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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this series part way through, I invite you to go back to the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, or if not, leave a comment. Enjoy!"

The remainder of the naughty weekend went pretty much as one might suspect, plenty of fucking and sucking, and many orgasms were had by all. Thomas had finally figured out how to get the video he wanted to preserve their weekend for posterity. On the flight home, Allie and her husband quietly relived the events of the weekend, occasionally allowing their fingers and hands to roam over each other when they thought they couldn’t be seen.

After retrieving their kids from his parent's house, they arrived home early in the evening. After getting them to bed they retired to their bedroom for another session of sex, albeit in a much more muted fashion than they’d had over the weekend. Thomas took up his phone and set the camera app to video mode.

“Are you feeling photogenic?” he asked Allie.

“Why, what did you have in mind?” she replied. He picked up her rabbit vibrator from the open travel bag on the bed and waved it toward her.

“How about you put on a show for me?” he asked. She smiled and said nothing as she continued to unpack. He set his phone down and thought no more of it. Allie disappeared into the washroom and when she came out, she picked up the toy and some lube and arranged herself on the bed.

“Just my pussy,” she said as she spread her legs and applied some lube to her fingertips and then the toy. As her husband fumbled clumsily with his phone, she slicked up the toy and slipped it inside her. He began recording and watched the screen as she manipulated the toy so that the rabbit head was nestled against her clit. Her moans were muted but still audible as she masturbated, her fingers rubbing the head around her clit as she moved the toy in and out slowly.

Then he had a brain cramp. He shifted the lens to see her face, he hadn’t thought to do it, he just wanted to watch her face as she got close to coming. She saw what he was doing and sat up quickly, “For fuck’s sakes Thomas! What part of just my pussy did you not understand?” He immediately realized his mistake and stopped recording.

“Fuck, baby, I’m sorry, I just…” She cut him off.

“What, forgot? Lost track of what you were doing? I specifically asked you not to catch my face on video! We talked about this! Fuck! Delete it! Now! Delete everything, the camera too!” He hung his head as he realized that his fantasy of calling up the video of his wife masturbating to spur his own solo moments. He did as he was told as Allie went to the washroom and out on her favorite, least sexy nightie.

“Are they all deleted?” she asked.

“They are, except for the ones on the spare SD card in the camera case. Honey, please, I’m sorry. I got carried away,” he said.

“I don’t want to hear about it,” she answered, still angry but calming somewhat. “I get it, we both got carried away over the weekend but I think we need to get back to reality now.” She took his hand, “We’ve lived the fantasy, now it’s over.”

“What about Patricia?” he asked. “Does she know this?”

“I’ll call her tomorrow,” Allie said. “Look, it was fun, amazing, erotic, hot, all that and more. I just don’t want it to get out. I’m not your sister, she can keep carrying on like a horny teenager if she wants. I’m done.”

“I was afraid you’d say that,” he said. “All right, it’s over but can’t we just keep the rest of the videos? We could watch them together once in a while.” That idea did appeal to her, she was, after all, still horny, she hadn’t climaxed from her toy before losing her shit out loud at Thomas.

“Give it to me,” she said. “I’ll look after it.” He fished it out of the case and handed it over, grasping her fingertips as they touched. “Sorry I freaked out,” she said.

“No, it’s my fault,” he said. Kissed her fingertips and she smiled.

“It was a hot weekend wasn’t it?” she said opening her arms to him. She saw his cock twitch at the prospect of fucking her after all and smiled. She set the card on the nightstand and pulled him to her. Before long, her unsexy nightie was on the floor and she was on top of him, riding him into the sunset. Three orgasms later (two for her, one for him) they fell asleep.

The next weekend, Allie got a text from Laura, asking her to come over for coffee. Laura had her suspicions about what Allie and Thomas had been up to over the previous weekend and her curiosity was craving satisfaction. Allie showed up just after lunch and, after shooing the kids out to the backyard, they sat at the table.

“So, how was your weekend? You guys went away, didn’t you?” Laura probed gently.

“It was good, really good,” she answered. “We went to New York, did some sightseeing, caught a show.”

“And a nice weekend in a hotel was probably just what the doctor ordered,” Laura said. “Thomas said you guys had hit a bump.”

“It was,” she answered. She told her which hotel they had stayed at, “Do you know it?”

“John and I stayed there last time we went down there,” Laura smiled at the memories of her, John, and Pat and their weekend together.

“It’s nice,” Allie added, offering nothing else. Laura could see she’d have to dig a little deeper.

