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No Strings Attached - Sweetness and Lace - Chapter 20

"Matthew gets in touch with his feminine side and Liam gets ready to talk."

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I wake up the next day curled up against my beau's firm, muscular chest, and my manhood locked away again. Its morning stretch is uncomfortable with it being unable to become fully aroused, but I feel less frustrated after yesterday. Liam had made love to me, and we're both on the same page about where our relationship is going.

After our lovemaking yesterday, we'd bathed together, ate a delicious dinner Liam had cooked, and then spoke for hours about what had transpired in the playroom. We'd discovered something new together, which had been exciting for both of us. Liam had only used forced feminisation in the past for humiliation with others. He'd never found the end result so sexually arousing before, and for whatever reason, it brought out his more tender side. I, on the other hand, just felt content with myself, almost like I had uncovered something I was missing. Either way, it was something we both enjoyed, and we've now decided to explore it further.

With a yawn, I turn to look at my peacefully sleeping, attractive, sadistic partner. I have never loved anyone the way I love him and a pang of regret over the way I've recently treated him hits me. I also don't understand why I've been so resistant to hand over full control to him when I trust and love him so much, but after my court hearing on Friday, I think I'm going to take that next step and pledge voluntary servitude. Distracting myself from the constant stress in my life is an appealing option whilst I wait for news about my daughter. As I attempt to sit up, Liam's eyes blink open at my stirring, and his arms wrap around me, pulling me against him; preventing me from leaving the bed.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers, stroking my cheek.

"Good morning, Daddy," I murmur, happy to be within his bed again.

"So, I thought that we could go shopping today," Liam says, leaning over me. "My treat."

"Are you sure?" I respond, gazing up into his handsome face.

"Absolutely. As beautiful as my doll is naked, I would like to dress her up," he says as he gives me a gentle kiss. "We should start with lingerie, stockings and at least one pair of shoes."

My cheeks warm as I become shy thinking about it.

"I would like that, Daddy," I nod meekly and smile.

"God, you're so cute," he groans, rubbing his nose against mine affectionately in an eskimo kiss. "Let's shower so we can go out and buy you gorgeous things."

In the shower, Liam kisses me affectionately, but he doesn't initiate anything sexual like I'm expecting. He's still very much the alpha male and the dominant person in this relationship, but his sadist urges appear subdued. This time last week I'd spent a great deal of the time being skull-fucked, slapped and chained up in the playroom. This is a notable difference, and it began the moment he removed my facial hair.

Liam towel dries me gently afterwards then guides me over to sit on the bed. Obediently I sit, and I watch as he plugs in a hairdryer then sits behind me, his legs either side of mine and dries my hair. Usually, I'm just rubbed partially dry like some kind of mutt and I quite like this softer side to him. I feel loved, and in my fragile state at losing my daughter and being used again, it is very much needed. I'm looking forward to spending the day with him.

The sound of ringing from the bedside cabinet interrupts us and Liam switches off the hairdryer and reaches out for his phone. Whilst he answers it, I run my hand through my hair and surprisingly, it appears silky smooth, compared to its usual wavy, slightly coarse feel.

"Hello?" I hear Liam say, reclining behind me. I turn around wondering who he's talking to with him not usually letting his phone interrupt his time with me. His calm expression changes suddenly, and he gestures for me to leave. "I need to take this, get dressed, and I'll see you downstairs."

Reluctantly, I do as I'm told and walk towards the playroom to get my clothes from the dresser. I pull on some boxers and a pair of skinny jeans with a band t-shirt in front of the mirror. I've never put much effort into my appearance, and I've always been untidy. I dress for practical reasons only. I'm stunned by how good my hair looks, though, and I spend a moment playing with my parting. I then run my thumb over my light stubble. I need to deal with this when we return from shopping.

Downstairs, I make a bowl of cornflakes, and I stand to scoff it whilst I wait for the coffee machine. Liam has been a while which strikes me as odd. He always puts pleasure above work which is why James handles a large proportion of the monthly party preparations.

