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No Strings Attached - The Punishment - Chapter 18

"Matthew receives his punishment for cheating, which leads to something unexpected."

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Author's Notes

"I have only brushed against the forced feminisation in this chapter. The next chapter is planned to cover this in more detail."

Liam gets out of his car and walks up the driveway in silence and goes into the house, followed by me a distance behind him. My acknowledgement of my failure at being a decent partner to him prevents me from wanting to say anything. All I feel is shame at my selfishness, and I don't expect forgiveness. As soon as I walk through the front door, I head towards the stairs to collect my belongings. I'll wait for Liam to approach me.

"Well, well. Look who's back. Have a nice day? William teases from behind me.

I spin around and see his smug face grinning at me. I wasn't aware that he was still here. Liam hadn't mentioned anything about him, although he hadn't really said anything yet.

"Ah. You're still here."

"Of course, I am. Liam has amazing facilities," he laughs gesturing towards the event rooms.

"Did you find someone else to play with?"

"Yes, actually. She's tied up at the moment with George. So you did the dirty? You seemed the type."

"Seemed the type? I don't expect Liam to forgive me. I'm just here to get my things and leave," I sigh, growing annoyed.

"You don't know a thing about Liam do you?" he taunts.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I snap.

"Do you know the reason why he's disappointed by you? Have you actually sat down and thought about it?"

"Oh for fuck sake... Are you trying to make me feel worse than I already do?"

"No, I'm trying to help because you're too thick to even see what it is exactly that you're doing wrong. It's laughable, really."

"Thanks..." I respond, turning on my heel to ignore him.

"Liam isn't someone who generally gets jealous. Why would he let you play with us if that was the case?" he shouts up the stairs.

"I don't know. Nothing Liam does makes sense, but regardless of that, I slept with someone else and upset him. Now please, just let me get going so I don't have to waste his time any longer."

William strolls up the stairs and stands beside me, smirking.

"It's the lying Matt. What you've done is lie to him or withhold information. That's the part where you've betrayed him. Now I've told Liam what I think on the situation, but ultimately he's already made his mind up. I suggest you go speak to him before you just take your things and leave."

"Go on then. What do you think about the situation? You met me once, and now here you are acting like you know everything, so tell me," I demand.

"I don't think you're good enough for Liam," he sneers, reaching out to stroke my face. "You're just a cheap thrill, useful and cute enough for a quick fuck, but ultimately that's the extent of your worth. Liam deserves better."

"Does he know what you said to me last night?" I retort, grabbing his hand, my temper flaring.

"Yes, actually. We were trying to ascertain your thoughts on your relationship. He was convinced you were going to leave him for Selena, but I told him you're just a slut who picks the best option available to him."

"...Motherfucker," I growl, shoving past him.

"Well it looks like I was right about your lack of integrity," he yells up at me.

I'm fucking furious, and I bang on Liam's bedroom door. I suspected he was deliberately acting familiar on Liam's orders and I gave him the benefit of the doubt. There's no response, so I open it, but he isn't there. I try his study next, but again it's empty. I continue walking along the corridor to the playroom.

I turn the handle on the closed door without knocking and enter, ready to have an argument, livid at being fooled. I was going to accept whatever Liam said until I found out about Will deliberately attempting to lure me away last night to check my loyalty.

Liam sits on the bed looking smaller, slumped and grief-stricken. My fury dissipates instantly, seeing him so pathetic. I've really done it this time.

"Matt, please sit here next to me," he says, patting the bed, ashen-faced.

I hesitate for a minute but decide to sit down with him. Minutes pass in silence. I don't want to attempt weaselling my way out of what I did today. Despite all of my issues, I don't think it's right to defend my terrible actions when I've done something wrong.

"Liam, I'm sorry I hurt you. I don't expect you to forgive me. I wronged you terribly. I will leave without arguing with you."

"Why didn't you tell me? I saw that you booked a hotel this morning before you left with Selena. I thought you'd left me for her."

"Because I was cheating. Telling you would have prevented me from doing it."

"I don't even care that you had sex, Matthew! It's the deception that I hate. You didn't tell me about Selena asking you to leave me then you didn't tell me you had been in contact with your ex-girlfriend."

