of concern or love or guilt, hoping you’ll find your own outlets to the kinds she barely knows about.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered. 

“She is likely getting better sex that she has in a while, isn’t she?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I confessed.

“And she’s having fun, exploring, adventuring and experimenting. She has this new female lover, so she’s getting to feel things she may have never felt before, isn’t she?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“And you, her husband, are getting more excitement from serving and sucking a man, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Do you wonder, Christopher, what good you are to her anymore?”

 I had to pause and think. She was asking the kinds of questions I almost didn’t dare to ask myself, and in very blunt language.

“I do, Mistress. Sometimes I wonder so much that I don’t dare think about it. I mean, I still love her, and she loves me. I think we cherish each other… and I love caring for her however I can. Cooking for her, rubbing her feet on the couch, even just helping her to bed when she is exhausted.”

“You truly are a natural submissive, aren’t you?” she said. 

“I… I suppose so,” I answered, but the truth seemed all too clear, standing there naked, blindfolded, plugged as a human shelf.

“Your natural state is submissive. You want to be good and obedient.”

“Yes, Mistress. Yes I do.”

“You want to please others. You want to be a good and pretty sissy for me and your Master.”

“Yes, Mistress. Yes.”

“Would you like to be pretty for me right now, Christopher?”

“Yes, yes please, Mistress.”

“Good,” she answered, and I felt her lift her clothing up off my hands. 

It was a relief to let my arms hang down by my sides. I had no idea what would happen next, but she made it simple. She provided me with bits of clothing to wear, one piece at a time, and helped me get into them while the blindfold remained on.

Stockings were first, and were perhaps the most tricky. She had to help balance me and roll them up my legs. Next were panties, pulled up my legs and over my softened cock. She teased the base of the plug as she adjusted them on my hips. She helped me into a bra, then slid rather large and heavy feeling breast forms into the cups. I had to take in deep breaths when she laced and tightened a corset around my belly. 

She pulled a skirt up my legs and over my hips, then had me lift my arms so she could slide a stretch, tight top on as well. As a finishing touch, she had me purse my lips to accept lipstick. 

I could feel the clothes on me, decorating me and shaping me. I could hear her moving around, taking it in. 

“You are quite pretty this way. Your obedience and submission are evident. You don’t look quite feminine, not yet, but you look more like your real self this way,” she judged. 

“Thank you, Mistress,” I replied.

“I’d like to take photos of you like this. Is that alright with you?” she asked.

“That is alright, Mistress,” I answered. It felt almost strange to be asked.

She moved around me and I heard the click of the shutter over and over. Now and then she would ask me to move or pose in a certain way, and I would obey and the photos would continue. After a while of me standing, she had me kneel again for more poses and positions. I was upright on my knees when she pressed a dildo into my hands. 

“Show me how you suck cock, Christopher,” she instructed. 

The photos continued as I made a show of it. I kissed it and licked in and pushed it into my mouth, blindfolded the whole time, lost in my imagination of how I must have looked. 

“Keep going, Christopher. You’re turning me on,” she said, and I could tell by the sound of her voice it was true. 

There were no more camera sounds. In their place, after the sound of a chair being pulled closer across the floor, were the unmistakable wet sounds of her touching herself.

Written by sissycrissy
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