"It's unladylike to eat like that," Liam growls as he enters the kitchen. "Someone needs some etiquette training."

"Sorry," I smile apologetically, as he approaches.

"Although, this doesn't appear to be Dollie, but rather Matthew," he says as he presses up against me and strokes my jaw.

"I'll shave when we get home, Master," I respond, closing my eyes, expecting to be kissed.

Abruptly Liam moves away, and I look down to see him holding a measuring tape around the widest part of my chest. I wait whilst he then measures underneath and smirks. Afterwards, he takes my coffee for himself and sits at the counter, reverting back to his usual behaviour. He then gets his wallet out and removes a platinum card which he holds out to me.

"I have things to take care of today. Don't return home until you've spent at least two thousand on some sexy, little outfits and anything else Dollie wants. You're a 36A so you shouldn't run into any problems. My pin is six-one-two-eight. Don't forget it and also keep out of trouble."

"Oh, sure, I guess I can do that," I sigh, taking the card, saddened our date has been cancelled. "Is everything okay, Liam?"

"It's nothing to worry your pretty little head over," he smirks.

I'm irritated that he won't open up to me, especially with me not being allowed to have secrets, but wordlessly I leave the house and walk down the driveway. In the car, I put on my CD player, and Led Zepplin comes on, reminding me about Selena. I don't know how she'll take the news that I enjoy wearing women's clothing, but neither Liam nor I plan to let her know about it yet. I check my phone to see if anyone has tried contacting me, but there's nothing. Justin hasn't responded to my voicemail, and Louise hasn't replied either. Exasperated, I stick it in the glove compartment and grab my shades to put on.

It's not a long drive to the shopping centre, barely half an hour, but my mind is in overdrive on the journey about my task. I haven't stepped foot in a lingerie shop my entire life, and I'm now expected to go in and buy some. I can't help but fear that women are going to think of me as a pervert, although I do technically class as a deviant. Still, I had hoped Liam would have been with me so I could have relied upon his confidence.

The first place I head to is Victoria's Secret. It's bound to have what I'm looking for, although I have no idea of what style I would like to wear. I'm intimidated when I arrive, with the pink and black, glossy signage clearly aimed towards women, rather than someone like me. With a deep breath, I step inside, deciding to use the cover of wanting to treat my girlfriend, but within a minute of walking through the doorway, I'm approached by an attractive, blonde woman in a black dress with perfectly manicured nails. Instantly I feel nervous, and my hands become clammy, certain my cover story will be foiled in an instant.

"Hi, is there anything I can help you with?" she asks, smiling cheerfully at me.

"Uh, yeah! I need underwear, bras... panties! You know?" I stumble. "It's for my girlfriend."

The sales associate doesn't laugh at me like I'm expecting. Instead, she guides me towards some lingerie sets, continuing to smile warmly. I guess my awkwardness is normal to her.

"Do you know her size? Any particular style you're thinking of?"

"Yes! 36A and a size twelve in panties I think?" I respond, looking around at the different colours, designs, and feeling more overwhelmed. I'm then drawn to a see-through, blush pink, lace bra with pale blue embroidered flowers and bows. It's incredibly feminine, and I can't help but imagine Liam's face when he sees it. "I like this..."

"We have a garter belt and thong to match..."

"Great! I'll get those too!"

The assistant is fairly chatty as I continue to choose underwear, opting for pastel and white lingerie; ones that appear more romantic than racy. I expected my tastes to be similar to what I enjoyed seeing Charlotte wear, but what I prefer seems to be more delicate given the option.

I move on to picking some cami's for bed and then a gorgeous, floral, lilac teddy with a balconette neckline and a small cut out area below the chest area. It comes in pink as well so I get both. I then find an ivory, lace robe in the sale section, so I pick that up too plus some stockings.