“Our room was on the sixth floor, nice and quiet at the end of the hall,” she said.

“617?” Allie asked, “That was our room too! Interesting how we ended up with the same room.” Laura knew then that what she suspected was true.

“Not an accident though, was it?’ she asked, looking squarely at Allie. She then realized that Laura knew more than she thought she did.

“No, not exactly,” Allie admitted. “This is awkward.”

“What that we both had threesomes with our husbands and the same woman? Come on, we’re both grown-ups!” She reached for Allie’s hand.

“How did it start with you guys and Pat?” she asked Allie.

Laura related the tale, well, most of it anyway, leaving out the fine details but Allie didn’t have to use her imagination. “So now we get together every few months for a weekend of incredible sex,” Laura concluded. “How about you guys?”

“Surprisingly, it’s about the same story,” Allie said. “I had an affair with Pat but I got caught.” She continued with her tale, so similar to Laura’s in so many ways. “My God, she is good, isn’t she?”

“She is,” answered Laura. “You guys going to keep seeing her?”

“Probably not,” said Allie. “It was fun to live out the fantasy but for me, that itch is scratched,” she said.

“Fair enough,” said Laura. “I thought the same thing but the itch keeps coming back. As long as it does, I plan to keep scratching it.”

“Can I ask you a question?” Allie said tentatively.

“Sure,” said Laura.

“When you guys were all together, did you take any pictures and stuff?” Allie seemed ashamed.

“We did, lots of them,” Laura replied with a devious smile. “Want to see some?” She fumbled with her phone but Allie shook her head.

“No thanks, I have no interest in seeing my brother naked.” She made a face that showed her discomfort.

“What about me and Pat? Would you like to see some of us?” Laura asked, knowing that it would make Allie uncomfortable. She knew she had no right to be jealous and she knew that Pat wasn’t exclusive in sharing her favors, but she couldn’t quite keep the green-eyed monster at bay. Then Allie surprised her.

“Sure, why not?” she said. Laura hesitated, not expecting her sister-in-law to call her bluff. She shrugged and flipped through her phone to a short video of her and Pat together. “This one is my favorite, I use it to get my motor running, when I, you know.” Allie watched, transfixed as the images of Laura and Pat brought her delicious memories to the front of her mind. She felt the dampness grow and she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

“Fuck, she’s good,” she breathed. Laura agreed before closing the app and putting her phone back into her purse.

“Did you guys take any video?” she asked.

“We did but I made Thomas delete them,” she answered. She reached into her pocket, “Except for these,” she showed Laura the SD card. She told Laura about the fight she and Thomas had when they got home, “Did I overreact? I am just so scared that these will get out. Aren’t you scared?”

“A little,” Laura replied. “I keep a pretty tight hold on my phone” She patted her purse. “We have a couple of those cards too, they’re in our safe in our bedroom.”

“Do you guys ever watch them?” Allie asked, thinking that she and Thomas should have a safe installed.

“Sometimes,” she answered. “Sometimes together, sometimes when I’m alone. Every so often I’ll send a clip or a picture to John or Pat, Keeps things spicy!”

“Damn, Laura, I never would have guessed,” breathed Allie. She took a deep breath, “I guess Pat’s brought out the worst in both of us.”

“She’s brought out the best in me!” Laura said. “Look, we’re all grownups, what happens in our bedrooms in no one else’s business but ours.” Allie nodded. “Don’t be ashamed, you had an itch, you scratched it. You lived a fantasy and now you can move on if you want.”

“That’s the thing,” Allie said. “I’m over the threesome thing. It was great fun and very hot but it’s over. At least it is for me.” She drained her coffee cup and held it out for a refill. Once Laura sat back down, she continued. “But I still want to see Pat. Does that make me a hypocrite?”

“I don’t think so,” said Laura. “You still have that itch I guess. So scratch it.” She squeezed Allie’s hand, “But you have to tell Thomas. It was keeping secrets that started this whole thing.”

“Do you think he’d be okay with me seeing Pat?’ Allie asked.

“Would you be okay with him seeing her?” Allie pondered for a minute.

“Like she and I could have our time together and he could do the same without me there?” she thought some more. “I think it’s worth a shot.”

“Maybe,” said Laura. “John and I have talked about just that. I still want to see her too but he just wants us to have threesomes. So that’s what we agreed to do. Pat’s on board so it works, at least for now.”

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“Pat sure is lucky,” said Allie. “She is always horny it seems and she has lots of people to scratch her itches!” They both laughed. They got up to check that their kids were still playing in the backyard and went back to the table. Then Laura got an idea.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked Allie.

