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Author's Notes

"If you're just coming into this series partway through, I invite you to start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you lie what you've read, or not, please leave a comment. Enjoy!"

The next morning, John awoke first. Sliding out from between his lovers, trying very hard not to wake them, he went to the washroom to take care of his morning business. Returning to the room, he saw the girls snuggling and kissing, their bodies wrapped around each other. “You two are insatiable!” he said, shaking his head.

“We are, aren’t we?” laughed Laura. “I just can’t get enough of you,” she whispered to Pat before returning to kissing her.

“Oh, Laura, you say the nicest things!” she replied. John just stood leaning against the corner of the wall, his cock rising at the view before him. “Look,” she said pointing, “your husband has another erection!”

“Whatever shall we do about that?” asked Laura, grinning broadly. “Do you think he would like to fuck us with that erection?”

“I think he might,” answered Pat. “But I have a better idea.” She reached over to the nightstand and picked up the camera, handing it to Laura. Looking John directly in the eye, she said firmly, “I think he should masturbate for us.”

“You know,” answered Laura, “I think that is a marvelous idea!” She gestured to the chair by the desk. “John, darling, would you be so kind as to show us how you pleasure yourself?”

“That’s not something I would usually do with witnesses but, after everything that’s happened so far, why the fuck not?” He sat in the chair and took his cock in his hand. “I will need the proper visual assistance,” he said. “Would you ladies be so kind as to continue kissing?” They both smiled deliciously and began kissing again.

John got up briefly to get the bottle of lube that was on the nightstand and to retrieve a washcloth from the washroom. Noticing it in his hand, Laura said, “You won’t be needing that, you’re going to come on our faces and we’re going to clean each other off!”

“As you wish, M’Lady,” he replied and sat back down. “Continue.”

He applied a generous dollop of lube to his cock and began stroking it slowly as the two women kissed, their hands occasionally sneaking between the other’s thighs for a quick rub. Every so often, the women would sneak a glance over to watch. Every time he opened his eyes, they would go back to kissing for a few moments.

It didn’t take long, only a minute or so later before he moaned, “If you want this, you better get over here!” They scrambled off the bed and knelt in front of him, shoulder to shoulder. Laura handed him the camera.

“Come on, baby, do it! Come for us!” Laura urged.

“Yes, please, come for us!” echoed Pat. The women kissed again briefly.

“Oh, fuck! Here it comes!” he grunted and pushed his hips forward just as the two faces beneath him touched together. Fingers and tongues replaced his hand as he came, white globs of semen landing on their faces. He felt one set of lips on either side of his shaft as they slid along it, two tongues coaxing the last of his cum to the tip. “God Damn! You girls are good!” he exclaimed. They smiled up at him before commencing to clean his cum from each other’s faces. He knelt down and joined in, opening his mouth to receive the dollops of sticky white fluid from their fingertips as they fed his own cum to him.

“I think he likes the taste of himself,” purred Pat. Laura nodded.

“There’s not much to it, really,” he answered, “I just figure I shouldn’t ask you girls to do something I’m not willing to do.”

“I will remember you said that,” Laura said mischievously. “I have other fantasies I’d like turned into reality!”

“Oh, such as?” he asked.

“Such as two men at once,” she answered. He'd been shocked when they previously talked about expanding their sex lives, and she had given that idea a hard no. “And something else, maybe.” She left that to his imagination.

“If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, that’s not gonna happen!” He was adamant on that one.

“So, you’re okay with me sucking a strange man’s cock but you won’t try it? Guess that makes you a hypocrite.” Pat watched the exchange with interest; this might be a turning point in their relationship and she didn’t want to interfere. But, she had been silently hoping that, somehow, their relationship would falter and she would get to have Laura all to herself, with a few select friends added occasionally for variety, of course.

“That just has no appeal for me,” he said.

Laura caressed his cock. “Would you do it for me?” she asked sweetly. “You wouldn’t have to make him come, just a little suck so I can watch. Please, baby!”

“I suppose you have someone in mind?” He wasn’t keen on the idea at all but was curious to see where her mind was going with this.

