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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this series, I invite you to start at the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, or if you don't, please leave a comment. Enjoy!"

Thomas and Allison sat in the lobby of the hotel awaiting Patricia’s arrival. Thomas was thumbing through his social media but Allie was a nervous wreck. She could hardly sit still as her head swiveled looking to catch a glimpse of the object of her desire. “Relax, she’ll be here soon,” Thomas said. “Remember, she texted and said that traffic was insane. She’s on her way.”

“I know, I know!” Allie replied. She leaned in a whispered, “I’m just so excited!”

“Who are you and what have you done with my normally sane and controlled wife?” he whispered back, kissing her cheek.

“I’m Allison’s alter-ego, I’ve replaced normal Allison with horny Allison and I want to get fucked!” Allison reached into his lap and squeezed him. “Ooh! Looks like you want it too!” She kissed his cheek in return.

She continued swiveling her head, tempted to text or call Patricia but Thomas stopped her. After what seemed an eternity, Pat finally appeared, breezing through the front doors as if she owned the place. “AH!” Allie squealed and she ran to her, wrapping her in a ferocious hug. “Finally!” She kissed her quickly, not wanting her lust to be too obvious.

“Hi, gorgeous,” Pat whispered, returning her brief kiss. Thomas came over and Allie introduced them.

“Hi Thomas,” she said, extending her hand. Taking it, he kissed her fingers.

“Enchanter, mademoiselle,” he said softly before drawing her in for a hug.

“Is he always this gallant?” she asked his wife.

“Not usually,” she answered. “Normally he’s a total Neanderthal!” She slapped him playfully on the shoulder. “I think he’s just trying to impress you!”

“He’s succeeding!” Pat replied. Turning to Thomas, she said, “The pleasure is all mine. But later it will be all yours!” She kissed him on the cheek, leaving a lip print that she wiped off. Allie was shifting nervously from one foot to the other. “Do you have a problem, Allison? A need to pee perhaps?”

“Yes,” she replied. “I need to go to our room and pee!” she answered, exasperated.

Pat pointed to a sign above a doorway across the lobby. “There’s a washroom right over there,” she teased. “Why don’t you go in there for a moment and I’ll get checked in.” She winked at Allie, hoping she’d get the hint. Allie turned and went into the washroom. Pat took her husband into her arms, “Now that she’s not here…” she pulled him toward her, pushing her tongue into his mouth. “I’m going to show you such a good time!”

She stepped away from him and turned towards the washroom. “Aren’t you going to check in?” he asked.

She waved her phone in the air, “Already done!” she called. “Back in a moment!” True to her word, she returned about two minutes later, Allison close behind her, out of breath. Both of them had lipstick smears trailing from the corners of their mouths. Thomas looked at them quizzically. “I’m going to show her a good time too!” she said. Picking up her small suitcase, she headed to the elevator waving for them to follow.

As the doors slid closed, Allie reached for Pat’s hand, bringing her fingers to her lips. “I’m really looking forward to this,” she breathed.

“Really? I couldn’t tell!” said Pat, laughing. “Relax sweetie, we’ll get there.” She kissed Allie softly, drawing a soft moan from her core.

“Fuck that’s hot!” breathed Thomas.

“Patience, big guy!” said Pat, stroking her finger along his erection. “When we get to the room, I’d like you to order some wine and snacks from room service. While we wait for it to be delivered, I’m going to take a shower, Allison will shower after I do. We will do each other’s make-up and then we will show you how women make love.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a camera. “If you like, you can record us on this. For our own personal use only, never to be shared with anyone!”

“Sure,” he stammered. His hands were shaking from nerves as he fumbled with the camera, finally sorting out how to set it to the correct mode. He was concentrating so hard on this task, that he barely noticed that his wife and her lover had begun kissing again, this time with deep probing tongues. Their breathing became louder and more ragged as their arousal grew. They broke their kiss and Pat whispered something to Allie. They both looked at the camera and smiled before undressing each other and climbing into a sixty-nine position on the bed with Patricia on top. Thomas tried and failed badly to keep the camera focused on the scene before him, he couldn’t decide where to point the lens so he gave it up for a lost cause. He sat on the bed beside them and watched as Pat’s lips and tongue serviced his beloved wife’s pink wetness.

He moved around to see that Allie was doing the same for Patricia with the addition of two fingers sliding slowly in and out of her leaking opening. He surmised that she found Pat’s special spot when he saw her round backside and full hips twitch a little. He leaned in close and whispered, “Does she taste as good as she looks, baby?” Allie just moaned something unintelligible as she continued to suckle on that little nub at the top of her opening. She removed her fingers and offered them to her husband to lick clean before pushing him away.

