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Neighbours - Chapter 52

"Crissy's obedience is put on display"

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With the high of my orgasm fading quickly, I felt the feeling of helplessness, humiliation and fear building. My cock, now fully softened and small, felt strange and silly trapped above the hem of my panties. I looked around the room, but there was nothing to give me much input or information. My time with Mallory had been so intense that I had lost track of any sense of time, and I was beginning to worry just how late in the day it might be. If I wasn’t home when Cheryl got home on a Tuesday, I’d have to have some explanation to offer. 

I tried to calm myself by controlling my breathing, and then focusing on the details around me. I counted the cameras I could see, the different colours of fabric on the furniture, and the number of lights. I did anything I could to think about anything and everything but being trapped here too late, or being discovered by some curious maid or member of the hotel staff.

I only realised that I had fallen asleep when the sound of the door opening startled me. I jerked awake, only to be forcefully reminded by the cuffs around my wrists and ankles that I wasn’t able to move or cover myself at all. 

I was comforted when I saw Liam entering, but that reassurance only lasted a moment, as there was another man with him, entering the hotel room and taking in the sight of me with bemused curiosity. 

“Well, you weren’t kidding,” the stranger said to Liam, speaking about me rather than to me.

“Oh yes, you could almost feel sorry for him, if you didn’t know that he loved every moment of it,” Liam replied.

Liam, as though consciously ignoring me, set about removing and collecting the cameras that he had set up around the room. His friend moved around the bed, taking in the sight of me from all angles. As was becoming a common occurrence, it seemed, he also took out his phone to capture a few images for himself.

“And he does whatever you want?” the stranger asked.

“Well, why wouldn’t he?” Liam laughed.


“Not that long ago, he imagined he was a happily married man with a beautiful wife and a new house who thought he just had a few secret kinks that no one knew about, and today he just finished dressing up to get his cock sucked by another sissy in a hotel room, knowing full well that every moment of the experience would be shared publicly online. What do you think?” Liam said.

I squirmed on the bed, feeling the humiliation of being discussed like this. Liam was so right – that was almost exactly how I thought of my life. He had me wondering if I had been kidding myself all along. 

“Can I try?” the man asked.

Liam laughed. “Try? What do you want him to do?”

Now the man seemed a little put on the spot. 

Liam finished packing up his gear and came close to the bed. One restraint at a time, he freed me from my spread-eagle position. He gave my panties a tug and a snap, covering up my softened cock behind the lace once more.

“Crissy, this is my friend David. Get on your knees and rub his cock through his jeans.”

“Yes, Master,” I replied softly. 

I slid off the bed, as gracefully as I could, then moved toward David on my knees. Once I was in place, I looked up at him and reached out and began to stroke the front of his pants, finding the bulge of his cock. 

“Oh fuck,” was David’s response. 

He looked down at me and then over at Liam. Even after I’d started, his expression seemed to show disbelief. His body just reacted to the situation, and I could feel him hardening quickly. I kept stroking, grinding my hand against the outline of his erection. I looked up at him again, looking for feedback, but his eyes were glazed. 

“Take it out for him, Crissy,” Liam instructed. “Stroke him and please him.”

I took in a deep breath and got started. I unzipped his fly and reached inside, finding the warm flesh of his cock with my probing hand. Carefully, I guided the fullness of his erection out and I began to stroke him with both hands. I listened for Liam’s words while I studied David’s expressions, stroking and caressing him. 

I was squeezing the plug in my ass, as I tried not to moan. I could feel myself hardening and leaking in my panties. The more aroused David got, the more I felt warm and tingly inside. I was getting aroused, stroking this man’s thickening erection. I could feel my desire to taste him. I wanted to lean forward and take him inside my mouth, but I knew that wasn’t what Liam had instructed me to do. 

David was getting so hard and thick. He was throbbing and his moans were getting louder and more desperate. He was getting so close and I knew it. I poured my own arousal into my service, squeezing him tight and stroking him hard and fast. 

“Make him cum on your face, Crissy,” Liam commanded. 

Liam’s voice was close. He was near. I could see in my peripheral vision that he was recording with his phone, but I just kept my eyes on David’s cock. I felt him throbbing and I saw the moment his balls tightened. I kept stroking while holding his shaft and aiming toward my own face. 

He came hard. I felt the warmth and wetness of his cum splash against me. I aimed him all over my face, so that his load marked my cheeks and forehead and chin and lips. One spurt hit me right above my left eye, forcing me to close it as the cum oozed down. I kept stroking, kept squeezing, until every last drop was milked from him. Only then did he draw back, panting. 

