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Neighbours - Chapter 47

"In the aftermath of Liam claiming more of Crissy's life, there are still more challenges"

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I felt so completely helpless. Helpless in the grip of the cuffs and the cage, and helpless against my depraved hunger and lust. I felt the sensation of the lipstick on my lips as they closed tight around Liam’s stiffening cock, sliding up and down as my head bobbed. Without the use of my hands, I had to lean in and move with my body and head. My lips were tight around him, my tongue slid all around him, and my fake tits were jiggling and bouncing. I felt the plug so full and heavy inside me, squeezed tight as I moved and served. 

I couldn’t understand the lust I felt. I knew, somewhere deep down, that a “normal” man wouldn’t. The very cock that had just been enthusiastically pounding my wife’s pussy and stretching my wife’s ass was now tightly slurped into my mouth. I tried to taste her on him, but there was nothing but the now-familiar taste of my Master’s cock and precum. 

Liam was moaning softly, clearly enjoying himself. Despite his full day, he had gotten hard quickly, and his hips were now pushing back against my motion. I gasped and drooled and moaned around him, fighting to take as much of his girth as I could. Normally, I would have been stroking and squeezing the base of his cock as well, but I had been denied that option this time. 

My desire to please him was urging me on, as was the very real fear of not knowing when Cheryl would return home. Liam and Lydia had shown me very clearly today that there didn’t seem to be much that they weren’t willing to take from me. 

I worked and sucked and strained, feeling him get slowly harder. I listened to the sounds he made as I moved up and down his cock, and as he jabbed against the back of my throat. All I could do was take it all, slurping and sucking as best I could, aching to earn the warm content of his balls. 

He pushed with his hips as I drove myself forward, nearly gagging with the size of him. Finally, he came. Finally, I felt that familiar tensing of his cock followed by urgent thrusts. Finally, I tasted the warm, salty spurt of his load on my tongue and felt it sliding down the back of my throat. He held my head on him until his orgasm was spent and then released me, leaving me panting and sputtering. I swallowed every drop and licked my drooling lips. My eyes watered as I looked up at him. 

He slid back and pulled his pants back up then continued to look down at me, kneeling there. He gave a silent smile and took a few more photos before reaching out to help me stand. 

He left me cuffed as he led me downstairs. He opened up my hidden room and had me stand inside as he began to undress me. Off came the heels and the corset and the wig. My arms hung by my sides after he freed me from the cuffs. His own hands removed my stockings and garters and bra. I felt so small and weak and owned as I stood there, naked and collared and caged and plugged. It was somehow even more humiliating to feel his warm, strong hands remove my chastity cage as well. With the plug inside me, I swelled a bit, but I still felt so small and soft in his hands. 

The last thing he removed was the collar. 

“I know you feel this, even when you’re not wearing it. I know you know you’re mine, even when you’re with her.”

“Yes, Master,” I replied. “Crissy knows that she is yours, Master.”

“Good girl. You can head up and shower now, sissy. Get yourself ready for a nice, relaxing evening at home with your pretty wife. You know that her ass is mine, though she won’t be able to express that to you. To help you remember, you’re going to stay plugged tonight. All night. Do you understand?”

I ached at the sound of those words, knowing how it would tease me. 

“Yes, Master. Crissy understands.”

“Say it.”

“Yes, Master. Crissy will stay plugged all evening and all night, to remind her that Cheryl’s ass belongs to Master.”

“Good girl. Have a fun night.”

Liam turned and walked away, leaving me there naked and a bit stunned. I took in a few deep breaths before remembering myself and the time. Once my senses returned to me, I closed up the room and rushed upstairs. I gathered up some casual clothes to put on and brought them into the bathroom with me. I got the shower running nice and hot and then stepped inside. 

Scrubbing off the makeup was the hardest, but I had to erase the evidence of how I had been decorated. I thought of how silly it would be to watch that whole ordeal in silence just to have the shameful secret come out because I missed wiping away lipstick. 

Under the shower of the water, the thoughts of all that I had witnessed come back. It had been so strange, watching Lydia’s hands all over Cheryl, as though my own wife had somehow come to star in some kinky lesbian porn film. I had been somehow prepared for that part, however. What had come as a surprise and what seemed to have left some real marks on my mind was watching her with Liam. 