“No, it would be sort of an opportunity thing,” she replied. “Tell you what, let’s leave it for now. If the chance comes up that we have a threesome with another guy, we’ll see what happens.” She leaned forward to kiss him on the mouth then dropped back down to take his cock between her lips for a long slow suck. “It’s not so bad you know.”

Pat joined her for a long suck of her own, “It really isn’t,” she added. “I think that would be pretty hot!” John wasn’t convinced but didn’t want to spoil his wife’s mood so he left it at that.

The shower wasn’t big enough for all three of them so Laura suggested that her husband and her lover shower together, “You know, to save water!” What should have taken only a few minutes lasted nearly twenty as they fondled and groped each other while Laura watched through the steamed glass, capturing their activity for posterity on the camera. Once they finished, she hopped in for a quick rub and a wash. “How many orgasms have I had this weekend?” she wondered. She tried to count but gave up, “It doesn’t matter,” she concluded.

After breakfast, they headed out in search of a naughty store where the girls could find some new playthings for their final night of this trip. Turns out it was about a half-hour walk, when they arrived they saw that the store wouldn’t open for another hour so they went for a walk to kill the time. They all held hands as they walked, Laura between her husband and her girlfriend, drawing catcalls and jeers from passing cars and stares from other walkers as they went. Ordinarily shy, Laura really seemed to be enjoying the attention they were getting. Returning to the store, they arrived just after the clerk switched on the OPEN sign.

Never having been to such as place, Laura was surprised by the variety of things on display. Her newfound inner slut was fascinated as she browsed the aisles, picking up items as she went and giggling with Pat as they mimed using them. John hung back and watched his once reserved wife walk without shame into this new world. “You have created an animal!” he joked to Pat as Laura picked up a double-ended dildo about eighteen inches long and ran her fingers along its length.

“What about this one, I’ll bet we could have all sorts of fun with this!” she said to Pat.

“We could indeed,” Pat answered, “so much fun!” Laura picked a packaged one from the rack and dropped it into the shopping basket on her arm. Moving further along, Pat spied an interesting-looking black vibrator. “Fifty Shades of Grey, hmm, didn’t know they made vibrators,” she mused. “Check this out, you guys, this is what you need right here.” She picked up the package and read aloud, “Thrusting G-Spot Rabbit Vibrator.” Turning the package over, she continued, “Over 30 modes, thrusting, you, this is the one!” She handed the package to Laura.

“I think you’re right, sweetie! What do you think babe, would you like to watch me use this?”

“I think that would be awesome,” John said. “Why don’t you each get one?”

“Why not?” laughed Pat as she took a second one from the shelf and dropped them both into the basket. “What else?” she wondered aloud as they continued wandering. A half-hour later they had selected a couple of other toys for Laura including a foot-long dildo that looked almost real and was as thick as her wrist. They dropped some flavored lubes and a bottle of toy cleaner into the basket and headed for the checkout. The clerk was smiling to herself as they began putting their choices on the counter.

She was young, probably in her early twenties, a little chubby but rather cute, at least John thought so. “Let me guess, first time in a sex shop?” she asked. Laura smiled and bowed her head.

“Not for me,” said Pat, “but my friends here are virgins!”

“I could tell,” the clerk answered. “You guys mind if I ask a few questions, maybe there’s something else I can help you find.”

“Sure,” said Laura, “in for a penny.
“Okay, I’m guessing you guys are having a naughty weekend way, am I right?” They all nodded, surprised that she had read them so well, Laura blushed a little. “Don’t be embarrassed, in this town, pretty much anything goes, and believe me, I’ve seen it all. Are you a threesome or is there another partner?”

“Just the three of us,” said Laura, “why, are you interested?”

“Thanks, but no, that’s not my thing,” she said, much to Laura’s disappointment. “So,’ she continued, pointing at Laura and John, “you two are married, and you’re,” pointing at Pat, “her girlfriend.”

“Right in one,” John said. There was no point in holding back now, “My wife had an affair with this gorgeous woman, and rather than divorcing her, I convinced her to invite me along for the ride.”