I knelt there, my arms falling to my sides, as I watched David tuck himself away. 

“Mmm oh god, thank you,” he said, but I could tell he was thanking Liam and not me. He was thanking my Master for the use of me. 

“Of course. That’s what he’s for,” Liam said, taking a few photos of the finished product: my face coated with cum. 

“Wow. That was amazing,” David said. “I hope I’ll get to see him again.”

“That can be arranged,” Liam reassured him. 

“Excellent. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Of course.”

David left, leaving me alone with Liam. 

“Good job today, Crissy. You’ve already made two men very happy — Mallory and David – and I’m sure even more once these images and clips get posted.”

“Thank you, Master,” I answered. 

He stepped forward and tore my mesh top off of me. I must have looked surprised. 

“You wouldn't have been able to get that off without smearing the cum on your face, and I want it to stay there for now,” he explained. 

“Yes, Master,” I replied, nervous once more.

He helped me to strip off the rest of my outfit, taking every bit of it away, piece by piece. The only things that remained in the end were the false eyelashes and lipstick, as part of my maintained facial. 

I thought then, once he’d had his photos of me naked and marked by cum, without even the cover or disguise of the outfit and wig, that it would be enough, but I was wrong. He handed me back my own clothes, and had me re-dress. I looked mostly like my male, normal self, but for the reddened lips and drying globs of cum. 

“We’d best be going, unless you want Cheryl to beat you home,” Liam said, and I felt a kind of defeated inevitability about it. 

“Yes, Master,” replied. 

Off we went. I was humiliated and terrified of the idea of being seen like this. I felt like it would be immediately obvious what I’d just done. I wanted him to rush, to speed, but he took his time, enjoying every moment of my torment. 

He turned onto our street and then stopped, pulling over the curb.

“I’ve got to visit another job site yet today, Crissy, so I’m going to have to drop you off here. I’m sure you can walk the rest of the way,” he said, wearing a wicked smile. 

I had no choice but to get out. I just looked at him, feeling fear and desperation. I slipped out of the truck, closing the door, and watching him drive away. 

I walked as quickly as I could, but I thought that running would draw too much attention. I felt warm with sweat by the time I reached my front door, heated by exertion and panic. I rushed upstairs and jumped right in the shower. I scrubbed my face, finally feeling the sticky, drying stain of cum from my skin. I peeled off the false eyelashes and scrubbed my lips until no more lipstick came off on my soapy fingers. 

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At last I felt some calm. I got dressed and went downstairs. It was time to start dinner, as Cheryl’s work day was nearly over. With the fear of being seen as I was gone, my thoughts returned to the day, trying to take it all in. I knew I’d be reliving it again once I saw the photos, but I was sinking into the emotions more in that moment. 

I had felt such closeness to Mallory. I had felt such arousal with David. I had really wanted his cock. When he came across my face, I felt the loss of not being able to taste him and swallow the whole load down. 

Liam’s words returned to my mind as well. He had said that I had imagined that I was a happily married man. Not that I was one, but that I imagined that I was. It made me wonder and forced me to think about it honestly. 

I loved her, but that had never been enough to keep me from sneaking away to spend time online with my fantasies and kinks. She was so beautiful and sexy, with a simply amazing body, but yet over and over I had found reasons to let her go up to bed alone so that I could sneak into my office in the dark of night and jerk off to sissy porn instead of having sex with her. 

It was clear that Liam could give her more pleasure than I could, with his powerful masculinity and much larger cock. Lydia too seemed to be a better lover for my own wife than I was. Cheryl was falling for her right in front of my eyes. 

My neighbour, the man who lived next door, had taken control of my life and even my body. I couldn’t get hard, not to mention fuck, without his permission and desire. He’d taken my cock away from my wife, just as he had taken her ass as his own. I was left obeying him completely, with a new sex life that seemed to focus around men and cocks and cum. I should have been trying to run or escape, but I could not escape the truth of what he’d also said today, that I loved every minute of it. 

When Cheryl arrived home, her presence reminded me of the joy I felt around her. I was able to give her a good evening with the meal I had prepared, and by caring for her afterwards. I felt an urge to attend to her, getting her drinks and sitting at the end of the sofa as we relaxed, rubbing her feet. If I couldn’t be the best lover for her, the best man, maybe there was more I could be. 

When she started to drift off, I helped her up to bed and kissed her on the forehead, again amazed by her simple beauty, and grateful to be near it, even if things between us were changing. 