I knew firsthand that arousal and lust can make someone say things they don’t always mean, but there had been such truth in her expression and tone. Whether it was because of the size of his cock or the way he was so firm and strong with her, she had wanted him. She had wanted Liam in a way that I don’t know that she had ever wanted me. She had been desperate to have him take her, and she had been left fully and totally satisfied. This wasn’t the first time I’d been made to wonder if she really would be happier with another lover, or another man. 

I forced myself to stop wallowing in what was starting to seem like self-pity and finish my shower. The marks of the corset and lingerie on my body were mostly gone, though I was still kind of shocked, seeing the effects of the pills on my naked body. 

I hid that secret away under my jeans and a loose t-shirt. The plug, nestled between my ass cheeks, was every bit the constant reminder that I was sure Liam wished it to be. I strolled downstairs and found that I was still alone in the house. I took a few moments to look around, just making sure there was no evidence of my own debauchery to be found.

Satisfied, I finally started to relax as much as my plugged and teased body would allow me. It was getting late, so I started to make dinner. It was nice to be able to focus on something else and I imagined that Cheryl, when and if she did return tonight, would be famished. 

Finally, just as I was setting the table, I heard the front door open. I moved to be sure it was Cheryl, and then felt overwhelmed by the need to go to her and hug her. We held each other warmly without a word for a few moments. 

There was no way to get into all that I was thinking, especially since I was not supposed to know a thing that had happened to her since Lydia picked her up after our breakfast. 

“Did you have a good day?” I asked, trying to find a safe way to stay around the edges. 

“Yes, it was good. We had fun. How about you?” 

“It was good. Quiet. Mostly hanging around, but it was good.”

“Oh, I hope you weren’t bored. I did kind of feel bad, leaving so abruptly.”

“You don’t have to at all. Please. It really is okay.”

“Did you have time today to start thinking about what you might want to try?”

I did not feel at all ready to talk about my kinky desires with her at that moment. I just felt this fear that was always there with her for me when this topic came up, though I was becoming aware of how ridiculous that was now.

“I thought about it, but I haven’t gotten to making any plans yet. I will though.”

“I’m glad. I think it will be good for you.”

“Me too,” I agreed.

“What smells so good?” she asked, finally taking a few steps deeper into the house. 

“I made tacos,” I said with a smile.

“Oh, that’s amazing. And they’re ready?” Her face lit up.  

“All ready to eat. Come on.”

We ate at the kitchen table, making the tacos fresh from the bowls of ingredients I had prepared. It turned out we were both quite hungry and we cleaned nearly every plate. Afterwards, I poured us a couple glasses of wine and we moved to the living room to relax in front of the TV. We made it through just one of our guilty pleasure reality shows before I realised she was asleep. 

I knew she wouldn’t want to spend the night on the couch, so I roused her just enough to get her onto her feet. She was in a half-asleep daze as I walked her up to our bed. She flopped down on the bed and I knelt down to help her out of her jeans. I slipped them down off her legs and was just thinking about trying to judge if she’d want her bra off to sleep when I noticed the barely visible outline of the butt plug through her panties. 

I froze. She was still full of Liam’s cum. I was sure of it. 

As gently as I could, I positioned her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. I backed out of her bedroom, turned off the light, and closed the door. 

I decided, standing there outside our bedroom door, that if she asked in the morning about me getting her undressed, I would just pretend that I hadn’t seen a thing. I stood there for a moment, facing the blank closed door and I nodded to myself, sure that this was the right thing to do. As I walked away, I was aware, with every step, of the plug in my own ass as well. Somehow, Liam had taken control of us both. 

I poured myself a drink and collapsed onto the couch in the living room. I kept hearing Cheryl’s voice, over and over again, moaning with pleasure and begging for real satisfaction. I was beginning to wonder if, while I had been focussed so much on my own needs and desires, I had simply neglected hers. It seemed like it would be some huge cosmic joke on us if, for all this time, she turned out to be searching for someone to submit to as much as I had. 

I woke to the Monday morning sunrise brightening the living room. It took me a few moments to gather myself, finding myself slumped sideways on the couch, an empty tumbler beside me, and a teasing presence in my ass heightening the stiffness of morning arousal. 

