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No Strings Attached - When Love Blooms - Chapter 7

"Matthew makes a decision regarding his relationship with Liam."

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Author's Notes

"*Contains CBT and Breathplay*"

The week goes slowly whilst I work. The shop is empty most days, and I end up spending most of my time dealing with online enquires. Liam remains on my mind the entire time.

Halfway through the week, I receive an email from James asking me to go through some kind of contract to determine what my boundaries are. The list of sexual acts is extensive, but I narrow down polyamory as something I might struggle with and need to discuss more. I'm open-minded to trying everything else, and I'll use my safeword or a gesture if I want to stop.

Liam hasn't contacted me directly at all. It appears he has understood my need to have some time apart early into whatever our relationship is. I'm not entirely sure where I stand with him, and my feelings have left me bewildered. I've decided to go with the flow and enjoy whatever I can get.

I lock up after I finish work. It is now Friday, and I had expected Liam to have contacted me back by now to arrange meeting up, but I guess he's chosen to spend his time with someone else. It would have been nice to have known about it in advance with me looking forward to seeing him.

My phone begins to ring as I go to unlock my car door. With the caller ID showing as Liam, I answer immediately, eager to speak with him. However, I'm startled as I'm suddenly blindfolded, and my arms are cuffed behind my back.

Powerful arms reach under me and lift me into a fireman's carry, and I'm carefully placed in a car, aware of the sound of the boot being closed. The drive isn't long, although uncomfortable and I'm soon picked up again.

I can smell limes and pine; the scent of Liam and his gentle, warm breath, tickles my neck. Instantly I start to relax, knowing for sure it is him, so I bury my head affectionately against his shoulders as he carries me, which briefly makes him pause. It's a daring move to fake kidnap me, and I'm impressed with the way he's surprised me with it. Clearly, the list of sex acts I'd been sent was in anticipation of tonight's adventure.

With a thud, he drops me on to concrete, and I land on my backside. He kicks me down with a firm foot pressed against my chest, but I lay calmly, waiting for whatever is going to happen next. After a few minutes, I feel him tug my jeans and underwear off then a coarse rope is bound to my legs. It doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary, but slowly I'm hoisted upside down, and I feel the soft linen of my shirt brush over my head, exposing my body.

This position is disorienting, and I'm wondering whether Liam's angry at me for the dismissive message I'd sent him or for my behaviour when I was experiencing sub drop. I don't think I said anything particularly bad, so perhaps he's just feeling playful?

I hear a familiar woosh, sending a tingle down my spine and then the sting from the cane on the back of my thighs. Delicious pain licks over me as the strikes gradually build in strength. It isn't long until I'm loudly panting, breathing through the fiery pain coursing beneath my skin. As I've come to expect from Liam, his passion flows thickly.

Abruptly, it stops, and I listen out for any clue of what Liam might be doing next. The sound of our breathing surrounds us, and I can sense that he is up close as I feel his gentle breath caressing my stomach. His soft fingers are then at my neck, fastening on my collar and then my shirt is unbuttoned, so it hangs freely and no longer covers my face.

The super brat within me is urging me to stick my tongue out, knowing he is within centimetres of me. With my mouth in the perfect position for his crotch, I poke it out, and I'm delighted with the glimpsing touch I get of his firm, dripping member making him gasp in surprise. Liam is naked. I want another taste of him and I lick my lips suggestively hoping he'll get the hint.

I realise he's stepped away as I hear a buzzing noise in the distance and I sigh in disappointment. I've never given head before and the idea of him skull fucking me is highly appealing right now, but as the buzzing sound gets closer, I smile. The violet wand is a highly pleasurable experience for me. I'd expected some kind of punishment for my misbehaviour, sneakily licking him like that but instead, I'm getting delicious treats.

I hear a crackle, and then there's an unexpected, unpleasant, warm sensation on my stomach, just above my dick which is being held firmly away. I flinch, not knowing what he is doing to me although I can smell burning, and increasing pain. I start panting softly to ease the discomfort and eventually begin to relax again as I become used to it with my endorphins finally flowing.

He passes over the same areas again, and its only then that I realise what he's doing. Liam is branding me as his own. In his own sadistic way, he is claiming me, and it's quite endearing, although my skin becomes sore as he passes over his design again. I breathe in sharply as he continues, hoping it won't take much longer, not prepared to stop his fun early.

Relief passes through me when he finally finishes, but I'm feeling light-headed. I open and close my fist rapidly, and within seconds, I'm lowered down. I love that he is attentive to my needs, and I stop my hand signal as I recover enough to continue. 

