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Chapter 21 - No Strings Attached - The Sentencing

"Matthew's court date arrives."

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Author's Notes

"There's a lot of sex scenes in this chapter. <p> [ADVERT] </p> *CBT Scene*"

As I drive back home, with Liam beside me in the passenger seat, I feel anxious, realising he has never witnessed my driving before. I've had my driving criticised as being like a boy racer's on several occasions by others, so I act cautiously, more so than when I first got behind a wheel following my car accident.

I glance over at him, whilst he rests his head in his hand, but the critique doesn't come. As someone who likes to exercise control over everything, I was expecting a tirade of remarks. Still, surprisingly, he remains quiet the whole journey, and I realise he definitely has something on his mind.

The moment I park up, he swiftly gets out of my car and walks up the driveway, not waiting for me as I stumble behind him over the gravel, carrying my heels in one hand.

"Make some tea, Janet!" Liam calls out as he enters through the front door.

In the orangery, he gestures for me to sit down, but he doesn't join me. Instead, he continues to walk around, pacing, not appearing cool and collected like he usually does.

"Liam, sit down," I sigh. "Just tell me what this is all about? You've clearly been drinking for most of the day."

He pauses in his movements, then finally he looks at me.

"My father died today," he says.

"What? You should have told me, Liam. Fuck, I would have been here for you!"

Tears fall heavily from his eyes, and I immediately stand up and pull him against me to comfort him. All this time, I had wrongfully believed he'd been with someone else when he'd disappeared but he'd actually been seeing his father. Stupidly, I had made it about myself, selfishly only worrying about my own problems.

"I went to see him before he passed, and he refused to speak to me. He called me a disgrace."

"I'm so sorry Liam," I reply, stroking his hair and face affectionately. "I had no idea you were going through so much."

"Even when he was dying, he didn't want to see me. Am I that much of a monster?"

"You're not a monster, Liam. You're far from it."

I guide him back to the couch, and he rests his head in my lap, looking up at me. His tear-stained face is beautiful at this moment as he opens his heart and soul to me.

"I've humiliated my family, and I've been told to stay away until I'm prepared to settle down. Why can't I want a normal relationship?"

"This is the most normal relationship I've had."

"This is dysfunctional. All I think about is how to humiliate or hurt you."

"If it helps we can get matching jumpers and send a cringy Christmas card out this year?"

"You're kidding?" Liam scoffs.

"I'm deadly serious," I smile, in an attempt to reassure him.

"My parents wanted me to marry and procreate," he grimaces. "It's not like they haven't got enough grandchildren."


"The funeral is next week, and my mother has graciously allowed me to attend, but that's all. I'm not welcome back until I settle down."

"I wish there was something I could do to help."

"Come with me next week?"

"Are you sure?"

Liam suddenly sits up and rakes his eyes over my appearance. Sensing his mood is changing, I fall silent, not continuing by telling him I think it may be a bad idea.

"You really do look beautiful..." he says, pressing up against me. "I love seeing you like this."

"Ah, you're making me shy," I sigh as his hand grips my wrist.

"Maybe Dollie could show me more of her wonderfully sexy outfits that leave nothing to the imagination?"

His fingers trail over my side, tickling before he grips me by the hip and pulls me, so I'm laying back on the chesterfield, with him kneeling over me. His strength is terrifyingly attractive, and as I gaze up at him, with my heart thumping in my chest. I wonder what he plans to do with me with eager anticipation.

"Liam, I'll show you anything you want," I groan, feeling my need for him swell. "I'll do anything if it means you don't watch those strippers again."

"Would you strip for me again, like yesterday?"

"Yes," I breathe. "Anything you wish from me, I'll do it."

A salacious smile spreads across his face as he eyes me hungrily.

"Anything? Then be mine, always. I would like Dollie to remain relatively free, but give Matthew to me as my masochistic slave."

I can't find it within myself to deny him that again, as I look into his intent, expectant eyes. The words had slipped out, momentarily forgetting that anything will also include handing my life and freedom to him.

"I'll give you my definite answer Sunday, Liam," I whisper, not wishing to disappoint him.

"Come with me."

Upstairs Liam unlocks a door, next to his own bedroom and ushers me inside. I'm not sure what to expect, and I'm anxious, but it just appears to be a regular bedroom, similar to his own. Immediately, he crosses the room and opens up the window to air it out.