The sales assistant is beaming as she leads me to the cashier's desk to pay. Nervously I hand over Liam's platinum card to pay when they give me the grand total of over one thousand and four hundred pounds, but thankfully the sale goes through without a hitch.

Laden with striped pink paper bags, I decide to head to a department store next in a bid to find some shoes. I don't hold out much hope for these with women's sizing being limited, but it's worth a try, and I like the idea of looking at some makeup and replacing the awful lipgloss Liam had bought me.

The moment I walk into the shop, I realise I do now have the predicament of having to try shoes on. Unlike the underwear, I have no idea what size I need, or whether I can even stand in heels. I don't want to disappoint Liam though, and it's not overly busy, so I press ahead, deciding to choose some makeup first, before going to the shoe department.

Choosing the makeup itself isn't overly difficult. I opt to go simple with lip tints, black kohl, some mascara and then a palette of nude and brown shades. The hardest part is choosing a fragrance I like that doesn't remind me of an ex, and I spend some time at the fragrance counter, trying many of them, again using the excuse that it's a gift. Eventually, I find something I love called Flowerbomb. It's a bold, highly feminine scent and I'm sure Liam will be thrilled with it.

Deciding I can't put it off any longer, I browse through the shoes on offer at the back of the store and then opt for a pair of patent pink, stilettos in the largest size which is an eight. After a quick glance around I sneakily try them on, but unfortunately, they are too small, so sheepishly I place them back on the shelf and try looking for a nine. I find several pairs of eights and many sevens, but a nine seems to be eluding me to my dismay.

I continue searching through the racks for some time, and to my delight, I find a pair of open-toed, pink, satin and lace heels with a T-bar. They're slightly lower than the other stilettos, but there's still some height, and they're sexy. I adore heels, to the point of it being a fetish before I was introduced to BDSM, but I never expected I'd end up owning a pair for myself, especially ones so beautiful. My cock begins to react, remembering how Charlotte used to make me kiss her's before she dug them into my back. Thankfully my chastity cage uncomfortably prevents me from getting an erection, but I'm filled with lustful thoughts of potentially using the heels for something dirty the moment I'm let out.

In my happiness, I try them on right there, and I manage to squeeze my feet in. I take a few tentative steps, checking how they feel before I look at them in the mirror, and raise the bottoms of my jeans to see them better. I bite my lip, feeling pretty damn sexy and excited, much more than when I was looking at the lingerie. I don't know how women wear them for long with how unsteady I feel and the ache I'm already experiencing, but the pain will be worth it.

Snickering behind me then distracts me from what I'm doing, and I glance around mortified and see two, older women pointing at me, laughing.

"He's a brave one, isn't he?" one of them cackles loudly.

I instantly feel my cheeks and ears burn at being caught, during what is an erotic moment for me and remove the shoes. Picking them up, I head straight towards the checkout, not wanting to try on anything else. I know I haven't spent the full amount that Liam told me to spend, but I'm sure I've come pretty close which should be good enough, I hope.

As I start to wander back towards the car, still feeling the flush of shame, I pass an Ann Summer's shop and stop. Liam told me I could buy anything that Dollie wants, and I still have nearly two hundred to spend. Some new toys could be fun, especially ones that may enhance the pleasure available to me, now I'm more limited in that department. I decide to enter, hoping to find something that I can enjoy using with Liam on my return.

Not wanting to be accosted again, I quickly head to the toy section to look for a dildo. The selection is quite limited, but I find a seven-inch, realistic one with a suction cup. Smaller than William's thick cock but not so big that Liam should get a complex. I then discover a remote-controlled prostate massager which is an obvious option, knowing Liam will probably take great delight in using it on me. I then grab some more stockings, including crotchless ones and several pairs of knee-high socks with bows on, before placing them on the counter, and looking away shyly.

The purple-haired cashier starts putting through the stockings, barely interested as she continues talking to another colleague but then smirks as she sees the prostate massager.

"Do you need any lube for this?" she asks, glancing up at me. "Well, fuck me, it's Matthew."