He wastes no time in sliding his hand between my collar and dragging me upright to my feet. With a firm tug, he leads me a few steps away. Then, with his hand threaded through my hair, he shoves me down, so I'm bent over something and gripping a smooth metal edge. I realise as I slide my hands downwards and touch the water that it's a bath.

With what he's planning to do, I am putting a tremendous amount of trust in him. I knew when I read through what James had sent me and agreed to it that at some point, this would happen. The consequences of this going wrong would be disastrous, but I take a deep breath to prepare myself.

"I trust you, Master," I say steadily.

Something cold is applied to my arse, then the blindfold is removed. With his fist in my hair, he holds my head firmly facing forwards. His muscular thighs press against me then with a thrust; he enters as the hand on the back of my head shoves me into the lukewarm water.

He fucks me like this, overpowering me and depriving me of air. I have completely put my safety into his hands, and I know in dom-space he'll be revelling in his control over me. He tugs me upwards for some breaths then shoves me back under the water.

I feel his hand firmly take hold of my cock, and I know I won't last very long like this. The danger is exhilarating, and I feel incredibly turned on by his dominance. As he slams away aggressively, alternating between holding me beneath the water and allowing me to breathe, my pleasure reaches new heights.

A wave of intense bliss flows through my body, and I feel his seed release inside me as he cums at the same moment that I do. His grip on my hair abruptly disappears, and his thumb caresses me as his hands slide into mine. Breathlessly, we stay like this for a moment with his forehead pressed against my back, and I'm overwhelmed by the sudden need to be held by him.

Darkness follows as the blindfold is gently placed back on then I feel his strong arms under my knees and around my back as he lifts me. I snuggle my damp head against his bare chest affectionately whilst he carries me back to the car.

When we arrive, he seems especially gentle as he picks me up and carries me up some stairs. I'm in no doubt that we're at his house this time as he lays me down on a bed and ties my feet and hands apart with smooth satin ties. His lips are on mine, equally feathery soft. I taste mint as he enters my mouth with his tongue and deepens our kiss. He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand, and I sigh, feeling desperate for him to touch me more and become aroused.

My mask is removed, and Liam's green eyes gaze into mine. His pupils are dilated, seductively, and he then presses his lips to mine again.

"I've missed you..." he whispers between his gentle kisses.

"I've missed you too, Master," I respond.

He smiles against my lips then removes his unbuttoned shirt. Taut chest and abdominal muscles press against my body, and I groan in anticipation. Meeting Liam has been my sexual awakening.

He removes his jeans and underwear slowly, teasingly as I watch him, dragging this out. He then straddles me and kisses me again with his tongue slipping in and out. I accidentally moan, and a smile spreads across his face.

"Someone is eager for me..."

He kisses down my chest and stomach towards my cock. Gently he starts to suck, and I release another gasp of pleasure. He builds up my orgasm leisurely, pausing as I get close to release. He continues this on and off for the best part of an hour, denying me my orgasm. I'm gripping the bed sheets feeling frustrated, and the entire time, I watch him smirk smugly from the control he has over me.

He releases my legs, then enters me gently. I groan at the sensation of his cock, stimulating my prostate as his hips grind against mine. With his fist firmly clenched around my member, he brings me close to orgasm again, increasing my sexual tension.

"Beg me," he demands.

"Master, I am begging you. Please let me cum?"

"I'll think about it," he grins.

"I'm desperate. Please take pity on me, Master."

The smirk returns but this time he speeds up and I release against his stomach audibly as he continues to pound away as we face each other. Moments later, he kisses me passionately as a growl erupts from him, and he fills me again.

He removes my wrists from their bindings then cuddles into me, threading his fingers through mine so we can hold hands whilst he kisses me. It's familiar and comforting, and I close my eyes, feeling content.

"Matt, I want you to be more than my submissive," he whispers. "I want you as my partner too."

I'm taken by surprise at his words, and I don't immediately respond. I have been single for months so it wouldn't be a quick rebound. I also enjoy his company and the sex.

"Okay," I reply, meeting his gaze.

Liam smiles, looking pleased, then closes his eyes to sleep. I look down at my stomach to find his branding. It's a simple heart with his initials in. I think I'm not the only one who has developed feelings. I wrap my arms around him affectionately then bury my head against his broad chest.

I'm woken by Liam bouncing, excitedly on the bed. The only other time I've seen him like this was when he led me downstairs after our first time together. His energy is something else. I glance at the alarm clock on the bedside cabinet and see it's already nine. Sleepily I sit up.

"So did you see what I gave you?" He asks eagerly.