"I don't understand?"

"This is your bedroom, Dollie. You can do whatever you want with it, but it's only Dollie's room, do you understand?"

"I thought Dollie gets to sleep with you in your bed?"

"She does, but this is your private space if you want it. You'll have a wardrobe for yourself. There's a dressing table and your own ensuite. I want you to have this. Dollie shouldn't be in the playroom."

"And Matt?"

"Matthew remains as just my submissive. I have no desire to do to Dollie what I do to Matthew. I'm never sharing you like this, not with Selena, nor William or anyone else. Dollie is mine alone."

"So when am I Matthew?"

"Whenever you decide to be. That decision is left to you, but I'll treat you accordingly."

"So you'll never spank Dollie or bind her?" I ask, slightly disappointed.

"I don't need to do that to you like this," he growls, pushing me against the wall. "Does it feel like I need to?"

With his hand gripping my wrist, he brings it against his erection, pressing against my hip, as it strains within his trousers.

"I'd like you to, even if it's just some softcore bondage."

Tilting my head up with his hand on my chin, he kisses me passionately, then unzips his trousers. Lifting me up in his muscular arms, with my legs parted around him; he spears me onto his cock and aggressively begins to thrust, taking full enjoyment of my eager body.

"You're still so tight," he groans. "I was sure I'd destroyed you Friday, and I'm glad I didn't."

"I'm glad you didn't either, Daddy. I want to feel good for you."

"It's so fucking good. I adore your pussy!"

His kisses over my face and mouth become urgent, melting me from within as he fucks me. Lustfully, I cry out within his arms. I can't get enough of him, and I'm tempted to become Matthew once I'm stripped of my clothes. I want to continue this in the playroom, so I can then experience his sadistic urges and be brought to a quivering, orgasmic mess on his floor. The possibilities are endless, and the temptation to just give him my answer now comes to the forefront of my mind.

"Ah! Fuck, Daddy. I'm gonna cum," I gasp.

My desire for him spills thickly, and Liam releases moments after, pulsing his hot fluid within me as a wave of pleasure grips me, and I tighten around him. Exhausted, he drops me onto the bed, then cuddles me to him, kissing me softly on my forehead and cheek.

"I adore hearing you cum, Dollie," he says, turning on to his back, pulling me onto him. "Your face is especially appealing like this."

Whilst Liam holds me affectionately, my urge to be taken to the playroom dissolves. I feel loved and comforted, content right here at this moment with him, so I close my eyes and revel in those feelings.

"I love you, Daddy," I sigh happily, enjoying the warmth of his naked body pressing into me.

"I love you too, Dollie," he says, stroking my hair. "I've been thinking about Selena. I want for us to keep seeing her for now, but swear to me that if she asks you to leave me for her, you'll tell me? I don't want any more secrets between us."

I open my eyes to look at his expectant face.

"I swear I'll give you no doubts about me again. If she ever suggests such a thing, I will immediately end it, and we'll look for another," I respond solemnly, breaking my role. "How will this work with what else you want?"

"Let's wait until you give me your answer on Sunday, providing Friday goes well?" he smiles. "We'll talk about it then."


The next week flies by quickly with me remaining as Dollie, preferring the comfort of his strong, loving embrace over aggressively thrilling sex. My court date arrives, and I become Matthew again, released from my cage and I dress smartly in a suit, hoping to make a good impression on the judge. Trepidation has set in, especially knowing how I'm pleading, but Liam appears to have come to terms with my decision as we drive to the Magistrates Court and he remains quiet on the journey. There's a good chance I will get my sentence today unless a lengthy custodial sentence became likely and for that, I'm glad. Having this hanging over my head is preventing me from being able to think clearly about my next step.

I kiss Liam goodbye outside the entrance, hoping I will be returning to him afterwards. With the wrongful affray charge being dropped, my chances are much better so with a deep breath I enter with James, more than ready to get it over with.

The hearing is relatively straightforward, and I confirm my guilty plea as planned despite the nervousness I feel. At the station, I had felt numb, but during this, I find myself shaking a little, no longer feeling angry like I had at that moment. Suddenly, it has become very real, and I now have to rely on James getting me the best possible outcome.