I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I recognise the woman as Sadie from my class; my brother's ex-girlfriend who I fucked. The last time I saw her, was when John beat me up during one of my most self-destructive moments, when I came clean over it, and ended their relationship. She's changed her appearance a lot since then.

"Ah, Sadie," I smile awkwardly.

"So is it true that you're gay now, psycho?" she grins. "I heard Louise dumped your sorry arse 'cause you fucked some guy. Everyone's talking about it."

"Actually, it's Louise that cheated," I respond, sticking the card in the machine to pay.

"So, d'ya fuck Justin when you had that threesome with Ruth?"

"How did you know about that? And no, I didn't. He's my best mate."

"Really? He's been talking shit about you all over the internet. Said you're a massive attention seeker. I told 'im he's best off without you 'cause you're a fucking psycho."

It would seem the photograph Liam had taken to annoy Charlotte had circulated further than I had expected.

"Look, I don't care what other's think about me, and I don't even use social media. It was nice to see you again, but I really need to get going."

I pick up my items and shove them in my other bags, too angry to wait around any longer. I never liked Sadie, but she was friends with Ashleigh, so she always gave me shit. I don't know why I allowed myself to be seduced by her that one time, but at least it stopped my brother making a huge mistake and proposing to her when I told him about it.

Disheartened about hearing I'm still being gossiped about, I drive back to Liam's, hoping he isn't busy anymore and can spend some time with me. I need reassurance. I'd rechecked my phone the moment I got into my car, and there had been no response, which reconfirmed everything I had been worrying about. I don't know what Justin has been saying about me, or whether I want to know, but I miss him.

Janet gives me a curious look as I walk through the door, laden up with bags. I'm tempted to ask her where Liam is, but I know she'll be evasive like last time if I ask her nicely.

"Is Liam home?"

"He is out."

"Do you know where?"

"Yes, but I haven't been instructed to tell you," she simpers, looking pleased with herself.

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"Okay. Don't tell me, I'll just go out and try finding him at one of his clubs. If he isn't there, I'll just drive around until I do. You will then have to explain to Liam that I've breached my bail conditions looking for him when I'm meant to be indoors by six because you decided to be difficult."

"He should be home by three," she volunteers.

I glance at the clock in the hall, that's only two hours from now. I nod my thanks at getting some information from her and head up the stairs to Liam's bedroom. Perhaps she doesn't know as much as she likes to let on, although I'm certain she spies on me for him when he's not around.

In his ensuite, I begin to fill up his freestanding bath and tip some bubble bath in. I want to be pristine for what I have planned for his return, desperately in need of more affection. The first thing I do is shave my face, ensuring I don't miss anything then I strip off so I can continue.

I settle in amongst the bubbles in the bath and extend my leg to remove the small amount of hair growth whilst singing Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll. My legs are gorgeously soft once I finish, and I marvel in how sexy that makes me feel. I proceed to rid myself of all body hair until my skin is entirely smooth and glowing from the pampering, and I'm left feeling flirty and in the mood for seduction.

In the bedroom, I carefully begin to unwrap the neatly folded lingerie from the fuchsia pink tissue paper, and I lay it out delicately on the bed. The lilacs, pinks and white lace and satin is sensually soft against my hands, urging me to wear it and feel it against my body.

I pick up the bra of the first set I had chosen, the one I had been initially drawn to, and I unclip the back, leaving the tags on to ensure it fits. The straps seem slightly short as I start passing an arm through, so I use the slider to make it larger before slipping into it. Reaching back, I grasp the clips in both hands then I turn to look at myself backwards in the mirror and attempt to do it up.

It takes several attempts, one time accidentally hooking it on lopsided, with my expertise being in removing them one-handed in the throes of passion rather than putting them on. I finally succeed, and I turn around to look at myself, feeling pleased with my minor achievement. The bra itself is beautiful and unlined, adorned with tiny embroidered, blue flowers, and my pierced nipples show through the sheer fabric. I arrange it, so it sits perfectly against my chest, and the pale blue bow between the cups is centred.