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It wasn’t too late yet, so I didn’t have to rush anything yet. I lifted myself up and got a pot of coffee started in the kitchen. As it brewed, I started to prepare the food and snacks that I knew Cheryl would want to bring along to work. When the coffee was ready, I poured myself a cup and just then I heard the shower starting to run upstairs, letting me know that Cheryl was awake. I started making breakfast so that it would be ready when she came downstairs. 

“That smells so good,” she said as she arrived downstairs looking beautiful. 

She was already dressed for work and her outfit looked amazing. It seemed like a shorter skirt than she would normally wear, and she was wearing nylons under it. Her top seemed rather fitted as well, but more than anything she seemed to glow. 

“Did you come to bed at all?” she asked.

“No, I fell asleep in front of the TV,” I said. 

“You need to take better care of yourself, honey. Besides, I miss waking up with you.”

I smiled at her.

“Well, that is all the incentive that I need,” I said. 

After breakfast, she got her things all packed up and thanked me again, seeing the food prep I’d done for her. She gave me a warm kiss at the door as she said her goodbye. I watched her pull away, feeling my enduring love for her. That love had gotten so complicated. As evidence of that, seeing the car disappear around the corner, I couldn’t help but wonder if her ass was still plugged. 

I turned and headed back inside. As I cleaned up the kitchen, I thought about her comment, about missing waking up with me. This was now complicated too. Liam had claimed her ass as his own, and in my lust and depravity the night before, I’d given up her pussy as well. It wasn’t really my choice at the moment, I thought. My cock wasn’t working, keeping me from doing anything, even if I did have permission. I wondered if she was thinking of cuddling and companionship, or if she was thinking back to some different time, having been so recently reminded of my recent shortcomings. 

I went upstairs and took a quick shower and shave. Liam had told me to keep the plug in overnight, but I felt safer keeping it in rather than assuming I could remove it. I went downstairs to launder my dirty lingerie and to put on a fresh pair of panties and stockings. After that, I dressed, went upstairs, poured myself a fresh cup of coffee and powered up my computer, thinking of starting my work day. 

I had been trudging through emails for a little over an hour when Liam called. Just seeing his name pop up on my phone made me squirm a bit in my chair and my body gripped the plug tightly. 

“Crissy, who does Cheryl’s ass belong to?” he asked, not seeming to bother with a hello.

“Cheryl’s ass belongs to Master,” I answered. 

“Good girl. Who does your wife’s pussy belong to?”

“My wife’s pussy belongs to Master,” I said, feeling the shame that came with saying these things out loud so frankly. 

“Such good little sissy cuckold,” he laughed. 

I heard him speaking again, but it was confusing at first. 

“Yes, two black with sugar, and two with cream and sugar,” he said. “Yes, that’s it.”

I hesitated, not saying anything.

“Pardon me, Crissy, just at the drive-though. I had you on speaker, but I don’t think they really care that much about your wife’s sex life at Starbucks.”

I felt my face burn red, just imagining my confessions drifting out his open car window. 

“I have been checking in on your little subscription page, sissy. You’ve been doing very well. I’m rather impressed with how well your sluttiness is catching on. As a result of that, you are going to start to scale back your old vanilla work responsibilities. Wrap up the projects you’re working on now, but don’t take any new ones on. Not even from repeat clients. I have a feeling you’re going to be far too busy for that kind of work.”

“Yes, Master,” I replied. 

“And, speaking of work, I was talking to your friend Ashley this morning. She was telling me how much she liked it when you helped out at the store. We both seem to think that your growing popularity online could only be good for business. So, you are going to go to the store today and help out however she wishes. Are you still plugged, Crissy?”

My mouth felt dry. 

“Yes, Master. Crissy is still plugged, Master,” I confessed.

“Such a slut,” he laughed. “I knew you would be. You can go over as you are. Ashley will have an outfit for you there. But first I want you to go to your website and make an announcement in a post there. Tell them that you’ll be working from 11:00 to 4:30 in the shop as a good sissy slut assistant. It will be very fun to see if any of your local fans will come out.”

My heart was pounding. 

“Yes, Master,” I said in a daze. “Crissy will make the announcement and go, Master.”