When the sentence is given, I feel shell shocked. I had mentally prepared myself for a short custodial sentence, so when I hear I've been given eighty hours of community service, I'm not expecting it. I still have a criminal conviction, but it's reasonable, and I'm elated knowing I will be returning to Liam.

On my return, Liam loses his shit at the sentence I've been given and has an argument with James whilst I sit at the kitchen counter, sheepishly drinking a black coffee. I thought he would be pleased.

"Eighty hours of community service! I thought we were looking at a fine with a small amount of community service max?"

"I don't know what you expected, Liam but it's a good deal. He isn't locked up at least," James responds.

"You know it's a shit deal. He's got weeks of work to do!"

"It won't interfere with his job."

"I don't give a flying shit about him missing hours at the club. This interferes with my time!" Liam yells, slamming his fist down on the counter. "You've let me down, James. You're supposed to be my friend."

I feel terrible as they argue. This isn't James' fault in the slightest. It's entirely mine for putting them both in this position. I should never have retaliated.

"Liam, I'm sorry I've upset you," I apologise.

"Keep out of this, Matt," Liam barks, his eyes flashing with fury, making me shrink back, and fall silent, not daring to speak again.

"Well, I'm off home. Enjoy your evening, both of you," James says then turns on his heel, using that moment to leave.

As the door slams shut, Liam pours himself a large glass of wine and drinks half of it whilst I sit quietly watching him. I'm expecting him to drag me upstairs for a caning, but instead, he just stares off into space as he drains his glass. He then takes his phone out of his pocket and calls someone.

"Selena? Right, I have news. It's not great. He has eighty hours of community service which is frankly bullshit, but he's back at least. Did you want to come over tomorrow?" he says, glancing towards me, checking my reaction. "I'll pick you up. Good. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Selena's coming over then?" I ask nervously.

"Yes. We need to have some fun this weekend to take our mind off it. Here, drink up."

He pours out a large glass of red wine and pushes it in front of me, not giving me much of a choice.

"Did William speak to you about Selena by the way?"

"About him introducing her to Noah? Yes, he mentioned it. If she decides to date him, then it no hardship. Girls like her are easy to replace. Are you going to miss her?"

I suspect girls like Selena who'll put up with us are few and far between. If Noah does date her, then I hope he treats her right. She deserves a decent partner.

"I'll miss her friendship," I respond, sadly.

I gulp back my wine, grimacing at the taste, deciding that getting drunk with Liam is better than the alternative of dealing with him sober in a mood as foul as this. As I place my glass down, Liam presses against me from behind, his hand gently squeezing my neck whilst he kisses my ear.

"Perhaps you could slip into something more comfortable?" he whispers. "Let me dress you tonight."

Liam immediately pours me another large glass of wine then chinks his own glass against mine, his grin widening, Cheshire cat-like.

"Something tells me you may prefer Dollie over Matthew," I sigh.

Stripped of my clothes, I sit at the dressing table, carefully applying my eyeliner and mascara as Liam watches me with a smirk in the mirror, standing behind me. I'd watched some tutorials so I could improve the end result, but with Liam's eyes intently on me, I'm being put off. Before I'm able to finish by putting on my lip stain, Liam pulls a lipstick out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"I want you to wear this today. I think it'll suit you better."

I pull off the lid on the metallic and black Dior lipstick and unscrew it hesitantly to find a bright, red shade. It glides on my lips like butter, creamy and not drying like the lip stain I'd been wearing previously. As I check my appearance out in the mirror, it's hard to not feel gorgeous with it on.

I turn around to see Liam remove a lingerie set and a frilly white, tulle skirt from the wardrobe on hangers which he then holds out to me. Obediently, I take them, and I disappear behind a screen to get dressed for him, gently pulling on some pink thigh high stockings with the white, unlined lace bra, thong and the skirt. Slightly aroused, I step into my heels to complete my look. Confident in my appearance, with my heels clicking over the floor, I present myself to Liam and kiss him gently, leaving a trace of the lipstick on his own lips.

"How do I look, Daddy?" I whisper, feeling his erection against my stomach.

"Delightful," he responds, holding out some lace ribbons which he then ties my hair with. "Get on your knees and show me your clitty."

I do as he says and pull out my erection for Liam, expecting him to be annoyed that he cannot put the chastity back on me, but instead, he crouches down and begins to tie several of the ribbons around it, snugly, with one also around my balls too, acting like cock rings. Softly, I moan at the sensation. I haven't had any attention here since Saturday.