I pull the matching thong on after and arrange my contained cock, so it's as comfortable as possible within the small amount of room available to me. The garter belt then completes the look, and I tighten the lace that wraps around my thighs. I stare in amazement at my reflection; the way it sits just above my hips gives a small allusion of a nipped-in waist. My body appears feminine, well as close as it could possibly be.

Reaching into the paper bag, I remove a pair of fine, nude stockings and gently insert my hand so I can gather it, and pull it on. Against my bare leg, it's sensually delightful, and I stare in wonderment at how my legs look in the mirror as I fasten the top to the garter.

With my other leg now done, I eagerly go looking for the bag with the shoes in. So long I've adored the look of heels on women, relishing in those moments when I've kissed the sole and the vamp or had them dug into my flesh. I'm actually excited about wearing a pair of my own.

Carefully I open the box and then stare at the coveted peep-toed shoes, dirty thoughts filling my mind of what I could do with the thin heel. My cock reacts and attempts to swell but is thwarted by the steel encasing it and I groan from my need. Biting my lip, I place them on the floor then delightfully slip my feet in, one at a time. I glance back in the mirror and revel in the appearance of my legs looking slender and sexier.

Dressed, I grab the bag with the makeup in, and I empty out the contents on to the floor and choose a primer and some concealer. Thankfully, by living with Charlotte for several months, I have some idea of how to apply these. I put on the primer first before adding some concealer to under my eyes and around my nose. I didn't get foundation, not feeling comfortable with the application of it. Still, my complexion isn't bad, so I sweep on a small amount of blush next, hoping to not be heavy-handed. With the eyeshadow, I choose a neutral shade and then a brown for the outer corners.

I give myself a once over, but the eyeshadow doesn't look blended well, so I leave it at that, deciding less is more then I pick up the eyeliner. I'm not sure how to apply this. Charlotte wore it heavily, but I'm sure that won't look great for the more demure, come to bed look I'm going for. Carefully I run it over my lash line, but I don't attempt to do anything like winging it out because I don't know what I'm doing.

I unscrew the top from the mascara and attempt to put it on, but I chicken out, fearing I'll stick myself in the eye with the bristles. I move on to adding the red lip tint, but my makeup looks unfinished, so I look upwards and sweep the mascara on, hoping I don't injure myself. I then step back and check out my appearance. Liam won't know what hit him, I smile to myself as I see my gorgeously dressed reflection. I feel sexually invigorated.

Bending down, I retrieve my phone from my discarded jeans and check the time. Liam is due back in ten minutes, which is the perfect opportunity to get started, in the hopes he will catch me in the act and spank me again. Picking up the two boxes with my new toys in, and some lube, I go back into the bathroom.

My heels clack over the tiled floor as I move towards the walled mirror and crouch down. I rip off the packaging eagerly on my dildo then lick the suction cup, dirtily filled with thoughts of watching myself being penetrated. Sticking it to the tiled floor, I squeeze a quantity of lubricant into my hand and liberally apply it down the length then to myself.

Never, when I've touched myself, have I used anal play, so this is a first. Readily, I find my entrance opens up to my self-love, and I probe further inside curiously until I discover my prostate. Withdrawing my fingers, I lower myself on to the toy, parting my legs so I can watch as I take it inside fully.

"Mm, I'm such a dirty girl," I sigh to myself.

Precum dribbles out in an abundance as I ride my dildo, using my hands to prop myself up. My heels squeak as they slip against the floor beneath me, and I bite my lip as I feel my pleasure rise within me. I can't wait for Liam to punish me when he discovers me.

After some time of fucking myself, my legs tremble as I get closer to climax, and I lean back and loudly cry out, hoping that will get his attention. Liam must be home by now, and it's only a matter of time until he interrupts me. I run my hand over my chastity device, touching the copious amount of fluid I've released and groan again, thinking about the spanking I will receive.