"So you wouldn't have stopped me?"

"No. I would have stopped you because it was an absolutely ridiculous idea of yours. It's probably the stupidest thing you have ever done."

"I was desperate!"

"When I met your father a few weeks ago, I thought he was unhinged by the way he was talking. Clearly, he is right about you making idiotic decisions. I cannot trust you anymore."

"Please don't berate me like my father does. I know I've hurt you."

"But it's true, isn't it? You act without thinking. Just assure me that you didn't become my partner because I was the best option at the time? Or was your father right about this being a pretence?"

"Liam, I didn't agree to date you just because of your money. I actually like you. It may not seem like it because of what I did today, but I'm telling you the truth."

"Did you see your daughter?"

"Yes, briefly."

"So the arrangement was?"

"I sleep with Louise, I get to see my daughter. I then gave her all of my money."

Liam stares at me for a moment, dumbstruck then burst into a fit of laughter, unlike anything I've heard before from him. His eyes crinkle at the corners as unrestrained chuckling bursts out.

"Whatever am I going to do with you? You really are reckless. I thought you were joking about your poor decision making but this..."

"Yeah..." I say quietly, looking down at my hands.

"Did you find out any useful information?" he finally says, crossing his arms around himself in an attempt to suppress his giggles.

"Just confirmation that she doesn't live around here and a number plate."

"You used protection?"

"Of course..."

"Good. The last thing you need is another child. Right, I guess two hundred spanks should suffice."

"What?!" I exclaim standing up.

"Argue against me, and I'll make it two hundred each day for a week," he threatens.

"Just like that? You're pretending it didn't happen?"

"No. I will remember it happened, but it also confirms that I was wrong about you having an affair with Selena. She isn't overtly angry at your behaviour."

"You seriously thought I was having an affair with Selena?! But you just said that you don't get jealous?"

"If you start loving someone more than me, then I would see that as cheating. Deceiving me is also a betrayal. You're never doing that again, or there will be absolute hell to pay. I won't be easy on you. Now come here and take the punishment, slut."

I'm stunned.

"But why? I don't deserve you."

"Come here, and I'll tell you."

"Yes, Master," I respond, feeling wary.

He beckons me to lay across his lap, and embarrassment flushes over me as I do it. His fingers slide underneath, and he undoes my jeans, then he pulls them off to be discarded onto the floor. My underwear follows next down to my ankles. I'm sure I've turned bright red as I await the promised spanking to begin.

"You've been a very, very, bad boy, slut. You deserve to be punished," he whispers close to my ear. "I believe that I have been tasked in teaching you obedience and respect, and I am determined to see that happen. You will learn how to behave under my guidance. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," I reply, feeling a tingle of anticipation and fear down my spine. It's been some time since I last felt nervous around him.

"Give me a number from one to five."

"One, Master?"

"One. Okay. After every single spank, I will have you tell me what a disgusting, dirty boy you are. I'm also going to film this," he says, pointing to the camera, in its usual spot near the bed.

Liam has chosen humiliation as my punishment.

"Yes, Master..." I breathe, unsure if I'm going to last the two hundred spanks.

It is rarely done without some form of an implement. The tawse is the usual choice for obvious reasons, being designed for corporal punishment and having an equally painful sting as well as a thud. The hand, however, seems more humiliating.

He begins to caress my bare backside that he's exposed. I'm still sore from last night, so even without the tawse or a cane, it is going to hurt. Liam also slaps hard with his muscular, strong arms. It's nothing like the playful spanks I've dished out.

The slap from his hand, stings on impact and pain warms my skin as I gasp in response.

"Repeat after me; My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut."

"Oh, fuck...Master?!"

"I can make this ten times worse for you. Say it or leave. This is the punishment I have deemed appropriate for dealing with this matter."

"The video is for you only?"

"Yes. What's it going to be?"

"My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut," I say.

"Right. Let's continue. No more interruptions," he says, smacking me again.

"My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut..."

When we get to one hundred and sixty smacks, I feel like I'm on fire. It absolutely hurts, and I don't think I can go on.

"My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut," I cry. "Ahh, fuck..."