Unzipping his trousers, Liam offers his cock to me, dripping with a large quantity of precum. Opening my mouth eager to taste him, he thrusts inside, but unlike the time with William, he doesn't exert pressure on the back of my head to force me to deep throat him. Instead, I willingly take him further inside and do it enthusiastically.

"My beautiful, girl," he sighs, his hand gently stroking my face. "I love you. I want to play with your clitty today."

I gaze up at him as I perform this act of love for him, listening to his groans of desire, reassuring me that he enjoys the pleasure I can give him. Even without him aggressively dominating me, I still want to serve him as my Dom. I adore the way he tastes.

Withdrawing before he can finish in my mouth, he guides me to my feet and towards the bed, pulling me down with him. His mouth is on mine, and his tongue explores inside, claiming me urgently. I'm desperate to be touched more.

"Daddy, please may I play with my clitty?" I ask.

"Yes, Dollie, but I want you to sit on my chest and face me."

Feeling incredibly naughty I crawl on top of him with my legs parted, exposing my white lace panties and I reach down to pull the head of my cock out.

Using my precum, I then run my palm over the sensitive tip and shudder as I continue, fighting against the intensity.

"Ah, Daddy!" I gasp as I flinch.

Only being able to touch this small part of me is mean but fuck if I didn't love it. I look down at my pink, thigh high stockings. A week ago, I wouldn't have imagined being dressed like this with him. I lift up the hem of my white skirt and watch as I continue to touch myself and drip with beads of precum.

"Dollie's clitty looks so delicious," Liam says. "Give me a taste."

I kneel forward, and his warm mouth encloses the head, and he sucks, probing the tip with his tongue as he tastes me.

"Daddy! Oh my god!" I gasp as pleasure flows through me.

"Touch your breasts," he growls before continuing.

I stroke my hands up my body, over my sheer, white bra and pinch my nipples through the satiny material.


"I want to finger you, doll-face" Liam growls, looking up at me as I touch myself, and reaches for some lube.

"Yes, Daddy!"

"My Doll deserves all of the attention," he smiles, slipping his hand beneath the lace material to my opening. Gently, he enters me. "You still feel tight... fuck my hand, dirty girl."

I lower myself fully onto his two fingers, feeling a small stretch. Gradually he increases the number of fingers until I'm widened by four up to his knuckles.

"Ah, please destroy my pussy, Daddy!"

"Then turn around and kneel on all fours, doll-face."

Eager for more, I quickly turn around, kneeling over him. My Master appears to be much more giving whilst I'm submissive like this. With his hands gripping around my hips, hooking my panties aside with his thumb, he buries his mouth against my opening unexpectantly and licks with vigour in circles.

"Mm! Daddy, I feel so good..." I moan, writhing against him.

His breath is warm and further stimulates me as he pulls away briefly, then he moves to my perineum and kisses. His flattened tongue licks upwards in firm strokes, repeatedly and I open up wider to him, as I fully embrace my role as his dirty, dolled up slut.

"Good, sweet cheeks?"

"Mmm, I love it, Daddy," I groan, glancing down at my trussed up, girlified, leaking sex.

I relax, surrendering to my desires as he moves back up to my dirty, boy-pussy and kisses with his nose pressed firmly against me. His tongue darts out again, and he continues to eat my arse, smothering me with his saliva as he attempts to probe inside my rosebud.

"Open up for me, girlie," he says softly. "Let me taste you."

He begins to suck against the sensitive skin, and I gasp in surprise at the sensation. Rimming has happened before, sporadically but I've never received attention so intensely like this. It feels so incredibly obscene.

"Uhh, Daddy... Daddy," I moan, feeling the unmistakable, orgasmic sensations.

"Relax," he whispers, using his fingers to open me up and plunging his tongue inside slightly.

Sweeping lightly around, my cock throbs as my level of arousal grows, and I leak over the bed, profusely. The feeling is intense, and I grip onto the bedsheets as I struggle against completely surrendering to it.

"Mm... Uhh..." I gasp, trying hard to not utter words of profanity.

"Does it feel good, Dollie? I'm going to utterly destroy you with pleasure tonight."

He pushes me forward, my skirt falling over my head, and he holds my hands behind my back, as he ravages me with his tongue.