“I’ll bet it’s been quite a ride!” the clerk smiled knowingly. “I remember my first threesome, it was amazing but my girlfriend couldn’t deal with her feelings of jealousy so we’re just the two of us now.” She continued ringing in the items, “Can I suggest something? Are you into anal?” John and Laura both pointed at Pat. Pat pointed right back at Laura.

"I am,” she said, “She’s not. Yet.” She smiled broadly.

“Okay, follow me,’ the clerk said. John admired the sway of her backside as she walked. In a small corner, she picked a silver bullet-shaped item off the wall and handed it to Laura. “If you want to try anal, I recommend starting with this, it’s a butt-plug.” Laura took it from her and turned it over, admiring the ruby-colored jeweled glass on the end.

“Looks a little big,” Laura mused, “does it come in a bit smaller size?” The clerk put that one back and selected another package.

“This is a kit that has three different sizes. It’s a little more expensive but it would be good for helping you get used to the feeling of having your bum full.” Laura took it from her.

“Like, do you wear it all the time or just during sex?” she asked. The clerk smiled and turned around, lifting her skirt and bending over slightly, a blue jewel could be seen between her naked bum, she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“I wear mine every day,” she said, turning back around and lifting her skirt. Laura’s mouth was wide open as she stared, her ruby jewel was visible beside the string of her thing, and her plump lips were easily seen.

“You sure you won’t reconsider? You have a lovely bum!” teased Pat.

“Thanks, but no, I don’t fool around. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not you guys, you’re hot! I’d even let you fuck me,” she said to John. “But I made a promise to my girlfriend.”

“Fair enough,” Pat said. Laura held the package to her chest.

“I guess we break down another barrier tonight,” she said, taking John’s hand into hers. “Any other suggestions?”

“One more actually,” the clerk said. She led the trio back to the wall where the vibrators were. “You should try this one,” She handed a pink colored vibrator with a bulbous end and a small bulb appendage about halfway down its length. “I have this one, it’s the best. It comes with an app that you can use to set up custom vibration patterns and speeds. That way you don’t have to fumble with the controls as you go, you just set it up and the pattern repeats until you switch it off.”

Laura turned it over in her hand, “Satisfyer. So soft,” she said, finding the button to set it to vibrate. “How do you know if it’s strong enough?”

“You’ll love this,” said the clerk, taking it from Laura and placing the tip against the end of her nose. “If your eyes water when you do this, it might be too strong. The nice thing about this one is the vibration speed and intensity are quite variable so it works for almost everyone.”

“I’ll take one,” said Laura. Pat took another one from the shelf for herself.

“Another piece of technology for me to figure out,” laughed John.

“Don’t worry, the app is pretty easy to use, the website even has instructional videos.” The clerk led them up to the counter and rang the rest of the purchases through. The total surprised the trio, just a little over $500, but now that they were over the edge, they wanted all-in. “If you like these, leave a review on our website. My name’s Sarah”

“Thank you, Sarah,” said Laura, “you’ve been very helpful.”

One last thing,” Sarah said before they left. “Keep everything clean and never go ass to pussy without a good cleaning in between. That goes for toys and cocks. The infections can be really nasty.” She handed over the plain paper bag. “Have fun!”

During the walk back to the hotel, Laura chatted excitedly about her new purchases and how they might work for them. John and Pat exchanged glances and smiles as she rambled, oblivious that passersby could hear every word. “Laura,” said Pat quietly, “Sshhh. No need to broadcast that you’re going back to your room to fuck yourself silly!”

“Oops, sorry,” she laughed. “I guess I got carried away. This is all so exciting and I am super horny right now.”

“Patience, sweetheart, you’ve waited 30 years, you can wait another hour,” said John. “Let’s have lunch and let the anticipation build.”

“Oh, fuck, John, that’ll be hard!” Laura whispered.

“Not as hard as I’ll be!” he answered.