"You're going to give up this far in?"

"Master, I am so sorry..."

"Ah, we're finally at the part when you beg for forgiveness. Go on. I won't stop you," he snarls.

"Master I'm so sorry for betraying you. Just please forgive me. I wish I hadn't hurt you..."

"Okay, well I'll forgive you when we get to two hundred. I gave you the conditions for it."

"Master, please?"

"Use the safeword then if you're going to give up."

"Dammit, Master? I don't want to disappoint you further..."

A knock on the door interrupts us.

"Enter," Liam calls out.

William strolls in and smiles widely at the sight before him. Liam gives me another slap, the sound reverberating around the room.

"Please don't make me say it in front of him..."

"Right, you didn't address either of us correctly. This time you're being punished for it. William, could you get me some elastic bands and a hairbrush?"

I resign myself to my fate as William walks to a drawer and removes a pack of hairbands. It seems that Liam has done this before, and William appears to know this room well. Liam grabs a fist of my hair and ties it, then the other side. This may have been a reason why he had me grow my hair out.

"Haha, cute," William laughs.

"It is rather, perfect for grabbing hold of."

"Do you want the other thing?"

"Yes, but just place it in front so he can see it to remind him to not speak out."

William smiles smugly as he places a tartan skirt in front of me then pulls over a stool to watch as Liam spanks me again.

"My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut," I say, deciding to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"See, that wasn't so hard..."

Liam's hand moves to pull on my pigtails playfully. Today surely couldn't get any worse.

Liam slaps me again, and I cry out in pain.

"Fuck! Ah, my name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut."

"I think that one deserves the skirt," William teases. "Just for the profanity."

Liam shakes his head, then slaps me again.

"Ahhh... My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut."

We eventually reach one hundred and eighty. The last five were hard and drawn out with him playing with my hair in between. Suddenly Liam starts kissing my backside, and I squeal with pain whilst William snickers.

"The last twenty need to be a deterrent for this kind of behaviour. Will, pass me the skirt."

He picks it up and hands it over, continuing to snigger. Liam pulls it upwards over my legs then zips it up at the back.

"Aww, doesn't the slut look lovely," William laughs.

"Sure does. Give us a twirl," Liam says, patting my bottom and making me yelp.

"Please don't make me, Master?" I beg, not wanting to be laughed at again by William.

"Do you want to safe out?"

I get off his lap cursing under my breath then spin around. William lifts my skirt up at the back then pushes me, towards Liam.

"He's cute enough..." William shrugs.

"Mm-hm. I may have to make him keep it on in bed for a while..." Liam winks at me.


"What's wrong? To have you wearing a skirt and riding me would be a massive turn on. Are you going to kink shame, masochist?"

"No, Master..." I blush, intrigued by the thought of Liam being aroused by this.

"Good. Now let's finish your punishment."

He drags me on to his lap and slides his hand up the skirt to grope me until I let out a small moan. I feel myself swell at the eroticism of my predicament, feeling less embarrassed knowing that Liam doesn't find this hilarious like William does. He lifts the hem up on the skirt then slaps me hard.

"This time I want you to say; My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut who wants to be fucked in a skirt."

I turn to look upon his face, and there's no trace of humour showing. Instead, his eyes glisten intently, awaiting my reaction.

"My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut who wants to be fucked in a skirt," I respond, finding myself incredibly turned on.

William starts to laugh again.

The following nine spanks are harder and tears well up in my eyes as I cry out on every strike.

"My name is Matthew Lewis, and I am a vile, cheating slut who wants to be fucked in a skirt!" I yell myself hoarse.

"I am going to give you the other ten in quick succession. Shout out harder daddy on each one. Ready?"

"Anything but that!" I respond in horror, hearing the name Louise had given me.

"It's the name your ex used isn't it?" he smirks. "I'm taking it for myself."

"How did you know about that?" I ask, stunned.

"Charlotte. This is your punishment, but for forgetting to address me correctly again, I'm tagging a new punishment on," he retorts, spanking me.

I need to make a decision fast. Ten more spanks and I'm done with this. Considering the severity of what I had done today, I'm lucky to not be out on the street right now.