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"Ah, fuck! fuck!" I cry out desperately as I orgasm, watching as cum spurts onto the covers beneath me.

Without rest, Liam starts fucking me with his fingers again, gradually, until the tip of his thumb stretches me.

"We may need to work on your language. It's incredibly vulgar. I wonder if Dollie enjoys her pussy being fisted?" he muses.

Applying a copious amount of lubricant, he moves his thumb further within, and I whimper at the sensation of being widened further, trying to relax despite the stretch.

"Ah, Daddy! Fuck!"

"Widen your legs, Dollie, then touch your clitty for me."

Obediently, I open wider to him and bite my lip as I run my fingers over the head of my cock. It's already partially aroused from the filthiness of the sex we're having, but I'm very sensitive.

"Daddy, please fuck me!" I beg, flinching beneath him.

Withdrawing his fingers, he pulls me back onto his cock and fucks me, gripping my thighs whilst I continue to touch myself. Lustfully, I cry out, my legs beginning to shake as another wave of pleasure flows over me, and I release over my hand and skirt.

"Mm, you feel so nice! I hope you remain mine."

"I'll always be yours," I groan, exhausted and breathless.

"Good. When you hand yourself over to me entirely on Sunday, I will never let you go," he whispers.

His hands reach out to pull on my hair as he slams into me. He hasn't been this rough all week, and clearly, he's lost control of himself as he dominates me. Finally, with a growl, he releases my hair then wraps his arms around me, possessively and cums inside me, biting down on my shoulder painfully. Coming back to him today had been the only thing on my mind, so it feels incredible to be within his arms as he cuddles me, lovingly as he regains his breath.

Two more times he fucks me, eventually tearing my cum stained stockings, but Liam doesn't remain in bed with me afterwards. Instead, he carries me into his own bedroom then heads out to check-in at the club. Drained from the past week, I sleepily snuggle beneath his bedspread and inhale the comforting scent of his aftershave lingering on my skin.

I wake up late in the morning. Liam's side is empty although it's still warm, so he's probably only just left to pick up Selena. Still feeling exhausted, I peel off the ripped stockings I'd fallen asleep in, and I quickly go to the shower, so we don't waste time when she gets here. Twenty minutes later, I come out and towel myself off then rake my hair back, out of my eyes. After not being allowed to sleep with Selena for two weeks, I can't help but feel excited.

I hear Liam shout out for me, so I stroll out the bedroom and down the stairs. I gently finish drying my hair with my towel, attempting to be enticing to both him and Selena as I walk over to them. Selena doesn't divert her gaze when she sees me. Instead, her eyes linger over my naked body, and I rise partially to attention, thinking about being between her thighs.

"Matthew!" she exclaims, jumping into my arms.

I guess she missed me.

"Hey, Selena. You seem pleased to see me."

"Well, your little friend seems pleased to see me too."

"Little? I should spank you for that slight," I growl.

"Hehe, please do."

Suddenly, she grabs me by the face and kisses me gently. Behind her, I can see Liam's face twitch in annoyance, so I put her down immediately. She is showing her preference towards me again, and Liam hates the favouritism.

"Hey, so are we going to play together?" I ask casually, reaching out to Liam's hand. Taking it, he pulls me close against him.

"I've got some work to take care of first, Matthew. I'll join you soon," he whispers quietly, so Selena cannot hear.

"We'll just wait for you? I don't want you to feel left out again."

"No, just go ahead. After the past week, I trust you with Selena," he smiles warmly.

I give him a gentle kiss in response, wishing he would be joining us soon then eagerly I pick up Selena in a fireman's carry, chuckling at her protests as I take her upstairs.

"Put me down!" she squirms.

"No can do, I'm taking you hostage," I snigger, stroking her backside.

Gently, I drop her onto the bed, and I pull her dress over her head. She's wearing the red lingerie I only had a glimpse of last week, and I leave it on, enjoying the feeling of the lace against my chest. My mouth is immediately on her neck, and I growl gently as I nibble and kiss her.

"I've missed you, Matthew," she sighs to my touch.

I hold her hands on either side of her head and gaze over her slightly flushed face. She's so unbelievably beautiful with her heavily lashed hazel eyes and full lips. I'd planned to use restraints but now, with her beneath me I'm going to abandon my plans.