“Good girl,” he said. “I know you’ll make me proud. And don’t worry, Ashley said she’d take lots of photos for you to have for your site.”

 “Thank you, Master,” I said. 

I heard him end the call. I took a deep breath and sighed. It seemed like I wasn’t going to have time to wallow in my thoughts and reflections. 

I opened up the website and logged in. There were a flurry of notifications of likes, comments and new subscribers and new messages, but I left all those alone for the moment. 

I composed the announcement post, trying to keep it as simple and direct as possible. 

“Sissy Crissy will be working in person today at the Adult Toy Store. If you live nearby, I’m sure you know the one. From 11 am until 4:30 pm, Crissy will be there, working and being the best sissy assistant that she can be. Maybe I will see you there and, if not, there will be lots of photos shared afterwards.”

I looked it over, reading the words and feeling my chest tighten with nerves. My fingers trembled as I clicked the link to post it. 

With that complete, I took a moment to look at the site’s dashboard. There were now nearly 1200 paying members, leading to a monthly income of around $16,000. It was all too strange. 

I looked at my inbox briefly, but most messages contained not much more than something like “hey” or a quick, obscene comment about my body or something that they wanted to do to me, or have me do to them. One thing I did notice was that the sissy Mallory seemed to have followed up, and had sent me some tightly cropped photos of himself in panties and a chastity cage. I knew enough to know that Liam would be taking ownership of these too. 

There were other messages of interest, including one from the local KrisKaged, but I was starting to feel nervous about the time and what lay ahead for me. I logged out and shut down the computer. 

Liam had said I could go as I was once caged, but I did quickly have a look at myself  to make sure I was smoothly groomed first. Satisfied with my condition, I locked myself in the cage and left. The whole drive over, I couldn't quite believe what I was doing. Before long, I was pulling up and parking the car and making my way over. 

The store wasn’t open yet when I arrived, so I knocked on the front door and soon enough Ashley appeared to let me in. She greeted me with a warm smile and a hug. 

“Let’s get you dressed!” she said with enthusiasm. 

She led me into the back room. 

“Go ahead and strip. I’ve got a full outfit for you!”

I obeyed, dutifully removing everything I was wearing until I stood before this pretty young woman wearing nothing but a chastity cage and the plug nestled between my ass cheeks. It was almost surreal that I seemed to be getting used to this. 

She assisted me in getting into my outfit for the day, from the bottom up. She started with a red garter belt and fishnet stocking set that decorated my legs and framed my ass. Next were a pair of sheer red panties, so small that they barely covered my chastity cage. She helped me into a matching bra and filled its cups with massive, jiggling silicone breast forms. Over that she pulled on what could loosely be called a minidress, but it was entirely made of a sheer white fabric, revealing everything I wore beneath it. 

She helped me into red patent leather high heels and then, as I tried to steady myself on them, she locked them onto my feet with little padlocks secured to their straps. She added on red leather wrist and ankle cuffs, which reminded me of the set Cheryl had purchased. Just like Chery’s set, there was also a matching collar, which she then locked around my neck. The last touches were a pink-haired wig and an application of bright red, lip-plumping lipstick, complete with a wet-look glossy top coat. 

She clipped my wrists cuffs together in front of me and then clipped a leash to my collar. 

“Come on out into the light, and let's have a good look at you,” she said with a smile and tugged on the leash, leading me back out onto the store.”

I felt even more slutty and exposed in the bright light, standing out in the middle of the store, with aisles and racks of sex toys all around me. As Liam had said she would, Ashley began taking photos of me from all angles, up close to capture every detail of my outfit, and from far enough away to show me tormented in this public context. 

She put her phone away and handed me a large pink feather duster. 

“Why don’t you do a quick tour around the store and make sure everything is tidy. I have a feeling we’re going to have a busy day. Look out front. It’s not even opening time and there’s already a couple of people waiting to get in. I’ll bet they are here to see you, Crissy!”

I turned, blushing, toward the front of the store. Sure enough, there were three or four people milling about near the door, checking their watches and avoiding eye contact with each other. I moaned softly to myself and began my chore. Walking on these heels was no easy task, but I felt sure even greater challenges were going to be coming soon.

Written by sissycrissy
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