"Harder, Daddy!" I say.

William is cackling. Being dressed like this with someone who actually likes it is thrilling. The laughter, however, is unnerving. Another smack lands and the tears start to flow down my face.

"Harder, Daddy!"

There's more laughter at my expense from William. I glance up at Liam, hoping he isn't amused just like his friend, and I notice that his eyes have become dark and terrifying; enthralling me.

The next slap lands.

"Harder daddy," I say still looking up at him, knowing the sex is likely to be aggressive after this.


"Harder, daddy!"


"Harder, daddy,"

His arousal is incredibly evident as it presses against me, but I'm not overly fearful of what is to come. After being punished and put in my place like this, I'm ready for dirty, lustful sex. Five, painful, breathtaking spanks later, we finally reach two hundred.

"Harder, daddy!" I yell out.

Immediately over, I'm shoved down on to my knees, and he forces his cock into my mouth. His hands wrap around the ends of both of my pigtails, which he holds taut against him as he deep throats my eager to please mouth.

I feel like gagging as he literally fucks my mouth without a moments rest. I know I look like shit with my tears down my face, but that adds to the excitement. My backside also burns as it presses against my feet. With every thrust, my head throbs as my hair is pulled and drool drips down my chin. I'm nothing more than a passive, submissive toy as I serve him and listen to his passionate moans of enjoyment.

Just before the moment of orgasm, he removes his cock, grabs me underneath the jaw and tilts me up to look at him. My tongue sticks out in anticipation to taste him as four or five spurts of his desire land over my face. I then kiss his spent cock and clean him off with my tongue.

"Will, did you want a turn with the cum dumpster?"

"Hah! You know me so well, Liam. Open up, Slut!"

He's equally as aggressive with me as he pulls on my pigtails. I don't know if this is just Liam showing me his lack of jealousy over sexual acts or if he is still intent on dragging out my humility, but I feel like I deserve it all and more.

Suddenly Liam is behind me, and he enters, shoving me harder on to William's cock. Every thrust is agonisingly painful against my sore arse, and I begin to whimper as I dutifully suck the girthy cock deep within my mouth.

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"Due to you having sex behind my back you will be required to wear the chastity device again," Liam hisses. "A week to ensure you really have learned your lesson and with the skirt on so, I can view you whenever I want. You don't deserve to be able to touch yourself. Your penis is my property from now on."

"Master?" I utter, finally given a chance to answer from William releasing my hair as he withdraws and cums over my face.

"It's mine. Now, we're going to take pleasure from you for the rest of the evening slut."

Whilst Liam continues to plough into my arse with the sound of our skin slapping together, William crosses the room to the rack and removes some heavy-looking, stainless steel shackles and a matching collar with a short leash. He bends down in front of me with a smirk and wipes a dribble of cum from my chin with his thumb. Teasingly, he licks it off erotically, reminding me of the lack of attention my cock is getting. Cupping my face, he then kisses me and slips his tongue in and back out, rapidly, taunting me more.

"Too bad your cock now belongs to your Master, slut," he sighs against my lips.

"Please? I need to be touched..." I beg.

"No," he smiles, dangling a bit gag in front of me. "Now are you using that safeword or not?"

I shake my head and lower my gaze to mentally prepare myself to be their subservient toy as he fastens the gag on me. We're going into edgeplay territory with me being unable to use my safeword. Anything not on my minimal list of limits goes.

My wrists and ankles are fastened to the floor next, and finally, the collar and leash are attached, pulling me downwards, so my face is pressed up against the wooden floor. I'm unable to move even if I want to with my hips raised up higher, spread apart, indecently. There is no dignity in this position.

"Maybe you should get him tattooed," William jokes, "Or how about branding him? I'm sure the masochist would get off on it. He'd never be able to leave you then."

"He already has my initials..."

"I mean something bigger like slut or property of Liam on his arse," William responds.

"I'd rather not do something so crude, permanently," Liam says as he takes pleasure from me leisurely. "Look in the bottom drawer."