"I've missed you too, Selena. I'm sorry," I say, gently stroking her red hair. I pull her panties off, then after putting on a condom, I enter her. We have sex intimately, becoming one, face to face so I can kiss her. I lick along her lips with the tip of my tongue and urge her to open up to me. "Surrender to me, Selena, I've been dying to kiss you."

She closes her eyes and parts her mouth allowing me in, and passionately I kiss her whilst I gently thrust, marvelling in the soft heat of her. Everything about her is so warm, comforting and friendly and there's a flash of guilt as I realise we're making love again. As long as I never act upon my feelings or admit to them, she can remain with us, so I bury it and continue, with Selena meeting every thrust.

Selena buries her head against my chest, and I tilt her hips to increase both of our pleasure as I get deeper within her. Her teeth sink into my chest, giving me a sharp burst of pain, and audibly we cum together, completely in sync with each other's bodies.

Disappearing down the bed, I pull Selena to the edge and place her legs over my shoulders as I kneel before her. Milky, satiny desire begs to be tasted, and eagerly I bury my head between her thighs and devour it.

"Damn, you're sexy," I whisper, kissing her.

My thumbs stroke over her labia, gently spreading her apart and my lips seize those pink petal-like delicate folds and suck.

"Ah, Matthew! Oh my god!"

Pleased by her noises as I continue to kiss her most sensitive areas, with her hands reaching down to pull my hair, I smile up at her. Saturday mornings can't get better than being between a gorgeous woman's thighs. She's meant to be submissive, but I can't help wanting to have fulfilling, vanilla sex with her. I want to treat her like my equal and less as something to use. If anything, I'd rather serve her needs and be forced to pleasure her all day. Selena's gasps grow louder, and her hands seek out mine as I take her to edge with my tongue reaching her clit.

Her second orgasm is a beautiful moment to witness as she cries out in complete abandonment to the sensations I'm giving her, and she grips my hands tightly. I claim my reward and taste her slightly musky, intoxicating release again, and feel another pang of love for her. I dread when this arrangement has to come to an end. Reluctantly, I move off my knees and slide onto the bed next to her and kiss her shoulder, standing at attention.

"Have I worn you out?" I tease.

"Yes," she murmurs, snuggling into me.

Not quite ready to break contact with her, I lift one of her arms and begin to massage it, travelling down to her hands to gently rub her palm and fingers in a circular motion. Selena closes her eyes, smiling happily.

"We better get back to Liam," I say finally.

I kiss her forehead then sit up to leave the bed, but Selena's hands wrap around my neck, and she kisses me passionately.

"Come back to bed for some cuddles?" she asks.

"I can't. We'll play together later with Liam. Come downstairs for some coffee. I was going to make some breakfast."

She rolls over to go to sleep, pulling the covers over her.

"I feel tired."

"We're going to have to work on your stamina so you can keep up with me then. Now come on. I only get to see you on weekends, and I want to spend time with you."

She doesn't stir though, so I pick her up and put her over my shoulder again, making her squeal.

"Put me down, you moron!"

"No can do. I'm not dealing with Liam getting mad because I'm spending all my time with you." I say, carrying her along the hallway. Selena continues to squirm, and her knee catches me, making me wince. "Alright, I'll put you down if you promise to not go back to bed?"

I lower her carefully to the ground, and she slaps me on the chest.

"Don't do that again or else," she threatens, nostrils flaring.

I pull her against me and look down at her pouting face.

"Why? What will you do to me?" I drawl.


"You'll what? Spank me, or deny me an orgasm? Tie me up? I'm your Dom unless you want to contest your position in this relationship? We can play fight over it."

"I don't know..."

"Are you a switch? Do you think about bossing me around?" I smirk. "What do you want to do to me, Selena?"

"I want to sit on your face again," she blushes.

"Mm, well, I definitely like the idea of doing that again. Don't let Liam hear you say those things, though. He already has me as a switch to keep his eye on."

Selena picks up my hand and brings it to her mouth and starts kissing and sucking my fingers. Gently she nips before biting down hard on my fingertips. I feel a rush as I become aroused and sigh gently whilst she continues. The idea of her standing on me in heels comes to mind. I could quite happily relinquish control on occasion to her, given the opportunity.