Lunch was at an outdoor patio of a restaurant in the park along the edge of the cliff overlooking the river below the falls. Laura was unable to sit still, shifting and squirming as she thought of trying out all their new purchases. AS the waiter dropped off the bill, her face twisted into a grimace then relaxed. Just before they got up to leave, Laura made a startling discovery, “Oh my God, I am fucking soaked!” she whispered hoarsely. My dress is all wet underneath my ass! I can’t go anywhere like this!”

“Relax, sweetie, you’ll be fine!” said Pat, handing her a light sweater. “Just tie this around your waist and let it hang over your backside, no one will be the wiser.” Laura looked at her skeptically as she did as Pat suggested. Looking down at the seat of her chair, she could see a wet stain on the fabric.

“Fuck!” she said quietly, “I’ve soaked the chair!”

“I got this,” said John, “just turn away from the table.” As she did, he stood up quickly, spilling his glass of water over the table and onto the chair. “Oops!” he said loudly, “I am so clumsy today!”

A passing waiter overheard and said, “Don’t worry sir, we’ll change that chair out. Enjoy the rest of your day!”

“We didn’t fool him, did we?” asked Laura, hanging her head.

“No, I don’t think so!” laughed Pat. “What has come over you, you horny bitch? Get a grip on yourself!”

“You’d have soaked the chair too if you’d just had an orgasm!” whispered Laura. “Right there, just thinking about feeling that plug in my bum, I had an orgasm! What the fuck is wrong with me?”

“Nothing, sweetie, you’re just excited!” said John. “We’ll have to take care of that right away!”

“I know just what to do!” said Pat. “You’re going to hate me at first but then you’ll thank me later!”

Eventually, they arrived back at the hotel. During the ride up on the elevator, Laura squirmed again as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before releasing it loudly. “Not again!” said Pat. “Jesus H Christ, will you please calm down!”

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“I can’t help it!” protested Laura, “I think about it and I just get all wet!”

“And that squirming wasn’t to rub your clit against your panties, right?” Pat answered back. “Come on, sweetie, I know how things work!” She moved next to Laura and kissed her ever so gently, “I am going to have such fun teasing you!”

John, mostly a bystander for the last hour, said, “And I’m going to enjoy watching her do it!” His hand moved under her dress and along her panties, teasing the cleft between her pussy lips. “You are fucking soaked! How many orgasms have you had since we left?” Laura held up five fingers, “Fuck me!” John breathed.

“Oh, don’t worry,” replied Laura, “we will!” They walked down the long hallway to their room at the end, Laura excitedly getting ahead.

“Hold up there, missy!” said Pat, “The bag, please.” Laura looked plaintively at her, “Please.” She handed the bag over. “Now, here’s what I want you to do. Go inside and take a shower, clean yourself up. Do. Not. Play. With. Yourself! John and I will get everything ready.” Pat tapped the key card to unlock the door, Laura bowed her head and went directly to the shower. John locked the door behind them as Pat threw open the drapes, filling the room with light. The bed was freshly made but the tripods and camera appeared untouched. Pat asked John to turn down the bed as she collected a small bag from the closet and joined Laura in the washroom.

John heard the shower stop and shortly after, his wife’s voice pleading with Pat to touch her. While he waited, he downloaded the contents of the memory card in the camera to a secure folder on his laptop and wiped it clean in readiness for making another video. He had already transferred the video from his phone to the secure folder. He watched for a few moments until he heard the bathroom door click.

“Is the camera ready?” called Pat. He said it was and pointed it at the doorway. Laura appeared wearing nothing but the makeup that Pat had applied to her after her shower. “Up on the bed,” said Pat, “I’ll go and give these a good clean. No touching!” Laura complied, sitting on the crisp white sheets and leaning back against the pillows that were propped up against the headboard. She folded her hands in her lap and looked demurely into the camera lens, the corners of her lips turned up in an enigmatic smile.

“My God, you are beautiful!” breathed John. “How did I ever get so lucky to catch you?”