Removing her mouth from Pat’s clit, she commanded, “Wait your turn!” and latched back on. The noises the two women were making grew in intensity and pitch as they serviced each other. Every so often, one or the other would break their lip-lock and pant out instructions or moan as a reaction to the pleasure they were receiving.

As she neared her peak, Allie was having more trouble concentrating as Pat’s more experienced lips and tongue brought her higher and higher. Her lips would leave Pat’s quim and she began to moan for Pat to lick this or suck that. Soon after, she peaked and a long, low, and loud, “Ooooooooooooooohhhhh…” escaper her body as she clamped her thighs around Patricia’s head. Pat refused to let up though, one orgasm wasn’t enough so she continued licking and fingering her blonde lover until the long low sound turned to short staccato yelps as she came a second time and then a third. Sated, Allie, released her hold on Pat’s head and, now that she was able to concentrate again, returned to her task.

“That’s it, baby, flick my clit with your tongue! Faster! Faster!” cried Pat, almost there. “Oh Fuck! Suck it! SUCK IT HARD! “FUCK ME!!!YES!! YES!!!” she screamed as her hips pinned Allie to the bed as she ground her pubis into her lover’s face. Allie hung in as long as she could but needed to breathe so she nipped Pat’s clit with her teeth, causing her to lift up enough to get a breath in. Another deep breath and she latched on again, bringing Pat to another screaming peak. Pat had selected the room well as it was at the end of the hallway and would only disturb any neighbors they might have on one side.

The women relaxed into that blissful, post-coital state, moving back up beside each other and trading soft kisses as they whispered to each other. Thomas was slumped beside them on the bed, completely spent having jacked himself to orgasm while watching his wife’s talented tongue bring her partner to her first screaming orgasm. Allie reached for him and pulled his hand to urge him up beside her.

“Was that what you had in mind in your fantasy?” she asked, kissing him softly.

“Exactly what I had in mind and more!” he replied. “That was so hot to watch! I don’t know that I’ve ever made you come that hard!”

“Thank you, baby, I really wanted this!” she said. She turned back to Pat, “And thank you! That was amazing!”

“Believe me, honey,” she replied, “I enjoyed it as much as you did!” They all kissed and snuggled for a bit and then, one by one, got up to use the washroom. Once they were all cleaned up, Pat began to dress.

“I’m famished!” she said. “Let’s go get some dinner. After that, we can figure out a plan for tomorrow.”

“I already have a plan for tomorrow!” said Allie as she ran her fingers over Patricia’s shoulder. “It involves you and my darling husband but it doesn’t involve clothes!”

“We can’t stay in all day and just fuck!” said Thomas.

“Can we not?” his wife replied. “Give me one good reason we can’t.”

“Because, if we do, you’ll be so sore you won’t be able to move!” he poked her shoulder. “Besides, I thought we might see a show.”

“Okay,” Allie relented. “Let’s go for dinner and figure something out.”

It was raining lightly so they took a cab to the same restaurant that Pat, John, and Laura had eaten at during their lusty weekend in the Big Apple. As they waited for their meals, they all browsed on their phones trying to agree on a show they might see the next evening. Once decided they found that getting tickets was another matter altogether. By the time dinner was done they had finally found a show with available tickets for the next evening.

“So that’s tomorrow night sorted,” said Allison. “What about tonight?”

“I have a couple of ideas,” leered Thomas.

“Do those ideas involve you and this delicious woman across the table?” asked Allie as she licked her lips.

“They do indeed!” he answered. “They also involve you!”

“Oh, goodie!” she said quietly. “I simply cannot wait!”

“Well, you’ll have to,” cautioned Pat. “They arrest people for fucking in public in this town!” She downed the last of her drink. “Tell me, dear, have you learned to deep throat your hubby yet?” Allie shook her head no. “Alright then, let’s make that the focus of the evening.” She smiled sweetly at them both, “Unless of course, your husband doesn’t want two gorgeous women sucking his cock at the same time!”

“I doubt very much he’ll have any issues with that,” Allie replied as she reached under the table and squeezed her husband’s erection. “Oh, look, he’s ready right now!” They all laughed at the wordplay as Thomas motioned for the check.

The trio felt each other up like teenagers in the cab back to the hotel and the driver could not help but notice. “Hey back there, if you need another player later, gimme a call!” he said, handing back a card.

Pat took the card and looked at it, “Thanks, Carmine,” she said, “but we’ve got it covered.” She handed the card back, “And they say New Yorkers aren’t friendly!”

“I’m as friendly as they come!” he said as they pulled up to the hotel. “You kids have fun!” Thomas paid the fare and a sizeable tip and they got out.

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“You two go on up,” Pat said, “I’m going to have some more wine delivered to the room. Don’t start without me!”

