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Neighbours - Chapter 26

"Back home, Chris finds that there are still a few suprises waiting for him."

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I worked consciously to control my breathing and to calm my thoughts. I looked at myself in the reflection quickly, trying to convince myself that my face wasn’t immediately given me away. Rational me thought there was no way Cheryl would just guess that I was locked into a chastity cage but that didn’t really stop me from feeling my heart pound. I was afraid of even the most incidental contact with her. I was frustratingly aware of the position of my hips when I welcomed her back home with a kiss.

We chatted as we normally did and she told me about the trials and tribulations of her day. I had to mostly make up stories about work, though they included things that I was supposed to have been working on before I got whisked away. 

I worked on focusing my attention on her and being present for our conversation all through dinner. Now and then the cage would make itself known when I moved a certain way or shifted in my seat, but mostly I was able to control my thoughts. I volunteered to clean up after the meal and Cheryl took me up on it without hesitation. I knew she was tired after a full day of work after the weekend.

I cleared the table while Cheryl stretched out on the living room sofa with the TV on as a distraction while she looked at her phone. I rushed as fast as I could while still making sure I did a good job. I quickly texted Liam again, pleading for the key to the chastity cage. 

Finally, when I was running out of things to do, having loaded the dishwasher, washed and dried all the pots and pans, and wiped down the counter obsessively, Liam texted me back. 

“The key is on the mantle in your living room, right under your wedding photo.”

I cursed silently, wondering how I was going to fetch it without drawing attention. I walked over quietly and took a look into the living room to check on Cheryl and I couldn't believe my luck. The TV was still on, with Wheel of Fortune having given way to Jeopardy, and Cheryl’s head was down on the padded arm of the sofa. She was fast asleep. 

I didn’t waste any time. I padded in softly, walked by the mantel, and swept up the tiny key in my hand. Liam had just left it there out in the open, knowing that it was the kind of thing no one might notice for days, if at all. 

I looked over my shoulder as I left the living room, making sure she was still asleep, and then quickly darted downstairs. I popped the secret door open, stepped inside, and took only a few moments to free myself from the cage. I wiped it down quickly and then pulled myself back together and made my way back upstairs. 

Cheryl was still napping. I picked up the TV remote and gently lifted her feet into my lap as I took a seat at the end of the sofa. She stirred for a moment, then turned her head back towards the sofa. I turned down the volume and switched over to a basketball game, to have something on I could half ignore. 

A thought had hit me after dinner and I kept running through my mind, over and over. I had been used to pleasure women today and it seemed like another threshold I had crossed. Before, it had been Liam or his friends, or the men he’d sent me to, but now it was other women too. It wasn’t just sucking cock, or serving men in a way that felt so powerful to me since it carried with it all those taboos that I’d been indoctrinated with my whole life. 

Now there were “other women” and it impacted me. It wasn’t like I’d fucked them, of course. Liam had made sure I was caged so that I couldn't have been with them like that, even if I had been able to, but I’d made them cum. It hasn’t been all passive, though. With that thing attached to my mouth, I’d worked to please them. I tried to tell myself that I didn’t have any choice in all this, but I couldn’t deny how it had made me feel. I may not have been able to get hard, but I’d been literally leaking with arousal. 

“Will you rub my feet?” Cheryl whispered. 

I looked down, pulled back to the present, and smiled down at her pretty face and her half-open eyes. 

“Of course, baby,” I replied.

I slowly peeled off her short socks and began massaging her feet with both hands. Her eyes closed again but I could tell she was awake with the steadiness of her breathing. She started to speak again but she kept her eyes closed. This was what she did when she wanted to talk about something challenging, as though she couldn't quite face me as she said what she needed to.

“Do you remember what you said last night? About people needing to do things to be satisfied, and still loving them?”

I could hear the trembling in her voice.

“Yes, baby, I do.”

“And how it doesn’t mean that they would love their partner any less?”

“Yes, I remember.” My heart was pounding. 

“Well, at lunch today, Lydia gave me a call. I think she was just checking in, you know, after the weekend. I think maybe that I’d been a bit weird when I left there Sunday morning and she wanted to check if we were still good.”

I just kept slowly rubbing her feet, letting her reveal things at her own pace, no matter how desperately I wanted to know where she was going. 

“I told her we were fine, that everything was okay, you know. I still don’t remember all that happened, but I was just getting this feeling.” She paused.