As I wait for whatever it is he wants to do to me, I continue to stare at the floor whilst listening to my calm, steady breathing. I'm unsure how I feel about the idea of something like a derogatory tattoo. It would be thrilling, sexually to me, but if we did break-up it would be very awkward to deal with. I'd also be self-conscious of others seeing it. At least with the tattoos, Charlotte had adorned my body with there isn't any uncomfortable questions, despite one matching with hers. I'm sure Liam knows of this.

Suddenly, there is sniggering from William, but I'm unable to look around in the position I'm in. Something presses against my lower back and I realise something is being written onto my skin with a marker.

"Hehe, Slut's pussy hole," William giggles as he continues to write on my shoulders.

Liam's right leg juts out and presses against my hip as he continues to fuck me, taking long and deep thrusts. His low, ragged breathing permeates and warmly tickles against my skin as his fingertips dig into my sides. He releases a loud groan moments later and erupts within me, filling me with his seed.

"I'm getting a drink," he says quietly as he withdraws.

His hand brushes over my back and hair as he walks past and exits the room, leaving me with William who squats down beside me.

"Should I put you out of your misery?" William tuts, reaching down to grip my cock firmly. "Look at the mess you've made."

His eyes dance with excitement as he teases the slick head of my cock, which is sticking out from under the skirt.


"Is that good?" he taunts as his fingertip enters my urethra.

Exquisite pleasure floods through my body as he touches me in my forbidden place. I watch as his fingertip slips inside, stimulating me further and then delicious bliss passes over me as his other hand starts jacking me off rapidly.

"Uhhh," I moan as the pressure builds, meeting his movements by thrusting my hips.

I close my eyes with my orgasm nearly imminent, but then the stimulation stops just before the crucial moment where I spillover.

"That was close," William sniggers.

I want to yell in frustration at the torment I'm being put through. I need to release. I struggle with orgasm denial and being kept at this level of arousal for so long is painful with my balls throbbing.

Liam's feet then pass me as he returns, but he pauses to unclip the chain on the collar and raises my face up towards him. His thumb runs over my jaw roughly as I gaze up at him, pleading to be allowed to cum. He takes a sip from his glass which appears to be something like brandy then he presses his forehead against mine and brushes my nose with his in a gesture of endearment.

He drains his glass then places it on the ground beside me. My wrists are then unrestrained, and with his hand resting against my chest, he guides me upwards onto my knees.

"Give me the marker, Will," he barks.

He catches it as it's tossed over and I look down to watch him write 'Cheat,' across my chest. Guilt at hurting him wracks me again. Liam continues to write on me with words like 'Deceitful,' and 'Easy,' and I know I have no right to argue against them with those words being true. Finally, he adds a label on my abdomen, marking me as his property and 'Revoked,' on the shaft of my cock as he lifts my skirt up. I don't know how long this is going to last, but it becomes increasingly clear that he is deadly serious about his ownership over my cock.

William then takes his place behind me, and with one, hard thrust, he takes his turn at fucking me, whilst Liam grips my hair and forces me to stare up at his handsome face. I desperately want to please him and earn the use of my manhood again.

As my free hands reach out to touch him, William pulls them behind my back and fastens them again, preventing me from having the contact I'm craving. I will have to throw my long-suffering body at my Master's mercy when William is no longer around in an attempt to gain his favour. For now, I will have to serve them and suck it up like an obedient, submissive should.


It's late by the time they've decided to finish passing me between them, using me for their own amusement and satisfaction. I'm a complete state and exhausted from the time spent on my knees—Hornier than I've ever been from not being allowed to release. I'd been close, several times but the stimulation hasn't quite been enough.

I collapse on the floor, a quivering, orgasmic mess as my restraints are removed, and Liam kicks me over on to my back to take photos as he stands over me. I definitely don't want to risk upsetting him again. I shouldn't have betrayed him, regardless of the circumstances.

"Doesn't she look pretty," William teases.

"Not quite..." Liam responds, looking down upon me.

Liam's phone starts to ring in his pocket, so William picks up his discarded trousers and tosses it over.

"It appears to be the other one, Liam," William sighs in annoyance.

Liam flips it open as he remains over me.