“Beats me,” she answered, “but I’m glad you did!” John focused the camera on her face, zooming in to capture every curve and line before zooming back out a little and panning it down along her body, stopping to capture the curve of her breasts before continuing down along her hip. Stopping at her hands, he held the camera still while looking up at her and mouthed, “Please.” She smiled, opened her hands, and parted her knees slightly so the camera could see that she was smooth and hairless, the very top of her opening just visible, the fold of her hood peeking out. Closing her knees and folding her hands once again, she nudged him with her toe. He looked up and she winked at him, he slowly moved the camera again to focus on her face, her pink tongue flicked out between scarlet painted lips, revealing a hint of her white, even teeth.

Keeping one hand in place, she moved her other to her breast, cupping its fullness before moving her fingers to pinch her nipple, making it harden to her touch. Licking the end of her finger, she played it around her areola, little bumps rose around the edges of it in the cool air of the room. Her hand went back to her lap as she smiled and shook her head ever so slightly, biting her bottom lip seductively. He switched the camera off and set it down.

“Holy fuck, babe, you are so fucking hot! I never realized it before but I can tell you, you are the hottest woman I have ever seen! A porn starlet could not beat the show you just gave me!”

She rolled slightly and lifted her hip to show him the wet spot on the sheet underneath her. “That was such a turn-on! I don’t know what got into me but I just went with it. We have to do that again!” Just then Pat returned, wiping the double-ended dildo dry and setting it on the bed beside Laura. Holding up one finger to tell her to wait, she went back into the washroom and retrieved the rest of their toys, setting them down as well. She retrieved the several bottles of lubricant they had bought and set them beside the toys.

“Where do you want to start?” asked Pat. “Do you want some help or do you want to go it alone?” Laura scanned the array of pleasure-inducing devices and picked up the pink rabbit vibrator.

“I think I’ll start with this one,” she said, searching for the ON button. Finding it, she pressed it and the toy started vibrating. She hit the button a few more times to try out the different modes and speeds, settling on one before laying back and opening her legs. John had the camera rolling again as she slid it along her out lips which were not just slick but dripping with her slimy wetness. “Mmmmm,” she moaned as she rubbed it along her slit, occasionally brushing her clit. “Oooh, Yesssss,” she drew out the sound as she probed her opening before sliding it inside her. Grasping the protruding handle, she maneuvered it until the little nub halfway up the body of the toy nestled against her clit.

“Oh, my goodness!” she breathed, “Mmmmmm, I like that!” She moved it around a little to get it nestled in just the right spot and then began selecting different modes again, the soft humming of the toy changing with each mode. John watched, fascinated, as his wife fucked herself with her new toy. He could see her pussy and ass clench each time she found a setting she liked but there was one setting that, when she found it, made her ass jump. “Fuck!” she cried. “Oh fuck! That feels sooooo….” Her voice trailed off as she held the toy against her clit, her hips moving gently to rub the bulbous tip against her g-spot.

Her hips bucked sporadically as she neared her peak, a soft mewling punctuated by an occasional curse escaped her lips, each time the vibrations touched her in just the right way. John was rock hard once again but he resisted the urge to pull his cock out and masturbate, just as he resisted going to Pat and engaging with her. She, on the other hand, had no such hesitation as she was sitting in the chair, her hands under her dress and her panties on the floor in a bunch at her feet.

John hadn’t noticed her sneaking her new dildo but he could hear the grinding sound as she fucked herself with it. He reached over and lifted the hem of her dress to be rewarded with the sight of a second sopping wet pussy close at hand. “Holy Fuck!” he thought to himself, “This can’t be real!” But it was real as he returned his focus to his nearly orgasmic wife, her hips now thrusting to meet the drive of her hand as she pummelled her pussy with the pink shivering toy.

Her moans announced her orgasm, loud enough certainly to be heard in the adjacent room, perhaps all the way down the hallway of the hotel floor. Pat’s cries joined hers as she too reached that epic bliss, her head thrashing as the thrusting toy tormented her. How incredible to have two beautiful, sweating, swearing, orgasming women, one on either side of him, pleasuring themselves. Almost in sync, the two women eased themselves down from their delicious high and then began again, wanting to feel that rush once more. Their cries built together, each trying to drown out the other as they peaked once more. As her orgasm began to fade, Pat got up and joined Laura on the bed, cuddling and kissing her back down to earth.