"Yes. I really liked it."

"Good, because you're mine now."

I look up at him standing over me, and see he's holding a rattan cane in his hand. Immediately, I get into a submissive position, my head against the bed with my arms behind my back.

"Thank you, Master, for making me yours," I say quickly, annoyed with myself for not noticing the implement sooner.

He playfully swats me on the back.

"Get off your knees. I'm done for the moment," he laughs.

I glance up and see him smirking arrogantly. He definitely enjoys keeping me on my toes.

We head down for breakfast, with him still clutching the cane. I'm wondering what he needs it for, but I don't pester him. I know I'll find out when it's time.

I sit down at the counter, and minutes later, Liam places some toast in front of me and a black coffee. I suspect he doesn't know how to cook anything other than this. I might have to show him my prowess in the kitchen soon.

He eats his food where he stands, leaning against the countertop, and I sweep my eyes over his naked body. I feel myself becoming aroused at his virility. I'd quite like to be bent over this stool and spanked by the cane he's wielding until it snaps I think dirtily.

We finish eating then I quickly load the plates and cups into his dishwasher. I'm very keen to continue our fun from last night, and I'm unashamed by my erection standing proud from the naughty thoughts swimming around in my head.

He raises an eyebrow, acknowledging my arousal, but he doesn't lead me back upstairs. Instead, he takes my hand and brings me to a large orangery that opens out onto his vast garden. It's warm with the sun flooding in through the windows.

He sits on a cream, leather chesterfield then motions for me to join him and to rest my head in his lap. As soon as I lay down, he seizes my arm in his vice-like grip. I glance up at his face, but there's no malice in his eyes.

"Tell me about yourself."

"I thought you knew everything there is to know about me?"

"I know what I've found out through Charlotte and James. I don't know anything from the past six months except that you spent time in hospital."

I consider it for a bit and decide it's best to be truthful about this.

"I had a breakdown," I admit.

Liam doesn't look shocked.

"Ah. I suspected that was the reason. Over your daughter?"

"Yes, I haven't found her yet," I sigh regrettably.

He strokes a small scar on the side of my chest, tickling me.

"Tell me about this?"

"Oh, that? I had a car accident. Some drunk driver went into the side of me. I spent a few months at my dad's after I left the hospital."

"Ah, that's how you injured your leg?"

"Yeah, I was immobilised for some time and needed physio, but it was a clean break. It took me a while to get upstairs, though."

Liam doesn't say anything for a moment but then starts stroking my hair affectionately.

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"I wondered why you seemed slightly weaker on one side, although you seem like a strong person. I feel like I can't break you easily. I find it hard to gain enjoyment unless I can inflict pain or humiliate someone. If I can't do that, then I'm unable to have sex. I don't meet many who are able to keep up with me like you."

"Oh, I didn't know that," I respond.

"I went to boarding school, and it wasn't until I was sixteen that I eventually met a girl at my oldest brother's wedding. She was beautiful, a year older than me and we chatted for a whole year online about rough sex before I finally got to meet her again. I ended up losing my virginity to her just before my eighteenth birthday in the pool house. I tied her up as we'd planned and using only my hand and her hairbrush, I left her with some fantastic red marks."

I nod, letting him know I want him to continue.

"Well, it turned out that my mother had invited people over, so we got caught together, and I never got to see her again. My mother was hysterical about being embarrassed in front of her peers. She was showing them around because they were planning to use her garden for some kind of charity tea party."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Liam."

"Well, I was then sent to university. I flunked, but I had so much freedom and ended up meeting James. Lots of eye-opening experiences when I visited clubs. It was everything my parents disapproved of."

Hearing him talk about his earlier experiences is intriguing. We had different upbringings, but here we were, together right now.

"When I came back from university, my parents put me here, far out of their way. My mother would have tried setting me up for marriage if I hadn't horrified her friends so much. No-one wants someone like me for their daughter. She just counts her blessings that her other sons are normal enough. I'm glad, though. A marriage of convenience would lead to two unhappy people."

"That sounds like a lot to go through, but it's great they allow you the freedom to do what you want now?"

"Even though I have space to be myself, I still find it hard to meet people. I began these little parties to try and meet the right person for me. Most of the men and women I meet are only interested in the sex part but I need the right stimulation. I've not met many like you who can keep up."

"I guess it's lucky that we met."

"We still need to find someone else. Have you got any idea of the kind of woman we should choose?"

"You'd like a woman to join us? I thought it would be another man. I don't know how we'll meet someone who'll fit in with this."