She looks down and notices my erection pressing against her leg. Her hand reaches down, and she grasps my balls and squeezes gently whilst she continues to suck my fingers.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"Mm, not at all. Squeeze and pull me harder," I respond, pushing her against the wall to kiss her.

"What's going on here?" Liam demands behind us.

I turn around, feeling slightly guilty. Selena instantly pulls away.

"We were only messing around," I explain.

"Were you now?"

"Yes, we were coming to find you. Want to play now?"

I approach Liam and kneel down before him in the act of submission with my eyes downcast. I've definitely messed up by getting carried away with Selena. His hand runs through my hair, and he grips it between his fingers.

"Rabbit? Are you ready to join us?" Liam asks. She joins me on the floor, copying my actions, and I let out a sigh of relief as I notice the annoyance on Liam's face disappear whilst I sneak a glance up. "Stand in front of the bed, Lover. Rabbit needs to see something."

As I stand at the base of the bed, with Selena sitting on the bed before me, I know I'm in deep shit. Spread, with my hands bound to the posts, my ankles fastened to the fixings in the floor, Liam strikes me with a cane across my bare arse and the back of my thighs. Selena watches me the entire time, and I see her face soften each time I cry out. I smile at her, letting her know that I'm okay although tears well up in my eyes from the sting.

Eventually, the cane seizes to land, and Liam steps away from me before returning shortly after. As he drags his new implement up my leg, then swats me with it, I realise it's a crop. Gradually, he works it up my inner leg, so I brace myself, growing hard as I feel a thrill of excitement.

"Look away," I mouth to Selena.

Like the previous times, the initial second of impact doesn't hurt but very quickly, the pain travels down my legs and up to my stomach as he continues to tap me with it.

"How much do you enjoy what I do to you?" he smiles maliciously, standing beside me.

"I love it, Master. More, please?"

The next strikes are harder, on my cock, moving towards the tip and I groan in anticipation and look down to see precum already dripping from me.

"Dirty slut, is making a mess upon my floor," Liam admonishes, wiping the top of the crop in it before lifting it to my mouth. "Clean it."

The loop of the crop brushes over my bottom lip and I obediently open to it, allowing it to slide into my mouth, so I can taste myself. Gently he strikes my cock again, in rapid succession. The quick flash of pain feels very good, and I moan in enjoyment, knowing I'll cum if he continues to treat me this way.

"Tell Rabbit what a dirty masochist you are. Tell her what you did last weekend," he growls, striking me harder.

"Lover was a cum dumpster for Master's friends," I sigh.

"What else?"

"I sucked a lot of dick and loved every minute of it. I enjoy being Master's cum slut."

"What did Master and Sir do to you?" he grins, smearing my precum with the crop again.

"You double penetrated me, Master. After fisting me... Ah!"

It returns to my mouth, and I taste it, but this time I suck the leather eagerly, releasing a sound of contentment as he slides it in and out over my tongue, turning me on more.

"How does it taste?"

"Delicious! Thank you, Master."

"You're so fucking wet. Look at my floor," he says, tapping my cheek with the crop. "You will clean every last drop once I'm through with you."

"Yes, Master."

"Within the next minute, I am going to give you, three firm smacks right here," he smiles, stroking my balls and moving behind me again. "Count down from sixty."

I begin to count, closing my eyes, so I don't have to look at Selena as she watches me. Playing with my sense of anticipation like this is mean, but it has made it ten times more fun.

"Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven..."

"Keep going..."

"Twenty-five, twenty-four..."

The first smack takes me by surprise, and I cry out again, but the next two land immediately after. Intense, wave after wave of incredible pain flows over me, and I become nauseous.


"Mm... I'm trying, Master..."

The crop trails between my legs and gently he taps my throbbing balls, increasing the duration.

"Dirty, fucking slut loves this, doesn't he?"

I nod my head rapidly in response, unable to deny it, as I try to process my pain. The crop strikes me hard again, and I flinch, fighting against yelling out.

"Slut should address his Master when he asks him a question."

"Yes... Yes, Master, Ah! Sorry, Master!"

I hear another swoosh, and I flinch, pulling against my restraints in an attempt to close my legs. Instead, it lands against my arse, unexpectedly.

"Going to safe out, Slut?"

"No, Master. I couldn't help it."

"Then count back from sixty again. I guarantee I'll break you in that time."