"Selena? I wasn't expecting you to call me again. No, he's here; Emasculated, but completely safe. We'll possibly see you on Saturday depending on what happens Friday. I'll notify you of the outcome regardless. Bye." He throws his phone, on to the bed, then applies pressure to my crotch with his foot. "Right, you're absolutely filthy. Let's get you bathed. Daddy could then do with a stiff drink after the day he's had," he smirks.

He's doing it to get under my skin, but I don't blame him for doing it. I'm tired, but I nod as my gag is finally removed and my skirt is pulled off.

With a tug, Liam drags me up to my feet and into the bathroom. Obediently I get into the bath as he puts in the plug and turns on both taps. He pours in some bubble bath, and the pungent aroma of roses saturates the room. William grins and reaches into the water to stroke up my leg as the hairbands are removed from my hair.

"Hm, such soft skin, although I do prefer a completely smooth pussy. How about you, Liam?" he sniggers.

"Definitely," Liam responds, handing him over a razor. "Spread your legs, slut."


"From now on you're to be hairless, entirely from the neck down."

"I've already been removing my chest, arm and leg hair, Master... I trim and tidy everything else," I stammer.

"And I want my girl to do more than that from now on. Hold still..."

Gently he applies shaving foam to my face, and with another razor, he carefully begins to remove my facial hair with steady strokes. I watch him out the corner of my eye as he continues his task of emasculating me further. William is at the foot of the bath, holding the other razor and I part my legs in compliance to Liam's wishes, dangling my ankles over the rim.

I try to relax as all trace is removed and at some point, I'm asked to hold my clitty out of the way which has finally subsided, so William can finish. I'm not entirely sure about how I feel. Outwardly, I have always identified as a man. However, when I've flirted with Liam, I have used what could be classed as more feminine gestures and mannerisms with that being what he responds best to. Maybe I'm trying to analyse this situation too much. Maybe I should stop thinking about it and just do whatever feels natural for us?

Liam tilts my face towards him and removes the rest of my facial hair, ending with my upper lip. Warmth appears in his eyes, and a wide beam spreads across his face as the reason for my facial hair becomes abundantly clear to him as he cleans the remaining foam off.

"Wow, you're stunningly beautiful," he whispers, making me feel shy.

"Well, well. Isn't she just! Adorable even..."

Liam drops the razor to the floor and presses his lips to mine. Tenderly he kisses me and his hand strokes through my hair.

"The things I want to do with you," he groans, gazing down at my body before glancing over my face again.

Looking into each other's eyes, I realise that Liam is hugely, sexually, attracted to me with the way I look now with his pupils dilated amorously. Deliciously soft lips press ardently against mine, and we kiss again, with me wrapping my arms around his neck. I desperately love this man who is providing me with affection in abundance right at this moment.

"Master, I love you," I sigh.

"Shh," he responds, nodding towards William who stares at us incredulously. Getting the hint, William begrudgingly leaves us.

Liam finishes bathing me by lathering up my hair with shampoo and massaging my scalp before rinsing it with clean, warm water from the shower attachment. He then uses a loofah to scrub me clean, in an attempt to remove most of the marker covering my body.

Lifting me out of the bath, Liam holds me against his chest, draped over his arms and carries me out towards the bed. With a towel he begins to dry my hair and then he removes a white, silk negligee from the drawer and pulls it over my head, feminising me once again. Between him and me, I feel no embarrassment. It's just William ridiculing me with his incessant laughter that I'm struggling with.

"Master, I'm sorry," I apologise. "I shouldn't have hurt you."

"No, you shouldn't have, but hopefully we can move on from all of this," he responds, fingering the fabric of the nearly sheer, silk slip.

Suddenly he lifts it as he moves over me and I wait in bated anticipation of him to finally touch me. Instead, he reaches into the bedside cabinet and removes lubricant and the chastity device, which he swiftly places on me before I have a chance to swell.

"Right, I'm going out, beautiful," he says, stroking my hair once he's finished. "You will remain here and behave yourself. The cage remains on until I say otherwise. I'm taking the keys with me so don't you dare think you can bribe Will."

He kisses me on the forehead then leaves the room, gently closing the door behind him. Frustrated, I look down at the stainless steel contraption encasing the entirety of my cock apart from a small gap to pee through and the metal ring surrounding my balls.