"Just leave that part to James. He'll just do what I pay him to do and invite anyone who may be of interest. So what kind of woman are you attracted to?"

I think back on Louise and Charlotte, who are completely different. Louise is attractive in a natural way and wears a minimal amount of makeup. Charlotte, on the other hand, likes the psychobilly style and red lipstick with a smokey cat eye is her signature look. I'd rather not be with anyone who resembles either of them.

"No-one like my ex's?"

"I know what Charlotte looks like. I have no idea about the other one. Show me a picture of her sometime? I'm interested."

"Okay. I think there's one somewhere at mine."

"I'm looking forward to watching you fuck someone else. Passing you back and forth and exhausting you."

"You want to wear me out?"

"Yes, until you're too tired and need to safe out," he grins wickedly.  

I bite my lip, turned on by the idea. I just hope that it works out.

"If that's what you want," I sigh.

"You're blushing again. Do you like the idea of being fucked by two different people? Have you had a threesome before?"


"I won't be your first? Well, that's a shame. Two women?"

"No. An ex-girlfriend and my best friend."

"You slept with your best friend, Justin? You told me I was your first man? Did you lie to me?" he chastises.

"We only slept with the woman at the same time. She invited him into my bed whilst we were fooling about, and it shouldn't have happened."

Liam stops smiling, and a change comes over him as he stares out of the window. It's the same pensive look he had in the bath last week. A moment later, his hand tightens on my hair, and I feel a tingle down the back of my neck. He picks up his cane.

He rises to his feet, then walks out the patio doors pulling me along with him by the arm and down the paved steps to the lawn. He gives me a sudden, sharp tug, and I land on the grass. He continues to drag me.

His body glows under the sweltering rays of the sun. He really is magnificent in all of his naked glory. Broad-shouldered with muscular biceps, legs and back with the crop grasped tightly in his hand, I find him awe-inspiring. He glances back, and I sigh, enchanted.

He lets go of my arm, but I don't dare to move. We're in the middle of his garden on the lawn. I can see another estate close by. If someone wanted to spy, it would be possible. The excitement from the woods returns.

Liam kicks me over on to my front.

"Spread for me," he demands.

I stretch out my arms and legs, and I feel my face becoming flushed.

He strikes me hard and relentlessly with the cane on my thighs and arse under the blazing heat of summer. My sweat stings on the welts and I cry out with every strike. Tears form at my eyes from the intensity of it. Liam appears to be feeling exceptionally brutal, and I know he is taking great delight in it.

I pant, exhausted and unsure if I can handle the savage fucking he is sure to give me next. It is so damn hot.

He strikes me gentler on my inner leg, which makes me freeze knowing how close he is to something else. I remember being curious and wanting to try it. He repeats it several times edging ever closer. I need to back out now and use my safeword if I want to stop this.

"Breathe..." he urges me.

I take several deep breaths, trying to steady myself as he pauses. I brace myself.

He strikes me, and it takes a second to register. With my fingertips digging into the grass, I let out a howl. The pain radiates through me, into my stomach and downwards. He delays the next strike for a moment to give me a chance to deal with it. I don't use my safeword and take some rescue breaths. He repeats it, and I whimper as the wave of pain sweeps over me. On the third one, I'm done.

"Spaceship," I cry out.

He pulls me up to my hands and knees then takes me on the grass, gripping my hips firmly as he rams aggressively. My body is burning. It feels animalistic and raw, and I maintain my grip on the grass, tensing up.

"Breathe," Liam reminds me.

As his breathing becomes heavy, he slows down and takes leisurely thrusts withholding from his orgasm to prolong his enjoyment.

"Play with yourself," he orders.

I do as I'm told and release the grass. Gently I touch myself and feel my body begin to relax. As Liam picks up his speed, I match him and this time he doesn't slow as he gets close and cums noisily.

He pants as he regains his breath, but he doesn't withdraw until I orgasm on to the grass moments later. We're both exhausted, and I'm starting to feel low like last week. Unexpectedly Liam brushes his lips over my shoulders and kisses me before he stands up.

His hand grabs my ankle then he drags me back to the patio area. Picking up a hosepipe, he turns on the tap and hoses down the flowers around the patio whilst I watch him curiously. Everyone knows you shouldn't water plants in the blistering heat. He then turns it towards me and sprays me with a freezing jet of cold water with a massive grin on his face. It's brisk, and I let out a yell of shock.

"Want a water fight?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

His sudden change is incredulous, but it's an invitation to relax, have fun and bond. He has finished with me for now and appears to be trying to lift my mood.

"Yeah, sure," I beam at him.