“Sarah was right, she said you’d like that one!” she said excitedly. “We’ll have to figure out how that remote control app thingy works and have some real fun with it!”

“Mmmm, I like the way you’re thinking!” purred Laura, “But there are other things here we need to try.”

“Just give me a few minutes to catch my breath,” Pat answered. “John, would you go wash these off?" She handed him the smallest of the butt plugs, Also, would you warm this up in the bathroom sink, please?” He grinned, knowing what the next scene would be and hoping that, if things went well, he’d finally get a chance to fuck his wife’s ass. That was another hard no when he’d brought it up just after they had gotten married. The girls continued to kiss in his absence, when he returned, he wiped the toys dry and set them beside the others on the bed. He kissed his wife and their girlfriend, running his fingers along their pussies and licking them clean.

“We’re going to need to get these sheets changed again before bedtime!” he noted. There was a large wet spot under Laura’s backside and he knew it would likely get bigger very soon. The girls laughed hard at that one, then Pat rolled to face her lover.

“Ready?” she asked. Laura nodded, biting her lower lip. “Fuck that’s so hot when you do that!” Pat growled. “Okay, on all fours, ass in the air,” she instructed, Laura rolled over and assumed the position. Turning to John, she continued, “Now, unlike your wife’s delicious pussy, her ass has no lubrication. That’s where this comes in.” She reached and took hold of a bottle of lubricant. “You can use water-based lube, the same stuff you use for your toys or you can use this stuff, silicone-based. Be careful not to mix them up, the silicone-based lube will damage your toys. But it’s slicker,” she said, depositing a dab on John’s fingertip and then on Laura’s so they could feel the difference. “This plug is steel so you can use either, same for if you graduate to the real thing, either is fine. But if you’re going to use silicone toys, use the water-based lube, got it?”

“Got it,” they said in unison. Pat selected the smallest plug and took the lube and squeezed out a generous dollop onto both it and Laura’s rear hole.

“This might hurt a little at first but you’ll get used to it if you can see it through,” she said softly. She took the plug and positioned it against her back door. “Ease back onto it,” she said, “when you’re ready.” Laura took a deep breath and let her hips move back, wincing a little as the plug stretched her open. A sharp intake of breath and then it popped inside her, the jeweled end peeking between her cheeks.

“Don’t move,” instructed John as he reached for the camera. He took a quick video and then said, “Put your finger on the end of it, baby, like you’re pushing it in.” She did as she was told and John groaned at the result.

“Now what?” asked Laura.

“Now your husband gets between your thighs and licks your pussy!” said Pat. John quickly got into position and started licking and sucking his wife, reaching up to touch the end of the plug in her ass. She squirmed when he pushed on it but she didn’t protest so he continued. Soon she was moaning again as his fingers slid inside her still dripping opening, she could feel them pushing against the hard steel.

“Mmmm, that feels so good!” she moaned. Pat moved up beside her and kissed her gently, whispering softly.

“You want to try the next size up or are you good for now?” she purred.

“I’m good, for now,” Laura replied. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and began rolling her hips against her husband’s mouth, “Fuck me John, put it in me!” He quickly moved out from underneath her and got into place, as soon as she felt the tip of his cock against her she pushed back and impaled herself onto it. “Hard John, fuck me hard!” she demanded and he did, as hard as he ever had he fucked her, his hips making slapping noises against her ass cheeks as they came together with each thrust. Every time he thrust forward, he bumped against the end of the plug, eliciting a soft cry from his wife's lips. Pat’s fingers found her clit, that was what she needed and she had her third screaming orgasm of the afternoon.

The feel of the hard steel rubbing against him as he pounded into her, not to mention that he was already primed and ready from watching the girls pleasure themselves before, was enough to trigger his own orgasm. He thrust forward and shouted as he unloaded into his wife’s quim, invoking more screams from her. Once he finished pumping into her, he began thrusting again, vowing to bring her to another orgasm before he went soft.