A minute later, there's a knock on the door, and William enters, knowing Liam has now gone. I hope he doesn't want to fuck me again. I haven't had time to process the renewed grief I feel from being played again by Louise.

"So, shithead. I bet you're feeling really fucking horny under that silky nightie, right?"

"Please, not again, Sir," I shake my head, pulling the hem down.

"I just wanted to point out that your Master isn't completely mean."

"I have no idea what you mean, Sir?"

"No need for the pleasantries now, Slut. I'm talking about your needs. I loved hearing your noises last night. Your sex face is absolutely breathtaking."

"What the fuck," I mumble.

"You get enjoyment from anal sex, right?"

"Do we have to talk about this now?"

"Are you shy talking about your sexual enjoyment? After literally being fucked by several men last night and being fisted?"

"Kinda, yes..."

"It is enjoyable for you, isn't it?"

"Yes, but I need extra stimulation..." I mutter.

"Well, now is the perfect opportunity for you to experiment with the state you're in. Right, I'm going to help myself to some of Liam's whisky, or is that yours?"

"Do whatever."

"I don't really enjoy drinking by myself. I guess I'll make you my drinking buddy."

He leaves then returns a few minutes later with a bottle of whisky and two glasses. He pours me a large drink before making his own and sitting on the bed next to me.

He chinks his glass against mine then downs half.

"I've always preferred spirits over wine. Drink up, Slut."

"After last night it's probably best I don't."

"You handled the alcohol pretty well. The ecstasy, on the other hand, made you some kind of sex fiend. I could barely keep up," he chuckles.

"What are you doing?" I snap.

"What do you mean? I'm just sitting here, having a drink and a chat with my new buddy."

"You're acting overly familiar with me."

"I spent several hours fucking your arse. If you don't count that as becoming close, then fuck me. Oh wait, you did!" he smirks.

"I did what you told me to do," I dismiss.

"And you loved it! Pounding away at me like that. You're up there as one of my top five memorable fucks."

"Are you a sadist?"

"I am. I enjoy humiliation mainly."

"Why are you being nice to me then? Especially after what you said earlier?"

"Because you had a bad day and after seeing you going through all of that, I guess you may actually be serious about Liam. I also have a kid. I do see him, but I'm not with his mother so it's not as often as I would like. I can understand the way you feel as a father."

"You have a child?" I respond, stunned.

"Yes. He's six weeks old. His name is Luke."

"I didn't know that."

"Well, you wouldn't. So, she fucked you and left, huh?"

"Yeah. I didn't have a plan, to be honest, I just wanted to see Rebekah. I shouldn't have done it."

I finish the remainder of my drink then place the glass down on the bedside cabinet. I'm not in the mood to talk any longer. William does the same.

"So as your new buddy would you like me to teach your body new tricks?"

"Um, no, actually. I need to sleep, but I guess thank you for the offer," I shrug.

"Okay. Well, I'm in the next room so if you change your mind, find me. Night..." he responds, leaving me finally to myself.

I remove my phone from my jeans to check the time and find a couple of missed calls from Selena. Liam has already spoken to her, so I don't call her back. I feel bad that I have probably disappointed her too. She hadn't stopped me from doing what I did, but she had taken the time to check up on me. I toy with the idea of sending her a message but decide against it at this late hour.

I then find a message, so I click on it. It's from Louise.

~Thanks for the shag. I'll text you if I want you again.

She didn't care about what she'd done to me at all. The tears were all fake.

~What would it have taken for you to want to stay with me?

I wait several minutes, but I don't receive a reply although I do get a notification telling me the message has been received. I wasn't sure if she'd blocked my number again.

I roll over on to my side and decide I should try to sleep. I don't know what I had expected to happen today. Still, I had hoped Louise felt guilty for what she did and was prepared to discuss me being able to spend time with Rebekah. That's all I've ever wanted. For now, I should remain thankful that Liam appears to be a forgiving person and work out how to make it up to him so he can trust me again. I'll have to try a different approach to see my daughter; one that doesn't result in me hurting others.

Written by utterchaos
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