"Stay there. I've got some super soakers somewhere. I knew they'd get use someday."

He runs off, and I stay sitting in the puddle he's left me in. He returns ten minutes later wearing some swimming trunks and holding two huge super-soakers. They're the kind my parents wouldn't buy me when I was a kid because they were too expensive.

"I saw this, and it was so big and impressive that I couldn't help myself!"

"That's what she said," I add quietly, unable to resist.

"That's what? What?!" he splutters.

I snigger, and he looks at me wildly for an explanation.

"That's... what... she... said," I reply, slowly stressing every word.

I wait. The realisation then crosses his face a few seconds later, and I burst into laughter at his delay.

"Did you make a joke? Am I joke to you?" he asks incredulously.

I think I may be in trouble, but instead, he sprays me in the face, throws a pair of trunks and then the other soaker at my feet. He runs off over the lawn and disappears behind some trees, gleefully laughing.

I pull the trunks on, thankful for some modesty then I fill up my soaker. Despite what we had just done, he has a carefree side to him too. I can have fun with him, and I feel happier than I have done for some time.

I run after him towards the trees which sit on a small hill, not knowing where I'm going. The bushes are thick, reducing the light. He could be anywhere hidden beneath the trees or within the shadows.

I follow the pathing stones until I walk under a pergola hanging with a cascade of pale blue wisteria. The heady, sweet scent envelops me and I stop.

I feel the warmth of the sun on my face, so I turn and become momentarily blinded. I raise my hand over my eyes and see that the flowers are framing a gap in the wooden structure. I look out upon the view in front of me onto the rest of the garden. It's stunning, and I take a moment to commit it to memory and smile.

"What do you look so happy about?" Liam demands from behind me. I turn and see he is pointing his super soaker at me.

"I'm not telling." I tease.

"Really? Well, I have my ways to get you to talk lover-boy."

"Well you're gonna have to make me..."

He lowers the soaker then pulls me up against his firm chest in a tender embrace. I let out a sigh as he kisses me passionately, and strokes my face with his thumb.

"I wanted you to follow me here. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It really is."

"It may sound absurd and completely irrational, but I'm serious about you, Matt. Please stay here with me from now on."

His handsome face appears sincere as he waits expectantly for my response. I don't want to deny him.

"I will need to speak to my dad. He's trying to keep me safe, and he's worried about me."

"Does he know what you are?"

"He knows, and he doesn't understand me."

"Invite him over. I'll meet with him."

"I don't think that would be a good idea..."

"Well, he should meet me. I am your boyfriend."

I blush at the memory from last night of him asking me to be his partner. This isn't casual and it did make sense to establish some meaning early on, so we both know where we stand. I just never imagined how different my life would be from a year ago.

He takes hold of my hand and leads me to a worn, wooden bench where we sit down together. Liam rests his leg across his knee and turns slightly to face me.

"I want to get to know you more. Are you interested in music or films? What's your favourite type of food and colour? Tell me everything."

"Well, I love rock and metal music. I can play the guitar, and some have said that I can sing although I'm not sure if I believe them. I enjoy action films; martial art ones mostly and Thai and Japanese cuisine is my favourite. I like dark blue colours."

"How well do you play? I can play the piano but only because it was expected of me. I enjoy a wide variety of music. I like classical, but I also think bands like Muse are wonderful. I like French and Italian food. My favourite colour is also blue."

"I can play well, I guess? I've been playing since I was eleven. I'll play for you next time. I'm very familiar with Muse. What's your favourite album? I can't choose between Showbiz or Origin of Symmetry."

"It would have to be Origin of Symmetry for me. Can you play any of the songs?"

"Sure can..." I shrug.

He smiles warmly for the first time. There is no hint of arrogance or malevolence. He said he would never show me weakness, but I want to know the delicate side to him too. I start to feel a glow within myself that I haven't felt in a while.

He leans in and kisses me again romantically and I open to him, allowing his tongue to caress mine. I want this person in my life and I'm sure he feels the same as I do. After some moments, he parts from me and holds my hand.

"I want to help you find your daughter, Matt. I've been thinking about it since you told me. It's not right that you haven't been able to see her."

"Really? You would help me?"

"Yes," he says seriously as he squeezes my hand.

"Thank you. I really appreciate any help you can give," I reply, amazed by his kindness.

Later that evening, Liam goes out to check in on his clubs. I take the opportunity to get some rest, feeling tender but also left with a more positive outlook. Rebekah is out there somewhere, and Liam is going to help me look for her. His benevolence is astounding, and again I feel like he is not entirely mortal.




Written by utterchaos
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