Sure enough, between his cock, the butt plug, and Pat’s fingers, she came again, this time collapsing onto her stomach, causing cock and fingers to lose contact with her spasming wetness. Laura moaned softly in time with her ragged breathing, once she was able to speak, she sighed, “THAT, was incredible!” A few more breaths to calm herself and she rolled over, pulling both of them to her. “How dull and boring my life would have been if had I not met you, Pat!” She kissed her lover before turning to her husband. “So, what do you think, can I keep her?”

“What is she, a puppy?’ he laughed. “I think so, so long as she is happy with it all, I’m happy.”

“I’m more than happy with it all!” Pat said. “This has turned out better than I could have dreamed it would!” They all hugged again and let their breathing slow to normal. Just then came a knock on the door, John grabbed a robe from the bathroom and went to answer it.

“Everything okay in here?” a woman’s voice asked. “We had a call about a woman screaming.”

He opened the door and stepped back, “Why don’t you ask them?” he invited.

“Goodness no! My manager just told me to make sure everything was okay.”

“Everything is perfect!” called Laura, “Could not be better!”

“All right then,” they heard from the woman, “enjoy the rest of your day.”

“Before you go, Cassandra,” said John, reading her nametag, “I have a small favor to ask. We’re going out to dinner soon, could you have housekeeping come up and clean our room again? We made a bit of a mess in here!”

“Not a problem, sir,” they heard. “You might be surprised how often this happens. Like every day at least once. I’ll take care of it. Just stop by the front desk on your way out and we’ll have your room ready for when you get back.”

“Thanks,” he said, closing the door. When he returned to the bed, the two women were snuggled up together, laughing to kill themselves. “What?”

“When you asked her to do you a favor, I thought you were going to invite her in to join us!” giggled Pat.

“Would that have been a bad thing?” he asked.

“Depends,” said Laura, an evil grin on her face. “Was she cute?”

“She was cute,” he replied. “Nothing compared to you two ladies, but she was cute.” Laura adopted a mock frown for a moment then they all laughed some more. “I can’t believe it!” he said.

“Can’t believe what?” his wife asked.

“Can’t believe that six weeks ago, we were stuck in a rut, rarely having sex and when we did it wasn’t that great. Now look at us, look at you, I can’t believe the change in you!” He moved to hug his wife, “Whoever said change is not good is an idiot!”

The three of them hugged some more, kissed a little then decided it was time to get ready for dinner. Pat suggested they all shower separately or they might never get to dinner, volunteering to go first. John, followed, then Laura, when she returned she saw the others dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt. As she bent over to put on her panties, they could see the jewel from the butt plug that was still in place. John nudged Pat and pointed, she retrieved the middle-sized one from the collection and disappeared into the washroom. Coming back out, she took Laura’s hand and rubbed it along the rear crease of her jeans so she could feel it. “Now we match!” she said with a grin. They kissed, and the three of them headed out for dinner, John leaving a $50 on the bed for the extra trouble.

Stopping by the front desk, John introduced them to Cassandra on the way out. As they walked out of the hotel, Laura said, “You’re right John, she is cute!” She took her now usual position and held their hands as they walked the short distance to an Italian place near the hotel. “I like this feeling,” Laura said as they walked. “I wish we’d done this years ago!”

“It’ll feel funny when you sit down,” said Pat, “try to get a soft chair if you can, unless you want the people around you to hear it as you sit.” Laura just smiled and nodded.

“Do they make these in softer material?” she asked.

“Of course, you can get them in silicone, too,” Pat answered. “I have one of those but I gotta say, I like the hard steel in my ass! They also come in glass or hard plastic.”

“Hard steel in your ass! Sound like something out of a porn story!” said John.

Laura squeezed his hand, “If you’re patient and let me get used to this thing, maybe someday you can out your hard steel into my ass!”

“I’d pay to see that!” whispered Pat as they arrived at the restaurant.

Written by CaressofSteel
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