Allison and Thomas ignored Pat’s admonition to wait for her, by the time she got to the room, his pants were around his ankles and his cock was in his wife’s mouth. Pat chuckled when she saw them and shook her head. “Oh, sweetie, that’s not how we do that! What are you, a couple of horny teenagers?” She put her hand on Allie’s shoulder and pulled her away from her husband. Urging her to stand up, she kissed her and said, “Let’s do this right.”

Pat sat Allie on the end of the bed and then went to Thomas, removing the rest of his clothes. “You lay down,” she said, kissing him deeply. “We’ll be right back!” She took Allie’s hand and led her into the washroom.

“If the object is to give your husband a really good blowjob, you have to be properly dressed and made up.” She disappeared from the washroom, blowing Thomas a kiss as she passed him on her way to the closet to retrieve some things. “Hang in there, big guy, we won’t be long!” She returned to the washroom and helped Allie get into the lingerie she had selected for her.

“Basic black, I think,” she said. “It will stand out nicely against your fair skin.” She adjusted the garter straps and clipped them onto the thigh-highs. “Now for the rest.” She helped Allie apply her makeup, dark-colored shadow for that smokey eye look, and bright red lip stain to stand out against her husband’s cock. “Stain is always preferred to lipstick,” she said. “It doesn’t smear as easily.” She told her she’d need to wait about ten minutes before getting into any action. “Wait here, I’ll go check on your hubby!” A moment later, Allie heard him groan, as she had suspected, Pat’s idea of checking on Thomas involved treating him to a little bj action of her own.

“Ahem,” croaked Allie. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Oh, good, you’re ready,” said Pat.

“I’ll say!” said Thomas, staring at his wife. “You look fabulous!”

“Why thank you dear,” she replied. “I do my best!” she smiled her sweetest smile as she joined her husband and her lover on the bed. Gently pushing Pat’s head to one side, she took her husband into her mouth and, as slowly as she could manage, slid her bright red lips over his shaft. Pat retrieved the camera and handed it to Thomas.

“You might want to get a record of this,” she said as she handed it over. “You know, in case Allie needs a refresher!” He fumbled with it again until he got it recording and pointed it at his cock. He could see the shine of her saliva as she moved up along his shaft before opening her mouth as wide as she could and going back down onto him. “Look at him,” Pat whispered. “Let him see how much you’re enjoying giving him pleasure.” Allie looked up at her husband as her head bobbed slowly up and down, eliciting a loud groan from him as their eyes met.

She took her mouth off him and flicked the head with her tongue, “You like that baby?” she asked seductively. He groaned and nodded, pushing his hips up in an effort to urge her to go down on him again. She smiled and opened wide, taking him as deep as she dared without hitting that dreaded reflex that threatened to ruin the experience for them both. Pat placed her hand along the side of Allie’s face and urged her to come up off him.

“Now then,” she said, “would you like me to show you how it’s done?” Allie nodded and moved her face as close as she could to get the best possible view. Pat’s mouth opened wide and moved down over him, his head and shaft disappearing a little at a time past her ruby lips. There was a slight pause as she inhaled deeply and moved the rest of the way down. Allie saw her throat flex as she swallowed as his head entered her throat. Thomas’ cock was now completely out of sight, Pat’s lips against the base and her nose touching his trimmed pubes. She stayed there for a few seconds before drawing back up, exhaling through her nose as she held the head of his cock in her mouth.

She took her mouth off him and turned to Allie, “See, the trick is to relax and breath in deeply. Then, as you feel him touch the back of your mouth, you swallow him in.” She opened her mouth again and demonstrated the technique once more. Taking her mouth off him, she said, “You ready to give it a go?” Allie nodded before moving to kiss her husband.

“Here goes!” she whispered and she moved back down over his loins. Taking him in her fingers, she stood his cock upright and opened wide, sliding her lips back over him. A couple of short strokes out and in and then she paused as she had watched Pat do. Inhaling sharply, she tried to relax as she forced her way down past the reflex and tried to swallow. She didn’t quite get the timing right and she gagged, coming back up off him. “Nope!” she coughed, a trail of saliva dripping off her bottom lip.

“That’s okay, sweetie, the timing is tricky. It takes a few tries,” Pat soothed her.

“Did Laura get it right?” Allie asked.

“That’s not my story to tell,” Pat smiled. “You’ll have to ask her.”

Thomas spoke next, “You don’t have to do that,” he said.

“I don’t have to,” his wife replied, “I want to. I want to see that look on your face as you feel your cock slip into my throat! I want you to shoot your load directly into my belly!” He groaned and his cock flexed at the words.

“I love it when you talk dirty!” he whispered. “You never talked dirty before.”