“Sure, I guess.”

“You obviously got turned on watching that video,” Allie nodded. “What if you and Pat and I went away for a weekend?” Allie’s face had a surprised look for a moment.

“You mean you want to…” she trailed off.

“Since the day I met you,” stated Laura. “But you’re my sister-in-law, so I held off saying anything.”

“Fuck me,” Allie breathed.

“Exactly,” Laura said. They stared at each other.

“What would John and Thomas say?” Allie said quietly.

“Well they’d obviously have to go along with the idea,” Laura said. “After we told them.”

“You mean do it without asking them about it? No. I fucked around on Thomas once, I promised him and myself I would never do that again.” Allie was adamant.

“Okay,” said Laura. She stood up and held her arms out, and Allie stood up and embraced her sister-in-law. “So are we going to ask them about it?”

“Not together,” said Allie. “I don’t mind talking about sex but I will not talk about my sex life with my brother.”

“Fair enough,” said Laura. She looked into her sister-in-law’s eyes. “You have such pretty eyes,” she breathed.

“You too,” said Allie. “So blue.” They stared at each other, each knowing what they wanted to do next but hesitant to be the first to do it. Laura breathed deeply and licked her lips and Allie’s breath caught. She closed her eyes and leaned in and that taboo was well and truly set behind them. Their kisses were soft at first but got deeper as they continued. Their tongues began probing forward and soon two pairs of panties grew damp as they both became aroused.

Then they heard the kids pounding up the back steps and they broke apart, jumping away from each other as though they were teenagers caught in the act. They looked at each other, breathing heavily as the boys pounded their way into the kitchen asking for cold drinks.

Laura got drinks and a snack for them and sent them back outside. They hugged again and kissed once, “You want to?” she asked.

“Not here, not now,” said Allie, “but yes. I want to.”

“All right then,” said Laura. “Now we have to figure out how.”

“We should probably talk to Pat as well,” said Allie. Laura laughed and nodded, agreeing that she should at least be aware of the plan before going much further. They kissed once more before Allie went out to get her boys and get them home.


That evening, in two separate households, two wives began laying the groundwork that would allow them to get together for a night or two of exploration and passion. Laura was the first to broach the idea with John, after a particularly energetic lovemaking session that resulted in him coming in all three of her holes.

“I was thinking about a weekend with Pat,” she said as they snuggled together in their post-coital bliss.

“I thought you were buttering me up for something,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. “Not that I’m complaining. I suppose you have a weekend in mind for us to get away.”

“Not us, me,” she said. “Just Pat and me, no boys allowed.”

“Oh,” he replied. “Sure, I guess.” He lay quietly for a moment. “Do I get a weekend away with Pat too?”

“If she’s agreeable, sure.” Laura squeezed her husband’s cock, “But you’ll have to arrange it, I’m not your pimp!” They both laughed. “I’d just need to know about it. No secrets, right?”

“No secrets,” he answered.

“Speaking of secrets,” she continued nervously, “you know that Allie and Thomas had a naughty weekend with Pat too, don’t you?”

“What? No way!” he exclaimed, loud enough to make her remind him to be quiet.

Laura nodded,” Yup, in New York, same hotel, same room as us.”

“How do you know? Did Pat tell you?” She shook her head.

“Pat doesn’t kiss and tell,” she said. “I had a hunch and took a guess. She admitted it straight away.” She told John about his sister’s dalliance with Pat and how she got caught. “It was very much like us really except she got caught and I just had a guilty conscience.”

John lay silently for a while, thinking about what his wife had just told him. “So, Allie and Pat…” he trailed off.

“Yup,” said Laura. “And there’s something else.” She left him to guess where the conversation was going next.

“You didn’t!” he exclaimed.

“No, we didn’t,” said Laura, “but we want to.”

“You’re saying you want to fuck my sister,” he said. “You and Allison.”

“And Pat,” Laura added. “You know that I’ve wanted to have a threesome with two women, this might be my chance.”

“Fuck me,” he breathed. “And If I don’t agree?”

“Then it won’t happen,” she answered. “I will not cheat on you ever again. I made that promise and I will stick to it.” She looked him straight in the eyes as she said it, hoping to convince him it was true.

“You and Allison. Fuck me!”

“I just did,” she said. “And I will again if it helps to convince you!” Her hand grasped his flaccid cock and squeezed it gently.