Detaching the dildo, I turn onto my side and watch as my body continues to quiver from the sensations flowing within me. I have no wish to stop. My mouth opens, and gently I sigh as a blissful sensation takes over. My orgasm fills the room as I audibly moan and shoot over the mirror before me.

I roll on to my back, panting from my exertion as I continue to stimulate myself with my heeled feet resting against the mirror. I hadn't planned to continue until climax, but it felt so good with how sensual I was feeling from being dolled up. Lingering waves of pleasure crash over me until I'm finally spent, and I drop the toy.

I'm disappointed I haven't been caught in the act. Still, my touselled hair, flushed body and the scent of sex hanging heavy in the air with the mess I've made will give Liam no doubt over what I've done, so I remain here for a few moments, hoping he'll find me now. As the minutes pass, it becomes clear that he may not actually be home yet.

Getting to my feet, I leave the mess behind as I go back to his bedroom and wrap the dressing gown around me and check my phone. I've been playing with myself for forty minutes, which means he's late back. Opening the bedroom door, I find Janet crouched down, catching her listening to what I'm up to through the keyhole.

"Well, well, spying on me are we?" I taunt. "Where's Liam?"

"I don't know..." she responds, eyes widening in bewilderment at my appearance before her as she stands up.

"Is he at the strip club?"


"Is that a yes or no?"

Rapidly she nods her head.

"Yes, I think he'll be there."

I turn on my heel and exit towards the front door, picking my keys up on the way and Liam's long, jacket which I pull on as I walk down the driveway.

It's nearly four by the time I arrive, and the nearest parking spot is a five-minute walk down the street. There's no way of getting around the fact I am going to be seen in public. Still, the jacket affords me some coverage, although my stockinged legs and heels are very much on display.

Deciding that acting confident in a moment like this is better than being nervous, I stroll up the street with purpose. A few cars beep at me as I walk and I can't help but smile in response, amused by the situation I've put myself in. At the doors of the strip club, there are raised eyebrows from the bouncers who recognise me.

"Hey, boys," I purr. "I'm here for Liam."

I wink as I pass through, enjoying the attention I'm gaining from my current appearance, feeling my confidence soar in the effort I've made. I'm going to seduce Liam and bring him back home with me.

Confidently, I enter the second set of doors and scan the room, looking for Liam. At the bar he sits, leaning against it, watching a blonde-haired woman pole-dance in a tasselled thong, with her heavy breasts entirely exposed. James sits next to him, smoking a cigar, with a glass of whisky in hand, also titillated by the woman as she performs.

Irritated that Liam would rather spend his time watching someone else dance for him than come home and fuck me, I strut towards him and fold my arms over my chest.

"Is that Matthew?" James gapes, stunned by my sudden appearance.

Ignoring him, I grab Liam by the tie and firmly tug him to his feet and lead him to his office. He doesn't seem to be resisting me as I pull him along with ease, behind me.

"So this is where you've been?" I yell, angry at being left waiting for him. "You'd rather watch women dance for you than spend time with me?"

"I... How dare you speak to me like that!"

I push him to sit down in his chair.

"No, I will speak to you like that. Now sit the fuck down," I respond, pulling off the coat.

His eyes widen at the sight of me wearing nothing but the lingerie as I pull a seductive pose.

"Holy, fucking shit... You look..."

"Gorgeous? Matty was a very, very bad boy and bought Dollie lots of sexy, itty-bitty, underwear and toys," I breathe. "Dollie's been playing all on her lonesome, waiting for the real thing to come home."

Confidently, I sit upon his lap, and I kiss his neck and undo the buttons on his shirt until I expose his chest. The scent of alcohol is potent, but I also detect smoke as I dip my head and kiss his nipples then nip and suck, doing things I've always wanted to do but haven't been allowed. He doesn't stop me; instead, he groans throatily, and his cock begins to react beneath me.