“What kind of feeling,” I asked after a moment of silence.

“It was just that… I felt like… I felt like I wanted to spend more time with her. I wanted to hang out with her again. Just the idea of it made me feel good. It’s not like I want to do anything specific,  but just the idea made me smile. It made me happy, and not in spite of what might have happened. It was more like the thought that something might have happened made it more exciting. God, I’m sorry. This is too much, isn’t it?”

I had no idea how I might have felt if this conversation had been happening a month ago, before Liam. I could only take it in through the filter of my own emotions and experiences, and after the choices I had made and the situations I’d been put in. I felt a pang of jealousy but there was relief right along with it. It wasn’t anything like it made my own actions okay, but I felt like she was experiencing the kinds of emotions that I had felt so often. 

“It’s not too much. I meant what I said. I love you, no matter what. If you want to spend more time with Lydia because it makes you happy, then I am okay with that.”

“But I mean, it’s not just like with you and Liam, hanging out because you have a new guy friend. You know that I have these feelings… this curiosity…”

I had to fight to keep my composure, and I was glad her eyes were still closed.

“I know it isn’t the same. I know what you’re curious about. I think I know what you want to happen, or want to see what might be able to happen. I’m not saying it isn’t challenging or confusing but I promise you that I understand. I am not naive and I’m not going to pretend either that you can explore this feeling with me. When we were kids they told us that we were supposed to be able to have one other person meet all our emotional and physical needs, but I can accept that might not be true. The world is more complicated now than it was then, or maybe they were just always wrong.”

Her eyes opened slowly and she looked up at me, searching my face for truth. 

I smiled softly.

“I love you, Cheryl. I want you to be happy, in every way that you can be. That means every way that I can make you happy, and in every way that I can support you to be happy.”

“Can I ask you another question about all this?” she asked.

“Of course,” I said. 

I controlled my breathing, as I was terrified she might ask me about my own secret pleasures or desires.

“How much… how much will you want to know? I mean, if anything happens?”

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I paused, thinking about it.

“I guess, as much as you want to tell me. I mean, you can tell me generalities, or you can just tell me that you’re happy.”

“I love you, baby,” she said, smiling up at me. I could see tension leave her face. 

“I love you too, no matter what, and always,” I said.

She reached up and pulled my face down to hers. We kissed, softly and slowly. It was intimate and passionate, and soon our bodies were sliding together. It was a kiss that wasn’t leading to anything else, but was just about the joy of kissing. My body ached with pleasure and I could feel myself leaking again. I could feel her nipples through her bra, stiffening against my chest. 

After a while, the kiss just slowed, and then stopped. 

Her lips were pink and pretty as she spoke. 

“Baby, I’m exhausted. Will you help me to bed?” she asked.

“Of course,” I said.

I gathered up her phone and I held her arm as I took her up the stairs. As she sat on the edge of the bed, I helped her out of her clothes and into her pyjamas. Then, with another soft kiss, I tucked her into bed.

“I love you,” I whispered to her, and I saw her lips mouth the word back to me. 

She was asleep before I left the room.

Downstairs again, I decided to pour myself a drink. I had barely taken a sip when my phone buzzed. It was a message from Liam. 

“You need to return the chastity key to me tonight. Find a length of ribbon and put the key on it. Tie the ribbon around your clitty and balls. Wear nothing else, and wait for me on all fours in your backyard. You have ten minutes.”

I felt an immediate panic. I jumped up and rushed around, searching for a ribbon to use. Finally, it came to me to search the box of Christmas supplies and I found a spool of ribbon with the gift wrapping.

I cut a length and fed it through the small keyring and then removed my clothing, leaving it in my office. I tied the ribbon around my genitals with a knot and a bow. 

I took a deep breath and turned off all the lights that might cast a glow to the back, and then made my way outside. I felt like a fool, kneeling out in the grass in the middle of the night, naked, but Liam’s commands had been simple and absolute. 

Finally, after what felt like an hour, he made his way back and found me.

“We really are going to have to make that gate in the fence a priority,” he said.

“Yes Master,” I replied. 

“Did you like being the plaything for all those girls today, slut?” he asked.

“Yes, Master. Crissy was happy to be used by them, and happy to help Ashley in the store.”

“I’m sure it was fun to get fucked by a strap-on, but it wasn’t quite the same as real men, was it, sissy?”

“No Master. It was different. It didn’t feel as warm or alive inside Crissy.”