“Well, then I’ll have to brush up on my vocabulary!” she grinned. Taking another deep breath, she opened wide and inhaled him into her mouth, stopping again when she felt him at the back of it. After a couple of cleansing breaths, she inhaled deeply and tried again to relax her throat before swallowing him in. Again, she didn’t quite get the timing right but she felt the reflex was not so strong as the last time. She pulled up but kept him in her mouth, breathing hard. Inhaling again, she tried once more, ‘deep breath, relax, and swallow,’ she thought before going down, and she was surprised when he slipped right into her throat.

She fluttered her hands excitedly as she fought through the urge to come off him, holding her face still as she became accustomed to having his cock head invading her throat. His trimmed hair tickled her nose a little and she felt Pat’s hand brush under her chin as she caressed his balls. All the while, Thomas was groaning loudly and muttering obscenities as he tried to describe the feeling of his cock enveloped by her throat.

Allie held herself onto him as long as she could but she finally succumbed to the urge to breathe, pulling herself off him quickly. Out of breath, she sat up, panting, “I did it!” she whispered to her husband.

“Do it again!” he replied as he reached to grasp her hair and pull her down.

“I will,” she said firmly, “but don’t force me. I need to take my time.” He nodded, putting his hand back by his sides. She opened wide again and went back down, it took her another two tries before she succeeded again. She looked up at him to see a look of pure rapture on his face. She began moving up and down slowly and with a little more practice she was able to feel him slip in and out of her throat more easily. She felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Can I have a turn?” Pat whispered. She came off him and kissed her lover deeply.

“Be my guest!” she replied as she moved away. She watched how easily Pat was able to take him into her throat, almost without any hesitation as she fellated his cock. She knew Thomas would not last much longer so she interrupted. “I want his cum!” she said to Pat, and they changed places. She tried to emulate her lover’s ease but wasn’t quite able to, figuring that with more practice she would. She felt the bed shift and looked up to see Pat positioning herself over his face so he could eat her pussy while he got his cock sucked.

“I’ll distract him, you suck!” Pat grinned, and soon the room was filled with her moans drowning out his as two orgasms approached. She had been right, her husband didn’t last much longer. Pat leaned forward to whisper to her, “Fuck, your husband eats pussy like a pro!” A few seconds later, “If I had this at home, I’d never leave! FUCK!”

A few seconds later, she heard that familiar sound coming from Thomas, his hips surged upward and he groaned loudly, announcing his orgasm. She tried to hold him in her throat but his hips bucked and he slipped out, filling her mouth with his cum. She tried to contain it all but his hip movements pulled him out of her mouth and the last spurt landed on her cheek. She grasped him in her hand and stroked him slowly as she moved up to kiss Pat, sharing her bounty with her lover with suckling lips and thrashing tongues. Their lips parted and they smiled at each other before opening their mouths and showing the other the cum on their tongues. They swallowed and laughed.

Thomas was still pretty hard in her hand so she swung her hips over him and plunged down onto him, hoping he could stay hard enough long enough to make her come. As she rode him, she and Pat kissed and felt each other’s breasts, interrupted by moans and groans urging the other to come quickly. For Thomas’ part, he had to divide his attention between them, concentrating one second on licking and probing Pat’s cunt with his tongue, the next on trying to maintain a fading erection inside his wife’s.

Soon, a scream erupted from deep inside Pat’s soul as she came, her wetness flowing slickly onto Thomas’ face and chin, down his neck to his chest, into his ears, and dripping onto the sheet below him. Her hips rocked, nearly breaking his nose as she succumbed to her pleasure, thinking only of achieving another orgasm, then another under the lash of his tongue and the suction of his lips. Adding to the moaning and screaming was the wet squelching sound as her wet pussy ground onto him.

Screams were replaced by moans as Allie came next, her hips rising up and then slamming down onto him as his cock head teased her magic spot. Her fingers flew to her clit and she strummed it, trying to prolong the feeling. Her orgasm triggered his second in quick succession. It had felt like a half-hour but in reality, it had only been about ten minutes since his last one. His output was much reduced but the feeling was no less intense as he emptied himself into his wife.

Their activities slowed and they began to recover their senses and their breathing. Allie and Pat looked at each other’s faces, a combination of sweat, semen, and smeared make-up. They started giggling and were soon on either side of Thomas, a mass of laughing, heaving bodies. The moment passed and Allie looked at her husband.

“That was incredible!” she breathed. “I never imagined…” she kissed him softly.

“I know, right!” he answered. “Me neither.” Pat extricated herself from their entanglement and watched as they re-bonded, a small smile on her face. She slipped off to the washroom and when she returned, the couple were curled up together, Allie spooned into her husband’s embrace. She slipped in beside Allie and kissed her before spooning herself against her.

“Goodnight, you two,” she whispered.

“Goodnight, Patricia,” they said in unison.

Written by CaressofSteel
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