I begin to count, unable to keep my breathing even, knowing what is going to come. Very quickly, I receive two of his strikes, at a gentler intensity, but I have to continue counting despite the pain.

"Ah! Fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight..."


On the next three, overwhelming pain grips me, making me feel weak, and I can't help flinching again as I continue.

"Thirty-five, thirty-four..."

The next is harder, and I know I can't continue any longer. Before I've fully processed it, the next strike comes, and I howl in pain loudly as I pull against my restraints.

"Fuck! Spaceship. No more, Master."

The restraints on my wrists are released, and I fall to my knees in exhaustion. My perspiration stings on the welts over my arse and thighs. My wrists are hurting from pulling too hard, and I rub them gently as I regain my breath and await Liam's next move.

Liam doesn't undo my ankle cuffs. Instead, he brushes my hair out of my eyes and leaves me watching as he climbs into bed with Selena and begins to kiss her.

I don't feel jealous as I watch her climb onto him and they start having sex. In fact, I begin to understand why Liam finds watching others appealing, so as they fuck, I run my hand over my erection in an act of disobedience as I drip with precum, highly aroused by watching the two people I adore being intimate.

Interestingly, as Liam orgasms, I notice Selena fakes hers, with her tell-tale flush not appearing over her face. It's not even convincing, having heard her orgasm so many times, and I feel baffled that Liam isn't able to satisfy her without my input. Liam pulls Selena to the edge of the bed, ordering her to stay put. Immediately, I stop touching myself before he notices and patiently wait whilst he begins to unfasten my restraints.

"I hope you're not tired, Slut. After you clean up this disgusting mess, I want you to fuck, Rabbit."

Closing my eyes as I kneel on the floor, I bend down and dutifully go to lick up my small puddle, but Liam's foot pushes down on my shoulders, putting my face in it. Unable to manoeuvre my tongue far enough with my cheek pressed against the wooden floor, I futilely try to clean up. He hasn't treated me like this in a week, and it's hard to deny that I don't love it.

"Come on, Slut. It's not going to clean itself," Liam laughs.

I glance up at him to see him smirking, with his arms folded across his chest in a semi-aroused state. It's an impossible task, but I continue in my attempt, knowing I'm being judged on my effort. Until I've satisfied him, I'm unable to sleep with Selena, and I desperately want to please both of them. I can't tell how far away my tongue is from the floorboards, but I stretch it as far as I can despite the fatigue, becoming more frustrated.

The pressure is removed finally, and I eagerly devour my cum for him until he nods his head and hands me a condom. 

Standing at the edge of the bed, I bring Selena's feet up to rest on my chest, and with long, leisurely thrusts, I take her deeply in front of him, whilst gazing over her gorgeous body. As I reach down to caress her, I'm struck by a cane on the back of my legs and look behind to see him looking smug. We appear to be playing a game that I don't know the rules for.


"Continue fucking..."

As I thrust, he strikes me, leaving the cane pressed against my skin briefly before repeating it, with no timing. I growl through it and continue as the strikes get blisteringly firmer, but I don't want to rush and cum too quickly. My hand gently strokes her clit, and I smile down at her as she moans beneath me. The caning continues despite me slowing down.

"Ah, Master... You're so terrifyingly mean to me," I sigh.

I'm being forced to decide between instant, less fulfilling gratification, or to risk him breaking me again, by delaying. My desire to give Selena enjoyment makes this decision easier, and I grind against her as we fuck leisurely. The searing pain across the back of my legs and arse increases as he steps up the intensity.

Selena's breathing becomes heavy, and her nails dig into my sides as she begins to tighten around me. With my own orgasm impending, I lean into her and muffle her gasp of climax by kissing her affectionately, collapsing into her as I cum.

At the moment of my release, the caning stops and Liam's arms then wrap around me, and aggressively he enters from behind. The burning intensifies from the heat of his skin, and I stifle my cries into Selena's breasts, whilst she strokes my hair until Liam cums with a low groan. Exhausted, we climb beneath the covers together, and I kiss Liam lovingly, with Selena cuddled in between us, peacefully sleeping against my chest. I don't know how much longer this will be able to last for.

"You've made your decision, haven't you, Matthew?" Liam says as he breaks away and strokes my cheek.

"Yes, Liam," I nod. "I'm certain about it. I'll tell Selena tomorrow."


Written by utterchaos
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