"Ah, god. I want you, Dollie..." he sighs, stroking my hair as I leave love bites over his neck.

My hands move down, and I undo his belt and unzip his trousers to release his erection.

"Mmm, hello," I purr, running my hand down the length of it, using his precum for lubricant.

"Dollie... Not here," Liam growls as I move the back of my thong out of the way and lower myself over the tip of him.

"I want you," I sigh, taking him deeper within me.

Liam's eyes soften, and he becomes placid as I ride him, grinding against his lap. I never get to take what I want from him, usually. My fingernails dig into his chest as I lustfully move quicker, loving the control I've momentarily seized from him.

"Ah, slow down..." Liam groans, gripping me by the hips.

"I don't want to slow down," I cry out as I feel my pleasure increase, leaning back. "Now enjoy..."

Liam suddenly lifts me up, carrying me to his desk and with one hand he sweeps everything off and on to the floor, including his lamp which smashes. Gently laying me down, he rips his shirt off and drops his trousers fully.

"You're such a naughty girl," he growls, fucking me harder against the desk.

My legs wrap around his waist, crossing over at the ankles. Liam's hands pull down one cup of my bra, and he kisses my nipple, and then the other one. He then pulls my underwear completely to the side, and he strokes over my covered cock, which is straining to be released. With the key dangling from his neck, he could let me out if he wanted to.

"Mm, Daddy. I love being fucked by you," I sigh.

"Should I let you out?"

"No," I breathe. "Just make love to me."

Pleased with my willpower, Liam kisses me passionately as he thrusts. His hands pinch my nipples hard and tug.

"Dollie, I love you," he sighs.

As we continue to make love on his desk, I recognise the feelings from yesterday and from the bathroom today. Without my cock being able to distract me, I'm able to enjoy pleasure in different ways.

"Mm, Daddy's cock feels so good, deep inside me."

My hands stroke over his back, caressing his muscles and then to his perfectly sculpted arse. I've always had to take this passively, never being allowed to touch, so I'm going to grab this opportunity to do what I want and savour it.

"Ah, you're aggressive," he smiles as I firmly grasp his arse and squeeze.

"I want to be rough," I respond, kissing him again as he continues to rutt away, making the desk creak beneath us as it threatens to break.

With our moans muffled by our kiss, my enjoyment soars, pulsing out in a wave-like release as I spill over the edge. Liam's climax seems as powerful as mine as he throbs within me, digging his nails into my thighs as he cums.

"You're too fucking sexy," Liam growls in my ear as he continues to embrace me. "Dollie is mine and only mine. I'm never sharing you like this."

"I'm happy to be just yours, Daddy," I smile in content response.

"Let's go home and continue this?"

As the door swings open, and James interrupts us, Liam's face flushes red, and he swiftly pulls away and tugs his trousers up. Remaining on the desk, I burst into a fit of laughter in amusement at his embarrassment.

"I didn't realise you'd be..."

"You should have knocked," Liam says, pulling his shirt back on as he tidies his appearance.

"If you wanted to join us, I'm sorry to say you are far too late," I tease as I sit up. Liam shoots me a warning look to shut up, but I can't help pushing him further. "Do you have any tissue, Daddy?"

"Do you want me to punish you? Don't think that I won't..."

"Mm, Dollie would love to be spanked," I sigh, turning around to lean over the desk suggestively, as I smirk at James.

"Your phone was ringing," James responds, handing a jacket over me. "I'm going to head home. See you Friday, Matthew."

As he leaves the room looking faintly flustered, I turn around to look at Liam who appears serious as he checks his voicemail. Something is going on with him that he's keeping from me.

"What's going on, Liam?" I ask, cocking my head. "Is it some Mistress I don't know about? Some love child you've kept hidden from me? Talk to me about what is going on with you. We're supposed to be partners. Let me support you from now on and open up to me."

He puts his phone back into his jacket pocket and appears to be mulling something over before he finally nods.

"Okay. Let's talk when we get home."


Written by utterchaos
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