“Maybe you’d better convince me then!” he said. “He got out of bed and took his wife’s hand, guiding her to stand in front of him. “Don’t move.” He went to the closet and picked a tie off the rack, taking it behind her and binding her hands above her butt. “On your knees, you slut!” he commanded.

“Yes, sir,” she replied quietly. She knelt in front of him and leaned forward, opening her mouth and taking him in. His hands found her hair and soon he was controlling all her movements, pulling her head forward as he pushed his hips toward her face, driving himself into her throat. She protested a couple of times when he got a bit too aggressive, something that was difficult to do with her hands bound behind her and her throat full of cock. She trusted that her protests would make him think twice about going overboard because she knew how much she liked it when she let him face-fuck her.

It didn’t take long for his orgasm to peak again, his balls slapping onto her chin as he drove himself forward, what little cum he was able to produce dribbling into her throat. It was his fourth orgasm in an hour after all.

Once he finished coming, he withdrew from her and helped her to her feet. He reached behind her to untie the loose knot at her wrists. As the tie fell free, she wrapped her arms around him and tiptoed up for a kiss. “I know you like that,” she said.

“I do like that,” he replied. “Almost as much as you do.” They kissed again and she had to agree, she did like being bound and controlled. Maybe that was something else they could explore a bit more. She vowed silently that she would if only he’d agree to a weekend away with Pat and Allison.

“Okay, fine,” he said after they got back into bed and were cuddling together. “Call Pat, do what you will.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” she replied. “You will not regret this.”


Allison and Thomas were getting ready for bed when she finally screwed up the courage to ask her husband what she had been dying to ask.

“I was thinking,” she began, “my weekend with Pat got cut short. I was hoping you’d be okay with me going to see her again.”

“I thought you were done, you said you had scratched that itch,” he replied.

“I thought I had,” she answered, “but then something happened.”

“What happened?” Did she call you?”

“No,” she replied. “I was talking with Laura and she asked me about our weekend in New York. When I told her what hotel we stayed in she started asking more questions. Turns out, she and John stayed in the same room when they went there.” She left it hanging there, hoping he would do the math. After a few moments, his breath caught.

“You mean, she knows,” he asked. You told her about us and Pat?”

“She guessed,” Allie replied, “and I confirmed it.”

“Fuck me,” he breathed. “That can’t have been an accident.” Allie shook her head and laughed.

“Hardly an accident.” She kissed her husband before continuing. “So we got talking about Pat and everything and I was getting turned on and we sort of kissed.”

“You and Laura?” he exclaimed. She told him to be quiet, afraid her kids would overhear.

“Yeah, me and Laura. You know we’re both bisexual, it shouldn’t surprise you that we might be attracted to each other.” She looked into his eyes, steeling herself to ask the next question.

“So you didn’t…” she interrupted him.

“No, we didn’t,” she said, “but we wanted to.” She waited for him to say something but he remained mute. “So, I was kind of hoping you might be okay with me seeing Pat again. When Laura kissed me, I realized that the itch is still there.”

“What’s in it for me?” he asked.

“What do you want to be in it for you?” she replied question for question. Her hand found his balls and she gently massaged them.

“I’d have to think about it,” he answered as his hand found the top of her head and urged her down his body. One stellar blowjob later, she slid back up along him, placing soft kisses as she went. Soon her lips found his and he tasted the saltiness of his cum on her tongue.

“What happens if I don’t agree?” he asked.

“I promised I’d never fuck around again, didn’t I?’ she replied. “And I won’t. If you say no, that’s the end of it.” She kissed him deeply to show him she was serious. “But I hope you say yes!”

Forty minutes later he had filled her pussy and her ass with his cum. As they lay together, spent and breathless, he acquiesced to her request and she went down on him again to thank him for his understanding.


The next day, Allie sent Laura a text. ”Well, what’d he say?”

“I’m in!” came the reply a few moments later.

“Me too!” Allie answered. “I’m so fucking hot and wet right now!”

“Me too!” came the reply. Allie dropped her phone and went to her nightstand, taking out her vibrator and fucking herself to orgasm in near-record time. After she was done she cleaned herself up and retrieved her phone.

“Fuck I needed that!” she sent to Laura. A few minutes later came the familiar reply, “Me Too!”

Over the next week, they texted and chatted with Pat and each other including a naughty video chat between the three of them where they all masturbated together. They both kept their husbands in the loop and by the end of the following weekend, the arrangements were made. The two sisters-in-law would go to see Pat at her home for a weekend of sangria and lesbian three-way sex.

Written by CaressofSteel
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