Alone again as night fell, I went to my office and signed in. The counts still went up, both on the pay site and on twitter. More and more people were seeing me as the sissy slut Crissy, the cock-sucking slut owned by her Master. There was less and less of any other work to attend to, so Crissy was becoming my job too. My career. My work life and my home life, all of it taken over by Liam. Was this what I’d always dreamed of? My fantasies and dreams had always ended — either with me waking up, or with the end of oh-so-brief moments of time alone. I had no idea how, or if, all of this was going to end for me this time. 

I wasn’t going to get answers here alone, so I closed everything down and quietly got myself ready and slipped into bed beside Cheryl. One of the last thoughts I remembered before drifting off was to question if she was dreaming of Liam or Lydia, or perhaps even me.

The next morning went as per routine. I was up first, putting on coffee and doing my part to get Cheryl ready for work. She left with a smile and a kiss, and I barely watched her drive away before heading down to put on my work uniform of panties and stockings under my clothes. 

I started up the computer again and started the day by responding to the growing number of private messages that had come in. I had this feeling that honest and caring were part of my role, since the whole enterprise seemed to be about exposing my submission. 

If a man asked me how much I loved sucking cock or getting fucked, I tried to answer as completely as I could, feeling myself re-live the sensations with each word. If another sissy asked about how I got into his predicament, I shared the story of being discovered. No matter how many times I told it, I could still fear that fear and panic as fresh as it had felt that day. 

There was a long message from Mallory and it was so sweet and erotic. She shared every emotion that he felt, being with me in that little hotel room. I had to agree with everything. It had been so personal and sensual. It had been so private, even as we both knew how public it would be soon. 

The hours kept passing and I was starting to feel the reality that this was work too. There were so many photos to go through and to categorise and group into posts. I started thinking about how many photos should be in each post, or how I should tease them out, so that I kept my subscribers satisfied without burning through them too quickly. It was abundantly clear that there was only one way to get more content to post, and that was by serving and submitting. 

It was just towards the end of my lunch break when Cheryl called. I was sitting at our kitchen island, finishing off a sandwich, and the break from routine startled me for a moment. 

“Hi love, is everything good?” I asked.

“Oh yes, it’s all great. I just wanted to let you know that Lydia called me and asked me out to dinner with her. If that’s okay, I’m going to go, so I won’t be home to eat.”

“Oh, of course. Sure, that sounds fun. Have a good time,” I said. It wasn’t easy, but it was perhaps getting easier. 

I actually felt a bit guilty at how quickly I began thinking about what that meant for me, alone, with more hours of privacy.

“Thanks, I’m sure we will. I’ll try not to be too late. Still gotta work tomorrow!” she said.

We said our goodbyes and ended the call. Perhaps it was easier to think about what might happen with me rather than let myself imagine what Lydia and Cheryl would be up to. 

I didn’t have too long to ponder. It was perhaps five minutes after Cheryl called that the phone rang again, bringing Liam’s name to the screen of my phone.

“Hello, Master,” I answered. 

“It seems my sissy will have some free time this evening,” he said, and I could hear the smile on his lips.

“Yes, Master, it does.”

“Tell me, when you were stroking David’s cock yesterday, you wanted more, didn’t you?”

I blushed. Even my thoughts seemed like an open book to him.

“Yes, Master. Crissy did want more, Master,” I confessed. 

“Tell me what you wanted, sissy.”

“Crissy wanted to suck his cock, Master. Crissy wanted to taste his cum, Master.”

“Good girl. What a cum-addicted little slut you are.”

“Yes, Master. Crissy is a cum-addicted slut, Master.”

“Well, I’ll tell you what. I happen to know that David happens to be having a late lunch at a bar not too far away, right now. I want you to plug your ass, cage up your clit, and get over there and find him. He doesn't have any idea you’ll be there, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to use your sissy wiles to convince him to let you suck his cock this time.”

“Y. yess Master.”

“Hurry up. Go get prepared, and I’ll text you the name of the bar. No drinking and driving, so I’ll have a cab at your front door in five minutes.”

As soon as he hung up, I was rushing. I had to close down everything in the office, and then head down to the basement to fetch the toys. I caged my cock first, not wanting the arousal that came from the plug siding in to make things too difficult and time-consuming. 

I was out at the curb just as the cab pulled up, and I read him the name of the bar off my phone. It was just a standard, everyday sports bar, as far away from being anything like a fetish club as possible. 

We pulled away and it dawned on me that David had only seen me in a wig and lipstick, dressed up like a cheap sissy whore. I was going to have to first let him know I was “that” Crissy, as part of my seduction. Sure, I was in panties and stockings and trapped and teased by toys, but to most everyone I just looked like a normal man. 

I was starting to fear I really had a real challenge ahead of me, not to mention what might happen if I failed.

Written by sissycrissy
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