“Very true. And they didn’t cum inside you, of course. You are starting to really love cum, aren’t you, whore?”

“Yes, Master,” I confessed. “Crissy is starting to love the feel and taste of cum, Master.”

“Do you want your Master’s cum, Crissy?”

“Yes, Master. Yes please, Master. Crissy would like your cum very much, Master.” 

The urgency in my voice surprised me.

“Tell me, my little cum whore, would you like it in your mouth, or in that sissy pussy of an ass you have?”

It was strange to have to think about this, knowing I had to answer quickly. My ass ached, and my use had been so impersonal and objectified today that somehow tasting him seemed like it would have an intimacy that the day had lacked. The moment that thought hit me, I knew it was what I wanted in a way that surprised me. I didn’t just want to avoid soreness or have some different use. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I wanted to taste him and please him.

“Crissy would like it in her mouth please, Master,” I said.

“Spoken like a true cocksucker,” he laughed. “You may kneel upright.”

I lifted myself up and knelt before him, looking up at his amused smile. 

He loosened his belt and opened his jeans enough to draw out his cock and he began to stroke himself. I could see him hardening. 

“Put your hands behind your back,” he commanded.

I moved my arms back, crossing my wrists at the small of my back, still staring up at him. I held my position as he continued to stroke his cock, getting harder and harder. 

“Look at your little clit twitching,” he teased, and I knew without looking that I was leaking again. “A day like today and you still just want your Master’s cock.”

“Yes, Master. Crissy wants your cock, Master.”

“Did your wife tell you all about her night with Lydia? he asked.

“Yes, Master. She told Crissy all that she remembers, I think, Master.”

“I wonder how much she really does remember. Maybe we will never know just what happened that night. Unless she wants more, I suppose. Does she want more, sissy?”

I blushed, kneeling there in the near darkness, staring up at his throbbing cock.

“Yes, Master. Cheryl did say she would like to spend more time with Lydia.”

“Well well well. I guess either something did happen that she remembers, or she wants something to happen either way. Look at that, Crissy… your wife is lusting for another woman, and here you are practically begging for another man’s cock in your mouth.”

“Yes, Master,” I said, feeling my face burning red in the dark.

“It amuses me to know that while you kneel here, your wife is probably upstairs dreaming about my wife.” 

He kept stroking harder and harder while I awaited the moment he would plunge past my lips. 

“You didn’t even complain, did you? You didn’t object when your wife told you she’s interested in someone else, and a woman, did you?”

“No Master. Crissy didn’t object.”

“It’s a relief for you, isn’t it? To know that you aren’t the only one in your marriage looking for something else?”

“Yes, Master.”

“You should be happy. It is right to be. A slutty submissive like you can take comfort in knowing that you don’t have a choice anymore. None of these decisions are yours to make any longer. You only ever had to make the one choice, and that was accepting who you are, and what you are now. You are my sissy slave now, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy is your sissy slave.”

“Who decides who you fuck, Crissy?”

“Master decides who Crissy fucks, Master,” I replied. 

“Who decides who fucks you, Crissy?”

“Master. Master decides who fucks Crissy, Master.” 

“Who decides if you cum, Crissy?”

“Master decides if Crissy cums, Master.”

“Ask me for my cum again, Crissy,” he grunted.

“Please, Master. Please may Crissy have your cum, Master?”

“You may. Open your mouth wide. Now, slut. Now.”

I barely got my mouth open before he started spurting. I felt his cum hit my lips and cheeks and chin while I tasted it on my tongue as well. He stood close and jerked his cock towards me, guiding the spurts towards my open mouth, but not caring too much if he only got close. 

When he was spent, he stepped forward and wiped his softening erection across my cheek. 

“You’re all mine, Crissy. I know how things started between us, but I also know that you’d give yourself to me all over again. Sweet dreams, cumslut.”

With that he was gone, stepping away into the darkness. I knelt there for a moment, using my fingers to push the cum from my face towards my mouth, and then licking my fingers clean. Having cleaned myself up as best I could outside, I slipped back inside and got dressed again before using the downstairs powder room to wash my face. 

I felt spent all of a sudden and decided to go to bed. I stripped down to my boxers and t-shirt and slipped into bed beside Cheryl in the dark. Laying there, waiting for sleep to come, I realised that without thinking I’d neglected to brush my teeth and the taste of Liam’s cum lingered in my mouth.

Written by sissycrissy
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